###1AC Plan###
The United States federal government should substantially increase its technical assistance for all legally registered political parties in Egypt..
###1AC Democracy Advantage###
Egypt’s elections will be one-sided now – support for a multi-party system is key to democratic transition
Max Strasser, 8/10/11, Foreign Policy, "Cairo's … have stability with weak foundations."
Elections assistance will prevent the Muslim Brotherhood dominating and have a moderating effect
Trager ‘11
[September-October, The Washington Institute's Ira Weiner fellow, is a doctoral candidate in political science at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is writing his dissertation on Egyptian opposition parties. The Unbreakable Muslim Brotherhood: Grim Prospects for a Liberal Egypt, http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/templateC06.php?CID=1704]
Precisely because the Muslim Brotherhood's … Tahrir Square fought so valiantly.
Comprehensive development of political parties is key - picking and choosing parties fails.
Thomas Carothers, 2/24/11, [Carothers a leading authority … be a good way to start.
Groups will accept the aid
Gamal Essam El-Din, 8/5/11, Ahram Online, "… seen in its modern history.”
Aid opposition is only inevitable without the plan
John Esposito, 9/18/11, The Guardian, "The west has a chance to create a new narrative with the Arab world," http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/sep/18/west-new-narrative-arab-world
The current transformation in the … intervention, invasion, occupation and dependency.
More funding to party building is critical – US engagement boosts expectations
Schenker 11(David Schenker is the … , for a transition to a democratic system.
US assistance key to democratic transition – spills over to the region and helps overcome anti-Americanism
Kagan& Dunne 11(Robert, Senior Fellow, … if we blow this opportunity.
Egypt is the most important Arab Spring country
Dworkin, et al 10 Anthony, Daniel … for other Middle Eastern governments.
Middle Eastern democracy will eliminate support for Al Qaeda
Daniel Byman, Professor in the … peacefully against their authoritarian rulers.
Al-Qaeda is a unique threat – they seek to acquire nuclear weapons
Cleveland et al, 08.
Allison, Graham, Robin Cleveland, Bob Graham, Steve Rademaker, Tim Roemer, Wendy Sherman, Henry Sokolski, Jim Talent, and Rich Verma. 2008. World at Risk: The Report on the Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism. New York: Vintage Books.
At the moment, al Qaeda … and materials at their source.
Sid-Ahmed ‘4
(Mohamed, Managing Editor for Al-Ahali, “Extinction!” August 26-September 1, Issue no. 705, http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2004/705/op5.htm)
A nuclear attack by terroristswill … , we will all be losers.
Causes a global nuclear war
Jerome Corsi, 4/20/05, "Horrific Scenario: NTY … still capable of exacting revenge.
###1AC Credibility Advantage###
Military drawdowns wreck credibility – democracy assistance shows commitment to the region
Emma Sky, Summer 2011, Harvard International … in Iraq and the region.
Democracy assistance to Egypt is a litmus test for credibility and stability in the region
ShadiHamid, 2011, The Cairo Review of … address but failed to deliver on.
A credibility gap in the Middle East leads to instability & regional nuclear acquisitions
[Kathleen J., coordinator of the Project on Nuclear Issues and a research associate at CSIS, “Extended Deterrence: The U.S. Credibility Gap in the Middle East,” The Washington Quarterly • 28:3 pp. 169–186. http://www.twq.com/05summer/docs/05summer_mcinnis.pdf]
U.S. relationships in the MiddleEast, … region, creating a uniquely dangerous situation.
Iranian nuclearization is inevitable – only American credibility prevents breakout proliferation and war
Peter N. Madson, U.S. Navy Lieutenant, March 2006[“THE SKY IS NOT FALLING: REGIONAL REACTION TO A NUCLEAR-ARMED IRAN,” Naval Postgraduate School Thesis]
The manner in which Iran … allow such chaos to reign.
Limited Middle East nuclear war guarantees extinction
Ian Hoffman, Staff Writer, December 12, 2006, “Nuclear Winter Looms, experts say”, MediaNews Group, Inc. and ANG Newspapers
SAN FRANCISCO -- With superpower nuclear … history, according to Rutgers' Robock.
The plan immediately reverses negative … the rest of his term.
Obama’s credibility -- presidential consistency is … Obama’s Dithering”, Los Angeles Times, 10-18,
Weakness in American … simply embodies weakness and indecision.
Obama’s weakness causes global instability – … it will bite or when.
Indo/Pak conflict escalates quickly – nuclear winter
Robock 10 (Alan, Professor of Climatology – … and Associate Director – Center for
Environmental Prediction “Local War, Global Suffering,” Scientific American, January,
Abolition: The Only Policy People … the potential to erupt suddenly.
China/India conflict escalates into global great power conflict
Darling 10 (Daniel, International Military Markets … a place to start as any.
Assistance will build a new foundation for U.S.-Egyptian relations - vital to regional credibility
David Schenker, April 2011, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, "Egypt's Enduring Challenges," http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/pubPDFs/PolicyFocus110.pdf
For this reason, each of … region as a whole depends on it.
Survival comes first.
Schell, 2000 (Jonathan, The Fate of … of something larger than he is.
Ethics require calculative thought.
Thurschwell, assoc prof law @ Cleveland … that genuine justice demands. n25