Engagement Advantage
Advantage : is Tunisia Engagement
Middle East democracy inevitable – just a question of what type of democracy
Khouri 11 (Rami G., Director of the Issam Fares Institute of Public Policy and International Affairs – American University of Beirut, “Is a Democratic Middle East Inevitable?,” Near East Quarterly, 9-9, http://www.neareastquarterly.com/index.php/2011/09/09/rami-khouri-is-a-democratic-middle-east-inevitable/)
The reality is that most people in the
will be some countries that do not democratise.
Lightfoot 11 (Jeff, Associate Director of Program on International Security – Atlantic Council, “US Interests in Democratic Mideast,” Boston Globe, 2-23, http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles /2011/02/23/us_interests_in_a_democratic_mideast/)
THE RECENT uprisings against authoritarian regimes in the
policy than most American politicians have yet considered.
Tunisia is already making steps towards democracy – engagement sends a broader signal that wins public support – clarity is key
McInerney 11 (Stephen, Executive Director – Project of Middle East Democracy, “Islamist Victory in Tunisia Presents Opportunity for U.S. Engagement,” Fikra Forum, 11-8, http://fikraforum.org/?p=1685)
On October 23, Tunisia held the first
U.S. cannot afford to miss.
Police reform is key – it’s a form of soft power and a key entry point for engagement
Sedra 11 (Mark, Senior Fellow – Centre for International Governance Innovation, “Security Sector Transformation in North Africa and the Middle East,” United States Institute for Peace, November, http://www.usip.org/files/resources/SR_296.pdf)
It is not surprising that the police were
of many fruitful entry points for international engagement.
Absent the plan, new democracies will be anti-US
Demo Digest 12 (Democracy Digest, “Egypt’s NGO raids signal ‘significant shift’ in democracy assistance,” 1-13, http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2012/01/egypts-ngo-raids-signal-significant-shift-in-democracy-assistance/)
Democracy assistance is now highly contested terrain,
smarter about the design and delivery of assistance.”
Two impacts –
First, economic collapse
Kaahin 11 (Dalmar, Ottawa-based Writer, “Democracy in Arab World—Far More Dangerous to U.S. than 9/11 Terror Attacks,” Somaliand Press, 2-5, http://somalilandpress.com/opdemocracy-in-arab-world%E2%80%94far-more-dangerous-to-u-s-than-911-terror-attacks-19975)
As the iron curtain collapsed in 1989 and
worse than September 11, 2001 horrific attacks.
Auslin 9 (Michael, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, and Desmond Lachman – Resident Fellow – American Enterprise Institute, “The Global Economy Unravels”, Forbes, 3-6, http://www.aei.org/article/100187)
What do these trends mean in the short
small explosions that coalesce into a big bang.
Second, hegemony
Street, 3/5/2011 (Paul - former visiting professor of United States History at Northern Illinois University, How Much Arab Democracy Can American Stand?, http://www.paulstreet.org/?p=330)
However much hatred it has evoked in the
, undermining fundamental principles of global dominance.”5
Specifcally – it undermines cooperation – jacks leadership
Zambelis, Autumn 2005 (Chris - researcher for Helios Global, Inc., The Strategic Implications of Political Liberalization and Democratization in the Middle East, Parameters, p. 95-97)
Given the populist credentials of Islamists, the
stra- tegic significance in the 21st century.
Causes great power war
Kagan 3-14 (Robert – senior fellow of foreign policy at the Center on the United States and Europe, America Has Made the World Freer, Safer and Wealthier, p. http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2012/0314_us_power_kagan.aspx)
We take a lot for granted about the
right before the American order came into being.
Those wars go nuclear
Kagan 7 (Robert, Senior Associate – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “End of Dreams, Return of History: International Rivalry and American Leadership”, Policy Review, August/September, http://www.hoover.org/publications/policyreview/8552512.html#n10)
The jostling for status and influence among these
turn draw the United States back in under unfavorable
Terror Advantage
Advantage : is terrorism
Gunaratna 1-30 (Rohan, Professor and Head of International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research (ICPVTR) – Rajaratnam School of International Studies of Nanyang Technological University, “Terrorism Outlook In 2012: The Threat Continues – Analysis,” Eurasia Review, http://www.eurasiareview.com/30012012-terrorism-outlook-in-2012-the-threat-continues-analysis/)
THE YEAR 2012 will be a crucial year
strategies are also essential to reduce the threat.
AQIM will use nukes – they have the capability
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 11 (“After bin Laden: Nuclear terrorism still a top threat”, 5-13-2011, http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/columnists/fissile-materials-working-group/after-bin-laden-nuclear-terrorism-still-top-t)
The evolving threat. While Al Qaeda's anti
priority must be securing this potential source material.
And they can deliver
Allison 2 (Graham – professor of government and former director of the Belfer Center at Harvard University, and Andrei Kokoshin – member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, The New Containment, The National Interest, p. lexis)
As Robert Walpole, a National Intelligence Officer
be able to smuggle in a nuclear bomb."
Terrorism causes retaliation that sparks global nuclear war and extinction.
Ayson 10 (Robert, Professor of Strategic Studies and Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies: New Zealand – Victoria University of Wellington, “After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 33(7), July)
A terrorist nuclear attack, and even the
might not help the chances of nuclear restraint.
Even if they don’t use nukes – they’ll use CBWs
Waithe 11 (Pierre, trained and certified in both the U.S. and Canada as a emergency responder to hazardous materials and CBRN, Writer – Digital Journalist, “The Unconventional Revenge of al-Qaida,” Digital Journal, 9-16, http://digitaljournal.com/article/311334)
A month after Bin Laden's death, Dr
Lashkar-e-Taiba and Al Shabab.
Biological terrorism causes extinction
Ochs 2 (Richard, Member – Chemical Weapons Working Group, “Biological Weapons Must be Abolished Immediately, 6-9, http://www.freefromterror.net/other_articles/abolish.html)
Of all the weapons of mass destruction,
Engagement in Tunisia is a test case for US diplomacy and counter-terrorism efforts
Business Wire 9 (Citing a Panel of Prominent Foreign Policy Experts*,“Why the Maghreb Matters – SPECIAL REPORT to Obama Administration Outlines Options for Preventing Next Foreign Policy Crisis Before it Happens,” BW, 4-2, http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20090402005371/en/Maghreb-Matters-%E2%80%93-SPECIAL-REPORT-Obama-Administration)
With attention focused on Afghanistan, Pakistan and
stability, and economic opportunity in the Maghreb.”
[*Including but not limited to: Yonah Alexander, Director of International Center of Terrorism Studies – Potomac Institute, Chester Crocker, Professor of Strategic Studies – Georgetown University, and Stuart Eizastat, Former White House Foreign Policy Advisor]
Ladwig 7 (Walter, PhD Candidate in International Relations – Merton College, University of Oxford “Training Foreign Police: A Missing Aspect of U.S. Security Assistance to Counterinsurgency,” Comparative Strategy, 26(4), July, 285-293, http://users.ox.ac.uk/~mert1769/Police%20and%20COIN.pdf)
In prosecuting what has come to be known
the public when carrying out internal security duties.
China Advantage
Advantage : China
China is rising and gaining influence in Africa and Tunisia is the test case. Only unconditional assistance efforts by the US can crowd out China
Gvosdev 3-2 (Nikolas, Faculty Member – US Naval War College and Frequent Foreign Policy Contributor and Former Editor – National Interest, “The Realist Prism: Don't Count China Out in Middle East,” World Politics Review, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/11654/the-realist-prism-dont-count-china-out-in-middle-east)
The conventional wisdom in U.S.
is better received than the United States expects.
Establishing democracy in North Africa sends a broader signal that acts as a brick wall against Chinese influence
Murray 11 (Eric, Writer – CA, “US Attempts at Countering Chinese Influence in Africa,” Current Analyst – Authoritative Analysis of Current Affairs of Africa, 10-10, http://www.currentanalyst.com/index.php/external-actors/164-us-attempts-at-countering-chinese-influence-in-africa)
The US and Growing Chinese Influence in Africa
this is the problem of “soft power”.
Specifically – it provides a narrative that allows the US to directly counter Chinese influence
Kaplan 11 (Robert D., Senior Fellow – Center for a New American Security and Correspondent – The Atlantic, “The Middle East Crisis Has Just Begun,” Wall Street Journal, 3-26, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704050204576218842399053176.html)
Despite the military drama unfolding in Libya,
and social reform, not on regime change.
Tunisia acts a focal point for China’s broader Africa strategy
Li 6 (Lin, “China, Tunisia to strengthen co-op on African development,” Chinese Government’s Official Web Portal, 5-10, http://www.gov.cn/misc/2006-05/10/content_277572.htm)
China and Tunisia will work together to advance
Vice-President Zeng visited Tunisia last year.
Chinese influence in Africa causes Congo deforestation
Alden and Alves 9 (Dr. Chris, Project Leader for the China in Africa Program – South African Institute of International Affairs, and Cristina, PhD Student – London School of Economics, “China and Africa’s Natural Resources: The Challenges and Implications for Development and Governance,” SAIIA, Occasional Paper 41, September, http://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/pdf/China_and_Africa_s_Natural_Resources.pdf)
Traditional development partners are also concerned about the
to prevent their governments from allowing further abuses.
Dusky 8 (Lorraine, Contributing Editor – YI and Award-Winning Environmental Writer, “Champion of a Forest Sanctuary: Sally Jewell Coxe”, Yoga International, May / June, http://www.himalayaninstitute.org/yi/Article.aspx?i d=2834)
Coxe is founder and president of the Bonobo
very air the world breathes depends on it.
Chinese influence causes African failed states and Taiwan isolation
Brookes and Shin 6 (Peter, Director of the Asian Studies Center – Heritage, and Ji Hye, Research Assistant in the Asian Studies Center – Heritage, “China's Influence in Africa: Implications for the United States,” The Heritage Foundation, 2-22, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2006/02/chinas-influence-in-africa-implications-for-the-united-states)
Amid growing concerns about the People's Republic of
respect for human rights across the African continent.
Taiwan isolation causes a perceived legitimacy crisis
Brookes 5 (Peter, Senior Fellow for National Security Affairs and Director of the Asian Studies Center – The Heritage Foundation, “China's Influence in the Western Hemisphere,” April 19, Heritage Lecture #873, http://www.heritage.org/research/asiaandthepacific/hl873.cfm)
One of China's tactics is an effort to
state would be seriously undermined in Taipei's estimation.
That generates support for Taiwan proliferation – overwhelms your defense
Galante and Chen 6 (James and Shiuan-Ju, Center for Advanced Defense Studies. “Bubble Tea Diplomacy: The Nuclear Solution to Taiwan's International Recognition," Defense Concepts Serious August 2006 http://www.c4ads.org/files/cads_report_bteadiplo_aug06.pdf)
Taiwan’s unique status, denied the status of
might engage in this new form of brinksmanship.
Taiwanese prolif causes war with China and allied prolif
Chanda 4 (Amit, Staff Writer – WMA, World Markets Analysis, 10-18, Lexis)
According to David Albright, president of the
to rethink their own position on nuclear weapons.
China war causes extinction
Johnson 1 (Chalmers, President – Japan Policy Research Institute, The Nation, 4-14, Lexis)
China is another matter. No sane figure
on China's borders have virtually no deterrent effect.
African failed states cause great power wars
Glick, 12/12/2007 (Caroline – senior Middle East fellow at the Center for Security Policy, Condi’s African holiday, p. http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/home.aspx?sid=56&categoryid=56&subcategoryid=90&newsid=11568)
The Horn of Africa is a dangerous and
which flows through all countries of the region.
That goes nuclear.
Deutsch 2001 (Dr. Jeffery – founder at Rabid Tiger Project, Rabid Tiger Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 7, 11-18, p. http://www.rabidtigers.com/rtn/newsletterv2n9.html)
The Rabid Tiger Project believes that a nuclear
, and some people love to go fishing.