Fullerton » Fullerton AS (Irvin Alvarado and Joel Su)

Fullerton AS (Irvin Alvarado and Joel Su)

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:24
  • Bahrain Doctors V.1

    • Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

    • Contention 1: Long Live the King


      Reforms aren’t coming in Bahrain. The National Dialogue was a rigged game

      Dr. Diwan, 11 (Kristin, Assistant Professor of Comparative and Regional Studies at the American University School of International Service, CNN, , July 1, )



      Contention 2: A Place Where Parents Don’t Want their Kids to Become Doctors


      1. The Bahraini government is systematically targeting medical professionals

      SOLLOM, 2011 (Richard, Deputy Director, Physicians for Human Rights, May 13, http://tlhrc.house.gov/docs/transcripts/2011-05-13_Bahrain/Transcript.pdf)



      2. Bahraini security forces are attacking medical facilities

      Physicians for Human Rights, 2011 (an independent, non-profit organization that uses medical and scientific expertise to investigate human rights violations and advocate for justice, accountability, and the health and dignity of all people, “Do No Harm: A Call for Bahrain to End Systematic Attacks on Doctors and Patients”, April, https://s3.amazonaws.com/PHR_Reports/bahrain-do-no-harm-2011.pdf)


      3. Security forces have people and medical professionals afraid of the hospitals or seeking medical treatment.

      Physicians for Human Rights, 2011 (an independent, non-profit organization that uses medical and scientific expertise to investigate human rights violations and advocate for justice, accountability, and the health and dignity of all people, “Do No Harm: A Call for Bahrain to End Systematic Attacks on Doctors and Patients”, April, https://s3.amazonaws.com/PHR_Reports/bahrain-do-no-harm-2011.pdf)


      4. This is an egregious violation of medical neutrality.

      SOLLOM, 2011 (RICHARD, Democracy Now, May 5, “Physicians Urge Obama Admin to Pressure Mideast Ally Bahrain to End Repression of Doctors, Patients”, http://www.democracynow.org/2011/5/5/physicians_urge_obama_admin_to_pressure)


      5. Medical neutrality is a vital human right concern 

      Devine, Hansen, & Wilde, 1999 (Carol, Carol Rae, & Ralph, Human Rights: The Essential Reference, p. 261-262)


      Contention 3: Human Rights Impacts


      A. A Global Commitment


      1. Without US leadership, there will be no global commitment to human rights

      Nossel, chief of operations for Human Rights Watch, 2008 (Suzanne, Dissent, “A Human Rights Agenda for the New Administration”, Fall, http://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/?article=1300)


      2. We must preserve human rights to protect the dignity of every human being.



      3. Human rights trump all other claims

      Felice 1996 (William, Assistant Professor of International relations at Eckerd College, Taking Suffering Seriously, p, 17)

      B. Do not evaluate consequentialist Disadvantages


      1. The nonconsequential value of human life is what makes it worth protecting. The value of our humanness must be a pre-requisite to extinction scenarios because it’s what gives meaning to extinction.

      Kamm  92 [ FM Kamm is Littauer Professor of Philosophy and Public Policy, Kennedy School Non-consequentialism, the person


      2. Medical Neutrality is blatant dehumanization –Palestine suicide bombings prove.

      Lancet 2 [Failure to address the health toll of the Middle East crisis. Lancet; 4/13/2002, Vol. 359 Issue 9314, p1261, 1p, ISSN: 00995355, Accession Number: 6479861, Database:  Academic Search Premier, (http://web.ebscohost.com.lib-proxy.fullerton.edu/ehost/detail?sid=3e319937-aec8-4d74-aa00-eb2da350ab99%40sessionmgr15&vid=1&hid=13&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=aph&AN=647986)//js-tuffy]


      3. Dehumanization is nuclear war, environmental apocalypse and international genocide. There is no worse weapon against humanity

      David Berube, 1997, Ph.D., Professor of Communication Studies at the University of South Carolina,

      (“Nanotechnological Prolongevity: The Down Side," NanoTechnology Magazine, 3:5,
       June-July, http://www.cas.sc.edu/engl/faculty/berube/prolong.htm)






      The Plan:

      The U.S. federal government should substantially increase democracy assistance for Bahrain by enacting the recommendations of the Physicians for Human Rights, as per the Sollom evidence.


      Contention 4: Solvency


      1. The plan confronts Bahrain and places the US in an international leadership position on medical neutrality

      SOLLOM, Deputy Director of the Physicians for Human Rights, 2011 (Richard, May 13, http://tlhrc.house.gov/docs/transcripts/2011-05-13_Bahrain/Transcript.pdf)


      2. Bahrain has an obligation to uphold medical neutrality as a human right

      Physicians for Human Rights, 2011 (an independent, non-profit organization that uses medical and scientific expertise to investigate human rights violations and advocate for justice, accountability, and the health and dignity of all people, “Do No Harm: A Call for Bahrain to End Systematic Attacks on Doctors and Patients”, April, https://s3.amazonaws.com/PHR_Reports/bahrain-do-no-harm-2011.pdf)


      Contention 5: Response-able Framework


      1. Debate should prioritize ethics. This is the only ethical framework for understanding politics.

      Larson 2007 (Charles, Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility, 11th edition, p. 30)



      2. Counter frameworks should be in the 1NC.


      A. 1NC framework arguments are better for education because the debate is developed which encourages clash and comparisons that cannot happen in the 1AR and gives the 2NR a major advantage.

      B. Framework in the block makes the 2AC moot by shifting the entire focus of the debate. Waiting till the block sandbags a central argument in the debate. Block framework is a voting issue for reasons of competitive equity.


      3. We must work within systems of government. We must access apparatuses of decision making and power to fight organizations and institutions causing the social disgraces of our world

      Grossberg, 1992 (Lawrence, “We Gotta Get Outta This Place: popular conservatism and postmodern culture”. pg 390-391)


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  • Bahrain Doctors V.2

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • //


      //Contention 1: Long Live the King


      Reforms aren’t coming in Bahrain. The National Dialogue was a rigged game

      Dr. Diwan, 11 (Kristin, Assistant Professor of Comparative and Regional Studies at the American University School of International Service, CNN, , July 1, http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/07/01/bahrains-deceptive-national-dialogue/)

      Contention 2: A Place Where Parents Don’t Want their Kids to Become Doctors


      1. The Bahraini government is systematically targeting medical professionals

      SOLLOM, 2011 (Richard, Deputy Director, Physicians for Human Rights, May 13, http://tlhrc.house.gov/docs/transcripts/2011-05-13_Bahrain/Transcript.pdf)


      2. Bahraini security forces are attacking medical facilities

      Physicians for Human Rights, 2011 (an independent, non-profit organization that uses medical and scientific expertise to investigate human rights violations and advocate for justice, accountability, and the health and dignity of all people, “Do No Harm: A Call for Bahrain to End Systematic Attacks on Doctors and Patients”, April, https://s3.amazonaws.com/PHR_Reports/bahrain-do-no-harm-2011.pdf)









      3. Security forces have people and medical professionals afraid of the hospitals or seeking medical treatment.

      Physicians for Human Rights, 2011 (an independent, non-profit organization that uses medical and scientific expertise to investigate human rights violations and advocate for justice, accountability, and the health and dignity of all people, “Do No Harm: A Call for Bahrain to End Systematic Attacks on Doctors and Patients”, April, https://s3.amazonaws.com/PHR_Reports/bahrain-do-no-harm-2011.pdf)



      4. This is an egregious violation of medical neutrality.

      SOLLOM, 2011 (RICHARD, Democracy Now, May 5, “Physicians Urge Obama Admin to Pressure Mideast Ally Bahrain to End Repression of Doctors, Patients”, http://www.democracynow.org/2011/5/5/physicians_urge_obama_admin_to_pressure)



      5. Medical neutrality is a vital human right concern 

      Devine, Hansen, & Wilde, 1999 (Carol, Carol Rae, & Ralph, Human Rights: The Essential Reference, p. 261-262)


      Contention 3: Human Rights Impacts


      A. A Global Commitment


      1. Without US leadership, there will be no global commitment to human rights

      Nossel, chief of operations for Human Rights Watch, 2008 (Suzanne, Dissent, “A Human Rights Agenda for the New Administration”, Fall, http://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/?article=1300)



      2. We must preserve human rights to protect the dignity of every human being.


      3. Human rights trump all other claims

      Felice 1996 (William, Assistant Professor of International relations at Eckerd College, Taking Suffering Seriously, p, 17)

      B. Do not evaluate consequentialist Disadvantages


      1 Maintaining proper moral values is the only way to obtain a free society, which outweighs nuclear extinction

      Shue 89 (Henry, Professor of Ethics and Public Life, Princeton University, “Nuclear Deterrence and Moral Restraint, pp. 134-5)


      2. Medical Neutrality is blatant dehumanization –Palestine suicide bombings prove.

      Lancet 2 [Failure to address the health toll of the Middle East crisis. Lancet; 4/13/2002, Vol. 359 Issue 9314, p1261, 1p, ISSN: 00995355, Accession Number: 6479861, Database:  Academic Search Premier, (http://web.ebscohost.com.lib-proxy.fullerton.edu/ehost/detail?sid=3e319937-aec8-4d74-aa00-eb2da350ab99%40sessionmgr15&vid=1&hid=13&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=aph&AN=647986)//js-tuffy] 

      3. Violating rights in the name of survival causes social paralysis and destroys V2L

      Callahan 73 (Daniel, institue of society and ethics, "The Tyranny of Survival", p 91-3)


      The Plan:

      The U.S. federal government should substantially increase democracy assistance for Bahrain by enacting the recommendations of the Physicians for Human Rights, as per the Sollom evidence.


      Contention 4: Solvency


      1. The plan confronts Bahrain and places the US in an international leadership position on medical neutrality

      SOLLOM, Deputy Director of the Physicians for Human Rights, 2011 (Richard, May 13, http://tlhrc.house.gov/docs/transcripts/2011-05-13_Bahrain/Transcript.pdf)



      2. Bahrain has an obligation to uphold medical neutrality as a human right

      Physicians for Human Rights, 2011 (an independent, non-profit organization that uses medical and scientific expertise to investigate human rights violations and advocate for justice, accountability, and the health and dignity of all people, “Do No Harm: A Call for Bahrain to End Systematic Attacks on Doctors and Patients”, April, https://s3.amazonaws.com/PHR_Reports/bahrain-do-no-harm-2011.pdf)



      Contention 5: IMPACT FRAMING:

      1. Debate should prioritize ethics. This is the only ethical framework for understanding politics.

      Larson 2007 (Charles, Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility, 11th edition, p. 30)


      2. Counter frameworks should be in the 1NC.



      A. 1NC framework arguments are better for education because the debate is developed which encourages clash and comparisons that cannot happen in the 1AR and gives the 2NR a major advantage.

      B. Framework in the block makes the 2AC moot by shifting the entire focus of the debate. Waiting till the block sandbags a central argument in the debate. Block framework is a voting issue for reasons of competitive equity.



      3.Don’t evaluate their state K’s— Our call for policy action reverses the power of the government because it is a counter demand for reform. The best resistance is found at the site where power functions.

      Andrea Cornwall, Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, 2004, Participation: From Tyranny to Transformation?, edited by Samuel Hickey and Giles Mohan, pg 80-81



      4-Prefer our impact scenario. Their D/A’s never materialize: Major war is obsolete – multiple factors prevent escalation and conflict.

      Mandelbaum, American foreign policy professor at the Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, 1999 (Michael, “Is Major War Obsolete?”, http://www.ciaonet.org/conf/cfr10/)

  • Districts 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Quiet! Sit down. Speak only when spoken to. Raise your hand to be acknowledged. What’s best for you is what I designate to you. You don’t know what you want, you’re just a child.

      Our childhood is characterized as one of rebellion and conformity. We resist our inner longings until they overflow from our bodies in the form of organic  revolutionary tantrums, alive with energy and pure rebellion only to expose us to punishment. We are seen as problem children until we give in. We start grade school and become one with civilizations factory. —

      In “I Am Thomas” By Armin Greder and Libby Gleeson, the title character, Thomas, struggles with the day to day processes of struggling against docility and complacency imposed on him by external forces around him. He feels he is no longer the child he used to be.

      Thomas’s struggle with forces outside of him parallels that of the status quo’s education system which employs violent forms of discipline that not only inhibit mobilizations of revolution, but also breeds in complacency into the child.

      Butin 2k1 (Dan, W. Education Department, Weidensall Hall, Gettysburg College. “If This Is Resistance I Would Hate To See Domination: Retrieving Foucault’s Notion of Resistance Within Educational Research,” 2001. Pg 165-166 )IAA


      Thomas’s nature is inherently revolutionary. Outside forces attempt to create docility within Thomas by repeatedly forcing him to try and submit to their whims.                                                      Trevor Dangerfield (Elizabeth Murdoch College, Victoria)

      Thus emerges the first source of conflict inherent in our modern framework. True democracy does not come at the hands of a government official or at the hands of any form of institution—our nature is inherently one of resistance to forces of oppression like those  that Thomas faces.


      Butin 2k1 (Dan, W. Education Department, Weidensall Hall, Gettysburg College. “If This Is Resistance I Would Hate To See Domination: Retrieving Foucault’s Notion of Resistance Within Educational Research,” 2001. Pg 164 )IAA

      We go through life ignorant of personal experiences that don’t fit into the way we’re conditioned to see the world. We become conditioned to think that only our way is right. We become the military official telling Thomas that he should “be a man” and “join the army” or the politician soliciting his vote because of the pretext that our candidacy will make his life better when in reality we all want to impose our will onto him.

      Freire 1970 (Paulo, Brazilian educatior and influential theorist of education, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Pg. 130)

      That’s the very basis of a totalitarian system—enforcing discipline.

      Tyner 4 (James A., Social & Cultural Geography, Department of Geography, Kent State University, “Self and space, resistance and discipline: a Foucauldian reading of George Orwell’s 1984” 5(1) March, p. 137)



      Description: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif


      Hillary 96 (Davis, Educational Theory. “Docile Bodies and Disembodied Minds ,” 46(4), 0132004, Fall96,)IAA


      And that process destroys any form of creation: we are not created by the state or form an external force—we create ourselves through moments of resistance. For Thomas, it was turning his back towards dissenting voices that told him he was worth nothing and would never amount to anything in favor of his own agency and voice through the process of creating himself.

      Ambrosio 2k8 (John, Assistant Professor of Social Foundations of Education at Ball State University, Teachers College. “Writing The Self: Ethical Self-Formation And The Undefined Work Of Freedom.” 58(3), 2008, pg.253)IAA


      And the destruction of the possibility of agency results in annihilation. Our argument is not that all forms of power are bad, but that power functions in a fluid state which is only able to be altered in a world where agency and self creation is actualized by resistance. For Thomas, this came about  by choosing to get on a school bus and assert his choice over those who want to impose their will on you.

      Butin 2k1 (Dan, W. Education Department, Weidensall Hall, Gettysburg College. “If This Is Resistance I Would Hate To See Domination: Retrieving Foucault’s Notion of Resistance Within Educational Research,” 2001. Pg 168-169 )IAA

      THEREFORE JOEL AND I AFFIRM—“I am Thomas” as moral support for the Arab Spring Countries like Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Syria, and Yemen.

      JOEL AND I BELIEVE DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE TO MEAN—Moral support for democratic agents and their actions within the Arab Spring.




      In “I Am Thomas” by Libby Gleeson and Armin Greder, Thomas highlights his resistance to imposed authoritarianism through a conditioning of choice.

      Mickenberg & Niel 11 (Julia L. Philip. “Radical Children’s literature now!”)IAA

      I Am Thomas traverses age confines and inspires revolutionary resistance within its readers.

      Jeff Jackson (Pender’s Grove Primary School, Victoria)

      Our emphasis on change literature is a critical pedagogical praxis which works with the oppressed and not for them/against them. This is the only possible prescription for change.

      Mcarthur 2009 (Jan, Department of Higher Community Education, University of Edinburg. “Achieving Social Justice Within And Through Higher Education: The Challenge for Critical Pedagogy,” Final Version Received February 9th, 2010, 15(5)) pg. 493-494) IAA

      Through our formulation of communal solidarity, we can kick start the internal link to change.

      Mcarthur 2009 (Jan, Department of Higher Community Education, University of Edinburg. “Achieving Social Justice Within And Through Higher Education: The Challenge for Critical Pedagogy,” Final Version Received February 9th, 2010, 15(5)) pg. 495) IAA

      Our 1AC is an act of solidarity with the revolutionaries of the BETSY countries. The arab spring is not about us, but that does not mean we cannot affirm them.

      Lopes De Souza and Lipietz 11 (Marcelo, Professor at the Department of Geography of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Barbara, lecturer at the Development Planning Unit, University College London. “The ‘Arab Spring’ and the city: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action,” 15:6, 618-624. December 12th, 2011)IAA

      Through the experiences of individuals we can empower students to claim their own power and agency –students experience is key to break marginalized statuses

      Cho 7 [Seehwa, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota, Politics of Critical Pedagogy and New Social Movements, Educational Philosophy and Theory,Vol. 42, No. 3, 2010, p.313-315] 



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