Radical democracy is an action that is devoid of political content. The affirmative fails to recognize how to engage in a radical democracy through anticonventional conventions.
Darrel Enck-Wanzer 08, is a scholar of race and public culture with a particular interest in Latin@ studies and coloniality. In 2007, he earned his Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Public Culture in the Department of Communication and Culture at Indiana University, where his work focused on the intersections of race/ethnicity, democratic theory, and public discourse, “A Radical Democratic Style? Tradition, Hybridity, and Intersectionality”, Muse, Marvin
“What if… hybridity, and intersectionality.”
Even the most seemingly benign policies assisting in liberal democracy make racialized violence inevitable.
Volpi 11 (Frederic, Ph.D Professor at University of St. Andrews on Middle Eastern Studies, “Framing Civility in the Middle East: Alternative Perspectives on the State and Civil Society,” Third World Quarterly, Vol 32, Iss 5, Sydnor)
“Civility is… underpin the community.”
The democratic expansion has always relied on the use of violence as a means of exercising authority. Democracy is used as an anti-political tool exported by the West because it sees itself as a closed project used to maintain a leadership role to make the world follow suit.
Dr. Adrian Little 05, is Senior Lecturer in Political Theory at the University of Melbourne, “THEORIES OF DEMOCRACY AND VIOLENCE: THE CASE OF NORTHERN IRELAND” http://auspsa.anu.edu.au/proceedings/publications/Littlepaper.pdf, Marvin
“Unsophisticated understandings…liberal democratic regime .”
The banner of democracy is used to impose militarism and violence under the guise of modernity. The Eurocentric modernity projects an imperialist design that has maintained a hierarchical model of authoritarian and anti-democratic positionality making democracy inevitably destructive.
Ramón Grosfoguel 09, is an associate professor, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley. "A Decolonial Approach to Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Border Thinking and Global Coloniality”, Kult 6 - Special Issue Epistemologies of Transformation: The Latin American Decolonial Option and its Ramifications. Fall 2009. Department of Culture and Identity. Roskilde University. http://www.postkolonial.dk/artikler/GROSFOGUEL.pdf, Marvin
No culture in… as the former.”
Conceiving democracy as a process of constant reinvention is critical to solve- voting neg to reject the shortcomings of democracy and the inevitable exclusions that it provokes it better than any world of a permutation.
Dr. Adrian Little & Lloyd 09, Lecturer in Political Theory at the University of Melbourne, and is a head of the School of Political Science, Criminology, and Sociology, and Moya, Loughborough University political theory professor, “The Problem with Democracy”, Marvin
“Radical democratic… change and improvement.”
The Young Lords are a great example of a radical democratic theory that generates potential.
Darrel Enck-Wanzer 08, is a scholar of race and public culture with a particular interest in Latin@ studies and coloniality. In 2007, he earned his Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Public Culture in the Department of Communication and Culture at Indiana University, where his work focused on the intersections of race/ethnicity, democratic theory, and public discourse, “A Radical Democratic Style? Tradition, Hybridity, and Intersectionality”, Muse, Marvin
The Young Lords are a great example of a radical democratic theory that generates potential.
Darrel Enck-Wanzer 08, is a scholar of race and public culture with a particular interest in Latin@ studies and coloniality. In 2007, he earned his Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Public Culture in the Department of Communication and Culture at Indiana University, where his work focused on the intersections of race/ethnicity, democratic theory, and public discourse, “A Radical Democratic Style? Tradition, Hybridity, and Intersectionality”, Muse, Marvin
“Having sketched… democratic politics.”
SF State Neg Strat
Democracy has become the ideal cover for the most despicable crimes in history. Kritik debate 101 – on face, the plan seems benign, but its foundations are like the roots of Southern trees bearing strange fruit. The aff is submerged in the rhetoric of democracy, but not the reality of it.
Tomislav Sunic 10, is a former US professor, author, translator and former Croatian diplomat with a Ph.D. in political science from the University of California Santa Barbara, “Preface,” 12-28-2010, in “The Problem of Democracy”, written by Alain de Benoist 2011, Marvin
Your authors attempt to speak the capital T truth from an undefined locus. This disregards the social location and stems from the system of whiteness.
Yancy, 5 (George, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Duquesne University, “Whiteness and the Return of the Black Body,” The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 19(4), p. 215-216) Marvin
Why does one resist? Because lived life is not livable, because the state of things is not tolerable. A resistance is always punctual and local, always precise and limited Active résistance is critical to liberating us from oppressive structures and representations.
Françoise Proust 2000, a program director at the Collége Internationale de Philosophie, in addition to her post at the Université de Paris I, Introduction to De la Résistance, Muse, Marvin
Even the most seemingly benign policies assisting in liberal democracy make racialized violence inevitable. The affirmatives civility has been ‘a privileged discourse of the privileged; it supposed and required the exclusion of whole categories of the world's population because of such “inferior” characteristics. Thus, liberal modernising projects such as the aff involve exclusionary policies that are deployed against those citizens who are not perceived to be able to govern themselves which makes violence inevitable.
Frederic Volpi 11 is a Ph.D Professor at University of St. Andrews on Middle Eastern Studies, “Framing Civility in the Middle East: Alternative Perspectives on the State and Civil Society,” Third World Quarterly, Goggle, Marvin
Their critique of democracy is incomplete, as they merely critique the institutions of democracy without rigorously critiquing the problems of democracy itself. This recreates the imposition of liberal democracy and turns the aff.
Little 10, Associate Professor and Reader, Political Theory – University of Melbourne, ‘10 (Adrian, “Democratic Melancholy: On the Sacrosanct Place of Democracy in Radical Democratic Theory,” Political Studies 58:5 974-975
"The main focus in radical democratic theory has been liberalism and the liberal...and to recognise the need for their renewal and improvement."
Aff attempts to reclaim the term democracy mimics the political process of neoconservatism and neoliberalism, as all treat democracy as inherently sacrosanct and intrinsically good. This stops democracy from being interrogated.
Little, Associate Professor and Reader, Political Theory – University of Melbourne, ‘10 (Adrian, “Democratic Melancholy: On the Sacrosanct Place of Democracy in Radical Democratic Theory,” Political Studies 58:5 983-984
The failure to critique democracy in radical democratic politics ... radical change paves the way for totalitarianism."