What does it mean, ontologically, to BE capital-B Black in the World? Blackness is fashioned in the furnaces of modernity’s quotidian terror and the churning vertigo of the slave ship in contradistinction to the Human. The African qua Black is a priori metaphysically and socially dead – without transgression or contingency. The black is totally powerless, alienated from kinship structures and generally dishonored. This is what it means to be Black
Woods 7 (Tryon, Professor, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Sonoma State University, Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge, V, Special Double-Issue, summer 2007, 319-330, OG)
In Wretched of the Earth, Fanon makes clear the distinction between domination and colonialism. The difference is that…. absurdity. As Fanon puts it in Black Skin, White Masks, when the black enters the space, all reason immediately evacuates.
Democracy is anti-Black because it is foundationalized by the political and libidinal economy of Slavery. The Dutch case proves that Black Death provides the material base for freedom, and the psychic void that Humanity flees. Furthermore, the academic specialization of our discussions disavows the truth of Black Death that facilitates the rise and spread of democratic ideals.
Buck-Morss 2000 (Susan, professor of political philosophy and social theory in the department of government, Cornell University, and Visiting Distinguished Professor in the Public Intellectuals Program, Florida Atlantic University, “Hegel and Haiti”, Critical Inquiry, Vol. 26, No. 4. (summer, 2000), pp. 821-865, http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0093-1896%28200022%2926%3A4%3C821%3AHAH%3E2.0.CO%3B2-F, Accessed: 11/6/11, OG)
By the eighteenth century, slavery… nothing to say about African slaves in this ~ontext.~
Discussions of democracy in the debate community this year are anti-Black because their assumptive logic is a distancing from the void of subjectivity that is Blackness. Notions of freedom, rights, and participation gain their coherence in contradistinction to the abject mutesness of the Black object. As Humanity aspires to freedom, screaming “give me liberty or give me death”, “we are the 99 percent”, “we won’t be slaves to Mubarrak or Ben Ali”, “down with Saleh”, it renders illegible the Slave’s grammar of suffering. Freedom for the Slave lies not in the “Arab Spring”, the blazing autumn skies of the Enlightenment, or the warm breeze of July 4th. It is gratuitous freedom from the world, Humanity, and the multicultural love-fests that inaugurated the slave trade and sustains contemporary rainbow coalitions.
Wilderson 10 [Frank B. III, Ph.D., Associate Professor at UC Irvine, former ANC member, “on some guerilla shit”, Red, White & Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms, pages 19-22, OG]
In their own ways, Spillers, a Black woman and cultural historian, and Eltis, a White historian of the transatlantic slave trade, make the similar n a trajectory of Humanist thought, which is why the infinite trajectories of freedom that emanate from Humanism's hub are anything but infinite—for they have no line of flight leading to the Slave.
We refuse to engage in academic dribble about democracy assistance. Our utilization of the Slave narrative to disrupt knowledge production destroys the unethical debate fantasy-space that reproduces an anti-Black world. Claims of fairness, predictability, balance, standards, and norms are reductive abstractions to maintain passivity and subtend a churning vertigo of Black and Red flesh. We are a revolutionary struggle against democracy and wholeheartedly believe that Whites are guilty until proven innocent of trying to maintain their fantasy-space. We know this hurts, but only truth begets gratuitous freedom.
Wilderson III 8 (Frank B., Ph.D., Associate Professor at UC Irvine, former African National Congress member, Incognegro: A Memoir of Exile and Apartheid, pages 407-11) og – contextualized
In defense of his actions, and as a way…. Here are some questions and guidelines to speed the search committee on its way and make everyone feel entitled.
Gratuitous freedom doesn’t mean fighting for democratic inclusion and the ideals they entail, but fighting against democracy itself. The Black ethico-political project is unabashed revolution. It is not a struggle against America’s policies, but America itself. Against democracy!
Boggs 63 [James, Political activist and author of The American Revolution: Pages from a Negro Worker's Notebook, “Letter of correspondence to Brandt Russell”, archived at the Walter P. Reuther library at Wayne State]
Dear Lord Russell: It has been a long time since you wrote and lots of…. are struggling against. Here’s hoping that 1964 will see us communicating better than in 1963, which presupposes, of course, that both of us will still be around to weather the storms and emerge into the sunshine of a different society, call it what you may.
The Black call for contingent freedom and democratic participation perfects Slavery. The only option for the Slave is to BURN DOWN EVERYTHING in this unethical world. Cleansing violence, just like that of the Haitian revolution, is the only path to gratuitous freedom.
Farley 4 (Anthony Paul, Associate Professor at Boston College Law School, “Perfecting Slavery”, http://www.luc.edu/law/activities/publications/lljdocs/vol36_no1/farley.pdf, Accessed: 11/9/11, OG)
What is to be done? Two hundred years ago, when the slaves in Haiti rose up, they, of necessity, burned everything: They burned San Domingo…. finds its way back from the undiscovered country only by burning down every plantation. When the slave prays for equal rights it makes the free choice to be dead, and it makes the free choice to not be.
The Slave forced is always to structurally adjust and “play alive” to participate in democracy and academia. Academic circles like the debate community police Black thought to maintain proper limits, equal ground, and stability. This process disavows Black incapacity and sutures civil society. Only an interjection of pure Black thought can destroy civil society and dis-form knowledge and Reason in the academe.
Wilderson 10 [Frank B. III, Ph.D., Associate Professor at UC Irvine, former ANC member, “on some guerilla shit”, Red, White & Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms, pages 38-44, OG]
How is it that the Black appears to partner… regardless of the fact that the mobility of symbolic material, that is, the idea of "criminal rehabilitation" and the agreement on who constitutes a criminal, and the mobility of imaginary captation, that is, the image of the warden, are both without limit in their capacity for transgression.