A. Uniqueness Obama spending capital on SKFTA agreement now – momentum for passage.
Yonhap 9-14-11.
U.S. Treasury Secretary … on Congress, according to diplomatic sources.
B. Link MENA democracy aid costs capital.
Richter 11. [Paul, staff writer, “Debt worries stymieing U.S. financial aid to help Arab nations in transition” LA Times April 12]
The Obama … in foreign countries."
And Capital is key – sustained focus and dialogue key to ensure passage.
Patton Boggs 9-12. [Patton Boggs LLP, int’l law firm specializing in trade, “International, defense, homeland security” Lexology http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=f302d2e3-7782-4b3c-a025-43d1c0b03046]
Trade Developments. Toward … procedural fine-tuning, lie ahead.
Ratifying SKFTA is critical to cement the US/South Korean alliance and heg.
Stangarone, 11/4/2010 (Troy - director of Congressional Affairs and Trade for the Korea Economic Institute, On the sidelines of the g-20, Asia Pacific Bulletin, No. 79, p. 1-2)
The pending free … that outcome is to reach an understanding on the KORUS FTA.
Key to prevent North Korean aggression.
Pritchard et al, 09 – President of the Korea Economic Institute (Charles L, 6/16. With John H. Tilelli Jr., Chairman and CEO, Cypress International, and Scott A. Snyder, Adjunct Senior Fellow for Korea Studies, CFR. “A New Chapter for U.S.-South Korea Alliance.” Council on Foreign Relations. http://www.cfr.org/publication/19635/new_chapter_for_ussouth_korea_alliance.html)
While all eyes have been …. China to put pressure on North Korea.
Global nuclear war
Hayes and Green, 10 - *Victoria University AND Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute (Peter and Michael, “-“The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia”, 1/5, http://www.nautilus.org/fora/security/10001HayesHamalGreen.pdf)
The consequences of failing to … that warrants priority consideration from the international community.
Interpretation - Assistance must be material
Athena Vongalis-Macrow, LaTrobe University, Melbourne, Australia, November 2006. “The ambiguous politics of teachers in the reconstruction of Iraq,” JOURNAL FOR CRITICAL EDUCATION POLICY STUDIES, http://www.jceps.com/index.php?pageID=article&articleID=75
Under the broad agenda for … of reconstruction and achievement is presented.
Violation – the plan isn’t material assistance
Vote negative
Ground –tangible exchange ensures all types of link ground as well as counterplan competition.
Limits- a static topic mechanism preserves predictability on both sides and promotes clash
Precision –a clear definition is critical to real world education and accuracy helps navigate an inevitably ambiguous literature base
Lappin ’10 (Richard Lappin, PhD candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven at Belgium, 2010. “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches,” CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL & SECURITY STUDIES, Vol 4 Iss 1
By the end of the … commissions, state institutions, civil society groups, media groups and political parties.
Topicality is a voting issue because it tells the neg what it must be prepared to debate
Text: The Executive Branch of the United States should recommend to the Group of Eight that they provide testimony to the Bahraini Independent Commission of Inquiry detailing their complicit role in the repression of political opposition in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Contention 2 is Solvency
Funding has already been set aside – only a question of how it’s used
Keaten and Keller ’11 [Jamey Keaten and Greg Keller , “Arab Democracies Will Receive Up To $40B In Support, G8 Leaders Say”, 05/27/2011 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/27/g8-nations-major-bank-arab-spring_n_867947.html]
DEAUVILLE, France — Rich countries and … joined the G-8 leaders to seek help after the uprisings scared away tourists and investors.
The G8 would do the plan – they are sincerely committed to funding reform
Dorsey ’11 [James M. Dorsey is a senior researcher at the National University of Singapore’s Middle East Institute , “G8 support for Arab change strains Western purses”, Friday, 27 May 2011, http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2011/05/27/150736.html]
Beyond the issues of how … tactic. Neither is likely to want to fund moves towards reform.
Contention 3 is the Net Benefit
The plan shatters Obama’s multilateral doctrine – only the CP acts in a geniuinely multilateral manner
Diamond ’11 [Larry Diamond, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Co-editor of the Journal of Democracy, “Democracy Promotion and the Obama Doctrine”, April 8, 2011, http://www.cfr.org/us-strategy-and-politics/democracy-promotion-obama-doctrine/p24621]
Obama spelled out rather … but it also may be more sustainable.
Acting through the G8 is key to broader multilateralism – the G8 is the piller of multilateral cooperation
Patrick ’11 [Stewart M. Patrick, Senior Fellow and Director of the International Institutions and Global Governance Program, “The G8 Proves Its Relevance”, May 27, 2011, http://www.cfr.org/global-governance/g8-proves-its-relevance/p25141]
This week's summit in … on peaceful protests, which overcame Russian resistance to external intervention on this issue.
Only multilateral cooperation prevents great power wars that make extinction inevitable
Dyer ‘4 [Gwynne Dyer, former senior lecturer in war studies at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, 12/30/2004, The End of War, The Toronto Star, p. lexis]
The "firebreak" against nuclear weapons … then history will repeat itself and everybody loses.
Ahmed 7 (Faiz, Ph.D. student, University of California, Berkeley; J.D., University of California Hastings College of the Law, Gonzaga Journal of International Law, 10 Gonz. J. Int'l L. 269) jl
Autumn 2006 marked …. benefits of auspicious promises made by so many countries in 2001.
CHOW 6 (Rey, Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Modern Culture & Media Studies at Brown University, “The Age of the World Target: Self-Referentiality in War, Theory, and Comparative Work,” p. 40-42) jl
Often under the … to the war from a primarily anti-Japanese point of view that I alluded to at the beginning of this chapter – will never receive the attention that is due to them.
Crowe 7 (Lori, Candidate in Political Science at York University, “The “Fuzzy Dream”: Discourse, Historical myths, and Militarized (in)Security - Interrogating dangerous myths of Afghanistan and the ‘West,’” http://turin.sgir.eu/uploads/Crowe-loricrowe.pdf, AD: 5/18/11) jl
We need to navigate … being produced through what myths and who is benefiting and who is being disappeared?
Commission isn’t accepting appointments- aff does nothing- vote neg on presumption
TradeArabia ‘9-4 (TradeArabia, Business News Information, Bahrain unrest probe alerts on deadline , Manama: Sun, 04 Sep 2011
The … September 8.
Extinction outweighs
Schell, policy analyst and proliferation expert, 2000 (Jonathan, “The Fate of the Earth”, p. 94-5)
To say … threat we now pose to the earth and to ourselves.
Their moral decision-making is evil
Issac, 02—Professor of Political Science at Indiana-Bloomington, Director of the Center for the Study of Democracy and Public Life, PhD from Yale (Jeffery C., Dissent Magazine, Vol. 49, Iss. 2, “Ends, Means, and Politics,” p. Proquest)
As a result, the … those who are not true believers. It promotes arrogance. And it undermines political effectiveness.
Realism inevitable – human nature.
Thayer ‘4 -Ph.D, Fellow at Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and consultant to Rand Corporation- [Bradley, “Darwin and International Relations: On the Evolutionary Origins of War and Ethnic Conflict”] p. 11-12
In chapter 2, I … becomes a more powerful theory than is currently recognized.
Their predictions arguments go neg – poor predictions means we must debate about them to make them better; the alternative is inevitable catastrophe.
Kurasawa, 04 (Professor of Sociology, York University of Toronto, Fuyuki, Constellations Volume 11, No 4, 2004).
None of this …, starting with us, in the here and now.
aff fails—state coopts it
Tara McCormack, ’10, is Lecturer in International Politics at the University of Leicester and has a PhD in International Relations from the University of Westminster. 2010, (Critique, Security and Power: The political limits to emancipatory approaches, page 137-138)
In chapter 7 I engaged with the … be joined with engagement with the material circumstances of the time.
Role of the ballot
First, reps don’t solve reality, and arguing that representations determine reality destroys effective political action—embracing modernist truth claims is a vital starting point for action and avoiding relativism. Deconstructing truth through representations prevents a coherent understanding of the world necessary for politics
Jarvis, 00 (Darryl, lecturer in IR at the University of Sydney, International relations and the challenge of postmodernism, 2000, p. 189-
First, the … poverty now famed perversely as the search for "thinking space."26
A focus on discourse or representations substitutes philosophical musing for material politics.
Taft-Kaufman, 95 - Professor, Department of Speech Communication And Dramatic Arts, Central Michigan University – 1995 (Jill, “Other ways: Postmodernism and performance praxis,” The Southern Communication Journal, Vol.60, Iss. 3; pg. 222)
In its elevation of …material objects and bodily subjects.