Civil society requires the complete destruction of those in the black positionality. The threads of civil society necessitate ontological erasure of blackness.
Wilderson 2002 (The Prison Slave as Hegemony's (Silent) Scandal)
there's something organic to Black...supplemental anti-Blackness
proper democracy assistance can only come after understanding that democracy has never existed in America in the first place. There can't be an export of democracy assistance until there is a reconceptualization of democracy
Manning Marable 1983 (How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America p. 11-13)
the first and fundamental...rights for Black people.
What is the assumptive logic behind their claims, anxieties, desires, energies and phobias. we must address the "objective" political economy and what Jared Sexton discusses within the libdinal economy...which is much more than a structure of feeling the whole structure of emotional/physic life the grammars of suffering which constitute the lived expierence.
we find ourselves in the singular crisis that slavery provokes. slavery lives on.
as a contemporary social death sentence "for those that beat the mark of slavery - the trace of blackness" the specter of slavery haunts us. democracy assistance exports the slave estate to bahrain, egypt, libya, tunisia, syria, and yemen.
Jared Sexton 2010 "the curtain and the sky:" an introduction" in Critical Sociology 36. 11 Jared Sexton, associate proferssor of African-American studied and Critical THeory at the UC-irvine.
to suffer the loss....accumulated and exchanged
However in contrast to demands the coordinates of state and civil society at large and debate in particular are not elastic enough to welcome or even conceptualize subjective (human) claims made by the slave. the slave is not present on either the affirmative or negative side: we must abolish this topic and world altogether and start with the question of the slave. we need an epistemic break.
Frank B. Wilderson III 2010 (red, white, and black: cinema and structure of U.S. antagonism. Wilderson is an award-winning writer, poet, scholar, activist, and emerging filmmaker
regarding the Black position....awaits and answer
Debate should be a site for contestation over socio-political analysis and proposals, structural descriptions and political prescriptions.
we should make explicit our understandings and analysis of structuring forces of socio-political harms, oppression or grammars of suffering. we cannot take power relations for granted or asume that we all have a shared understanding or acceptance of structural power relations that are necessary preconditions for the facilitation of these academic debates
Rather, we need to understand the assumptive logic that provides the conceptual coherence and condition of possibility for modernity
subsequently, the world has been built on slavery and on the genocide of the 1st peoples making the slave paradigmatic
the destruction of the nonhuman alled for the human to exist, our advocacy is the complete destruction of the paradigm which constitutes humanity within the context of modernity.
since there is no coherence between the black positionality and civil society so repair is impossible; it requires the revolution. thus, any struggle that can act as a stick up artist to the world, demanding all that it cannot give (which is eveything), is a move toward something to blindingly new that it cannot be imagined. a complete epistemic break - a new epoch. this is the only thing that could save "us"