General Actions:
NDT Aff - Fullerton Carter & Thach
NDT Aff - Fullerton bugrov & cruz
Fullerton CS (Marvin Carter and Jim Sydnor)
Fullerton BC (maksim bugrov and habacuc cruz)
Fullerton RS (Jeanette Rodriguez and Joel Salcedo)
Fullerton BM (Sam Brown and Nick Moore)
Fullerton AT (Irvin Alvarado and Lee Thach)
Fullerton GR (Gabriela Gonzalez & Jeanette Rodriguez)
Fullerton SS (Parker Schill and Joel Su)
Fullerton AS (Irvin Alvarado and Jim Sydnor)
Fullerton CT (Marvin Carter & Lee Thach)
Fullerton AS (Irvin Alvarado and Joel Su)
Fullerton RS (Romin Rajan & Parker Schill)
NDT Neg - Fullerton Carter & Thach
NDT Neg - Fullerton bugrov & cruz
Fullerton CS (Marvin Carter and Jim Sydnor)
Fullerton RS (Jeanette Rodriguez and Joel Salcedo)
Fullerton AT (Irvin Alvarado and Lee Thach)
Fullerton BM (Sam Brown and Nick Moore)
Fullerton CT (Marvin Carter & Lee Thach)
Fullerton AS (Irvin Alvarado and Jim Sydnor)