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All neg Gonzaga Cites
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: CSUF, Whitman, CSUF | Judge: Sample Judge
Neg Day One Wyo FP v CSUF BC Traditional Framework: Marx: Their methodology homogenizes whiteness by collapsing structures of exploitation into a focus on white privilege that erases any historical connection between the ownership of production and racist exploitation—this disables materialist critique that is necessary to achieve emancipation Cole 9 [Mike, Research Professor in Education and Equality, Head of Research and Director of the Centre for Education for Social Justice at Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln, Critical Race Theory in Education: A Marxist Response, 2009, Palgrave-McMillan, p. 25-28 wyo-tjc] FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF STRUCTURAL KRITIK, THERE CAN BE NO SUCH THING AS ‘MAKING THINGS BETTER’— THEIR MODEL OF POLITICS, NO MATTER HOW SUBVERSIVE OR CONSERVATIVE, ALL FUNDAMENTALLY EXAGERATE THE IMPORTANCE OF THE FORMAL INSTITUTION OF POLITICS AND POWER, IGNORING THE WAYS SUCH A SYSTEM CREATES KNOWLEDGE—ONLY A MARXIST SHIFT TO KRITIK THE STRUCTURE AND CREATE MASS SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS WILL OVERCOME THIS FAILURE OF POLITICS HARNECKER 2000[Marta, Dir of MEPLA, Links, p. online: http://www.dsp.org.au/links/back/issue16/harnecker.html wyo] NEXT, THE DETERMINISM OF CAPITAL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTRUMENTALIZATION OF ALL LIFE—IT IS THIS LOGIC THAT MOBILIZES AND ALLOWS FOR THE 1AC’S SCENARIOS IN THE FIRST PLACE DYER-WITHERFORD (professor of Library and Info. Sciences at the U of Western Ontario) 1999 [Nick. Cyber Marx: Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High Technology Capitalism.] THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN ETHICAL ACTION THAT STANDS OUTSIDE OF POLITICS—YOUR ETHICAL DEMAND TO COME PRIOR TO THE STRUCTURAL NEGATION OF CAPITAL IS THE LARGEST VIOLATION OF ETHICS MESZAROS (Prof. Emeritus @ Univ. Sussex) 1995[Istavan, Beyond Capital: Towards a Theory of Transition, wyo] Round 3: WYO FP v Whitman BM Advantage CP: Oil DA: Oil Prices will Remain High Huffington Post 8/22 [Chris Kahn, Jonathan Fahey, Correspondents to the Huffington Post, “Oil Prices Drop As Libyan Rebels Capture Most Of Country's Capital”, 8/22/2011 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/22/oil-libya-prices-opec-rebels_n_932818.html, wyo-bb] Unrest key to Russian Domestic Prices Blank 11 [Stephen Blank, Professor at the Strategic Studies Institute, Graduate of US Army War College, July 9, 2011, “Russia’s Anxieties About The Arab Revolution – Analysis” http://www.eurasiareview.com/russias-anxieties-about-the-arab-revolution-analysis-09072011/ wyo-bb] Russia’s Economy is Dependent on Oil Dashevsky 11 [RT, Interviewing Steven Dashevsky, Managing Director of Dashevsky & Partners, about the implications of oil dependence for the Russian economy, “The Russian economy and its oil”, May 24, 2011, http://rt.com/business/news/russia-economy-oil-rpice/ wyo-bb] Russian economic decline causes nuclear war and extinction Flinger 09 [Sheldon Flinger, Columnist and founder of GlobalEconomicCrisis.com, “Russian Economy Faces Dangerous Free Fall Contraction”, May 10, 2009, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sheldon-filger/russian-economy-faces-dis_b_201147.html] Democracy assistance K: Democracy assistance is an extension of imperial reach that seeks to contain and control movements rooted in social and economic justice to maintain Western imperial relations of power Dixon, 2011 [Marion, Dept. of Development Sociology at Cornell University, “An Arab Spring.” Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 38, No. 128, June 2011, 309-316, Accessed Online on 8-24-2011] /Wyo-MB These colonialist ways of thinking produce the rationalization for genocide and cultural annihilation that renders colonized bodies as sub-human, they make forms of violent subjugation thinkable and domination inevitable Lissovoy, 2010 [Noah, University of Texas at Austin, Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, “Decolonial Pedagogy and the Ethics of Global.” Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, Vol. 31, No. 3, July 2010, 279-293, Accessed online via Academic search premier] /Wyo-MB The Alternative is to refuse the affirmative in favor of the 1nc criticism of colonization. Our resistance leads to deep questioning that allows us to confront and challenge Eurocentrism, imperialism and dominative power Lissovoy, 2010 [Noah, University of Texas at Austin, Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, “Decolonial Pedagogy and the Ethics of Global.” Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, Vol. 31, No. 3, July 2010, 279-293, Accessed online via Academic search premier] /Wyo-MB Heg Bad: Multipolarity now—American hegemony is drawing to a close on all fronts- military limitations, economic problems and shifting balances of power. The transition is occurring right now Layne 10 [Christopher, Professor of IR at Texas A&M, “The End of Pax Americana”, American Conservative, May 21, p. online] SECOND, HEGEMONY IS UNSUSTAINABLE: A) RE-BALANCING OF POWER, STRATEGIC OVERSTRETCH AND FINANCIAL BURDENS Layne in 6 [Christopher, Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M, The Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to Present, Cornell University Press (Ithica), p. 148 wyo-tjc] A) KEY TO US STRENGTH—PRESERVES MORE POWER TO DEAL WITH INEVITABLE MULTIPOLARITY MORE SUCCESSULLY Layne in 6 [Christopher, Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M, The Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to Present, Cornell University Press (Ithica), p. 158 wyo-tjc] CHINESE ASCENSION ABSENT A CHANGE IN AMERICAN POLICY GUARANTEES WAR Layne in ‘7 [Christopher, Professor of Political Science @ Texas A&M, American Empire: A Debate , P. 73-4 wyo-tjc] REGIONAL MISCALCULATIONS AND AMERICAN PRESENCE IN THE CASPIAN SPARKS A RUSSIAN FIRST-STRIKE, CHAIN-GANGING THE US INTO A NUCLEAR WAR Blank in 2k [Stephen, MacArthur Professor of Research at the Strategic Studies Institute, “American Grand Strategy and the Transcaspian Region” World Affairs, Fall, p. asp wyo-tjc] Proliferation: IRANIAN PROLIFERATION IS GOOD NOT ONLY IS THERE NO RISK OF FIRST STRIKES, TERRORISM OR UNAUTHORIZED USE, IT PRODUCES A STABLE IRAN/ISRAEL DYAD THAT NORMALIZES RELATIONS AND STABILIZES THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST Sadr in ‘5 [Ehsaneh, Dept of Government at Univ Maryland, Middle East Policy, Summer 2005, p. asp] THIS PROCESS IS CRITICAL TO MODERATE CONFLICTS AND KEEP THEM FROM OTHERWISE GOING NUCLEAR Sadr in ‘5 [Ehsaneh, Dept of Government at Univ Maryland, Middle East Policy, Summer 2005, p. asp] Radicalization: No Risk Of Nuclear Terror – Technical And Logistical Hurdles Like Access To Heu Are Impossible To Overcome Mueller 08 [John Woody Mueller Hayes Chair of National Security Studies, Mershon Center Professor of Political Science Department of Political Science, Ohio State University. THE ATOMIC TERRORIST: ASSESSING THE LIKELIHOOD Prepared for presentation at the Program on International Security Policy, University of Chicago, January 15, 2008 ] Day Two: CSUF AT Secrecy Counterplan: Competition is undermined by the nature of position; their criticism is a defense of what it criticizes Mann in 1996 (Paul, Professor of English @ Pomona College, “The Nine Grounds of Intellectual Warfare”, PMC 6.2, pMUSE-rkc) Criticism fails by revealing itself to its enemies, and by getting caught up in the very cultural commodification they criticize Mann, 99 (Paul, Prof. of English at Pomona College, Masocriticism. “The Afterlife of the Avant-Garde, 3-4, mb) Growth Good: Sustainability: ingenuity solves resource crunches Geddes in ‘04 (Marc, Writer and Libertarian Analyst, “THE MONSTER NON-SOCIALIST FAQ”, February 12, http://solohq.com/War/MonsterFAQ.shtml) GROWTH TAKES US TO SPACE Robin Hason, Professor of economics at George Mason University, Oct. 18, 2001, http://hanson.gmu.edu/wildideas.html Economic Productivity solves Poverty, Disease, and War Bailey 7 (Ronald, Ronald Bailey is the award-winning science correspondent for Reason magazine and Reason.com, where he writes a weekly science and technology column , August 1, “Peace and Prosperity Through Productivity Can economic growth solve all the problems in the world?”, http://www.reason.com/news/show/121697.html) ET Capitalism as sustained by economic growth is key to containing climate change Intelligence 7 (Intelligence^2, global forum reports on debates, oct. 30-7, http://www.intelligencesquared.com/events/capitalism-can-save-the-planet ) ET Global warming leads to extinction- highest probability Roach 4 (John, http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/01/0107_040107_extinction.html , National Geographic, July 12.4) ET
| 09/05/11 |
4 |
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Will pass- TAA votes are high enough and deals have been cut Bingham Sep 8 [Amy Bingham, Sept 8, 2011, Commerce Confident Trade Agreements Will Pass, http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/09/commerce-confident-trade-agreements-will-pass/, uwyoamp] But Democrats …Trade Adjustment Systems.” SKFTA requires Obama’s political capital Schneider 2010 [Howard Schneider, Washington Post Writer, December 9th, 2010, “South Korea free-trade deal opposed by AFL-CIO, Steelworkers, other unions”, The Washington Post, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/09/AR2010120905829.html, uwyoamp] The South Korea ….trade deals. SKFTA key to US-South Korea relations Kirk 2010 [Donald Kirk, Correspondent, December 5th, 2010, “Can Obama, Lee sell lawmakers on US-South Korea trade deal?”, The Christian Science Monitor, http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Asia-Pacific/2010/1205/Can-Obama-Lee-sell-lawmakers-on-US-South-Korea-free-trade-deal, uwyoamp] Advocates, however…opportunity we have.” Global nuclear war and resulting nuclear darkness: famine, financial crisis, terrorism Hayes and Green, 10 [*Victoria University AND Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute (Peter and Michael, “-“The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia”, 1/5, http://www.nautilus.org/fora/security/10001HayesHamalGreen.pdf) uwyoamp] The consequences …..international community.
| 10/04/11 |
3 |
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
NED solves worker rights, political participation, civic education, human rights promotion, market reforms, institution building, independent media, elections, and conflict resolution Scott and Steele 2005 [JAMES M. SCOTT and CARIE A. STEELE , 2005, Political Science Professors at Indiana State University and the University Illinois State,respectively, Assisting Democrats or Resisting Dictators? The Nature and Impact of Democracy Support by the United States National Endowment for Democracy, 1990–99] Perhaps the most critical …. in the political process. 2NC NED’s semi-private status allows it to shed negative perceptions associated with traditional US foreign aid which bolsters the success of democratic initiatives Epstein 1999 [Susan Epstein, Specialist in Foreign Policy and Trade Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division. Updated by Ian Fergusson, Research Associate, CRS Report for Congress National Endowment for Democracy: Policy and Funding Issues, http://congressionalresearch.com/96-222/document.php?study=National+Endowment+for+Democracy+Policy+and+Funding+Issues, uwyoamp] Although NED…conduct them. It can’t link to politics, grant distribution is determined by an independent board of trustees AND the grants go to private democracy initiatives which lie outside of political debates Epstein 1999 [Susan Epstein, Specialist in Foreign Policy and Trade Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division. Updated by Ian Fergusson, Research Associate, CRS Report for Congress National Endowment for Democracy: Policy and Funding Issues, http://congressionalresearch.com/96-222/document.php?study=National+Endowment+for+Democracy+Policy+and+Funding+Issues, uwyoamp] NED does not … the NED board.
| 10/04/11 |
1 |
Heg Bad Turns
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Heg Bad: Multipolarity now—American hegemony is drawing to a close on all fronts- military limitations, economic problems and shifting balances of power. The transition is occurring right now Layne 10 [Christopher, Professor of IR at Texas A&M, “The End of Pax Americana”, American Conservative, May 21, p. online] SECOND, HEGEMONY IS UNSUSTAINABLE: ARE-BALANCING OF POWER, STRATEGIC OVERSTRETCH AND FINANCIAL BURDENS Layne in 6 [Christopher, Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M, The Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to Present, Cornell University Press (Ithica), p. 148 wyo-tjc] KEY TO US STRENGTH—PRESERVES MORE POWER TO DEAL WITH INEVITABLE MULTIPOLARITY MORE SUCCESSULLY Layne in 6 [Christopher, Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M, The Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to Present, Cornell University Press (Ithica), p. 158 wyo-tjc] GLOBAL NUCLEAR WAR IS NOT POSSIBLE IF THE US IS WITHDRAW WHEREAS EXTENDED DETERRENCE GUARANTEES IT Layne in 6 [Christopher, Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M, The Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to Present, Cornell University Press (Ithica), p. 176 wyo-tjc] HEGEMONY IN THE MIDDLE EAST SPARKS TERRORISM AND INSTABILITY, LINK TURNING EVERY POSSIBLE REASON FOR HAVING HEG THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE Layne in 6 [Christopher, Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M, The Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to Present, Cornell University Press (Ithica), p. 123 wyo-tjc] US presence in the Middle East incites terrorism—must drawdown presence to solve Layne 9 [Christopher, Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M, Review of International Studies, “America’s Middle East grand strategy after Iraq: the moment for offshore balancing has arrived”, 2009, p. asp] REGIONAL MISCALCULATIONS AND AMERICAN PRESENCE IN THE CASPIAN SPARKS A RUSSIAN FIRST-STRIKE, CHAIN-GANGING THE US INTO A NUCLEAR WAR Blank in 2k [Stephen, MacArthur Professor of Research at the Strategic Studies Institute, “American Grand Strategy and the Transcaspian Region” World Affairs, Fall, p. asp wyo-tjc]
| 10/04/11 |
2 |
A2: terrorism Adv
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
No Risk Of Nuclear Terror – Technical And Logistical Hurdles Like Access To Heu Are Impossible To Overcome Mueller 08 [John Woody Mueller Hayes Chair of National Security Studies, Mershon Center Professor of Political Science Department of Political Science, Ohio State University. THE ATOMIC TERRORIST: ASSESSING THE LIKELIHOOD Prepared for presentation at the Program on International Security Policy, University of Chicago, January 15, 2008 ] Terrorists will stick with conventional weapons –trends prove Mueller 08 [John Woody Mueller Hayes Chair of National Security Studies, Mershon Center Professor of Political Science Department of Political Science, Ohio State University. THE ATOMIC TERRORIST: ASSESSING THE LIKELIHOOD Prepared for presentation at the Program on International Security Policy, University of Chicago, January 15, 2008 ] The Probability of Nuclear Terrorism Is Low And It Won’t Cause Extinction Bulletin of Atomic Scientists 04 [November 1, Vol. 60, #6, Lexis] States won’t supply terrorists with nuclear weapons. Cirinione 05 [Joseph, Sr Associate at Carnegie Endowment, Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics, & Public Polcy, v. 19]
| 10/04/11 |
6 |
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Marx: Their methodology homogenizes whiteness by collapsing structures of exploitation into a focus on white privilege that erases any historical connection between the ownership of production and racist exploitation—this disables materialist critique that is necessary to achieve emancipation Cole 9 [Mike, Research Professor in Education and Equality, Head of Research and Director of the Centre for Education for Social Justice at Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln, Critical Race Theory in Education: A Marxist Response, 2009, Palgrave-McMillan, p. 25-28 wyo-tjc] FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF STRUCTURAL KRITIK, THERE CAN BE NO SUCH THING AS ‘MAKING THINGS BETTER’— THEIR MODEL OF POLITICS, NO MATTER HOW SUBVERSIVE OR CONSERVATIVE, ALL FUNDAMENTALLY EXAGERATE THE IMPORTANCE OF THE FORMAL INSTITUTION OF POLITICS AND POWER, IGNORING THE WAYS SUCH A SYSTEM CREATES KNOWLEDGE—ONLY A MARXIST SHIFT TO KRITIK THE STRUCTURE AND CREATE MASS SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS WILL OVERCOME THIS FAILURE OF POLITICS HARNECKER 2000[Marta, Dir of MEPLA, Links, p. online: http://www.dsp.org.au/links/back/issue16/harnecker.html wyo] NEXT, THE DETERMINISM OF CAPITAL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTRUMENTALIZATION OF ALL LIFE—IT IS THIS LOGIC THAT MOBILIZES AND ALLOWS FOR THE 1AC’S SCENARIOS IN THE FIRST PLACE DYER-WITHERFORD (professor of Library and Info. Sciences at the U of Western Ontario) 1999 [Nick. Cyber Marx: Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High Technology Capitalism.] THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN ETHICAL ACTION THAT STANDS OUTSIDE OF POLITICS—YOUR ETHICAL DEMAND TO COME PRIOR TO THE STRUCTURAL NEGATION OF CAPITAL IS THE LARGEST VIOLATION OF ETHICS MESZAROS (Prof. Emeritus @ Univ. Sussex) 1995[Istavan, Beyond Capital: Towards a Theory of Transition, wyo]
| 10/07/11 |
7 |
Democracy K
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Democracy assistance K: Democracy assistance is an extension of imperial reach that seeks to contain and control movements rooted in social and economic justice to maintain Western imperial relations of power Dixon, 2011 [Marion, Dept. of Development Sociology at Cornell University, “An Arab Spring.” Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 38, No. 128, June 2011, 309-316, Accessed Online on 8-24-2011] /Wyo-MB These colonialist ways of thinking produce the rationalization for genocide and cultural annihilation that renders colonized bodies as sub-human, they make forms of violent subjugation thinkable and domination inevitable Lissovoy, 2010 [Noah, University of Texas at Austin, Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, “Decolonial Pedagogy and the Ethics of Global.” Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, Vol. 31, No. 3, July 2010, 279-293, Accessed online via Academic search premier] /Wyo-MB The Alternative is to refuse the affirmative in favor of the 1nc criticism of colonization. Our resistance leads to deep questioning that allows us to confront and challenge Eurocentrism, imperialism and dominative power Lissovoy, 2010 [Noah, University of Texas at Austin, Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, “Decolonial Pedagogy and the Ethics of Global.” Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, Vol. 31, No. 3, July 2010, 279-293, Accessed online via Academic search premier] /Wyo-MB
| 10/07/11 |
5 |
Piece Meal Jobs
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Obama must use his political muscle in order to ensure a successful jobs bill Cohen 9/13 [Rick, Non-Profit Quarterly, 09/13/2011, “Obama’s Jobs Bill: Ready to Take a Chance Again?” , http://www.nonprofitquarterly.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=15811:obamas-jobs-bill-ready-to-take-a-chance-again&catid=153:features&Itemid=336, uwyoamp] What’s clearer....will fail as well. Infrastructure spending solves double-dip Zanki Sept 15 [Tom Zanki Sept 15, 2011, Economist Kamran Afshar: Double-dip recession would be 'disastrous', http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/breaking-news/index.ssf/2011/09/economist_kamran_afshar_double.html, uwyoamp] Afshar said....arrives locally. Economic collapse leads to GPW’s Lind 2010 [Michael, New America Foundation Economic Growth Program Policy Director, 5/11/2010 ,“Will the great recession lead to World War IV?,” http://www.salon.com/2010/05/11/great_recession_world_war_iv/, uwyoamp] If history... all too easy to imagine.
| 10/24/11 |
0 |
Round Reports
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Neg: Wyoming PFRound #6 Tournament: ShirleyVs Team: Whitman HZJudge: Athena Murray Off Case Args:China Bashing Politics DA NED CP Case Args:Heg Bad Defense Block Strategy:Heg Bad 2nr Strategy:Heg Bad Neg:Wyoming FPRound # 4 Tournament: ShirleyVs Team: Georgetown CVJudge: Tiara Naputi Off Case Args:K of Democracy Assistance T Democracy Assistance PTX currency NED cp Case Args:Cap good Block Strategy:Cap good Politics T 2nr Strategy:Politics Cap good Neg: WYO FPRound #4 Tournament:Vs Team: Gtown CVJudge: Off Case Args:Kritik of Democracy Assistance T-Democracy Assistance Politics DAà China Currency NED CP Case Args:Cap Good Block Strategy:Cap Good Politics T 2nr Strategy:Politics Cap Good Neg:Wyoming PFRound #1 Tournament: ShirleyVs Team: Emporia State WWJudge: Jim Schultz Off Case Args:Cap K PIK out of methodology Case Args:None Block Strategy:Political paralysis Conservative backlash Infinite identities fracture movements 2nr Strategy:Cap links/alt Infinite identities fractures movements --> political paralysis Their movement excludes people
| 11/11/11 |
8 |
China Currency
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
conservative republicans backlash strongly to the plan—hates assistance to the Arab Spring Rogin 11 [Josh, staff, “Ron Paul seeks vote to end foreign aid to Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Pakistan”, Feb 16, p. http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/02/16/ron_paul_seeks_vote_to_end_foreign_aid_to_egypt_israel_jordan_and_pakistan Paul, along.... such aid in Congress. Third, Collapsing Boehner’s leadership forces a vote and Obama won’t veto the bill because of the election—This collapses U.S.-China relations and ignites a trade-war Galston 10.6 [William, senior fellow at The Brookings Institution, The New Republic, “How Congress’s Showdown With China Puts Obama in a Serious Bind”, p. http://www.tnr.com/article/environment-energy/95817/congress-showdown-china-US-relations-trade-war //wyo-tjc] And speaking .....be higher. A relations collapse sparks military competition in East Asia, escalating to global nuclear war Glaser 11 [Charles, Professor of Political Science and International Affairs and Director of the Institute for Security and Conflict Studies at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University, Foreign Affairs, “Will China's Rise Lead to War?”, March/April 2011, p. asp//wyo-tjc] Confidence in....leading them.
| 11/15/11 |
10 |
T- D.A must be direct
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Secrecy Counterplan: Competition is undermined by the nature of position; their criticism is a defense of what it criticizes Mann in 1996 (Paul, Professor of English @ Pomona College, “The Nine Grounds of Intellectual Warfare”, PMC 6.2, pMUSE-rkc) Criticism fails by revealing itself to its enemies, and by getting caught up in the very cultural commodification they criticize Mann, 99 (Paul, Prof. of English at Pomona College, Masocriticism. “The Afterlife of the Avant-Garde, 3-4, mb)interpretation: a topical affirmative must provide concessionary grants that provides direct, unconditional support for democratic initiatives. Second, definitions: A. Democracy assistance is grant-aided transfer of support to pro-democracy initiatives. Burnell 07 [Peter, Prof. of Politics at the University of Warwick, England, “Does International Democracy Promotion Work?” http://www.die-gdi.de/CMS Homepage/openwebcms3.nsf/%28ynDK_ contentByKey%29/ADMR-7BRF46/$FILE/BurnellPromotionWork.pdf All things....and so on. B. Democracy assistance has three exclusions: 1. It must be explicit for expanding or consolidating a democratic opening, which excludes development or social aid 2. It must be active and direct, excluding positive conditionality 3. It must be positive, excluding military means or diplomatic pressure Huber 8 [Daniella, Department of International Relations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, Mediterranean Politics, March 2008, p. asp//wyo-tjc] The term....electoral assistance. Third, Reasons to prefer: A. Limits: Opening democracy assistance to activities outside of the direct functioning of democratic governance justifies the following affirmatives: short-term financial assistance, all development assistance, poverty elimination, wealth redistribution, education, internal stability & policing, economic liberalization, peacekeeping and military intervention, war crimes tribunals, and truth and reconciliation commissions. Burnell 2k [Peter, Department of International Studies, University of Warwick, Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization, p. 11-12//wyo-tjc] Democratization may....assistance in 1998. B. Education- Definitional rigor is key—only way to get traction for effective education about the possibilities for democracy assistance Lappin 10 [Richard, PhD Candidate and visiting scholar at University of Belgrade, Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation”, 4:1, p. http://www.cejiss.org/sites/default/files/8.pdf //wyo-tjc] This article....remain improbable C. Err negative: Their argument about ‘no good affs’ really means there is even less neg ground because there is no uniqueness for assistance based disads because of high US and foreign actor assistance levels. There are also no quality CPs that don’t rely on international or private fiat. Finally, Topicality is a voting issue because it is a prima facie burden and should be evaluated as a question of competing interpretations
| 11/15/11 |
11 |
Oil DA
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Oil Prices will Remain High Huffington Post 8/22 [Chris Kahn, Jonathan Fahey, Correspondents to the Huffington Post, “Oil Prices Drop As Libyan Rebels Capture Most Of Country's Capital”, 8/22/2011 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/22/oil-libya-prices-opec-rebels_n_932818.html, wyo-bb] Unrest key to Russian Domestic Prices Blank 11 [Stephen Blank, Professor at the Strategic Studies Institute, Graduate of US Army War College, July 9, 2011, “Russia’s Anxieties About The Arab Revolution – Analysis” http://www.eurasiareview.com/russias-anxieties-about-the-arab-revolution-analysis-09072011/ wyo-bb] Russia’s Economy is Dependent on Oil Dashevsky 11 [RT, Interviewing Steven Dashevsky, Managing Director of Dashevsky & Partners, about the implications of oil dependence for the Russian economy, “The Russian economy and its oil”, May 24, 2011, http://rt.com/business/news/russia-economy-oil-rpice/ wyo-bb] Russian economic decline causes nuclear war and extinction Flinger 09 [Sheldon Flinger, Columnist and founder of GlobalEconomicCrisis.com, “Russian Economy Faces Dangerous Free Fall Contraction”, May 10, 2009, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sheldon-filger/russian-economy-faces-dis_b_201147.html]
| 12/21/11 |
12 |
Prolif Good
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Proliferation: IRANIAN PROLIFERATION IS GOOD NOT ONLY IS THERE NO RISK OF FIRST STRIKES, TERRORISM OR UNAUTHORIZED USE, IT PRODUCES A STABLE IRAN/ISRAEL DYAD THAT NORMALIZES RELATIONS AND STABILIZES THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST Sadr in ‘5 [Ehsaneh, Dept of Government at Univ Maryland, Middle East Policy, Summer 2005, p. asp] THIS PROCESS IS CRITICAL TO MODERATE CONFLICTS AND KEEP THEM FROM OTHERWISE GOING NUCLEAR Sadr in ‘5 [Ehsaneh, Dept of Government at Univ Maryland, Middle East Policy, Summer 2005, p. asp] Radicalization: No Risk Of Nuclear Terror – Technical And Logistical Hurdles Like Access To Heu Are Impossible To Overcome Mueller 08 [John Woody Mueller Hayes Chair of National Security Studies, Mershon Center Professor of Political Science Department of Political Science, Ohio State University. THE ATOMIC TERRORIST: ASSESSING THE LIKELIHOOD Prepared for presentation at the Program on International Security Policy, University of Chicago, January 15, 2008 ]
| 12/21/11 |
13 |
Secrecy CP
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Secrecy Counterplan: Competition is undermined by the nature of position; their criticism is a defense of what it criticizes Mann in 1996 (Paul, Professor of English @ Pomona College, “The Nine Grounds of Intellectual Warfare”, PMC 6.2, pMUSE-rkc) Criticism fails by revealing itself to its enemies, and by getting caught up in the very cultural commodification they criticize Mann, 99 (Paul, Prof. of English at Pomona College, Masocriticism. “The Afterlife of the Avant-Garde, 3-4, mb)
| 12/21/11 |
14 |
Growth Good
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Sustainability: ingenuity solves resource crunches Geddes in ‘04 (Marc, Writer and Libertarian Analyst, “THE MONSTER NON-SOCIALIST FAQ”, February 12, http://solohq.com/War/MonsterFAQ.shtml) GROWTH TAKES US TO SPACE Robin Hason, Professor of economics at George Mason University, Oct. 18, 2001, http://hanson.gmu.edu/wildideas.html Economic Productivity solves Poverty, Disease, and War Bailey 7 (Ronald, Ronald Bailey is the award-winning science correspondent for Reason magazine and Reason.com, where he writes a weekly science and technology column , August 1, “Peace and Prosperity Through Productivity Can economic growth solve all the problems in the world?”, http://www.reason.com/news/show/121697.html) ET Capitalism as sustained by economic growth is key to containing climate change Intelligence 7 (Intelligence^2, global forum reports on debates, oct. 30-7, http://www.intelligencesquared.com/events/capitalism-can-save-the-planet ) ET Global warming leads to extinction- highest probability Roach 4 (John, http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/01/0107_040107_extinction.html , National Geographic, July 12.4) ET
| 12/21/11 |
15 |
HEG Good
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They say heg unsustainable: First, even with their best case, hegemony will sustain itself for decades to come—any shifts will be slow Brooks and Wohlforth 2008 [Stephen G. Brooks, Assistant Professor, Department of Government, Dartmouth College, William C. Wohlforth, Daniel Webster Professor of Government, World Out of Balance: International Relations and the Challenge of American Primacy, uwyo/amp] Our review.....The next section explains why. Second, the status quo is not an option—embracing the ‘inevitable’ entails global violence and nuclear war BRZEZINSKI (Former Sect. Of State) 2004 [Zbigniew, The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership, Perseus, New York wyo-tjc] In any case....of mass destruction. Short-term withdraw causes destroys stability in Afghanistan, India and Pakistan—better to hold on as long as possible MacDonald 9 [Paul, doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science, Columbia University, Daedalus, “Rebalancing American foreign policy”, 2009, p. asp] If the United States...of common interest. And, Indo-Pak war causes extinction Washington Times 1 July 8, LN. The most dangerous.....Material/Cut-off Convention. And, Central Asian instability goes nuclear Shorr 1 Ian. Analyst with the Institute for Policy Studies. 10/14/1. The Record. Lexis. While these actions....use of nuclear weapons. And hegemony produces global stability necessary for civilization: Collapse causes a new dark age—overpopulation, disease, bio-weapons Starobin 6 [Paul, editior of National Journal, The National Journal, “Beyond Hegemony”, 12.2.2006, p. lexis] The grimmest possibility ....biological, or nuclear weapons. And, Diseases lead to extinction Fox 97 C. William. Lieutenant COLONEL. 6/24/97. http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=ISN&fileid=4341F68C-1AF1-FEB7-10D7-5EE127216D05&lng=en. HIV is a pandemic ....mass destruction.
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Pay Roll Tax
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First, Obama’s pc is key to secure year-long extension of the payroll tax cut Pace 2011 [Julie Pace, White House reporter, 12/23/2011, Associated Press, Obama on Political High, but Momentum Hard to Keep, http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/obama-political-high-momentum-hard-15224041#.Tv466SPuZUs, uwyoamp] The White House....their own recess. Failure to extend the tax cut will jack the economy - it’s a top priority Temple-West 10/6 [Patrick, 10/6/2011, Reuters News, “Payroll tax cut needed to avoid recession: Zandi,” http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/06/us-usa-tax-payroll-idUSTRE7955SU20111006 , uwyoamp] (Reuters) - Failure to extend....Casey told Reuters.. A double dip recession would be much worse than the first and trigger an economic depression CNN Money 11 [CNN Money, 8-10-11, p. http://money.cnn.com/2011/08/10/news/economy/double_dip_recession_economy/index.htm uwyoamp] Another recession....effort to counteract it. Lack of payroll tax cut extension will tip the world into full-blown recession AND the Eurozone is already in a recession, put away your alt causes Fels 2011 [Joachim Fels is Morgan Stanley's Global Head of Economics, based in London. He is also a member of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney's Global Investment Committee. Joachim's research focuses on monetary policy, the global liquidity cycle, and inflation, December 15th, 2011, Global Economic Forum, 2012 outlook, http://www.morganstanley.com/views/gef/, uwyoamp] Our base case.....a worse outcome. Global economic decline increases the risk of World War III and global nuclear war O'Donnell 2009 [Maryland native Sean O'Donnell received a B.A. in History from the University of Maryland. He is a Squad Leader in the Marine Corps Reserve and is currently a graduate student at the University of Baltimore studying law and ethics, Baltimore Examiner, "Will this recession lead to World War III?" , http://www.examiner.com/republican-in-baltimore/will-this-recession-lead-to-world-war-iii, uwyoamp] One of the causes ....history repeats itself."
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A2 Super Power Syndrome
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Superpower syndrome inevitable—biologically driven Davis, 2004 [Walter, Professor of English at Ohio State, “Responses to 9/11 and the American Aftermath.” 1/3/04 Online, http://www.counterpunch.org/2004/01/03/responses-to-9-11-and-the-american-aftermath/] /Wyo-MB The procedure of the book....the force of History. Aff unnecessary—decline inevitable and happening now Freeland, 2011 [Chrystia, Reuters news service, “Where is a superpower when you need one?” 9-20-2011, Online, http://www.alarabiya.net/articles/2011/09/20/167765.html/ Wyo-MB Michael Ignatieff....has served us all. Even if superpower status causes unnecessary aggression, the US should maintain its status as a superpower Wantanabe, 2001 [Akio, professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo and president of the Research Institute for Peace and Security in Tokyo, Japan, “First Among Equals.” The Washington Quarterly, 24:3, 2001, 73-81] /Wyo-MB When trying to.....sensi- tive to local conditions. No Impact- democracy solves Dickinson 04 - Associate Professor, History Ph.D., U.C. Berkeley - 2004 (Edward Ross, “Biopolitics, Fascism, Democracy: Some Reflections on Our Discourse About “Modernity,” Central European History, vol. 37, no. 1, 1–48) In short, the continuities between.....social engineering. Superpower syndrome k2 US economic growth The Nation, 2004 [Contribution, 2/16/2004, “American hubris and history.” Online, http://goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/gi_0199-671386/American-hubris-and-history.html] /Wyo-MB Like so many.....at peace. Economic collapse risks a new world war Austin 9 [Michael, Resident scholar at AEI, “The Global Economy Unravels”, Forbes, 3.6, p. http://www.aei.org/article/100187 wyo-tjc] What do these....into a big bang. Superpower syndrome is good, allows the United States to prevent major conflict Wantanabe, 2001 [Akio, professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo and president of the Research Institute for Peace and Security in Tokyo, Japan, “First Among Equals.” The Washington Quarterly, 24:3, 2001, 73-81] /Wyo-MB Such an ideal....is the best option. Solves nuclear war KHALILZAD (Rand Analyst, Envoy to Afghanistan) 1995 [Zalmay, “Losing the Moment”, Washington Quarterly, Spring, ln wyo-tjc] Under the third.....of power system.
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Terror Talk
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Claims to ‘solve’ terrorism posits rhetoric of good vs. evil. The United States is the omnibenevolent supreme entity fighting evil in the world, a moralistic hegemon that can do no wrong. This exceptionalism works as a way to justify any atrocity in the name of good. Ivie 7 (Robert, Prof of Comm and Culture @ Indiana U, “Fighting Terror by Rite of Redemption and Reconciliation” Rhetoric & Public Affairs. V. 10. Is. 2., 2007, 221+, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/rhetoric_and_public_affairs/v010/10.2ivie.html) The stubborn .....freedom itself.18 Fear and hysteria surrounding terrorism legitimizes any action taken in name of good, justifying violence, retribution and wars. This involves an endless cycle of the United States positing the terrorist as the absolute enemy, and Islamic fundamentalists positing the United States as the absolute enemy. Ending this cycle is a prior question to the aff. Kellner 7 (Douglas, Chair of Philosophy @ UCLA, “Bushspeak and the politics of lying: presidential rhetoric in the 'war on terror'” Presidential Studies Quarterly. Vol. 37 (4), 2007, pg. 622+, ProQuest) Such hyperbolic....redemptive violence. The alternative is to reject the rhetorical construction of the terrorist by the affirmative. Prevalent rhetoric of terrorism shuts off any meaningful examinations of the phenomenon of violence. Only through examination and debate can intelligent moral responses be crafted. Kapitan and Schulte 2002 (Tomis and Erich, Thomas – Prof of Philosophy @ N Illionois U, and Erich – Masters in Philosophy from N Illinois U , Journal of Political and Military Sociology “The rhetoric on 'terrorism' and its consequences “ Vol. 30 Iss. 1, 2002, pp. 172+, http://proquest.umi.com.proxy.uwlib.uwyo.edu/pqdlink?did=149154971&Fmt=7&clientId=18949&RQT=309&VName=PQD) Given that a....Moslem violence" (Said 1988:157).17
| 01/15/12 |
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No Cards Were Read
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Frame Work
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Observation One: The Role of DEBATE: First, our interpretation: debate is an agonistic field of play where participants must accept the constraints of agreeing to switch-sides on the topic by reading a topical affirmative when they are aff and negating the topic when they are negative. Second, are our link arguments. The aff team fails to engage in this process in three ways: A. Advocating a definitive course of action as indicated by the words ‘resolved’ and ‘should’ , rather they have you endorse a fluid system of constant criticism. B. Not defending the agent of the resolution, which is the government of the United States based in D.C. C. Not defending the direction of the resolution, which requires that American Democracy assistance be INCREASED, or made greater. Observation Two: The impacts There are three net benefits to this interpretation of debate: First, it resolves MORAL disagreement: Effective moral deliberation requires that all parties be willing to submit to a RECIPROCAL process of agonistic disagreement. Without an effective PROCESS of switch-side debate, there can be no method of dealing with the practical constraints that surround any persuasive context. EVEN IF the affirmative wins there is merit to considering their case, their abandonment of the forum of switch-side debate leaves us less able to speak to problems of power, violence and inequality because they give up on a process that is inherently valuable. Gutmann & Thompson 96 [Amy & Dennis, President of Penn State and Professor of Political Philosophy at Harvard, Democracy and Disagreement, p. 1wyo-tjc] OF THE CHALLENGES.....pursue our common ends. Second, it solves democracy assistance: debating and researching the guts of democracy assistance policies is the only way to truly understand its political consequences, whether good or bad. Lappin 10 [Richard, PhD Candidate and visiting scholar at University of Belgrade, Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation”, 4:1, p. http://www.cejiss.org/sites/default/files/8.pdf wyo-tjc] This article has ....democratic means will remain improbable. Third, switch-side debate is the best: The net-benefits are both epistemic and ontological: epistemic because prepared, competitive discourse and required listening to both sides of an argument is a prerequisite for critical reasoning and interested inquiry, and ontological because it affirms a method of living that is the only antidote to the violence of the affirmative’s universalist dogma, which is root of violence and genocide Roberts-Miller 3 [Patricia, Associate Professor of Rhetoric at UT Austin, “Fighting Without Hatred: Hannah Arendt ' s Agonistic Rhetoric”, p. aspwyo-tjc] Totalitarianism and the .....let others do one's thinking. Observation Three: The Impacts Vote negative to reject the affirmative’s dogmatic refusal to subject themselves to the constraints of switch-side debate. First, BOUNDED CREATIVITY outweighs: You should embrace a model of debate that strikes a balance between predictability and creativity—it is a PRACTICAL REALITY that preparing to debate within a common framework enhances education because it maximizes elaboration and testing of ideas. That’s also a reason to SEVERLY DISCOUNT their impact claims because those claims have not been submitted to rigorous testing but are only shallow gut-shot reactions. Goodin 03 [Robert E. Goodin and Simon J. Niemeyer- Australian National University- 2003, When Does Deliberation Begin? Internal Reflection versus Public Discussion in Deliberative Democracy, POLITICAL STUDIES: 2003 VOL 51, 627–649, uwyoamp] Suppose that instead....approach an issue. Second is your argument filter: It is OK to divorce debate from the ‘real-world’- a laboratory separate from conviction is necessary to teach methods of argumentative reasoning AND advocacy skills—You should privilege these skills even if you have to sacrifice purity of inquiry because these are the skills MOST UNIQUE to the debate forum—they can’t be garnered anywhwere else Muir 93 [Star A., Professor of Communication Studies at George Mason, Philosophy and Rhetoric, “A Defense of the Ethics of Contemporary Debate”, p. aspwyo-tjc] The emphasis on method.....realistic, important gamesmanship.
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