1nc EU CP
Text: The European Union should… <Insert plan mechanism of democracy assistance>
The EU solves democracy promotion in the Arab world
Abboud 2010 (Noufal Abboud was Project Coordinator at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) project on Democracy in the Arab Word, focusing on elections, political parties and women’s participation in politics in Egypt, Yemen and Jordan. He has a MA in Human Rights from Mahidol University, Thailand, and a Licence en Droit (BA in Law) from University Hassan II in Casablanca, Morocco; "Regenerating the State in the Arab World: The Role Of the European Union in Democracy Building";
It is only with knowledge of the local
play the role of either catalyst or teacher.
The EU is comparatively more effective than the US at democracy promotion - Arab perception
Abboud 2010 (Noufal Abboud was Project Coordinator
AND /Abboud_low_1.pdf)
Finally, the Arab world desperately needs a
Islamic traditions of tolerance, diversity and justice.
Consult Israel
Contention 1:
Text: The United States Federal Government should enter into and implement the outcome of binding consultation with the Israeli government on whether the United States Federal Government should:
The United States Federal Government should abide by the results of consultation.
Contention 2:
Israel will say yes-but reassurances are key.
Ron Kampeas, JTA News Analyst, 6-1-2010, “Obama and Netanyahu: a few unfortunate incidents, or a clash of worldviews?,”
The question for Netanyahu's government is whether it
reassurance of unwavering U.S. support.
Contention 3: The Net Benefit:
First - Reviving genuine consultation with Israel is key to US-Israeli relations
Freilich ’06 (Dr. Chuck, Senior Fellow at the Belfer Center at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, “Hizballah in Lebanon: The War Was Not Supposed to End This Way”, Jerusalem Viewpoints,
The U.S. and Israel maintain
, and outcome of the war in Lebanon.
Second – consultation on the Middle East specifically is key to successful strategies
Bolourchi ’06 (Neda, JD, MA, “A case for engagement”, Asia Times, May 28,
In fact, this observer said, close
provides to the United States,” he said.
Third - Israel relations are critical to maintaining every aspect of US hegemony
Oren ’11 (Michael, Israeli Ambassador to the US, May/June, Foreign Policy, “The Ultimate Ally”,0, jj)
Israel is not, of course, situated
" to U.S. national security.
Hegemony prevents nuclear war
Arbatov ‘07 [Alexei Arbatov, Head of the Center for International Security Center of the Institute for International Economy and International Relationships of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Is a New Cold War Imminent,”, 2007]
A multipolar world that is not moving toward
one or several major capitals of the world.
Turkey CP 1nc
The Republic of Turkey should: and consult with the Egyptian government, Egyptian political parties, the Egyptian armed forces and Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, offering advice on how to best organize the new government.
Turkey solves the case-can offer uniquely influential assistance, promote peaceful integration of Islamists and has no credibility issues
Sobecki February 5th, 2011 (Nichole, covers Turkey issues, Global Post, “Turkey offers Egypt a way forward”, jj)
With anti-government protests transforming the region’s
that hopes emerge on top of it all.
SKFTA will pass but political capital key
Molly K. Hooper, 9/10/11, online:
House Republican leaders face a tough task of
deals through the Senate is not as challenging.
[Insert Link]
Impact - SKFTA is key to peacefully limiting Chinese dominance in Asia
Bandow 10/20/10 (Doug, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and a former special assistant to President Ronald Reagan, “A Free Trade Agreement with South Korea Would Promote Both Prosperity and Security”, Center for Trade Policy Studies, jj)
The free trade agreement also offers important geopolitical
with South Korea is an important first step.
And, Unchecked Chinese influence in Asia will trigger a global nuclear war
Walton ‘07 – lecturer in international relations and strategic studies at the University of Reading (C. Dale. G. Geopolitics and the Great Powers in the 21st Century: Multipolarity and the Revolution in Strategic Perspective, p. 49.)
Obviously, it is of vital importance to
is not marked by close great power alliances.
Saudi Disad
US-Saudi relations are high as the US allows Saudi Arabia to counter Arab Spring changes
Paul Mutter June 29, 2011, “Saudi Arabia: Rolling Back the Arab Spring,” Institute for Policy Studies,
At the hub of the pro-democracy
Yemen, with U.S. acquiescence.
[Insert Link]
US-Saudi relations are key to stop terrorism, contain Iran, and maintain stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan
LeVine ’11 (Steve, author of The Oil and the Glory and a blogger on energy issues at, Jan/Feb, Foreign Policy, “FRENEMIES FOREVER” proquest, jj)
Besides, Saudi Arabia isn't just a giant
S. adversaries like Hamas and the Taliban.
Nuclear war
Rosenbaum, 2k7 [Ron, “Talkin' World War III The return of the repressed” Nov. 29,]
I don't want to be alarmist (actually
control room is not an utterly unforeseeable nightmare.
Israel DA
A. US-Israel relations high-Obama and Netanyahu consultation, security commitments, and delegation exchanges
Khaleej Times August 11th, 2011 (“Obama, Netanyahu speak amid Syria turmoil”§ion=middleeast&col=, jj)
11 August 2011WASHINGTON - US President Barack Obama
from the overwhelmingly pro-Israel US Congress.
B. Israel strongly opposes democracy assistance
Sanger 5-21-11(David E, Chief Washington Correspondent for The New York Times and is one of the newspaper's senior writers, New York Times, “Half a doctrine will have to do”, jj)
Mr. Obama clearly has faith that by
Spring slips into a long, hot summer.
C. This undermines relations
IISS ’11 (International Institute for Strategic Studies, “Arab upheaval prompts concerns in Israel”, jj)
Some Israelis, looking at the US response
will require exceptionally adept diplomacy, or confrontation.
D. Israel relations are critical to maintaining every aspect of US hegemony
Oren ’11 (Michael, Israeli Ambassador to the US, May/June, Foreign Policy, “The Ultimate Ally”,0, jj)
Israel is not, of course, situated
" to U.S. national security.
Hegemony prevents nuclear war
Arbatov ‘07 [Alexei Arbatov, Head of the Center for International Security Center of the Institute for International Economy and International Relationships of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Is a New Cold War Imminent,”, 2007]
A multipolar world that is not moving toward
one or several major capitals of the world.
Cap K
The aff is wasted energy – fighting particular battles without changing the way the economy works means nothing really changes – the aff just obscures the logic of capitalism
Zizek, ’99 (Slavoj, Senior Researcher and professor at the Institute for Social Studies, Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject, page 352-355)
The big news of today’s post-political
an inexorable compulsion that effectively runs his life.
Vote neg on ethics - resisting this reliance on economic evaluation is the ultimate ethical responsibility
Zizek and Daly 2004
(Slavoj, professor of philosophy at the Institute for Sociology, Ljubljana, and Glyn, Senior Lecturer in Politics in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at University College, Northampton, Conversations with Zizek, page 14-16)
For Zizek it is imperative that we cut
a ‘glitch’ in an otherwise sound matrix.
The alternative is to withdraw from the ideology of capital. Capitalism only survives because we believe it is a truth claim.
Johnston ’04 (Adrian, interdisciplinary research fellow in psychoanalysis at Emory, The Cynic’s Fetish: Slavoj Zizek and the Dynamics of Belief, Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society)
Perhaps the absence of a detailed political
fetishism or the truth? I choose fetishism’’).
Butler K
A) Link - The plan attempts to erase our vulnerability by shielding us from undemocratic forces – this inherently makes lives less grievable
Judith Butler, Professor of Rhetoric at UC Berkeley, “Frames of War”, 2009, Page 124-125 (BJN)
I write this as one trying to come
, when lost, are worth public grieving.
B) Attempts to eradicate vulnerability fuel the instruments of war. Only recognition can end violence.
Butler, Maxine Elliot Professor in Rhetoric and Comparative Literature at UC-Berkeley, 2004 (Judith, Precarious Life: the Powers of Mourning and Violence, pg 28-9) (BJN)
Mourning, fear, anxiety, rage.
which we can be vanquished or lose others.
C) The alternative is to embrace strategic resistance. We shouldn’t continue riding on the train of violence but rather pull the emergency brakes. The framing of the affirmative is as integral as the action itself. . the affirmatives distance from grieveability and injurability justifies never ending gaming with human life.
Judith Butler, Professor of Rhetoric at UC Berkeley, “Frames of War”, 2009, Page 178-184 (BJN)
State violence often articulates itself through the positing
by which war is wrought time and again.