Georgia » NDT Aff - Georgia Beyer & Shanker

NDT Aff - Georgia Beyer & Shanker

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:27
  • Tunisia 1ac

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: gtown de | Judge:

    • Engagement Advantage

      Advantage    : is Tunisia Engagement

      Middle East democracy inevitable – just a question of what type of democracy

      Khouri 11 (Rami G., Director of the Issam Fares Institute of Public Policy and International Affairs – American University of Beirut, “Is a Democratic Middle East Inevitable?,” Near East Quarterly, 9-9,

      The reality is that most people in the


      will be some countries that do not democratise.

      That plan retools US assistance – and causes pro-US democracies

      Lightfoot 11 (Jeff, Associate Director of Program on International Security – Atlantic Council, “US Interests in Democratic Mideast,” Boston Globe, 2-23, /2011/02/23/us_interests_in_a_democratic_mideast/)

      THE RECENT uprisings against authoritarian regimes in the


      policy than most American politicians have yet considered.

      Tunisia is already making steps towards democracy – engagement sends a broader signal that wins public support – clarity is key

      McInerney 11 (Stephen, Executive Director – Project of Middle East Democracy, “Islamist Victory in Tunisia Presents Opportunity for U.S. Engagement,” Fikra Forum, 11-8,

      On October 23, Tunisia held the first


      U.S. cannot afford to miss.

      Police reform is key – it’s a form of soft power and a key entry point for engagement

      Sedra 11 (Mark, Senior Fellow – Centre for International Governance Innovation, “Security Sector Transformation in North Africa and the Middle East,” United States Institute for Peace, November,

      It is not surprising that the police were


      of many fruitful entry points for international engagement.

      Absent the plan, new democracies will be anti-US

      Demo Digest 12 (Democracy Digest, “Egypt’s NGO raids signal ‘significant shift’ in democracy assistance,” 1-13,

      Democracy assistance is now highly contested terrain,


      smarter about the design and delivery of assistance.”

      Two impacts –

      First, economic collapse

      Kaahin 11 (Dalmar, Ottawa-based Writer, “Democracy in Arab World—Far More Dangerous to U.S. than 9/11 Terror Attacks,” Somaliand Press, 2-5,

      As the iron curtain collapsed in 1989 and


      worse than September 11, 2001 horrific attacks.


      Auslin 9 (Michael, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, and Desmond Lachman – Resident Fellow – American Enterprise Institute, “The Global Economy Unravels”, Forbes, 3-6,

      What do these trends mean in the short


      small explosions that coalesce into a big bang.


      Second, hegemony

      Street, 3/5/2011 (Paul - former visiting professor of United States History at Northern Illinois University, How Much Arab Democracy Can American Stand?,

      However much hatred it has  evoked in the


      undermining fundamental principles of global dominance.”5

      Specifcally – it undermines cooperation – jacks leadership

      Zambelis, Autumn 2005 (Chris - researcher for Helios Global, Inc., The Strategic Implications of Political Liberalization and Democratization in the Middle East, Parameters, p. 95-97)

      Given the populist credentials of Islamists, the


      stra- tegic significance in the 21st century.

      Causes great power war

      Kagan 3-14 (Robert – senior fellow of foreign policy at the Center on the United States and Europe, America Has Made the World Freer, Safer and Wealthier, p.

      We take a lot for granted about the


      right before the American order came into being.

      Those wars go nuclear

      Kagan 7 (Robert, Senior Associate – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “End of Dreams, Return of History: International Rivalry and American Leadership”, Policy Review, August/September,

      The jostling for status and influence among these


      turn draw the United States back in under unfavorable


      Terror Advantage

      Advantage     : is terrorism

      Al-Qaeda’s North Africa branch, or AQIM, is gaining influence – that makes terrorism inevitable. Community engagement is key

      Gunaratna 1-30 (Rohan, Professor and Head of International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research (ICPVTR) – Rajaratnam School of International Studies of Nanyang Technological University, “Terrorism Outlook In 2012: The Threat Continues – Analysis,” Eurasia Review,

      THE YEAR 2012 will be a crucial year


      strategies are also essential to reduce the threat.

      AQIM will use nukes – they have the capability

      Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 11 (“After bin Laden: Nuclear terrorism still a top threat”, 5-13-2011,

      The evolving threat. While Al Qaeda's anti


      priority must be securing this potential source material.

      And they can deliver

      Allison 2 (Graham – professor of government and former director of the Belfer Center at Harvard University, and Andrei Kokoshin – member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, The New Containment, The National Interest, p. lexis)

      As Robert Walpole, a National Intelligence Officer


      be able to smuggle in a nuclear bomb."

      Terrorism causes retaliation that sparks global nuclear war and extinction.

      Ayson 10 (Robert, Professor of Strategic Studies and Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies: New Zealand –  Victoria University of Wellington, “After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 33(7), July)

      A terrorist nuclear attack, and even the


      might not help the chances of nuclear restraint.

      Even if they don’t use nukes – they’ll use CBWs

      Waithe 11 (Pierre, trained and certified in both the U.S. and Canada as a emergency responder to hazardous materials and CBRN, Writer – Digital Journalist, “The Unconventional Revenge of al-Qaida,” Digital Journal, 9-16,

      A month after Bin Laden's death, Dr


      Lashkar-e-Taiba and Al Shabab.

      Biological terrorism causes extinction

      Ochs 2 (Richard, Member – Chemical Weapons Working Group, “Biological Weapons Must be Abolished Immediately, 6-9,

      Of all the weapons of mass destruction,



      Engagement in Tunisia is a test case for US diplomacy and counter-terrorism efforts

      Business Wire 9 (Citing a Panel of Prominent Foreign Policy Experts*,“Why the Maghreb Matters – SPECIAL REPORT to Obama Administration Outlines Options for Preventing Next Foreign Policy Crisis Before it Happens,” BW, 4-2,

      With attention focused on Afghanistan, Pakistan and


      stability, and economic opportunity in the Maghreb.”

      [*Including but not limited to: Yonah Alexander, Director of International Center of Terrorism Studies – Potomac Institute, Chester Crocker, Professor of Strategic Studies – Georgetown University, and Stuart Eizastat, Former White House Foreign Policy Advisor]

      The plan solves – police training causes civilian contact

      Ladwig 7 (Walter, PhD Candidate in International Relations – Merton College, University of Oxford “Training Foreign Police: A Missing Aspect of U.S. Security Assistance to Counterinsurgency,” Comparative Strategy, 26(4), July, 285-293,

      In prosecuting what has come to be known


      the public when carrying out internal security duties.


      China Advantage


      Advantage     : China

      China is rising and gaining influence in Africa and Tunisia is the test case. Only unconditional assistance efforts by the US can crowd out China

      Gvosdev 3-2 (Nikolas, Faculty Member – US Naval War College and Frequent Foreign Policy Contributor and Former Editor – National Interest, “The Realist Prism: Don't Count China Out in Middle East,” World Politics Review,

      The conventional wisdom in U.S.


      is better received than the United States expects.

      Establishing democracy in North Africa sends a broader signal that acts as a brick wall against Chinese influence

      Murray 11 (Eric, Writer – CA, “US Attempts at Countering Chinese Influence in Africa,” Current Analyst – Authoritative Analysis of Current Affairs of Africa, 10-10,

      The US and Growing Chinese Influence in Africa


      this is the problem of “soft power”.

      Specifically – it provides a narrative that allows the US to directly counter Chinese influence

      Kaplan 11 (Robert D., Senior Fellow – Center for a New American Security and Correspondent – The Atlantic,  “The Middle East Crisis Has Just Begun,” Wall Street Journal, 3-26,

      Despite the military drama unfolding in Libya,


      and social reform, not on regime change.

      Tunisia acts a focal point for China’s broader Africa strategy

      Li 6 (Lin, “China, Tunisia to strengthen co-op on African development,” Chinese Government’s Official Web Portal, 5-10,

      China and Tunisia will work together to advance


      Vice-President Zeng visited Tunisia last year.


      Chinese influence in Africa causes Congo deforestation

      Alden and Alves 9 (Dr. Chris, Project Leader for the China in Africa Program – South African Institute of International Affairs, and Cristina, PhD Student – London School of Economics, “China and Africa’s Natural Resources: The Challenges and Implications for Development and Governance,” SAIIA, Occasional Paper 41, September,

      Traditional development partners are also concerned about the


      to prevent their governments from allowing further abuses.


      Dusky 8 (Lorraine, Contributing Editor – YI and Award-Winning Environmental Writer, “Champion of a Forest Sanctuary: Sally Jewell Coxe”, Yoga International, May / June, d=2834)

      Coxe is founder and president of the Bonobo


      very air the world breathes depends on it.


      Chinese influence causes African failed states and Taiwan isolation

      Brookes and Shin 6 (Peter, Director of the Asian Studies Center – Heritage, and Ji Hye, Research Assistant in the Asian Studies Center – Heritage, “China's Influence in Africa: Implications for the United States,” The Heritage Foundation, 2-22,

      Amid growing concerns about the People's Republic of


      respect for human rights across the African continent.

      Taiwan isolation causes a perceived legitimacy crisis

      Brookes 5 (Peter, Senior Fellow for National Security Affairs and Director of the Asian Studies Center – The Heritage Foundation, “China's Influence in the Western Hemisphere,” April 19, Heritage Lecture #873,

      One of China's tactics is an effort to


      state would be seriously undermined in Taipei's estimation.

      That generates support for Taiwan proliferation – overwhelms your defense

      Galante and Chen 6 (James and Shiuan-Ju, Center for Advanced Defense Studies. “Bubble Tea Diplomacy: The Nuclear Solution to Taiwan's International Recognition," Defense Concepts Serious August 2006

      Taiwan’s unique statusdenied the status of


      might engage in this new form of brinksmanship.

      Taiwanese prolif causes war with China and allied prolif

      Chanda 4 (Amit, Staff Writer – WMA, World Markets Analysis, 10-18, Lexis)

      According to David Albright, president of the


      to rethink their own position on nuclear weapons.

      China war causes extinction

      Johnson 1 (Chalmers, President – Japan Policy Research Institute, The Nation, 4-14, Lexis)

      China is another matter. No sane figure


      on China's borders have virtually no deterrent effect.

      African failed states cause great power wars

      Glick, 12/12/2007 (Caroline – senior Middle East fellow at the Center for Security Policy, Condi’s African holiday, p.

      The Horn of Africa is a dangerous and


      which flows through all countries of the region.

      That goes nuclear.

      Deutsch 2001 (Dr. Jeffery – founder at Rabid Tiger Project, Rabid Tiger Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 7, 11-18, p.

      The Rabid Tiger Project believes that nuclear


      , and some people love to go fishing

  • Tunisia 2ac v gtown de

    • Tournament: ndt | Round: 3 | Opponent: gtown de | Judge:

    • 2AC Cites


      The plan solves – police training causes civilian contact

      Ladwig 7 (Walter, PhD Candidate in International Relations – Merton College, University of Oxford “Training Foreign Police: A Missing Aspect of U.S. Security Assistance to Counterinsurgency,” Comparative Strategy, 26(4), July, 285-293,

      In prosecuting what has come to be known


      the public when carrying out internal security duties.


      Canada CP – 2AC

      -- Can’t solve China

      Only the US can counter them

      Grygiel 11 (Jakub, Senior Fellow – Center for European Policy Analysis, and the Associate Professor of International Relations – Johns Hopkins, “Democracy Promotion – a Geostrategic Contest,” Democracy Digest, 10-6,

      Finally, we cannot outsource democracy promotion to


      the potentially dangerous geopolitical consequences of their actions.

      -- Can’t solve police training

      Only US has expertise – that’s key to capacity-building and sustainable solvency

      Buchanan 11 (John, Senior Police Advisor – USAID, “A Field Guide for USAID Democracy and Governance Officers: Assistance to Civilian Law Enforcement in Developing Countries,” USAID, January,

      USAID, the Interagency Environment and Civilian Police


      new skills will be disseminated throughout the agency.

      Specifically – that’s key to problem-identification – only way to have competency and solvency

      Buchanan 11 (John, Senior Police Advisor – USAID, “A Field Guide for USAID Democracy and Governance Officers: Assistance to Civilian Law Enforcement in Developing Countries,” USAID, January,

      For most civilian police assistance projects that involve


      assistance to civilian police can mean more confidence in their ability.

      International fiat is a voter – its infinite and unpredictable, and no actor has power to decide between two international actors. That undermines decisionmaking and logic.


      -- NATO strong and resilient


      Trueblood 4 (Tad, National Security Analyst and Fmr Military Officer with 20 Years Experience, “Not Your Father’s NATO”, 4-1,


      Not your father's NATO Last Updated: 2004


      , it’s sure not your father’s NATO anymore.



      Politics – 2AC

      Collapse in US/Russia relations coming now - differences over Syria, Iran, Putin re-election, lingering Cold War-era mistrust


      LaFranchi 3/3/12 (Howard, Staff @ Christian Science Monitor, "A cold-war chill? US-Russia relations falter over Libya and Syria,"


      Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton doffed her


      try to do in the UN on Iran."

      Jackson-Vanik repeal won’t pass – GOP won’t give Obama a victory before the election AND they oppose repeal due to human rights concerns


      Today's Zaman 3/27/12 ("US trade upgrade may come with sting for Russia,"


      The administration first wants to deal with trade


      among lawmakers critical of Russia's human rights record.


      Winners win.

      Halloran 10 (Liz, Reporter – NPR, “For Obama, What A Difference A Week Made”, National Public Radio, 4-6,

      Amazing what a win in a major legislative


      now suggest is a losing issue for them.


      Presidential leadership’s irrelevant

      Jacobs and King 10, University of Minnesota, Nuffield College, (Lawrence and Desmond, “Varieties of Obamaism: Structure, Agency, and the Obama Presidency,”  Perspectives on Politics (2010), 8: 793-802) 


       But personality is not a solid foundation


      Presidential sales pitches go only so far.

      -- Turn – GOP likes the plan

      Schaefer 3-5 (Brett, Jay Kingham Fellow in International Regulatory Affairs – Heritage Foundation, “More ‘Conservative’ Foreign Aid?,” National Review,

      Growth in the international-affairs budget is


      or even the majority of the 150 Account.

      That’s key to the agenda

      Barnes 8 (James A., Political Correspondent, National Journal, 12-13, Lexis)

      A dominant feature of Washington since at least


      if Obama's first congressional meeting was not bipartisan."



      Tradeoff DA – 2AC (1)


      -- Regional cooperation will prevent escalation


      Innocent and Carpenter 9 (Malou, Foreign Policy Analyst – Cato Institute and Ted Galen, Vice President for Defense and Foreign Policy Studies – Cato Institute, “Escaping the Graveyard of Empires: A Strategy to Exist Afghanistan”,


      Additionally, regional stakeholders, especially Russia and


      engaging stakeholders may lead to tighter regional security.


      -- Afghan stability resilient


      Robichaud 7 (Carl, Program Officer – The Century Foundation, “Buying Time in Afghanistan”, World Policy Journal, 11-8,


      Afghanistan is increasingly seen as Iraq in slow


      many of their constituents believe they already have.

      No link – plan uses the “150” account

      Ladwig 7 (Walter, PhD Candidate in International Relations – Merton College, University of Oxford “Training Foreign Police: A Missing Aspect of U.S. Security Assistance to Counterinsurgency,” Comparative Strategy, 26(4), July, 285-293,

      The necessity of ensuring that foreign law-


      in the United States’ current counterinsurgency assistance capability.

      It’s exempt from spending caps – so cuts don’t occur

      GLC 11 (US Global Leadership Coalition,

      On December 17, Congress cleared for the


      freeing up additional funding under the base budget.






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