Participation within institutionally is a register that is unavailable to slaves. It is an impossibility unless there is a structural adjustment upon the lived experience of blackness that cleanses its conditions of violence which is bad because it only masks bankrupt anti-black modern world that we live in.
Wilderson 2010
Frank, "Bad at shootting AK-47s, good at pushing tokoloshes off the 23rd floor of hotel buildings, Red, White & Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms, page 66
"The assumptions that Black....Performative agency."
Humanism's dream of imagining political freedom is parasitic on the Black because it understands freedom through political practices and experiences. Freedom must be ontological. Black freedom maybe hyperbolic but still true; it is freedom from humanity and the world at large. Black slavery is foundational to modern humanism's ontics, "freedom" is the hub, and this infinite trajectory of humanisms "freedom" cannot conceptualize freedom for the object, the object that establishes the corporeal integrity of the Human Subject itself.
Wilderson 2010
Frank, "Bad at shootting AK-47s, good at pushing tokoloshes off the 23rd floor of hotel buildings, Red, White & Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms, pages 22-23
"Furthermore....flighting leading to the Slave."
Chattel Slavery created the Human subjects of the East and the West; it gives rise to the ontological category of the human which is defined through existential concerns, wars, peace, conflicts, and resolutions. This ontology is one that the slave does not have access to because the slave is the non-human; it is defined by its vulnerability to the violent peace of the world via policing and enslavement. The idea of debating whether or not the African ought to be enslaved never materialized itself because the black was already positioned OUTSIDE of humanity and its concerns. The anti-black paradigm of the world already informs humanity that the black is an Object to be accumulated and traded/made fungible.
Wilderson 2010
Frank, "Bad at shootting AK-47s, good at pushing tokoloshes off the 23rd floor of hotel buildings, Red, White & Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms, pages 20-21
"Without this gratuitous....and the social death of blacks."
This Afro pessimistic understanding of the rise of modernity is a precursor to any meaningful politics because the demand of freedom of the slave is outside of the coordinates of civil society. It is an unspoken grammar of suffering mostly because it is impossible for modern politics to pose questions about "black freedom" because it's suffering is incoherent/unspeakable and therefore its rage will not find an articulation ro a signification within any politics that takes the modern order as its presumption and premise.
Chico 2009
Some curious thoughts about Afropessism
"What is afropessism...a great deal of politico-/socio-economic success.."
Kenyon Farro educates us that the death of Troy Davis is part of the anti0black paradigm that makes the everyday and mundane episodic and extraordinary violence visited upon the Black body exists as the thing which makes all other life within civil society relevant. It is impossible for the black to exist within civil society without being open to costless violence, "black innocence" is an oxymoron just like "black subjectivity" and "black citizenship" is an oxymoron.
Farrow 2011
Kenyon, "Remarks at Troy Davis Memorial in NYC", October 1st, 2011)
Violence against the slave exceeds the violence of subject that are exploited via capital and excluded. It outweighs
Maty Ba 11
Saer "The US Decentered from black social death to cultural transformation" Studies Review, volume 17, number 2 September 2011
"As we shall see below...the way white bodies are."
The alt is to embrace "political masochism"
Wilderson 2008
Biko Lives! Contesting the Legacies of Steve Biko, pages 100-103
"Even if these...liberation had been achieved."
We must burn everything down
Farley 2005
"Perfecting Slavery" January 2005
"What is to be done?....then we become something"