Kansas » NDT Aff - Kansas Kennedy & Kennedy

NDT Aff - Kansas Kennedy & Kennedy

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:32
  • KU KK 1ac Rnd 1 vs West Georgia DF

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: West Georgia DF | Judge: Short, Mabrey, Odekirk

    • Current democracy assistance is narrowly constructed in terms of US expertise and suited to fit American geopolitical interests, producing a structural divide between “the West” and “the rest”

      Dixon ‘11

      (Marion, Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University, “An Arab spring”, Review of African Political Economy

      Vol. 38, No. 128, June 2011, 309–316)


      The role of US aid in promoting a professional class of international development ‘experts’ and a vast military complex over- seas, and in sidelining human rights and advocacy groups (in the case of Egypt),


      more fitting in Gramsci’s terms – the twin mutually reinforcing hegemony of coercion and of consent.


      In particular, this dichotomy is sustained by prior donor decisions about the types of assistance that will be given –

      failure of consultation ensures the process is US-led and robs the recipients of agency

      Perlin 8

      George Perlin, Principal Investigato Commissioned by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) on behalf of IDRC, the Canadian International Development Agency,and the Department of Foreign Affairs and

      International Trade  “Literature Review of Applied Research on Democratic Development “



      This fragmentation of effort is reinforced by the fact that programming decisions tend to be made without reference to any overarching conception of how best to achieve reform. Within most programs assistance is administered through


      say that the choice of projects and project implementation are not adequately informed by consultation with affected interests in recipient countries.

      Geopolitical coding of democracy covers over a fundamental interdependence between states – each gesture towards another state simultaneously contains within it a New International, the possibility of an international system in which ethics and responsibility exceed national sovereignty – failure to activate this responsibility produces a system that ensures the production of pure death

      Caputo ‘97

      (John D., David R. Cook Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Villanova University, Deconstruction in a Nutshell: A Conversation with Jacques Derrida, pgs. 116-120)


      This is not to say that Derrida lacks a concept of history--a common complaint about him and a common misunderstanding of the il n'y a pas de hors-texte notion. On the contrary, by



      order.'" They would constitute a coalition of everyone who is done in or headed off by the dominant heading, every who is left out, de-posed, "de-capitated" by their race, income, gender, nationality, language, religion, or even species (animal rights)--in a nutshell, by their "difference."


      You should prioritize questions of ontology in your decisionmaking- geopolitical sovereignty has always already reduced existence to standing reserve, making politics mere questions of technical strategy and circulation of resources- ensures error replication and extinction

      Burke ‘7

      (Anthony, Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at UNSW, Sydney, “Ontologies of War: Violence, Existence and Reason”, Theory and Event, 10.2, Muse)


      My argument here, whilst normatively sympathetic to Kant's moral demand for the eventual abolition of war, militates against excessive optimism.86 Even as I am arguing that war is not an enduring historical or anthropological feature, or a


      languages, norms, events and consequences which are less predictable and controllable?91 And most fundamentally: Are we seeking to coerce or persuade? Are less violent and more sustainable choices available? Will our actions perpetuate or help to end the global rule of insecurity and violence? Will our thought?


      Plan: The United States federal government should engage in a democratic dialogue with topically designated areas


      Plan gestures towards an alternative relationship between states that crosses transnational boundaries, questioning the terms of “local” “transnational” and “national” actors by producing alternative sites of responsibility

      Donais 9


      Department of Global Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University Studies in Social Justice

      Volume 3, Issue 1, 117-131, 2009  Inclusion or Exclusion?

      Local Ownership and Security Sector Reform

      Ultimately, then, given the inherently limited capacity of outsiders to transform, replace, or circumvent domestic political elites, and given the high likelihood that SSR programming undertaken without the support


      almost exclusively of male elders, such mechanisms should be progressively bypassed in favour of modern court systems, which may lack local legitimacy but are more consistent with principles of due process and representativeness.4

      We recognize that the plan does not remedy the problems with democracy, and in fact a pure democracy is impossible – the goal of our aff is not to produce a liberal utopia, but to highlight and expand the limits of democracy – our plan affirms a moment of deconstruction in which democracy’s own incompleteness becomes the basis for an infinite perfectability

      Deutscher ’5,

      (Penelope, Associate Prof. of Philosophy @ Northwestern U, How To Read Derrida, pgs. 108-110)


      Some thirty years and thirty books after Of Grammatology, Derrida writes of an impossible purity, as when he writes of an impossible pure hospitality, or an impossible pure


      - happen. This was, in some ways, a surprise in his own work and a promise of work to come. Perhaps he saw it as a means of embedding in deconstructive politics what he hoped would be an antiauthoritarian impulse.


      We solve your democracy bad arguments – conservative readings of democracy assume that “pure democracy” has arrived and that we can export it globally – our treatment of democracy as perpetually to come acts as a safeguard against conservatism

      Caputo ’97

      John Caputo is the Thomas J. Watson Professor of Religion Emeritus at Syracuse University Deconstruction in a Nutshell A Conversation with Jaques Derrida 1997 (173-175)


      The particular bent that this Jewish-messianic gives deconstruction, the particular twist that the messianic takes in deconstruction, I would like to suggest, is to become a messianism of the democracy to come.


      the unforeseeable and incalculable figure of the Just One, of the democracy, to come. 19


      We are not a view from nowhere- our use of institutions like the state realizes our complicity with power and produces agonism the alternative is violence and domination

      Newman ‘00,

      (Saul, Postdoctoral Fellow @ Macquarie University, Anarchism and the Politics of Ressentiment, muse)


      What is the point of this distinction between power and domination? Does this not bring us back to original anarchist position that society and our everyday actions, although oppressed by power, are ontologically


      abandoned. We must recognize the fact that power can never be overcome entirely, and we must affirm this by working within this world, renegotiating our position to enhance our possibilities of freedom.


      Social death structures civic life – the aff’s recognition of democracy to come is an embrace of the excess which exceeds civil society and creates a rupture in the smooth continuity of American democracy

      Peterson ‘7

      (Christopher, Lecturer @ University of Western Sidney, Kindred Specters: Death, Mourning, and American Affinity, pgs. 8-12)


      To displace the dialectic of immortality/mortality requires the introduction of a third term, the specter, which cannot be reduced to either spirit or body. Derrida characterizes


      through the suppression of the hauntological, then reanimating the socially dead through a logic of reversal only preserves the ontological differentiation that recognizes some lives as present and others as "dead."

  • 1AC - NDT - Rd. 4 v. Northwestern BK

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 4 | Opponent: Northwestern BK | Judge:



      Contention 1—In support of dissent

      We begin with a story that broke in the U.S. media this month about the fate of the Yemeni journalist Abdullah Shaye who dissented against the official U.S./Yemen story on who was conducting drone strikes in Yemen


      Greenwald 3-14-12

      Glenn Greenwald is a former Constitutional and civil rights litigator and was named by The Atlantic as one of the 25 most influential political commentators in the nation. He is the recipient of the first annual I.F. Stone Award for Independent Journalism, and is the winner of the 2010 Online Journalism Association Award,     Obama’s personal role in a journalist’s imprisonment http://www.salon.com/2012/03/14/obamas_personal_role_in_a_journalists_imprisonment/singleton/

      As we now know, on December 17


      than a journalist attempting to do his job.”




      Shaye was silenced because the U.S. did not like what he had to say

      Greenwald 3-14-12

      Glenn Greenwald is a former Constitutional and civil rights litigator and was named by The Atlantic as one of the 25 most influential political commentators in the nation. He is the recipient of the first annual I.F. Stone Award for Independent Journalism, and is the winner of the 2010 Online Journalism Association Award,     Obama’s personal role in a journalist’s imprisonment http://www.salon.com/2012/03/14/obamas_personal_role_in_a_journalists_imprisonment/singleton/

      Shaye’s real crime is that he reported facts


      suspected Al Qaeda insurgents” and “militants.”




      The silencing of Shaye is an exemplar of punishing dissent in an effort to deter dissent in the future

      Greenwald 3-14-12

      Glenn Greenwald is a former Constitutional and civil rights litigator and was named by The Atlantic as one of the 25 most influential political commentators in the nation. He is the recipient of the first annual I.F. Stone Award for Independent Journalism, and is the winner of the 2010 Online Journalism Association Award,     Obama’s personal role in a journalist’s imprisonment http://www.salon.com/2012/03/14/obamas_personal_role_in_a_journalists_imprisonment/singleton/

      That much of what we know about this


      those who might do so in the future.






      We have a responsibility in educational forums to explore the role of dissent and efforts to suppress it, to provide a space for unfettered dissent

      Schostak 11

      John Schostak is currently a researcher at the Education And Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University

      Wikileaks, Tahrir Square – their significance for re-thinking democracy


      Freedom with equality21 is fundamental for the imagination


      life that arc the countervailing powers to Power.



      In any organizational structure embracing dissent rather than suppressing it is vital

      James 11

      Dr. Helen James is an Adjunct Associate Professor with the Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute, The Australian National University Civil Society and the Duty to Dissent, The International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law Volume 13, Issue 3, June 2011 http://www.icnl.org/research/journal/vol13iss3/special_1.htm

      The renowned American lawyer Cass Sunstein, in


      bureaucracies to deflect and criminalize any future criticism?




      Any efforts to suppress or deter dissent in an effort to promote conformity are antithetical to the valuing of dissent

      Lott 06

      Bernice Lott is Professor Emerita of Psychology and Women's Studies at the University of Rhode Island

      THE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF PUNISHING DISSENT: NEGATIVE REACTIONS TO ANTIWAR VIEWS IN THE UNITED STATES, In Collateral damage: the psychological consequences of America's war on terrorism, Ed. By Paul R. Kimmel, Chris E. Stout  google books p.73

      The negative responses to antiwar views reported in


      of an independent minority position can be achieved.



      In educational settings we should be encouraging the protection of dissent

      Lott 06

      Bernice Lott is Professor Emerita of Psychology and Women's Studies at the University of Rhode Island

      THE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF PUNISHING DISSENT: NEGATIVE REACTIONS TO ANTIWAR VIEWS IN THE UNITED STATES, In Collateral damage: the psychological consequences of America's war on terrorism, Ed. By Paul R. Kimmel, Chris E. Stout  google books p. 74

      Discussions of issues related to conformity and independence


      to the maintenance of a vibrant democratic society.



      The importance of dissent is not tied to “fixing” problems but raising awareness

      Stitzlein 12

      SARAH M. STITZLEIN is Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Education and a core faculty member of the Women’s Studies Department at the University of New Hampshire THE RIGHT TO DISSENT AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR SCHOOLING  Educational TheoryVolume 62, Issue 1, Article first published online: 16 JAN 2012

      Dissent takes many forms, which, at


      public announcement systems to mobilize one’s group.11


      Restricting dissent destroys essential skills of dissent

      Stitzlein 12

      SARAH M. STITZLEIN is Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Education and a core faculty member of the Women’s Studies Department at the University of New Hampshire THE RIGHT TO DISSENT AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR SCHOOLING  Educational TheoryVolume 62, Issue 1, Article first published online: 16 JAN 2012

      I build off of the spirit of the


      own well-being and that of others.




      Academic settings have a unique obligation to facilitate dissent

      Stitzlein 12

      SARAH M. STITZLEIN is Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Education and a core faculty member of the Women’s Studies Department at the University of New Hampshire THE RIGHT TO DISSENT AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR SCHOOLING  Educational TheoryVolume 62, Issue 1, Article first published online: 16 JAN 2012

      When dissent is viewed as a negative right


      citizens who uphold strict and unquestioning patriotic loyalty.



      Contention 2--  Dissent against the Topic Selection Process


      The experience of debating the topic has led us to recognize the limitations of how democracy is practiced within our own debate community.



      The college debate community established its own “democratic” procedures for selecting the college debate topic.  This process allows individual schools to vote on the selection of a topic area.  The final topic is selected from a slate of topic choices chosen by the topic committee.  Like our strategies of democracy assistance in the topic countries, the process through which the community gets to vote on the topic is a sham-ocracy that creates the illusion of choice without the reality. 


      Scott Harris based on his experience as a former member of the topic committee, told us that he believes there is a fundamental anti-democratic elitism built into the approach of the topic committee.    He told us that the topic committee tends to operate from a position of elitism that does not trust the debate community to make the right choices.  He said that in each of the three years he was on the topic committee proposals to include a broader version of the topic would be shot down by someone on the topic committee declaring  “We can’t put that options on the ballot because it would win.”   Dr. Harris said that it puzzled him that a committee selected to represent the community would reject topic wording options from the ballot because the community might like them better than the narrower options preferred by members of the committee.




      The construction of this year’s topic is the clearest decision by the topic committee to rig the ballot to restrict the range of choices available.  The ballot that was presented to the community by the topic community included a range of options in which each option had the exact same stem “The United States federal government should substantially increase its democracy assistance” with the vote options centered on which countries would be included in the topic process.  Michael Hester in his analysis of the debate topic writing process observed the same process that existed when Harris was on the committee—a distrust in giving choices to the community.



      Michael Hester, Debate coach West Georgia

      Critical Issues in Debate: Dr. Hester on the Democracy Assistance topic

      Podcast: http://puttingthekindebate.com/

       “If the purpose of the second


      and that’s a good point—why not.”




      There are a wide variety of ways in which the topic committee could consider expanding the wording options on the ballot

      Kuswa 11

      Kevin Kuswa aDebate coach at Fresno State


      There is a lot more potential within the


      period we should attempt to diversify the possibilities.




      Galloway agrees that there should be diversity in the options on the topic ballot

      Galloway  11

      Ryan Galloway  http://www.cedadebate.org/forum/index.php?topic=2329.0


      Concise wordings. 100% agree. I


      ballot was the ideal way to do this).


      This year’s topic ballot did not offer the community diversity of choices—it instead offered 6 options with the same structure and different countries.  The mindset which creates a narrow range of choices is premised on the notion that we can’t trust the debate community with a range of choices much like the US federal government does not trust people in the topic countries to vote for the parties it wants elected.


      Our advocacy statement is that:


      The topic committee should not exclude topic options from the ballot based on the fear that a majority of the community might vote for it.


      Having a range of choices is vital in any organization.  The inability to vote for different options disenfranchises individuals and marginalizes them in the community

      Prezeworski 03

      ADAM PRZEWORSKI New York University Economics and Philosophy, 19 (2003) 265–279 Copyright C Cambridge University Press FREEDOM TO CHOOSE AND DEMOCRACY http://politics.as.nyu.edu/docs/IO/2800/choice.pdf

      People may be dissatisfied with the electoral process


      reasonably feel that their political life is impoverished.



      It does not matter whether a different wording option wins or not, but having choices is vital to individual agency

      Prezeworski 03

      ADAM PRZEWORSKI New York University Economics and Philosophy, 19 (2003) 265–279 Copyright C Cambridge University Press FREEDOM TO CHOOSE AND DEMOCRACY http://politics.as.nyu.edu/docs/IO/2800/choice.pdf

      What renders value to choice is that,


      as one was an assertion of her agency.



      In educational forums we have a unique obligation to scrutinize our organizational structures and maximize choice—

      Schostak 11

      John Schostak is currently a researcher at the Education And Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University

      Wikileaks, Tahrir Square – their significance for re-thinking democracy


      Freedom with equality21 is fundamental for the imagination


      life that arc the countervailing powers to Power.

      candidate was zero. She spent the rest of her life as a political activist, not because she was under an illusion that she would bring socialism to the United States, but because she was a socialist and being counted as one was an assertion of her agency.


      Embracing dissent is vital to agonistic debate

      Ivie 07

      Robert Ivie, Professor of American Studies & Communication and Culture Member of the Interdepartmental Graduate Committee on Mythology Studies; Adjunct Faculty Member in the Cultural Studies Program Indiana University, Dissent from war  google books

      Constructive dissent from war is difficult but not


      a crisis of terror in today's volatile world.


      Pushing standard approaches to advocacy destroys portable dissent skills

      Gordon 09

      Mordechai Gordon Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT, M. Gordon (ed.), Reclaiming Dissent: Civics Education for the 21st Century, 11–26. © 2009 https://www.sensepublishers.com/files/9789087908867PR.pdf

      This book focuses on the value of dissent


      to be all but forgotten in this country.





      Dissent against majority opinion is essential

      Gordon 09

      Mordechai Gordon Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT, M. Gordon (ed.), Reclaiming Dissent: Civics Education for the 21st Century, 11–26. © 2009 https://www.sensepublishers.com/files/9789087908867PR.pdf

      In particular, we need to take a


      and establishing a more humane and democratic society.





      Turn, conformity to norms of a community crush dissent

      Gordon 09

      Mordechai Gordon Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT, M. Gordon (ed.), Reclaiming Dissent: Civics Education for the 21st Century, 11–26. © 2009 https://www.sensepublishers.com/files/9789087908867PR.pdf

      In light of Socrates’ experience, we can


      Holocaust is a case in point)4.





      Dissent is on balance better for the community

      Gordon 09

      Mordechai Gordon Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT, M. Gordon (ed.), Reclaiming Dissent: Civics Education for the 21st Century, 11–26. © 2009 https://www.sensepublishers.com/files/9789087908867PR.pdf

      Conformists, on the other hand, can


      (Thoreau, 1962, p. 13).



      Embracing dissent and rejecting conformity improves any community

      Gordon 09

      Mordechai Gordon Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT, M. Gordon (ed.), Reclaiming Dissent: Civics Education for the 21st Century, 11–26. © 2009 https://www.sensepublishers.com/files/9789087908867PR.pdf

      As Sunstein writes,

      Diversity, openness, and dissent reveal actual


      serious social problems. (p. 149)




  • 2AC - Agonism - Rd. 4 v. NU BK

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 4 | Opponent: NU BK | Judge:

    • 2AC Agonism K

      They musta gone crazy reading this evidence- their attempt to quell our act of dissent is hostile to life- it’s the imposition of the universal sovereignty of the topic community and a refusal to accept our dissent

      Christa Davis Acampora 2, Professor of Philosophy at Hunter College of the City University of New York, Fall 2002, “Of Dangerous Games and Dastardly Deeds,” International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. 34, No. 3

      Nietzsche's On the Genealogy of Morals, a


      being of its activity, of its life.


      Embracing dissent is vital to agonistic debate

      Ivie 07

      Robert Ivie, Professor of American Studies & Communication and Culture Member of the Interdepartmental Graduate Committee on Mythology Studies; Adjunct Faculty Member in the Cultural Studies Program Indiana University, Dissent from war  google books

      Constructive dissent from war is difficult but not


      a crisis of terror in today's volatile world.


      And, they lead to cessation of politics to expediency- we lead to challenging that expedient frame and the most effective methods for engagement

      Walt 11 – Stephen M. Walt, Professor of International Affairs at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, July 21, 2011, “International Affairs and the Public Sphere,” online: http://publicsphere.ssrc.org/walt-international-affairs-and-the-public-sphere/

      Furthermore, if academic scholars made a practice


      that policymakers would pay attention to the results.

      Not unique--Agonistic debate is not required to develop portable critical thinking skills

      Westbrook 02

      B. Evelyn Westbrook- PhD Rhetoric University of Texas

      Debating Both Sides: What

      Nineteenth-Century College Literary Societies Can Teach Us about Critical Pedagogies,

      Rhetoric Review, 21:4, 339-356  Taylor Francis

      The two claims critical pedagogues often make—


      to both resist and participate in academic discourse.


      Empirically false—Studies of southern literary societies that engaged in switch side debate did not change participants attitudes about slavery; and, the type of switch side arguing in a debate round is strategic switch side for the purpose of a win, not reflective switch side to discover truth

      Westbrook 02

      B. Evelyn Westbrook- PhD Rhetoric University of Texas

      Debating Both Sides: What

      Nineteenth-Century College Literary Societies Can Teach Us about Critical Pedagogies,

      Rhetoric Review, 21:4, 339-356  Taylor Francis

      If societies like the Athenian and Clariosophic did


      abstractions” (qtd. in Forbes 93).



      Another reason that societies may have failed to


      put their ideas and ideologies on the line.

  • 2AC - Framework - Rd 4. v. NU BK

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 4 | Opponent: NU BK | Judge:

    • 2AC Framework vs. NU BK


      Our advocacy is a dissent against framework and a dissent against being forced to defend a resolution that was the product of a flawed selection process—The 1ac is a disad to their framework argument—They leverage the norms of switch side debate to force conformity to a particular form of debate and suppress our dissent—Their advocacy is to punish our act of dissent by voting against us to deter other debaters from dissenting against the switch side framework in other rounds


      Their obsession with framework eliminates the pedagogical benefit of debate

      A.) Switch-side debate-

      We control the uniqueness- focus on which agency does the plan means the neg ignores the resolutional question in favor of certainty PIC’s, agent counterplans and politics DA’s- never really switch sides on the topic


      Their authors advocate consistent moral advocacy, not switch side and open listening to the ideas of others

      Berkowitz 96

      Peter Berkowitz, Professor of Government at Harvard The New Republic, NOVEMBER 25, 1996 Copyright 1996, The New Republic, Inc. p. 36 T HE DEBATING SOCIETY Review of Democracy and Disagreement: Why Moral Conflict Cannot Be Avoided In Politics, and What Should Be Done About It by Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson http://www.peterberkowitz.com/debatingsociety.html

      Gutmann and Thompson themselves argue that deliberative democracy


      their rarity for the organization of democratic politics.



      It says using rules to exclude voices leads to genocide—not that if Eichman had been a switch side debater he would not have committed genocide.  It advocates open minded listening to the arguments of others not switch side arguing. 


      Turn--Their author argues that genocide comes from enforcing procedural rules and the solution is to listen openly to the ideas of others. 

      Roberts-Miller 2

      Patricia Roberts-Miller 2 is Associate Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Texas Fighting Without Hatred: Hannah Arendt's Agonistic Rhetoric http://www.jaconlinejournal.com/archives/vol22.3/miller-fighting.pdf

      Totalitarianism is closely connected to bureaucracy; it


      enters and by which one might be changed.



      Enforcing conformity through procedural framework rules leads to genocide—listening to others arguments is anti-authoritarian—excluding arguments is authoritarian

      Roberts-Miller 2

      Patricia Roberts-Miller 2 is Associate Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Texas Fighting Without Hatred: Hannah Arendt's Agonistic Rhetoric http://www.jaconlinejournal.com/archives/vol22.3/miller-fighting.pdf

      Arendt's own promotion of the agonistic sphere helps


      -then they are engaging in antitotalitarian action.

      And, Eichmann is an example of the result of bureaucratic focus- we must challenge the limits of practicality

      Bohler-Muller, 2k9 (Narnia, Prof of Law @ Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, “The Justice of the Heart in Little Brother”, Entertainment and Sports Law, vol 7 no 2, http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/law/elj/eslj/issues/volume7/number2/bohler_muller/

      So, in the light of the successful


      suffering and death of millions of fellow human beings


      B.) Agency- converts politics into a game the privileged play- people acting at a local level aren’t allowed to participate in politics beyond the ballot box- this makes civic engagement unattractive and turns debaters into handmaidens of powerful interests

      Walt 11 – Stephen M. Walt, Professor of International Affairs at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, July 21, 2011, “International Affairs and the Public Sphere,” online: http://publicsphere.ssrc.org/walt-international-affairs-and-the-public-sphere/

      While there is an obvious problem with the


      have the best of both worlds.[17]


      C.) Democracy- only our democratic classroom allows us to craft effective policy- focus on hypertechnical details of implementation divorces the debate from questions that allow us to create international coalitions.


      D.) Dissent- the aff takes the role of cultural critic- allows us to criticize existing policy and the debate community to expose their shortcomings- that’s critical to raise awareness of issues that have been silenced- it’s not a question of solvency- dissent allows us to build solidarity and create agency

      We control the internal link to portable skills- dissent skills are essential

      Stitzlein 12

      SARAH M. STITZLEIN is Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Education and a core faculty member of the Women’s Studies Department at the University of New Hampshire THE RIGHT TO DISSENT AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR SCHOOLING  Educational TheoryVolume 62, Issue 1, Article first published online: 16 JAN 2012

      Unfortunately, history has shown us that the


      they cannot fully invoke democracy or pursue happiness.

      Our dissent turn turns all of their offense—Dissent against normative rules leads to better switch side thinking

      Feinberg & Nemeth 08

      Matthew Feinberg and Charlan J. Nemeth Department of Psychology University of California, Berkeley Institute for Research on Labor and Employment The “Rules” of Brainstorming: An Impediment to Creativity? http://www.irle.berkeley.edu/workingpapers/167-08.pdf

      In contrast to such literature, there is


      would have gone undetected (Nemeth, 1995).

      Switch Side debating undermines advocacy skills- teaches us to be too ambivalent to advocate

      Lammenranta 08

      Markus Lammenranta Prof Department of Philosophy University of Helsinki The Pyrrhonian Problematic http://www.helsinki.fi/teoretiskfilosofi/personal/Lammenranta/Lammenranta_The+Pyrrhonian+Problematic.pdf

      There is another common way of understanding the


      oppositions that leads them to suspend all belief.




      The “minimal restriction” Glover endorses is treating opponents with civility, not procedural framework rules to eliminate their arguments

      And specifically concludes that agonism cannot allow us to procedurally exclude the aff

      Same Glover 12

      Robert Glover is Professor of Political Science Univ of Maine Games without frontiers? Democratic engagement, agonistic pluralism and the question of exclusion Philosophy Social Criticism January 2012 vol. 38 no. 1 81-104

      Before examining the how agonistic pluralism responds to


      defensive for the world we now inhabit.'66


      All their theory arguments are silly- frameworks are inevitably arbitrary and not grounded in the resolution- simulation has no definitional foundation.


      The Shively evidence is over claimed—It only says we need to have an agreed vocabulary to have a debate—They know what we mean by the topic selection process—The idea that debate is impossible is nonsense—The Shively evidence is not support for a particular view of the resolution for debate to happen


      Their impact evidence from Lundberg is about the benefits of debating in general – not from forced switch side debating

      Quotes from debate coaches on the value of switch side debate are meaningless—it is biased advocacy for a form of debate they prefer—there is no substantive research to support assertions that switch side debating creates better advocacy skills


      Portable Skills

      There is no impact to their argument in this round—We have been doing switch side for 8 years and this round won’t undermine our portable skills—There is no spillover out of this round to other debaters


      Our arguments do not preclude switch side debate—They are the ones refusing to switch sides on our affirmative—They are choosing to make the debate only a framework debate. 

      This is switch side for us—We have switched sides on the framework debate


      Their offense has no uniqueness—publicly arguing opposite positions in a debate round is not required to engage in two sided thinking, Their offense comes from two sided thinking, not from two sided arguing


      No solvency for their impact,  anyone who is so far gone that they can’t think of opposing argument without being forced to publicly debate for them won’t benefit from being forced to play devils advocate against their beliefs

      Yudkowsky 08

      Eliezer Yudkowsky Research Fellow at the Singularity Institute June 2008 Against Devils Advocacy http://lesswrong.com/lw/r3/against_devils_advocacy/

      Believe me, I understand the Traditional argument


      which aspect I confess I wasn't thinking about.


      Switch side debate does not develop portable analytic skills—it promotes overly simplistic understanding of arguments

      Westbrook 02

      B. Evelyn Westbrook- PhD Rhetoric University of Texas

      Debating Both Sides: What Nineteenth-Century College Literary Societies Can Teach Us about Critical Pedagogies,

      Rhetoric Review, 21:4, 339-356  Taylor Francis

      Ted Lardner, Margaret Marshall, and Michael


      positions, serve the goals of critical pedagogies.


      Debating politics both sides and trying to be the team with the most links to extinction does not teach anything about how the political system works in the real world or how decisions should be made



      Debate switch side arguments which emphasize winning and losing are not a good model for teaching potable skills.

      Herreid 96

      Clyde F. Herreid is a Distinguished Teaching Professor in the department of biological sciences, State University of New York Structured Controversy: A Case Study Strategy DNA Fingerprinting in the Courts http://sciencecases.lib.buffalo.edu/cs/pdfs/Structured%20Controversy-XXVI-2.pdf

      Formal debate technique is part of a lawyer’s


      which brings us to the technique at hand.


      Voting Issue Debate

      And, not extra-topical- begs the question of the purpose of debate- if debate is a search for the most effective methods of political engagement, then using the resolution as an arena to ground our examples rather than the sole focus of our politics is the only direct affirmation of the resolution. Plus, our plan text is explicitly topical.


      And, framework is not a voting issue- we’ve met our topical burden of proof- its only a question of the framework for engagement with that topical plan


      Debating about debate is inevitable- theory is substance, its just substance with local, competition-based impacts- framework discussions inevitable- there is no presumed framework for judging a debate, they lead to substantive confusion


      Breaking normative rules is key to creativity

      Feinberg & Nemeth 08

      Matthew Feinberg and Charlan J. Nemeth Department of Psychology University of California, Berkeley Institute for Research on Labor and Employment The “Rules” of Brainstorming: An Impediment to Creativity? http://www.irle.berkeley.edu/workingpapers/167-08.pdf

      Nemeth et al. (2004) theorized


      & Wickenberg, 2001; Perrow, 1979.


      Even if in theory rules could increase creativity- Normative rules create pressure for conformity that unconsciously crush creativity

      Feinberg & Nemeth 08

      Matthew Feinberg and Charlan J. Nemeth Department of Psychology University of California, Berkeley Institute for Research on Labor and Employment The “Rules” of Brainstorming: An Impediment to Creativity? http://www.irle.berkeley.edu/workingpapers/167-08.pdf

      Rules may also impair creativity at an unconscious


      ” schema which would be antithetical to creativity.


      Creativity is key to survival

      Surrat 09

      Olivier Serrat, Head of the Knowledge Management Center, Regional and Sustainable Development Department, Asian Development Bank http://www.adb.org/documents/information/knowledge-solutions/harnessing-creativity-and-innovation-in-the-workplace.pdf

      Creativity has always been at the heart of


      number of agents involved in knowledge flows.2


      Fairness is a bad way to resolve the debate and it is a tool to mask the inherent unfairness of the system that exists- the aff is a prior question

      Olson 02

      Gary A. Olson is provost and vice president for academic affairs at Idaho State University

      Justifying belief: Stanley Fish and the work of rhetoric

      Central to liberal political philosophy is the notion


      and against the interests and objectives of others.


      AT Topical Version of the Aff


      Doesn’t solve form – dissenting through the gov doesn’t capture any of our critical dissent skills arguments because it imagines another actor dissenting instead of you actually doing it, which teaches you nothing about the process itself


      Your interp doesn’t solve – isn’t topical and is a choice precluded by a topic selection process that always prefers USFG agents to citizen or alternative agents


      Local 1st – we must filter dissent into all social communities in order to bring alternative information to bear on the decisionmaking process, their topical version of the aff excludes it from the debate community which kills our portable dissent skills offense

  • 2AC v. Samford BL - Round 6

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2AC SPEC


      Reasonability best- aff can’t win on T and checks race to the bottom

      2AC Solvency

      TNC has explicitly requested help from the USAID and it wouldn’t undermine local ownership

      Ward ‘11

      Mark Ward. Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance. September 8, 2011. “Libya: Humanitarian and Transition Assistance”. http://blog.usaid.gov/2011/09/libya-humanitarian-and-transition-assistance/

      Third, our role is changing from humanitarian relief to transition …their struggle, is truly inspiring.


      2AC Demo K

      Perm do both

      Perm solves structural violence

      Youngs 11

      Richard Youngs, President, Fundación para las



      A first, frequent criticism is that Western


      one that bears any close resemblance to reality.

      At the level of concrete funding initiatives the


      reform divert attention from core social development aims.

      No impact to structural violence

      Goldstein 1

      Joshua Goldstein, Int’l Rel Prof @ American U, 2001, War and Gender, p. 412

      First, peace activists face a dilemma in thinking ab…emphasis on injustice as the main cause of war seems to be empirically inadequate.

      Engagement is key to solve extinction

      Shaw ’1 

      (Martin, Professor of IR & Politics  @U of Sussex, The Unfinished Global Revolution: Intellectuals and the New Politics of IR, http://www.martinshaw.org/unfinished.pdf)

      The new politics of international relations require us, therefore, to go … for all concerned citizens, and the theoretical and analytical challenges for students of international relations and politics, are intertwined.

      Plan key to broader African development

      Elwarfally, 11

      (Interim Prime Minister Transitional National Council of



      I think there is a lot at stake


      -- chronic developmental problems on the African continent.

      Successful African development key to solve disease and ozone collapse

      Stetter, 9

      (Ernst, Secretary General of Federation for European Progressive Studies, “Why Africa matters! – The economic crisis and Africa,” 2/4,  http://www.feps-europe.eu/fileadmin/downloads/globalisation/090204_Stetter_Africa.pdf)

      If there is no doubt that Africa is endowed with … world, to protect its environment and avoid further depletion of the ozone layer.

      Ozone depletion ends all life

      Busman, 98

      (Dept. of Geological Sciences, University



      The ozone layer is essential for human life


      , as we know it, to exist.


      Failure to stem AIDs in Africa causes global nuclear war

      Koblentz, 10

      (Deputy Director of the Biodefense Program @ GMU, Assistant Professor in Public and International Affairs, March, "Biosecurity

      Reconsidered: Calibrating Biological Threats and Responses." International Security Vol. 34, No. 4, p. 96-132)

      Pandemics are disease outbreaks that occur over a wide …, HIV/AIDS has inflicted the "single greatest reversal in human development" in modern history. 118


      2AC ESF

      Plan would come from the OCO – no fights and proves Congress is willing to spend

      USGLC 12/21

      U.S. Global Leadership Coalition. December 21, 2011. “International Affairs Budget Update”.




      Overseas Contingency Operations The OCO funding level is


      freeing up additional funding under the base budget.


      Cuts in civilian assistance now – and US-Pakista tensions high – other aid solves terror coop.

      Rana 1-5

      “Civilian aid dries up: US refuses



      After suspending military assistance, the United States


      in the military ties between the two countries.

      Civilian can’t solve – internal problems and bad relations with the U.S.

      Cordesman 1/12

      Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy at CSIS, Anthony,“Transition In The Afghanistanpakistan War: How Does This War End?,” http://csis.org/files/publication/120111_Afghanistan_Aspen_Paper.pdf)

      China and Russia do play a role in Pakistan, but the … the country. There is always hope that Pakistani

      Militia solvency key to MANPADs

      Brannen 2/12

      Kate Brannen. “U.S.




      The U.S. State Department believes


      million Canadian dollars ($1.6 million).

      MANPADS prolif causes Afghan instability and takeover

      Drwiega 12/6

      Andrew Drwiega is a senior defence journalist with a particular focus on military rotorcraft. He was the editor of Defence Helicopter for seven years. Andrew has reported on attachment from Iraq three times. “Libya’s MANPADs Legacy”. Aviation Today. December 6, 2011. http://www.aviationtoday.com/rw/training/military/Libyas-MANPADs-Legacy_75305.html


      It has always been surprising that American, British and other …with dire consequences for the Karzai government.

      2AC World Bank CP

      Perm: Do both

      CP doesn’t solve the aff – Nobody else has technical expertise- Vanderwalle


      Nobody else has military and political clout to control liberal international order- Grieygel

      Counterplan doesn’t change official lead from behind psotition- leads to Iran aggression.

      Singh ‘11

      Michael Singh is managing director of The Washington Institute and a former senior director for Middle East affairs at the National Security Council. “Leading from Behind Still Isn't a Good Idea”. August 31, 2011. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy. http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/templateC06.php?CID=1706

      Nevertheless, the way in which the Obama  to exercise influence in the Middle East, a development with deeply troubling implications.

      Causes miscalc and escalation

      Lynch ‘11

      Marc Lynch, associate professor of political science



      As it struggles to recalibrate its Iran policy


      to produce sudden and game-changing war.

      International Fiat is Bad:

      A)    No Rational actor – there is no one to determine which country should act

      B)    Aff literature – no comparative literature between the two

      C)    Unpredictable – nearly infinite number of actors ranging from countries to international organizations such as the EU or the UN

      Perm: do the plan and have South Korea assist.

      Only US support for democratization sends a signal that delegitimizes al Qaeda.

      Gordon and Zarate ‘11

      David A. Gordon, Program Manager and


      No. 3, p. 103-122

      Admittedly, in many quarters, the United


      beginning of the end of the long war.


      Toon et al 7

      Owen B. Toon, chair of the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at CU-Boulder, et al., April 19, 2007, “Atmospheric effects and societal consequences of regional scale nuclear conflicts and acts of individual nuclear terrorism,” online: http://climate.envsci.rutgers.edu/pdf/acp-7-1973-2007.pdf

      To an increasing extent, people are congregating in the world’s .., 1985). Such a study should be carried out as well for the present scenarios and physical outcomes.

      Conditionality is a voting issue

      A)    Destroys affirmative time allocation and strategy for the 2AC

      B)    Destroys the value of offense to the CP, leads to bad research and contrived add-ons

      C)    Leads to Bad Policymaking – sacrifice best policy for least covered

      D)    Judge conditionality independent reason to vote aff – destroys 2AC strategy irreparably

      The World Bank agreement and officials prevent any democracy work in governance.

      Carothers and Gramont ‘11

      Thomas Carothers, vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the founder and director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program and Diane de Gramont, a research assistant in the Carnegie Democracy and Rule of Law Program. November 2011. “Aiding Governance in Developing Countries: Progress Amid Uncertainties”. Carnegie Endowment. http://carnegieendowment.org/files/aiding_governance.pdf

      Some aid providers believe that governance aid … in their founding agreements and take a similar line.

      Perm do both

      Bank says no – particularly Russia.

      AFP ‘11

       4/17/2011. "



      The World Bank's newfound interest in democracy movements


      operates "within its non-political mandate."

      Perm do the CP

      U.S. doesn’t have sufficient leverage.

      Ascher ‘92

      William, Karen A. Claremont McKenna College, Government and Economics Professor. "The United States and Multilateral Institutions: Patterns of Changing Instrumentality and Influence", edited by Karen A. Mingst,  p. 86.

      The World Bank's Devices in Pursuit of Autonomy From the … devices include perfectionisim in its projects, a rigorous apoliticism, and a high volume of lending.

      Links to Politics - Going through Bank ensures Congress gets dragged in.

      Woods ‘3

      Ngaire Woods, "The united states and


      and international organizations”. Oxford University Press 2003.

      Finally, although the United States enjoys significant


      not always reflect a coherent set of interests.

      2AC China

      $2 million to Syria

      AFP 3/8

      "US gives $2mn more in Syrian



      GENEVA — The United States said Thursday it


      and Syrian envoys as "positive and dynamic."


      Link ev assumes military intervention

      No risk of Arab spring style uprising in China.

      Kumar ‘11

      Dr. Yukteshwar Kumar, course director of Chinese Stream at University of Bath, United Kingdom. “Jasmine in China?”. March 15, 2011. South Asia Analysis Group. http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/%5Cpapers44%5Cpaper4379.html

      But can this spark of “Jasmine Revolution” from the Middle East… subversion of state power” after they reposted calls for protests on the Internet.

      CCP will transition peacefully.

      Mierzejewski ‘10

      Dominik Mierzejewski, University of Lodz, Faculty



      On the basis of the aforementioned facts,


      to prevent the elites from struggling for power.

      Lashout not related to domestic instability

      Newmyer ‘7 - post doctoral fellow @ Harvard’s school of government

      Jacqueline, April, pg. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2007/04/domestic_instability_and_chine.html)

      Recent history bears out the continuing relevance of this …opportunity to inflict a devastating blow.


      2AC EPA

      Multiple Issues Will thump the DA

      --jobs bill






      National Journaly Daily 3/18

      Budgets, Jobs, and Highways Fill Week’s Agenda, Factiva

      Election-year gamesmanship will dominate Congress this


      that would force caps on medical malpractice awards.

      Not intrinsic- can do both

      GOP doesn’t care about the plan and it doesn’t spend money

      FoxNews ‘11

      “Republicans Push for U.S. Role in Rebuilding Libya”. 10/21/2011. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/10/21/republicans-push-for-us-role-in-rebuilding-libya/

      With Muammar Qaddafi finally out of the picture, … oppressive dictator for 42 years, and so they’re going to need a lot of help in that direction.”

      Transparency aid for Libya’s ultra-bipartisan now---transcends spending debates

      McCain et al 10-7 – John, Lindsay, Marco, and Mark, GOP Senators, October 7, 2011, “The Promise of a Pro-American Libya,” The Wall Street Journal

      American support is also important for Libya's democratic


      is in our interest to help them succeed.

      Winners win.

      Marshall and Prins ’11 – Associate Professors of Political Science

      Bryan W Marshall, associate professor of political science at Miami Universityand Brandon C Prins, associate professor of political science at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville& Howard H. Baker, Jr. Center for Public Policy, “Power or Posturing? Policy Availability and Congressional Influence on U.S. Presidential Decisions to Use Force”. September 2011.  Presidential Studies Quarterly 41, no. 3.

      Presidents rely heavily on Congress in converting …managing political capital at home (Fordham 2002).

      Congress votes on ideological party lines – the president is powerless.

      Klein 3/19

      Ezra Klein. “The Unpersuaded: Who



      The American system has traditionally had certain features


      the incentive and the power to resist him.


      Fiat means bottom of the docket


      Past the threshold- means can’t solve warming

      Hamilton 10 – Professor of Public Ethics @ ANU

      Clive Hamilton, Professor of Public Ethics in Australia, 2010, “Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth About Climate Change,” pg 27-28

      The conclusion that, , a global response proportionate to the problem was deferred for several years.

      And, consensus of experts agree no impact to warming

      Hsu ‘10

      Jeremy, Live Science Staff, July 19



      His views deviate sharply from those of most


      essentially doing an experiment whose result remains uncertain."


      EPA regs can’t solve warming – five reasons.

      Strong 12/29

      Jonathan Strong, 12/29/2010



      In fact, there are many problems the


      0015 degrees Celsius over the next 90 years.





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