Orientalism K
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
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Orientalism K First, the Aff legitimizes an Orientalist meta-narrative that sustains Western imperialism and domination over the Other Marmot in 2011 (Angry, intelligent blogger, “Orientalism, Modernity & the Arab Spring”, Eyes on Egypt and the Region, http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/04/07/963252/-Orientalism,-Modernitythe-Arab-Spring) If there is a single book … applied and guarded" (2003: 328.) And, democracy assistance is a tool of U.S. imperialism Yom in 2008 (Sean, Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Government at Harvard University, “The Dilemmas of American Democracy Promotion in the Arab World”, Yale Journal of International Affairs | Volume 3, Issue 1: Winter 2008, pg. 132-133, Jikeda) Yet the resilience of Arab … and military demands.7 And, US imperialism leads to endless war Mojab 2006 (Shahrzad Mojab , Professor at University of Toronto “GENDER, POLITICAL ISLAM, AND IMPERIALISM” “The New Imperialists: Ideologies of Empire” ED – Colin Moores - http://aneebs.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/book-new_imperialists.pdf) There is a bloody war … fascism, and their never-ending wars. And, Orientalism makes extinction inevitable Said in 2003 (Edward, former Professor of English and Comparative Literature @ Columbia University, “An Unacceptable Helplessness”, http://www.counterpunch.org/said01182003.html, rcheek) In this entire panorama …I hope someone is listening. Finally, the alternative is to embrace our criticism of the Orientalist rhetoric embedded in the 1AC. Voting negative opens up spaces of resistance to the Orientalist meta-narrative Shome in 1996 (Raka, Visiting Scholar in the Social and Cultural Analysis Department @ New York University, “Postcolonial Interventions in the Rhetorical Canon: An “Other” View”, Communication Theory, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 40-59, rcheek) Second, the postcolonial …and social conditions.
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Uncle Ted K
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Uncle Ted K First, the aff inhibits freedom by supporting a technological and economic system that denies individuals the ability to go through the power process with real goals. Kaczynski in 1995 (Theodore, former assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley, PhD in mathematics from the University of Michigan, Industrial Society and its Future, http://www.42inc.com/~estephen/manifesto/unabe2.html) 94. By "freedom" we mean the …his high level of socialization. And, the aff is a leftist project that suffers from oversocialization. The drive to restore ethics and morality in society maintains the industrial-technological system and produces guilt and defeatism. Kaczynski in 1995 (Theodore, former assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley, PhD in mathematics from the University of Michigan, Industrial Society and its Future, http://www.42inc.com/~estephen/manifesto/unabe2.html) 24. Psychologists use the …raise our kids and so forth. And, guilt expresses a hatred of this world that allows for a secret instinct of annihilation Nietzsche, 1872 (Friedrich, philosopher, “The Birth of Tragedy” Online, MB) Already in the preface …Greek god: I called it Dionysian. — And, the industrial-technological system will guarantee the enslavement and eventual extinction of all living organisms. Kaczynski in 1995 (Theodore, former assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley, PhD in mathematics from the University of Michigan, Industrial Society and its Future, http://www.42inc.com/~estephen/manifesto/unabe2.html) 171. But suppose now that …system and take the consequences. The alternative is to destroy the industrial-technological system. Only a revolutionary strategy against modern technology can break down the system. Any perm would compromise the revolution by enabling technological solutions to other problems. Kaczynski in 1995 (Theodore, former assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley, PhD in mathematics from the University of Michigan, Industrial Society and its Future, http://www.42inc.com/~estephen/manifesto/unabe2.html) 180. The technophiles are … those recommendations should be discarded.
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Aid Tradeoff Disad
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Aid Tradeoff Disad Uniqueness – National Security budget on the chopping block Foust on 8/2/11 (Joshua, fellow at the American Security Project. His writing, which covers military affairs, geopolitics, and strategic energy issues, has appeared in the New York Times, Reuters, the Christian Science Monitor, World Politics Review and the Columbia Journalism Review, August 2, 2011 “Budget cuts by hatchet or scalpel?”) http://www.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/voices/budget-cuts-by-scalpel-or-hatchet/10848/ MG The challenge with the … cherished programs. Links – - Debt Deal lumps USAID and Defense Spending in the budget category – congress can cut from development assistance and say it is reducing national security spending.
Foust on 8/2/11 (Joshua, fellow at the American Security Project. His writing, which covers military affairs, geopolitics, and strategic energy issues, has appeared in the New York Times, Reuters, the Christian Science Monitor, World Politics Review and the Columbia Journalism Review, August 2, 2011 “Budget cuts by hatchet or scalpel?”) http://www.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/voices/budget-cuts-by-scalpel-or-hatchet/10848/ MG
This weekend’s “debt deal” …civilian aid programs. 2. Fiscal climate cause USAID to utilize trade-offs for new programs – congressional budget hearing proves POMED in 2011 (Project on Middle East Development, “POMED Notes: “Budget Hearing – USAID”) http://pomed.org/blog/2011/03/pomed-notes-budget-hearing-usaid.html/ MG Chairwoman Rep. Kay Granger …be most effective. That means they trade off with the Afghanistan mission – the impact is terrorism, starvation, and Middle East instability Rogin 2011 (Josh, Writer for The Cable, “USAID chief to Congress: Don't play games with national security” January 21st 2011) http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/01/21/usaid_chief_to_congress_don_t_play_games_with_national_security MG Rajiv Shah, head of the … when we have to do that."
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EU Counterplan
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
EU Counterplan The European Union should [Insert the Plan without the USFG] The CP solves the aff: First, EU has a Competent Democracy Assistance Plan European Instruments for Democratic and Human Rights 2011 (http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/how/finance/eidhr_en.htm LPloharz) The key objectives … Instrument for Stability. And, EU Establish Democratic Assistance in its Budget Young in 2003 (Richard, Research fellow on the EU projection democracy promotion based at the Norwegian Institute of International relations Third World Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 1 (Feb., 2003), pp. 127, http://www.jstor.org/stable/3993634 LPloharz). ABSTRACT Democracy and human … dimensions of European strategies.
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NY9 Disad
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
NY9 Disad A. The September 13th special election to fill Anthony Weiner’s seat in NY District 9 is unexpectedly heating up – republican opposition has tied the democrat platform to white house policies Isenstadt, 2011 [Alex, Politico.com, September 5th, V. Guevara] New York Democrat David … White House's policies. B. The plan hurts the Obama brand and in turn, delivers a Democratic loss in NY9. American unease over the Middle East means that only 13% of Americans say democracy abroad is a policy priority. Project On Middle East Democracy, 2011 [ “Poll Shows Growing American Skepticism Over Arab Spring” http://pomed.org/blog/2011/06/poll-shows-growing-american-skepticism-over-arab-spring.html/ V. Guevara] A new survey by Pew … polarizing issue among respondents. C. A Democratic loss in NY9 on Tuesday would be the first since 1922 and would send a “Scott Brown” level signal to Obama to reverse his course on pressuring Israel Paybarah, 2011 [Azi, Political Ticker, July 11th, “Koch Won’t Endorse Weprin, Says Turner Could be the New Scott Brown” http://www.politickerny.com/2011/07/11/koch-wont-endorse-weprin-says-turner-could-be-the-new-scott-brown/ VGuevara] Ed Koch said electing … better not [vote Democratic].” D. That means he reverses his stance on recognizing the creation of a Palestinian State EU Times, 2011 [April 13th, “Obama to Recognise Palestinian State with 1967 Borders in UN Vote” http://www.eutimes.net/2011/04/obama-to-recognise-palestinian-state-with-1967-borders-in-un-vote/, V. Guevara] A reported willingness …his latest position. E. That collapses peace talks, eradicates US credibility, and delegitimizes all democratization efforts – turns the case Helmick & Khaja, 2011 [Raymond, instructor in conflict resolution, Department of Theology, Boston College , & Nazir, chairman of Islamic Information Service, Los Angeles, September 2nd, Arab News, “Palestinian Statehood and the UN Vote” http://arabnews.com/opinion/columns/article496723.ece VGuevara] For Palestinians, the resolution … genuine progress.
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- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Framework 1) Interpretation: The affirmative must defend the implementation of a topical plan by the United States federal government as better than the status quo or a competitive alternative. 2) Definitional Support a) USFG is the government located in Washington, D.C. WEST'S LEGAL THESAURUS/DICTIONARY 85, p. 744. United States: Usually means the federal government centered in Washington, D.C. b) Should expresses desirability Cambridge Dictionary of American English 10 (http://dictionary.cambridge.org/define.asp?key=should*1+0&dict=A) should (DUTY) auxiliary verb used to express that it is necessary, desirable, advisable, or important to perform the action of the following verb c) Increase means to make greater Merriam-Webster Dictionary 11 (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/increase) 1 : to make greater ; augment 3) Violation: the aff team does not defend a topical plan 4) Reasons to prefer: a) Switch-side debate – plan focus is key to switch-side debate because it forces the aff to defend a plan half the time – this is good First, its key to education Muir ‘93 (Star, Prof. Comm. – George Mason U., Philosophy and Rhetoric, “A Defense of the Ethics of Contemporary Debate”, 26(4)) The melding of different …switch-side debate. Third, its key to democracy Gundersen 2000 (Adolf G. Gundersen, Associate Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M, 2000, Political Theory and Partisan Politics, p. 108-9m, Dil) Will deliberation work the … as an allegiance to democratic deliberation. And, that’s key to prevent extinction Diamond, 1995 (Larry, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, December 1995, “Promoting Democracy in the 1990s”, http://wwics.si.edu/subsites/ccpdc/pubs/di/1.htm) OTHER THREATS This hardly … and prosperity can be built. Fourth, there is a topical version of the aff, which solves their impact turns Fifth, the competitive nature of debate undermines their advocacy Mitchell 98 Gordon R. Mitchell, Assistant Professor of Communication, University of Pittsburgh, ARGUMENTATION AND ADVOCACY, Fall 1998 Within the limited horizon of … for co-operative "rethinking." b) Fairness – They unlimit the topic – this is bad First, they will destroy the debate community Heidt in 2003 (Jenny, Director of Forensics at the Westminster Schools, “Performance Debates: How to Defend Yourself”, Rostrum, April, 2003, http://debate.uvm.edu/NFL/rostrumlib/ cxHeidtcx0403.pdf, rcheek) When faced with these challenges … issues of fairness. Second, unfairness undermines their advocacy – if the negative cannot test the assumptions and claims of the affirmative, activism can’t improve Third, this instance of unfairness is unique – nowhere in the real world would we be forced to advocate indefensible positions like “racism is good” which means their K teaches us nothing about life outside debate Fourth, debaters are more willing to consider positions that they have lost to if they are beat fairly– unfairness shuts out hearts and minds 5) Framework is a reason to vote negative to preserve competitive equity
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Partial Democracy Turn
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Partial Democracy Turn First, assistance to the Middle East creates partial democracies Goldsmith in 2008 (Arthur A., Professor of Management at the University of Massachusetts Boston , “Making the World Safe for Partial Democracy?: Questioning the Premises of Democracy Promotion” International Security, Vol. 33, Number 2, pMUSE, rcheek) President Bush, citing the … using the five-year survival rule). Partial democracies lead to regional destabilization, civil war, and terrorism Goldsmith in 2008 (Arthur A., Professor of Management at the University of Massachusetts Boston , “Making the World Safe for Partial Democracy?: Questioning the Premises of Democracy Promotion” International Security, Vol. 33, Number 2, pMUSE, rcheek) In brief, even if one …implications of partial democracy. And, that turns case, terrorism leads to mass death and collapses democracies Ignatieff 2004 [Michael Ignatieff, Canadian scholar, Liberal Member of Parliament in the Canadian House of Commons, "Lesser Evils," New York Times Magazine, May 2 2004] http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/news/oped...ytm_050204.htm Consider the consequences … our identity as free peoples.
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Generic Solvency Frontline
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Solvency Defense First, US Democracy assistance will make democracy unsustainable Hasedžić 2011 [Semir. (Student Coordinator). “The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave Democratization.” Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies. 3/10/11. The Task Force. https://dlib.lib.washington.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/1773/16487/Task%20Force%20C%202011%20Web.pdf?sequence=1. Jamie] U.S. democracy promotion … democracy will be at risk. Next, Current US practices such as torture and Guantanamo Bay have hurt democracy credibility Smith & Stockmann 2011 [Stephanie & Natalie. (Editors). “The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave Democratization.” Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies. 3/10/11. The Task Force. https://dlib.lib.washington.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/1773/16487/Task%20Force%20C%202011%20Web.pdf?sequence=1. Jamie] A number of foreign governments …promoting democracy abroad (Carothers 2006, 64-65). And, The US has made it clear that it cannot succeed at democracy promotion Whitley 2011 [Daryl. (Author). “The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave Democratization.” Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies. 3/10/11. The Task Force. https://dlib.lib.washington.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/1773/16487/Task%20Force%20C%202011%20Web.pdf?sequence=1. Jamie] Failings in the Middle … third wave has passed. Next, Many countries see US “democracy assistance” as “regime change” by military force Smith & Stockmann 2011 [Stephanie & Natalie. (Editors). “The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave Democratization.” Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies. 3/10/11. The Task Force. https://dlib.lib.washington.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/1773/16487/Task%20Force%20C%202011%20Web.pdf?sequence=1. Jamie] A number of foreign …credibility when promoting democracy abroad (Carothers 2006, 64-65). And, The transition to a democracy is a long, unstable process that does not always work Smith & Stockmann 2011 [Stephanie & Natalie. (Editors). “The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave Democratization.” Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies. 3/10/11. The Task Force. https://dlib.lib.washington.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/1773/16487/Task%20Force%20C%202011%20Web.pdf?sequence=1. Jamie] Transitioning to a democracy …processes does not make a democracy. Next, A “bottom up” approach is key to solving – plan would be top down and allow for corruption Ahmed 2011 [Samia. (Author). “The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave Democratization.” Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies. 3/10/11. The Task Force. https://dlib.lib.washington.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/1773/16487/Task%20Force%20C%202011%20Web.pdf?sequence=1. Jamie] Often reform policies …through intrusive planning (Easterly 2006, 214). Finally, US military entanglements with democracy is the biggest prevention of solvency – Iraq proves Nicholson & Schaffer 2011 [Kailyn & Anna. (Authors). “The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave Democratization.” Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies. 3/10/11. The Task Force. https://dlib.lib.washington.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/1773/16487/Task%20Force%20C%202011%20Web.pdf?sequence=1. Jamie] Inconsistency between rhetoric … promotion misleading and unfounded.
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Neolib Turn
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Neolib Turn Democracy assistance is a cover for neoliberal imperialism. Under the cover of democracy, the U.S. hijacks successful uprisings and cements economic apartheid Massad in 2011 (Joseph, Associate Professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University, “Under the cover of democracy”, Al Jazeera, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/06/2011689456174295.html, rcheek) But if the US deal in … Egyptian and Tunisian peoples. And, neoliberalism is a death drive that makes sacrificial genocides and structural violence inevitable Santos ‘3 (Boaventura de Souza Santos, Professor of Sociology at the University of Coimbra, Collective Suicide?, http://www.ces.fe.uc.pt/opiniao/bss/072en.php 2003) According to Franz Hinkelammert, the … horror and destruction.
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Turkey CP
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
CP Text: The Republic of Turkey should…. Solvency Turkey is uniquely positioned to guide the democratic transitions in the quickly changing Arab world. Turkey stands as the model for an Islamic capitalist democracy and has earned the hearts of the masses by supporting new regimes early. Gulf News, 2011 [August 29, “Turkey gains trust of Arab masses” http://www.azernews.az/en/Analysis_and_Opinion/35701-Turkey_gains_trust_of_Arab_masses, V. Guevara] Turkey has found that it is in its ….capitalist democratic political system. Turkish democracy assistance closes the hierarchical gap with target nations, allowing it to solve a host of issues better than the otherizing West, anything from corruption to gender equity issues. Kirisci, 2011 [Kemal, Prof. Political Science and Int’l Relations @ Bogazici Univeristy, Insight Turkey,”Turkey’s ‘Demonstrative Effect’ and the Transformation of the Middle East” Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 33-55, http://english.ahram.org.eg/News/16022.aspx, V. Guevara] The most potent demonstrative … “we are in it together” develops. Sphere of Influence Net Benefit
A. As American policy in the MENA region devolves to multilateralism, it is creating a window of opportunity for Turkey to rise as the regional superpower. Turkey wants to fill the vacuum so it can exert its influence in democratizing the rapidly changing Arab world while serving as a powerful geopolitical counterweight to extremism Brady, 2011 [Kyle, political scientist and freelance writer, September 5th, “What to Expect fron Turkey in 2011” http://www.policymic.com/articles/what-to-expect-from-turkey-in-2011, V. Guevara] At a time when the foreign policy …power in Central Asia to contend with. B. The relationship is zero-sum – a rising Turkey significantly contains Iran Guzansky and Lindesnstrauss, 2011 [Yoel & Gallia, research associates for Institute for National Security Studies @ Tel Aviv University, Strategic Assessment, April, Vol 14, No.1, “Turkey and Iran: Strange Bedfellows” http://www.inss.org.il/upload/(FILE)1302700532.pdf, V. Guevara] Turkey and Iran have become … to Israel – to make that happen. C. Failing to contain Iran from crossing the nuclear threshold will trigger a supply and demand cycle that ensures that the entire globe goes nuclear. In the world of a rising Iran, the US will be unable to stem the tide of rapid horizontal proliferation Bar, 2011 [Shmuel, Director of studies at the Institute for Policy and Strategy in Herzliya, Israel April 1, “America’s Fading Middle East Influence: Speaking softly, wielding no sticks” Policy Review No. 166, http://www.hoover.org/publications/policy-review/article/73161, V. Guevara] Failure to prevent Iran from … back up its assurances.
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Canada CP
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
The Government of Canada should… Canada provides superior solvency for the Affirmative case: Canada is an honest broker, spends money more efficiently, as it is the cultural cross-roads of the international French and English speaking-worlds Sands and Majumdar in 2011 (http://www.c2cjournal.ca/blog-articles/view/can-the-middle-east-get-peace-order-and-good-government, oguevara) Canada can and should…includes us all. Canada is viewed as an honest broker – higher compliance and cooperation provides for superior solvency Sands and Majumdar in 2011 (http://www.c2cjournal.ca/blog-articles/view/can-the-middle-east-get-peace-order-and-good-government, oguevara) And in Iraq, where…of daily terrorism
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