KORUS will pass – linking and TAA compromises
Barbara Wanner, staff writer, 8-30-2011, “KORUS Trade Agreement Poised For Congressional Approval,” Korea Matters for America, http://www.koreamattersforamerica.org/2011/08/korus-trade-agreement-poised-for-congressional-approval/
Supporters of the Korea-United States Free
of the TAA legislation as soon as possible.”
Plan costs PC
Shadi Hamid, director of research at Brookings Doha Center, 1-27-2011, “Tunisia, Egypt, Arab world need bold US support for democracy, not mixed messages,” Jewish World Review, http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0111/middle_east_democracy.php3
These actions have a clear intent — to
Oddly, they've become more difficult to find.
PC is key
Wharton School, U of Penn, 1-12-2011, “U.S.-South Korea Trade Pact: A Turning Point for American Exports?,” http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=2671
Last March, when President Obama announced his
anti-trade Democrats and Tea Party Republicans.
Key to the alliance
Mark Manyin, specialist in Asian affairs with the CRS, and William Cooper, specialist in International Trade and Finance with the CRS, 2009, “Can the United States and South Korea Sing Without KORUS?” CRS, http://www.keia.org/Publications/JointAcademicStudies/2009/Cooper.pdf
Although the passage of the KORUS FTA is
U.S. troops on the peninsula.
Solves NK and other scenarios for war
Charles L. Pritchard, President, Korea Economic Institute, John Tilelli, Chairman and CEO, Cypress Int’l, and Scott Snyder, Adjunct Senior Fellow for Korea Studies, June 16, 2009, “A New Chapter for U.S.-South Korea alliance” Council on Foreign Relations, http://www.cfr.org/publication/19635/new_chapter_for_ussouth_korea_alliance.html
While all eyes have been trained on North
cooperation in the service of our shared interests.
North Korea war goes nuclear
Peter Hayes, prof at Victoria University, and Michael Green, Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute, 1-5-2010, “The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia”, http://www.nautilus.org/fora/security/10001HayesHamalGreen.pdf
The consequences of failing to address the proliferation
that warrants priority consideration from the international community.