Fullerton » Fullerton BM (Sam Brown & Nick Moore)

Fullerton BM (Sam Brown & Nick Moore)

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:24
  • Affirmative - Faux News

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Nick: Welcome to Faux News.
      Sam: Play Music.
      Nick: We are Truth countering lame stream liberal media. I’m Nick O’reilly your co-host. Tonight, the topic is Syria and why the liberals are Cowards; My Guest (pause) the brilliant legal mind and New York Times Bestselling author ANN COULTER!!!!!
      Sam: Thank you it’s a pleasure to be on the show again.  
      Nick: Let’s get started. First Al-Assad has rejected calls for him to step down, Ann do you think he spits in the face of America?
      Sam: Of course he is and the liberals are doing nothing. Al-Assad has dismissed American calls for step down as meaningless.  Rights groups say approximately 1,700 people have been killed since March. Assad’s promises of reform have rung hollow. It’s terrible.
      Nick: Anne, what should America do to respond to the Syria crisis?
      Sam: Well Nick, The United States should increase its democracy assistance to Syria.
      Nick: What do you mean by that Ann?
      Sam:  We should put all the options on the table, but the best option is to militarily intervene in Syria to assassinate Al-Assad and convert the Syrian people to Christianity.
      Sam: Play Music.
      Nick: We return with Ann Coulter on the topic of Syria. You were saying the US should Militarily intervene in Syria?
      Sam: Yes, As the Greatest president of the United States George Bush says “the best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of founding, we have proclaimed that every man and woman on this earth has rights, and dignity, and matchless value, because they bear the image of the Maker of Heaven and Earth. Advancing these ideals is the mission that created our nation.”
      Nick: what does this have to do with Syria? 

      Sam: I was just getting to that. “It’s the policy of the United States to seek and support growth of Democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world.” “Americans should never be surprised by the power of our ideals. The call of freedom comes to every mind and every soul. All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know: the United States will not ignore your oppression, or excuse your oppressors. The concerted effort of free nations to promote democracy is a prelude to our enemies defeat. Our country has accepted obligations that are difficult to fulfill, and would be dishonorable to abandon. Yet because we have acted in the great liberating tradition of this nation, tens of millions have achieved freedom. 

      Nick: Thanks for those piercing insights Anne. And now let’s give the American people a situation update on Syria. Our station recently aired a report indicating that President Al-Assad is pursuing the development of nuclear weapons. He has consistently hindered attempts by international safety organizations to evaluate the extent of the Syrian program. Threats of isolation and  attempts to leverage international pressure by the Obama administration have proven to be weak and ineffectual at deterring Assad from his nuclear program. Furthermore, Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum and author of three books on Syrian politics, has told us that Assad provides direct support to Hamas and Hezbollah, known terrorist organizations who target the United States. He also has strong ties with another known terrorist supporter, Iran. The good news is that Pipes also says that even though the Syrian government is as oppressive a regime as that of Saddam Hussein, the United States can make a key difference and help the opposition secure victories for freedom and human rights.

      Sam: Play Music. 

      Nick: Welcome back to Situation: Syria, our no spin look at the current events in Syria. As we speak, Syrian president Bashar Al Assad is engaged in brutal crackdowns against his own people, and provides aid to terrorist organizations. This support for terrorist groups not only threatens the safety and security of citizens everywhere, but it is a lynchpin of Iranian strategy to control the region. Without the help of Assad and the Syrian government, Iranian support to Hamas and Hezbollah will be seriously hindered and these groups will be less able to threaten the United States and Israel. Whatever government replaces Al Assad, it will be better for the United States and U.S. interests in the area.

      Nick: Now back with Ann Coulter. Do you think a Nuclear War in the Middle East is imminent?

      Sam: Look I think a huge war is imminent in the Middle East that could spark attacks on American cities. When Israel bombs Iran Nuclear sites, Russia will jump in and things will get out of hand and America will not be spared.  

      Nick:: Fascinating Anne. Fellow Faux news host Glenn Beck has forewarned us about the possibility of a Muslim ‘Caliph’, more or less a king, could take over the Western world. There’s a concerted effort in the Middle East right now between a significant number of Muslim organizations working to establish a Caliphate over there. And if we just let these protests go unchallenged, well, I mean, they could destabilize law and order here in the West and seriously harm our freedoms.

      Sam: I think Glen has an interesting point that anything is possible in the Middle East. Also I tend to agree with Glen but I think Basher Al-Assad is the Anti-Christ and was probably involved in the 9/11 attacks. Look if anyone is going to be the Caliph its Al-Assad. I think Al-Assad with the help of Russia and Iran will funnel nuclear weapons through the terrorists and start a nuclear holocaust. Al-Assad knows he can’t trust America because he has seen how we have dealt with Saddam Hussein. So he is going to try to destroy us and create a whole new world order lead by Muslims and Sharia Law. If this isn’t justification to go in and take him out I don’t know what is. 

       Nick: also under the U.N Charter Article 51 we can invade if we feel threatened as an act of self-defense. Even with legal justification the liberals are too afraid to act and help the Syrian people.
      Sam: Yes this is true and we absolutely know they want to swing at us. I believe we are legally required to be bombing Syria right now. And unlike the Quran's alleged prohibition on depictions of Muhammad, I've got documentation to back that up!   Muslims in Syria torched the Danish Embassy a few weeks ago, burning it to the ground. According to everyone, the Syrian government was behind the attack I think even the gals on "The View" have acknowledged that Damascus was behind this one. and should be done by this administration but Obama ties to islam are preventing it. I mean his name is Hussein. Perhaps we could put aside our national, ongoing, post-9/11 Muslim butt-kissing contest and get on with the business at hand: Bombing Syria back to the stone age and then permanently disarming Iran.   The mass violence by Muslims over some cartoons reminds us why we have to worry when countries like Iran start talking about having nukes. Iran is led by a lunatic who makes a big point of denying the Holocaust.

      Nick:  Obama is obviously a coward. He is playing politics with democracy and freedom.
      Sam: Play music.
      Nick: Now on a political update with Syria Senator Lindsey Graham an expert on the Middle East agrees that it’s time to consider international intervention in Syria to avoid the further slaughter of people by Al-Assad. If it made sense to protect the Libyan people it makes sense for Syria. Now is the time to let Assad know all options are on the table!!
      Nick:  It’s good to know someone is looking out for America. Now recently Papa Bear O’reilly stated that half the world’s Muslims want to blow the hell out of Muslims who want democracy and human rights and he says this silences the few good Muslims out there. What do you make of that Ann?
      Sam: Look this just proves that the only way to handle these people is through strong military presence and a reason why the best option is to invade Syria.  
      Nick: I would like to end on this note that in 2009 pastor Pat Robertson a wonderful man stated that prophecy indicates the U.S has the ability and should bring peace to Syria to fulfill the bibles wishes.  Wouldn’t that be something?
      Sam: Haha yes it would.
      Nick: Well that’s are show folks and remember freedom must be fought for against the Liberal commies cause America is worth it. 

  • Spanos Aff

    • Tournament: USC | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • US foreign policy bears striking resemblance to the thought process of Adolph Eichmann. US foreign policy thought and language is instrumentally superficial and perpetuates a blind indifference to the suffering it enables and justifies. The affirmative cannot invoke every historical example of this line of thought in 9 minutes, therefore we will focus on the hail of the resolution to demonstrate the dehumanizing ontology of Pax Americana.

      Spanos, 200(William, Symploke, Global American: The Devastation of Language Under the Dictatorship of the Public Realm, Volume 16, Numbers 1-2, p.178-181)

      It is not my purpose...suggest the viability of my argument.

      Accepting the resolution at face value is dangerous. Historically, democracy assistance is spin control for US imperialism.

      Gerald Sussman, teaches urban studies and communications at Portland State University and has published widely on the international political economy of information technology, mass media, and development, 2006 (The Monthly Review, “The Myths of ‘Democracy Assistance’: U.S. Political Intervention in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe”, Dec., http://monthlyreview.org/2006/12/01/the-myths-of-democracy-assistance-u-s-political-intervention-in-post-soviet-eastern-europe)

      One of the notable shifts in post-Soviet world politics...through family relationships to top party officials.”

      The language of democracy assistance matters. Words are a means of deception. The phrase democracy assistance is used to provide seductive comfort for a violent ideology to make people into a willing agent of Pax Americana.

      Spanos, William V. 2010 (“In The Neighborhood of Zero A World War II Memoir” p.112-113)

      It was then—during those few mind-shattering days...being had irrevocably changed.

      Democracy assistance is part of a larger American foreign policy, exemplified by Vietnam, which is an arrogant, thoughtless, managerial instrumentalism that perceives the other as an obstacle to US pre-conceived goals. This is the same ontological trajectory of the Nazi’s

      Spanos, 200(William, Symploke, Global American: The Devastation of Language Under the Dictatorship of the Public Realm, Volume 16, Numbers 1-2, p. 204-205)


      Let me now, after this long detour, return to Hannah Arendt’s report...

      already and necessarily speaks it “name.”

      Which brings us back to the hail of the topic, US foreign policy experts have taken over the MENA revolutions. By reading the revolutions from the gaze above, US experts impose a US ideology which erases the very historical actors responsible for the revolutions.

      Spanos, forthcoming [William V., highly acclaimed author, World War II Veteran, POW at Dresden, distinguished professor of English and Comparative Literature at the SUNY Binghamton, …forthcoming,]

      Equally important, 

      this regressive late Orientalist perspective...Adam of the Old Testament, domesticate the “beast” of revolution.”

      The logic of US foreign policy experts assisting MENA revolutions is based on the same rational of American exceptionalism.  The result of the invitation of the resolution in countries is a democratizing mission which de-politicizes the people and lays the ground work for humanitarian invasions

      Neocosmos 11 [Michael. Professor in the Department of Sociology, University of South Africa, UNISA. “Mass mobilisation, ‘democratic transition’ and ‘transitional violence’ in Africa” Pambazuka News 2011-03-31, Issue 523 http://pambazuka.org/en/category/features/72163]


      The courage, inventiveness and organisation...nationalism of the North African secular and militaristic authoritarianisms.

      The violence of these American foreign policy experts, called Eichmann’s in the language of Spanos & Arendt, should not be underestimated. The blindness and indifference to violence relays an utter absence of humanity in human beings.

      Spanos, 200(William, Symploke, Global American: The Devastation of Language Under the Dictatorship of the Public Realm, Volume 16, Numbers 1-2, p. 186-190)


      These American “citizens”—Robert McNamara,....the cold-blooded calculus of the “kill ratio” or “body count.”

      We affirm inquiry on “Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its democracy assistance for one or more of the following: Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen.”  As we are being in the midst of the topic, we refuse a telos for the topic which we feel makes a topical plan of action incompatible with the affirmative.


      We should put the question of the value of US democracy assistance to MENA countries prior to the answer. Traditional policy debate is a rigged game creating a disinterested empirical inquiry that encourages debaters separate from the world and participate in dehumanizing ontologies. Voting the aff is an embrace of inquiry instead of the gaze above.

      Spanos and Spurlock ‘11 [William V., highly acclaimed author, World War II Veteran, POW at Dresden, distinguished professor of English and Comparative Literature at the SUNY Binghamton, Chris; dude we have a man crush on, www.kdebate.com/spanos.html]


      CS: When we had our discussion in Binghamton, you asked me if teams were ever marginalized or excluded for reading arguments based on your work....

      They invariably turn out to be murderous brutes.

      Acts of thinking are ontologically prior to and related to politics. Thinking depthless will make us into agents of brutal violence. It is time for revolutionary politics to be historical and worldly. 

      Spanos, 200(William, Symploke, Global American: The Devastation of Language Under the Dictatorship of the Public Realm, Volume 16, Numbers 1-2, p. 172-173)


      This argument against the Bush administration and its intellectual deputies by oppositional intellectuals is manifest....

      do not prove “useful and docile” to the dominant culture.

      The thinker can avoid the banality of evil which turns us into Eichmann’s

      Spanos, 200(William, Symploke, Global American: The Devastation of Language Under the Dictatorship of the Public Realm, Volume 16, Numbers 1-2, p. 176-179)


      Because, however, Heidegger did not fully perceive the dehumanizing implications of this reductive momentum concretely in his own culture...

      it was not stupidity but thoughtlessness.

      The aff will not cede the hail of being affirmative. We locate the affirmative both inside of debate, an affirmative affirming an interpellation of the resolution, and outside of debate, negating while affirming. The inside/outside position is a necessary check on the ontological violence.

      Spanos and Spurlock ‘11 [William V., highly acclaimed author, World War II Veteran, POW at Dresden, distinguished professor of English and Comparative Literature at the SUNY Binghamton, Chris; dude we have a man crush on, www.kdebate.com/spanos.html]


      CS: Many of the most charged criticisms of your comments on debate stem...

      The moral of this story is that the debate world needs more outsiders -- or, rather, inside outsiders -- if its ultimate purpose is to prepare young people to change the world rather than to reproduce it.



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