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Weber Negative

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 19:22
  • 2AC Case

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 1 | Opponent: Whitman | Judge: Sarah Partlow

    • MB not already moderate now

      Aly, Director Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, ‘7 (Abdel, December, “Understanding the Muslim Brothers in Egypt”
      A careful review of Egypt’s Muslim Brothers’ positions
      incapable of producing moderate Muslims or Islamic Democrats.

      Trying to exclude the MB from politics only encourages radicalization

      Avşar, MS at Middle East Technical University, ‘8 (Esra, June, “The Transformation Of The Political Ideology And The Democracy Discourse Of The Muslim Brotherhood In Egypt”
      rather than discussing the Islamist’s modern 
      radical and undemocratic ideologies within the Islamic current.

  • 2AC CP - EU

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 1 | Opponent: Whitman CM | Judge: Sarah Partlow

    • C NeoEU has not framework for engagement the moderate Islamists

      Hamid, Middle East at Brookings, ’10 (Shadi Hamid and Amanda Kadlec- Project on Middle East Democracy, January, “Strategies for Engaging Political Islam”
       But such statements have not translated into changes
      and vary widely based on individual states’ interests.

      EU won’t try to change the MB’s agenda, they’ll just observe

      Hamid, Middle East at Brookings, ’10 (Shadi Hamid and Amanda Kadlec- Project on Middle East Democracy, January, “Strategies for Engaging Political Islam”
      The U.S. and EU are 
      policy” in case Islamists come to power.

      Permutation solves – US and EU should develop a common line approach

      Hamid, Middle East at Brookings, ’10 (Shadi Hamid and Amanda Kadlec- Project on Middle East Democracy, January, “Strategies for Engaging Political Islam”
       Nonetheless, the U.S. and 
       contexts, regional interests, and strategic objectives.

      EU can’t lead – seen as hypocritical in the Middle East and with Islam and doesn’t carry the international political weight of the US

      Ridzam, EU Ambassador, ‘7 (Datuk, May 6, “EU Can Use Past for Future Benefits” The New Straits Times,
      While it is foremost a global economic player
      even disinterested in the rest of the world.

      Europe doesn’t solve Hamas – the give increased support – opposite aims of the US

      Byman, Director Middle East Brookings, ’11 (Daniel, July, “The Challenge of Gaza: Policy Options and Broader Implications”
      Hamas has been trying to cultivate its relationship 
      support internationally, Israel’s stock naturally goes down.

      Europe won’t be able to influence the MB’s agenda

      Aspden, Journalist, ‘6 (Martin, February 20, “Talking to terrorists” New Statements,
      Pressing for legalisation of the Brotherhood would be 
       actually achieve power in countries such as Egypt."

      EU can’t engage Muslim communities – no unified position, money, or global focus

      Nakhleh, Director of Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program at CIA, ’10 (Emile, October, “U.S.–EU Partnership and the Muslim World: How Transatlantic Cooperation Will Enhance Engagement” Chicago Council on Global Affairs,
       Religious communities have emerged all over the world
       —Indonesia and Turkey—and possibly Morocco.

      Can’t solve --- EU is in disrepair and fatally flawed

      McKie, 11 (7/18/2011, Andrew, The Herald, “The European Union in its entirety is beyond repair,” Factiva, JMP)
      The crisis in 
       having. The rest is bull.

      Europe unlikely to tolerate cooperation with Islamism – historical bias towards secularization

      Hamid, Middle East at Brookings, ’11 (Shadi, August 18, “The Major Roadblock to Muslim Assimilation in Europe” The Atlantic,
       While dutifully disavowing such groups, my leftish
      of conservative Christians shape Republican policy in America).

  • 2AC Politics - SKFTA

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 1 | Opponent: Whitman CM | Judge: Sarah Partlow

    • 1Empirically no escalation – deterrence has prevented conflict for 60 years

      Kang, 10 – professor of international relations and business and director of the Korean Studies Institute at the University of Southern California (12/31/10, David C., “Korea’s New Cold War,”, JMP)
      However, despite dueling artillery barrages and the 
      matter how far it lies in the future.

      Jobs fight will kill SKFTA negotiations

      Kim, 9/6 --- senior partner specializing in international trade at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP in Washington, D.C. (9/6/2011, Sukhan,, “Pushing the FTA to the finish line,” Factiva)
      President Obama seeks
      interests in many ways

      Not top of agenda – tax cuts first

      JoongAng Daily, 8/16 (“Obama puts domestic matters ahead of FTAs,” 8/16/2011,
      The timing of when the U.S
      and neighbors back to work,” he said.

      Obama weak politically now

      Blow, 9/9 (Charles M., “Rise of the Fallen?”, JMP)
      The man was on fire! President Obama 
      the middle and ideally suited for getting dunked.

      Passing even controversial policies boosts Obama’s political capital

      Singer, 9 – Juris Doctorate candidate at Berkeley Law (Jonathon, “By Expending Capital, Obama Grows His Capital,” 3/3/2009,
       Despite the country's struggling economy and vocal opposition
      rewarded by the American public as a result.

      SKFTA not key relations

      Lehrer 11-14 (Eli-, “America Tells G20: We’re Closed for Business”, Frum Frum,
      America’s failure to 
       going to change.

      Not GOP support for TAA --- key to Obama submitting FTAs for a vote

      Bridges Weekly Trade News Digest, 9/7 (International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, “Trade Pacts, China Currency Legislation Could All be on the Table as US Congress Returns,” vol. 15, no. 29,, JMP)
      Major movement could be on the horizon for 
      President values FTAs, or TAA, more.”

      Obama won’t push the plan

      McFaul, Professor PolSci Stanford, ‘5 (Michael, January 30, “What Democracy Assistance Is ... and Is Not” Hoover Institute,
      Do these American democracy assistance groups carry out 
       same divide is present in many countries today.

      Political capital not key – empirically proven

      Edwards 3 (George C. Edwards, Distinguished Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M, former Director of the Center for Presidential Studies, Riding High in the Polls: George W. Bush and Public Opinion,
      One of the perennial questions about presidential-
      deference to a widely supported chief executive.44

      US supporting MB in Syria

      World Tribune, 8-17-’11 (“Report: U.S. favors Muslim Brotherhood over pro-democracy Syrian opposition”
      The administration of President Barack Obama has selected 
      represent a significant portion of the Syrian people."

      Democracy assistance push now kills polcap

      Democracy Digest - August 17, 2011, ‘Concerted effort’ by Egypt’s military to deny democrats assistance,
      The current controversy over democracy assistance in Egypt 
      to discourage the American government from giving it.”

      Obama has not even sent the FTAs to Congress for a vote

      Representative McCarthy, 9/6 (Kevin, 9/6/2011, Politico, “Politics of trade hurt job creation,”
       Right now, there are three pending export 
      has not sent them to Congress for consideration.

      Obama’s pc insufficient for passage

      Inside U.S. Trade, 8/19 (“WITH FTA PATH FORWARD STILL UNCLEAR, QUICK ACTION NEEDED IN THE FALL,” 8/19/2011, Vol. 29, No. 33, Factiva, JMP)
       This week, President 
      Obama repeatedly called on 
      a vote on TAA, according to observers.

      Pelosi’s demands will also jack it up

      Green, Japan chair at CSIS, 8/22 (Michael, 8/22/2011, “Threading the needle in Washington; The next wedge Obama may use against the Republicans is President Lee Myung-bak, who may visit Washington in the fall,”
      However, there is still one other serious 
      other pending trade agreements with Columbia and Panama.

      Democracy assistance bipartisan

      Phillips, Director of National Committee on American Foreign Policy, and Mitchell, International Politics Prof at Columbia, ‘8 (David and Lincoln, May, “Enhancing Democracy Assistance” American Foreign Policy Interests, Vol 30 Issue 3, p 156-175, InformaWorld)
      Democracy assistance has typically enjoyed broad bipartisan political 
      briefing paper to candidates in the 2008 election.*

      Alliance relations strong now

      Denmark & Hosford, Dec 10 – Fellow and Research Associate at the Center for a New American Security (December 2010, Abraham M. Denmark and Zachary M. Hosford, Center for a New American Security, “ Securing South Korea: A Strategic Alliance for the 21st Century,”, JMP)
       Future of the U.S.-ROK Alliance

      to play a larger role providing regional security.

  • 2AC Irigaray

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 3 | Opponent: UTSA | Judge: Pointer

    • State-mediated democratic politics is key to advancing freedom – trying to reduce inequality outside of institutionalized democracy fails to achieve social transformation

      Martín-Muñoz, Professor Sociology U of Madrid, 11 (Gema Martín-Muñoz --- also Director General of Casa Arabe and its International Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, European Union Institute for Security Studies, The Arab democratic wave: How the EU can seize the moment, March, “The Dignity of the Rule of Law,”

      In the present situation, respect for human


      the world on which true global stability depends.

      Trying to exclude the MB from politics only encourages radicalization

      Avşar, MS at Middle East  Technical University, ‘8 (Esra, June, “The Transformation Of The Political Ideology And The Democracy Discourse Of The Muslim Brotherhood In Egypt”

      Therefore, rather than discussing the Islamist’s modern


      radical and undemocratic ideologies within the Islamic current.

      Engaging now allows us to shape Islamic women’s rights policies

      Hamid, Middle East at Brookings, ‘8 (Shadi, October 30, “Resolving America’s Islamist Dilemma: Lessons From South And Southeast Asia” Century Foundation Report,

      Recognizing That We Have Leverage, And Using It


      law, minority rights, and women’s equality.

      No root cause to war

      Goldstein, Int’l Rel Prof @ American U, in ‘1 (Joshua, , 2001, War and Gender, p. 412)

      First, peace activists


      empirically inadequate."'

  • 2AC Neoliberalism

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 3 | Opponent: UTSA | Judge: Pointer

    • Role of the ballot is to determine the course of action of the affirmative should be offered – makes the merits of the plan irrelevant making it impossible to be aff – second, tying ourselves to links about the plan creates better decision-making about whether the resolution should be done – they make debate less useful

      David Owen, Reader of Political Theory at the Univ. of Southampton,  Millennium Vol 31 No 3 2002 p. 655-7

      Commenting on the ‘philosophical turn’ in IR


      and so a potentially vicious circle arises.

      Policymakers will inevitably make predictions – failure to use explicit risk calculation causes poor decision-making

      Fitzsimmons, Defence Analyst, ‘7 (Michael, Winter, “The Problem of Uncertainty in Strategic Planning” Survival)

      In defence of prediction 


      business of predicting the future.

      Doesn’t solve the case – democracy assistance key to changing the MB’s agenda away from violence towards Israel and boosting US credibility against terrorism – reject assistance doesn’t increase cooperation – impact is short-term Egypt-Israel war – turns the Kritik – US more likely to intervene in favor of national interests if we have to intervene through post-conflict nation-building

      Yacoubian, US Institute of Peace, ‘7 (Mona, August, “Engaging Islamists and Promoting Democracy”

      Successful Strategy. successful Islamist engagement strategy


      in the Muslim world between extremism and moderation.

      Your author says the goal is not to withdraw from the state, but alter functioning of power through new political participation

      Žižek 9 (Slavoj, Prof. of European Graduate School, Intl. Director of the Birkbeck Inst. for Humanities, U. of London, and Senior Researcher @ Inst. of Sociology, U. of Ljubljiana, First as Tragedy, Then as Farce, pgs. 129-131)

      The Hegelian answer is


      such a "dictatorship"?

      Kritik doesn’t turn the case – corporate interests don’t have enough sway to undermine the effectiveness of democracy assistance

      Youngs, Director-General FRIDE, ’11 (Richard- Professor Politics University of Warwick, February 11, “Misunderstanding The Maladies Of Liberal Democracy Promotion”

      A fourth contention is that approaches to democracy


      of a particular conceptualistion of democracy support policies.

      Alternatives to capitalism fail – lack of individual choice results in tyranny or failure***

      Meltzer, Professor of Political Economy at Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Business, Visiting Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, First Recipient of the AEI Irving Kristol Award, and Chairman of the International Financial Institution Advisory Commission, ‘9 (Allan, March 12, “Why Capitalism?” 2008-2009 Bradley Lecture Series,,filter.all/pub_detail.asp)

      Alternatives to Capitalism  Critics of capitalism emphasize


      visible on these issues.

      They can’t bridge the gap between theory and practice – attempts to criticize IR through rethinking leaves us without any specific prescriptions for what we should do – they don’t solve the K or the aff

      Jones, Professor Security Studies Cardiff U, ’99 (Richard Wyn, “Security, Strategy, and Critical Theory”

      Critical International Theory and Emancipatory Politics


      thus that it is a fatally flawed enterprise.

      If neoliberalism is unsustainable – democratization of Islam is needed to survive the transition.

      Amin 11 – Samir director of the Third World Forum in Dakar, 2011: An Arab Springtime? August 22nd, 2011,

      The “springtime” of the Arab peoples,


      perspective of generalized barbarism.

      No mindless intervention

      Mandelbaum 11 (Michael Mandelbaum, A. Herter Professor of American Foreign Policy, the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC; and Director, Project on East-West Relations, Council on Foreign Relations, “CFR 90th Anniversary Series on Renewing America: American Power and Profligacy,” Jan 2011)

      MANDELBAUM:  I think it is, Richard


      And that unit has come to an end.

      Economy not root cause of Egyptian revolution – economy has been stable

      Dadush, International Economics at Carnegie, ’11 (Uri, June 22, “Egypt in Transition: The Current Economic Situation and the Role of International Assistance” Carnegie Endowment Transcript,

      So the first point is that the underlying


      the population. So that’s the first point.

      Intervening before correction occurs causes extinction

      Revel ‘93

      [Jean-Francois, sociopolitical analyst, Democracy Against Itself: The Future of the Democratic Impulse, trans. Roger Kaplan, New York: The Free Press, 258-9]

      There have been natural cataclysms in history,


      . And anyway it has been tried already.

      Democracy must be reinfused with liberal ideals – attempts to redefine or reimplement democracy assistance towards different ends cause more intrusion and paralysis

      Youngs, Director-General FRIDE, ’11 (Richard- Professor Politics University of Warwick, February 11, “Misunderstanding The Maladies Of Liberal Democracy Promotion”

      Reflections on liberalism’s future

      Current international political trends are complex and still



      time sharpen the West’s defence of core liberalism.

      Gramscian critiques of the neoliberal underside of democracy promotion are false – they risk oversimplifying all democracy projects as homogenous

      Youngs, Director-General FRIDE, ’11 (Richard- Professor Politics University of Warwick, February 11, “Misunderstanding The Maladies Of Liberal Democracy Promotion”

      The severest critics deride the whole democracy agenda


      the renovations needed are more subtle in nature.

      Immediate transition causes war

      Roger Terry, Economic Insanity, 1995, p. 138

      How do you convert from a system of


      far more devastating than the one over slavery.

  • 1AC Islamophobia

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • American fundamentalism is on the rise – Anti-Muslim rhetoric threatens to turn the political sphere into an echo chamber of racism, sacrificing any remaining semblance of critical thought on the altar of bipartisanship

      Giroux 11 (Henry A. Giroux, Global TV Network Chair in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University, formerly Boston University, Miami University, Penn State University, "Breivik's Fundamentalist War on Politics, and Ours," August 3,

      The tragic slayings in Norway raise anew serious


      a noble practice and democracy has a future.


      Status quo democratization epitomizes this logic in its attempts to prove Western Superiority over the Middle East by constructing Islam as anti-democratic and inherently threatening

      Teti, 2007 (Andrea, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, “Confessions of a Dangerous Paradigm: Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism”)

      The literature presents – or implies – contrasting


      [...] regulated for the good of all.”39


      This historical narrative creates an adversarial relationship to Islam which pervades U.S. foreign policy – this is exemplified by current allocations of democracy assistance which exclude Islamist parties in an attempt to pick the winner and ensure the advent of a Western-style liberal democracy

      Kull, 9-5-’11 (Steven, Director of Program on International Policy Attitudes, “Why Muslims are still mad at America”

      On the ten-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks


      their aspirations, they grow resolutely hostile.


      The current policy of “allowing” Islamist participation while simultaneously engineering elections against them ensures Islamophobic control over U.S. political party assistance

      Carothers, Director Democracy Carnegie, 2011 (Thomas, Feb 24, “How not to promote democracy in Egypt,”


      As the U.S. government assesses the uprisings


      exclusion would be a good way to start.


      Islamophobia constitutes a blatantly racist and ideological worldview which MUST be rejected – the alternative is genocide and extinction.

      Munjid, 2011 (3/27, Achmad, president of the Nahdlatul Ulama community in North America, “Overcoming Islamophobia in the United States,”

      Remember, as institutionalized hatred, Islamophobia has


      enemy. Everybody knows what the consequences are.


      The pursuit of “stability” is based on this fundamentally racist decision calculus in which Arabs have no agency and violence done to them is rendered invisible

      Yezza, 2011 (Hicham, February 5, editor-in-chief of Ceasefire, “Real Arab democracy Vs mythical “regional stability”,”

      However, one of the less charming aspects


      political calculations at their expense must end now.


      Dehumanization of foreign populations is a pre-condition to war

      Collins and Glover, 2002 (John Collins, Ass. Prof. of Global Studies at St. Lawrence, and Ross Glover, Visiting Professor of Sociology at St. Lawrence University, 2002, Collateral Language, p. 6-7, The Real Effects of Language)

      As any university student knows, theories about


      mental gaze from the physical effects of violence.


      Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should make political party support available for Egyptian political parties regardless of their religious affiliation.


      Providing aid to Islamists is critical to force democratization away from Islamophobic fundamentalists - Western superiority hinges on the view of Islam as anti-democratic, sanctioning subsequent disciplinary attempts such as revoking aid and military intervention.

      Teti, 2007 (Andrea, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, “Confessions of a Dangerous Paradigm: Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism”)

      [The bio-politics of failure:


      liberal forces which it sought to undermine.50


      We must recognize our complicity in democratization – opposing its harmful practices can only take place working within the structures we inhabit

      Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 54-55)

      Taking Derrida’s lead, Spivak insists that deconstruction


      Freire), and ‘accountable positioning’ (Haraway).


      Effective decision-making should begin with how we constitute ourselves as ethical subjects - we must refuse Islamophobia whenever we can

      Kouros '97 (George, Yale Law Graduate, And Holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Emory. “Become What You Are,” p. 35-42) *we don’t endorse the gendered language in this ev

      Unlike systems of ethics which take the subject


      greater quality of life than the inauthentic self.


      Constructing this ethical subjectivity must begin from a profoundly contrarian spirit which refuses to capitulate to social injustice

      Salaita, 2006 (Steven, associate professor of English at Virginia Tech, “Anti-Arab Racism in the USA,” p. 218-220)

      Other situations replete with anti-Arab racism


      pretend to respect Arabs while looting their resources.

  • Muslim Brotherhood 1AC (Policy)

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 1 | Opponent: Whitman | Judge: Sarah Partlow

    • Plan
      The United States federal government should make political party support available for the Egyptian Freedom and Justice Party.
      Advantage 1 – Egypt-Israel War

      The US has tried to increase low-level contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt – however it was only a rhetorical gesture
      Mozgovaya, 6-30-’11 (Natasha, “Clinton: U.S. engagement of Muslim Brotherhood not new policy”
      United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denied
      political system that we would like to see”.

      These talks alone fail – US must fulfill expectations that have been created for engagement
      Dorsey, Middle East Institute, 7-5-’11 (James, “US risks missing opportunity to play leading role in Middle East transition” Al Arabiya News,
      The ever more evident difficulty in the transition
      fulfill those expectations risks sparking disappointment and disillusionment.

      The Muslim Brotherhood is banned from participation in political party assistance programs even though they have shown interest – assistance is key
      Hamid, Middle East at Brookings, ’10 (Shaid, January 5, “How to Revive Obama's Middle East Policy? Some Responses”
      In the article, I criticized the Obama
      Re-introducing the Brotherhood to the West.”

      This bias towards secular parties makes it look like we’re trying to engineer elections against the Brotherhood – this ruins our credibility with Islamic parties
      Carothers, Democracy at Carnegie, ’11 (Thomas, February 24, “How not to promote democracy in Egypt” Washington Post,
      As the U.S. government assesses
      exclusion would be a good way to start.

      The Brotherhood will inevitably win the elections and dominate the new political landscape – they are unified and have unparalleled mobilization capabilities
      Trager, Washington Institute, ’11 (Eric, September/October, “The Unbreakable Muslim Brotherhood: Grim Prospects for a Liberal Egypt” Foreign Affairs,
      The Brotherhood Bloc In the months since Mubarak's
      nationwide networks. But that cannot happen immediately.

      Ascendency of the Muslim Brotherhood will cause them to turn against Israel – engagement is key to moderate their stance
      Bajoria, CFR, ’11 (Jayshree, February 3, “Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood”
      Egypt is an important strategic ally of the
      at the heart of talks with Egypt's Islamists."

      The Muslim Brotherhood will act aggressively towards Israel – political involvement alone won’t cause moderation
      Jerusalem Post, 8-29-’11 (“Egypt’s Brotherhood”
      As Egyptian elections draw near, the Muslim
      does not repeat itself on our southern doorstep.

      Tensions are high – Egypt-Israel conflict engulfs the entire region
      Brady, PolicyMic, ’11 (Kyle, August, “A Dangerous Time For Egypt and Israel”
      Egypt and Israel have never been friendly neighbors
      given, more so now than ever before.

      It draws in major powers and causes global nuclear war
      Russell, Editor of Strategic Insights, ‘9 (James- Senior Lecturer Department of National Security Affairs, Spring, “Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East” Security Studies Center Proliferation Papers,
      Strategic stability in the region is thus undermined
      , with substantial risk for the entire world.

      Developing ties before the elections is key to maximizing US leverage – this prevents the instigation of conflict with Israel
      Hamid, Middle East at Brookings, ’11 (Shadi, May/June, “The Rise of the Islamists” Foreign Affairs, Vol 90 Issue 3, EbscoHost)
      There is no question that democracy will make
      2005 called Reintroducing the Brotherhood to the West.

      Democracy assistance is key – perception of US assistance for Brotherhood in political participation is a precondition to effective dialogue over US security interests in the region
      Hamid, Middle East at Brookings, ’10 (Shadi Hamid and Amanda Kadlec- Project on Middle East Democracy, January, “Strategies for Engaging Political Islam”
      Dialogue is not a goal in and of
      serving all four of the objectives listed above.

      Advantage 2 – US Credibility
      US favoritism of liberal secularism is the root cause of Muslim resentment towards the West – Providing democracy assistance to the Muslim Brotherhood signals a shift in the relationship
      Kull, Director of Program on International Policy Attitudes, 9-5-’11 (Steven, “Why Muslims are still mad at America”
      On the ten-year anniversary of the
      with the Muslim world will become more amicable.

      Al Qaeda is still a threat – Complacency about Osama’s death increaes the risk al Qaeda will rebound
      Boot, National Security at CFR, ’11 (Max, August 8, “A False Sense of National Security” Los Angeles Times,
      U.S. government officials are probably
      aides, may be making the same mistake.

      Al Qaeda does not have a leadership crisis – Shura Council and Zawahiri ensure accelerated recruitment and new attack strategies
      Scheuer, 22 years at the CIA, 8-24-’11 (Michael, “The Zawahiri Era” The National Interest,
      It would be reckless to assume al-
      be sent abroad to ply their lethal trade.

      Zawahiri’s new goal is acquisition of a nuclear bomb – risk of al Qaeda nuclear attack is high
      Kanani, Editor of World Affairs Commentary, 6-29-’11 (Rahim, “New al-Qaeda Chief Zawahiri Has Strong Nuclear Intent” Forbes,
      Rigid, arrogant, unpopular and lacking the
      accomplishing when they put their minds to it.”

      Nuclear terrorism causes global nuclear escalation – national retaliation goes global
      Morgan, Professor of Foreign Studies at Hankuk University, ‘9 (Dennis Ray, December, “World on fire: two scenarios of the destruction of human civilization and possible extinction of the human race” Futures, Vol 41 Issue 10, p 683-693, ScienceDirect)
      In a remarkable website on nuclear war,
      upon the environment and fragile ecosphere as well.

      Al Qaeda will block off access to the Suez Canal
      Watkins, Oil Diplomacy Editor, ’10 (Eric, February 15, “Al-Qaeda's new oil strategy” Oil and Gas Journal, lexis)
      The oil and gas industry has long heard
      two thirds of the world's oil reserves are."

      Terrorist attack on the Suez Canal causes shutdown – that slams the breaks on the global economy
      Sterne, Managing Partner Sterne and Co, ’11 (Paul, January 30, “Egypt's Second Suez Canal Crisis”
      Egypt matters for one reason  the Suez
      the unrest in Egypt began will look tame. 

      Global economic collapse causes nuclear war
      Mead 09 Senior Fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, Only Makes You Stronger, The New Republic,
      The greatest danger both to U.S
      track, we may still have to fight.

      Beginning with the Muslim Brotherhood creates a starting point for further cooperation with other Islamist groups in the region
      Stacher, Professor PolSci Kent State, ‘7 (Joshua, March 25, “Hear Out Muslim Brotherhood” Boston Globe,
      According to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,
      group in the region than Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood.

      That’s the best way to challenge radical Islamic terrorism – helps win hearts and minds
      Hamid, Director Project on Middle East Democracy, ‘7 (Shadi, June, “Engaging Political Islam to Promote Democracy” Progressive Policy Institute,
      In light of the growing schism between mainstream
      That window, however, is now closed.

      Economic decline causes war – studies prove
      Royal, Director Cooperative Threat Reduction DOD, ’10 (Jedediah, “Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises” in ‘Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives’ ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, p. 213-215)
      Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline
      economic-security debate and deserves more attention.

  • Muslim Brotherhood 1AC (Critical)

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 4 | Opponent: UTSA | Judge: Pointer

    • Plan
      The United States federal government should make political party support available for the Egyptian Freedom and Justice Party.

      The Advantage
      The US has tried to increase low-level contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt – however it was only a rhetorical gesture
      Mozgovaya, 6-30-’11 (Natasha, “Clinton: U.S. engagement of Muslim Brotherhood not new policy”
      United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denied
      political system that we would like to see”.

      These talks alone fail – US must fulfill expectations that have been created for engagement with the Muslim Brotherhood
      Dorsey, Middle East Institute, 7-5-’11 (James, “US risks missing opportunity to play leading role in Middle East transition” Al Arabiya News,
      The ever more evident difficulty in the transition
      Failure to fulfill those expectations risks sparking disappointment and disillusionment.

      This bias towards liberal secular parties makes it look like we’re trying to engineer elections to keep the Muslim Brotherhood out of power – this ruins our credibility and influence with Islamic parties
      Carothers, Democracy at Carnegie, ’11 (Thomas, February 24, “How not to promote democracy in Egypt” Washington Post,
      As the U.S. government assesses
      exclusion would be a good way to start.

      The root cause of Muslim resentment against the US is the perception that Islam and democracy are incompatible – efforts to differentiate the two by excluding The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood from democracy assistance are perceived as choosing liberal secular winners locking in an adversarial relationship
      Kull, Director of Program on International Policy Attitudes, 9-5-’11 (Steven, “Why Muslims are still mad at America”
      On the ten-year anniversary of the
      with the Muslim world will become more amicable.

      The Muslim Brotherhood will inevitably win the Egyptian elections and dominate the new political landscape – they have unparalleled mobilization capabilities and no risk of fracturing
      Trager, Washington Institute, ’11 (Eric, September/October, “The Unbreakable Muslim Brotherhood: Grim Prospects for a Liberal Egypt” Foreign Affairs,
      The Brotherhood Bloc In the months since Mubarak's
      nationwide networks. But that cannot happen immediately.

      Ascendency of the Muslim Brotherhood will cause them to turn against Israel – engagement is key to moderate their stance
      Bajoria, CFR, ’11 (Jayshree, February 3, “Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood”
      Egypt is an important strategic ally of the
      at the heart of talks with Egypt's Islamists."

      Tensions have already put us on the brink – Egypt-Israel conflict escalates to engulf the entire region – now is key
      Brady, PolicyMic, ’11 (Kyle, August, “A Dangerous Time For Egypt and Israel”
      Egypt and Israel have never been friendly neighbors
      given, more so now than ever before.

      It draws in major powers and causes global nuclear war
      Russell, Editor of Strategic Insights, ‘9 (James- Senior Lecturer Department of National Security Affairs, Spring, “Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East” Security Studies Center Proliferation Papers,
      Strategic stability in the region is thus undermined
      , with substantial risk for the entire world.

      Democracy assistance is key – perception of US assistance for the Brotherhood in political participation is a precondition to effective dialogue over US security interests in the region
      Hamid, Middle East at Brookings, ’10 (Shadi Hamid and Amanda Kadlec- Project on Middle East Democracy, January, “Strategies for Engaging Political Islam”
      Dialogue is not a goal in and of
      serving all four of the objectives listed above.

      Distinguishing moderate from violent forces within Islamic groups positively reshapes the relationship between the West and Islam while also being necessary for the prevention of extremist violence
      Etzioni, Professor Sociology George Washington, ‘7 (Amitai, “Security First: For a Muscular, Moral Foreign Policy” p 164-166)
      This formulation of the U.S.
      -scale support, primarily by the Saudis.)

      US foreign policy must be based on our strategic interests – this does not mean engaging in selfish foreign policy but instead promotes the global common good
      Kagan, Carnegie, ’98 (Robert, Summer, “The Benevolent Empire” Foreign Policy, JSTOR)
      And neither of them, one suspects,
      bullying may be just irritability born of weariness.

      Failure to justify our foreign policy agenda on national interest grounds result in a nation without values – this causes US withdrawal from global commitments and collapses US hegemony
      Williams, Professor International Politics Wales, ‘5 (Michael, “What is the National Interest? The Neoconservative Challenge in IR Theory” European Journal of International Relations, Vol 11 No 3, SagePub)
      We are now in a better position to
      the world’ (1996: 31–2).

      That sparks a global arms race and nuclear conflict
      Rosen, Professor National Security Harvard, ‘3 (Stephen Peter, Spring, “An Empire, If You Can Keep It” The National Interest, lexis)
      The other unique aspect of American empire today
      that the alternatives are that much more attractive.

      The global common good means using a Security First approach based upon our strategic interests and the protection of human lives – it’s the best pragmatic middle ground between Utopian idealism and the failures of the current motivation of global democracy promotion
      Etzioni, Professor Sociology George Washington, ‘7 (Amitai, “Security First: For a Muscular, Moral Foreign Policy” p 32-36)
      This issue more than most allows me to
      cannot be rushed and must be largely homegrown.

      The lens of Security First doesn’t mean rights and liberties become sidelined, it’s a prerequisite to every type of social protection
      Etzioni, Professor Sociology George Washington, ‘7 (Amitai, “Security First: For a Muscular, Moral Foreign Policy” p 5-7)
      Moral Grounds for the Security First Approach Security
      ,9 than is, say, democratization.

      Democracy assistance does not entail an imposition of neoliberal exploitation – states can de-link the two from each other so democracy assistance can encourage economic empowerment
      Youngs, Director-General FRIDE, ’11 (Richard- Professor Politics University of Warwick, February 11, “Misunderstanding The Maladies Of Liberal Democracy Promotion”
      Third, central to critical perspectives is the
      not to be captured by incumbent autocratic regimes.

      Causal chains in the 1AC verify our truth claims – assumptions about the world are validated by the results of our research and analysis – our form of knowledge does not produce value claims it is the result of validated value claims*
      Fluck, PhD in International Politics from Aberystwyth, ’10 (Matthew, November, “Truth, Values and the Value of Truth in Critical International Relations Theory” Millennium Journal of International Studies, Vol 39 No 2, SagePub)
      Critical Realists arrive at
       truth about social reality.

      No prior questions—focus on critical theory makes it impossible to describe the world and act
      David Owen, Reader of Political Theory at the Univ. of Southampton,  Millennium Vol 31 No 3 2002 p. 655-7
      Commenting on the ‘philosophical turn’ in IR
      and so a potentially vicious circle arises.



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