Harvard » NDT Aff - Harvard Karlson & Tandet

NDT Aff - Harvard Karlson & Tandet

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:28
  • Round 3 Egypt Enviro Governance 1AC vs. Loyola

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    • The United States federal government should substantially increase its rule of law assistance for promotion of environmental governance for Egypt.



      The new transitional government in Egypt lacks environmental governance capabilities

      Baha el Din 11 (Mindy Baha el Din, degree in economics who runs an environmental conservation center at Giza Zoo, 6-8-11, “There Is Hope Now”- Conservationist On Egypt’s Post-Revolution Future, interview with Arwa Aburawa, http://www.greenprophet.com/2011/06/hope-conservationist-egypt/)


      Environment and nature conservation wasn’t given much priority


      good national experts so why not use them?



      Development of Egyptian environmental governance capacity prevents environmental destruction

      Aref 11 (Amr Aref, Egypt Today, September 2011, “Endangered Environment,” http://egypttoday.com/news/display/article/artId:322/endangered-environment/secId:1/catId:3)


      But it is not only policy makers that


      mass psychosis that is going to kill us.



      Egypt’s unique geographical features make protecting its biodiversity critical to regional and global biodiversity

      Barakat 10 (Hala Barakat, Ph.D. in Paleoecology from the University of Aix-Marseille III, France. She acts as deputy director at the Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CULTNAT) affiliated to the Library of Alexandria and is in charge of the natural heritage documentation and training programs at CULTNAT.  10-17-10, “Environmental voices: Biodiversity our key to life,” http://www.egyptindependent.com/node/198698)


      From a biodiversity point of view, Egypt


      . This is life, this is biodiversity.”





      Scenario #1 , Migratory birds


      Egypt is the critical crossroads for global migratory bird populations – now is key

      Barakat 10 (Hala Barakat,  Ph.D. in Paleoecology from the University of Aix-Marseille III, France. She acts as deputy director at the Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CULTNAT) affiliated to the Library of Alexandria and is in charge of the natural heritage documentation and training programs at CULTNAT.  12-17-2010, “Environmental Voices: Migratory birds threatened in Egypt,” http://www.egyptindependent.com/node/280784/devel)


      During their migration these large, highly visible


      price to be paid will be very high.



      Nile Delta bird migration is critical to protect global biodiversity

      WWF 01 (World Wildlife Fund, abstract for “Nile Delta flooded savanna,” accessed through the National Geographic Society, http://globalspecies.org/ecoregions/display/PA0904)


      For about a billion birds that fly from


      just Egypt but for much of the world.



      Biodiversity is at risk now – newest studies show its preservation is key to solve extinction

      Science Daily 11 (Science Daily, 8-11-08, “Biodiversity Key to Earth's Life-Support Functions in a Changing World,”  http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110811084513.htm)


      The biological diversity of organisms on Earth is


      factor in maintaining Earth's life-support functions.


      Most recent, comprehensive studies conclude we must err on the side of caution – empirically risks have been underestimated & redundancy has been overestimated

      Science Daily 11 (8-19-11, “biodiversity critical for maintaining ‘multiple ecosystem services,’ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110819155422.htm)


      As biodiversity declines worldwide, there is concern


      as possible could be a good precautionary approach."

      Scenario #2 Fungi


      Fungus conservation efforts are failing in Egypt now

      Soliman & Abdel Azeem 11 (Gihan Samy Soliman, Member in Microbiological monitoring team of the air of Cheops Second Boat, Master's Researcher at the Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, and Ahmed Abdel-Azeem, Ph.D., Egyptian mycologist (mycology: branch of biology concerned with the study of fungi, lolz) & Professor at Suez Canal University, 8-21-11, “What will be the fate of the world’s fungi?” http://earthsky.org/biodiversity/what-will-be-the-fate-of-the-worlds-fungi)


      Conservation of biodiversity in a developing country such


      below – don’t contain any trace of them.


      Fungi solve extinction – but more importantly, they’re DELICIOUS

      Soliman & Abdel Azeem 11 (Gihan Samy Soliman, Member in Microbiological monitoring team of the air of Cheops Second Boat, Master's Researcher at the Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, and Ahmed Abdel-Azeem, Ph.D., Egyptian mycologist (mycology: branch of biology concerned with the study of fungi, lolz) & Professor at Suez Canal University, 8-21-11, “What will be the fate of the world’s fungi?” http://earthsky.org/biodiversity/what-will-be-the-fate-of-the-worlds-fungi)


      Fungi are critical to life on Earth,


      their importance and benefits to the human kind.




      Mushrooms are delicious – if you don’t think so, you need to get over yourself

      Delaney 09 (Lauren Delaney, food blogger and mushroom connoisseur, 8-26-09, “Mushrooms: delicious and misunderstood,” http://cliqueclack.com/food/2009/08/26/mushrooms-delicious-and-misunderstood/)


      You have to start small when it comes


      know, and I’ll still think you’re wrong.



      Egypt has tons of hallucinogenic mushrooms – plan is key

      Magic Mushroom 12 (last updated 1/25/12, “Magic mushrooms: history,” http://www.magic-mushrooms.net/history.html)


      Prehistoric Psychedelic Mushrooms  The oldest representations of hallucinogenic


      and rituals of a mysfico-religious nature.

      Egypt is critical to the preservation of vital fungi globally

      Abdul-Azeem 10 (Ahmed Abdel-Azeem, Ph.D., Egyptian mycologist (mycology: branch of biology concerned with the study of fungi, lolz) & Professor at Suez Canal University, published 11-10-10, “The history, fungal biodiversity, conservation, and future perspectives for mycology in Egypt,” http://www.imafungus.org/Issue/2/15.pdf)


      It is generally accepted that only about 7


      of fungi in unexplored areas remains a priority.


      Fungi protection is key to survival

      Minter 10 (Dr. David Minter, President of the European Mycological Association, Ph.D. from Aberdeen, co-ordinator of the project Conservation of Microfungi - a voice for unprotected and vulnerable organisms, chair of International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Cup Fungi, Truffles and their Allies Specialist Group, 10-6-10, “A future for fungi - the orphans of Rio,” http://www.iucn.org/involved/opinion/?6197/A-future-for-fungi---the-orphans-of-Rio)


      It's difficult to over-emphasize how important


      of organisms to habitat loss and climate change.


      pollution/water wars


      Preventable pollution destroys Nile water quality

      ICE 09 (International Consultants – Egypt, consulting firm contracted by the EU for the Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Mediterranean Basin project, March 2009, “institutional framework and decision-making practices for water management in Egypt,” http://environ.chemeng.ntua.gr/ineco/UserFiles/File/Deliverables/Publishable%20Report%20-%20Egypt.pdf)


      Water quality degradation is becoming alarming in Egypt


      tank, thus subjecting shallow groundwater to pollution.


      Poor environmental governance facilitates this pollution

      ICE 09 (International Consultants – Egypt, consulting firm contracted by the EU for the Institutional and Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in the Mediterranean Basin project, March 2009, “institutional framework and decision-making practices for water management in Egypt,” http://environ.chemeng.ntua.gr/ineco/UserFiles/File/Deliverables/Publishable%20Report%20-%20Egypt.pdf)


      Currently, discharge permits for industrial premises are


      upon to obtain a grace period for compliance.  





      That directly kills over 17,000 a year

      Al-Masry al-Youm 10 (Egyptian Daily newspaper, http://allaboutegypt.org/2010/10/fatal-diseases-caused-by-nile-pollution-linked-to-floating-hotels/)


      The waters of the Nile in Aswan are


      to their lack of efficient water treatment systems.

      Rule of law assistance is critical to effective environmental governance in Egypt

      Wardam 11 (Batir Wardam, Jordanian environmentalist with professional experience in disciplines of natural resource management, environmental policies and communication. He has a 15 years working experience in national academic institutions, NGOs, the government of Jordan and international and regional environmental organizations including UNDP and IUCN.  2-28-11, “The environmental dimensions of Arab revolutions,” http://bwardam.wordpress.com/2011/02/28/the-environmental-dimensions-of-arab-revolutions/)


      Egypt, the heart of the Arab world


      Arab country in the coming weeks and months.


      good food is good

      FIRST -- food isn’t isolated from the social – it’s part of a larger apparatus of industry and agency. The type of eating one learns determines one’s role in a social system – whether as a purely passive participant, or an active, critical agent.

      Wendell Berry ’90 “The Pleasures of Eating” What are People for? Available at: http://www.ecoliteracy.org/publications/rsl/wendell-berry.html


      I begin with the proposition that eating is


      Williams, which seem to me merely honest: 

  • 2AC Loyola Baudrillard K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Excluding the state abdicates real-world change

      KRAUSE AND WILLIAMS 1997 (Keith and Michael, Critical Security Studies, p. xvi)

      First, to stand too far outside prevailisng


      most structurally capable actor in contemporary world politics.





      Pragmatic use of positivism is the best epistemology—the alt creates epistemological anarchy and destroys empirical analysis

      Brown 11 (Vernon, Cardiff U,  “The Reflectivist Critique of Positivist IR Theory”, http://www.e-ir.info/?p=7328)


      There is a great deal of support for


      continually evolving, could provide the stability needed.

      Apocalyptic rhetoric is not INTRINISCALLY bad—it can be used to catalyze concern for the environment without succumbing to a politics of fear

      Buell 10 (Frederick Buell, professor of English at Queens, Future Ethics, pg. 30-32)


      To fully understand these changes, I argue


      environmental concern and thus site for reinventing apocalypse.



      Acceptance of death causes oppression and makes killing more likely

      Dollimore, Sociology – U Sussex, ’98

      (Jonathan, Death, Desire and Loss in Western Culture, pg. 221)


      The ideology of death is the corollary of


      and Bergen-Belsen’ (p.69)




      Death matters – Baudrillard ignores the personal reality of death and the subject

      Sobchack, 91

      [Vivian,  American cinema and media theorist and cultural critic, “ Baudrillard's Obscenity,” Science Fiction Studies #55 = Volume 18, Part 3 = November 1991 http://www.depauw.edu/sfs/backissues/55/forum55.htm ]


      There's nothing like a little pain to


      like Baudrillard, will objectify ourselves to death.


      Discussing death impacts in a policy context through academic institutions like debate is necessary for human survival.

      Louis Rene Beres, professor of international law at Purdue University, 6/5/’3

      (Journal and Courier, “Anarchy and international law on an endangered planet”)


      For us, other rude awakenings are unavoidable


      our limited survival alternatives may yet be discovered.



      Baudrillard’s theory destroys the political field and represents the inversion of enlightenment thinking—the permutation allows us to pragmatically use justified true beliefs in order to act in the world


      Latour ’93 (Bruno, Prof. and vice-president for research @ Sciences Po Paris, We Have Never Been Modern, pp. 59-61)

      Nevertheless, he remains honest and respectable.


      our steps. Let us stop moving on.


      This destroys all value

      Latour ’93 (Bruno, Prof. and vice-president for research @ Sciences Po Paris, We Have Never Been Modern, pp. 131)

      Modernization was ruthless toward the premoderns, but


      by the absolute distinction between humans and nonhumans.

      Fatal strategies are political aquiescence—they should be rejected—uniquely true in the context of debate and education

      Waddington, 2k11 (David, Dept. of Education @ Concordia, “Review of Trevor Norris, Consuming Schools Commercialism and the End of Politics”, Stud Philos Educ (2011) 30:85-92)


      Norris does excellent work summarizing Baudrillard’s fairly wide


      especially true as far as  education is concerned.



      Our optimism over the prospect of environmental change is life affirming and a prerequisite to establishing social solutions to global problems—the alternative will devolve into pessimism


      Sachs 08 [Jeffery, director the Earth Institute at Columbia University, Time Magazine 3/13/08]

      The 21st century will overturn many of our


      children's future. And we are all mortal."

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