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Wake LeDuc and Quinn Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 19:33
  • Egypt Neg - Rd 6 GSU

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    • Egypt Neg
      1NC Solvency – Say No

      Egypt says no –
      a) Ties to Mubarak and questionable motives.
      Bill Lindner, writing for the Islam Times, “Seeking Independence From American Influence, Egyptians overwhelmingly Reject U.S. Aid,” 7/12/2011, http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcaayna.49nym1gtk4.html

      After activists complained that … of things to come?

       b) National sovereignty
      Michael Allen, writing for Democracy Digest, “Democracy assistance and the Arab Spring: solidarity vs. sovereignty?” 7/6/2011, http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/07/democracy-assistance-and-the-arab-spring-solidarity-vs-sovereignty/

      But the recent … crossed that line.” 

       c) Stigma
      Paul Richter and Jeffrey Fleishman, staff writers for the Los Angeles Times, “U.S. pro-democracy effort rubs many in Egypt the wrong way,” 8/10/2011, http://articles.latimes.com/print/2011/aug/10/world/la-fg-us-egypt-20110811

      The April 6 movement has … hijack the revolution.
      1NC Democracy ADV

      Assistance fails – doesn’t address root cause of authoritarianism.
      Anne Mariel Peters, assistant professor in the department of government at Wesleyan University, “Why Obama shouldn't increase democracy aid to Egypt,” 2/14/2011, http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/02/14/why_obama_shouldn_t_increase_democracy_aid_to_egypt

      Returning to the big picture, the … more democracy in Egypt.

      Egypt’s society is already mobilized – there is nothing more we can do to help.
      Anne Mariel Peters, assistant professor in the department of government at Wesleyan University, “Why Obama shouldn't increase democracy aid to Egypt,” 2/14/2011, http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/02/14/why_obama_shouldn_t_increase_democracy_aid_to_egypt

      The United States should … governance funding can do.

      US assistance is perceived as anti-revolutionary, gutting Egypt’s democratic potential.
      Sean Collins, freelance journalist writing for Spiked Magazine, “Message to America: Hands off Egypt!” 2/2/2011, http://www.spiked-online.com/index.php/site/article/10153/

      But who are Obama or Clinton to … far too long; the best thing it can do now is get out of the way.

      Egypt isn’t a model – not key to regional democracy.
      Diamond, 11 (Larry Diamond, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Co-editor of the Journal of Democracy, Democracy Promotion and the Obama Doctrine Do you see Egypt as a lynchpin for the spread of democracy in the region?, April 8, 2011, http://www.cfr.org/us-strategy-and-politics/democracy-promotion-obama-doctrine/p24621)

      It's overwhelmingly the …. own rhythm and dynamics.
      1NC Elections ADV

      Islamism is inevitable, it’s a question of how radical – US intervention strengthens radicals, destabilizing the region and causing hostility with Israel.
      Enver Guseynov, writing for Suite 101, “Muslim Brotherhood, Israel and US Intervention in Egypt,” 7/10/2011, http://www.suite101.com/content/muslim-brotherhood-israel-and-us-intervention-in-egypt-a378984

      Within the organization … additional insecurity in the Middle East.

      Low favorability among Egyptians means accepting aid from the US is political suicide for any candidate or group.
      Dr. James Zogby, founder and president of the Arab American Institute, “Politics and Nonsense on Egypt,” 2/7/2011, http://www.aaiusa.org/dr-zogby/entry/politics-and-nonsense-on-egypt/

      What has been so disturbing …, will not have changed either. 

      The Muslim Brotherhood would quickly lose any power once elected.
      Daniel L. Byman, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, “Egypt 2012: What If the Muslim Brotherhood Comes to Power?” 2/4/2011, http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2011/0204_egypt_protests_byman.aspx

      A silver lining is … of Muslims from Islamism.

      Middle East democracy is impossible.
      Stephen Haber, Peter and Helen Bing Senior Fellow and member of the Property Rights, Freedom, and Prosperity Task Force at the Hoover Institute, and Victor Menaldo, W. Glenn Campbell and Rita Ricardo-Campbell National Fellow at the Hoover Institute, “A Democratic Middle East?” 3/31/2011, http://www.hoover.org/publications/defining-ideas/article/73266

      We would like …elite life and liberty as well?
      1NC Credibility ADV

      Soft power is high and resilient.
      Wang Jisi, dean of International Studies at Peking University, “US power strong for decades to come,” 8/4/2011, http://www.globaltimes.cn/NEWS/tabid/99/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/669503/US-power-strong-for-decades-to-come.aspx

      Wang: The future of …countries hold toward the US.

      Foreign assistance doesn’t generate credibility or good will towards the US – if anything, its effect is negative.
      Ken Adelman, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and arms control director in the Reagan Ronald's administration, “Not-So-Smart Power,” 4/18/2011, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/04/18/not_so_smart_power?page=full

      Huge recipients of U.S. … world. Quite the contrary.

      US assistance strengthens radicals and guts our global credibility.
      Fran Belisle, prof. of polisci at Coastal Carolina University, commenting on “W&M prof among 100 academics signing letter to Obama,” 1/31/2011, http://www.vagazette.com/articles/2011/02/02/news/doc4d46a9084013b376808385.txt

      While democratic reforms … pressure on Mubarak to resign.

      Assad Control Inevitable
      The opposition is getting crushed – they’re begging for western protection
      Ap 9-10 2011|Associated Press “Syrian protesters seek outside help”

      BEIRUT - Thousands of Syrian protesters … clear and safe alternative to Assad.

      BUT the U.S. will never get involved – even if Damascus falls
      Carmichael 8-24 [Lachlan, Agence France-Presse, U.S., Allies All But Rule Out Syria Military Intervention
      WASHINGTON - The United States and its … casualties and collateral damage," he said.

      And that’s smart –The U.S. should stay out- Assad is too strong
      Landis 8-24 [“Washington's battle over Syria.” Joshua Landis is the Director of the Center for Middle East Studies and Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma. He writes the blog Syria Comment, where this was originally published.]

      The realists argue that … should not be trying to decide it.

      Assad won’t fall – disorganized opposition and proxy forces
      Moubayed 8/30/11, Sami, Gulf News analyst, “The 75-year-old smoker who refuses to quit”, http://gulfnews.com/opinions/columnists/the-75-year-old-smoker-who-refuses-to-quit-1.858797

      If Syria wants to survive, … they did with Tahrir Square in Cairo.

      Syria Neg
      AT: Iran Influence Advantages

      Iranian influence in Syria is inevitable – and so is Assad’s control
      Abdo 11 (How Iran Keeps Assad in Power in Syria, Geneive Abdo, August 25, 2011, Foreign Affairs. GENEIVE ABDO is the director of the Iran program at the Century Foundation and the National Security Network and the co-author of Answering Only to God: Faith and Freedom in Twenty-First-Century Iran. http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/68230/geneive-abdo/how-iran-keeps-assad-in-power-in-syria)

      So far only one major … influence any successive government. 

      Syria won’t side with the U.S.
      Leverett and Leverett 11
      [Flynt Leverett, teaches international affairs at Penn State and is a senior research fellow at the New America Foundation and Hillary Mann Leverett, teaches at American University and is CEO of Strategic Energy and Global Analysis (STRATEGA), a political risk consultancy, “Iran and Syria: America’s Middle East pundits get it wrong (again)”, CNN Global Public Square, 9-1-2011, http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/09/01/iran-and-syria-americas-middle-east-pundits-get-it-wrong-again/]
      Second, while most Iranian … can work with that.

      An anti-Iranian post-Assad government is unlikely
      Leverett and Leverett 11
      [Flynt Leverett, teaches international affairs at Penn State and is a senior research fellow at the New America Foundation and Hillary Mann Leverett, teaches at American University and is CEO of Strategic Energy and Global Analysis (STRATEGA), a political risk consultancy, “Iran and Syria: America’s Middle East pundits get it wrong (again)”, CNN Global Public Square, 9-1-2011, http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/09/01/iran-and-syria-americas-middle-east-pundits-get-it-wrong-again/]
      There are two scenarios for … partners to achieve this in Syria.

      Solvency Frontlines

      1. Turn – The U.S. will only delegitimize opposition leadership necessary to pull the business elites in Syria away from the Assads
        Landis 2011 [Joshua, August 9 “Syrians must win the revolution on their own”, director of the Center for Middle East Studies and associate professor at the University of Oklahoma -http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/09/syrians_must_win_the_revolution_on_their_own
        Randa Slim proposes a … struggle on our own."

      2. Turn – U.S. action on Syria dooms solvency for the transition: prevents organic leadership necessary for national unity and allows Assad to target key organizers
      Landis 2011 [Joshua, August 9 “Syrians must win the revolution on their own”, director of the Center for Middle East Studies and associate professor at the University of Oklahoma -http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/09/syrians_must_win_the_revolution_on_their_own
      A growing chorus of policy … and middle classes.

      3. Turn – The opposition is too fractured to take down Assad – only a risk the plan causes Assad to go into Iraq
      Lesch 2011 – Ph.D., Head of the History Department at Trinity University (David, “Five Questions for David Lesch: How The Stalemate In Syria Will Finally Break Down,” 7-11, http://www.businessinsider.com/five-questions-how-the-stalemate-in-syria-will-finally-break-down-2011-7#ixzz1SCnuNZ3q)
      At this point … in this case. 

      Iranian military support guarantees Assad stays in power absent drastic sanctions from the US and EU
      Ginsberg 11 [Amb. Marc Ginsberg Former U.S. Ambassador to Morocco, Iran's Proxy War in Syria Is Shoring Up Assad 7/27/11]
      If Assad's power base … already leveled against Iran.

      But those sanctions are coming – means the status quo solves and the aff only risks hurting the opposition
      Wall Street Journal 8/17 [EU To Discuss Major Syria Sanctions Expansion]
      Ambassadors from member …gas sales to Syria.

      Aff can’t solve historical … label of Arab Spring.

      1NC Turkey CP

      The United States Federal Government should covertly provide full assistance to the government of Turkey’s efforts to support Syrian opposition leaders. 

      Turkish involvement in Syria will inevitable fail and devastate Turkish leadership. Covert US involvement effectively topples Assad, ensures long term hegemony, and balances Iran.
      Mead 8-18-11 – James Clarke Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs and Humanities at Bard College and Editor-at-Large of The American Interest magazine and former Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations (Walter Russell, “Turkey Could Help Restore The Balance Between The U.S. And The Middle East,” http://www.businessinsider.com/erdogans-big-fat-turkish-idea-2011-8)
      Before the Syrian rebellion, …in a changing region. 

      Absent the counterplan Turkey will align with Iran.
      Sydney Morning Herald 8-13-11 (“Syria's neighbours jostle for position as the killings go on,” http://www.smh.com.au/world/syrias-neighbours-jostle-for-position-as-the-killings-go-on-20110812-1iqu2.html)
      Shlomo Brom, senior research … and its supporters. 


      EU CP
      EU solves

      ALLEN ‘11 (Michael, Visiting Fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy, Editor of Democracy Digest, lectured on political theory, history and labor relations on the faculty of universities in London and Manchester, and Cranfield School of Management, one of Europe’s leading business schools, “A European approach to developing democracy’s ‘hardware and software’”, September 2, 2011, http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/09/a-european-approach-to-developing-democracys-hardware-and-software/)

      In the absence …in the Arab world.

      Pay-For-Performance CP

      TEXT: The United States federal government should >PLAN< if, and only if, the >TARGET< engages in preceding political reforms and meets incremental benchmarks based upon criterion decided between the United States federal government and >TARGET<. 

      Positive conditionality solves the case – They’d say yes
      Guirguis 11 (Dina, xecutive director of the Washington-based Voices for a Democratic Egypt, "Promoting Democracy in Egypt," http://www.copticassembly.com/showart.php?main_id=2441, AD: 9/12/11) jl
      With the initial … community of democracies.

      There’s a distinction between the plan and the counter-plan – Conditioning democracy assistance on progress made solves – unconditionally doing the plan turns the case
      Rosenberg 11 (Tina, NYT, "How to Protect Foreign Aid? Improve It," http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/03/14/how-to-protect-foreign-aid-improve-it/, AD: 9/10/11) jl
      But let’s talk about … it would get less money. By definition, then, donor money would not be wasted.


      A. Uniqueness  Obama spending capital on SKFTA agreement now – momentum for passage.
      Yonhap 9-14-11.
      U.S. Treasury Secretary … to diplomatic sources.

      B. Link  MENA democracy aid costs capital.
      Richter 11. [Paul, staff writer, “Debt worries stymieing U.S. financial aid to help Arab nations in transition” LA Times 
      April 12]
      The Obama administration's … in foreign countries."

      And Capital is key – sustained focus and dialogue key to ensure passage.
      Patton Boggs 9-12. [Patton Boggs LLP, int’l law firm specializing in trade, “International, defense, homeland security” Lexology http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=f302d2e3-7782-4b3c-a025-43d1c0b03046]
      Trade Developments. Toward the …fine-tuning, lie ahead.

          NK Impact

      C. Impact – SKFTA Key to relations and Asian influence.
      Flake and Stangarone 8-17-11. [L. Gordon, Executive Director at The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation, former Assoc. Director, Program on Conflict Resolution @ Atlantic Council of the US, Troy, Director of Congressional Affairs and Trade @ Korea Economic Institute, “Why US Needs Korea Trade Deal” The Diplomat]
      Now that the …detriment of America’s economic interests.

      Relations Solve Multiple Scenarios Of War.
      PRITCHARD ET AL 9. [Jack, President, Korea Economic Institute, John Tilelli, Chairman and CEO, Cypress Int’l, and Scott Snyder, Adjunct Senior Fellow for Korea Studies, “A New Chapter for U.S.-South Korea alliance” Council on Foreign Relations  June 16 http://www.cfr.org/publication/19635/new_chapter_for_ussouth_korea_alliance.html]
      While all eyes have … alliance cooperation in the service of our shared interests. 

      Global nuclear war
      Hayes and Green, 10 - *Victoria University AND Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute (Peter and Michael, “-“The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia”, 1/5, http://www.nautilus.org/fora/security/10001HayesHamalGreen.pdf)
      The consequences of … from the international community. 

          Econ Impact

      SKFTA is key to the US and global economy - PC is key
      WSJ 10 (The Wall Street Journal Online, 12/6/10, “A Korea-U.S. Trade Deal, At Last; The Korea pact is a step forward, but now the President has to sell it,” 12/6/10, Factiva)

      What a long, strange … businesses and workers. 

      High Oil Prices Good DA 

      Political instability is causing high oil prices that is leading to renewable energy- resolving these lowers prices
      D&B ’11 (D&B Country Risk Services has a team of trained economists dedicated to analysing the risks of doing business across the world (we currently cover 132 countries), “The Global Fallout from the Middle East Crisis”, http://www.dnbgov.com/pdf/DNB_Middle_East_Crisis.pdf, March 2011, LEQ)

      The oil market has …. for the renewable energy sector). 

      Sify 10 - Citing Ove Hoegh-Gulberg, Professor @ University of Queensland and Director of the Global Change Institute AND Citing John Bruno, Associate Professor of Marine Science @ UNC (Sify News, “Could unbridled climate changes lead to human extinction?,” June 19th, http://www.sify.com/news/could-unbridled-climate-changes-lead-to-human-extinction-news-international-kgtrOhdaahc.html)

      Sydney: Scientists have sounded ….beginning to fail', he added. 

      Russia DA 

      US-Russian relations are stable now. US deference over the Arab Spring is key.
      Dergham 2011 – Columnist and Senior Diplomatic Correspondent, Al Hayat (Raghida, “The Arab Awakening Embarrasses the World,” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/raghida-dergham/the-arab-awakening-embarr_b_875469.html)
      There is a de facto consensus … itself on the international arena.

      Relations key to solve accidental war
      ROJANSKY AND COLLINS ’10 (James F. Collins – Director, Russia and Eurasia Program at the Carnegie Endowment and an ex-US ambassador to the Russian Federation, Matthew Rojansky – the deputy director of the Russia and Eurasia Program at the Carnegie Endowment, August 18, 2010, “Why Russia Matters”, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/08/18/why_Russia_matters)
      Russia's nukes are … by working together.

      Russia is trying to negotiate a resolution to Syrian conflict now – democracy assistance would trigger massive backlash
      Day Press News 9-8-11 (“Russia tries to Convince both sides in Syria Conflict,” http://www.dp-news.com/en/detail.aspx?articleid=95921)
      A Russian envoy said …very careful," he said. 

      1NC T – Democracy assistance – qpq

      A. Interpretation – Democracy assistance must be a quid pro quo – distinctive American approach*
      Thomas Carothers is vice-president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the author or editor of many books on democracy promotion, January 2009. “Democracy Assistance: Political vs. Developmental?” JOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY, Volume 20, Number 1
      Identifying the essential … approach is dominant is difficult.

      MECHANISM-based limit is real-world – productive starting point for clash
      David L. Phillips is a project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and currently a visiting scholar at Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Human Rights. He has worked as a senior adviser to the U.S. Department of State and the United Nations Secretariat and Lincoln A. Mitchell is the Arnold A. Saltzman assistant professor in the Practice of International Politics at Columbia University’s School of International and Political Affairs. Dr. Mitchell is also a practitioner of democracy Assistance, 2008. “Enhancing Democracy Assistance,” AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY INSTERESTS, 30: 156-175
      A toolbox of approaches …democracy assistance techniques.


      Crowe 7 (Lori, Candidate in Political Science at York University, “The “Fuzzy Dream”: Discourse, Historical myths, and Militarized (in)Security - Interrogating dangerous myths of Afghanistan and the ‘West,’” http://turin.sgir.eu/uploads/Crowe-loricrowe.pdf, AD: 5/18/11) jl
      The ‘heroism’ narrative can …potentially destructive mechanisms.

      CHOW 6 (Rey, Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Modern Culture & Media Studies at Brown University, “The Age of the World Target: Self-Referentiality in War, Theory, and Comparative Work,” p. 40-42) jl
      Often under the modest … that is due to them. 

      Crowe 7 (Lori, Candidate in Political Science at York University, “The “Fuzzy Dream”: Discourse, Historical myths, and Militarized (in)Security - Interrogating dangerous myths of Afghanistan and the ‘West,’” http://turin.sgir.eu/uploads/Crowe-loricrowe.pdf, AD: 5/18/11) jl
      We need to navigate … who is being disappeared?

  • UK Rnd 1 1NC: V Gtown Cv

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC T Violation


      Democracy assistance must be focused exclusively on direct political variables --- expanding it unlimits and makes effective topic discussion impossible

      Burnell 00 (Peter J., Professor of Politics and International Studies – University of Warwick, Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization, p. 12-13)


      Democracy Assistance and Democracy's Conditions

      Democratization may be served best ……………Needless to say the literature provides conflicting answers to questions such as these.


      Limits outweigh – they’re the vital access point for any theory impact --- it’s key to fairness --- huge research burdens mean we can’t prepare to compete – and its key to education --- big topics cause hyper-generics, lack of clash, and shallow debate --- and it destroys participation

      Rowland 84 (Robert C., Debate Coach – Baylor University, “Topic Selection in Debate”, American Forensics in Perspective, Ed. Parson, p. 53-54)

      The first major problem identified ………………….”11 In this view, it is the competitive imbalance resulting from the use of broad topics that has led some small schools to cancel their programs.


      Violation --- the Aff affects supporting conditions for democracy --- not direct political variables




      A. Interpretation: The affirmative can only defend impacts based upon the material consequence of the plan


      B. Violation – the aff claims advantages independent of the enactment of a plan by the USFG


      C. Standards





      1NC SKFTA

      Will Pass – Obama spending pc on TAA sequencing.

      Yonhap 9-24-11.

      Obama has reportedly been ……………. next week. "My prediction is that the submission of the FTAs will be realized in the first week of October," he said in a cautious tone.


      Uncertainty and domestic bipartisian debt concerns means the plan would drain capital

      Fox News, “Lawmakers Resist Obama's Call to Offer $2B in Loan Assistance to Egypt”, Published May 21, 2011, FoxNews.com,


      President Obama's call for $2 billion in loan assistance to ……………………. is getting cut to the bone, is going to be difficult."


      Solves warming

      Kim 10 (Anthony B., is a Policy Analyst in the Center for International Trade and Economics at The Heritage Foundation, “Time to Build a Clean Energy Future through the KORUS FTA”, 6/28/10, )


      Clean energy” has become a political and economic buzzword for the ………………... Now is the time for President Obama to act.



      Sify 10 - Citing Ove Hoegh-Gulberg, Professor @ University of Queensland and Director of the Global Change Institute AND Citing John Bruno, Associate Professor of Marine Science @ UNC (Sify News, “Could unbridled climate changes lead to human extinction?,” June 19th, , EMM)


      Sydney: Scientists have sounded alarm bells about ……………….. massive change and in some cases beginning to fail', he added.







      1NC – THE K


      Nietzsche 1873 (Friedrich, Anti-Christ, “On Truth and Lie in the Extra-Moral Sense,” The Nietzsche Channel, AD: 8/17/09) jl

      In some remote corner of the universe, …………….. and the things coincide? Is language the adequate expression of all realities?


      Their reactivity toward capitalism is the root cause of their impacts and causes no value to life

      Deleuze 83 (Gilles, Prof of Philosophy @ U of Lyon, Paris, and Lycees, Nietzsche and Philosophy, p. 120-123, AD: 7/9/09) jl

      "I am good, therefore you are evil": in the mouths of the masters …………….all); the weight of negative premises, the spirit of revenge, the power of ressentiment.


      The aff’s aesthetic harmony rests of the chaotic underpinnings of the universe that only the alt can expose – We cannot control the outcomes of life – only our relationship to it


      In The Birth of Tragedy and The Will to ……………..can and should be overcome through a leap into the intoxication of sound.


      EU CP – EU Counterweight K trick


      The European Union should substantially increase its economic democracy aid for Egypt.


      Counterplan solves best – their US key claims are a reason to vote neg  – plan is mere peacemeal reform and the perm only aligns Europe with the US – only the counterplan allows Europe to break from American policy – provides an effective counterweight and is the vital link to accessing every one of your impacts

      Zizek, 2  (Slovaj, Welcome to the desert of the real, 143-145)

      According to the Ancient Greek myth, Europa was a Phoenician …………………Europe as a counterweight to Americanized globalism




      1NC Solvency – Say No


      Egypt says no –

      a) Ties to Mubarak and questionable motives.

      Bill Lindner, writing for the Islam Times, “Seeking Independence From American Influence, Egyptians overwhelmingly Reject U.S. Aid,” 7/12/2011, http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcaayna.49nym1gtk4.html


      After activists complained that seeking loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and …………… aid a sign of things to come?


                  b) National sovereignty

      Michael Allen, writing for Democracy Digest, “Democracy assistance and the Arab Spring: solidarity vs. sovereignty?” 7/6/2011, http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/07/democracy-assistance-and-the-arab-spring-solidarity-vs-sovereignty/


      But the recent announcement that USAID would re-allocate 40 percent of its post-……………..crossed that line.”


                  c) Stigma

      Paul Richter and Jeffrey Fleishman, staff writers for the Los Angeles Times, “U.S. pro-democracy effort rubs many in Egypt the wrong way,” 8/10/2011, http://articles.latimes.com/print/2011/aug/10/world/la-fg-us-egypt-20110811


      The April 6 movement has had contacts with U.S. organizations but denies taking aid. Ali Selmi, deputy prime minister for …………… Israel and other foreign forces are seeking to hijack the revolution.


      Backlash Link – General


      The military will backlash against any group receiving assistance from the US.

      Leila Fadel and Ernesto Londono, staff writers for the Washington Post, “Military stokes xenophobia in Egypt,” 7/30/2011, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle-east/military-stokes-xenophobia-in-egypt/2011/07/28/gIQAFnGjjI_story.html


      Facing mounting challenges and spreading unrest, Egypt’s interim military rulers …………… has not publicly substantiated. For any group seeking U.S. assistance, there’s a risk of being treated as suspect.



      1NC Solvency – Military Circumvention


      No solvency – the military won’t give up its power.

      Alastair Su, writing for the Harvard Political Review, “Unmasking Egypt’s True Villain,” 2/20/2011, http://hpronline.org/world/the-middle-east/unmasking-egypts-true-villain/


      Unfortunately, I fear that Egypt’s revolution hardly counts as a victory for …………….. interests by refusing privatization of the economy, and withholding political power from its citizens.


      Democracy assistance is a façade – it allows the US and its Western allies to coerce impoverished countries into the neoliberal order – the result is destabilization, war, and repression of true democracy.

      Andrew Gavin Marshall, research associate for Global Research, “America’s Strategic Repression of the ‘Arab Awakening’ North Africa and the Global Political Awakening, Part 2,” 6/13/2011, http://hamsayeh.net/archive/334-americas-strategic-repression-of-the-arab-awakening-north-africa-and-the-global-political-awakening-part-2.html


      While the uprisings spreading across the Arab world have ………………. developments and progress in the ‘Awakening’.




      Meta-physical discussions kill problem/solution

      Owen ‘2 (David Owen, Reader of Political Theory at the Univ. of Southampton,  Millennium Vol 31 No 3 2002 p. 655-7)

      Commenting on the ‘philosophical turn’ in IR, Wæver remarks that ………….. vicious circle arises.


      Focus on epistemology leads to paradigm wars- focusing on substance is key

      Alexander Wendt, 3rd Most Influential Scholar of IR in the World According to Survey of 1084 IR Scholars, ‘98

      (“On Constitution and Causation in International Relations,” British International Studies Association)

      As a community, we in the academic study of international politics ………………, in other words, the result of the Third Debate’s sparring over epistemology is often one-sided, intolerant caricatures of science.


      Abandoning policy discussion for the purpose of ontological and epistemological questioning paralyzes all action and causes nightmarish levels of violence

      Darryl Jarvis (Director of the Research Institute for International Risk and Lecturer in International Relations, The University of Sydney) 2000 “International relations and the challenge of postmodernism” p. 128-9


      More is the pity that such irrational and obviously …………….. to be scholastically excited by abstract and recondite debate?



      Focusing on epistemology first is useless and distracts from real world problem solving

      Jarvis 2k (Prof Philosophy @ U South Carolina (Darryl, Studies in International Relations, “International Relations and the Challenge of Postmodernism”, pg. 2)


      While Hoffmann might well be ………………….of scholarship."5


      Focus on language and discourse doesn’t shape the material world

      Taft-Kaufman, 95  (Jill, professor, Department of Speech Communication And Dramatic Arts, at Central Michigan University, Southern Communication Journal, Spring, proquest)


       The postmodern passwords of "polyvocality," "Otherness……………….nd the budgets that fuel them.



      The state of the world has never been better, we are increasing on all metrics

      Brookings Institute ’11 (Brookings Institute, Global Think tank, “Poverty in Numbers: The Changing State of Global Poverty from 2005 to 2015 by the Brookings Institute”, , February 26, 2011, LEQ)


      By 2015, we will not only have halved the global ………………, by 2015, the poverty rate is expected to fall below 40 percent—a rate China did not achieve until the mid-90s.


      Status quo solves environment

      Berg 8 (Chris, Columnist – The Age, “Isn't All This Talk of an Apocalypse Getting a Bit Boring?”, The Age, 1-27,

      http://www.theage.com.au/news/opinion/isnt-all-this-talk-of-an-apocalypse-getting-a-bit-boring/2008/01/26/12011 57736917.html)


      But there are substantial grounds for optimism — on …………………… But four decades after The Population Bomb, if we remember just how wrong visions of the apocalypse have been in the past, perhaps we will look to the future more cheerfully.


      Capitalism isn’t the root cause of anything

      Aberdeen 3 (Richard, Political Activist, Philosopher, Hippie, He Doesn’t Link to Your Epistemology Arguments, “The Way: A Theory of Root Cause and Solution,” )


      A view shared by many modern activists is that capitalism, free ………………… obviously goes deeper than this.


      The alt will maintain all of capitalism’s problems and will ultimately collapse

      Meltzer 9 (Dr. Allan, Economist and Professor of Political Economy at Carnegie Mellon, “There is no better alternative than capitalism, March 9th, , EMM)


      Anti-capitalist proposals suffer from two crippling drawbacks. First, ……………. different tastes or beliefs.


         Individual Rejection Fails


      Capitalism is inevitable - it will coopt the alternative

      Isbister 1 (John, Professor of Economics at University of California Santa Cruz, “Capitalism and Justice,” p. 46)


      Some in the capitalist world try to retain or re-…………….The door has been closed.


      The alt does nothing - individual rejection fails

      Milbrath 96 (Lester, Professor of PoliSci and Sociology at SUNY-Buffalo, “In Building Sustainable Societies,” p.289)        


      In some respects personal change cannot be separated from societal change. ………………. If societal transformation must be speedy, and most of us believe it must, pleading with individuals to change is not likely to be effective.


      Your authors agree - individuals do nothing

      Trainer 95 (Ted, Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the School of Social Work of the University of New South Wales, “The Conserver Society,” p. 211)


      When confronted with the limits to growth view there is a tendency to conclude ……………… the railway lines, because such decisions will not help more people to understand and eventually vote for those structural changes.


      The majority supports capitalism - your movement will fail

      Kazin 1 (Michael, Professor of History @ Georgetown, “The Corporation as a Way of Life,” August 13th, http://www.prospect.org/print/V12/14/kazin-m.html, accessed 1/21/02)


      Pulling my pink diaper up smartly, I still subscribe to the old argument that …………… to explain how justice can be won without grounding the great jets of Progress.



      Middle east policy should be based off empirical, evidence-based debate – the alternative is politics being led by ideology and serial policy failure

      Anderson 3 (Lisa, Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia, former President of the Middle East Studies Association, “Scholarship, Policy, Debate and Conflict:Why We Study the Middle East and Why It Matters, , AD: 8/28/11) jl


      Yet, there is far more that we must do, as an institution and as individuals. We have a ……………….. led quite naturally to scholars. During the Second World War, for example, as Alexander Stille tells us,


      Our  methodology is good – Evidence-based policy making is necessary to prevent political gridlock

      Anderson 3 (Lisa, Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia, former President of the Middle East Studies Association, “Scholarship, Policy, Debate and Conflict:Why We Study the Middle East and Why It Matters, , AD: 8/28/11) jl


      In the wars on terror and on Iraq, evidence has been scarce and little regarded. ……………. not only advocate for our rights but we must also exercise them.


      Consequentialism is key to ethical middle east policy

      Telhami 4 (Shibley, Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development, University of Maryland; Nonresident Senior Fellow, the Brookings Institution, “Liberty and Power: A Dialogue on Religion and U.S. Foreign Policy,”  , AD: 8/28/11) jl


      And here I would put on the table the differentiation - to use Max Weber's terminology - ………….s ethical from the point of view of international standards.



  • 1NC vs Whitman BM

    • Tournament: Fullerton | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC



      Text – The European Union should provide political organization assistance to increase its democratic civil society aid for opposition groups in Bahrain.


      The European Union should offer full project grants, and matching financial donations, to the National Endowment for Democracy, and to each of its four core grantees, in order for them to increase its democratic civil society aid for opposition groups in Bahrain.


      It Solves:

      EU action solves the internal link to both advantages.

      -          EU action prevents Obama mishaps – boosts cred.

      -          EU fills vacuum – prevents Russian influence.

      Dergham, 11  (Raghida, Senior Diplomatic Correspondent @ Al Hayat, 7/28, http://www.presseurop.eu/en/content/article/810401-europe-has-role-play)

      MIDDLE EAST Europe has a role … are decided by other powers.


      Solves Best – Captures US signal and they’ll say yes – they specifically seek out project specific international funding

      Axworthy et al, ‘5 [Thomas S. Axworthy, David … .org/wp/archive/wp2005-02d.pdf]

      National Endowment for Democracy (NED)


      If the German party stiftungen … private sector development in Iraq.




      Saudi -U.S. Relations are in recovery – refocused to security against Iran.

      Jerusalem Post January 2, 2012. “Dealing arms responsibly,” http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Editorials/Article.aspx?id=251803

      A massive arms deal clinched … said sanctions are not enough.



      American support of Bahraini democratic reform causes Saudi Arabia to sacrifice relations – perceives an Iranian opportunity.

      Vali Nasr, Tufts, May 23, 2011. “Will the Saudis Kill the Arab Spring?”  


      In fact, the choice between U.S. … democracy to the bogeyman, Iran.



      It’s zero-sum – Saudi Arabia will establish nuclear ties with Pakistan to replace American protection – the impact is global nuclear terrorism and war***

      Stephen Blank is an analyst of international security affairs residing in Harrisburg, PA, November 7, 2003. “Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Gambit,” http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/EK07Ak01.html

      There are numerous motives for … for terrorism against their neighbors.




      The United States federal government should communicate to the government of Bahrain that it will substantially reduce security assistance and remove Bahrain from Major non-NATO ally status unless Bahrain promptly releases jailed opposition leaders and makes measurable progress towards constitutional monarchy, using the Bahraini crown prince’s agenda for dialogue with opposition groups and constitutional monarchy as the starting point.


      Triggers an automatic cutoff in military aid unless Bahrain complies

      Compliance Campaign 3/15 2011, “International, domestic law requires the U.S. to cut aid to Bahrain,” http://compliancecampaign.wordpress.com/2011/03/15/international-domestic-law-requires-the-u-s-to-cut-aid-to-gulf-states/

      Following Bahrain’s declaration of martial … consistent with the UN Charter.


      Counterplan solves the entire case.

      Hiltermann 11 (Joost, Deputy Program Director, Middle East and North Africa @ International Crisis Group, “Pushing for Reform in Bahrain,” FP, 9/7, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/ARTICLES/68246/joost-r-hiltermann/pushing-for-reform-in-bahrain?page=show

      How Washington should now proceed … approach to the Arab Spring.



      PTC will pass- it’s the top priority but PC is key

      Rouse 1-4. (Tom Rouse, “Barack Obama’s 2012,” Left Foot Forward, http://goo.gl/KZkNw)

      Early priorities are likely to … thing in the world to do.”


      State department and USAID conflict mediation drains capital and spurs congressional backlash – even tiny spending increases trigger the link

      Zenko and Friedman 11. [Micah and Rebecca, Micah Zenko and Rebecca R. Friedman are, respectively, a fellow and research associate in the Center for Preventive Action at the Council on Foreign Relations. Zenko is the author of "Between Threats and War.", 2/16, http://articles.latimes.com/2011/feb/16/opinion/la-oe-zenko-fgn-aid-20110216]

      The State Department and USAID … U.S. global influence. That's no bargain.

      C. Impact -- Payroll tax cut needed to avert economic shock that will tip US back into a second recession.

      Plumer 11. [Brad, reporter, “Just how effective is the payroll tax cut?” Washington Post -- September 8 -- ]

      President Obama is expected to … at least avert further degradation.


      A double dip recession triggers an economic depression.

      Isidore 11. [Chris, Senior Writer, “Recession 2.0 would hurt worse” CNN Money -- August 10 -- CNN Money -- ]

      Another recession could be even … no policy effort to counteract it.



      Austin 9. (Michael, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, and Desmond Lachman, Resident Fellow – American Enterprise Institute, “The Global Economy Unravels”, Forbes, 3-6, )

      Conversely, global policymakers do not … that coalesce into a big bang.



      Solvency 1NC


      Civil Society Aid is Counterproductive – focus on short term project, undermines local agenda and support, distorts civil society, narrowly targets least influential groups, ignores coalition building, provides bad advice


      Hawthorne 4[Amy, associate in the Democracy and Rule of Law Project @ Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, specialist on Middle East politics and on democracy promotion and is the editor of the Endowment’s Arab Reform Bulletin, “MIDDLE EASTERN DEMOCRACY: Is Civil Society the Answer?” Carnegie -- March  -- ]


      Aid for prodemocracy groups often … as they faced management challenges.


      1.   No one will compromise and there is no mechanism for dialogue.

      Hussein Ibish is a senior research fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine, “Bahrain: an opportunity squandered?” 11/29/2011, http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/11/bahrain-an-opportunity-squandered/


      As they have several times … meaningful dialogue between the parties.



      Weakens political parties –human and resource tradeoff, image erosion, uniquely true when parties are already weak

      Hansen and Schimpp et al 4.  (Gary and Michele, Civil Society Division Chief, Elections and Political Processes Division Chief, USAID Office of Democracy and Governance, March, )

      But where political parties generally … effect policy change through CSOs?



           2.         Everyone says no –

                              a.         The king

      Ghezali, 9/13/11 – member of the Transatlantic Network 2020, and special to CNN (“Bahrain at the heart of Middle East tensions.” )


      Inside the regimethe gap … Prime Minister are red lines.


                              b.        The opposition

      Toby Jones is an assistant professor of history at Rutgers University, “We Know What Happened in Bahrain: Now What?” 12/1/2011, http://carnegieendowment.org/2011/12/01/we-know-what-happened-in-bahrain-now-what/7yf0


      Most importantly, though, the report’s … least in the short term.


                       c.         Saudi Arabia

      Hasan Tariq Alhasan is a writer for Open Democracy, “Taxation: Bahrain's alternative path to political reform,” 12/6/2011, http://www.opendemocracy.net/hasan-tariq-alhasan/taxation-bahrains-alternative-path-to-political-reform-0


      Bahrain was in the spotlight … become an increasingly common phenomenon.


                  3.         The monarchy will circumvent any agreement.

      Toby Jones is an assistant professor of history at Rutgers University, “We Know What Happened in Bahrain: Now What?” 12/1/2011, http://carnegieendowment.org/2011/12/01/we-know-what-happened-in-bahrain-now-what/7yf0


      Bahrain’s rulers have predictably given … dispersed protesters in nearby villages.


      Can’t Build liberal parties or electoral support


      Jenkins ’01 (Rob Jenkins, Professor of Political Science at Birkbeck College, University of London, 2001, “Mistaking “Governance” for “Politics”: Foreign Aid, Democracy and the Construction of Civil Society,” )


      The problem for the civil-… 1940s through the mid 1970s.


      Studies prove plan trades off with progressive movements, parties and volunteerism –plan spurs perception of partisanship and solidifies emerging public backlash –- Rising xenophobia and media spin ensure net direction of link is negative - and plan makes it far worse – public is just starting to sign up


      CHOUCRI 11  (September -- Mai, Egyptian Project Coordinator, “Egypt's civil society organisations: Between a rock and a hard place” -- Rosa Luxemberg Foundation in Egypt -- )


      ِAlthough this exaggerates the situation, … “rich affiliates to foreign interests”.



      US Civil society assistance funds business NGOs to support “good governance” – they use influence advantage to weaken wages and labor protections


      Carothers 99. [Thomas, Vice President for Global Policy and Co-Director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Project @ the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Formerly a Legal Adviser @ the US Department of State, an International Affairs Fellow @ the Council on Foreign Relations, and Guest Scholar @ the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars,  Aiding Democracy Abroad: The Learning Curve]


      As NGO development proceeds in … laws, and minimal labor rights.


      We’ll exclude labor groups and push privatization -  turn case - it’s the most important factor and its on the brink–– its a net benefit to EU


      Pankin 5/23/11. [Knut, program officer in Washington for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, a nonprofit German political foundation committed to the advancement of public policy issues in the spirit of the basic values of social democracy through education, research, and international cooperation. The foundation’s Washington office is a member of the “Just Jobs” network organized by the Center for American Progress in its Just Jobs program, ]


      “Jobs trump everything else,” … free market and social policies.


      Empirics prove the aff is overly optimistic – civil society aid fails.


      Hawthorne 4[Amy, associate in the Democracy and Rule of Law Project @ Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, specialist on Middle East politics and on democracy promotion and is the editor of the Endowment’s Arab Reform Bulletin, “MIDDLE EASTERN DEMOCRACY: Is Civil Society the Answer?” Carnegie -- March  -- ]


      Contrary to these optimistic predictions, … democratization—has yet to develop.


      Civil society policies put the cart before the horse – strong institutions are key to effective civil society reform.


      Sardamov 5. [Ivelin American University, Bulgaria, “‘Civil Society’ and the Limits of Democratic Assistance” Government and Opposition -- ]


      The work of most public … States, has attracted intense questioning.61


      Iran ADV


      No Saudi/Iran war:

      A. Instability sparks cooperation.

      Kaye 10—Senior political scientist, RAND. CFR member and former prof at George Wash. PhD in pol sci from UC Berkeley—AND—Frederic Wehrey—Senior analyst at RAND. Former Georgetown prof. D.Phil. candidate in IR, Oxford. Master’s in near Eastern studies, Princeton—AND—Jeffrey Martini—Middle East research project associate at RAND. Master’s in Arab studies at Georgetown (Dalia Dassa, The Iraq Effect, Report Prepared for the Air Force, )


      The  result  is  that  Iran’s  … stance among Iran’s neighbors face.


      B. US deters Iran and they don’t see chance of success

      Spinner 3-15. [Jack, Christian Science Monitor Correspondent,3-15-2011, “Why Bahrain is unlikely to turn into an Iran-Saudi battleground,” http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2011/0315/Why-Bahrain-is-unlikely-to-turn-into-an-Iran-Saudi-battleground]

      But Iran will not go … promises floating around the GCC'


      C. Iran goes into Lebanon not Bahrain.

      Jayedanfar, 11. [Meir,  Iranian-Israeli Middle East analyst, 3-24-2011, “Iran and Saundi Arabia cold war has entered a new era,” The Guardian, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/mar/24/iran-saudi-arabia-bahrain-cold-war]

      It is unlikely that Iran … -desired veto in Lebanon's cabinet.


      Double Bind: either Obama’s previous speech should have solved or they can’t solve because the plan is weaker than previous moves.

      Aslan Media, 11

      Aslan Media, Columnist, 5/24/11, Obama's Stand on Bahrain , http://www.aslanmedia.com/component/content/article/315-the-connection/2592-obamas-stand-on-bahrain

      Before the speech, pundits from … sting for the Bahraini government.


      No Mid East Escalation:

      Fettweis 7. [Christopher, Asst Prof Poli Sci – Tulane, Asst Prof National Security Affairs – US Naval War College, “On the Consequences of Failure in Iraq,” Survival, Vol. 49, Iss. 4, December, p. 83 – 98]

      Without the US presence, a second … more likely than outright warfare.


      Empirics prove

      Drum 7. [Kevin, Staff Writer for the Washington Monthly, 9/9/’7 (http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2007_09/012029.php)

      Having admitted, however, that the … for a decade. No regional conflagration.


      Arab Spring specific evidence.

      COLLINS DUNN 9/12 (Michael; PhD, Editor of the Middle East Journal, “Are We Facing a Gathering ‘Perfect Storm’ in the Region?” MEI Editor’s Blog)

      A week ago IDF Maj. … still simmering and Israel jittery.


      No Iranian influence

      Nisma, 10/21 (Daniel, works for Max Security Solutions, a risk consulting firm based in Tel Aviv. He is also co-founder of www.Israelicentrism.com and the www.friendasoldier.com dialogue project, “Is Iran Cornered?” )


       Iran likely realizes that it ...  the last nail in its own coffin.

      1NC – Terrorism Advantage


      This advantage is laughable


      Their Kull evidence concedes multiple internal links outweigh aff solvency including US military presence, Israel, oil security interests, and failed policies in other countries


      Anti-Americanism inevitable

      Shadi Hamid, director of research at the Brookings Doha Center and a fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, “The Cairo Conundrum,” Winter 2010, http://www.democracyjournal.org/15/6726.php?page=1


      Anti-American anger, and the … easier to tackle other problems.


      No reverse causal evidence that … in Bahrain solves global terrorism


      Plus, recent crackdowns non-unique the impact—both sides have already radicalized



      Alt causes massively outweigh the plan

      Kim R. Holmes, a former assistant secretary of state, is a vice president at the Heritage Foundation, “Muslim World still anti-Western Despite Obama,” 7/27/2011, http://www.heritage.org/research/commentary/2011/07/muslim-world-still-anti-western-despite-obama


      Here’s the rub: The U.S. can … objective reactions to what we do.



      No Impact to nuclear terrorism – no way they could acquire the material

      Mearsheimer 11, January, John J., Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago. He is on the Advisory Council of The National Interest, “Imperial by Design,”, EMM


      The fact is that states … severe allergic reactions to peanuts.”  


      Your evidence is all hype - there’s a 1 in 3.5 billion chance of a terrorist strike

      Schneidmiller 9 (Chris, GSN Writer, Citing … )


      There is an "almost vanishingly...  what is possible, he said.


      No motivation to use nukes

      Roberts and Moodie 2 (Brad and … : Toward a Threat Reduction Strategy,” Book)


      The argument about terrorist ... to the annihilation of the perpetrators.












  • 2NC vs Whitman BM

    • Tournament: Fullerton | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2NC: Laundry List – Hawthorne



      **No Turns - US Civil society assistance specifically excludes labor unions and socioeconomic development organizations – imposes our outside agenda and undermines local ownership

      Carothers 99. [Thomas, Vice President for Global Policy and Co-Director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Project @ the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Formerly a Legal Adviser @ the US Department of State, an International Affairs Fellow @ the Council on Foreign Relations, and Guest Scholar @ the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, 1999 Aiding Democracy Abroad: The Learning Curve p. 209-10]

      Three other areas of U.S. democracy … civil society of the country.



      2NC: Can’t Build Parties - Jenkins



      And - Turns Case – plan undermines every goal their ev describes

      Jenkins 1. (Rob, Professor of Political Science at Birkbeck College, University of London, “Mistaking “Governance” for “Politics”: Foreign Aid, Democracy and the Construction of Civil Society,” http://www.nu.ac.za/Ccs/files/Mistaking_Governance_Politics.pdf)

      Not only does this excessively … , attempt to ensure good governance.


      Even if there are Spillover effects – plan can’t boost weak parties – specifically designated party assistance is a prerequisite

      Bjornlund et al 7. [Democracy International, principal investigators were Ed Crane, Ph.D., a senior development professional and expert on political parties, legislatures and democratic development with decades of diverse experience both around the world and in the U.S., and Eric McGlinchey, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Government and Politics at George Mason University, a leading expert on political parties, DI principal Eric Bjornlund, a lawyer and development professional with extensive experience working with and analyzing political parties around the world, supervised the project, and edited this report and the case studies, June, http://www.usaid.gov/locations/europe_eurasia/dem_gov/docs/di_ee_ppa_study_report-final-branded.pdf]

      Party Assistance and Civil Society … explicit on the front end.



      USAID definitions focus on western funded advocacy NGOs - specifically prevents linkages to political parties and ensures ineffectiveness even when they try

      Carothers 4  (Thomas, Director, Democracy and Rule of Law Project @ Carnegie “Political Party Aid” -- October )

      Some of the problem with … opposite message now from providers.



      This attempt to develop an apolitical civil society ignores political parties – crushing representative politics and undermines all potential upside of civil society

      Doherty, 1. [Ivan, Director of Political Party Programs @ the National Democratic Institute and Former General Secretary of the Fine Gael Party in Ireland, April-May 2001 (Policy Review), “Civil Society Can't Replace Political Parties” May 18]

      Those who embrace the development … influence open to civil society.


      Historical suspicions supercharges the link.

      Bjornlund et al 7. [Democracy International, principal investigators were Ed Crane, Ph.D., a senior development professional and expert on political parties, legislatures and democratic development with decades of diverse experience both around the world and in the U.S., and Eric McGlinchey, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Government and Politics at George Mason University, a leading expert on political parties, DI principal Eric Bjornlund, a lawyer and development professional with extensive experience working with and analyzing political parties around the world, supervised the project, and edited this report and the case studies, June, http://www.usaid.gov/locations/europe_eurasia/dem_gov/docs/di_ee_ppa_study_report-final-branded.pdf]

      Yet, political party assistance remains … funding directly to one side.



      Diffusion of support jacks party development.

      Hansen and Schimpp et al 4.  (Gary and Michele, Civil Society Division Chief, Elections and Political Processes Division Chief, USAID Office of Democracy and Governance, March, )

      When CSOs do interact with … that characterizes weak party systems.


      Pick A Winner


      Civil society funding by nature picks winners – inescapable.

      Jenkins 1. (Rob, Professor of Political Science at Birkbeck College, University of London, “Mistaking “Governance” for “Politics”: Foreign Aid, Democracy and the Construction of Civil Society,” http://www.nu.ac.za/Ccs/files/Mistaking_Governance_Politics.pdf)

      The first stems from the … consider likely to support democracy.


      EXT – No Compromise



      Neither group can be moderated – the opposition won’t back down and the government defies US attempts at negotiation.

      Katzman, 11 – Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, Congressional Research Service (Kenneth, 8/3. “Bahrain: Reform, Security, and U.S. Policy.” CRS Report. http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/95-1013.pdf)


      Protests that erupted in Bahrain … Shiite opposition group withdrew from it.


      The middle ground is gone – even direct US intervention won’t achieve compromise.

      Hokayem, Middle East analyst – … International Institute for Strategic Studies, 10/19/’11

      (Emile, “U.S. Has Few Options to Curb Crackdown in Bahrain,” )


      With the international attention elsewhere … Saudi Arabia intervened in March.


      EXT – Say No



      The plan can’t change this – the king won’t accept anything from the US.

      Gengler, 11 – Ph.D. candidate in Political Science … /2011/07/15/the_other_side_of_radicalization_in_bahrain)


      In a July 6 interview with Egyptian … serve his nation and religion."


      The monarchy has no political … – that guarantees nothing will happen.

      Toby Jones is an assistant professor of history at Rutgers University, “We Know What Happened in Bahrain: Now What?” 12/1/2011, http://carnegieendowment.org/2011/12/01/we-know-what-happened-in-bahrain-now-what/7yf0


      For now, Bahrain is stuck: … that Bahrain’s crisis will go on.



      Previous rejections prove opposition groups … Crown Prince takes the lead.

      Habib Toumi is the chief editor of Gulf News, “US mediation offer between Bahrain author,” 11/28/2011, http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/bahrain/us-mediation-offer-between-bahrain-authorities-al-wefaq-turned-down-1.938866


      Shaikh Khalid did not name … a greater say in the issues.


      The opposition wants theocracy, not democracy – they won’t compromise.

      San Diego News, “In Bahrain, Progress Contingent On Concessions,” 11/26/2011, http://sandiegonewscape.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3124:in-bahrain-progress-contingent-on-concessions-&catid=39:world&Itemid=26


      In an effort to continue … far rejected compromise and dialogue.




      Saudi Arabia fears any reforms in Bahrain will spill over – that outweighs their “spotlighting” argument.

      Al-Tamimi, 11 – contributor to American Thinker, intern for the Middle East Forum (Aymenn Jawad, 6/19. “Bahrain: Can The U.S. Do Anything?” American Thinker, http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/06/bahrain_can_the_us_do_anything.html)


      But here is the catch: … the Saudis and the GCC.


      Saudi influence outweighs the US.

      Ottaway, 11 – senior associate, Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment (Marina, 4/4. “Bahrain: Between the United States and Saudi Arabia.” http://carnegieendowment.org/2011/04/04/bahrain-between-united-states-and-saudi-arabia/t8)

      Saudis believe their concerns … should take precedence right now. 


      EXT – Circumvention



      Any willingness to change is simply lip service – the monarchy will simply keep circumventing any real change.

      Hussein Ibish is a senior research fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine, “Bahrain: an opportunity squandered?” 11/29/2011, http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/11/bahrain-an-opportunity-squandered/


      The report by the Bahrain … the commission from the start.

      Ext: No Saudi Iran War






      More Ev no war.

      Iran won’t launch a war over Bahrain

      Barzegar 11. [Kayhan,  Faculty Member, Department of International Relations, Science and Research University, Tehran, Iran, Former Associate, Project on Managing the Atom/International Security Program, 2010–2011; Former Research Fellow, Project on Managing the Atom/international Security Program, 2007–2010,  "Iran's Interests and Values and the 'Arab Spring'" 4-20 -- http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/publication/20954/irans_interests_and_values_and_the_arab_spring.html]

      Iran will not initiate any … presence in the Persian Gulf.


      No military conflict – Iran will soft balance.

      The Guardian, 3/24/2011 (Iran and Saudi Arabia cold war has entered a new era, p. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/mar/24/iran-saudi-arabia-bahrain-cold-war)


      The Saudi decision to risk … -desired veto in Lebanon's cabinet.


      Syria Alt Caus.

      Kamel, 11 [Ayham, analyst in Eurasia Group’s Middle East practice group]


      These opposing moves by Riyadh … program and resolve the crisis.    


      Ext: No Mid East Escalation



      Prefer empirical ev --

      a) Best prediction model

      Fettweis 7. [Christopher, Asst Prof Poli Sci – Tulane, Asst Prof National Security Affairs – US Naval War College, “On the Consequences of Failure in Iraq,” Survival, Vol. 49, Iss. 4, December, p. 83 – 98]

      Firstly, and perhaps most obviously, … not likely to be either.


      b) Best Middle East methodology

      Luttwak 7. [Edward, senior associate – CSIS, professor – Georgetown and Berkeley, 5/26/’7 “The middle of nowhere,” Prospect Magazine]

      Why are middle east experts … a season of conflict in Darfur.


      Self Interest and Empirics.

      Maloney and Takeyh, 7 – *senior fellow for Middle East Policy at the Saban Center for Middle East Studies at the Brookings Institution AND **senior fellow for Middle East Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations (Susan and Ray, International Herald Tribune, 6/28, “Why the Iraq War Won't Engulf the Mideast”, http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2007/0628iraq_maloney.aspx)


      Yet, the Saudis, Iranians, Jordanians, … enveloping the entire Middle East.


      EXT – AT : Anti Americanism


      The plan can’t meet expectations

      Steven A. Cook, Hasib J. Sabbagh Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, “President Obama's High Risk, High Reward Speech,” 5/18/2011, http://www.cfr.org/middle-east/president-obamas-high-risk-high-reward-speech/p25032


      Of far more concern is … result in charges of hypocrisy.



      Link shield – there is only a … credibility in the Middle East.

      Andrew Terrill, Middle East nonproliferation analyst for the International Assessments Division of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 6-27-2011, “The Arab Upheavals and the Future of the U.S. Military Policies and Presence in the Middle East and the Gulf,” SSI, http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/index.cfm/articles/Arab-Upheavals-and-the-Future-of-the-US-Military-Policies-and-Presence-in-the-Middle-East-and-the-Gulf/2011/6/27


      In an insightful if sardonic … as something of a “hero-nation.”



      Anti – US sentiment growing in Bahrain

      GenglerPh.D. candidate in Political Science … /2011/07/15/the_other_side_of_radicalization_in_bahrain ]


      In a July 6 interview with Egyptian … worked so steadfastly to preserve.



      EXT – Terror Defense


      ***Your evidence is all hype - there’s a 1 in 3.5 billion chance of a terrorist strike

      Schneidmiller 9 (Chris, GSN Writer, Citing … )


      There is an "almost vanishingly  rather than simply what is possible, he said.


      ***No motivation to use nukes

      Roberts and Moodie 2 (Brad and … : Toward a Threat Reduction Strategy,” Book)


      The argument  international community--to the annihilation of the perpetrators.


      Err negative- the probability of overcoming every single hurdle is functionally zero.

      John Mueller, Department of Political Science @ Ohio State University, January 1, 2008, The Atomic Terrorist: Assessing the Likelihood, p. http://polisci.osu.edu/faculty/jmueller/APSACHGO.PDF

      Since they are unlikely to … . Let us assess the problem



      Even if they did it couldn’t be deployed

      Steven Chapman, columnist and editorial writer for the Chicago Tribune, 2/8/2008, Who’s Still Afraid of Osama?, p. http://reason.com/news/show/124874.html


      Ever since Sept. 11, 2001, Americans have … one that will never happen.



      Doesn’t cause extinction

      John Mueller, professor of political science at the University of Rochester, and Karl Mueller, assistant professor of Comparative Military Studies at the School of Advanced Airpower Studies at Maxwell Air Force Base, May/June 1999, Foreign Affairs, “Sanctions of Mass Destruction,” p. Lexis

      Nuclear weapons clearly deserve the “… threaten the end of civilization.



      Can’t build the bomb—their evidence is massive overestimation

      Mueller, Ohio State University Political Science Professor, 10

      [John, "Nuclear weapons are the greatest threat to humankind", http://www.lebanonwire.com/1001MLN/10011006FP.asp]


      "Fabricating a Bomb Is 'Child's … still in the original boxes.



      No means, motive or time for nuclear terrorism—low probability

      Mueller, 11 (JOHN MUELLER is Professor of Political Science at Ohio State University. He is the author of Atomic Obsession and a co-author, with Mark Stewart, of the forthcoming book Terror, Security, and Money: Balancing the Risks, Benefits, and Costs of Homeland Security. He is also editor of the webbook Terrorism Since 9/11: The American Cases, “The Turth About Al Quada,” )

      Bin Laden’s Files Revealed The … a finished bomb from the Russians.







  • 1NR vs Whitman BM

    • Tournament: Fullerton | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Turns terrorism

      Schaub 4 (Drew, Professor of Political Science – Penn State University, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 48(2), April)

      Despite the caveats, our analysis … makers than it currently enjoys.


      Prolonged economic instability causes Pakistani extremism and middle east

      Warrick ‘8 (Joby, staff writer: Washington Post, spent eight years as a member of the investigative unit, specializing in coverage of WMD proliferation and weapons trafficking. articles about international proliferation threats earned him the Overseas Press Club of America’s Bob Considine Award in 2004. His series of articles exposing radioactive hazards at a Kentucky uranium processing plant in 1999 was cited by congressional leaders as an impetus behind the creation of the first national compensation program for ailing nuclear-weapons workers. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/14/ AR2008111403864.html?hpid=topnews)


      Intelligence officials are warning that … suspected insurgents since late August



      Economic collapse causes Asian instability and war - outweighs on probability and magnitude

      Auslin, 9 – resident scholar at AEI (Michael “Averting Disaster”, The Daily Standard, 2/6, http://www.aei.org/article/100044


      As they deal with a collapsing … inward, to development and stability.



       This has gradually led … international systems in the past.


      Global nuclear war

      Landay 2k (Jonathon, National Security and Intelligence Correspondent with 15 Years of Experience for Night Ridder, “Top administration officials warn stakes for US are high in Asian conflicts,” March 11th, Lexis)


      Few if any experts think … are elements for potential disaster."



      General AT: Aid Now


      Obama is doing great – none of your thumpers are true – no pc loss.

      Brown 1-6. [Carrie Budoff, “Barack Obama’s (mostly) good week” Politico -- http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71183.html]

      Barack Obama’s (mostly) good week … worse in a couple of months.”


      Obama pushing payroll taxes – nothing else. (Duplicated in 2NC Wall)- ISU

      Pace 1-2. [Julie, AP writer, “Obama ending Hawaiian vacation, returning to Washington to face voters in re-election year” Newser -- http://www.newser.com/article/d9s0v8cg0/obama-ending-hawaiian-vacation-returning-to-washington-to-face-voters-in-re-election-year.html]

      Obama also returns to Washington … away from a deeply unpopular Congress.


      Obama is only pushing payroll – nothing else.

      Nichols 1-1. [Peter, Washington Bureau, “Obama's resolution? To limit dealings with Congress” LA Times -- http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-obama-plans-20120101,0,2595075.story]

      Heading into the new year, … for Washington's gridlock and infighting.


      Issues don’t cost PC until they’re at the finish line

      Drum 10 Kevin Drum is a political blogger for MOTHER JONES magazine. Prior to that he was a contributing writer for the WASHINGTON MONTHLY, “Immigration Coming Off the Back Burner?,” 3/10 http://motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2010/03/immigration-coming-back-burner


      Not to pick on Ezra … . But they will be soon.



      Tentative agreement on foreign aid budget cuts proves no new aid now – plan ruptures agreement.

      Fox News 12-16. [“Congress spending package restricts aid to Egypt, Pakistan” -- http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/12/16/congress-spending-package-restricts-aid-to-egypt-pakistan/]

      Congress would impose restrictions on … pressed to spare the accounts.



      2012 budget proves foreign aid being cut now – plan reverses squo trends.

      Wasson 12-15. [Eric, staff writer, “Omnibus reflects hard-fought compromises” The Hill -- http://thehill.com/blogs/on-the-money/appropriations/199569-omnibus-text-reflects-hundreds-of-compromises]

      On the other hand, the … its lack of public support.


      Election campaigning means no new aid for the Arab Spring – only risk of further cuts.

      Robison 12-28. [Gordon, Prof of Poli Sci @ Vermont, Middle East jounrnalist, US political analyst, “Fearmongering over Arab Spring” Gulf News -- http://gulfnews.com/opinions/columnists/fearmongering-over-arab-spring-1.957751]

      As bellicose as the Republican … weak during an election year.


      Future of foreign aid is up in the air – trends for cuts not increases now.

      Cornwell 12-19. [Susan, Reuters journalist, “US foreign aid escapes slashing cuts in fiscal 2012” Daily Star -- http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2011/Dec-19/157338-us-foreign-aid-escapes-slashing-cuts-in-fiscal-2012.ashx#axzz1i2XxSbjQ]

      The 2012 spending plan is a mixed … uncertainty hanging over" U.S. foreign aid.


      AT: Palestine Aid


      Palestine aid package gives Congress full control – plan would be perceived as going over the heads of Congress.

      JTA 12-23-11. http://www.jta.org/news/article/2011/12/23/3090884/us-funds-for-palestinians-conditional-on-statehood-maneuvers

      Funding for Palestinians is also … how the money is spent.


      It’s part of the frozen aid – not new spending.

      AFP 12-30-11.

      The US State Department said … bid for full UN recognition.


      AT: Morocoo

      I don’t need a specific card- no evidence there was a fight or Obama pushed


      And their same card concludes neg- there was no fight because of security concerns


      The report puts tangible actions behind U.S. policy supporting Moroccan autonomy in Western Saharawhich is backed by strong bipartisan majorities in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, as well as the past three Administrations. It notes Congress "remains concerned with resolving the dispute over the Western Sahara"


      But irrelevant- they have conceded the link which determines the direction of uniqueness

      Even if they win some uniqueness arguments- uncertainty means you default neg because they have conceded the link



      2NC AT: Cordray/Appointments Thumper


      Doesn’t affect payroll taxes – just other nominations.

      Reuters 1-4-12. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/05/us-financial-regulation-cordray-idUSTRE80312J20120105

      Senate Republicans on Wednesday said … the end of last month.


      Cordray is bipart

      Mainstreet 1-4-12

      Much has been made about … going to keep going at it."


      AT: Debt Ceiling Thumper


      Debt ceiling will pass with no controversy – opposition is just posturing.

      Newhauser 12-30. [Daniel, staff writer, “WH delays debt limit request so members can oppose it” Roll Call -- http://www.rollcall.com/news/wh_delays_debt_limit_request_so_members_can_oppose_it-211292-1.html?pos=hln]

      At the request of House … a debt limit increase this year.


      Obama delayed decision and he can just unilaterally raise it – no pc loss.

      Jackson 12-30. [David, White House correspondent, “Obama delays request for $1.2T debt limit hike” USA Today -- http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2011/12/obama-delays-request-for-12t-debt-limit-hike/1]

      President Obama is delaying his … reached with Congress in August.


      AT: New Spending


      Funding Double Bind


      The 2012 budget for MENA aid has already been appropriated that means either:


      A. Plan HAS to be new spending – fiat means that plan is immediate which means it logistically can ONLY be emergency spending.



      B. It requires Obama to reappropriate part of the 2012 budget which causes backlash and delay – pushes our disad off the congressional table.

      Emery 11. [Theo, Globe Staff, “Congress could resist additional aid to Libya” Boston Globe -- 8/23]

      This year’s federal budget includes a $160 … the nascent government in Libya.



      Trade Off Unpop: General



      Even if they win they’re not new aid they cause backlash -- Egypt and Tunisia aid prove.

      Andrea Stone, “Obama Middle East Speech: President Will Announce Billions In Economic Aid to Egypt, Tunisia” 5/18/11, Huffington Post, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/18/obama-middle-east-speech-billions-aid_n_863927.html


      WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama will … similar objections to erasing Egypt's


      Internal trade offs still cost capital – House Committee Republicans will fight – Tunisia proves.

      Rogin 11. [Josh, nat’l security and foreign policy reporter, “Lugar holding up State Department funds for Tunisian democracy” Foreign Policy -- April 6]

      The State Department wants to … Committee ranking Republican Richard Lugar (R-IN).



      Trade Off Unpop: Reappropriations



      Internal trade-offs require Obama to reappropriate the 2012 budget which causes backlash and delay – pushes our disad off the congressional table.

      Emery 11. [Theo, Globe Staff, “Congress could resist additional aid to Libya” Boston Globe -- 8/23]

      This year’s federal budget includes a $160 … the nascent government in Libya.


      Trade Off Unpop: Congressional Approval



      Internal trade offs require congressional notification – still triggers the link.

      Rogin 11. [Josh, nat’l security and foreign policy reporter, “Lugar holding up State Department funds for Tunisian democracy” Foreign Policy -- April 6]

      Three weeks ago, the State … to youth councils in Yemen.


      Trade Off Unpop: Lugar



      Internal funding trade offs piss off Lugar –he’ll force congressional debate – triggers the link.

      Rogin 11. [Josh, nat’l security and foreign policy reporter, “Lugar holding up State Department funds for Tunisian democracy” Foreign Policy -- April 6]

      That leaves Lugar's office as … ] Department should make that case."


      Independently he’s key to the agenda.

      Memmott 11. [Mark, “Key Republican: Success in Afghanistan May Mean Including Taliban” NPR -- 5/13]

      Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN) is a leading … the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.



      Trade Off Unpop: NERD Program



      If they are an internal trade off they would steal from the NERD program – sparks gigantic fight.

      Stephen McInerney is Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy, “The Federal Budget and Appropriations For Fiscal Year 2012: deMocracY, goVernance, and huMan righTs in The Middle east”, July 2011, http://pomed.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/FY2012-Budget-Report-web.pdf


      The Near East Regional Democracy (… the NERD heading for FY12.


      2NC UQ Wall


      Extend 1NC Politico – Democrats have momentum – makes extension likely but capital is key to ensure success – prefer our evidence –it’s predictive. 


      It’ll pass – momentum.

      Weigant 1-6. [Chris, political writer, “Friday talking points – Obama picking his fights” Huffington Post -- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/chris-weigant/obama-reelection-campaign_b_1190712.html]

      Obama -- backed up by Senate … to win that round, too.


      And your committee evidence is wrong.

      Dayen 1-2. [David, staff writer, “The Myth of the Actually Negotiating Conference Committee” Fire Dog Lake -- http://news.firedoglake.com/2012/01/02/the-myth-of-the-actually-negotiating-conference-committee/]

      Steve Benen thinks that the … not really a conference committee decision.


      Top of the agenda – takes out all thumpers.

      Pace 1-2. [Julie, AP writer, “Obama ending Hawaiian vacation, returning to Washington to face voters in re-election year” Newser -- http://www.newser.com/article/d9s0v8cg0/obama-ending-hawaiian-vacation-returning-to-washington-to-face-voters-in-re-election-year.html]

      Obama also returns to Washington … away from a deeply unpopular Congress.


      And- err neg- PC increases momentum and support for payroll taxes -- here’s more ev

      LA Times 10-11. ["Obama acknowledges jobs bill will likely be split up" -- www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-obama-pittsburgh-20111011,0,4814096.story//ghs-avi]


      Reporting from Pittsburgh— President Obama … the beginning of the year


      It will be a fight but will pass- momentum

      Wall Street Journal 12-31-11.

      The White House believes the … a champion of the middle class.


      State of the Union leverage

      Wall Street Pit 12-29-11

      In addition, if it chooses … of the White House’s efforts.


      Obama push will be successful

      ABC News 12-31-11.

      After a heated battle between the … helped Obama look more presidential.”


      Public support

      Politico 12-28-2011

      When the debate over the … are set to expire Feb. 29.


      Momentum from December.

      Pace 12-31. [Julie, AP writer, “In 2012, Obama to press ahead without Congress” Chicago Tribune -- ]

      Leaving behind a year of bruising … continue through the end of 2012.


      More ev

      Washington Post 12-23-11.

      Finally, there was the scheduled … $1 in upper-income tax cuts.

      2NC AT: Boehner Blocks


      Their evidence is just posturing – he’ll cave.

      Collender 1-2. [Stan, graduate degree in public policy from Berkeley, expert on the federal budget and congressional budget process,“Wall Street Beware: Boehner May Need to Tank Payroll Tax Extension to Keep His Job” Wall Street Pit -- http://wallstreetpit.com/88248-wall-street-beware-boehner-may-need-to-tank-payroll-tax-extension-to-keep-his-job]

      No matter what the polls … east coast on February 28th.

      2NC Solves Econ


      Extend- Washington Post- payroll tax cut extension vital to growth

      Here’s more ev that Extension key to prevent double dip recession.

      Stewart 12-28. [Heather, economics editor, “Extending Obama's tax cuts should be new year's resolution for Republicans” The Guardian -- http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/economics-blog/2011/dec/28/obama-tax-cuts-new-year-resolution?newsfeed=true]

      Republicans caved in at the … the Republicans' reputation that suffers.


      And- most qualified economist conclude EXPIRATION jack the economy- even if it’s not a short-term boost it prevents shock that causes recession

      Marr and Highsmith 11. [Chuck, Director of Federal Tax Policy at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities., Brian, joined the Center’s Federal Fiscal Policy division in January 2011 as a research assistant.  Prior to joining the Center, Highsmith had interned at the National Economic Council and House Budget Committee.  He holds a B.A. in Economics and Political Science from Furman University. 9-7-2011 http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=3572]

      Failure by Congress to extend … a larger set of economic measures.


      And we control every internal to the econ --

      Failure reduces growth by half

      Reuters, 12-20-2011

      Economists have estimated a rise in … particular for extending jobless benefits.


      Consumer confidence and the multiplier effect

      Daytona Beach News Journal, 10-25-2011

      Economists have been stroking their … -- with workers' wallets in mind.


      Consumer confidence is key.

      Slate 7/2/ 2010, “Washington's Odd Jobs Attitude,” http://www.slate.com/id/2258809/pagenum/all/#p2

      Last week, I argued that the … recession-shocked consumer won't spend.


      Small business growth

      Arslan 10-19. [Kristie President and CEO of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), 10-19-2011 ]

      I think we can all … have to go it alone!


      And small business are key.

      Pethokoukis 10-12-11 – money and politics columnist for U.S. News & World Report (James, “Struggling small business sector crippling U.S. economy,” http://blog.american.com/2011/10/struggling-small-business-sector-crippling-u-s-economy/)

      Just saw an  interesting note … mean a less competitive business environment.


      Creates 750,000 jobs

      McClure 10-22 --- Cal Poly Pomona Finance Prof (Interview, Andrew Edwards, staff writer, “Q&A: Political gridlock hinders economic recovery,” )

      WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — As President Barack … add about 750,000 jobs next year.


      Job creation key.

      WRAY 9. [L. Randall,  PhD, Prof of Economics @ UMKC, Senior Research Scholar @ Levy Economics Institute, “When all else has failed, why not try job creation” -- http://neweconomicperspectives.blogspot.com/2009/11/when-all-else-has-failed-why-not-try.html]

      The US continues to hemorrhage … the prospects for a real recovery.



      Increases demand creates a multiplier effect

      Bowman 11. [Jim, former Chicago Tribune columnist and former Chicago Daily News reporter, 10-20-2011 ]

      The American Jobs Act will … the federal deficit goes down.


      Eases debt burden

      Weller 11. [Christian E., Associate Professor at the Department of Public Policy and Public Affairs, University of Massachusetts, Boston, and Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress, Washington, DC, 9-12 -- ]

      Moreover, the extension of the … and long-lasting economic growth.


      Unbiased conclusion

      Reuters 9-9-11.

      These cuts in the Federal … the end of next year.



      TPM 11-1-2011

      Two months from today, two … Democrats are desperate to improve it.


      AT: Social Security Impact Turn


      Totally irrelevant for social security- it’s screwed anyway and the treasury will reimburse for losses to payroll taxes

      SF Gate 9-20-2011

      QHow would this affect … the thing down the road."


      Economic rebound solves the impact and it’s not a crisis- designed to work this way

      The Daily Beast 11-9-11

      But seriously. Here’s the situation. … no way they’d do that.


      More ev        

      Reuters 9-9-2011

      But Social Security advocates worry … program’s inception in the 1930s.



      AT: Doesn’t Cause War

      Global economic crisis causes war---strong statistical support

      Royal 10 – Jedediah Royal, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010, “Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises,” in Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, p. 213-215


      Less intuitive is how periods … considered ancillary to those views.


      Both recent and historical analysis prove this

      Green and Schrage 9 – Senior Advisor and Japan Chair @ CSIS and Associate Professor @ Georgetown University AND CSIS School Chair in International Business and Former Senior Official with the US Trade Representative’s Office (Michael J. and Steven P., “It’s not just the economy,” State Department and Ways & Means Committee, Asia Times, 3/26, )


      Facing the worst economic crisis … month's London Group of 20 (G-20) meeting.  


      Eight empirics prove

      Mead 9 - Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy @ the Council on Foreign Relations (Walter Russell, “Only Makes You Stronger; Why the Recession bolstered America,” The New Republic, , EMM)


      None of which means that … may still have to fight.







  • block v Lib GW

    • Tournament: Pitt RR | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2NC





      Rels DA




      *Note: Lib kicked all of case and went for link turns on politics in the 1ar

      2NC – AT: We Meet – Democracy Related

      The plan only has indirect effects on democracy --- that’s not “democracy assistance”, and including it makes the topic overly expansive

      Lappin 10. [Richard, Ph.D. Candidate – Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven, “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation1” --  http://soc.kuleuven.be/iieb/docs/2010/CEJISS-lappin.pdf]

      Such fastidiousness on the boundaries of what should


      post-conflict democracy assistance can be drawn.


      Tacking on a “democracy component” to the plan does NOT make it “democracy assistance” --- it must be tangibly distinct from traditional aid

      Youngs 3 (Richard, Professor of Politics – University of Warwick, “European Approaches to Democracy Assistance: Learning the Right Lessons?”, Third World Quarterly, 24(1), February, p. 130)

      In addition, the 'conflict resolution' category of


      organisational capacity and improving access to representative institutions.



      2NC – Violation Ev – Gotta Be Direct 


      The focus has to be on democracy – we specifically rule out indirect approaches.

      Toonstra 10. [Dick, Director - European Parliament Office for Promotion of Parliamentary Democracy, “Getting Acquainted: Setting the Stage for Democracy Assistance‖ http://www.europarl.europa.eu/pdf/oppd/Page_8/getting_acquainted_web.pdf]

      Democracy assistance – one of the tools of


      democratisation, in particular socio-economic assistance.



      Political variables interpretation is key to limit – aff’s use of the development approach explodes the topic.

      Toonstra 10. [Dick, Director - European Parliament Office for Promotion of Parliamentary Democracy, “Getting Acquainted: Setting the Stage for Democracy Assistance‖ http://www.europarl.europa.eu/pdf/oppd/Page_8/getting_acquainted_web.pdf]

      Approaches to Democracy Assistance The numerous actors in

      AND language of democracy, politics or regime change.


      2NC – AT: Counter-interp  



      Specifically, links to politics and relations DAs are way different

      Cohen 9. (Michael A., Senior Research Fellow – New America Foundation, and Maria Figueroa Küpçü, Senior Research Fellow of the American Strategy Program and the Co-Director of the Privatization of Foreign Policy Initiative – New America Foundation, “Revitalizing U.S. Democracy Promotion: A Comprehensive Plan for Reform”, New American Foundation Report, April, http://www.newamerica.net/files/Revitalizing_US_Democr acy_Promotion.pdf)

      2) Sharper delineations should be made between


      guidance of the proposed Department of International Development.



      Precision DA ---


      They destroy it. Their interpretation is so distorted as to make all learning about democracy assistance impossible --- that’s Burnell. Prefer our evidence: it conducts a survey, has intent to define, and is most qualified.

      Bapir 11. (Mohammed Ali, Graduate Student in Politics and International Studies – University of Warwick, Good Reads Review, 4-1, http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/158084584)

      One of the best, if not the


      , is a leading author in this area.


      Precision outweighs on this topic --- it’s a pre-requisite to meaningful debates

      Lappin 10. (Richard, Ph.D. Candidate – Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven (Belgium), “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation1”, http://soc.kuleuven.be/iieb/docs/2010/CEJISS-lappin.pdf)

      This article has examined the emergence of democracy


      of formulating effective democratic means will remain improbable.



      AT: I-Fiat Bad



      Working Party on Aid Effectiveness, ‘9 oecd, http://toolkit.ineesite.org/toolkit/INEEcms/uploads/1023/International_Good_Practice_Principles.pdf

      The Accra Agenda for Action 4 2008 recognises


      donors to facilitate the division of labour process.



      Counter-interpretation --- we can only fiat the US and the EU --- solves Aff ground

      Burnell 5 (Peter, Professor of Politics and International Studies – University of Warwick, “Political Strategies of External Support for Democratization”, Foreign Policy Analysis, 1(3), November, Wiley)


      The word external in support to democratization conjures


      US federal government may not be vastly different.


      2NC Say No – Copts


      Copts and Muslim Brotherhood say no to the plan.

      Maggie Hyde is a freelance journalist writing for al-Masry al-Youm, “US Religious Envoy to Export ‘Freedom of Belief’ to Egypt, Middle East,” 8/19/2011, http://www.copts.com/english/?p=2716


      Egyptians, however, may not be ready


      said Bishop Morcos of Shubra al-Kheima.


      Plan is perceived as US intervention – gets rejected.

      Middle East Monitor, “Egypt's Freedom and Justice Party rejects US attempts to interfere in state affairs,” 8/3/2011, http://www.middleeastmonitor.org.uk/news/middle-east/2683-egypts-freedom-and-justice-party-rejects-us-attempts-to-interfere-in-state-affairs


      The deputy head of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom


      be a follower of any external force again."


      No God Turns Ethics


      If we win God can’t rationally exist we turn the ethics arguments – ethics presupposes rationality and truth

      Barnes ‘68

      (Hazel, Professor of Philosophy at Trinity College, “An Existentialist Ethics”, p. 25-26)

      The choice to be ethical affirms the importance


      of its corollary values a respect for consistency.



      2NC No God 

      Their improbability arguments go OUR way—it proves natural selection and science are the incredible things and that the Earth self-progressed instead of being pushed along by some “God”

      Dawkins, 6—Richard, evolutionary biologist at Oxford University, The God Delusion, 2006, page 114

      The argument from improbability is the big one


      that he had succeeded with all of us.




      Turns Religious Freedom



      Growth is a pre-req to tolerance- sustained growth will solve their impacts but stagnation spurs hatred and violence

      Friedman 5 [Benjamin, Harvard Economics Professor Economics Department Director of Undergraduate Studies, The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth 4-5]

      Economic growth—meaning a rising standard of


      lose the sense that they are getting ahead.


      economic decline turns religious freedom

      Friedman 5 [Benjamin, Harvard Economics Professor Economics Department Director of Undergraduate Studies, The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth, 7-8]

      The consequence of the stagnation that lasted from


      will, I fear, worsen once more.



      Economic stagnation causes intense scapegoating- history is on our side

      Friedman 5 [Benjamin, Harvard Economics Professor Economics Department Director of Undergraduate Studies, The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth, 127-128]

      As we shall see, the tensions that


      to seek out scapegoats are all too familiar.

      Yes Payroll

      And- err neg- PC increases momentum and support for payroll taxes- that’s Mail Online and- more ev

      LAT 10/11 ("Obama acknowledges jobs bill will likely be split up", www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-obama-pittsburgh-20111011,0,4814096.story//ghs-avi)


      Reporting from Pittsburgh— President Obama urged senators


      expiration date looming at the beginning of the year


      Will pass – disputes over payment mean capital is key.

      Weisman 1-17. [Jonathan, congressional reporter, “Parties confident of extending payroll tax cut” New York Times -- http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/18/us/politics/congress-sees-few-barriers-to-extending-payroll-tax-cut.html?_r=1]

      With both parties largely in agreement on a


      payroll tax cut just before the winter break.


      It’ll pass –

      Recent agreements and momentum

      Politico, 1-16-2012 http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71509_Page2.html


      The one-year payroll tax deal that


      to revisit that debate during a political year.”



      Palm Beach Post News, 1-19-2012 http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/after-unproductive-2011-congress-faces-numerous-hot-button-2110485.html


      Congressional staffers are meeting to try to resolve


      going to pay for them," he said.



      Weigant 1-6. [Chris, political writer, “Friday talking points – Obama picking his fights” Huffington Post -- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/chris-weigant/obama-reelection-campaign_b_1190712.html]


      Obama -- backed up by Senate Democrats --


      Obama's going to win that round, too.


      Insiders agree.

      CNN, 1-16-2012 http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/16/politics/congress-returns/index.html


      On Capitol Hill, the beginning of this


      score more political points in an election year.


      Obama Push

      Obama pushing PTC number one.

      San Francisco Gate 1-19-12. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/01/18/MNFE1MR5GJ.DTL

      President Obama will follow up his State of


      payroll tax holiday through the end of 2012.


      Top of Agenda


      PTC top of agenda.

      Pelosi 1-18. [Nancy, badass, “News Conference Transcript” CQ Transcriptions -- lexis]

      Here we are back to work, hopefully


      be done in a short period of time.


      Top of the agenda – now is key.

      Politico 1-19-12. http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-congress/2012/01/hill-negotiators-to-meet-on-taxbreak-extension-benefits-111556.html

      Hours before President Barack Obama's State of the


      sign on whether it can be resolved quickly.


      General AT: Thumpers


      Hold all of their link UQ to a very high threshold---issues don’t cost PC until they’re at the finish line---if they can’t cite a bill discount them

      Drum, 10  (Kevin, Political Blogger, Mother Jones, http://motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2010/03/immigration-coming-back-burner)

      Not to pick on Ezra or anything,


      on immigration reform. "Love 'em or hate


      AT: Immigration Thumper

      Obama is doing great – none of your thumpers are true – no pc loss.

      Brown 1-6. [Carrie Budoff, “Barack Obama’s (mostly) good week” Politico -- http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71183.html]

      Barack Obama’s (mostly) good week The


      easily look worse in a couple of months.”


      It’s a minor change that doesn’t require congressional approval

      The Daily Beast, 1-6-2012 http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2012/01/06/obama-to-tweak-immigration-laws.html


      Obama to Tweak Immigration Laws The Obama administration


      powers, and will not require congressional approval.



      AT: Iran Signing Statements Thumper


      Their evidence concludes that Obama will avoid controversy and no decision until the end of February – that’s after PTC.

      Broder 1-14. [Jonathan, CQ Staff, "Tightening the Screws On Iran — and Obama," CQ Weekly -- public.cq.com/docs/weeklyreport/weeklyreport-000004011280.html]

      In addition, Republicans have made a tough line toward Iran a litmus test for the commander in chief in the upcoming election. With the exception of Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, every GOP presidential contender has threatened to bomb Iran if it develops a nuclear weapon.


      To be sure, Obama is not taking


      of which are heavily dependent on Iranian oil.


      And their evidence cites Kirk as the one saying Obama’s actions would cause opposition – he’s biased as the author of the original bill so OF COURSE he’d say that.

      Obama will support the sanctions – inevitable.

      Wallace and Hayes 12-29. [Chris, guest host, Steve, senior writer @ Weekly Standard, “U.S. Heading for Showdown With Iran?” Fox News -- http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/special-report/2011/12/30/us-heading-showdown-iran]


      WALLACE: Steve, how confident are you


      for him to walk away from them entirely.


      Also this isn’t a thumper – he ALREADY issued the signing statement – issue specific uniqueness subsumes.


      AT: Solyndra Thumper


      Their card is about GOP primary candidate campaigning tactics – zero reason this affects the Congressional agenda – Solyndra happened BEFORE GSU.


      Obama deflects Solyndra

      The Hill 1-19-12. http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/205069-obama-parries-solyndra-attacks-in-first-campaign-ad

      President Obama came out swinging in his first


      the Solyndra loan guarantee to please campaign donors.





      AT: Keystone Pipeline Thumper


      Timing of the decision limits any fallout.

      Business Week 1-19-12. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-01-19/obama-s-rejection-of-keystone-pipeline-sets-up-campaign-battle.html


      Jared Bernstein, former chief economist for Vice


      a strong State of the Union on jobs.”



      Link Booster: Recession



      Recession Guarantees A Fight Over Aid Budget Increases.

      Ahmed et al 11. [Ishita, Research Assistant and AidData, Christopher Marcoux, Mellon Postdoctoral Research Fellow at College of William and Mary, former Visiting Assistant Prof @ VTech, Brooke Russell, AidData Project Manager, Michael J. Tierney, Director of International Relations and Associate Professor of Government at the College of William and Mary, “Foreign Aid in Hard Times: The Political Economy of Aid Effort” College of William and Mary, Institute for the Theory and Practice of Int’l Relations -- Feb -- http://irtheoryandpractice.wm.edu/publications/hardtimes.pdf]

      Therefore, to explain changes in aid effort


      by donors will decline during tough economic times.


      Dems Link



      Dems hate the plan –Bush association

      Richard Lappin, February 1, 2010, “Obama and Democracy Assistance: Challenges and Responses”, http://www.carnegiecouncil.org/resources/ethics_online/0042.html/:pf_printable?


      Unfortunately though, the Bush rhetoric is difficult


      preserve of U.S. foreign policy.


      Democratic unity is critical to the agenda.

      Stickings 10. [11/15 -- Michael, assistant editor in Politics, “For Democrats, Unity and Continuity in the House” Moderate Voice]

      Why is continuity important? Because the Democrats


      to get things done for the American people.

      2NC Israel Link



      The plan is AIPAC’s worst nightmare

      Fisher 11. [William =, a regular contributor to The Public Record, has managed economic development programs for the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development in the Middle East, Latin America and elsewhere for the past 25 years. He has supervised major multi-year projects for AID in Egypt, Why Israel Fears A Post-Mubarak Egypt, 2-6-11, http://pubrecord.org/commentary/8826/israel-fears-post-mubarak-egypt/]

      One of my readers in the Netherlands posed


      of the U.S. political spectrum.




      Standing up to AIPAC is political suicide – they’re stronger than the president

      Rooney 11 [John K, “AIPAC Sold-out Congress Fawns Over Netanyahu” Retired US Senator Reveals AIPAC’s Power Over the US – Egyptian Socialists Unite, http://cutdc.com/2011/05/26/retired-us-senator-reveals-aipacs-power-over-the-us-egyptian-socialists-unite/]

      The US Congress was hanging on every word


      of enthusiasm that is thrown on Benjamin Netanyahu.”

      AT: Winners Win


      Winners win not true for Obama

      Galston ‘10 [William, Senior Fellow, Governance Studies, Brookings, “President Barack Obama’s First Two Years: Policy Accomplishments, Political Difficulties” Brookings Institute -- Nov 4]

      Second, the administration believed that success would


      grasp of political fundamentals than did administration strategists.


      Healthcare proves PC is finite and doesn’t regenerate – if it does it’s not fast enough to help

      Lashof ’10 [Dan, Director of NRDC’s Climate Center, “Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda: Lessons from Senate Climate Fail” SwitchBpard – Nat’l Resources Defense Council Staff Blog -- July 28 -- http://switchboard.nrdc.org/blogs/dlashof/coulda_shoulda_woulda_lessons.html]

      Lesson 2: Political capital is not necessarily


      help push climate legislation across the finish line.


      Winners win not true for Obama – must be large, popular and on economic issue

      Kuttner ‘11 (Robert, co-founder and co-editor of The American Prospect, as well as a distinguished senior fellow of the think tank Demos, 5/16, http://prospect.org/cs/articles?article=barack_obamas_theory_of_power)


      Obama won more legislative trophies during his first


      See this month’s special report on page A1.)





  • lib gw 1nc

    • Tournament: Pitt RR | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • T - Religious Assistance isn't T

      Politics - PTC

      K - Nietzsche

      EU CP

      Democracy assistance must be focused exclusively on direct political variables --- expanding it unlimits and makes effective topic discussion impossible

      Burnell 00. (Peter J., Professor of Politics and International Studies – University of Warwick, Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization, p. 12-13)

      Democracy Assistance and Democracy's Conditions

      Democratization may be served best by applying assistance


      provides conflicting answers to questions such as these.

      1NC – the K


      Nietzsche 1873 (Friedrich, Anti-Christ, “On Truth and Lie in the Extra-Moral Sense,” The Nietzsche Channel, AD: 8/17/09) jl

      In some remote corner of the universe,


      Is language the adequate expression of all realities?



      Turnali 03 (Aydan, “nietzsche and the later wittgenstein”, journal of nietzsche studies, issue 26, p. 61-2, muse)

      The craving for absolutely general specifications results in


      fly-bottle” (PI §309).






      In The Birth of Tragedy and The Will


      through a leap into the intoxication of sound.





      Text – The European Union should support civil society groups that support religious freedom for Christians in Egypt.


      EU action solves the internal link to both advantages.

      Dergham, 11  (Raghida, Senior Diplomatic Correspondent @ Al Hayat, 7/28, http://www.presseurop.eu/en/content/article/810401-europe-has-role-play)

      MIDDLE EAST Europe has a role to play


      behind polices that are decided by other powers.


      Solves Best – Captures US signal and they’ll say yes – they specifically seek out project specific international funding

      Axworthy et al, ‘5 [Thomas S. Axworthy, David Donova, Leslie Campbell, Institute For Research on Public Policy, May, http://www.irpp.org/wp/archive/wp2005-02d.pdf]

      National Endowment for Democracy (NED)


      If the German party stiftungen served as a


      labour, and private sector development in Iraq.


      1NC Solvency Frontline



      *Studies prove plan trades off with progressive movements, parties and volunteerism –plan spurs perception of partisanship and solidifies emerging public backlash –- Rising xenophobia and media spin ensure net direction of link is negative - and plan makes it far worse – public is just starting to sign up

      Choucri 11.  (September -- Mai, Egyptian Project Coordinator, “Egypt's civil society organisations: Between a rock and a hard place” -- Rosa Luxemberg Foundation in Egypt -- http://www.palestine.rosalux.org/publication/37815/egypts-civil-society-organisations-between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place.html)

      ِAlthough this exaggerates the situation, given the


      NGOs as “rich affiliates to foreign interests”.



      *Weakens political parties –human and resource tradeoff, image erosion, uniquely true when parties are already weak

      Hansen and Schimpp et al 4.  (Gary and Michele, Civil Society Division Chief, Elections and Political Processes Division Chief, USAID Office of Democracy and Governance, March, http://www.usaid.gov/our_work//democracy_and_governance/publications/pdfs/pnacu631.pdf)

      But where political parties generally are weak—


      and participation and effect policy change through CSOs?


      *US Civil society assistance funds business NGOs to support “good governance” – they use influence advantage to weaken wages and labor protections

      Carothers 99. [Thomas, Vice President for Global Policy and Co-Director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Project @ the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Formerly a Legal Adviser @ the US Department of State, an International Affairs Fellow @ the Council on Foreign Relations, and Guest Scholar @ the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars,  Aiding Democracy Abroad: The Learning Curve]

      As NGO development proceeds in some transitional countries


      weak environmental laws, and minimal labor rights.



      *This will specifically be US approach in Egypt – we’ll exclude labor groups and push privatization -  turn case - it’s the most important factor and its on the brink–– its a net benefit to EU

      Pankin 5/23/11. [Knut, program officer in Washington for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, a nonprofit German political foundation committed to the advancement of public policy issues in the spirit of the basic values of social democracy through education, research, and international cooperation. The foundation’s Washington office is a member of the “Just Jobs” network organized by the Center for American Progress in its Just Jobs program, http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/05/just_jobs_arab_world.html]

       “Jobs trump everything else,” says


      to balancing the free market and social policies.



      *Counterproductive – focus on short term project, undermines local agenda and support, distorts civil society, narrowly targets least influential groups, ignores coalition building, provides bad advice

      Hawthorne 4. [Amy, associate in the Democracy and Rule of Law Project @ Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, specialist on Middle East politics and on democracy promotion and is the editor of the Endowment’s Arab Reform Bulletin, “MIDDLE EASTERN DEMOCRACY: Is Civil Society the Answer?” Carnegie -- March  -- http://carnegieendowment.org/files/CarnegiePaper44.pdf]

      Aid for prodemocracy groups often suered from the


      isolation as much as they faced management challenges.


      Copts will reject the plan – they don’t want to be singled out due to the fear of backlash.

      Tom Heneghan is an editor in religion at Reuters, “Analysis: Egypt's Christians wary of too much foreign support,” 12/21/2011, http://en.aswatmasriya.com/analysis/view.aspx?id=2a58267b-677b-4fa8-82cd-d40a252f2dfc


      Worried Christians in Egypt say attacks on them


      more universal bill of rights for all Egyptians."


      Congress will condition aid to the SCAF – triggers the link

      Revkin 12-19 [Mara, assistant director of the Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East and editor of EgyptSource, 2011]


      The U.S. Congress is seeking


      (see pages 1092-93 of HR3671).


      NGO Raid proves No Backlash

      Quinn 12/30 [Andrew Quinn, Washington, Fri Dec 30, 2011, Reuters, http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/12/30/us-egypt-usa-idUSTRE7BT0YR20111230]


      (Reuters) - Egyptian officials have assured


      military aid to Cairo if the raids continued.


      The plan would be spun as praise of the SCAF – ensures no backlash

      Martini ’11 [Jeffrey Martini, Julie E. Taylor, Commanding Democracy in Egypt: The Military's Attempt to Manage the Future, Foreign Affairs, Sept/Oct 2011 on August 25, 2011, http://www.rand.org/commentary/2011/08/25/FA.html]


      The United States can take advantage of the


      from the international community if they truly liberalize.


      1NC God Not Real



      There is no God

      Chad Docterman, 1996, Why the Christian God is Impossible, http://www.positiveatheism.org/writ/imposs.htm

      What did God do during that eternity before


      existence of cubic spheres or invisible pink unicorns.


      Science directly refutes the existence of God – probability and logic dictate God is unnecessary at best to explain the world.

      Joshi, ’97 (S.T., Literary Critic, “Atheism: A Reader”).

      It has become fashionable to declare that there


      much space to flourish than he gave us.


      We can have value without religion.

      Russell ‘57

      (Bertrand, British Philosopher and Social critic, in “Atheism: A Reader”, Edited by S.T. Joshi, p. 92-93)

      There is a simpler and more naive form


      beliefs were happier than those who had not.


      Life has intrinsic value and meaning—and, we are more likely to take that seriously on Earth if we alone are responsible towards that life.

      Kurtz 4. (Free Inquiry, Professor of philosophy at the State University of New York at Buffalo), Volume 21, Number 3. Paul, http://www.secularhumanism.org/index.php).

      If "God is dead," as Nietzsche


      must save ourselves" (Humanist Manifesto II).



      The only way their project can reconcile these two is to appeal to the authority of a select few without any ground for reasoned skepticism.  For those of you keeping score, this means their shit is totally stupid.

      Janz 4 [Paul D., Dept of Philo @ Trinity Western U, “Radical Orthodoxy and the New Culture of Obscurantism,” Modern Theology 20.3, July, pg 399-400]

      Summing all of this up, we are


      preserving the normativity or authority that orthodoxy demands.



      Science disproves afterlife

      Shermer, 8—Michael, American science writer, historian of science, founder of The Skeptics Society, and editor of its magazine Skeptic, “Hope Springs Eternal: Science, the Afterlife & the Meaning of Life”—Online Debate hosted through Skeptics Magazine between Michael Shermer and Deepak Chopra, http://www.skeptic.com/reading_room/debates/afterlife.html

      Reality Check: What Science Really Says Okay


      natural … and mysteries yet to be explained.


      There’s only a risk the afterlife sucks just as much as this one

      Russell, 27—Bertrand, “Why I Am Not a Christian” Lecture delivered in London to the National Secular Society and published in the 1957 book Why I am Not a Christian And Other Essays— http://users.drew.edu/~jlenz/whynot.html

      The Argument for the Remedying of Injustice Then


      influencing people's desire for a belief in God.




      Scripture proves nothing—too many logical gaps and contradictions for it to be true

      Dawkins, 6—Richard, evolutionary biologist at Oxford University, The God Delusion, 2006, page 92-95

      There are still some people who are persuaded


      that the Messiah should be descended from David.



      The logic behind Pascal’s wager is fundamentally illogical and could turn out just as badly as not believing—no offense

      Dawkins, 6—Richard, evolutionary biologist at Oxford University, The God Delusion, 2006, page 103-105

      PASCAL'S WAGER The great French mathematician Blaise Pascal


      that can flow from religious belief and observance.





  • 1nc utd pitt rr

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC


      EU –

      The European Union should substantially increase political organization training to democratic opposition groups based in Syria.

      The European Union should offer full project grants, and matching financial donations, to the National Endowment for Democracy, and to each of its four core grantees, in order for them substantially increase political organization training to democratic opposition groups based in Syria.


      Text –

      The European Union should substantially increase political organization training to democratic opposition groups based in Syria.

      The European Union should offer full project grants, and matching financial donations, to the National Endowment for Democracy, and to each of its four core grantees, in order for them substantially increase political organization training to democratic opposition groups based in Syria.


      It Solves:

      EU action solves the internal link to both advantages.

      EU action prevents Obama mishaps – boosts cred.

      EU fills vacuum – prevents Russian influence.

      Dergham, 11  (Raghida, Senior Diplomatic Correspondent @ Al Hayat, 7/28, http://www.presseurop.eu/en/content/article/810401-europe-has-role-play)

      MIDDLE EAST Europe has a role to play


      behind polices that are decided by other powers.


      Solves Best – Captures US signal and they’ll say yes – they specifically seek out project specific international funding

      Axworthy et al, ‘5 [Thomas S. Axworthy, David Donova, Leslie Campbell, Institute For Research on Public Policy, May, http://www.irpp.org/wp/archive/wp2005-02d.pdf]

      National Endowment for Democracy (NED)


      If the German party stiftungen served as a


      labour, and private sector development in Iraq.



      Obama push – SOU.

      Washington Post 1-21-12. http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/whitehouse/jobs-re-election-frame-obamas-state-of-the-union-makes-contrast-with-opponents-approach/2012/01/21/gIQA6YufFQ_story.html

      WASHINGTON — Vilified on the campaign trail by


      of a payroll tax cut soon to expire.


      New democracy aid ensures backlash – costs capital.

      Emily Cadei, CQ Staff, Mon May 23, 11, “Obama Aid Initiative No Sure Thing”, http://old.news.yahoo.com/s/cq/20110523/pl_cq_politics/politics000003874266


      The Obama administration's proposed economic assistance for the


      of scrutiny" right now on Capitol Hill.


      C. Impact -- Payroll tax cut needed to avert economic shock that will tip US back into a second recession.

      Plumer 11. [Brad, reporter, “Just how effective is the payroll tax cut?” Washington Post -- September 8 -- http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/just-how-effective-is-the-payroll-tax-cut/2011/09/08/gIQAodirCK_blog.html]


      President Obama is expected to call for an


      , it will at least avert further degradation.


      A double dip recession triggers an economic depression.

      Isidore 11. [Chris, Senior Writer, “Recession 2.0 would hurt worse” CNN Money -- August 10 -- CNN Money -- http://money.cnn.com/2011/08/10/news/economy/double_dip_recession_economy/index.htm]

      Another recession could be even worse than the


      have virtually no policy effort to counteract it.



      Austin 9. (Michael, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, and Desmond Lachman, Resident Fellow – American Enterprise Institute, “The Global Economy Unravels”, Forbes, 3-6, http://www.aei.org/article/100187)

      Conversely, global policymakers do not seem to


      small explosions that coalesce into a big bang.


      1NC Turkey Advantage

      Their Badran card takes out their own internal link – Turkey has NO influence in the Middle East – means they can’t impose anything.

      Badran 11. [Tony, research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Turkey’s foreign policy shift, Now Lebanon, 9-8-2011, http://www.nowlebanon.com/NewsArticleDetails.aspx?ID=309357]


      Early on in the Syrian crisis, however


      point where Turkish foreign policy hits the wall.”


      Their Kabalan card assumes US withdrawal from Iraq NOT a lack of US leadership – makes their impacts inevitable.

      Kabalan 12-9. [Marwan, dean of the Faculty of International Relations and Diplomacy, Kalamoon University, Turkey's bid to restore balance, Gulf News, 12-9-2011, http://gulfnews.com/opinions/columnists/turkey-s-bid-to-restore-balance-1.947514]

      The withdrawal of the US forces from Iraq


      ; the US withdrawal is bringing them apart. Rising influence THEIR CARD BEGINS  As the US retreats, Turkey, alongside AND  the entire region will undergo a fundamental change.


      A. Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood is moderate now and rejects Turkish influence.

      Karouny 1-19. [Mariam, Deputy Bureau Chief Lebanon, Syria & Jordan, “Syria's Muslim Brotherhood tells world to isolate Assad” Reuters -- http://af.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idAFTRE80I0V320120119?pageNumber=2&virtualBrandChannel=0&sp=true]

      Shaqfa said the Brotherhood, which in 1982


      is not acceptable any more that Bashar stays."

      **(Mohammad Shaqfa = leader of Syria’s MoBros)



      B. Their IPT evidence is from the Investigative Project on Terrorism which is a conservative propaganda machine for Islamophobes – reject it for being too biased.

      Ali et al 11. [Wajahat, Researcher at the Center for American Progress and a Researcher for the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Eli Clifton, Researcher at the Center for American Progress and a National Security Reporter for the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Matthew Duss, Policy Analyst at the Center for American Progress and Director of the Center’s Middle East Progress, Lee Fang, Researcher at the Center for American Progress and an Investigative Researcher/Blogger for the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Scott Keyes, Researcher at the Center for American Progress and an Investigative Researcher for ThinkProgress.org at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Faiz Shakir, JD @ Georgetown, Vice President at the Center for American Progress and serves as Editor-in-Chief of ThinkProgress.org , “Fear Inc: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America” August -- Center for American Progress]

      This in-depth investigation conducted by the


      • Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism


      Conclusion of their article says Israel is divided on Syria approach – the card is a pro-con debate about Israel’s view of the Syria revolution – they just cut the con part.

      Helal, 11. [Feras Abu, former associate researcher for Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultation, THE ISRAELI POSITION TOWARDS THE SYRIAN INTIFADA, 11-5-2011, http://english.dohainstitute.org/Home/Details/5ea4b31b-155d-4a9f-8f4d-a5b428135cd5/284e36f8-7bd1-4d84-89a6-a1e9ee1b835a]

      Israel carefully monitors developments in Syria, given


      with regards to this regime's position on Israel.


      No War impact – assumes Israel is struck first and then retaliates – they have no internal link to that scenario.


      Israel won’t go nuclear

      Rowley 7. (Charles and Michael, professors of economics – George Mason University, and Webb, member – Regulatory Economics Group “Israel and Palestine: the slow road to peace or the fast track to mutual annihilation?” Public Choice Vol. 132, Iss. 1-2)

      Israel would never deploy nuclear devices over the


      drawing this analytic historical narrative to a close.


      Balkan conflict will be small and won’t escalate

      Bandow 99 (Doug, Senior Fellow – CATO Institute, “The U.S. Role in Kosovo”, 3-10, http://www.cato.org/testimony/ct-db031099.html)


      Most important, it would put U.


      suggests that it is incapable of setting priorities. 


      Won’t go nuclear and status quo solves

      Tanter 99 (Raymond, Professor of Political Science – University of Michigan and Research Associate – Middle East Center and John Psarouthakis, President and Trustee – Paideia Foundation and Adjunct Business Professor – University of Michigan, Balancing in the Balkans, p. 50)


      Despite the lack of American ground forces,


      decided to involve itself in stabilizing the Balkans.


      Historical examples don’t apply

      Eland 99 (Ivan, Director of Defense Policy Studies – Cato Institute, 5-3, http://www.cato.org/cgi-bin/scripts/printtech.cgi/dailys/05-03-99.html)


      In reality, the ostensible humanitarian justification for


      Balkans has no relationship to American vital interests.




      1NC Cred Advantage



      Pletka concludes that Iraq is an alt caus and key.

      Pletka 10-19. , Vice President at the American Enterprise Institute, and Gottlieb, Professor @ Columbia, 10-19 (Danielle Pletka is Vice President, Foreign and Defense Policy Studies at the American Enterprise Institute, served for ten years as a senior professional staff member for the Near East and South Asia on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, AND Stuart, former Senate foreign policy adviser and speechwriter (1999-2003), and teaches U.S. foreign policy and national security at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs, “Shrinking America's Role In the World Is the True Obama Doctrine”, http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/10/19/shrinking-americas-role-in-world-is-true-obama-doctrine/, CMR)


      Indeed, it appears that the president's aim


      antiseptic remote control alternative to actual American leadership.


      That brings us back to Iraq. While


      , it appears, is Barack Obama's goal.



      Hegemony inevitable- relative power, military, and flexibility

      Kagan 1/17 (Robert Kagan, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Center on the United States and Europe, Brookings, “Not Fade Away: Against the Myth of American Decline”, http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2012/0117_us_power_kagan.aspx, January 17, 2012, LEQ)


      Is the United States in decline, as


      of their growing economic strength into military strength.


      No country will ever turn away from US commitment – even if they are tempted, they know they need a superpower

      Alterman 11 (Jon, director and senior fellow of the Middle East Program at CSIS, Former member of the Policy Planning Staff at the U.S. Department of State and as a special assistant to the assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs, June 2011, “Capacity and Resolve: Foreign Assessments of U.S. Power,” http://csis.org/files/publication/110613_Cohen_CapacityResolve_Web.pdf

      Beneath the surface, however, is an


      it has had since the early sixteenth century.


      Leading from Behind is inevitable – Libya approach is now US paradigm.

      Brady 11. (Kyle, author of Modern America: The End of Political Discourse, “Libya shows multilateralism is new U.S. strategy”, Policymic -- August --  http://www.policymic.com/articles/libya-shows-multilateralism-is-new-u-s-strategy)

      The involvement of the United States in the


      to be tested, refined and fully institutionalized.


      The plan’s signal doesn’t solve – alt causes outweigh and we’ll lose the spin game

      Rugh 9. [William, Professor of Public Diplomacy @ Tufts  “Repairing American public diplomacy,” Arab Media & Society, Issue 7, Winter]

      Public diplomacy is of course not a panacea


      this age of 24/7 information proliferation.


      Democracy assistance can’t overcome historical divide – policy irrelevant.

      Holmes 11. [Kim, former secretary of state, “Muslim World still anti-Western Despite Obama” Heritage Foundation -- July 27 -- http://www.heritage.org/research/commentary/2011/07/muslim-world-still-anti-western-despite-obama]

      Most Muslims also blame the West for their


      rather than objective reactions to what we do.


      High expectations doom solvency.

      Carpenter 11. [Ted, senior fellow of foreign policy studies at The Cato Institute, “Obama fumbles his opportunity with the Arab World” Cato Institute -- July 18 -- http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=13573]

      There is a likely explanation for such a


      who took the need for fiscal responsibility seriously.


      No Impact to Credibility – no influence in the Mid East.

      Walt 11. [Stephen M., Robert and Renée Belfer professor of international relations at Harvard University. “Can the United States 'control' the Middle East? (Nope)” Foreign Policy -- January 19 -- http://walt.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/01/19/can_the_us_control_the_middle_east_nope]

      It is yet another episode in which the


      brain-dead nature of our Middle East diplomacy


      Bahrain will decimate credibility in the region

      Richter 11. [Fredrik, Reuters Columnist, “Bahrain Crackdown Ignored By West” Huffington Post -- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/09/bahrain-protests-news_n_859393.html]

      The fate of Bahrain's protest movement is a


      Gaddafi's Libya versus rebukes for Bahrain reflect hypocrisy.



      Heg collapse doesn’t cause global nuclear war –


      a.            conflicts would be small and managable

      Haas 8. (Richard, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, former director of policy planning for the Department of State, former vice president and director of foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institution, the Sol M. Linowitz visiting professor of international studies at Hamilton College, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a lecturer in public policy at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, and a research associate at the International Institute for Strategic Studies) April 2008 “Ask the Expert: What Comes After Unipolarity?” http://www.cfr.org/publication/16063/ask_the_expert.html

      Does a non polar world increase or reduce


      groups, militias, rogue states, etc.


      No US collapse


      a. Empirics.

      Joffe 9. [Josef. Editor of Die Zeit, a Senior Fellow at Stanford’s Institute for Intl Studies, and a Fellow in IR @ the Hoover Institute. “The Default Power” Foreign Affairs. August 2009. Lexis]

      Every ten years, it is decline time


      out to be the mild recession of 1991.



      b. No challengers.

      Joffe 9. [Josef. Editor of Die Zeit, a Senior Fellow at Stanford’s Institute for Intl Studies, and a Fellow in IR @ the Hoover Institute. “The Default Power” Foreign Affairs. August 2009. Lexis]

      The United States is the default power,


      is not just rich but also democratic and free



      Leading from behind key to heg:


      a. Sustains resources – key internal to prestige.

      Cohen 11. [Roger, op-ed columnist, “Leading from Behind” New York Times -- October 31]

      Leading from behind — a phrase first used


      the facts, as it was in Libya.


      b. Credibility.

      Lewis M. Simons, a Pulitzer Prize winner, is a member of the USA TODAY's Board of Contributors, “As Libya shows, U.S. can capably lead from behind,” 10/11/2011, http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/forum/story/2011-10-11/libya-lead-behind-arab-spring/50733046/1


      The stunning overthrow of Gadhafi after 42 years


      U.S. role could have made.


      Their Syria Key card says that the US has to publicly oppose Assad to solve cred – squo solves.

      Telegraph 1-18. [“Barack Obama raises pressure for Syria regime change” -- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/9022085/Barack-Obama-raises-pressure-for-Syria-regime-change.html]

      Barack Obama raises pressure for Syria regime change


      and transition can take place inside of Syria."


      However Saudi Arabia will offset any oil disruption in the status quo- but failure to offset would cause military provocation with Iran

      El-Tablawy and Shihri 12/28

      (El-Tablawy and Abdullah Shihri, Associated Press, “Official: Gulf states ready to offset Iran oil”, http://www.denverpost.com/business/ci_19630826?source=bb, December 28, 2011, LEQ)


      RIYADH, Saudi Arabia—Gulf Arab nations


      for peaceful purposes, such as generating electricity.


      Won’t close the Strait of Hormuz

      Erdbrink 12/28

      [Thomas Erdbrink, “Iran unlikely to block oil shipments through Strait of Hormuz, analysts say”, The Washington Post, 12-28-2011, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/despite-threats-iran-unlikely-to-block-oil-shipments-through-strait-of-hormuz/2011/12/28/gIQAVSOSMP_story.html]

      TEHRAN — The latest in a series of


      roughly a third of the world’s oil shipments.


      Multiple barriers to Iran heg

      Savyon 11. [A, director – Iranian Media Project @ Middle East Media Research Institute, 7/4/’11 “Iran's Defeat in the Bahrain Crisis: A Seminal Event in the Sunni-Shi'ite Conflict,” http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/5424.htm#_ednref6

      Despite its image as a looming superpower,


      left the Iranian regime in clearly reduced circumstances.


      Iran isn’t a threat

      Luttwak 7. [Edward, senior associate – CSIS, professor – Georgetown and Berkeley, 5/26/’7 “The middle of nowhere,” Prospect Magazine]

      Now the Mussolini syndrome is at work over


      much cohesion under attack is to be expected.




      1NC – Solvency


      Assad inevitable – No Defections

      AMEC 12. [Afro-Middle East Centre, “Unraveling the Syrian Crisis” – AMEC: established in 98, ‘aims to foster, produce and disseminate the highest quality of research on the Middle East,’ The Centre’s staff and research associates are sought after by the media to provide commentary and analysis on issues relating to the Middle East, the Islamic world and Africa. They have been interviewed by or have provided expert analysis to BBC, Al-Jazeera, the South African Broadcasting Corporation’s television and radio channels, SABC News International, Channel Africa, eTV and eTV News Channel, CNBC Africa, various other television and radio channels]

      Despite seven months of sustained protests and fighting


      number of mostly junior soldiers rather than officers.


      Newest evidence that Assad will maintain power – can’t solve without military intervention.

      Barnes-Dacy 1-13. [Julien, Mid East Senior policy fellow, former Syria correspondent for the WSJ and CSM, research consultant for international organisations and think tanks including the World Bank and the Brookings Institute, “Assad's continued defiance in the face of growing isolation” European Council on Foreign Relations -- http://ecfr.eu/content/entry/commentary_assads_continued_defiance_in_the_face_of_growing_isolation]

      Another month and another delusionary speech by an


      -- it would maintain the military upper hand.


      The basis for their predictions of collapse are opposition propaganda – instability is minor, the opposition is weak, and the regime is not divided

      Narwani 12-19. (2011, Sharmine, Senior Associate, St. Antony's College, Oxford University, “Stratfor Challenges Narratives on Syria,” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sharmine-narwani/stratfor-challenges-narra_b_1158710.html)

      But we are now entering the tenth month


      Stratfor for underlining the importance of information transparency.


      Syrian opposition unification impossible – foreign aid just makes it worse.

      Telegraph 1-4. [“Syria opposition struggles to stay united” --http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/8991760/Syria-opposition-struggles-to-stay-united.html]

      DAMASCUS — Syria’s opposition was in disarray Wednesday


      the observers were being hampered by the regime.


      Unification impossible – no leadership, US aid just causes backlash

      Seeleye 11. [“Why Can't the Syrian Opposition Get Along?” -- http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/09/01/why_cant_the_syrian_opposition_get_along]

      Given the lack of a recognized leadership,


      , have largely remained anonymous to avoid arrest.


      Turn – The U.S. will only delegitimize opposition leadership necessary to pull the business elites in Syria away from the Assads

      Landis 2011 [Joshua, August 9 “Syrians must win the revolution on their own”, director of the Center for Middle East Studies and associate professor at the University of Oklahoma -http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/09/syrians_must_win_the_revolution_on_their_own

      Randa Slim proposes a Doran-lite sanctions


      we must win this struggle on our own."


      US action on Syria kills the opposition – the plan causes the regime to target opposition leaders – turns the case

      Landis 11 [Joshua, August 9 “Syrians must win the revolution on their own”, director of the Center for Middle East Studies and associate professor at the University of Oklahoma -http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/09/syrians_must_win_the_revolution_on_their_own

      A growing chorus of policy experts in Washington


      the flight of Iraq's upper and middle classes.


      Squo solves the aff – US moving towards gradual support for opposition – aff rushes the process tanking Syrian stability, turns solvency.

      Rogin 12-28. [Josh, national security/foreign policy reporter,“Obama administration secretly preparing options for aiding the Syrian opposition” Foreign Policy -- http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/12/28/obama_administration_secretly_preparing_options_for_aiding_the_syrian_opposition]

      But the administration does see the status quo


      higher than the risks of moving too slow."


      The status quo solves but rushed action turns solvency  - its perceived as meddling and delegitimizes the opposition – their author

      Rettig, 11-17 (Jessica, published by U.S. News & World Report. How U.S. Could Encourage Peace in Syria, http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2011/11/17/how-us-could-encourage-peace-in-syria?PageNr=2)

      Already, according to Grand, efforts are


      we're seen to be meddling," he says.



      1NC Say No



      Syrian opposition will say no—fear of being labeled an American stooge- this is the most qualified evidence: 

      Husain 11. [Ed, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, “Why Assad need not fear Gaddafi’s fate,” Financial Times -- August 23 -- http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/73d4c680-ccb7-11e0-b923-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1Wr49UJJ6]

      I lived in Syria for two years and


      Israel, such labels are powerful and destructive.


      Opposition groups will say no to US aid

      Harling 11. [Peter, Project Director with the Middle East Program of the International Crisis Group and is based in Damascus, “How not to prolong the Syrian agony” Foreign Policy -- August 30 -- http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/30/how_not_to_prolong_the_syrian_agony]

       The second mistake to be avoided is


      the protest movement's coattails but in complementing it.





  • block utd pitt rr

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2NR Card

      More link evidence

      Myers and Gladstone, 12-16 (Steven Lee Myers contributed reporting from Washington, Rick Gladstone from New York and an employee of The New York Times from Beirut. “Impatient Protesters Convulse Syria as Russia Offers New Resolution,” http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/17/world/middleeast/impatient-protesters-convulse-syria-as-russia-offers-new-resolution.html#h[TRhTir,3])


      “And hopefully, we can work with


      their last chance to stake out some influence.”


      Working Party on Aid Effectiveness, ‘9 oecd, http://toolkit.ineesite.org/toolkit/INEEcms/uploads/1023/International_Good_Practice_Principles.pdf

      The Accra Agenda for Action 4 2008 recognises


      donors to facilitate the division of labour process.


      2NC – Assad Inevitable

      Middle class support – without that the opposition will fail.

      Idrees 1-12. [Akrum, Muslim Engineer, “Why the Assad regime is still in power” Bertelsmann Foundation -- http://futurechallenges.org/local/why-assad-regime-is-still-in-power/]

      After almost 10 months of unprecedented protests calling


      still believe that Assad is Syria’s best option.


      Assad is here to stay – multiple factors.

      Spyer 12-18. [Jonathan, senior research fellow at the Global Research in International Affairs Center in Herzliya, Israel, "Word of Caution on Assad's Fall," www.gloria-center.org/2011/12/word-of-caution-on-assads-fall-‎/]

      And yet, observers should be careful before


      will probably be around for a while yet.


      Fear of post-Assad scenario consolidates his power.

      Ali 1-19. [S. Faisal Ali, Arab News, "Assad’s confidence may prove misplaced," arabnews.com/opinion/columns/article565014.ece]

      Perhaps he has reasons to believe that there


      trained and enjoys the confidence of the government.


      Their evidence is biased – ignores recent polling data that most Syrians support Assad

      Steele 1-17. [Jonathan, "Most Syrians back President Assad, but you'd never know from western media," The Guardian -- www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/jan/17/syrians-support-assad-western-propaganda]

      Suppose a respectable opinion poll found that most


      militias raging across sectarian and ethnic fault lines.


      Their defections cards are wrong.

      Seale 1-17. [Patrick, leading British writer on the Middle East, "Can the Assad Regime Survive?" www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=50088]

      The most important asset which keeps the regime


      by the street protesters or the exiled opposition.


      Business class and military support.

      Ginsberg 1-13. [Marc, former US Ambassador to Morocco, "Can Assad's "Iron Fist" Be Broken?” Huffington Post -- www.huffingtonpost.com/amb-marc-ginsberg/can-assads-iron-fist-be-b_b_1205408.html]

      All of this is to say that if


      . Does anyone have a magic lamp handy?


      Assad is inevitable – answers all their warrants

      Mead 11 (Walter Russell, You know who he be, "Assad’s Survival Plan," http://blogs.the-american-interest.com/wrm/2011/08/13/assads-survival-plan/, AD: 9/25/11) jl

      On the other hand, Assad still holds


      offer whatever he needs to balance the Turks.


      Assad will stay in power now.

      Hesain 11 - Ed Husain, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies @ CFR, Why Assad Need Not Fear Qaddafi’s Fate, Council on Foreign Relations, August 23, 2011, http://www.cfr.org/syria/why-assad-need-not-fear-qaddafis-fate/p25702

      The dramatic scenes in Tripoli are already being


      , the middle-classes and business leaders.


      Business community will stick with Assad – they are key.

      Slim 11 – Randa, an adjunct research fellow at the National Security Studies Program at the New America Foundation and a scholar at the Middle East Institute, Where’s Syria’s Business Community, Foreign Policy, 8-5, http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/05/wheres_syrias_business_community

      The decision by the


      current regime. What could change their course?


      Their evidence is opposition propaganda.

      Swami 8-26-11 – Praveen, Inside Syria's failed rebellion, The Hindu, http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/article2397096.ece

      Ever since the spring uprising in Syria,


      alive with everyday civic life than New Delhi.


      Assad will splinter opposition groups – prevents an effective transition

      Aharam Online 11 ("Head of German intelligence sees no regime change in Syria," http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/2/8/17813/World/Region/Head-of-German-intelligence-sees-no-regime-change-.aspx, AD: 9/22/11) jl

      German intelligence dismissed that a change in the


      to force a change in the ruling regime.

      2NC – No Opposition

      Can’t solve – threshold for solvency is too high.

      AMEC 12. [Afro-Middle East Centre, “Unraveling the Syrian Crisis” – AMEC: established in 98, ‘aims to foster, produce and disseminate the highest quality of research on the Middle East,’ The Centre’s staff and research associates are sought after by the media to provide commentary and analysis on issues relating to the Middle East, the Islamic world and Africa. They have been interviewed by or have provided expert analysis to BBC, Al-Jazeera, the South African Broadcasting Corporation’s television and radio channels, SABC News International, Channel Africa, eTV and eTV News Channel, CNBC Africa, various other television and radio channels]

      Despite all kinds of movement, diplomatic activity


      entail the end of one-party rule.


      The U.S. should stay out- Assad is too strong

      Landis 8-24 [“Washington's battle over Syria.” Joshua Landis is the Director of the Center for Middle East Studies and Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma. He writes the blog Syria Comment, where this was originally published.]


      The realists argue that the U.S


      . should not be trying to decide it.

      2NC – Fracturing Turn


      *US action on Syria kills the opposition – the plan causes the regime to target opposition leaders – turns the case

      Landis 11 [Joshua, August 9 “Syrians must win the revolution on their own”, director of the Center for Middle East Studies and associate professor at the University of Oklahoma -http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/09/syrians_must_win_the_revolution_on_their_own

      A growing chorus of policy experts in Washington


      the flight of Iraq's upper and middle classes.


      Syria opposes US intervention – perceives it as imperialism

      Doyle 6-14-11 (“Why foreign intervention is not welcome in Syria,” http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/jun/14/syria-intervention-west)

      To intervene or not to intervene? Having


      other according to their own self-interest."


      Here’s more evidence – foreign intervention is the root cause of disunity – turns the aff.

      Sen 1-6. [Ashish Kumar, “Syrian opposition row over foreign military action nixes unity effort” Washington Times -- http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/jan/6/syrian-opposition-row-over-foreign-military-action/?page=all]

      Efforts by the U.S. and


      gain legitimacy through their dialogue with the SNC.”


      2NC Alt Caus to Cred

      Impact’s inevitable---they don’t change Obama’s broader foreign policy or personality.

      Hanson 9. [Victor Davis, Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History @ Hoover Institution, Stanford University, “Change, Weakness, Disaster, Obama: Answers from Victor Davis Hanson,” Interview with the Oregon Patriots, Resistnet.com, December 7, http://www.resistnet.com/group/oregon/forum/topics/change-weakness-disaster-obama/showLastReply]

      Dr. Hanson: Well, he answered


      to the left of them since Franklin Roosevelt.


      The Arab Spring isn’t key to heg.

      James Traub is a contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine and a fellow of the Center on International Cooperation, “Twilight in Manhattan, Dawn in Tripoli,” 9/9/2011, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/09/09/twilight_in_manhattan_dawn_in_tripoli?page=0,1


      There is a very real danger that our


      we've been through, that's a good thing.


      Alt causes massively outweigh the plan.

      Kim R. Holmes, a former assistant secretary of state, is a vice president at the Heritage Foundation, “Muslim World still anti-Western Despite Obama,” 7/27/2011, http://www.heritage.org/research/commentary/2011/07/muslim-world-still-anti-western-despite-obama


      Here’s the rub: The U.S


      rather than objective reactions to what we do.


      2NC Leadership Inevitable

      Perception of US power strong now.

      Bandow 10 (Doug Bandow, Senior fellow at the Cato Institute, http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=11143, January 19, 2010, LEQ)

      The U.S. has no great


      share of global military outlay hits 80 percent.


      It’s inevitable – allies won’t abandon us. 

      Walt 12-5. [Stephen M., Robert and Renée Belfer professor of international relations at Harvard University, December 5, 2011, “Does the U.S. still need to reassure its allies?,” online: http://walt.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/12/05/us_credibility_is_not_our_problem]

      A perennial preoccupation of U.S.


      most cases little incentive to actually do it.



      2NC – Cred – No Impact to Cred


      Credibility is inevitable – not key to cooperation.

      Wohlforth 9—Daniel Webster Professor of Government,  Dartmouth.  BA in IR, MA in IR and MPhil and PhD in  pol sci, Yale (William and Stephen Brooks, Reshaping the World Order, March / April 2009, Foreign Affairs Vol. 88, Iss. 2; pg. 49, 15 pgs)

       FOR ANALYSTS such as Zbigniew Brzezinski and


      legitimacy to shepherd reform of the international system.


      2NC LFB Inevitable

      Obama doctrine is here to stay – defense cuts prove

      Wehner, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1/6/2012

      [Peter, “The Defense Budget and America’s Decline,” http://www.commentarymagazine.com/2012/01/06/defense-budget-america-decline/]

      There are many salient points to make about


      than the defense budget for confirmation of that.


      Obama thought Libya was a success – proves he’ll use the lead from behind strategy in the future.

      Barry 11. [Ben, Senior Fellow for Land Warfare @ Int’l Institute for Strategic Studies, “Libya’s Lessons” Survival, Vol 53 Issue 5]

      President Obama will feel his decision to ‘


      influence over selection of targets and operational planning.


      2NC Heg Defense



      Data disproves hegemony impacts

      Fettweis 11 Christopher J. Fettweis, Department of Political Science, Tulane University, 9/26/11, Free Riding or Restraint? Examining European Grand Strategy, Comparative Strategy, 30:316–332, EBSCO

      It is perhaps worth noting that there is


      think otherwise base their view on faith alone.


      Hegemony is no longer stabilizing

      Bandow 11 -- Senior Fellow @ the CATO Institute (Doug, " Solving the Debt Crisis: A Military Budget for a Republic," Jan 31st, http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=12746)

      More than two decades after the Cold War


      take more provocative positions against their potential adversaries.


      Heg decline will be peaceful - deductive and empirical evidence goes negative

      Parent 11—assistant for of pol sci, U Miami. PhD in pol sci, Columbia—and—Paul MacDonald—assistant prof of pol sci, Williams (Joseph, Graceful Decline?;The Surprising Success of Great Power Retrenchment, Intl. Security, Spring 1, p. 7)


      Some observers might dispute our conclusions, arguing


      performance or engage in foreign policy adventurism. 9


      Their laundry list of vague impacts is academic junk – conflicts can’t just emerge

      Fettweis, 11 Christopher J. Fettweis, Department of Political Science, Tulane University, 9/26/11, Free Riding or Restraint? Examining European Grand Strategy, Comparative Strategy, 30:316–332, EBSCO

      Assertions that without the combination of U.


      assured, with or without the United States.


      Even if heg is good, US wouldn’t deploy – offshore balancing and nukes solve the impact

      Adams 11. (Gordon, Professor U.S. Foreign Policy Program – American University, Distinguished Fellow – Stimson Center, “A Leaner and Meaner Defense,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90 Iss. 1, January/February)

      Some people point to China as a successor


      mission, governance reform, and economic development.


      Either collapse is inev from economy or it solve the internal link

      Kaplan 11. (Robert D and Stephen S, senior fellow – Center for a New American Security, and Kaplan, frmr. vice chairman – National Intelligence Council “America Primed,” The National Interest, March/April)

      But in spite of the seemingly inevitable and


      occasionally steely nerved and always free of illusion.


      2NC: No Suez


      Iranian officials concede

      Erdbrink 12/28

      [Thomas Erdbrink, “Iran unlikely to block oil shipments through Strait of Hormuz, analysts say”, The Washington Post, 12-28-2011, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/despite-threats-iran-unlikely-to-block-oil-shipments-through-strait-of-hormuz/2011/12/28/gIQAVSOSMP_story.html]

      And Iran — which has enjoyed record oil


      to the U.S., nothing more.”


      2NC: No Israel Impact

      Empirics are conclusive

      Cook 9. (Steven A, senior fellow, Mid East studies – CFR “Why Israel Won’t Attack Iran,” 6-9 -- Foreign Affairs)

      Yet, despite my best efforts to walk


      ruins of what was Iraq's Osirak nuclear facility.


      Israel won’t attack – relations with the US

      Cook 9. (Steven A, senior fellow, Mid East studies – CFR “Why Israel Won’t Attack Iran,” 6-9 -- Foreign Affairs)

      Given Israel's perception of an acute Iranian threat


      cautiously when it comes to the United States.


      Israel will threaten strikes for deterrence, but won’t follow through

      Cook 9. (Steven A, senior fellow, Mid East studies – CFR “Why Israel Won’t Attack Iran,” 6-9 -- Foreign Affairs)

      There is no way of knowing for sure


      will not hear about it first on CNBC.


      More empirical ev.

      Terrill 9. (W. Andrew, professor of national security affairs – Strategic Studies Institute “Escalation and Intrawar Deterrence During Limited Wars in the Middle East,” September)

      This work asserts that the Egyptians and the


      also had serious options for escalating the war.


      2NC: IPT = Biased

      They make up their own facts – total bias.

      Ali et al 11. [Wajahat, Researcher at the Center for American Progress and a Researcher for the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Eli Clifton, Researcher at the Center for American Progress and a National Security Reporter for the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Matthew Duss, Policy Analyst at the Center for American Progress and Director of the Center’s Middle East Progress, Lee Fang, Researcher at the Center for American Progress and an Investigative Researcher/Blogger for the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Scott Keyes, Researcher at the Center for American Progress and an Investigative Researcher for ThinkProgress.org at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Faiz Shakir, JD @ Georgetown, Vice President at the Center for American Progress and serves as Editor-in-Chief of ThinkProgress.org , “Fear Inc: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America” August -- Center for American Progress]

      The increasing influence of Islamophobia donors to Emerson’s


      citing research by Steven Emerson and Daniel Pipes.


      More ev.

      Ali et al 11. [Wajahat, Researcher at the Center for American Progress and a Researcher for the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Eli Clifton, Researcher at the Center for American Progress and a National Security Reporter for the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Matthew Duss, Policy Analyst at the Center for American Progress and Director of the Center’s Middle East Progress, Lee Fang, Researcher at the Center for American Progress and an Investigative Researcher/Blogger for the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Scott Keyes, Researcher at the Center for American Progress and an Investigative Researcher for ThinkProgress.org at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Faiz Shakir, JD @ Georgetown, Vice President at the Center for American Progress and serves as Editor-in-Chief of ThinkProgress.org , “Fear Inc: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America” August -- Center for American Progress]

      There are five key think tanks led by


      the Islamic social order all over the world.”


      2NC Impact Calc – Korea War


      Even a small war means extinction

      Hayes and Green 2009 – Professor of International Relations at RMIT University; Dean of and Professor in the Faculty of Arts, Education and Human Development at Victoria University (Peter Hayes & Michael Hamel-Green, “Denuclearizing The Korean Peninsula And Northeast Asia,” Asian Pacific Journal)


      The international community is increasingly aware that cooperative


      that warrants priority consideration from the international community.


      Kim Jong-il’s death has raised the risk of instability and escalation

      Reuters, 12-19 (Analysis: U.S. seeks Korea stability but influence limited, http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/12/20/us-korea-north-stability-idUSTRE7BJ02H20111220)


      But less than two months later, North


      Monday expressed confidence North Korea would remain united.


      AT – No Korean War


      Brinkmanship makes miscalculation inevitable

      Cronin ’10 (12/21/2010 (Patrick - senior adviser and senior director of the Asia-Pacific Security Program at the Center for a New American Security, Three paths to war on the korean peninsula, CNN, p. http://edition.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/12/20/cronin.north.korea.dangers/?hpt=C1)


      Conflict could erupt inadvertently in various ways.


      escalate into war, however short-lived.


      Deterrence doesn’t check – nuclearization changes the calculus

      Kuhn ’10 (12/20/2010 (David - chief political correspondent for Real Clear Politics, Second korean war suddenly possible, Real Clear Politics, p. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2010/12/20/second_korean_war_suddenly_possible__108294.html)


      "I'm worried this is not just another


      the world's most modern and densely populated cities.


      2NC Syria Frontline


      Obama is doing nothing on Syria.

      Glick 12-30. [Caroline, MA in Public Policy @ Harvard’s Kennedy School of Gov’t, “Column One; Obama’s foreign policy spin” Jerusalem Post -- http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/Article.aspx?id=251505]

      In Syria, while the administration insists that


      wield over the shape of things to come.



      AT: invade


      No Intervention by Anyone and Syrian opposition will say no.

      BBC News 1-17-12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-16597015

      . There has been little suggestion from other


      and neither is likely, our correspondent adds.


      Russia will veto.

      VOA News 1-18-12. http://blogs.voanews.com/breaking-news/2012/01/18/russia-vows-to-block-military-intervention-in-syria/

      Russia has vowed to block any Western attempts


      Russia is a key military ally of Syria.


      AT: Cave


      Russia wont cave– Syria is their chief ally in the Mid East


      Gutterman, Reuters staff, 1-17 [Steve, “Syria Uprising: Russia Keeps Up Support For Ally”, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/17/syria-russia_n_1211057.html]



       Russia signalled on Tuesday it would not


      to discuss all questions with our Western partners."

      AT – Russia Will Cave/Won’t Fight for Syria


      Their Abdul-Hussein evidence says the SNC has guaranteed Russia interests if Assad falls – the plan causes other opposition groups to succeed -- makes Russia influence decline inevitable


      Russia won't ever abandon Assad

      Karasik 12/9 "Explaining Russia's policy toward Syria - Analysis" Director, Research and Consultancy, INEGMA www.eurasiaview.com/09122011-explaining-Russias-policy-toward-syria-analysis?cid=nlc-dailybrief-daily_news_brief-link7-2011214

      Some observers of the Moscow-Damascus relationship


      as Syria moves towards the brink of disaster.

      AT: Doesn’t Fear Other




      No link – Russia fears the SNC but NOT the internal opposition.

      Martin, 1-14

      [Patrick, Russia stands shoulder-to-shoulder with besieged Syrian leader, The Globe and Mail, 1-14-2012, http://m.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/russia-stands-shoulder-to-shoulder-with-besieged-syrian-leader/article2302589/?service=mobile]

      Russia has its own plan for resolving the


      Western-backed Syrian National Council (SNC).

      Turns and Solves – Whole Aff


      Russia solves slow, stable reform now – the plan boxes them out of Syria and causes violence

      Day Press News, 1/17/2012, "A “Russian Initiative” to guide Syria," www.dp-news.com/en/detail.aspx?articleid=108761


      Contrary to what many people believe, the


      a thing called “opposition” in Syria.


      Russia solves case

      Moubayed ’1-7 (Middle East   Jan 7, 2012   15   Sami Moubayed is a university professor, historian, and editor-in-chief of Forward Magazine in Syria.  Russia's 'democracy package' for Syria By Sami Moubayed


      The new system, in theory, would


      fingerprints, and guarantees, all over it.


      The US has to let Russia lead on Syria

      Moubayed ’1-7 (Middle East   Jan 7, 2012   15   Sami Moubayed is a university professor, historian, and editor-in-chief of Forward Magazine in Syria.  Russia's 'democracy package' for Syria By Sami Moubayed


      DAMASCUS - The Russians have been talking a


      so will their influence in the Arab world.



      Turns – Middle East


      Russia key to ME stability and the aff can’t win offense: the Mid-East wants Russian presence

      NEMTSOVA ‘10 (Anna, is a Moscow-based correspondent for Newsweek magazine, Jun 04, “Russia aims to regain Middle East influence”, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sponsored/russianow/culture/7803263/Russia-aims-to-regain-Middle-East-influence.html)

      "We really wish Medvedev could play a


      peace and stability" in the Middle East.


      Encroachment on Russia’s sphere of influence will cause it to be the spoiler to the plan – DA flips back case

      SADI ‘7 Waleed Sadi, former Jordian ambassador to Turkey and the United Nations, 12/4/2007, Without Russia, the US Faces Middle Eastern Frustration, The Daily Star, p. http://www.dailystar.com.lb/article.asp?edition_id=10&categ_id=5&article_id=87208


      Putin has employed different means to counter this


      its policies in the Middle East to fruition.


      Turns – Heg

      Backlash over Syria jacks heg

      Baker ‘8 (By PETER BAKER Published: August 21, 2008)


      The president of Syria spent two days this


      now we could see the realization of that.


      Turns – Iran


      Meddling in Russia sphere of influence cause sale of the S-300- turns Iran

      Sherwell ‘8 (Russia threatens to supply Iran with top new missile system as 'cold war' escalates Russia is deploying the threat to sell a "game changing" air defence system to Iran as a high stakes bargaining chip in its new "cold war" with America, The Sunday Telegraph has learned.  By Philip Sherwell in New York and William Lowther in Washington Last Updated: 1:42AM BST 31 Aug 2008 Dmitry Medvedev [right] speaks with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during their bilateral meeting in Dushanbe on August 28, 2008 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev [right] speaks with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during their bilateral meeting in Dushanbe on August 28, 2008 Photo: AFP/GETTY)


      US intelligence fears the Kremlin will supply the


      the world to the edge of a precipice."


      Strong Russia key to deter Iran

      VOA News 7/29/09 (Voice of America News. “Can Russia Influence Iran to Curb Its Nuclear Ambitions?” http://www.voanews.com/english/2009-07-21-voa54.cfm)


      Many experts say whether Tehran decides to curtail


      key to achieving that diplomatically," he said.



      Russia Impacts – Econ, Naval Heg, Terror, Turns – Middle East


      Russia influence key to its naval power and defense industry

      Wilson ‘11 (Michael, Bashar al-Assad: Moscow’s Indispensable Man, Middle Eastern Analysis, Oct 13, http://middleeasternanalysis.wordpress.com/)


      The Assad regime plays an important role in


      the Russian military industry with much needed revenue.


      Russian economic decline causes nuclear war

      Filger ‘9 (Sheldon, author and blogger for the Huffington Post, “Russian Economy Faces Disastrous Free Fall Contraction” http://www.globaleconomiccrisis.com/blog/archives/356)


      In Russia historically, economic health and political


      Global Economic Crisis is its least dangerous consequence.


      Russian naval power is critical to solve regional war, terrorism and economy—also maintains overall Russian power and nuclear deterrence

      Vego ‘9 (MILAN VEGO is a professor of operations at the Joint Military Operations Department at the Naval War College, “The Russian Navy revitalized,” Armed Forces Journal, May, http://www.armedforcesjournal.com/2009/05/3989255/)


      he Russian Navy today is not nearly as


      and oceans and along the continental shelf zone.






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