Wake Forest » Wake Shklar and Thies Neg

Wake Shklar and Thies Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 19:33
  • GSU Neg Disclosure

    • Tournament: | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

    • T – QPQ (same as Bailey/ Min)

      UN CP


      Text: The United States Federal Government should provide the Yemeni anti-government protest movement political party support with the possibility of modifications if and only if the Yemen anti-government movement agrees to support the United States’ initiatives and priorities in the United Nations. 

      CP is key to strengthen US diplomacy 

      SCHAEFER AND KIM ‘11 (Brett, is Jay Kingham Fellow in International Regulatory Affairs in the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom, a division of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies, AND*** Anthony is a Policy Analyst in the Center for International Trade and Economics at The Heritage Foundation, August 8, “The U.S. Should Link Foreign Aid and U.N. General Assembly Voting”, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/08/the-us-should-link-foreign-aid-and-un-general-assembly-voting#_ftn21) 

      Congress has been …….. and principles with America. 


      Effective deployment of diplomacy in the UN is the single best way to solve warming

      HAGUE ’10 (William Hague, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Member of Parliament for Richmond, United Kingdom, “The Diplomacy of Climate Change,” 9/27/10)

      But I particularly wanted to make the point to….. And if we don't, the world will determine our destiny for us . 



      Figueres, 11 (Christiana, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2/15/11, “Security Address to the Congress of Deputies of Spain at the Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defensa Nacional in Madrid,” http://climateprogress.org/2011/02/15/food-crisis-climate-change-figueres/)  

      In its context, it is alarming to admit that if the community …………..pay the cost to do so.  


      Dip Cap 1NC


      Obama in an all-out diplomatic campaign to avoid a Palestine vote at the UN

      Myers and Landler 11

      [Steven Lee Myers and Mark Landler, “American Campaign Seeks to Avert Clash Over Palestinian Bid at U.N.”, 9-3-2011, LexisNexis]

      The Obama administration …..much to do.'' 


      Plan costs diplomatic capital—will have to cooperate with some level of anti-Americanism

      Shobert 11

      [Benjamin A. Shobert, “A China model for the Arab Spring”, Asia Times Online, 9-3-2011, http://www.atimes.com/atimes/China/MI03Ad02.html]

      The fall ……….inherently flawed. 


      Palestine bid at the UN causes nuclear war

      Beres 11

      [Louis Rene Beres, expert on Israeli security matters and the author of 10 major books and several hundred journal articles on international relations and international law, “The unforeseen risks of Palestinian statehood”, Haaretz, 9-6-2011]

      Very soon, in mid-September,…… nuclear weapons.

      Egypt CP

      The United States Federal Government should threaten to cut military aid for Egypt unless the Egyptian military substantially increase its funding of civil society organizations in the country referenced in United States Code Title 22, Chapter 49, Subchapter I, section 3403 which are not registered with the government of that country. 

      Pressuring the military solves – they are key to any transition.

      Armin Rosen, freelance writer writing for the New Republic, “Cairo Dispatch: Can Egypt’s Liberals Challenge the Military’s Hegemony?” 8/15/2011, http://www.tnr.com/article/93642/egypt-liberals-military-cairo?page=0,1 

      IF EGYPTIAN LIBERALS can’t do much to influence the military, .....of those in power.


      A. Uniqueness -- Obama spending capital on SKFTA agreement now – momentum for passage.

      Yonhap 9-14-11.

      U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Wednesday expressed …according to diplomatic sources. 

      B. Link -- MENA democracy aid costs capital.

      Richter 11. [Paul, staff writer, “Debt worries stymieing U.S. financial aid to help Arab nations in transition” LA Times -- April 12]

      The Obama administration's ….in foreign countries." 

      And Capital is key – sustained focus and dialogue key to ensure passage.

      Patton Boggs 9-12. [Patton Boggs LLP, int’l law firm specializing in trade, “International, defense, homeland security” Lexology -- http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=f302d2e3-7782-4b3c-a025-43d1c0b03046]

      Trade Developments. …..fine-tuning, lie ahead. 



      C. Impact – SKFTA Key to relations and Asian influence.

      Flake and Stangarone 8-17-11. [L. Gordon, Executive Director at The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation, former Assoc. Director, Program on Conflict Resolution @ Atlantic Council of the US, Troy, Director of Congressional Affairs and Trade @ Korea Economic Institute, “Why US Needs Korea Trade Deal” The Diplomat]

      Now that the two sides have reached a deal on…… America’s economic interests. 


      Relations Solve Multiple Scenarios Of War.

      PRITCHARD ET AL 9. [Jack, President, Korea Economic Institute, John Tilelli, Chairman and CEO, Cypress Int’l, and Scott Snyder, Adjunct Senior Fellow for Korea Studies, “A New Chapter for U.S.-South Korea alliance” Council on Foreign Relations -- June 16 http://www.cfr.org/publication/19635/new_chapter_for_ussouth_korea_alliance.html]

      While all eyes have been trained on North …..foundation for unlocking the potential of alliance cooperation in the service of our shared interests.  

      Global nuclear war

      Hayes and Green, 10 - *Victoria University AND **Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute (Peter and Michael, “-“The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia”, 1/5, http://www.nautilus.org/fora/security/10001HayesHamalGreen.pdf)

      The consequences of …..international community.

      EU CP


      The European Union should substantially expand its support for groups in Bahrain to facilitate broader distribution of access to political benefits.

      - build cultural programs in Bahrain to promote cooperation between Arab youth and European educational institutes

      - renew the Gulf Cooperation Council Free Trade Agreement

      - support development of independent media in Bahrain 

      EU solves 

      ALLEN ‘11 (Michael, Visiting Fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy, Editor of Democracy Digest, lectured on political theory, history and labor relations on the faculty of universities in London and Manchester, and Cranfield School of Management, one of Europe’s leading business schools, “A European approach to developing democracy’s ‘hardware and software’”, September 2, 2011, http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/09/a-european-approach-to-developing-democracys-hardware-and-software/) 

      In the absence of a “standard template” for …to help sustain transitions in the Arab world.

      Bahrain CP

      Text: The United States federal government should assure the Bahraini monarchy that it will continue to do the following if and only if the Bahrani monarchy agrees to release jailed opposition leaders and offer to open a genuinely inclusive dialogue with opposition groups in the country:

      support governmental reform efforts,

      provide military assistance,

      continue joint training exercises,

      maintain its contract to keep the Fifth Fleet of the United States Navy based in Manama


      CP solves—effective diplomatic pressure is key to avoid empty talks and action 

      Hiltermann ’11 (Joost, Deputy Program Director, Middle East and North Africa @ International Crisis Group, “Pushing for Reform in Bahrain,” FP, 9/7, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/ARTICLES/68246/joost-r-hiltermann/pushing-for-reform-in-bahrain?page=show

      How Washington should … approach to the Arab Spring. 



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