Iowa » NDT Neg - Iowa Aufderheide & Kann

NDT Neg - Iowa Aufderheide & Kann

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:29
  • Round 2 vs MSU HR - 1NC Strategy

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC:

      T Substantial

      T DA

      SCAF DA

      Ex-Im Politics DA

      Israel DA





      Israel DA

  • Framework vs. Towson EM

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Interpretation—the affirmative should defend the outcome of the enactment of a topical plan by the United States federal government


      They claim advantages independent of the plan and the imagination of governmental action.


      1. “Resolved” before a colon reflects a legislative form.

      Army Officer School 2004 (5-12




      The colon introduces the following: a.


      colon) That this council petition the mayor.


      2. “United States federal government should” means the resolutional question concerns the imagination of outcome of the establishment of a policy by the government.

      Jon M. Ericson 2003 (Dean Emeritus


      Guide, Third Edition, p. 4)


      The Proposition of Policy: Urging Future Action


      to perform the future action that you propose.


      Reasons to prefer—

      1. Fairness:


      A. Predictable limits—there are limitless investigations of democracy assistance and debate practice, but the grammar of the resolution is based on enacting a policy. We can’t predict the infinite number of critical positions the aff allows because they are disconnected from the resolutional question of demands for government action.


      B. Ground—their framework makes stable ground impossible because they can always claim ‘critical’ outweigh disads to the plan or shift their advocacy to avoid impact turns—must hold them to a central question for productive argumentation and idea testing to occur. 


      2. Education:

      A. Switch-side testing—changing the ballot from a yes/no question about desirability of the plan undermines effective argumentation because there is no point of stasis to continually re-interrogate, removing the ability to test their ideas and others.

      And, this idea testing is the best model for creating understanding and fostering tolerance.

      Gordon Mitchell et al. 2007 (Eric


      , Communication & Critical/Cultural Studies 4)


      It is our position, however, that


      as a ‘‘weapon of mass destruction.’’


      B. Stasis—

      1. Subject Formation—absence of shared yardsticks for argument and the mismatch of interpretational scope limits out the possibility of debate.

      Diana Panke 2010 (Lecturer of Politics at the University College Dublin, Review of International Studies, Volume 36, Issue 01, January 2010 p. 145-168)


      Discourses take place in many political, judicial


      the interpretational scope of the problem at stake.



      2. Ideational Change—no chance of ideational change in their framework—lack of agreement over truth or between competing paradigms eliminates discussion.

      Diana Panke 2010 (Lecturer of Politics at the University College Dublin, Review of International Studies, Volume 36, Issue 01, January 2010 p. 145-168)



      Judicial discourses accelerate argumentative speech acts. Yet


      How are they defined? Are exceptions specified?


      C. This is a voting issue—limiting discussion to the question being asked is a prerequisite to effective communication.


      Ruth Lessl Shively 2000 (Assistant Professor of


      Political Theory, p. 181-2)

      The requirements given thus far are primarily negative


      contestation rests on some basic agreement or harmony.

      -------------------------------------2NC ev -----------------------------------------------

      1. Role of the second speaker—need to have dialogue over all ideas and be open to testing from a ‘second speaker’ to develop new understandings and better politics

      Nikolas Kompridis 2005 (professor at the Centre for Citizenship and Public Policy at the University of Western Sydney, “Disclosing Possibility: The Past and Future of Critical Theory”, International

      Journal of Philosophical Studies. p. 339-340)


      Thus, to put it in my terms


      initiate better and more reflective ways of life.


      3. Risky role-taking—MUST resist the aff’s version of ideal role playing and be open to testing. Failure to do so means even the most moral view can become abstracted from context and manipulated.

      Nikolas Kompridis 2006 (professor at the Centre for Citizenship and Public Policy at the University of Western Sydney, “Critique and Disclosure: Critical Theory between Past and Future”. p. 213-215)


      The design of discursive procedures of justification,


      advance by the normative rules of practical discourses.


      There is a topical version of their advocacy—a resolutionally engaged gesture of solidarity that’s opening to testing and revision—empirically proven

      Oliver Marchart 2011 PhD works at the Institute for Medienwisschaften the University of Basel and teaches political theory at the University of Vienna. Democracy and Minimal Politics: The Political Difference and Its Consequences South Atlantic Quarterly (2011) 110(4)


      Democratic Solidarity One thing should have become clear


      of radicalizing democracy: the concept of solidarity.


      In fact, the notion of solidarity does


      translates it into the language of political demands.

  • T - Demo Asst vs. Towson EM

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Democracy assistance falls into 4 categories.

      McMahon-Director, Center on Democratic Performance



      U.S. Democracy Assistance Donor agencies


      a result of U.S. assistance.


      Increase means to become larger or greater in quantity

      Encarta Online Dictionary. 2006.  ("Increase




      in·crease [ in krss


      noun  (plural in·creas·es)


      Violation: the aff doesn’t increase any of these

      This is a voting issue for fairness and jurisdiction -

      1.      Limits - It makes the aff a moving target which precludes good case strategies and allows 2AC reframing to solve if we don’t read topicality which is a no loss proposition for the aff.

      2.      Ground - Competition and links best generated off specific descriptions of democracy assistance - this specific debate teaches argument resolution and core logical skills

      3.      Predictability – decreasing violent structures double the amount of affirmatives we have to predict – for instance, ending drone strikes in Yemen would be topical

  • Cap K vs. Towson EM

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • By focusing on a single site of oppression such as racism the aff localizes knowledge and prevents the formation of class consciousness – this strategically divides the proletariat


      Hennessy ‘00 (Prof @ SUNY Albany, Rosemary, “Profit and Pleasure: Sexual Identities in Late Capitalism”, Routledge)


      The signs of an intensified class war are


      institutional sites to address a host of concerns.

      Their demand for “equality” arises out of the crisis of liberalism, which particularizes the oppressions of capitalism to the point that the universal system is naturalized – Attaining white, male bourgeoisie privilege becomes the bench-mark of political success, re-entrenching the system.


      Brown ‘93 (Professor of Political Science, Wendy, “Wounded Attachments”, Political Theory, Aug. p. 392-394)


      Although this détente between universal and particular within


      to that bound to the explicitly politicized marking.

      Capitalism causes extinction.


      Brown ‘05 (Charles [Professor of Economics and Research Scientist at the University of Michigan] May 13th 2005 (


      The capitalist class owns the factories, the


      fact of life in the U.S.

      The alternative is to vote neg to embrace a revolutionary struggle against capitalism.

      Class-conscious revolution is key – The oppression and violence of capital will sustain themselves until we identify with the universal of class and rise up as one


      Avakian ‘99 (Chairman of Revolutionary Communist Party, Bob, “We Have a New Millenium—What we Need is a New World”, Revolutionary Worker #1036, Dec. 26, p. online:




      the core of this world-changing struggle.

      -------------------------2nc ev-----------------------------------

      And, capitalism destroys value to life – Outweighs everything


      Dillion ‘99 (Michael, Professor, University of Lancaster, 1999, “Another Justice,” Political Theory 27(2), JSTOR)


      Otherness is born(e) within the


      lack constitutive of the human way of being.

      Alternative solves case – only an anti-capitalist alternative allows whites to become race traitors and deliberate against racism


      Niemonen in 10, Professor of Anthropology and Sociology, University of South Dakota

      Jack, American Sociologist, 41 (2010):  48-81, 68.

      At their core, whiteness studies embody moral


      Internet; also King 2005; Wise 2005).

      Capitalism co-opts their movement and makes any democratic project impossible by crushing dissent.


      Giroux ’05 (Henry, Global TV Network Chair at McMaster University, “The Terror of Neoliberalism: Rethinking the Significance of Cultural Politics,” College Literature, Volume 32, Issue 1, pg. 1-19)


      Within the discourse of neoliberalism, democracy becomes


      common sense and allegedly immutable laws of nature. 

      A2 Perm

      The modern state exerts control over populations exclusively on behalf of capital – No matter how revolutionary the aff pretends to be their insistence on clinging to the state destroys the possibility of real change and ensures the endless reproduction of capital.


      Meszaros ‘95 (Prof. Emeritus @ Univ. Sussex, Istavan, “Beyond Capital: Towards a Theory of Transition” pg. 65)


      The modern state as the comprehensive political command


      with the ‘withering away’ of the state.


      Focusing on capitalist methodology is a prior question to any other epistemological claims.

      Stephen Tumino, prof. of English at Pitt, 2001, “What is Orthodox Marxism and Why it Matters Now More than Ever”, Red Critique, p. online


      Any effective political theory will have to do


      lead to building a society free from necessity.

      But first I must clarify what I mean


      on human rights but on freedom from necessity.

      I will argue that to know contemporary society


      knowledge work") that masquerades as social theory.

  • Case 1NC vs. Towson EM

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Turn – Self-immolation is a counterproductive strategy for change – it legitimates violent state control without jarring the system.


      Enns, ‘4 (Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy – Toronto, Theory & Event, 7:3)

      Yet we might well ask, where is


      counter-productive examples of violent retribution.54

      Turn – They are advocating outward violence, NOT self-beating.  They violently force others to suffer. Advocating the suffering of others is fascist, not emancipatory.


      Diken & Laustsen, ‘1 (Sociology Dept – Lancaster,

      The third dangera line of flight


      . It is a change from subject to cause

      -- Over-identification causes extinction.


      Smith, '93 (Philosophy & Relgious Studies Prof -- ISU, Go Cyclones, Dialectical Social Theory & Its Critics, p. 136-7)

      Second, Baudrillard's alternatives to organized struggle against


      the human species to pick up the pieces.

      They can’t solve the act of self-immolation there’s a difference between representing it and understanding it.



      Toronto The Open University, pp 75-95


      First, there is an important difference between


      categories of political thought and standards of judgment."

      This creates more violence and oppression.



      Toronto The Open University, pp 75-95


      A violent act has the capacity to make


      such fantasies are not revealed through their deaths.

      The affs transformation of self-immolation into practice trivializes the act – this banalization makes any violence possible.



      Toronto The Open University, pp 75-95


      We use the term "bana1ization" here


      ongoing practices that produces habitus erodes their legitimacy?

      The affirmative describes racism as only existing between "Blacks and Whites." This excludes and marginalizes other racial groups and allows racism elsewhere to flourish.

      Perea, florida law professor, 97 ( Perea, Juan, "The Black/White Binary Paradigm of Race: The "Normal Science" of American Racial Thought" 85 Calif. L. Rev. 1213, JSTOR)

      Paradigms of race shape our understanding of race


      box are often not seen at all."29

      Witnessing and narratives are just performances of “Diva Citizenship,” which has no radical potential


      Berlant, prof of english, U of chicago, 1997 (Berlant, Lauren, The Queen of America Goes to Washington City, 222-3)

      Moments of optimism for the transformation of U


      of citizenship to which they currently consent.5

      This will never result in radical change, but merely excludes the multivaried experiences who do not fall under the “worthwhile” experiences the Aff exalts.


      Berlant, prof of english, U of chicago, 1997 (Berlant, Lauren, The Queen of America Goes to Washington City, 219-20)

      One response to this politics among progressive writers


      stand, in this current state of emergency.

      Treating the “personal as political” is the worst form of political naivety --- it degrades politics from meaningful forms of collective action, cementing racism and suffering


      Bookchin ’89(Murray, Director of the Institute for Social Ecology, Remaking Society, p. 163-5)

      Political activity and social engagement in this theistic


      point where political issues are cast [xxx]

      increasingly in a therapeutic vernacular, so that


      that lends itself to indifference to human suffering.

  • round 6 vs harvard dt - 1nc strategy

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • T-governance

      Ptix- Ex-Im bank bill

      Cp - Text: The Kingdom of Norway should provide technical assistance to the National Transition Council to establish a National Resource Fund in Libya.


    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:



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