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Wake PZ

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 19:33
  • T - QPQ

    • Tournament: Liberty | Round: 5 | Opponent: Pitt LM | Judge: Paul Mabrey

    • T – QPQ

      A. Interpretation – Democracy assistance must be a quid pro quo – distinctive American approach***

      Thomas Carothers is vice-president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the author or editor of many books on democracy promotion, January 2009. “Democracy Assistance: Political vs. Developmental?” JOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY, Volume 20, Number 1


      a MECHANISM-based limit is real-world – productive starting point for clash

      David L. Phillips is a project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and currently a visiting scholar at Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Human Rights. He has worked as a senior adviser to the U.S. Department of State and the United Nations Secretariat and Lincoln A. Mitchell is the Arnold A. Saltzman assistant professor in the Practice of International Politics at Columbia University’s School of International and Political Affairs. Dr. Mitchell is also a practitioner of democracy Assistance, 2008. “Enhancing Democracy Assistance,” AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY INSTERESTS, 30: 156-175


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  • Tradeoff DA - Climate Assistance

    • Tournament: Liberty | Round: 5 | Opponent: Pitt LM | Judge: Paul Mabrey

    • Climate assistance will avoid cuts now but it’s an easy target- new cuts would devastate USAID and US leadership

      Worthington ‘8-11 ((Samuel Worthington, InterAction CEO and president, 8-1-11 , InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based international nongovernmental organizations, "US must learn from Britain and not cut foreign aid," The Guardian, www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/poverty-matters/2011/aug/01/us-foreign-aid-cuts)


      Democracy assistance is zero-sum with climate assistance

      Sharma ’11 (Republican Majority Taking Stance on Cutting Foreign Aide FEBRUARY 3, 2011 BY MUKUL LEAVE A COMMENT Mukul Sharma is a recent graduate of the University of Maryland in College Park. He majored in Environmental Politics and Policy and now works for DC based firm SEGURA Consulting, contributing to projects both in and outside their environmental practice.



      Climate assistance is on the chopping block- cuts will crush US climate leadership and ensure runaway warming

      Light ’11 (Cutting international investments would endanger U.S. leadership BY ANDREW LIGHT Andrew Light, Ph.D., is a Senior Fellow at American Progress specializing in climate, energy, and science policy. He coordinates American Progress’s participation in the Global Climate Network, focusing on international climate change policy and the future of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. He is also director of the Center for Global Ethics at George Mason University. 7 APR 2011 3:50 PM


      Warming is real, anthropogenic, and by far the largest risk of extinction

      Deibel ‘7 (Terry L. Deibel, professor of IR at National War College, Foreign Affairs Strategy, “Conclusion: American Foreign Affairs Strategy Today Anthropogenic – caused by CO2”)

  • Orientalism K

    • Tournament: Liberty | Round: 5 | Opponent: Pitt LM | Judge: Paul Mabrey


      Crowe 7 (Lori, Candidate in Political Science at York University, “The “Fuzzy Dream”: Discourse, Historical myths, and Militarized (in)Security - Interrogating dangerous myths of Afghanistan and the ‘West,’” http://turin.sgir.eu/uploads/Crowe-loricrowe.pdf, AD: 5/18/11) jl



      Ahmed 7 (Faiz, Ph.D. student, University of California, Berkeley; J.D., University of California Hastings College of the Law, Gonzaga Journal of International Law, 10 Gonz. J. Int'l L. 269) jl



      The Muslim Brotherhood is a farce of political change – they are an extension of the old regime, propped up by the US – submissively willing to accept the imperial and neoliberal order of the US


      Amin 11

      Amin, Third World Forum Director in Dakar, 7-13-11 [Samir, author of The Liberal Virus (Monthly Review Press, 2004), The World We Wish to See (Monthly Review Press, 2008), and most recently The Law of Worldwide Value (Monthly Review Press, 2010). This article was translated by Shane Henry Mage. , "2011: An Arab Springtime?", http://monthlyreview.org/commentary/2011-an-arab-springtime]


      this guarantees global destruction – this strategic worldview can only conceive others as targets for American bombs, making it the logic of perpetual nuclear war.

      CHOW 6 (Rey, Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Modern Culture & Media Studies at Brown University, “The Age of the World Target: Self-Referentiality in War, Theory, and Comparative Work,” p. 40-42) jl


      The alternative is a criticism of the way the 1AC assembles what seem like facts and snippets of empirical reality to create a holistic view OF THE MIDDLE EAST requiring Western intervention – Your ballot must foreground an investigation into the method and epistemology used to assemble the 1AC BEFORE POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS

      Crowe 7 (Lori, Candidate in Political Science at York University, “The “Fuzzy Dream”: Discourse, Historical myths, and Militarized (in)Security - Interrogating dangerous myths of Afghanistan and the ‘West,’” http://turin.sgir.eu/uploads/Crowe-loricrowe.pdf, AD: 5/18/11) jl

  • Case vs. Pitt LM

    • Tournament: Liberty | Round: 5 | Opponent: Pitt LM | Judge: Paul Mabrey

    • t

      Util good

      Fried ’94 (Charles Fried “Rights and Wrongs as Absolute.”  Absolutism and Its Consequentialist Critics. , p. 76. Ed. Haber 1994)


      Everything ultimately reduces down to util – deontology is just based off of things that maximize happiness


      -- Extinction outweighs all - ethics demands you evaluate our impacts first.

      Seeley, ‘86


      The Critique Of Realism Is Flat-Out Wrong–Realism Is Accurate, States Are Good, Their Aff Doesn’t Solve, And It Collapses Into Bloody Anarchy And Slaughter

      SOLOMON 1996 (Hussein, Senior Researcher, Human Security Project, Institute for Defence Policy, “In Defence of Realism,” African Security Review, Vol 5, No 2, http://www.iss.co.za/pubs/ASR/5No2/5No2/InDefence.html)


      Realism inevitable – human nature.

      Thayer ‘4 -Ph.D, Fellow at Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and consultant to Rand Corporation- [Bradley, “Darwin and International Relations: On the Evolutionary Origins of War and Ethnic Conflict”] p. 11-12


      They can’t solve the discourse of danger—attacking a particular manifestation of it just causes it to shift to a new focal point

      Tuathail, 96  (Gearoid, Department of Georgraphy at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Political Geography, 15(6-7), science direct)

      Second, the narrative that works this ground is an identity politics narrative that seeks  to problematize the ‘metaphysics of presence’ found in US foreign policy.


      Promotion of security is an ethical responsibility of government. Total security is impossible but limited security avoids a hell on earth.

      Elshtain ‘3  (Jean Bethke, Prof. Social and Pol. Ethics – U. Chicago, “Just War Against Terror: The Burden of American Power in a Violent World”, p. 46-48)


      Moving away from security creates new challengers and increases the risk of war

      Doran, 99  (Charles, Professor of International Relations at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies, Survival, 1999, Summer, p. 148-9, proquest)


      Abandoning security fails -–- all that will happen is that non-realist will be removed from office

      Kavka ’87  (Gregory S., Prof – UC Irvine, Moral Paradoxes of Nuclear Deterrence, p. 86-87)


      The US is toxic – any group that accepts assistance becomes discredited.

      Joel Brinkley, staff writer for SF Gate, “How 'democracy' got to be a dirty word,” 4/5/2009, http://articles.sfgate.com/2009-04-05/opinion/17193126_1_democracy-promotion-moroccan-king-advance-democracy


      The MB will use the plan to discredit liberal organizations, killing their election chances.

      Mohamed Abdelbaky, an Egyptian journalist who specializes in democracy and human rights, 8-25-2011, “The Crisis of External Fudning of Egyptian Civil Society,” FIKRA Forum, http://fikraforum.org/2011/08/the-crisis-of-external-funding-of-egyptian-civil-society/


      Neoliberalism not oppressive or exploitive – empirically proven

      Bhagvati ‘4 (University Professor at Columbia University and Senior Fellow in International Economics at the Council on Foreign Relations [JagdishBhagwati, “In Defense of Globalization”. 2004. Overview, http://www.cfr.org/publication/6769/in_defense_of_globalization.html]


      No impact – market rationality precludes the genocidal mentality that Santos analyzes.

      Ratner – 84 (Leonard, prof., of law at USC, Hofstra Law Journal, Spring, p. 753-54)


      Can’t solve neoliberalism – the right will co-opt the plan’s invigoration of public spaces to prevent a genuine societal transformation

      Vincent 6 [Jonathan Vincent is a PhD candidate in American studies at the University of Illinois, where he teaches American literature and composition. “A Call to Arms in a Repressive Atmosphere of Educational Acquiescence”, Pedagogy 6.1 (2006) 189-198, JSTOR]

  • T - Pro-Democracy

    • Tournament: Liberty | Round: 5 | Opponent: Pitt LM | Judge: Paul Mabrey

    • LIberty1NC T 1


      A. Interpretation – Democracy assistance transfers support to pro-democracy groups

      Richard Lappin, PhD candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven at Belgium, 2010. “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches,” CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL & SECURITY STUDIES, Vol 4 Iss 1

  • "F" Word K

    • Tournament: Liberty | Round: Semis | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Link and Impact: Using the “F”-Word creates a double standard that denigrates womyn and causes oppression in the real world.

      Susan Ehrlich, Professor of Linguistics @ York University & Ruth King, Professor of Women’s Studies @ NYU, ’94(“ Feminist Meanings and the (De)Politicization of the Lexicon,” Language in Society, Vol. 23, No. 1 (Mar., 1994), pp. 59-60, http://www.jstor.org/stable/4168494)

      Changing gendered language is key to changing degradation and result in widespread social change.

      Miller & Swift,  Freelance, nationally-published editors & reporters, Yale grads,’88 (Casey & Kate, A Handbook of Non-Sexist Language, p. 3, *Note: “Casey” Miller is a womyn.)

  • T - QPQ

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A. Interpretation – Democracy assistance must be a quid pro quo – distinctive American approach***

      Thomas Carothers is vice-president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the author or editor of many books on democracy promotion, January 2009. “Democracy Assistance: Political vs. Developmental?” JOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY, Volume 20, Number 1

      Identifying the essential elements of the political […] approach is dominant is difficult.

      C. Standards

      a MECHANISM-based limit is real-world – productive starting point for clash 

      David L. Phillips is a project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and currently a visiting scholar at Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Human Rights. He has worked as a senior adviser to the U.S. Department of State and the United Nations Secretariat and Lincoln A. Mitchell is the Arnold A. Saltzman assistant professor in the Practice of International Politics at Columbia University’s School of International and Political Affairs. Dr. Mitchell is also a practitioner of democracy Assistance, 2008. “Enhancing Democracy Assistance,” AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY INSTERESTS, 30: 156-175

      A toolbox of approaches […] used democracy assistance techniques.

  • Democracy Assistance Bad CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • US demo assistance efforts empirically result in regime collapse and backlash

      Bandow, Cato Institute Senior Fellow, 2-25-11 

       ["Dough, "Revolution in Middle East: Time for US to Step Back", http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=12822, accessed: 3-25-11] 

      Chaos in Cairo's streets wrecked Hosni […] important, to do so positively

  • Consumer Financial Bureau Ptix DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Richard Cordray will be confirmed as head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – GOP will back down now

      Marx 10/12 – award-winning journalist who has written extensively about history and politics, author of a chapter on media and politics in “The Sixth-Year Itch.” political columnist for The Eagle-Tribune (Claude R., “CFPB Nominee Cordray Gets Senate Panel Nod,” http://www.cutimes.com/2011/10/10/cfpb-nominee-cordray-gets-senate-panel-nod)

      Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner[…] will reconsider their position.

      Plan saps capital – massive opposition in the house to unilateral Yemen policies

      Ran Dagoni, Washington, “The US House Foreign Affairs Committee slashed foreign aid for the Palestinians, Egypt, Lebanon, and Yemen”, July 23, 2011, http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28667.htm 

      July 23, 2011 "Globes" -- The US […] the effectiveness of civilian programs. 

      Capital is key

      Memoli 10/6 – White House correspondent for RealClearPolitics.com (Michael, “Obama: Occupy Wall Street protests show Americans' frustration,” http://mobile.fox40.com/p.p?a=rp&m=b&postId=957011&curAbsIndex=3&resultsUrl=DID%3D6%26DFCL%3D1000%26DSB%3Drank%2523desc%26DBFQ%3DuserId%253A19%26DL.w%3D%26DL.d%3D10%26DQ%3DsectionId%253A5267%26DPS%3D0%26DPL%3D5)

      Obama said he used "a […] Bureau, former Ohio Treasurer Richard Cordray.

      Confirmation failure results in economic collapse

      Collette 11 – Alliance for a Just Society (Jason, 09/16, “Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Lacks Director: Small Businesses Economy Suffers,” http://allianceforajustsociety.org/2587/consumer-financial-protection-bureau-lacks-director-small-businesses-economy-suffers/)

      Every day the CFPB goes without […] small businesses can get back to hiring.

      Impact is extinction

      Weekly Press 8  Philadelphia Community Newspaper (10/22, “What to do when the economy crashes: Thoughts from KATHY CHANGE,” http://weeklypress.com/what-to-do-when-the-economy-crashes-thoughts-from-kathy-change-p941-1.htm)

      Soon the economy will collapse. As you know, America […] much of the rest of the world.



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