The affirmative is rooted in attempts at masculine action – their focus on democracy assistance ultimately subverts the feminine tendencies in International Relations.
Duncanson and Eschle 8 (Claire and Catherine, U of Edinburgh and U of Strathclyde, New Political Science 30(4), p. 560)IM
Nonetheless, the British state is, and… others must believe that we can.
Our Kritik isn’t limited to democracy promotion, but the security paradigm inherent with the masculine war machine
Cohn and Ruddick 3 (Carol, Researcher and Teacher at Harvard Medical Signs, and Sara, author, A Feminist Ethical Perspective on Weapons of Mass Destruction, PJ
Anti-war feminists’ opposition to the… too often human security is not
This masculine ideology is the root cause of all proliferation, environmental destruction, domestic violence, and war
Warren and Cady 94 (Karen J, Duane L, feminists and authors, Hypatia, “Feminism and Peace: Seeing connections,” pg 16-17)
Much of the current "unmanageability" of… in regional, national, and global contexts.
Our alternative is to vote negative. Rejection of a framework that normalizes masculine warfare is critical to adopt epistemologies centered on a feminist ethic of peace
Cohn and Ruddick 3 (Carol, Researcher and Teacher at Harvard Medical Signs, and Sara, author, A Feminist Ethical Perspective on Weapons of Mass Destruction, PJ
Both in philosophy and in “western”… frame, and about the frame itself.