Occidentalism K
- Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge
i Link-Their call for the abandonment of the Wests liberal democracies on account of the Wests past is mundane and completely misses the point-We’re well aware of our past, and we know that only working towards a new era of liberal democracies can rectify our wrongs. Impacts of the endorsement of their argument is Occidentalism. Burma & Margalit 4 (Ian Buruma is writer for The New York Review of Books, The New Yorker, The New York Times. Currently Henry R. Luce Professor of Democracy, Human Rights, and Journalism at Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY. Avishai Margalit is the George F. Kennan Professor at the Institue for Advanced Study in Princeton, and Professor Emeritus in Philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. OCCIDENTALISM: THE WEST IN THE EYES OF ITS ENEMIES. ISBN: 0-14-303487-1, pg.. 147-149 )IAA The past shows us that the Occidentalist persecution of Western ideals and hatred of the West allows brutes to rise to power. The impact is persecution, discrimination, torture, suppression, and ultimately, death. Burma & Margalit 4 (Ian Buruma is writer for The New York Review of Books, The New Yorker, The New York Times. Currently Henry R. Luce Professor of Democracy, Human Rights, and Journalism at Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY. Avishai Margalit is the George F. Kennan Professor at the Institue for Advanced Study in Princeton, and Professor Emeritus in Philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. OCCIDENTALISM: THE WEST IN THE EYES OF ITS ENEMIES. ISBN: 0-14-303487-1, pg. 41-42)IAA The alternative is complete holistic reevaluation of the West and hatred of the West in order to understand the basis of their hatred—only active engagement in the process of critically analyzing why the West is seen as Vile and Subhuman can ever truly solve. Burma & Margalit 4 (Ian Buruma is writer for The New York Review of Books, The New Yorker, The New York Times. Currently Henry R. Luce Professor of Democracy, Human Rights, and Journalism at Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY. Avishai Margalit is the George F. Kennan Professor at the Institue for Advanced Study in Princeton, and Professor Emeritus in Philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. OCCIDENTALISM: THE WEST IN THE EYES OF ITS ENEMIES. ISBN: 0-14-303487-1, pg. 9-12)IAA
| 10/26/11 |
Democracy D/A
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A. Policy debates on international issues are key to capturing the benefits of role playing. Joyner, Professor International Law @ Georgetwon, 99 (Christopher “TEACHING INTERNATIONAL LAW: VIEWS FROM AN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS POLITICAL SCIENTIST” ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law, Spring, 5 ILSA J Int'l & Comp L 377) B. Role-playing government actions and debating about the consequences of said actions are the basis of liberal democracy. Democracy is only realized as a result of a politically engaged public Rawls 99 (John, Professor Emeritus – Harvard University, The Law of Peoples, p. 54-7) C. Robust liberal democracy is the biggest impact in the debate— every major form of violence is rooted in weakness in democracy. Rummel 06 professor of political science at the University of Hawaii [R.J. This is from his Blog “Why Foster Global Freedom?,”, 3/7, )
| 01/27/12 |
Fem K
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The 1AC is nothing more than the product of a power structure that continually deems the Muslim world as nothing more than backwards and uncivilized, forces us to see Muslim women as helpless spectators to patriarchal violence, and utilizes exploitative forms of academia to promote forms of ‘progress rhetoric’ which not only exasperates unequal, gendered, and racial conflicts in the region, but has and will continue to justify violent occupations and invasions for the sake of maintaining Imperialist goals. Dr. Zine 6 (Jasmine, Associate Professor, Sociology at the Department of Sociology at Laurier Since July 2005, “Between Orientalism and Fundamentalism: The Politics of Muslim Women’s Feminist Engagement,” Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 3(1), 2006)IAA And, their offerings of democracy and the liberation of the oppressed women in _____ maintains predetermined notions of the female other as someone inferior to the western dominating forces, while simultaneously employing colonial constructions of their male counterparts as the threatening enemy other in the region, effectively obscuring the inherent economic and colonial fuel just under the surface. Dr. Zine 6 (Jasmine, Associate Professor, Sociology at the Department of Sociology at Laurier Since July 2005, “Between Orientalism and Fundamentalism: The Politics of Muslim Women’s Feminist Engagement,” Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 3(1), 2006)IAA And that creates the conditions necessary for the existence of gendered islamophobia which coopts formations of true actual democracy. Dr. Zine 6 (Jasmine, Associate Professor, Sociology at the Department of Sociology at Laurier Since July 2005, “Between Orientalism and Fundamentalism: The Politics of Muslim Women’s Feminist Engagement,” Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 3(1), 2006)IAA The Alternative is to reject the 1AC’s singular view of _____ as the only possible source of inequality and oppression in the status quo in favor of a more holistic view of dominant interlocking power structures. The Alternative solves: So long as we continue to remain complacent with their forms of domination, the impacts of the K and the Case are inevitable. Their singular focus masks colonial imperialism, ignores interlocking sites of oppression, and maintains patriarchy. Refusal to engage in their conceptualization of oppression in the world by engaging in a more holistic view is the first step in tying together the clues which will expose the 1AC and its flawed framework. Dr. Zine 6 (Jasmine, Associate Professor, Sociology at the Department of Sociology at Laurier Since July 2005, “Between Orientalism and Fundamentalism: The Politics of Muslim Women’s Feminist Engagement,” Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 3(1), 2006)IAA
| 01/27/12 |
Kritikal Distance K
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FIRST—Emancipation by targeting the power of oppressive structures, practices, and theories is based on 3 contradictions: interventionist dependency, a mastery relationship, & delegitimizing the experiences of those who are clouded by the power of the system Biesta, professor of Education @ U of Stirling, 2010 (Gert, Educational Theory, "", Feb. 1, p. 42-46) SECOND— The Distance in intellectual discovery embedded in the aff reproduces the aff impacts. The process of the affirmative prevents __(people aff talks about)___ from changing the social order by reconfirming their role in it. Our arg is that the people don't need the aff case. There is no advantage to voting aff. Simons & Masschelein, 2010 (Maarten & Jan, Educational Philosophy and Theory, " Hatred of Democracy ... and of the Public Role of Education?", Vol. 42, Nos. 5–6, p.511-512) THIRD—Our alternative is to reject the affirmative in favor of a self-affirmation asserting equality rather than reducing inequality. Rejection is key – there can be no singular thread of meaning such as anti-blackness that comes to define political resistance. Debate should be about who best manifests equality: their framework recreates hierarchies of inequality through a politics of distrust. Self-affirmation provides a new vocabulary that makes equality something we manifest, rather than gain through protest or revolution. Biesta, professor of Education @ U of Stirling, 2010 (Gert, Educational Theory, "", Feb. 1, p. 51-53)
| 01/27/12 |
Other Negs
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/Civ K(see Fullerton Alvarado-Thach) Sluts for Christ K(See Fullerton Alvarado-Sydnor) Ranciere K (See Fullerton Jv-Novice negs) and also Generic Policy Making F/W 1NC for K affs--Shouldn't have to post that up.
| 01/27/12 |
Iran D/A
- Tournament: Districts | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
zeA. Uniqueness – Iran on the brink of closing the Strait of Hormuz. Tensions are high. Mustafa, 12 (Dr Ayman, Gulf News, ”Will Iran provide pretext for war?”, Jan 7, http://gulfnews.com/opinions/columnists/will-iran-provide-pretext-for-war-1.962301) B. Link – the plan is perceived as containment by Iran causing Iranian response Goodspeed, 2011 (Peter, National Post, “As Arab Spring topples dictators, Iran’s influence grows”, Nov 26, http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2011/11/26/peter-goodspeed-the-arab-spring-has-allowed-iran-to-expand-its-sphere-of-influence/) C. Bang! 1. Closing the Strait of Hormuz will cause a US strike on Iran. Even one misstep will light the fuse on powder keg; our scenario is the hottest spot for war on the planet right now. Klare, professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College, 12 (Michael T. “Hormuz-Mania”, 1/31, http://obrag.org/?p=53517&cpage=1) 2. US strike on Iran will cross the nuclear firebreak and draw in others Dyer, 2006 (Gwynne, Iran: “Everything Is On The Table”, March 6, http://gwynnedyer.com/2006/iran-everything-is-on-the-table/) 3. China and Russia will intervene; escalates to global nuclear war. Jan, 2006 (Abid Ullah, “Why American will Reap in Iran What It Doesn’t Expect”, Posted February 20, http://mathaba.net/0_index.shtml?x=528456)
| 03/06/12 |
Iran C/P
- Tournament: districts | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Text: Iran should [fill in the plan text]. The Counter-plan Solves the Case and the Net Benefits 1. Iran has ties to ____ and the influence to do the plan Choksy, professor of Iranian, Islamic and Central Eurasian studies, 12 (Jamsheed K., The Daily Star, “Iran still has hope for the Arab Spring”, Jan 6, http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Commentary/2012/Jan-06/159026-iran-still-has-hope-for-the-arab-spring.ashx#ixzz1lCiI0wuJ) 2. Iranian soft power is key to its influence in the Arab Spring Parsi, 10 (Trita Parsi, founder and president of the National Iranian American Council and Reza Marashi, research director for the National Iranian Council and Previous served in the U.S. State Department in the Office of Iranian Affairs, Nov 4, Cairo Review of Global Affairs - American University in Cairo, “Arab Spring Seen From Tehran”, http://www.aucegypt.edu/gapp/cairoreview/pages/articleDetails.aspx?aid=62)
| 03/06/12 |
"Reform" PIC
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COUNTERPLAN: The united states federal government should substantially increase its democratic governance and constitutional assistance for Egypt. The counterplan solves the entirety of the case without the use of the phrase “REFORM”, Use of the phrase positions the West in the position to liberate others which results in violent forms of domination and totalitarianism—turns case. Itwaru 09 ( Arnold, psychotherapist, educator, and editorial consultant on the project named Researching Caribbean Teaching and Learning at the University of the West Indies, Jamaica “Master Race, Murder and Gory Globalization” in The White Supremacist State: Eurocentrism, Imperialism, Colonialism, Racism Arnold H. Itwaru, ed. 2009 p. 25-79 ) “Democracy" is the globalization .,.....West's claim superiority.
| 03/12/12 |
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A. Violation. Democracy assistance goes primarily through intermediate organizations. The plan does not specify its donor agency. Newberg & Carothers, senior associates at the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, 1996 (Paula R. & Thomas, World Policy Journal, "Aiding - And Defining - Democracy", p. 105 The first problem concerns…. rather than funds. B. Vote Neg 1. Ground - The lack of donor organization moots meaningful solvency debates. There are many different democracy assistance organizations that change radically the type of solvency debate from USAID to a number of NGO's or the State Department. Failure to spec eliminates specific DA's and solvency presses. Donor organization is a unique feature of democracy assistance and therefore deserves value over other parts of the debate. 2. Plan in a vacuum – The plan is the focus of debate. 2AC specification is too late. The damage is done. We set the neg strategy prior to the debate when they give the plan. 2AC specification eliminates the value of pre-round prep. 3. Democracy Assistance T – Without a donor in the plan, the plan is not topical democracy assistance. Democracy promotion is foreign intervention. Donor agencies are essential component of offering assistance, particularly in the form of grant, which is the defining feature of democracy assistance as a term of art. T is a voter for competitive equity.
| 03/12/12 |
Hollow Hope DA
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A. Recipients become highly dependent on democracy assistance making their organizations unsustainableBarkan 11 (Joel, Senior Associate, Center for Strategic and International Studies and Professor Emeritus, University of Iowa, http://www.un.org/democracyfund/Docs/PDAseminar.pdf, 2011, pg. 9) Organizations that …of donor support (Table 13). B. Fly Paper – The plan will descend on the revolution like locusts eating up the revolution of the people by reinterpreting it in the terms of democracy assistance expertsNeocosmos 11 [Michael. Professor in the Department of Sociology, University of South Africa, UNISA. “Mass mobilisation, ‘democratic transition’ and ‘transitional violence’ in Africa” Pambazuka News 2011-03-31, Issue 523 http://pambazuka.org/en/category/features/72163] The courage, …….. rarely elicit criticism. C. Backsliding Case Turn – Dependency results in a re-imposition of authoritarianismNeocosmos 11 [Michael. Professor in the Department of Sociology, University of South Africa, UNISA. “Mass mobilisation, ‘democratic transition’ and ‘transitional violence’ in Africa” Pambazuka News 2011-03-31, Issue 523 http://pambazuka.org/en/category/features/72163] The construction ……..politics of the state.
| 03/12/12 |
"Civil" PIC
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The CP solves the entirety of the case without the use of the word “civil”. Use of the word civil perpetuates the civil/uncivil dichotomy that legitimizes violence against what is uncivil and excluded Turns case. Volpi 11 (Frederic, Ph.D Professor at University of St. Andrews on Middle Eastern Studies, “Framing Civility in the Middle East: Alternative Perspectives on the State and Civil Society,” Third World Quarterly, Vol 32, Iss 5, Sydnor) Islamic activism—Islamism, ……different normative perspectives.
| 03/12/12 |
| 03/12/12 |
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| 03/12/12 |