A2: T – Democracy Assistance
First – their violation makes no sense – they have no ev. That says judicial assistance to Libya promotes liberalism
1. We meet – we help Libya obtain popular soverienty by helping them develop a functioning court system
2. Counter-interpretation - Democracy Assistance includes election assistance, civil society, and institution building – including judicial reform
Rocha, Fritz, and Rakner October 2007
Alina Rocha (Alina is a Research Fellow at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in the Politics and Governance Programme with particular expertise on the challenges of democratisation, linkages between state and society, and state-building.) Verena Fritz (fellow at ODI) Lise Rakner (Political scientist focusing on the issues of democratisation and human rights, economic reform, taxation, institutional change and international aid, with a particular emphasis on Southern and Eastern Africa. Rakner has served as consultant for NORAD, SIDA, DFID, the World Bank, and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As of September 2006, Rakner works as a Professor of Comparative Politics (50 %) at the University of Bergen.)
4. Democracy promotion: For what?
called issue-oriented NGOs and the media.
3. We meet – we give judicial assistance
4. Standards
a. Education – capacity building for the NTC is the most important issue when it comes to Libya – means that any interpretation that doesn’t include our aff is bad for education AND aff flex outweighs on this topic
Christopher Sands (Senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, adjunct professor of Canadian studies at the Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, from 2002 -2007 was the director of strategic planning and evaluation at the International Republican Institute) Summer 2010 “Democracy Around the World” International Journal Vol. 65 No. 3, Gale
Innovation and creativity are important aspects of the
appreciated and applied by neophyte legislators and politicians.
b. Ground – our interp preserves neg ground – they get all DA links based off engagement, spending and US assistance
c. Precision – our interp narrows the topic to 3 categories of democracy assistance – this provides an adequate limit on the topic
5. T is not a voter – don’t vote on potential abuse – prefer reasonability – competing interpretations causes a race to the bottom
) Predictions are methodologically sound, reflexive, and increasingly accurate.
Ruud van der Helm is a Dutch policy officer on instrument development in the Aid Effectiveness and Policy Department. Futures – Volume 41, Issue 2, Pages 67-116 (March 2009) – obtained via Science Direct
Futurists build and discuss statements on future states
decision-making, or of collective action.
6) Act to save the most lives – imperfect knowledge doesn’t justify inaction
Cowen ‘04 (Tyler, Professor of Economics – George Mason University, “The Epistemic Problem Does Not Refute Consequentialism”, 11-2, http://www.gmu.edu/jbc/Tyler/Epistemic2.pdf, p. 14-15)
The epistemic critique relies heavily on a
from pursuing large upfront benefits of obvious importance.
Representations of war are the only way to conceptualize its impacts.
Martin, 2. Brian (Professor of Social Sciences in the School of Social Sciences, Media and Communication at the University of Wollongong), September 3, “Activism After Nuclear War?,” http://www.uow.edu.au/arts/sts/bmartin/pubs/02tff.html.
If worst comes to worst and nuclear weapons
aftermath. That means preparing organisationally and psychologically.
Injurious Language is not fixed – it brings forward the potential for an enabling response.
Butler, Professor of Rhetoric and Comparative Literature at UC Berkeley, 1997 (Judith, Excitable Speech: A Politics of the Performative, Routledge: New York, p. 2)
One is not simply fixed by the name
how might we come to understand its faultlines?
This argument has a sound methodological basis – when Israelis perceive insecurity they elect hawkish leaders
Berrebi & Klor ’06 (Claude, RAND Corporation, Princeton University, Esteban F. Klor, Department of Economics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel and Centre for Economic Policy Research, Journal of Conflict Resolution, On Terrorism and Electoral Outcomes
Theory and Evidence from the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict http://jcr.sagepub.com/content/50/6/899.abstract, jj)
According to the …first hypothesis of our
of the attack belongs to the Likud.25
The impact is extinction of the Palestinian people
Khan ’02 (Dr. Muqtedar Khan is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Adrian College in Michigan. He earned his Ph.D. in International Relations, Political Philosophy, and Islamic Political Thought, from Georgetown University in May 2000. Dr. Khan's column has appeared in The Daily Telegram, San Francisco Chronicle, Detroit Free Press, Detroit News, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Muslim Democrat, Iviews.com,ptimes.com, Theglobalist.com, Freerepublic.com, MiddleEast Online, Beliefnet.com, Arabies Trends, Al-Mustaqbal, and many other periodicals world wide.
http://www.glocaleye.org/armageddon.htm, jj)
The Likud vote not only rejects the only
of suicide bombers for Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
8) Turn: Waiting for a new ontology is a strategy that dooms us to nuclear omnicide and makes extinction inevitable
Santoni, Phil. Prof @ Denison, 1985 (Ronald E., Nuclear War, ed. Fox and Groarke, p. 156-7)
To be sure, Fox sees the need
as the final arbiter of our planet’s fate.
Spanos 2ac
1) Framework – The neg has to defend a policy option and we get to weigh our aff against it
a) Key to ground – allowing them to moot the entire 1AC eliminates all our offense
b) Plan focus is good – it is key to predictability and topic education
c) Failure to prioritize detailed policy prescription cedes the public sphere to the most aggressive forces – makes perpetual war inevitable
Boggs 2000 (Carl Professor and Ph.D. Political Science, National University, Los Angeles, the end of politics, 250-1)
But it is a very deceptive and misleading
of Oakeshott’s Burkean muddling-through theories.
AND – the Middle East is realist
Lynch ’11 (Marc, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, Director, Institute for Middle East Studies, Director, Middle East Studies Program, George Washington University – the Elliot School of International Affairs, PhD – Cornell University, “The Middle East” 12th edition, edited by Ellen Lust, Yale University, pg 317, jj)
Nevertheless, the Middle East remains heavily militarized
for massive security apparatuses and failures of development.
This means the neg’s approach fails and leads to more violence
Lynch ’11 (Marc, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, Director, Institute for Middle East Studies, Director, Middle East Studies Program, George Washington University – the Elliot School of International Affairs, PhD – Cornell University, “The Middle East” 12th edition, edited by Ellen Lust, Yale University, pg 314-315 , jj)
A range of widely accepted theoretical approaches to
respond to regional events at the policy level.
1. Perm do both – the alt alone can’t embrace disclosure in such a way as to fundamentally alter our relationship with being while simultaneously pursuing emancipatory politics.
Lewandowski 94 (Joseph, Department of Comparative Literature at SUNY Binghamton, PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, Vol. 20., No. 3, 1994, p. 120)
In his 1981 acceptance speech upon receipt of
experience to everyday practice in genuinely emancipatory ways.
2. US imperialism is inevitable – only embracing our role as world leader will make our foreign policy successful
Mallaby ‘02 (Sebastian, columnist for The Washington Post, "The Reluctant Imperialist" FOREIGN AFFAIRS, March/April 2002, Vol. 81. Issue 2, Academic Search Premier/Ebscohost)
Empires are not always planned. The original
acknowledges this task will its response be coherent.
3. A. Denouncing imperialism makes slow intervention inevitable- the impact is genocide
Shaw ‘02
(Martin Shaw, Professor of International Relations and Politics, University of Sussex, THE PROBLEM OF THE QUASI-IMPERIAL STATE: USES AND ABUSES OF ANTI-IMPERIALISM IN THE GLOBAL ERA, April 7, 2002, p. http: www.martinshaw.org/empire.htm)
Generally, therefore, Western power generally supports
it can manipulate to genuine global democratic governance.
B. We have a responsibility to prevent genocide
Rice, 8/7/2005 (Susan, Washington Post, Lexis)
Never is the international responsibility to protect more
call to action whatever diplomatic feathers it ruffles.
4. Ends justify the means—any short-term impacts to imperialism are outweighed by the future benefits
D’Souza ‘02
Dinesh D'Souza is a fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University The Chronicle of Higher Education. Washington: May 10, 2002. Vol.48, Iss. 35; pg. B.7
The descendants of colonialism are better off than
sovereignty," "rights," and so on.
6. Humanism is necessary to prevent atrocities and retain human dignity
Ketels, 96 [Associate Professor of English at Temple University, 1996, Violet B., “‘Havel to the Castle!’ The Power of the Word,” 548 Annals 45, November, Lexis]
History has survived them and provides a regenerative
complexities of the human experience we would illumine.
7. Spanos’s theory can’t translate into political change
Lewandowski, 94 - Associate Professor and Philosophy Program Coordinator at The University of Central Missouri – 1994 (Joseph D. Lewandowsi, Philosophy and Social Criticism, “Heidegger, literary theory and social criticism,” ed. David M. Rasmussen, P. 119)
Spanos rightly rejects the 'textuality' route in Heidegger
oriented critical theory it can and should be.
Pic and borders
3. Perm—do both: The contradiction of the two texts problematizes our discourse.
Katherine Adams [Assistant Professor of English at University of Tulsa], 2002, Hypatia, “At the Table with Arendt: Toward a Self-Interested Practice of Coalition Discourse,” Muse
As Anzaldúa and Friedman both point out,
glimpse of self-interested discourse at work.
4. Turn- Keeping terms unsayable locks them in place preventing a reworking that is necessary to work through trauma
Butler, Professor of Rhetoric and Comparative Literature at UC Berkeley, 1997 (Judith, Excitable Speech: A Politics of the Performative, Routledge: New York, p. 38)
This story underscores the limits and risks of
purpose, one whose future is partially open.
5. They don’t solve their net benefit---switching words changes nothing
Sanford F. SCHRAM, Associate Professor of Political Science at Macalester College, former Visiting Professor at the La Follette Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin and Visiting Affiliate at the Institute for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin, 1995 [“Discourses of Dependency: The Politics of Euphemism,” Words of Welfare: The Poverty of Social Science and The Social Science of Poverty, Published by The University of Minnesota Press, ISBN 0816625778, p. 21-23]
The deconstruction of prevailing discursive structures helps politicize
to what isolated instances of renaming can accomplish.
1. Perm: Do the plan and alternative. Recognizing that borders are constructed don’t make them disappear—only the plan can solve the realities of state violence
Jarvis 2K (D. S. L., Assoc Prof of IR @ U. British Columbia, International Relations and the Challenge of Postmodernism, p 129-30//)
If the relevance of Ashley's project is questionable
dilemmas that otherwise seem to preoccupy Ashley. 40
2. Alt can’t solve - Realism makes borders inevitable—the alternative can’t convince states to abandon power
Mearsheimer 1 (John, Prof of Poli Sci @ UChi, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, http://www.irchina.org/xueke/fangfa/view.asp?id=114, accessed 7/13/10 )
The optimists' claim that security competition and war
the major states in each region at peace.
Predictions good on balance for Arab Spring political forecasting
Chadwick 7/6/11Bruce P. Chadwick, PhD, CFA, is principal at Chadwick Global Research and Consulting, an independent consulting firm specializing in macro strategy, including quantitative, emerging market, and SRI research.
The Finance Professional’s Post, “Worldview: Summer Perspectives on the Arab Spring”
When Worldview covered Egypt in autumn 2009,
to macro opportunities and more adaptive risk management.
Turn - Borders are inevitable due to ontologically rooted perceptions of difference. We engage in an ethical politics that solve the dangers of borders.
Williams 3 (John, Senior Lecturer at the University of Durham, “Territorial Borders, International Ethics and Geography: Do Good Fences Still Make Good Neighbours?” Geopolitics, Summer, p. 37-40//)
Thus a more hermeneutic approach than Finnemore and
be critically explored, may be a fixture.
Rethinking isn’t enough—lack of policy relevance dooms their alternative.
Carothers 99 – VP @ Carnegie Endowment for Intl Peace, Thomas, Aiding Democracy Abroad, p.100-1
An overarching critique ...more enlight¬ened path."
An overarching critique of the model of democracy
open to adopting a more enlightened path.’