//Contention 1: Long Live the King
Reforms aren’t coming in Bahrain. The National Dialogue was a rigged game
Dr. Diwan, 11 (Kristin, Assistant Professor of Comparative and Regional Studies at the American University School of International Service, CNN, , July 1, http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/07/01/bahrains-deceptive-national-dialogue/)
Contention 2: A Place Where Parents Don’t Want their Kids to Become Doctors
1. The Bahraini government is systematically targeting medical professionals
SOLLOM, 2011 (Richard, Deputy Director, Physicians for Human Rights, May 13, http://tlhrc.house.gov/docs/transcripts/2011-05-13_Bahrain/Transcript.pdf)
2. Bahraini security forces are attacking medical facilities
Physicians for Human Rights, 2011 (an independent, non-profit organization that uses medical and scientific expertise to investigate human rights violations and advocate for justice, accountability, and the health and dignity of all people, “Do No Harm: A Call for Bahrain to End Systematic Attacks on Doctors and Patients”, April, https://s3.amazonaws.com/PHR_Reports/bahrain-do-no-harm-2011.pdf)
3. Security forces have people and medical professionals afraid of the hospitals or seeking medical treatment.
Physicians for Human Rights, 2011 (an independent, non-profit organization that uses medical and scientific expertise to investigate human rights violations and advocate for justice, accountability, and the health and dignity of all people, “Do No Harm: A Call for Bahrain to End Systematic Attacks on Doctors and Patients”, April, https://s3.amazonaws.com/PHR_Reports/bahrain-do-no-harm-2011.pdf)
4. This is an egregious violation of medical neutrality.
SOLLOM, 2011 (RICHARD, Democracy Now, May 5, “Physicians Urge Obama Admin to Pressure Mideast Ally Bahrain to End Repression of Doctors, Patients”, http://www.democracynow.org/2011/5/5/physicians_urge_obama_admin_to_pressure)
5. Medical neutrality is a vital human right concern
Devine, Hansen, & Wilde, 1999 (Carol, Carol Rae, & Ralph, Human Rights: The Essential Reference, p. 261-262)
Contention 3: Human Rights Impacts
A. A Global Commitment
1. Without US leadership, there will be no global commitment to human rights
Nossel, chief of operations for Human Rights Watch, 2008 (Suzanne, Dissent, “A Human Rights Agenda for the New Administration”, Fall, http://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/?article=1300)
2. We must preserve human rights to protect the dignity of every human being.
3. Human rights trump all other claims
Felice 1996 (William, Assistant Professor of International relations at Eckerd College, Taking Suffering Seriously, p, 17)
B. Do not evaluate consequentialist Disadvantages
1 Maintaining proper moral values is the only way to obtain a free society, which outweighs nuclear extinction
Shue 89 (Henry, Professor of Ethics and Public Life, Princeton University, “Nuclear Deterrence and Moral Restraint, pp. 134-5)
2. Medical Neutrality is blatant dehumanization –Palestine suicide bombings prove.
Lancet 2 [Failure to address the health toll of the Middle East crisis. Lancet; 4/13/2002, Vol. 359 Issue 9314, p1261, 1p, ISSN: 00995355, Accession Number: 6479861, Database: Academic Search Premier, (http://web.ebscohost.com.lib-proxy.fullerton.edu/ehost/detail?sid=3e319937-aec8-4d74-aa00-eb2da350ab99%40sessionmgr15&vid=1&hid=13&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=aph&AN=647986)//js-tuffy]
3. Violating rights in the name of survival causes social paralysis and destroys V2L
Callahan 73 (Daniel, institue of society and ethics, "The Tyranny of Survival", p 91-3)
The Plan:
The U.S. federal government should substantially increase democracy assistance for Bahrain by enacting the recommendations of the Physicians for Human Rights, as per the Sollom evidence.
Contention 4: Solvency
1. The plan confronts Bahrain and places the US in an international leadership position on medical neutrality
SOLLOM, Deputy Director of the Physicians for Human Rights, 2011 (Richard, May 13, http://tlhrc.house.gov/docs/transcripts/2011-05-13_Bahrain/Transcript.pdf)
2. Bahrain has an obligation to uphold medical neutrality as a human right
Physicians for Human Rights, 2011 (an independent, non-profit organization that uses medical and scientific expertise to investigate human rights violations and advocate for justice, accountability, and the health and dignity of all people, “Do No Harm: A Call for Bahrain to End Systematic Attacks on Doctors and Patients”, April, https://s3.amazonaws.com/PHR_Reports/bahrain-do-no-harm-2011.pdf)
Contention 5: IMPACT FRAMING:
1. Debate should prioritize ethics. This is the only ethical framework for understanding politics.
Larson 2007 (Charles, Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility, 11th edition, p. 30)
2. Counter frameworks should be in the 1NC.
A. 1NC framework arguments are better for education because the debate is developed which encourages clash and comparisons that cannot happen in the 1AR and gives the 2NR a major advantage.
B. Framework in the block makes the 2AC moot by shifting the entire focus of the debate. Waiting till the block sandbags a central argument in the debate. Block framework is a voting issue for reasons of competitive equity.
3.Don’t evaluate their state K’s— Our call for policy action reverses the power of the government because it is a counter demand for reform. The best resistance is found at the site where power functions.
Andrea Cornwall, Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, 2004, Participation: From Tyranny to Transformation?, edited by Samuel Hickey and Giles Mohan, pg 80-81
4-Prefer our impact scenario. Their D/A’s never materialize: Major war is obsolete – multiple factors prevent escalation and conflict.
Mandelbaum, American foreign policy professor at the Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, 1999 (Michael, “Is Major War Obsolete?”, http://www.ciaonet.org/conf/cfr10/)