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Wichita State Box-Munday Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 19:22
  • Ordering K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The 1AC perpetuates the ‘blind spots’ of a top down approach to global affairs. It engages in a globalized model of ‘what is’ not ‘what could be’- this approach categorizes global violence based on state interest
      Nayar, School of Law @ University of Warwick, 1999 (Jayan, SYMPOSIUM: RE-FRAMING INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR THE 21ST CENTURY: "Orders of Inhumanity," Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, Fall 99, [article] Lexis)

      Located within a site of privilege, and
      against violence remain energized, persistent and located.

      The affirmative’s ‘global’ standpoint perpetuates systemic oppression and violence
      Nayar, School of Law @ University of Warwick, 1999 (Jayan, SYMPOSIUM: RE-FRAMING INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR THE 21ST CENTURY: "Orders of Inhumanity," Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, Fall 99, [article] Lexis)

      But what is the message given to the
      of inhumanity, carry on with violence intact.

      And our framing is essential- it’s a question of orientation- how we relate to the ‘global’ in this academic space is key
      Nayar, School of Law @ University of Warwick, 1999 (Jayan, SYMPOSIUM: RE-FRAMING INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR THE 21ST CENTURY: "Orders of Inhumanity," Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, Fall 99, [article] Lexis)

      How much of the "world," which
      from which we ourselves order, remain unscrutinized.

  • EU CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


      The EU is capable of providing democracy assistance to MENA countries.

      E. A. Fakhro, 2009, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, "The European Union and Islam: Democracy Promotion in Bahrain and the Arab World,"

      Having examined both the influence of Islamist actors


      term ally and partner of the Arab world.


      A coherent European response to the Arab Spring is key to a strong foreign policy for the EU.

      Giles Merritt, 7/29/11, Thie Times of Malta, "Where is Europe's foreign policy,"


      In the 18 months since the Lisbon Treaty


      has done nothing since to change that assessment.


      Strong EU solves multiple scenarios of extinction.

      Bruton 2001  (John, Former Irish Prime Minister, Report before the Joint Committee on European Affairs, Parliament of Ireland, October,

      2.5 As the Laeken Declaration put


      blind global forces that will otherwise overwhelm us.


  • Topicality

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • T - DA: Not Dialogue

      Democracy Assistance is limited to the transfer of funds, expertise and material to democratic groups already pushing for democracy.

      Richard Lappin, 2010, (Richard Lappin is a Ph.D. candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium). “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches,” Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 187-188.

      Democracy assistance can be most accurately defined as


      society groups, media groups and political parties. 


      Justice and Security Dialogue does not include any of those things – it is only talking

      Rausch ‘11

      [Collette, June 27, Justice and Security Dialogue: A New Tool for Peacebuilders


      Simply put, Justice and Security Dialogue (


      understanding, identifying shared concerns and building relationships.

      T - DA: Not Human Rights Support

      Democracy Assistance is limited to the transfer of funds, expertise and material to democratic groups already pushing for democracy.
      Richard Lappin, 2010, (Richard Lappin is a Ph.D. candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium). “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches,” Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 187-188.
      Democracy assistance can be most accurately defined as
      society groups, media groups and political parties.  

      Human rights promotion is separate from Democracy Assistance
      Lerch, German information office of European Parliament, 2007
      (Marika, former managing editor of International Politics and Society, The human rights dimensions of the European profile in democracy support, in Democracy Europe’s core value? On the European profile in world-wide democracy assistance, eds: Marieke van Doom and Roel von Meijenfeldt)

      However, despite significant overlaps, human rights
      agents in shaping democratic politics and political structures.


    • Governance Assistance is not Environment Assistance (KU KK Egypt Enviro Aff)

      Interp - Democracy assistance has 4 subsectors – Civil Society, Governance, Rule of Law and Elections
      Azpuru, Finkel, Perez-Linan, and Seligson, Vandy, Pitt, Pitt, Vandy, ’08
      (“What has the United States Been Doing?” Journal of Democracy Volume 19, Number 2, April 2008 pp. 150-159)
      It is often said that Western donors are

      Violation - Rule of Law contains three key areas: legal reform, administering justice, and increasing citizen’s access to justice. It does not include environmental governance
      McMahon, Dean’s Prof. Applied Politics @ Binghamton, ’02
      (Edward R., Director, Center on Democratic Performance, “The Impact of U.S. Democracy and Governance Assistance in Africa: Benin Case Study.” acsd 5/23/11, Aug 29-Sept 1,
      The rule of law area addresses both constitutional

      Management Systems International, 1998), 17.

  • Russia DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC

      Russian influence in the Middle East is on the rise but they are scared that US support of protestors in Egypt will legitimize popular revolts at home and decrease their influence in the Middle East

      Balmforth ‘11

      [Tom, March 2, Egypt unrest has Russia worried ,]


      Russia has promoted itself as a major player


      but they will be thinking about this,” says


      Democracy assistance to Egypt will damage relations with Russia, it’s an issue of regime survival – spills over to other areas

      Fiona Hill, 2/15/11, Foreign Policy, "How Russia and China See the Egyptian Revolution,",2


      One of the principal bases of U.


      issues unrelated to Egypt and the Middle East.


      Russia will not accept being pushed aside in the Middle East and will push back and sabotage US efforts – they view plan as an existential threat

      Stephen Blank (professor at the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College) June 2006 “Russia and the US in the Middle East:  Policies and Contexts”

      More recently we can observe an apparent decisive


      deeply rooted emotional reaction in the population”.78


      Russia will push back too hard in response to the plan causing nuclear war

      Victor Baranets (writer for Defense and Security) July 20, 2007 “Will America Fight Russia?” L/N

      Who will draw first blood? Sharavin:


      what US technologies and weapons are capable of.

    • Block Extensions

      The impact is extinction – this is the fastest and most likely scenario
      John Hallam, Editor of Nuclear Flashpoints, John Burroughs and Marcy Fowler, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, 2009, NPT Preparatory Committee, Steps Toward a Safer World
      Why did an article in the September 2008
      achieve lower operational status of nuclear weapon systems.
      Only US-Russia War causes extinction
      Bostrom 2 (Nick, Dir. Future of Humanity Institute and Prof. Philosophy – Oxford U., Journal of Evolution and Technology, “Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards”, 9, March,
      The first manmade existential risk was the inaugural
      that we will encounter in the 21st century.
      The Arab spring is seen as an opportunity for Russia to establish its influence in the region – the plan would push them out
      Magen ‘11
      [Zivi, April 14, Russia in the New Middle East

      The shocks that have lately rocked the Middle
      elbowed aside by competitors (such as China).
      Russia views influence with the US as zero-sum
      Anthony Camisi (wirter for the Daily Pennsylvanian) November 1, 2005 “Official:  Russia still sees ‘zero-sum’ game”
      One of the State Department's top advisers on
      zero-sum mentality," Greenberg said, meaning
      The Middle East is the center of the conflict between the US and Russia
      Ali Asghar Kazemi (professor of Law and international relations in Tehran) November 22, 2007 “Shadow of a new cold war”
      A new cold war is appearing on the
      seem to have no intention of ceasing hostilities.
      Russia opposes democratic intervention by the U.S. in the Middle East
      Katz, prof government @ George Mason, 2007
      (Mark, “Moscow’s mideast hopes,” June 11, UPI, lexis)

      Under Vladimir Putin, Russia has pursued three
      Soviet Union  perhaps even in Russia itself.
      Even if previous actions didn’t upset Russia, future actions will be opposed
      Shalini Sharan et al, September 2011, CSIS, "What does the arab spring mean for russia, central asia, and the caucasus?"

      The combination of these factors reduces the possibility
      of the new regimes in the Middle East.
      Russia is already upset about the situation in Egypt Attempts by the US to influence Egyptian democracy will be viewed as encroachment in Russia’s sphere of influence resulting in conflict
      Muhammad ‘11
      [Cedric, political strategist and monetary economist and member of the African Union's First Congress of African Economists. , A Coming Russia-U.S. Conflict Over Egypt?

      With Cairo and Alexandria burning, and President
      outright conflict with America over Egypt's fluid shifts.

      POMED, 2009
      (Dec 11, 2009, U.S. Military Assistance: Obstacle or Opportunity for Reform?
      Steven Cook, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and an expert on Arab and Turkish politics as well as U.S.-Middle East policy, and Emile Hokayem, a non-resident Research Fellow with the Henry L. Stimson Center’s Southwest Asia/Gulf program and Politics Editor of the Abu Dhabi-based newspaper The National. The event was moderated by Sebastian Grafe, Program Director for Foreign and Security Policy and Transatlantic Issues at the Heinrich Boll Foundation.

      Responding to a question from Grafe, Cook
      often discriminated against professionally within the Egyptian military.

      Russian training is true for top military officer in Egypt

      Christian Science Monitor, 2011
      (February 3, America's best agents in Cairo: US-trained Egyptian officers,

      Many eyes are on Lt. Gen.
      hundreds of Pentagon officials operate in the country.
      Relations are already strained over Arab Spring support – plan pushes them over the edge
      Shalini Sharan et al, September 2011, CSIS, "What does the arab spring mean for russia, central asia, and the caucasus?"

      The different strategic interests of the United States
      the "reset" running out of steam.
      US-Russian relations are key to Middle Eastern stability
      Dmitry Suslov (Deputy director on research at the council on foreign and defense policy) 2005 “US-Russian Relations Saved for Now”
      Russia's modernization is impossible without the United States
      one single problem: degradation of this region.
      Sadi, former Jordanian ambassador to Turkey and the UN, 2007
      (Waleed, Without Russia, the US faces Middle Eastern frustration, Daily Star, Dec 4, online,

      Putin has employed different means to counter this
      its policies in the Middle East to fruition.

  • Yemen Opposition Support Neg

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • AQAP Advantage

      Al Qaeda isn’t interested in nuclear weapons

      Paul Cruickshank and Tim Lister. Sept. 12th, 2011. “Al Qaeda 2.0: What the next 10 years will bring.”

      As Congress prepares to hold a joint House


      undermine authoritarian rulers and their ruthless intelligence services.


      Terrorism inevitable – AQIM and Africa

      Paul Cruickshank and Tim Lister. Sept. 12th, 2011. “Al Qaeda 2.0: What the next 10 years will bring.”

      If al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula seems


      nor did that of AQAP two years ago. 


      No risk of terrorism and it won't cause extinction.

      Tierny 2006  (John.  New York Times, “Waiting for al Qaeda.”  September 9.  Lexis)

      Mueller's conclusion is that there just aren't that


      transform the Middle East in order to survive.


      Even if a nuclear terrorist attack succeeded, retaliation would be impossible. 

      Nyquist ‘7

      J.R. Nyquist, 10/19/07, "The Logic of Nuclear Proliferation,"   

      A few days ago President Bush made a


      been based on a doctrine of massive retaliation. 

      Stability Advantage

      Can’t solve stability – alt causes
      Boucek 2011
      [Dr. Christopher, Associate, Middle East Program Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Written Testimony Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs Washington, D.C. July 19, 2011, ]
      Yemen is facing an unprecedented confluence of crises
      threaten American foreign policy and national security interests.

      Too many alt causes – any one of them is enough to trigger instability
      Ulrichsen 11
      Kristian Coates Ulrichsen is the Kuwait research fellow in the Kuwait Programme for
      Development, Governance and Globalisation in the Gulf States Centre for
      the Study of Global Governance at the London School of Economics and
      Political Science. Middle East Policy Council Journal Essay: The Geopolitics of Insecurity in the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula 2011

      This country of nearly 24 million people faces
      bypasses and undermines formal controls and border security.

      Democratization takes decades
      Cohen & Kupcu, 2009
      (Michael, Maria, Revitalizing U.S. Democracy Promotion: a Comprehensive Plan For Reform, April, New America Foundation in conjunction with Georgetown Law’s Human Rights Institute,

      Democratization is the work of generations. While
      a beginning step on the road to democratization.

      Government transition turns the aff
      Ruhe 11 (Jonathan, senior policy analyst at the Bipartisan Policy Center. “The Horror of a Post-Saleh Yemen”, June 9, 2011
      Yemeni history indeed paraphrases itself, and 2011
      . The United States had best prepare itself.

      Middle East conflict won’t escalate – local conflicts do not spillover
      Steven A. Cook (fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations) Ray Takeyh (fellows at the Council on Foreign Relations) and Suzanne Maloney (senior fellow at Saban Center) June 28 2007 “Why the Iraq war won't engulf the Mideast”, International Herald Tribune
      Finally, there is no precedent for Arab
      local conflicts from enveloping the entire Middle East.

      Saudi/Iran Adv

      Iran would never attack the Saudi’s – if they did the attack would fail

      Bill Spindle and Margaret Coker. April 16, 2011. “The New Cold War.”

      The Saudis currently rely on the U.


      it has renounced the use of nuclear weapons.


      Middle East conflict won’t escalate – local conflicts do not spillover

      Steven A. Cook (fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations) Ray Takeyh (fellows at the Council on Foreign Relations) and Suzanne Maloney (senior fellow at Saban Center) June 28 2007 “Why the Iraq war won't engulf the Mideast”, International Herald Tribune

      Finally, there is no precedent for Arab


      local conflicts from enveloping the entire Middle East.


      Middle East escalation empirically denied

      Kevin Drum September 9 2007 The Washington Monthly, “The Chaos Hawks”

      Needless to say, this is nonsense.


      war for a decade. No regional conflagration.

  • Egypt Technical Assistance Neg

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Elections Advantage

      Favoring certain political parties will backfire
      Thomas Carothers, 2/24/11, [Carothers a leading authority on democracy promotion and democratization worldwide as well as an expert on U.S. foreign policy generally. He has worked on democracy assistance projects for many public and private organizations and carried out extensive field research on democracy-building efforts around the world.], Washington Post, "How not to promote democracy in Egypt,"
      As the U.S. government assesses
      or parties during the various elections since 2005. 

      MB win inevitable – aid can’t work fast enough
      Rick Gold, 2/7/11, (Gold is a retired Foreign Service Officer who werved with USAID in Egypt), "The Revolution's significane for political parties,"

      In 2005, USAID provided funding to the
      permitted to establish a party or field candidates.

      American aid hurts the chances of the recipients
      Mohamed Abdelbaky, 8/25/11, Fikra Forum, (Mohamed Abdelbaky is an Egyptian journalist who specializes in demoacy and human rights), "The crisis of external funding of egyptian civil society,"

      So, Egyptian civil society, which is
      civil society in Egypt during the transition phase.

      Opposing the MB will cause blowback when they win
      Bajoria 11 (Jayshree Bajoria, Senior Staff Writer, Council on Foreign Relations, February 3, 2011, “Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood,”
      Leslie Gelb, CFR's president emeritus who has
      at the heart of talks with Egypt's Islamists."

      No military takeover – key officials oppose
      Michael Hanna, 8/23/11, Foreign Policy, "The mind of Egypt's military,"

      The haphazard and at times authoritarian manner by
      have not thrown their weight behind this proposition.  

      Leadership Advantage

      One shot attempts don’t solve credibility and it takes decades
      Marina Ottaway, March 2003, Carnegie Endowment, "Promoting democracy i nthe middle east: the problem of US credibility,"

      To play a more important role in the
      a set of obstacles specific to the region.

      Democracy Assistance can’t restore leadership
      Carpenter 11 (Ted Galen, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, is the author of eight books on international affairs, including Smart Power: Toward a Prudent Foreign Policy for America, What Should U.S. Do about Egypt? Very Little, Cato Institute, February 11, 2011, , MCL)
      Though the spectacular events in Cairo have ended
      low-profile role during these turbulent days.

      Hegemony is not sustainable – current trends show decline in all facets of US power.

      Haas 8 (Richard, CFR pres., May/June,
      In this world, the United States is
      of nonpolarity as is the proliferation of weaponry.

      Transition now and its peaceful
      Global Times 8
      [School of International Studies of Renmin University of China, “Coming Collapse of the Hegemonic World”,
      September 12, 2008, p. LexusNexus]
      With the clout of China and India rising
      free and harmonious world in the new century.

      Clinging to hegemony hastens its decline
      MacDonald 9
      [Paul, doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science, Columbia University, Daedalus, “Rebalancing
      American foreign policy”, 2009, p. asp]
      Observers have anticipated America's decline numerous times before
      has much to lose and little to gain. 

  • Bahrain Dialogue Neg

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 5th Fleet Advantage

      5th fleet won’t leave- their claims are based on rumors without reliable sources
      Toumi 11 (7-22, Habib, MA  Mass Communications, University of Leicester, “US Navy dismisses reports it is moving out of Bahrain,” atw
      The US Navy has denied media reports it
      the Gulf, has little desire to move.

      Alternatives to Bahrain are sufficient for military presence and effectiveness
      Michael Koplovsky, Deputy Chief of Mission @ U.S. Embassy Lusaka, Career Foreign Service Office, October 23, 2006, Precipitating the Inevitable: the Surprisingly Benign Impact of Losing Basing Rights in Bahrain, precipitating-inevitable-surprisingly-benign-impact/18387
      By establishing a network of cooperative locations and
      place and at the right time to succeed.

      Iranian and U.S. influence is irrelevant in the Middle East
      Jumana Al Tamimi, 8/3/11, Gulf News, "Poll shows Iran has lost Arab support,"
      After a few years of supporting Iran for
      calling for more freedoms and better living conditions. 

      Iran not building a Bomb- Top international watchdogs agree
      Tuan C. Nguyen, LiveScience Staff Writer 22 September 2009 Why It's So Hard to Make Nuclear Weapons  

      It took only a matter of hours last
      notoriously difficult to build an advanced nuclear weapon.  

      Iran would never attack the Saudi’s – if they did the attack would fail
      Bill Spindle and Margaret Coker. April 16, 2011. “The New Cold War.”
      The Saudis currently rely on the U.
      it has renounced the use of nuclear weapons.

      Middle East conflict won’t escalate – local conflicts do not spillover
      Steven A. Cook (fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations) Ray Takeyh (fellows at the Council on Foreign Relations) and Suzanne Maloney (senior fellow at Saban Center) June 28 2007 “Why the Iraq war won't engulf the Mideast”, International Herald Tribune
      Finally, there is no precedent for Arab
      local conflicts from enveloping the entire Middle East.

      Iraq Advantage

      Civil war wouldn’t escalate
      Matthew Yglesias The Atlantic “Containing Iraq” 9/12/2007

      Kevin Drum tries to throw some water on
      the desert hunting a possibly mythical terrorist organization.

      Impossible to regain credibility in the Arab world
      Carpenter 11 (Ted Galen, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, is the author of eight books on international affairs, including Smart Power: Toward a Prudent Foreign Policy for America, What Should U.S. Do about Egypt? Very Little, Cato Institute, February 11, 2011, , MCL)
      Though the spectacular events in Cairo have ended
      low-profile role during these turbulent days.

      Saudi Arabia will block reform
      Al-Tamimi June 19, 2011 Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi intern for the Middle East Forum, student at Brasenose College, Oxford University “Bahrain: Can The U.S. Do Anything?”  MM
      But here is the catch: Saudi Arabia
      the hands of the Saudis and the GCC.

      Bahrain will reject the plan’s offer
      Northam May 22, 2011 Jackie Northam is Foreign Affairs correspondent for NPR news. “Bahrain Crackdown Puts Pressure On U.S. Diplomacy” MM
      While public criticism of Bahrain's handling of the
      they're going to respond to," he says.

      The U.S. will block Israeli strikes
      Press TV Israel not to attack Iran 'in near term' Fri, 8/28/ 2009  

      Amid Israeli concerted efforts to halt Iran's nuclear
      near term as far as I can tell."   

      So Either Israel strikes are inevitable or will never happen
      Walt Rodgers.  CSM, “The danger of an Israeli strike on Iran.”  April 24, 2009.  
      Netanyahu is no fool. He is keenly
      or economic pressure can sway Iran's ruling clerics. 

      Iraq doesn’t matter - Saudi Arabia will let Israel use its airspace.
      Mark Sappenfield.  CSM, “Closer to an Israeli strike on Iran’s nukes?”  July 5, 2009.  
      Speculation about a potential Israeli strike against nuclear
      to get American approval to fly over Iraq.

      Multiplank CP

      Plank 1:  The United States federal government should provide a 1.7 cent per kilowatt-hour tax credit for carbon sequestration projects.


      Plank 2:  The United States federal government should produce and maintain a fleet of no fewer than 250 F-22s.


      Plank 3: The United States federal government should agree to Iran’s uranium fuel-swap offer.



      Incentives can speed the technology for carbon sequestration and bring it online

      William Sweet, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 2006, Kicking the Carbon Habit: global warming and the case for renewable and nuclear energy, p. 144

      From a purely technical point of view,


      two years from avoided carbon-emission taxes.


      F-22 build-up solves hegemony

      Grant ‘9

      [Rebecca. senior fellow of the Lexington Institute. Outside View: Why F-22 is vital -- Part 4. 4/1/9.].

      There is yet another dilemma. The smaller


      When production ceases, the door will close.


      Iranian nuclear tech inevitable – only the counterplan prevents proliferation

      Martin Matishak, 10/7/2011, Global Security Newswire, "US should accept Iran's latest uranium enrichment offer, experts say,"


      The United States should accept Iran's offer to


      West. He reaffirmed the pledge this week.


      Engagement with Iran solves credibility, stifles their nuclear program and encourages a regime change

      Zachary Keck, 6/8/11, The Diplomat, "Why to accept Iran's talks offer,"


      Negotiations over Iran’s nuclear programme had been at


      hinders its ability to advance the nuclear program.

  • Libya Neg

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Stability Advantage

      Applebaum, 2011
      (Anne, August 23, Let Libya take charge of its revolution,

      The Libyan revolution needn’t end in civil war
      them, we risk immediately making it unpopular.

      Serwer, 2011
      (Daniel, Where does Libya go from here?, August 25,

      There are no magic formulas for how to
      place a police force Libyan democracy would want.

      No risk of Islamist extremism post-Qaddafi
      Democracy Digest. 4-5-2011. “Inclusive civil society more likely than sectarian strife in post-Qaddafi Libya?”
      Predictions of a post-Qaddafi civil war
      will be a bane to jihadi recruitment efforts.” 

      Al Qaeda isn’t interested in nuclear weapons
      Paul Cruickshank and Tim Lister. Sept. 12th, 2011. “Al Qaeda 2.0: What the next 10 years will bring.”
      As Congress prepares to hold a joint House
      undermine authoritarian rulers and their ruthless intelligence services. 

      No risk of terrorism and it won't cause extinction.
      Tierny 2006  (John.  New York Times, “Waiting for al Qaeda.”  September 9.  Lexis)
      Mueller's conclusion is that there just aren't that
      transform the Middle East in order to survive. 

      Your impacts are just media hype.
      Mueller 2006  (John, Chair of National Security Studies @ Ohio State University. Overblown: How Politicians and the Terrorism Industry Inflate National Security Threats, and Why We Believe Them. Pg. 6)
      One reason these propositions have gone almost entirely
      contempt for America's capacity to deal with adversity.

      Even if a nuclear terrorist attack succeeded, retaliation would be impossible.  
      Nyquist ‘7
      J.R. Nyquist, 10/19/07, "The Logic of Nuclear Proliferation,"    
      A few days ago President Bush made a
      been based on a doctrine of massive retaliation.    

      NATO Advantage

      Bromund, senior research fellow @ Heritage, 2011
      (Theodore, Obama’s Top Ten Errors on Libya, September 1,

      The Libyan war has been a disaster for
      lost a large chunk of its historic core.

      NATO collapse equals EU fill-in, solves the impact
      The end of NATO will produce a Euro
      NATO should assist in this gradual transition. n312 

      No impact to NATO collapse
      Bruno 2008
      (Greg BRUNO, writer.  CFR, “The NATO Alliance at War.”  Updated 4-2-2008.  
      NATO, experts say, suffers from a
      is that NATO is doing a huge amount.”

      Collapse inevitable and no impact to it
      Martin Sieff, 5/8/09, UPI, "How NATO became a weak and empty shell,"
      A combination of geopolitical and psychological factors turned
      in both numbers and power-projection capabilities. 

      Burden Sharing/Hegemony Advantage

      US heg sustainable – multiple reasons

      Slaughter 9 (Anne-Marie, of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton, Foreign Affairs, January- February 2009, “America's Edge Subtitle: Power in the Networked Century,” p. 94)
      Almost 30 years ago, the psychologist Carol
      innovative and dynamic society anywhere in the world. 

      McFarland, national security advisor to Nixon, Ford & Reagan, 2011
      (KT, The Obama Doctrine  Can Anyone Really Lead From Behind?, September 6,

      But there are even bigger problems with the
      , with the good of others in mind.

      Kagan, 2011
      (Robert, Obama needs to resist the temptation to run away from Libya as quickly as possible, says FPI Director Robert Kagan, August 27,

      That is one reason why the fall of
      the United States remains both indispensable and irreplaceable.

      A decline of Hegemony would not be catastrophic
      Global Times 8
      [School of International Studies of Renmin University of China, “Coming Collapse of the Hegemonic World”,
      September 12, 2008, p. LexusNexus]
      With the clout of China and India rising
      free and harmonious world in the new century.

      The benefits of hegemony can’t be realized
      Layne 07, Christopher, Associate Professor of International Affairs at the Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University, “American Empire: A Debate,” Routledge publishing 2007, pg. 51
      The events of the last five years suggest
      backlash against its preeminent position in international politics.

  • Syria Opposition Support Neg

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Saudi Advantage

      No proxy war
      Bill Spindle and Margaret Coker. April 16, 2011. “The New Cold War.”
      The Saudis currently rely on the U.
      it has renounced the use of nuclear weapons.

      Downfall of the Assad regime will cause a civil war
      Hassan ‘11
      [Hassan, Aug 28, Syria's opposition has failed to offer a viable alternative , ]

      The regime has also been careful not to
      Mr Al Assad will simply prolong his regime.

      Middle East conflict won’t escalate – local conflicts do not spillover
      Steven A. Cook (fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations) Ray Takeyh (fellows at the Council on Foreign Relations) and Suzanne Maloney (senior fellow at Saban Center) June 28 2007 “Why the Iraq war won't engulf the Mideast”, International Herald Tribune
      Finally, there is no precedent for Arab
      local conflicts from enveloping the entire Middle East.

      Middle East escalation empirically denied
      Kevin Drum September 9 2007 The Washington Monthly, “The Chaos Hawks”
      Needless to say, this is nonsense.
      war for a decade. No regional conflagration.

      No escalation- Global Powers have moderated
      Dr. Gwynne Dyer (lecturer on international affairs) October 21 2001 “The World Turned Upside Down?”, International Affairs,
      How bad could it get? Very bad
      . Things are actually changing for the better.

      No extinction from chemical weapons
      Easterbrook 3 (Gregg, Senior Fellow – New Republic, “We’re All Gonna Die!”, Wired Magazine, July,

      2. Chemical weapons! Spooky-sounding
      would be confined to a few city blocks. 

      Russia Advantage

      Hegemony is not sustainable – current trends show decline in all facets of US power.
      Haas 8 (Richard, CFR pres., May/June,
      In this world, the United States is
      of nonpolarity as is the proliferation of weaponry.

      The transition away from unipolarity is happening now and it will remain peaceful
      Global Times 8
      [School of International Studies of Renmin University of China, “Coming Collapse of the Hegemonic World”,
      September 12, 2008, p. LexusNexus]
      With the clout of China and India rising
      free and harmonious world in the new century.

      Russia will not accept being pushed aside in the Middle East and will push back and sabotage US efforts – they view plan as an existential threat
      Stephen Blank (professor at the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College) June 2006 “Russia and the US in the Middle East:  Policies and Contexts”
      More recently we can observe an apparent decisive
      deeply rooted emotional reaction in the population”.78

      Russia will push back too hard in response to the plan causing nuclear war
      Victor Baranets (writer for Defense and Security) July 20, 2007 “Will America Fight Russia?” L/N
      Who will draw first blood? Sharavin:
      show of what US technologies and weapons are capable

      Cohen, senior research fellow @ Heritage, 2007
      (Ariel, “Putin’s presence,” Washington Times, March 4, lexis)

      The Russian leadership is concerned with the high
      unspoken but important item on the Kremlin's agenda.

      David 99 – Professor of Political Science at John Hopkins University
      [Steven R., “Saving America from the Coming Civil Wars,” Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb, LN]

      Should Russia succumb to internal war, the
      will unleash nuclear weapons against the United States.

      Oil crisis inevitable
      Robert McNally and Michael Levi, July/August 2011, Foreign Affairs, "A Crude Predicament: The Era of Volatile Oil Prices," vo. 90, no. 4

      With producers nearly tapped out amid strong demand
      on spending elsewhere, depressing the entire economy.

      No resource wars
      Seng, 2k [MAJ Ronnie Lim Gek Seng, “Globalisation and Its Impact on Security in Southeast Asia,” Journal of the Singapor Armed Forces, Journal V26 N3 (Jul - Sep 2000), ]
      Countries go to war for a variety of
      war to gain resource becomes even more remote. 

  • Shutdown DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A government funding extension will be reached now, but new spending derails the deal. Causes a shutdown.

      Andy Sullivan, 11/1/11, Reuters, "US Senate passes slimmed-down spending bills,"


      The U.S. government would spend


      , due to a dispute over disaster spending.


      A shutdown will collapse the economy

      Martin Neil Baily, 4/6/11, Brookings Institute, "Economic repercussions of a government shudown,"


      In the bigger picture, consumer and investor


      triggering another and perhaps even worse financial crisis.


      Economic collapse turns the aff and causes nuclear war

      Harris and Burrows, 09 – PhD in European History @ Cambridge and Counselor of the US National Intelligence Council AND Member of the National Intelligence Council’s Long Range Analysis Unit (Mathew J. and Jennifer, “Revisiting the Future: Geopolitical Effects of the Financial Crisis,” April, Washington Quarterly,


      Of course, the report encompasses more than


      a more dog-eat-dog world.

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Neg:WSU bm
      Round # 5 Tournament:Shirley
      Vs Team: Kansas CG
      Judge: Sarah Spring



      Off Case Args:

      Transportation politics

      EU cp without NB

      Consult Turkey

      Nayan K


      Case Args:

      Not ME War

      No trade war

      No UI Russia War

      Specific case defense (x gas cutoff, Tunisia say no)


      Block Strategy:

      2NC: ev

      1NR: political


      2nr Strategy:

      Political and camp 

      Neg: Witchita State BH

      Round # 4 Shirley

      V seam Michigan hl

      Judge Fifelski


      Off Case Args:

      T DA excludes dialogue

      Nayar K

      Saudi Arabia DA

      Grab bag adv cp/ on wiki


      Case Args

      5th fleet bad

      Say no



      Block Strategy

      5th fleet grab bag cp



      2nr Strat

      Neg:Wichita State BM

      Round # 1 Tournament: Shirley

      Vs Team: Minnesota FS

      Judge: Bausen



      Off Case Args:

      T: DA lappin


      EU CP

      Russia DA


      Case Args:

      CAP sustainable

      Cap inevitable

      Cap good, ethical, transition wars

      Psychoanalysis bad

      Bouazizi wanted cap

      Arab revolts not anti-cap

      Extinction o/w

      No root cause of violence


      Block Strategy:

      EU cp



      Russia DA


      2nr Strategy:




  • Saudi Arabia DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • US – Saudi relations are on the brink now -- The plan collapses the alliance

      Avni 11—New York Post op-ed contributor. Has covered Middle East and US fopo for years (Benny, O's Saudi scramble, 15 April 2011,

      The Obama administration is scrambling to repair dam


      just to get on the Saudi's good side. 


      Collapse of the alliance emboldens Iran and turns the aff

      Fisher 10-11-11 – Associate at the Atlantic, Max, Would Iran Really Want to Blow Up the Saudi Ambassador to the U.S.?, The Atlantic,

      What would it really mean for Iran if


      the U.S. on American soil.

  • Dedev

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Dedev


      Economic growth is unsustainable – resource scarcity, land use, global warming, and overconsumption

      Trainer, 07 – Visiting Fellow in the Faculty of Arts at the University of NSW (Ted, “We can't go on living like this”,

      Several lines of argument lead to this conclusion


      . Yet the present level is grossly unsustainable.



      Decline doesn’t cause war – it’s the other way around

      Bennett and Stam 2003

      D. Scott Bennett is Professor of Political Science at the Pennsylvania State University.

      Allan C. Stam is Associate Professor in the Government Department at Dartmouth College.  The Behavioral Origins of War   D.A. 7-15-10

      Consistent with Goldstein’s arguments, we find periods


      incidence of war increases and rather dramatically so.


      Growth makes irreversible destruction and extinction inevitable. Collapsing the global economy is the only way out. Even if the collapse is destructive, it is better than continued growth.

      Barry 08

      (Dr. Glen, president and founder of Ecological Internet, “Economic Collapse and Global Ecology”, 1/14, Counter Currents,, VR)

      Humanity and the Earth are faced with an


      upon bringing down the Earth's industrial economy now.


      The transition would be quick and painless

      Trainer 2 - Lecturer, School of Social Work, University of New South Wales (Ted, “Debating the Significance of the Global Eco-village Movement: A Reply to Takis Fotopoulos” Democracy & Nature, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2002) MGM

      However I am not convinced the transition must


      present resource-expensive infrastructures and of legitimacy.


      Block Cards


      Transition is possible

      William Powers, Summer 2011, (William Powers is a senior fellow at the World Policy Institute. He has worked for more than a decade in development aid and conservation in Latin America, Africa, and Washington.) World Policy Journal, "Finding Enough: Confessions of a secular missionary," Project Muse


      In October 2011, I visited the University


      shelter, and absorb the waste of everyone.


      The transition would solve – movements building now

      William Powers, Summer 2011, (William Powers is a senior fellow at the World Policy Institute. He has worked for more than a decade in development aid and conservation in Latin America, Africa, and Washington.) World Policy Journal, "Finding Enough: Confessions of a secular missionary," Project Muse


      . As a wise friend from an indigenous


      myself every day. How much is enough?


      A collapse will trigger a consciousness shift

      Joel Kassiola, Professor of Political Science, Brooklyn College, 1990, The Death of Industrial Civilization, p. 196

      To sum up the main thrust of this


      to our planet and all of its inhabitants.




      Collapse is vital to spur a transition – it would catalyze a social learning process that makes new social arrangements possible.

      Milbrath, 03 – Director Emeritus of the Research Program in Environment and Society at the State University of New York at Buffalo (Lester W.,"Envisioning a Sustainable Society," Explorations in Environmental Political Theory: Thinking About What We Value, edited by Joel Jay Kassiola, Published by M.E. Sharpe, ISBN 0765610523, p. 48-51)

      Learning our way to a new society not


      are not free to shrink from this responsibility. 


      Comprehensive studies prove decline doesn’t cause war

      MILLER 01

      Morris Miller is an adjunct economics professor at the University of Ottawa.

      Peace Magazine Jan-Mar 2001, page 8  D.A. 7-15-10 Poverty: A Cause of War?

      Economic Crises?  Some scholars have argued that


      using one form of violence to abort another)."


      Economic collapse won’t cause war – Current Decline proves

      Moises Naim – Editor in Chief of Foreign Policy Magazine  Foreign Policy Online | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2010  d.a. 7-15-10

      Just a few months ago, the consensus


      No, it turns out: They aren't.


      Global economic decline fosters international cooperation, not conflict.

      Fravel 10

      The Limits of Diversion: Rethinking Internal and External Conflict

      M. Taylor Fravel is the Cecil and Ida Green Career Development Associate Professor of Political Science and member of the Security Studies Program at the Massachusetts Institute of

      Security Studies, Volume 19, Issue 2 May 2010 , pages 307 - 341 Informaworld


      The diversionary hypothesis offers one of the most


      Asian Nations and the Gulf Cooperation Council.131


      A strong US economy makes conflict more likely

      Oneal & Tir  2006

      John R. Oneal is Associate Professor and Director of International Studies at the University of Alabama.  Jaroslav Tir is Assistant Professor in Political Science at the University of Georgia Does the Diversionary Use of Force Threaten the Democratic Peace? Assessing the Effect of Economic Growth on Interstate Conflict, 1921–2001   International Studies Quarterly Volume 50, Issue 4, Pages 755-779 Wiley interscience

      Our analyses of five prominent, powerful democracies


      used to divert attention away from a poor economy


      Growth causes nationalism and war

      BOEHMER 07

      Charles R. Boehmer. "The Effects of Economic Crisis, Domestic Discord, and State Efficacy on the Decision to Initiate Interstate Conflict" Politics and Policy 35.4 (2007): 774-809. Available at:  Assistant Professor of Political Science at

      The University of Texas at El Paso.  D.A. 7-15-10


      All leaders depend on a constituency of some


      had not experienced prolonged prosperity and economic growth?


      Nuclear winter wouldn’t cause extinction anyway

      Holtz 2005  (Brian, M.S. in AI from the U. of Michigan, “Possible Future Global Catastrophes,” Human Knowledge: Foundations and Limits,” 


      Nuclear Catastrophe. Nuclear power could result in


      could neither extinct humanity nor end human civilization.



      We will have over consumed Earth’s resources by 2030 – extinction is inevitable w/out dedev

      Science Daily, 10/18/10, "Tropics in decline as natural resources exhausted at alarming rate,"

      New analysis shows populations of tropical species are


      planets' productive capacity to meet our annual demands.


      Continued growth will inevitably lead to resource wars

      Trainer 2 - Senior Lecturer, School of Social Work, University of New South Wales (Ted, “If you want affluence, prepare for War,” Democracy & Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy; Jul2002, Vol. 8 Issue 2, p281-299)

      If You Want Affluence, Prepare for War


      their share of industrial resources and markets …’70


      Growth causes extinction – overpop, tech can’t solve, and no mindset shift without dedev

      William Powers, Summer 2011,(William Powers is a senior fellow at the World Policy Institute. He has worked for more than a decade in development aid and conservation in Latin America, Africa, and Washington.)  World Policy Journal, "Finding Enough: Confessions of a secular missionary," Project Muse


      Consider this radical notion: the environmental crisis


      essential for the very survival of our species.




      alternative energy tech can’t solve: they need one nuclear power plant PER DAY to offset carbon emissions.  Reject their authors, they rely on faulty assumptions about technological progress

      Cohen, 2010 (Dave, columnist for the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas, “Economic Growth and Climate Change – No Way Out?” February 2,

      Thus Garrett's work supports my conclusion that a


      longer in humanity's best interests to maintain it.


      Water Wars Impact

      Growth causes water overconsumption

      Maude Barlow, Spring 2001. National Chairperson of the Council of Canadians and IFG Committee on the Globalization of Water. “BLUE GOLD: The Global Water Crisis and the Commodification of the World's Water Supply,”

      Economic globalization's values of unlimited growth and increased


      to protect our water at the same time.


      Water shortages lead to nuclear war and extinction

      NASCA, National Association for Scientific and Cultural Appreciation, 2004, “Water shortages - Only a matter of time,”

      Water Shortage According to the latest estimates nearly


      for which there will be no obvious answer.

  • Israel DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The US is committed to Israel now, but the relationship is tense

      Jackson 9/22/11 (David, writer for USA Today "Obama's relations changing with Israel, Palestinians" September 22, 2011

      This week may some day be seen as


      in Egypt attacked the Israeli Embassy in Cairo.


      Israel would backlash against US democracy assistance to Egypt

      David Rothkopf, 11/25/11, Foreign Policy, "It is time to retire the term "Arab Spring,"


      Just the other day, Israeli Prime Minister


      saying it doesn't necessarily mean it is wrong.


      The plan’s perception of US non-commitment radicalizes Israeli foreign policy and causes greater self-reliance

      Malka 11 Haim Malka is deputy director and senior fellow in the Middle East Program at CSIS "Uncertain Commitment: Israeli Assessments of US Power"

      More broadly, U.S. indecision


      destabilizing for both Israel and the United States.


      Causes Israel to strike Iran

      Parsi 9 (Trita, president of NIAC, GAT

      Only a few weeks after US-Iran


      Israel from taking actions that would endanger America.


      Nuclear great power war

      Trabanco 9 (Jose M. A., writer for Global Research, GAT

      In case of an Israeli and/or


      right in the middle of a powder keg.



  • Referendum CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text: the United States federal government will hold a public referendum of whether or not to...



      The CP solves the aff and internal-link turns the advantage – When the public is given real choices they are willing to change their mind on even the toughest issues

      Joe Klein, 9/2/10, TIME, "How can a democracy solve tough problems?",8599,2015481,00.html

      "The public is very smart if you


      real consequences, they will make real decisions."



      David Magleby, political scientist, 1995 (COLORADO LAW REVIEW, Winter, p. 40) (PDOCSS2098)

      The United States is one of only five


      , is to provide for a national initiative.

  • Spec

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


                      The affirmative must identify the agent in the plan, the recipient of the assistance, and any other intermediaries that disburse the funds.The key debates in the literature are rooted in who disburses the aid and who receives the aid.  And, we aren’t just complaining – we have evidentiary support.

      Carothers, direct of the democracy and rule of law project @ Carnegie Endowment, 2006

      (Thomas, The role of non-governmental organizations in the development of democracy, Senate Hearing 109-844, June 8,


      Mr. Carothers. It is a very


      are carrying out a USAID-sponsored initiative.


  • NED CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text: The United States Federal Government should increase funding to the National Endowment for Democracy to…


      USFG should not provide technical assistance, NGOs should

      McFaul, prof of political science @ Stanford and special assistant to Obama, 2010

      (Michael, Advancing democracy abroad: why we should and how we can)


      At the same time, the new department


      the State Department and White House as possible.


      Huge negative perceptions mean USAID can’t solve

      Thomas Carothers. 2009. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. “Revitalizing U.S. Democracy assistance

      the challenge of USAID.”

      A core set of complaints emerges from this


      have been solidified and crucial local knowledge gained.

  • Social Location K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The 1AC has the wrong starting point- the notions of an inherent separation from power structures forecloses the possibility of connectivity to the larger community and social change

      Aimee Carrillo Rowe (Ph. D Assistant Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Iowa. Her research and teaching emphasize feminist alliances, third world feminisms, whiteness, and antiracism. Her book in progress theorizes coalitional subjectivity by weaving a critical analysis of life stories of academic feminists with cultural theory and narrative nonfiction)  Be Longing: Toward a Feminist Politics of Relation  2005 by NWSA Journal NWSA Journal 17.2 (2005) 15-46 (Project Muse)


      Mab Segrest has recently written, "what


      of belonging is constituative of the decolonial imaginary.


      We must reject the notion that our location creates our identity- A politics of belonging is key to agency and combating dominant modes of exclusion

      Aimee Carrillo Rowe (Ph. D Assistant Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Iowa. Her research and teaching emphasize feminist alliances, third world feminisms, whiteness, and antiracism. Her book in progress theorizes coalitional subjectivity by weaving a critical analysis of life stories of academic feminists with cultural theory and narrative nonfiction)  Be Longing: Toward a Feminist Politics of Relation  2005 by NWSA Journal NWSA Journal 17.2 (2005) 15-46 (Project Muse)


      Interpellation may be read as a function of


      (re)produced as effects of power?


      The alternative is to: START by recognizing of our position within the social web- “the political is the personal” - only through a politics of relations can we come to understand our own social location

      Aimee Carrillo Rowe (Ph. D Assistant Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Iowa. Her research and teaching emphasize feminist alliances, third world feminisms, whiteness, and antiracism. Her book in progress theorizes coalitional subjectivity by weaving a critical analysis of life stories of academic feminists with cultural theory and narrative nonfiction)  Be Longing: Toward a Feminist Politics of Relation  2005 by NWSA Journal NWSA Journal 17.2 (2005) 15-46 (Project Muse)


      My argument is that who we love is


      our belonging, and to envision an alternative.

  • Payroll Tax Cuts

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Payroll Tax Cuts

      Payroll tax extension will pass – only controversial legislation can derail it

      Scott Wong. 1-16-12. “Payroll tax cut deal may come faster than expected.”

      The one-year payroll tax deal that


      , the central theme of his reelection campaign.


      Assistance to Syria costs PC

      Tabler and Karlin 11. [Andrew, Mara, Washington Institute writers, “Obama’s Push-Pull Strategy: How Washington Should Plan for a Post-Assad Syria” May 31 --]

      To further assist the Syrian opposition, Washington


      other words, not the current minority system).



      PC will be key

      Lots of work to do – pol cap key

      Dirk Stemerman. 1-20-12. “Payroll tax cut showdown.”

      Last month, a crisis was averted less


      tax cut extension proponents make this same argument.



      Payroll tax cut key to avoid a double dip

      Washington Post, 9-8-11, p.


      President Obama is expected to call for an


      it will at least avert further degradation.


      Causes a depression

      CNN Money, 8-10-11, p.


      Another recession could be even worse than the


      have virtually no policy effort to counteract it.


      Nuclear war

      Harris and Burrows, 09 – PhD in European History @ Cambridge and Counselor of the US National Intelligence Council AND Member of the National Intelligence Council’s Long Range Analysis Unit (Mathew J. and Jennifer, “Revisiting the Future: Geopolitical Effects of the Financial Crisis,” April, Washington Quarterly, )


      Of course, the report encompasses more than


      a more dog-eat-dog world.

  • Russia DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Russia DA


      Martin, 2012

      (Patrick, Russia stands shoulder-to-shoulder with besieged Syrian leader, Jan 14,



      Russia has served notice that it has no


      weapons customers, despite the increasing international pressure.


      Russia is extremely worried and views Assad as its last chance to replace the US in the Middle East – any change in US strategy will result in backlash

      Noe and Raad ‘11

      [Nicholas and Walid, Sep 6, Iran and Russia Share a Syria Headache: Noe and Raad ,]


      Unlike Iran, however, which can take


      commentators' usual wrath -- at least for now.

      Russia will not accept being pushed aside in the Middle East and will push back and sabotage US efforts – they view plan as an existential threat

      Stephen Blank (professor at the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College) June 2006 “Russia and the US in the Middle East:  Policies and Contexts”

      More recently we can observe an apparent decisive


      deeply rooted emotional reaction in the population”.78

      Russia will push back too hard in response to the plan causing nuclear war

      Victor Baranets (writer for Defense and Security) July 20, 2007 “Will America Fight Russia?” L/N

      Who will draw first blood? Sharavin:


      what US technologies and weapons are capable of.

  • Turkey CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text: The government of Turkey will suspend its electricity exports to Syria.



      Dietz, 2011

      (David, A recent Graduate of Georgetown University, David has returned to the region where he is writing about the unrest and revolutions in the Middle East for and his own personal blog, Syrian Protesters Must Dismantle Bashar al-Assad From Within,



      Ultimately America - at least for now -


      isolating Assad internationally and among his own people.



      Bakri, 2011

      (Nada, Sanctions Pose Growing Threat to Syria’s Assad, October 10,



      BEIRUT, Lebanon — The Syrian economy is


      cities will eventually turn against Mr. Assad.



      Strauss, 2011

      (Michael, Turkey’s Illuminating Threat to Turn Off Syria's Lights, November 18,



      Turkey's threat to cut electricity exports to Syria


      control a new path for exerting diplomatic pressure.

  • EU CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text: The European Union should increase political organization assistance to democratic opposition groups based in Syria.


      The EU is capable of providing democracy assistance to MENA countries.

      E. A. Fakhro, 2009, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, "The European Union and Islam: Democracy Promotion in Bahrain and the Arab World,"

      Having examined both the influence of Islamist actors


      term ally and partner of the Arab world.


  • Neg v. UTD Dr-PITT RR-2

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Obama

      The transition away from hegemony is happening now and it will remain peaceful

      Global Times 8

      [School of International Studies of Renmin University of China, “Coming Collapse of the Hegemonic World”,

      September 12, 2008, p. LexusNexus]

      With the clout of China and India rising


      free and harmonious world in the new century.

      Hegemony is not sustainable – current trends show decline in all facets of US power.


      Haas 8 (Richard, CFR pres., May/June,

      In this world, the United States is


      of nonpolarity as is the proliferation of weaponry.



      One shot attempts at DA don’t increase cred – takes decades

      Marina Ottaway, March 2003, Carnegie Endowment, "Promoting democracy i nthe middle east: the problem of US credibility,"


      To play a more important role in the


      a set of obstacles specific to the region.


      Giving assistance to one country won’t solve the credibility gap

      Emma Sky, Summer 2011, Harvard International Review, "Arab Spring...American fall? Learning the right lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan,"


      The Arab Spring provides the United States with


      as discrimination by US-backed Sunni rulers.


      Hypocrisy hurts our credibility

      Nicholson and Schaffer 2011

      [Kailyn Nicholson and Anna Schaffer, edited by Stephanie Smith and Natalie Stockmann, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion:

      Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, Chapter 4: The Relationship between Rhetoric and Policy and its Implications for Effective Democracy Promotion.] PLC

      While the U.S. has unparalleled


      seen to be selective in its actual application.



      Succession means no risk of conflict

      Fackler, Martin. (New York Times)  December 19, 2011 Young Heir Faces Uncertain Transition in North Korea


      Masao Okonogi, a specialist on North Korea


      the United States in order to buy time.”


      US force primacy means no escalation

      The Moscow Times, R. James Woolsey, former CIA director and Thomas McInerney retired Air Force Lieutenant General. 10/5/03

      U.S. and South Korean forces


      Senate at his reconfirmation hearing on July 26.


      No chance of a U.S.-China war – China is the most peaceful great power

      Joshua Goldstein, September 2011, Foreign Policy, "Think Again: War,"


      What about China, the most ballyhooed rising


      a single shot in battle in 25 years.


      Turkey adv


      Middle East conflict won’t escalate – local conflicts do not spillover

      Steven A. Cook (fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations) Ray Takeyh (fellows at the Council on Foreign Relations) and Suzanne Maloney (senior fellow at Saban Center) June 28 2007 “Why the Iraq war won't engulf the Mideast”, International Herald Tribune

      Finally, there is no precedent for Arab


      local conflicts from enveloping the entire Middle East.



      Israel won’t war without U.S. permission

      Haaretz Service 11 [Syria: Israel would never declare war without U.S. permission]


      Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem denied


      reports that Syrian transfered advanced missiles to Hezbollah.



      Won’t close the Strait of Hormuz

      Erdbrink 12/28 [Thomas Erdbrink, “Iran unlikely to block oil shipments through Strait of Hormuz, analysts say”, The Washington Post, 12-28-2011,]

      TEHRAN — The latest in a series of


      roughly a third of the world’s oil shipments.




      Reserves check instability shocks

      Gholz and Press ‘10 * Associate professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin, AND ** Associate professor of government at Dartmouth College and coordinator of War and Peace Studies at the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding (Eugene and Daryl G., Security Studies, “Protecting “The Prize”: Oil and the U.S. National Interest”, 19: 3,  453 — 485 SW)

      Note: Tables removed


      Many countries maintain strategic petroleum stockpiles under the


      millions of barrels of oil to global markets.


      No Iran strikes now

      Efraim Inbar, Winter 2012, Middle East Quarterly, "The Arab Uprisings' Impact," Vol 19, Issue 1. ProQuest


      Arab political upheaval has deflected attention away from


      an Israeli military attack to eliminate the threat.






      The regime will not collapse – Assad is resilient and will come out more powerful than ever

      Leverett and Leverett ‘11

      Sep 1, Flynt Leverett teaches international affairs at Penn State and is a senior research fellow at the New America Foundation. Hillary Mann Leverett teaches at American University and is CEO of Strategic Energy and Global Analysis (STRATEGA), a political risk consultancy. ,]


      First of allit is far from


      and its interests—analysis by wishful thinking.


      Supporting the opposition will fail – too fragmented

      Patrick Seale, 8/24/11, The Nation, "Syria's Assad on the Ropes?"


      If the regime has shown itself to be


      at least those inside Syria, fear arrest.


      Supporting the opposition is not enough – Syria has to be rebuilt from the ground up

      Patrick Seale, 8/24/11, The Nation, "Syria's Assad on the Ropes?"


      The truth is that, as Tunisia and


      rethought, discarded or brought up to date.

      1nc- Russia DA, PTC Politics, EU CP, Turkey CP, Blackout DA + Case arguments above

      Block strat-

      2nc- T, Turkey CP ( added plank to assist the Muslim Brotherhood), Obama Advantage, Solvency,

      1nr- Turkey Cred ,EU CP, PTC, Russia Disad

      2nr- Case, Turkey CP Russia DA





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