They have misallocated their energy by fundamentally misunderstanding the harms of the 1AC – all forms of oppression and violence happen because of heterosexism, which teaches us that certain bodies are not worthy of an erotic relationship.
Ellison 96 (Marvin, Professor at Bangor Theological Seminary, Erotic Justice: A Liberating Ethic of Sexuality, p. 54-5, Sydnor)
A related dynamic further ... make life joyful and worth living.
The public/private divide is further entrenched through their misallocation of energy. Political justice is a relevant, public topic of discussion but eroticism is restricted to the bedroom, within heterosexual marriage, out of fear of confused thinking. Sexual depoliticization has disconnected us from our bodies and every day struggles.
Ellison 96 (Marvin, Professor at Bangor Theological Seminary, Erotic Justice: A Liberating Ethic of Sexuality, p. 7-8, Sydnor)
Liberalism's strength is its ... problem of disordered power.
Bodily alienation is at the root of every impact. How we relate to eroticism determines how we relate others, which is essential to solving the problems the aff has isolated. Any mode of thought that is not sex-positive in its practice is unethical and denies the ability to affirm life.
Ellison 96 (Marvin, Professor at Bangor Theological Seminary, Erotic Justice: A Liberating Ethic of Sexuality, p. 76-81)
The moral problematic about ... unwillingness to tolerate abuse and oppression.
The alternative is to reject the aff in favor of an erotic democracy. This is a social organization characterized by erotic connections to everything in the universe that is not rooted in liberalism, which is the best solution to oppression and violence.
Heller 93 (Chaia, Political Philosopher at Burlington College, Ecofeminism: Women, Animals, Nature, “For The Love Of Nature,” P. 239-41, Sydnor)
Learning to love, know, and ... love for the natural and social worlds.
Bossio 05 (Diana, Professor of Applied Communications at RMIT University, “Be Alert, Not Alarmed: Governmental Communication of Risk in an Era of Insecurity,” Paper presented at ANZCA Conference,, Sydnor)
Politics of fear prevents democratic thought and creates cycles of violence; only authentic eroticism can solve.
Burch 99 (Kerry, Professor of Sociology at Ball State University, “Eros as the Educational Principle of Democracy,” Studies in Philosophy and Education,” Studies in Philosophy and Education, 18, Sydnor)
We believe debate should be about how sexuality comes to inform politics, both in the everyday and the macro-level. Foreign policy debate must change the terms through which international relations are theorized to incorporate the sexual as a meaning making system, revealing how heterosexism constitutes non-erotic relations that make violence inevitable. Neeeded is recognition of how our sexualized bodies navigate the everyday in ways that have political consequences.
Obendorf 06 (Simon Benjamin, Department of Political Science at The University of Melbourne, “Sexing Up The International,” October, Dissertation for Doctor of Philosophy,, Sydnor)