Arms Sales Disad
A. Obama is placing an informal ban on arms sales to unstable states
Shalal-Esa, 2011 (Andrea, Unrest Clouds outlook for US arms sales to the Mideast, Feb. 2,
B. Increasing democratization result in increased arms sales to the target country
Blanton, 2000 (Shannon Lindsay, ‘Promoting Human Rights and Democracy in the Developing World: US Rhetoric versus US Arms Exports’, American Journal of Political Science, Vol.44, No.1 (2000), p. 125-129)
C. Mushroom Clouds
- More weapons matter. If the US restricts its sales to low levels, then the situation can be stabilized. High levels of militarization in the Middle East increase the risk of military clash.
Mayer & Rotte, 1999 (Jochen & Ralph, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Arms and Aggression in the Middle East, 1948-1991: A Reappraisal, Vol. 43, Issue 45, p. 55)
2. Middle East is powder keg, any conflict will spillover
The Age 2007 (“Tempers must remain cool as the Middle East heats up”, 9/24/,
3. Middle East wars result in Extinction
Nassar 2002 (Bahig, coordinator of Arab coordination Center of NGOs) keynote paper, online:
Civilization Kritik
The affirmatives drive to increase democracy assistance in the Middle East is nothing more than the perpetual imposition of Western Civilization In disguise—their aim is not democracy assistance, but the domestication and civilization of the people in their topic country; democracy assistance is a last ditch effort.
Singh 98 (American Quarterly 50.3 (1998) 471-522 Culture/Wars: Recoding Empire in an Age of Democracy Nikhil Pal Singh
AND, Civilization and democracy are mutually exclusive—civilization coopts democratic movements. Effectively turns case because they coopt the movements they are trying to incubate without realizing it.
Palumbo-Liu 02 (Multiculturalism Now: Civilization, National Identity, and Difference Before and After September 11th
David Palumbo-Liu boundary 2 29.2 (2002) 109-127)
The terminal impact is extinction—civilization is the cause and incubator for every one of their impacts, it breeds mindless overconsumption, environmental destabilization, destruction of the planet, and promotes addiction to overconsumption while justifying exploitation and slavery.
Heinberg 95 (The Primitivist Critique of Civilization Richard Heinberg A paper presented at the 24th annual meeting of the International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, June 15, 1995.
The Alternative is the formation of blackout brigades working to strike at the lifeblood of civilization at every point. Blow up power plants, crash server nodes, shut down ports—at every point we will operate in small cells to crash civilization by striking at the infrastructure that lets it function.
Small groups disrupting the vital points of society can cripple civilization and push people over the edge and start the larger movement away from civilization
Jensen 6(Derrick, 2006, leading environmental philosopher and author, Endgame part II: Resistance)
The alternative solves the impacts of the K and the 1AC; Its try or die for the Negative: Rejection and destruction of civilization—if enacted now—is the only option capable to reverse what civilization has done to both our planet and ourselves.
Zerzan 94 ( Title: The Nihilist's Dictionary Author(s): John Zerzan Date: 1994)
Pushback Disad
A. Budget restraints mean despite radical change, MENA countries won’t receive increases in assistance
McInerney, Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy, 2011 (Stephen, The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012, July,
B. Democracy assistance causes recipient push back
Barkan, Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2011 (Joel D., World Movement for Democracy, “Perceptions of Democracy Assistance”,
C. Technocracy
- Modern push back targets NGO’s and puts them out of business.
Puddington, director of research, 2006 (Arch, Freedom House, “THE PUSHBACK AGAINST DEMOCRACY”, p. 135)
2. NGO’s are staffed with expert citizens that provide essential insight to contain technocratic politics by representing the interests of the public in the technocratic sphere of government.
Hilton, professor at the University of Birmingham, 2011 (Matthew, Twentieth Century British History, “Politics is Ordinary: Non-governmental Organizations and Political Participation in Contemporary Britain”, database: Oxford Journals)
3. Technocracy threatens all life on the planet.
Tobin, 1983 (Michael, Moral Insanity And The Rise Of "Big-Brother",
Democracy Assistance T - Democracy assistance must be developmental. Thomas Carothers