Fullerton » NDT Aff - Fullerton bugrov & cruz

NDT Aff - Fullerton bugrov & cruz

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:24
  • Nommo - rd 1 v minn CE

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: Minn CE | Judge:

    • 1NC

      Nommo be da way we resist lingo of white oppression n be makin new world through our lingo 

      Yancy, G. 04 (Prof of Philosophy at Duquesne University "Geneva Smitherman: The Social Ontology of African-American  Language, the Power of Nommo, and the Dynamics of Resistance and Identity Through Lanugage") 

      the first cargo of African slaves....anguish of their mothers 

      We be rhetorically citin and makin nommo the NO to ontological oppression

      Yancy, G. 04 (Prof of Philosophy at Duquesne University "Geneva Smitherman: The Social Ontology of African-American  Language, the Power of Nommo, and the Dynamics of Resistance and Identity Through Lanugage") 

      reality is not merely...mastery over things

      Who we be is da planizzle thru our world

      Yancy, G. 04 (Prof of Philosophy at Duquesne University "Geneva Smitherman: The Social Ontology of African-American  Language, the Power of Nommo, and the Dynamics of Resistance and Identity Through Lanugage") 

      nommo is an essential....African Holocaust 

  • Anti-Blackness K - rd 1 v Minn CE

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Civil society requires the complete destruction of those in the black positionality. The threads of civil society necessitate ontological erasure of blackness. 

      Wilderson 2002 (The Prison Slave as Hegemony's (Silent) Scandal) 

      there's something organic to Black...supplemental anti-Blackness

      proper democracy assistance can only come after understanding that democracy has never existed in America in the first place. There can't be an export of democracy assistance until there is a reconceptualization of democracy 

      Manning Marable 1983 (How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America p. 11-13) 

      the first and fundamental...rights for Black people. 

      What is the assumptive logic behind their claims, anxieties, desires, energies and phobias. we must address the "objective" political economy and what Jared Sexton discusses within the libdinal economy...which is much more than a structure of feeling the whole structure of emotional/physic life the grammars of suffering which constitute  the lived expierence.

      we find ourselves in the singular crisis that slavery provokes. slavery lives on. 

      as a contemporary social death sentence "for those that beat the mark of slavery - the trace of blackness" the specter of slavery haunts us. democracy assistance exports the slave estate to bahrain, egypt, libya, tunisia, syria, and yemen. 

      Jared Sexton 2010 "the curtain and the sky:" an introduction" in Critical Sociology 36. 11 Jared Sexton, associate proferssor of African-American studied and Critical THeory at the UC-irvine. 

      to suffer the loss....accumulated and exchanged

      However in contrast to demands the coordinates of state and civil society at large and debate in particular are not elastic enough to welcome or even conceptualize subjective (human) claims made by the slave. the slave is not present on either the affirmative or negative side: we must abolish this topic and world altogether and start with the question of the slave. we need an epistemic break. 

      Frank B. Wilderson III 2010 (red, white, and black: cinema and structure of U.S. antagonism. Wilderson is an award-winning writer, poet, scholar, activist, and emerging filmmaker

      regarding the Black position....awaits and answer

      Debate should be a site for contestation over socio-political analysis and proposals, structural descriptions and political prescriptions. 

      we should make explicit our understandings and analysis of structuring forces of socio-political harms, oppression or grammars of suffering. we cannot take power relations for granted or asume that we all have a shared understanding or acceptance of structural power relations that are necessary preconditions for the facilitation of these academic debates 

      Rather, we need to understand the assumptive logic that provides the conceptual coherence and condition of possibility for modernity

      subsequently, the world has been built on slavery and on the genocide of the 1st peoples making the slave paradigmatic 

      the destruction of the nonhuman alled for the human to exist, our advocacy is the complete destruction of the paradigm which constitutes humanity within the context of modernity. 

      since there is no coherence between the black positionality and civil society so repair is impossible; it requires the revolution. thus, any struggle that can act as a stick up artist to the world, demanding all that it cannot give (which is eveything), is a move toward something to blindingly new that it cannot be imagined. a complete epistemic break - a new epoch. this is the only thing that could save "us"

  • 1AC Yemeni Journalism

    • Tournament: | Round: 3 | Opponent: Baylor HK | Judge:

    • Journalists in Yemen are facing an increase in the reduction of freedom of expression and face human rights violations regardless of oversight by international community and NGO’s.

      Patrice Chevalier MAR 14 2012 (Ph D. candidate at the Institute of Political Studies of Lyons, France; Associate searcher at the French Centre for Archaeology and Social Sciences of Sanaa (CEFAS) http://www.salon.com/2012/03/14/obamas_personal_role_in_a_journalists_imprisonment/)


      The Yemeni written media enjoy…..as to try bypassing censorship2.


      U.S. media outlets have misreported recent events in order to help image of Yemen have been support by President Obama.

      Jeremy Scahill March 13, 2012 Why Is President Obama Keeping a Journalist in Prison in Yemen? http://www.thenation.com/article/166757/why-president-obama-keeping-journalist-in-prison


      As we now know, on….journalist attempting to do his job.”


      Shaye was arrested and remains in prison because of the US

      Jeremy Scahill March 13, 2012 Why Is President Obama Keeping a Journalist in Prison in Yemen? http://www.thenation.com/article/166757/why-president-obama-keeping-journalist-in-prison


      After Shaye was convicted and…to say about this case.”


      Over the last year numerous journalist have been imprisoned and detained unjustly in order to eliminate dissent in Yemen.

      Olivier Basille: Letter to Yemeni President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi acting Secretary-General of Reporters Without Borders



      One of our chief concerns is….Medial pluralism is essential.


      American globality has become the primary goal of interventions and gets its condition of possibility from the prison industrial complex and its logic the permeates institutions and democracy.

      Rodriguez 07 (Dylan Rodriguez is Professor and Chair of the Department of Ethnic Studies at UC Riverside AMERICAN GLOBALITY AND THE US PRISON REGIME: STATE VIOLENCE AND WHITE SUPREMACY FROM ABU GHRAIB TO STOCKTON TO BAGONG DIWA http://150.ateneo.edu/kritikakultura/images/kkissue009.pdf#page=2)


      On the other hand, I…warfare, and global white supremacy.


      Endorse the affirmative as an examplar model of an abolitionist pedagogy in Yemen.

      The FW for this debate is who best provides a consistant pedagogy and advocacy that disrupts antiblackness.


      Antiblackness is the truth - not the totality of relations between subjects and subjects with objects. Soecities are structured with the questions of what is the black, who is the black, where is the black, civil society structures itself around the destruction of the black body as it posits the base of societal structures with the black positionality as the base.

      George Weber 2009 (The Near and Middle East http://www.andaman.org/BOOK/chapter 47/text74.him)


      I noticed immediately that…they are treated better.

  • 2AC Cap K

    • Tournament: | Round: 3 | Opponent: Baylor HK | Judge:

    • Civil society structures the absence and destruction of the slave. Our demand is for one the exceeds the basic matrix of white supremacy to its very collapse.


      Wilderson 2002 (Frank B., Rhetoric/Film Studies University of California, Berkley; “The Prison Slave as Hegemony's (Silent) Scandal” Presented at Imprisoned Intellectuals Conference Brown University, April 13th, 2002. ) 


      Captial was kick-started by…prerequisite for America itself.


      There is not sustained class based politics that excludes identity and can transform democracy

      West 99, Cornell (Professor of Religion and African American Studies at Princeton University Christian Love and Heterosexism in the Cornel West Reader pg 407-408

      West: I think identity politics,…crush people. No doubt.


      Even if we were to believe the origin of capital was not antiblackness, the fact of antiblackness has seeped in and is the ordering system of the world.

      Mills, Charles W. 2010 Black and Social Justice: A Quarter-Century Later JOURNAL of SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY, Vol. 41, No. 3, Fall 2010, 354-369


      Now Boxill would, I am…as epiphenomenal to class.

  • 1AC round 6

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 6 | Opponent: Mich St BC | Judge:

    • No changes in 1AC



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