USC » USC Patterson-Wong Neg

USC Patterson-Wong Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 19:19
  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Wake

      Round 2 v. UCO AV (Yemen Child Marriages)

      Judge: Izak Dunn
      1NC - T-Health Assistance not DemA, Jordan Education CP, Saudi DA, Development K, case
      2NC - CP, case
      1NR - Saudi DA, case
      2NR - CP, case - Islamophobia turns on case as the net benefit

      Round 3 v. Baylor CM (Remove security restrictions)

      Judge: JV Reed
      1NC - T-DA, Arab Pessimism K, CDD CP, case
      2NC - case
      1NR - T
      2NR - case - War on Terror turn

      Round 5 v. Louisville VW (Quare in Yemen)

      Judge: Travis Cram
      1NC - CDD CP, Spillback, Selfish politics K, case
      2NC - Spillback, Selfish politics
      1NR - CDD, case
      2NR - CDD, Spillback

      Round 7 v. Concordia BW (Yemen Women's Solidarity)

      Judge: Adam Abelkop
      1NC - T-DemA, Kevin Carter K, Arab Pessimism K, Saudi DA, case
      2NC - Kevin Carter, case
      1NR - T
      2NR - T


      Round 1 v. NYU AG (USAID Reform in Egypt)

      Judge: Mick Souders
      1NC - Arab Pessimism K, CDD CP, case
      2NC - Arab Pessimism K, case
      1NR - CDD CP, case
      2NR - CDD CP

      Round 3 v. ASU DS (Egypt Constitution Writing)

      Judge: Jim Hanson
      1NC - Islamist NGOs PIC, Presidential Directive CP, EPA, case
      2NC - PIC, Presidential Directive CP, case
      1NR - Politics, case
      2NR - PIC, Relations DA on the Presidential Directive CP, case

      Round 6 v. Baylor HN (E-IMET)

      Judge: Alyssa Lucas-Bolin
      1NC - AIPAC DA, Saudi DA, Backchannel CP, case
      2NC - Backchannel CP, case
      1NR - AIPAC, case
      2NR - AIPAC, case

      Round 7 v. Gonzaga DH (Yemen Police Training)

      Judge: Brian Manuel
      1NC - T-Increase, Development CP, Exclude Yemen CP, EPA, Saudi DA
      2NC - Exclude Yemen CP, Saudi DA, case
      1NR - EPA
      2NR - Saudi DA, case


      Round 4 v. Fullerton CS (Yemeni Subject)

      Judge: Kirk Evans
      1NC - Framework, Arab Pessimism K, Agamben
      2NC - Agamben
      1NR - Case
      2NR - Agamben

      Round 6 v. Harvard BS (Starship Troopers)

      Judge: Ian Beier
      1NC - Framework, Selfish politics K, case
      2NC - Selfish Politics K, Case
      1NR - Case
      2NR - Case

      Round 7 v. Dartmouth PY (Police Training in Libya through the UN)

      Judge: Jeff Buntin
      1NC - Saudi DA, Neolib K, EU CP
      2NC - Neolib, UN Adv
      1NR - EU CP, Stability Adv
      2NR - Neolib, case


      Round 2 v. UNLV BV (Egypt NGOs)

      Judge: Jason Peterson
      1NC - AIPAC DA, Saudi DA, Presidential Directive CP, Security K
      2NC - Saudi DA, signaling adv
      1NR - Presidential Directive CP, Elections adv
      2NR - Presidential Directive CP, Saudi DA, case

      Round 4 v. Texas BK (Yemen)

      Judge: Jake Thompson
      1NC – T-Direct assistance, Development CP, Consult Saudi Arabia CP, Saudi DA, Security K
      2NC – Saudi DA, terror adv
      1NR – Consult CP, stability adv
      2NR – Consult CP, Saudi DA

      Round 5 v. ASU DS (Egypt constitution writing)

      Judge: Ian Beier
      1NC – Backchannel CP, EU CP/DA, Security K
      2NC – EU DA, Security K, case
      1NR – Backchannel CP, case
      2NR – Security K, case

  • T - Direct

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 4 | Opponent: Texas BK | Judge:

    • 1NC Shell

      Democracy assistance must be direct assistance where the primary focus is fostering democracy. This is distinct from aid which aims to create conditions which then indirectly may lead to democracy.
      Lappin 2010
      Lappin, Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, 2010, What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance, Volume 4, Issue 1,
      In defining democracy assistance…is therefore a very precise instrument within a broader democracy promotion paradigm.

      Economic aid is a form of indirect assistance – it helps create the conditions for democracy building but doesn’t directly create democracy.
      Lappin 2010
      Lappin, Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, 2010, What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance, Volume 4, Issue 1,
      Problems Resulting From Definitional Uncertainty…It does not therefore include economic and social aid programmes.’

      Vote neg

      1. Limits – any number of activities can create the conditions for democracy to flourish. Any sort of poverty reduction program and plans like build more schools becomes topical. Direct assistance is core of the topic literature – includes support key democratic functions like election assistance and free media.

      2. Ground – all our disad links and counterplans are based on increases in democracy assistance, democracy literature is huge and assistance is just a small subset. And they can claim advantages off of giving economic aid which are unrelated to the impact on democracy building.

      3. Mixing burdens – forces the aff to prove solvency to be topical because there’s no way to know if providing economic assistance creates democracy without knowing the effects of that aid. Guts predictability – that’s key to topic specific negative strategies which are more fair and educational.


    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Shell

      A. President Obama has hesitated to get actively involved in the Arab Spring because of lobbies like AIPAC.
      Khazen, ’11 [Jihad, 8/9, Dar Al Hayat (Lebanon), ‘Ayoon Wa Azn (The Enemies Within Are Always More Sinister Than the Enemies Without.’]
      The U.S. policy in the Middle East does not make sense at all…It is such a policy that gives rise to the results we have seen in the public opinion polls.

      B. Obama is generally paying lip service to the Arab Spring countries to not upset AIPAC. The lobby is terrified of Israeli’s security in the midst of Egypt’s democratic transition.
      Nasser, ’11 [Nicola, veteran Arab journalist based in Bir Zeit, The Global Realm, The Middle East at a Strategic Crossroads: Threat to US Hegemony? 1/31,]
      Arab en masse protests, especially in Egypt, are cornering the United States in a bind…Hence the Israeli media reports about a possible Israeli reoccupation of the Gaza – Egypt borders.

      C. AIPAC will do everything in its power to shift the attention away from Arab Spring to Iran. Further U.S. support for these movements is a giant slap in the face to Israelis – plan will spur a more effective AIPAC push for Iranian containment.
      Kampeas, ’11 [Ron, May 27, Jewish News of Greater Phoenix Vol. 63 Iss. 38, “AIPAC conference pushes Iran sanctions, Israel aid.”]
      One AIPAC-supported bill, already under consideration in the U.S. House of Representatives…also went out of his way to put the matter behind him, praising Obama.

      D. These new rounds of unilateral sanctions will devastate U.S.-China bilateral relations, China depends on Iranian imports to fuel their economy.
      Downs and Maloney, ’11 [Erica S. and Suzanne, 9/2, Brookings, “Getting China to Sanction Iran.”]
      For more than three decades, the United States has tried to persuade the international community …in order to entangle it in problems beyond its borders and thereby constrain its reemergence. 

      E. Strained relations cause nuclear war and extinction.
      Chen and Wolf, ‘1 [Shuxun (Former Secretary General of China Reform Forum) and Dr. Charles (Senior Economic Advisor @ Rand), RAND]  
      Nevertheless, America’s main interests in China have been quite constant…will affect the global atmosphere and currently endangered species.

      2NC Overview

      New sanctions make war and high oil prices even more likely.
      Loehrke, ’11 [Benjamin (Senior Policy Analyst, Ploughshares Fund), 8/18, Huffington Post, “Don’t Sanction Iran for Sanctions’ Sake.”]
      Last week, more than 90 U.S. Senators sent a letter to President Obama …What are U.S. objectives with Iran and how do sanctions work to achieve them?

      Sanctions only punish the poor and cause instability.
      Carter, ’11 [Stephen L., 7/30, The Daily Beast, “Iran and the Sanctions Trap.”]
      This is the point to remember. When we impose sanctions, we are using force to punish the poor…exactly whom we are really punishing

      Instability would spillover to Russia – sparks Chechen conflict.
      Clawson, ‘6 [Deputy director for research of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy & Eisenstadt, Senior Fellow  Washington Institute, November (]
      Fear of instability. Although Russia fears a nuclear Iran, it also fears instability in Iran…at least 10 million ethnic Azeris live in Iran. 

      Nuclear war.
      Blank, ‘2 [Stephen security studies prof at the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College, (“Putin's Twelve-Step Program,” Washington Quarterly,]
      The absence of effective democratic control over the army…Putin risks Russia's integrity and stability by waging an unwinnable war to gain personal power.

      2NC Link Wall – Egypt

      Israel wouldn’t want the U.S. to endorse Egyptian revolts for several reasons: 

      1. An Egyptian government that is pro-normalization of relations with Iran
        2. An Egyptian government that will end the blockade of the Gaza Strip
        3. A US that won’t take down Assad
        4. Fears the protest movement in Jordan
        Möckli, ‘11 [Daniel, CSS Analysis in Security Policy, THE MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT: CHANGING CONTEXT, NEW OPPORTUNITIES, No. 94 • May]
        However, the upheavals in the Arab neighbourhood have aggravated the strategic environment for Israel…., Israel is increasingly painting itself into a corner with regard to the Palestine issue.

      AIPAC has economic incentives to sustain the former regime.
      MEM, ’11 [Middle East Monitor, 5/26, “AIPAC official says Egypt’s commitment to peace demands blockade on Gaza.”]
      An official at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee… Israeli and American forces should be considering how to meet possible Egyptian threats."

      2NC I/L – AIPAC Powerful

      AIPAC controls US Middle East policies – everyone shows them ultimate deference – nothing gets passed without AIPAC’s approval.
      Lendmen, 2011 (Stephen Lendmen, AIPAC's Ugly Agenda, September 28,

      AIPAC is an unregistered foreign agent representing Israel… As a result, everyone pays dearly.
      Our link is particularly true of Obama – he bends to AIPAC influence – he removed all Israel criticism from his administration.
      Hayden, 2011 (Tom Hayden, the Nation Institute's Carey McWilliams Fellow, J Street Opposes Palestine's UN Bid; US Increasingly Isolated, The Nation, September 16,
      The Obama administration has had to retreat in the face of the so-called Israel Lobby… the Christian right and AIPAC may be taking brinksmanship over the cliff.

      AIPAC has substantial influence over Congress’ decisions.
      Barghouti, ’11 [Omar, 5/14, CommonDreams, “Challenging AIPAC’s Abuse of US Taxpayers Money.”]
      Having stood on the wrong side of history during the Tunisian and then the Egyptian revolutions… by all those who care about the cause of justice and peace in the U.S. and, by extension, the entire world.

  • Saudi DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Shell – Egypt

      The Arab Spring puts the US and Saudi Arabia on a collision course – US support for democratic movements will ruin US-Saudi relations – cuts off US oil access.
      Nasr 2011
      Vali Nasr, Bloomberg View columnist, Will the Saudis Kill the Arab Spring? Bloomberg,
      In his speech last week on the Middle East, President Barack Obama left little doubt that America stands… they saw U.S. policy as a direct threat to them.

      Saudi Arabia wants a hand in Egypt to counter Iranian influence – the Saudis fear that any number of forces sympathetic to Iran will fill the void left by Mubarak.
      Reuters 2011
      Reuters, February 7, 2011, Saudi Arabia fears Egypt unrest could bolster Iran's role in region: analysts,
      Yet the Saudis may feel that a weakened Mubarak… and are on good terms with Iran.

      Saudi-Iran tensions increase oil prices and shocks and cause an arms race
      Spindle and Coker 2011   
      Bill, Maraget, WSJ, 4-16,
      "The cold war is a reality," says one senior Saudi official… a looming nuclear arms race in the region.

      Middle Eastern arms race goes nuclear.
      Cirincione 2007
      Joseph, Director of Nuclear Policy at the Center for American Progress, "Apocalypse When?," November 12th,, AD 7/7/11
      Third is the risk of new nuclear nations… That is a recipe for nuclear war.

      1NC Shell – Yemen

      Saudi Arabia will accept only the GCC proposal – they fear a Saleh trial would set a dangerous precedent in the region AND they want to maintain a hand in Yemen’s politics. They want the transition to occur so General Ali Mohsen al Ahmar can gain power.
      Shakdam 2011
      Catherine Shakdam, July 6, 2011, Foreign Policy Association,
      When asked what he thought should be done in Yemen, Mohsen said…Mohsen is positioning himself as a man of measure and poise, aware of the need of an international partnership in the region.

      Saudi Arabia will invade to stop successful democratic revolutions – fear of a revolution at home and loss of regional hegemony – would jack oil market stability
      Ahlul Bayt News Agency 2011
      Ahlul Bayt News Agency, July 12, 2011 (Commander: Saudi Regime Feeling Deeply Intimidated by Arab Spring,
      He mentioned that Saudi officials are feeling deep concern…by the Al-Khalifa and Al-Saud regimes and the West's support for their crimes.

      Even small changes in the Middle Eastern oil market will can price spikes and shocks – devastates the economic recovery and spreads globally
      Newman 2011
      Rick Newman, February 18, 2011, How Arab Unrest could Harm the World Economy, US News & World Report,
      Oil, however, is a different story…The impact on the world economy would be significant."

      Oil wars cause extinction
      Richard Heinberg, core faculty member at New College of California, 2003 (The Party’s Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies, p. 230)
      He mentioned that Saudi officials are feeling deep concern for the outcomes of the current…but of humanity and most of the biosphere. 

      1NC Shell - Oil

      Read round 7 KY v. Dartmouth PY

      US support for democratic movements will ruin US-Saudi relations – that causes the collapse of the US-Saudi oil agreement – causes oil wars.
      Nasr 2011
      Vali Nasr, Bloomberg View columnist, Will the Saudis Kill the Arab Spring? Bloomberg,
      In his speech last week on the Middle East…they saw U.S. policy as a direct threat to them. 

      Oil wars cause extinction
      Richard Heinberg, core faculty member at New College of California, 2003 (The Party’s Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies, p. 230)
      Today the average US citizen uses five times as much energy as the world average…but of humanity and most of the biosphere.

      1NC Shell - UCO AV (Yemen Child Marriages)

      The US is tempering its support for democracy movements to protect US-Saudi relations

      Spindle and Coker 2011

      Bill, Maraget, WSJ, 4-16,

      The intensified wrangling across the Persian…a looming nuclear arms race in the region.


      The plan represents a huge problem for Saudi Arabia – it is contrary to Mohammed’s teachings

      Makhmudov October 26th Saudi Arabia: Child marriage, the Hadiths and the Islamophobia card, Murad, Modern Tokyo Times,

      Turning back to Saudi Arabia… whereby the most draconian aspects of Sharia Islamic law have been rejected.


      Saudi Arabia will invade Yemen to suppress greater democratic freedoms – brutal backlash creates more instability.

      Ahlul Bayt News Agency 2011

      Ahlul Bayt News Agency, July 12, 2011 (Commander: Saudi Regime Feeling Deeply Intimidated by Arab Spring,

      He mentioned that Saudi officials are feeling deep concern by the Al-Khalifa and Al-Saud regimes and the West's support for their crimes.

      1NC Shell - Concordia BW (Yemen Women's Solidarity)

      Saudi Arabia wants a subservient Yemen to prevent democratic movements throughout the region.

      Al-Shamahi 2011

      Abubakr Al-Shamahi, freelance journalist and editor of Comment Middle East, August 8, 2011, Taking a chance on a democratic Yemen, Al Jazeera,

      Then come the two states with the biggest influence in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the US… This would no doubt upset the balance of power in the region.


      Saudi Arabia will invade Yemen to suppress greater democratic freedoms – brutal backlash creates more instability.

      Ahlul Bayt News Agency 2011

      Ahlul Bayt News Agency, July 12, 2011 (Commander: Saudi Regime Feeling Deeply Intimidated by Arab Spring,

      He mentioned that Saudi officials are feeling deep concern by the Al-Khalifa and Al-Saud regimes and the West's support for their crimes. 

      2NC OV – Turns Case

      Saudi lashout means no united international community – means the military will rollback the plan
      Korski 2011
      Daniel Korski, European Council On Foreign Relations, July 5, 2011 (Arab Spring: Without military reform Egypt cannot democratize,
      The key consideration is to cajole and persuade Egypt’s military leadership… Egypt’s security can no longer be bought through the comfortable kleptocracy of Military Inc.

      Increased Saudi regional influence will shatter US credibility on democracy and cause sectarian wars that eliminate the potential for political and civil society reform
      Escobar 2011
      Pepe Escobar, author of Globalistan: How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War, Fear and loathing in the House of Saud, April 21, 2011, Asia Times,
      It's the House of Saud counter-revolution against the Great 2011 Arab Revolt… an axis of multiple evils in itself that should only deserve a shallow grave in the desert sands. 

      2NC OV – Yemen

      Major nations would get drawn into the conflict – goes nuclear
      Joe Lauria, New York-based investigative journalist. A freelance member of the Sunday Times of London Insight team, he has also worked on investigations for the Boston Globe and Bloomberg News., April 14, 2008 (The Huffington Post, “The Coming War with Iran: It’s About the Oil, Stupid,”
      The Saudis would not mind seeing the Iranian regime go…It’s about the oil, stupid.

      And there’s a conceded economy impact – even small shocks will torpedo the fragile economic recovery – we’re on the brink now – that’s Newman – Extinction
      Tom Bearden, Retired from the U.S. Army, Director of the Association of Distinguished American Scientists and Fellow Emeritus at the Alpha Foundation’s Institute for Advanced Study, June 24, 2000 (“The Unnecessary Energy Crisis: How to Solve it Quickly,”
      History bears out that desperate nations take desperate actions…at least for many decades.

      Saudi Arabia will punish Yemen for breaking ranks – will expel migrant workers and cut off aid to Yemen, crippling their economy.
      Haykel 2011
      Bernard Haykel, Professor of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton, June 14, 2011, Global Public Sphere – CNN Blog,
      Riyadh has not hesitated to punish Sana'a whenever it has expressed an independent policy…and non-ideological nature of Saudi Arabia's foreign policy.

      If the Saudis can’t influence the choice of the next president they’ll cut off financial assistance to Yemen – that makes Yemen a new terrorist hotbed.
      Byman 2011
      Daniel L. Byman, 3/22/11 Director of Research, Saban Center for Middle East Policy Yemen, The Arab Spring and Middle East Unrest, Middle East, Slate
      Saudi Arabia has often tried, and often failed, to play kingmaker in Yemen…There is only so much cooperation the United States can buy

      2NC Saudi Nuclearization Impact

      Saudi Arabia will nuclearize – new regional power dynamics and they have the ability to do so independently.
      Mauro 2011
      Ryan Mauro, founder of, the national security adviser for the Christian Action Network, an analyst with Wikistrat and is a frequent contributor to Fox News, August 16, 2011, The Arab Spring and the Arab Bomb, Front Page Mag,
      Iran’s race towards a nuclear bomb is causing its Arab adversaries to contemplate building their own weapons… and constructing a weapon could take up to two decades.

      They also will seek nukes from Pakistan – ensuing tensions cause Pakistani state collapse which spreads through the region.
      Siddiqui 2011
      Farrukh Siddiqui, Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns, June 30, 2011,
      The Australian said that until recently it appeared that… Saudi Arabia may seek to capitalise on its investment.

      Pakistan collapse causes global nuclear war
      Ron Rosenbaum, November 29 2007 (“Talkin' World War IIIThe return of the repressed”,
      I don't want to be alarmist (actually I do, or rather I'd like you to share my sense of alarm)… From a cave to a nuclear control room is not an utterly unforeseeable nightmare.

      2NC Food Prices Impact

      Oil price spikes creates economic instability and causes food prices to spike
      Prince 2011
      Rob Prince, March 6, 2011, The Oil Crisis to Come,
      And…the price of a gallon of gasoline continues to climb…and polarize the Middle East region, intensifying all of these tendencies.

      Blips in food prices kill billions
      Tampa Tribune, January 20, 1996
      On a global scale, food supplies…already spend more than half of their income on food.

      2NC China Impact

      Saudis will cut off US oil access – retaliation for spreading democracy in the region – fears of unrest at home will cause Saudi backlash – Nasr.
      Saudi Arabia will export more oil to China – causes US-China war.
      Alterman and Garver 2008
      Jon B. Alterman, director and senior fellow of the CSIS Middle East Program, and John W. Garver, professor of International Affairs at Georgia Tech, member of the editorial boards of the journals China Quarterly, Journal of Contemporary China, Issues and Studies, and Asian Security, and a member of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, The Vital Triangle: China, the United States, and the Middle East Chapter One – Introduction, October 15, 2008,
      In the global hunt for oil, the United States had a huge head start…the consequences of such conflict are serious enough that they bear prolonged examination.

      The Straits Times, June 25, 2000 (“Regional Fallout: No One Gains in the War Over Taiwan”, Pg. L/N)
      THE high-intensity scenario postulates a cross-strait war…for China puts sovereignty above everything else.

      2NC UQ

      Saudi Arabia is holding back now – want to watch the Arab Spring play out before making moves
      Reuters 2011
      Reuters, July 13, 2011 (Analysis - Saudi policy on Yemen and Syria seen floundering,
      DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has helped damp down democracy movements sweeping the Arab world… intervene more forcefully to stop democratic changes or, in some cases, to back them.

      2NC Link Wall – Generic

      Even small disputes will torpedo relations – tense regional climate magnifies disagreements
      Murphy 2011
      Brian Murphy, August 12, 2011, Mideast upheavals open doors for Saudi strategies, The Olympian,,
      But even small rough patches between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia…," Boucek said. "Saudi Arabia is now in a position to pursue its own interests."

      The focus of the relationship is entirely on democracy – it’s taking precedence over oil and other political issues.
      Oil and Gas Journal 2011
      March 28, "A 'proxy war' in Bahrain", LEXIS
      "The [friendly] relationship between the US and Saudi Arabia… The king returned from medical leave this month and has handed out billions of dollars in grants to stave off protestors.

      Lack of prior consultation will anger the Saudis – perceived as pushing American interests
      Boucek 2011
      Christopher Boucek, associate in the Carnegie Middle East Program- focusing on security challenges in Arabian Peninsula & Northern Africa, June 21, 2011, “U.S.-Saudi Relations in the Shadow of the Arab Spring”
      Oftentimes, American officials want to go to Saudi Arabia… work together to reach the same common goal

      Any deviation from the status quo will upset the Saudis
      Boucek 2011
      Christopher Boucek, associate in the Carnegie Middle East Program- focusing on security challenges in Arabian Peninsula & Northern Africa, June 21, 2011, “U.S.-Saudi Relations in the Shadow of the Arab Spring”
      Since the onset of the Arab Spring… Preservation of the status quo is the most important thing.

      2NC Link Wall – Egypt

      Saudi Arabia’s biggest fear regarding Egypt is whether the government will ally with Iran or back the Saudis
      Jacinto 2011
      Leela Jacinto, August 3, 2011, Will Mubarak face justice?
      But he added that while the Saudis don’t want to see Mubarak on trial… Iran has long been a threat to Saudi Arabia’s Sunni monarchy.

      4. Bandar 

      a. The US must get Bandar on board with the plan to minimize Saudi Arabia’s fear of regional power imbalances. The impact is Saudi modernization, proliferation from Pakistan, and conflict with Iran.
      Hannah 2011
      John Hannah, April 22, 2011, Bandar’s Return, Foreign Policy,
      As my friend Simon Henderson has been chronicling… it is likely to be Bandar.

      b. Bandar hates the plan – he wants Tantawi and the SCAF to have full power
      Escobar 2011
      Pepe Escobar, author of Globalistan: How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War, The secret life of Arabia, Asia Times,
      The House of Saud has its hands full with Egypt… At least there may be a few reasons to expect not such a bleak, upcoming Arab Summer.

      2NC Link Wall – Yemen

      Saudis fear instability on their southern border – possibility of conflict on two fronts means the Saudis will take aggressive action
      Friedman 2011
      George Friedman, Yemen Crisis Escalates to Near Civil War, March 23, 2011, The Cutting Edge News,
      A crisis in Yemen is rapidly escalating…the situation in Yemen is becoming one that the Saudis can no longer leave on the backburner.

      Regional spillover– Saudi Arabia wants a subservient Yemen to prevent democratic movements throughout the region.
      Al-Shamahi 2011
      Abubakr Al-Shamahi, freelance journalist and editor of Comment Middle East, August 8, 2011, Taking a chance on a democratic Yemen, Al Jazeera,
      Then come the two states with the biggest influence in Yemen…This would no doubt upset the balance of power in the region. 


      We don’t have to win that the US-Saudi relationship collapses to win an impact
      Takeyh 2011
      Ray, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, The New York Times, June 8
      Today, Riyadh and Washington see the region in starkly different terms….but it is also likely to be more turbulent and unstable.

      The Arab Spring has changed the paradigm of US-Saudi relations – the security alliance is on the brink because Saudi Arabia sees the US as abandoning key allies in the region
      Richter 2011
      Paul Richter, March 15, 2011, U.S. may lose either way in Bahrain crisis, LA Times,
      Despite the cautious U.S. language, the crisis comes at a time when the historically close American relationships…Two days later, Bahraini authorities asked the Saudis to send military help.

      The Arab Spring is a total game changer – seen as betrayal of the security alliance – it’s caused relations to be at their tensest point in decades
      Reuters 2011
      Jeff Mason and Richard Mably, June 15, 2011, Saudi, U.S. debated oil reserve swap before OPEC – sources,
      The failure of the oil swap idea comes amid the most tense US-Saudi relationship in decades…on social programs to help the poor.

      Democracy assistance is the key issue for relations
      Karsik 2011
      Dr. Theodore Karasik, Director for Research and Development at the Institute for Near East & Gulf Military Analysis (INEGMA), interview with SUSRIS, the Saudi-US Relations Information Service, A Conversation with Dr. Theodore Karasik of INEGMA on the “Arab Spring,” August 1, 2011, Arabia Link,
      SUSRIS: How do you interpret recent public statements…but at their own pace and scope.

      A2: Palestine Vote

      The Saudis are bluffing – cooperation with the US is too important
      Jonathan S. Tobin 9/12/11 (Senior Editor for Commentary Magazine, “Saudi Bluff on Palestinians Fools No One,”
      It appears the Palestinian Authority isn’t the only Middle East party playing liar’s bluff…are a greater threat to the Saudi monarchy than anyone else.

      They are bluffing – they use the Palestinian issue as a cover for their own human rights abuses
      David Keyes 9/16/11 (Executive director of Advancing Human Rights and cofounder of “Saudi Arabia’s Hypocritical U.S. Threat,” The Daily Beast, )
      The basic contours of the U.S.-Saudi relationship are easy to understand:…theocratic dictatorship in order first. With allies like these, who needs enemies?

  • Presidential Directive CP

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 2 | Opponent: UNLV BV | Judge:

    • 1NC Shell

      President Obama should issue a presidential directive providing funding to civil society organizations operating in the country referenced in United States Code Title 22, Chapter 49, subchapter I, section 3403.

      Presidential directives provide covert aid while allowing the US to deny it in public – aid to Libya’s opposition group proves.
      All Africa 2011
      Libya: Obama Approves Covert Aid to Opposition – Report, May 13, 2011, All Africa,
      Western nations are stepping up their support for forces opposing Muammar al-Gaddafi…no decision has been made about providing arms to the opposition or to any group in Libya."

      1NR Relations DA

      High profile US assistance prevents sustainable US-Egyptian relations
      Cook 2011
      Steven A. Cook is the Hasib J. Sabbagh senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations 11 (“Foreign Policy: US Can't Hijack Egypt's Revolution”,
      The main reason is that Egyptians remain distrustful of Washington….— is likely to embitter all parties involved.

      Turns the aff
      Council on Foreign Relations 2002
      (Council on Foreign Relations Press, May 2002, Strengthening the U.S.-Egyptian Relationship,
      The U.S.-Egyptian relationship is rooted in strategic calculation….would drastically recast the management of the Middle East.

      A2: Perm do the CP

      Power in the federal government is divided in 3 branches
      Rotunda 01 (18 Const. Commentary 319, “THE COMMERCE CLAUSE, THE POLITCAL QUESTION DOCTRINE, AND MORRISON,” lexis)
      The Framers of our Constitution anticipated…by splitting it between two Houses of Congress. n12

      Authority is not centralized in a monolithic federal government but divided among 3 branches.
      Alabama Law Review, 2002 (l/n)
      The Framers sought to protect liberty by creating…by splitting it between two Houses of Congress

      Solvency - Egypt

      Democracy assistance to Egypt should be covert – opaqueness spurs backlash over funding allocation
      Democracy Digest, October 5 (Egypt: transparent democracy assistance vs covert aid to illiberal forces? Democracy Digest, October 5, 2011,
      Is the controversy over US democracy assistance to Egypt obscuring the real power-play?... and urged that appropriate measures be taken to ensure the Egyptian election process is protected from outside influence.”

  • Consult Saudi Arabia CP

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 4 | Opponent: Texas BK | Judge:

    • 1NC Shell

      The United States federal government will have binding consult with the Saudi Arabian government over the future of the United States’ democracy assistance in Yemen.

      US Yemen policy is unilateral and fragmented by nature – need to work with Saudi Arabia over the future of Yemen
      Joseph Logan, Reuters, June 18, 2011,
      “Analysis: Yemen crisis puts Saudi in powerbroker’s bind”
      (Sheila Carapico, a Yemen expert & political science professor at American University of Cairo)
      The opposition parties have participated in negotiations with Yemen’s acting leader…it is we really, really don’t like al Qaeda.”

  • Backchannel CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Shell – Egypt

      The United States federal government should authorize Frank Wisner to engage in backchannel negotiations with Egyptian civil society organizations for the purpose of rewriting the Egyptian constitution without Article 2

      Normal means is that Wisner would be sent to engage in backchannel talks with the Egyptian government – it’s how we told Mubarak we were no longer backing him
      The Guardian 2011
      Egypt protests - Tuesday 1 February, February 2011, The Guardian,
      President Obama has told theembattled president of Egypt…even as it has called for an "orderly transition" to a more politically open Egypt.

      This is particularly true in Egypt – the overt nature of the plan causes Egyptian backlash – anger over US pushing its interests causes public resentment.
      Kodmani and Dubarry 2009
      Bassma Kodmani is the executive director of the Arab Reform Initiative, a consortium of Arab and international think tanks with a joint program on reform in the Arab world, May Chartouni-Dubarry is a Senior Research Fellow in Middle-Eastern studies, “The Security Sector in Arab Countries: Can it be Reformed?" IDS Bulletin Volume 40, No 2, March
      A second factor relates to the current context of instability…it is discreet or secretive and increases the opacity of the sector.

      A2: Normal Means

      CP isn’t normal means—DA can’t be covert—proves either the CP is competitive or they’re not topical
      Office for Promotion of Parliamentary Democracy, EU-10
      Getting Acquainted: Setting the Stage for Democracy Assistance
      Democracy assistance programmes ……..nature to assistance

      2NC Solvency

      Third party intermediaries create more effective backchannel talks – trust and impartiality with no political agendas
      Wanis-St. John 2011
      Anthony Wanis-St. John, asst prof in the School of International Service at American University, 2011 (Back Channel Negotiation: Secrecy in the Middle East Peace Process, p. 268-9)
      In contrast, the other third-party states ………back channels is present.

      Solvency – Intermediaries

      Intermediaries are mutually trusted and facilitate dialogue when it’s stalled – secrecy and disavowability means no perception of the talks
      Pruitt 2008
      Dean G. Pruitt, Distinguished Scholar in Residence at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution and SUNY, Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University at Buffalo: State University of New York, 2008 (Back-channel Communication in the Settlement of Conflict, International Negotiation, 13 (2008), 37–54)
      Back-channels often involve ………….signed and ratified (Mallie and McKittrick 2001).

      A2: Perm

      4. Perm is severance – voting issue because it jacks stable neg ground
      a – Severs out of resolved – it means to be firmly determined.
      OED 2005
      The Oxford Dictionary of English (2nd edition revised), 2005
      resolved … to do something

      b – The resolution mandates the increase must be substantial, this means unconditonal
      Words and Phrases 1964 (40 W&P 759)
      The words “outward, open, actual, visible, substantial, … or pertaining to any others; undivided; sole; opposed to inclusive.

      c – Proves competition – the counterplan is less engagement than the plan
      Carothers 2k
      Thomas Carothers, The Clinton Record on Democracy Promotion, Critical mission: essays on democracy promotion, p. 40
      No simple, black-and-white judgment of the Clinton record on democracy is possible…the Clinton approach has changed over time, in response to political developments in the world and at home.
      5. Backchannel avoids the appearance of meddling
      Parker 2010
      Elizabeth Rindskopf, Dean, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law; Suffolk University Law Review, 43 Suffolk U. L. Rev. 829
      We must also be careful that we do not allow ourselves to be drawn into internal …The military knows themselves that we confront a weakened military through overuse. 

      A2: Leaks

      Even if leaks happen Obama would deny and distance himself from the heat
      Craig Scott, 2011 (A Surfer’s Guide to US Foreign Policy in Egypt, or Has
      Obama Been Snookered? Research Paper No. 10/2011, OSGOODE CLPE RESEARCH PAPER SERIES, VOL. 07 NO. 04)
      Of course, an alternative interpretation needs to be considered…the President would now be engaging in dissembling as they disavow Wisner’s remarks as those in Wisner’s

      2NC Relations DA - Egypt

      High profile US assistance prevents sustainable US-Egyptian relations
      Cook 2011
      Steven A. Cook is the Hasib J. Sabbagh senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations 11 (“Foreign Policy: US Can't Hijack Egypt's Revolution”,
      The main reason is that Egyptians remain distrustful of Washington….— is likely to embitter all parties involved.

      US-Egyptian relations key to regional stability and US hegemony – power projection and maintains the peace with Israel.
      Council on Foreign Relations 2002
      (Council on Foreign Relations Press, May 2002, Strengthening the U.S.-Egyptian Relationship,
      The U.S.-Egyptian relationship is rooted in strategic calculation….would drastically recast the management of the Middle East.

      Loss of US military ties with Egypt will cripple every facet of US power in the Middle East – it eliminates safe transit for aircraft carriers the Suez Canal and access to other key Egyptian facilities – it would also create multiple scenarios for conflict including Iranian aggression.
      Wood 11
      David Wood Winner of the Gerald Ford Prize for Distinguished Reporting on National Defense, lectured at the Marine Staff College, the Joint Forces Staff College and the Army's Eisenhower Fellows conference 11 (“At Risk in Egypt's Turmoil: U.S. Military Access to the Middle East”, 2/5/11  
      Three hundred combat-armed paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne ……………are not well postured for that eventuality.'' 

      Ability to deploy carriers guarantees crisis management – prevents conflict escalation
      Eaglen ‘8
      Eaglen, Senior Policy Analyst for National Security at the Heritage Foundation, 8-1-8’ (Mackenzie, “Aircraft Carriers Are Crucial”, The Washington Post)
      For any U.S. president, the aircraft ……….."plentiful, and ready to serve." 

      High Profile DemA Bad – Egypt

      Media manipulation – The Egyptian media will spin the plan as a smear campaign against the US
      Strasser 2011
      Max Strasser, May 7, 2011, Egypt warns of foreign meddling as US pushes on with democracy programs,
      Nonetheless, some here continue to be concerned that US democracy and governance …Howeidy wrote on 25 June in his daily column in the independent Shorouk newspaper.
      Perceptions of interference means Egypt will distrust the plan – backchannel key to resolving differences
      Gallup 2011
      “Egyptians Oppose U.S. Aid to Political Groups in Their Country”,
      Egyptians oppose the U.S. sending aid to political groups in their country…suggesting that they are rejecting aid out of suspicion rather than lack of need.

  • EU CP/DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Shell - Generic

      The President of the European Commission will announce that the European Foundation for Democracy through Partnership (EFDP) will substantially increase democracy assistance to civil society organizations for the purpose of rewriting the Egyptian constitution without Article 2

      EU is uniquely suited to solve: proximity, diplomatic ties, commercial connections and large aid budgets.  EU empirically influenced Central and Eastern Europe and the CP is key to EU credibility
      Carothers 11   Thomas, Foreign Policy, 3-10,
      "Europe Has a Major Role to Play." It could.…Brussels appears to be starting to move in this direction  but follow-through will be the rub.

      US loss of credibility in promoting democracy is enhancing the EU as a global leader
      Youngs, 8 (May, Richard, director of the democratisation programme at the Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE) in Madrid, and lecturer at the University of Warwick, “Is European democracy promotion on the wane?,”
      The EU helped foster democratisation in Southern and Eastern Europe… in supporting political liberalisation in autocratic states.

      EU leadership solves the impacts of militarism
      Everts 2, (steven, “A word of advice from Europe: Soft power works,” October 2,
      It doesn't matter the number of planes or precision-guided weapons you have…often in the face of US indifference and, sometimes, opposition.

      A strong EU is key to mitigate all global impacts—disease, terrorism, warming, economic collapse, and war.
      Bruton 2 — John Bruton, Prime Minister of Ireland, 2002 (Official Report Presented to the Irish Parliament’s Committee on European Affairs, Last Updated February 4th, Available Online via the Wayback Machine at, Accessed 08-01-2011) 2.1
      Europe must be able to act globally, if it is to prosper locally…that will otherwise overwhelm us.

      2NC OV

      Read a bunch of impact cards:
      AIDS – Mathiu
      Econ – Bearden
      Warming – Henderson

      1NC Shell - Dartmouth (Libya UN Police Training)

      The President of the European Commission will announce that the European Foundation for Democracy through Partnership (EFDP) will offer the European Union's European Security and Intelligence Force as assistance to Libya for the development and enhancement of police forces.

      The US should support the ESIF – the EU has a 5000 member police force ready
      BRONSON 2, Director of Middle East Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, (Rachel, Foreign Affairs, Nov-Dec, v81)
      Whether or not the United States makes the kind of changes advocated above…and find ways to incorporate it into training exercises alongside European, American, or NATO forces. 

      Block Solvency

      The EU can best mediate the transition – expertise in transition planning and forging enduring diplomatic ties with Libya.
      ENPI 2011
      What has the EU been doing to support the Libyan people?
      Since the beginning of the Libyan conflict six months ago… €4 billion in grants available to our southern neighbours for the period 2011-13. (ENPI Info Centre)

      The EU can provide technical assistance for Libyan reform
      The Telegraph 2011
      Wikileaks, originally drafted July 14, 2008, January 31, 2011, THE EU-LIBYA FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT: VENI, VISAS, VETO,
      4. (C) The July 2007 EU-Libya draft also lays out cooperation in the fields of human rights…VENI, VIDI, VETO

  • Democracy 2nd K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Shell

      Politicians are divorced from the reality of the Arab Spring – the plan is driven by political motives and securing national interests. This kills, starves, tortures and politically disenfranchises global people. We should admit that until we have a basic knowledge of the Middle East, US influence won’t be constructive.
      Musaji, Shakir and Zogby 11  
      Sheila, founder and editor of The American Muslim quarterly journal; Imam Zaid, Lecturer at Zaytuna Institute, where he now teaches courses on Arabic, Islamic law, history, and Islamic spirituality, amongst the most respected and influential Islamic scholars in the West; James, President, the Arab American Institute,  The American Muslim, 2/7,
      It is time for Americans to acknowledge that when we prioritize our interests in foreign lands…take a more humble back seat role and let this situation play out. 

      Recent analysis of the Middle East proves how quick the US is to package the Arab Spring into neat snapshots using broad generalizations.  It’s too early to tell what our response should be and it is better to hesitate.  
      HADDAD 11
      BASSAM, Director, Middle East Studies Program, George Mason University, Middle East Policy, Summer, Pg. 1 Vol. 18 No. 2
      It is probably too early to make too many statements about what is going on in the region…It also crushed sensibilities and destroyed spirits. 

      We are currently on the verge of witnessing new forms of knowledge.  If the Arab Spring has taught us anything, it’s that we need a Paradigm Spring.  We must abandon the hyper-securitist paradigm or face extinction
      Crane 11
      Dr Robert, The American Muslim, Paradigm Spring and the Clash of Civilizational Paradigms, 1/27,
      Paradigms are premises of thought that frame one’s outlook on life…in what we might call a twentieth-first-century “Paradigm Spring”.

      The motivation behind the promotion of democracy is critical to policy-making.  The pursuit of altruistic assistance is radically different from an emphasis on US national interests
      ALFORD 2K
      William P. Professor and Director, East Asian Legal Studies, Harvard Law School. Harvard Law Review, May, 113 Harv. L. Rev. 1677
      Carothers surely is right to urge a greater attention to "local environment"…had been only too happy to allow the United States to hold). 

      2NC Turns Case – Egypt

      Stability is a trope to justify turning a blind eye to brutality.  It is a degraded form of realism that is divorced from reality, produces Arab pessimism, and justifies cruelty in the name of self interest

      Hoover 11
      Joe, Fellow in the International Relations Department at the LSE, Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies, Egypt and the Failure of Realism, Issue 4 

      Clearly regional stability is the key rhetorical trope, which justified turning a blind eye to the brutality of Mubarak’s regime…it justifies or realise its own analytical failings.

  • Egypt Neg

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A2: Stability Advantage


      The military is restoring stability now – crackdown tactics key to restoring a sense of normalcy and providing security for the transition. Businesses are reopening and the military is protecting access to vital shipping lanes.
      Springborg 2011
      Robert Springborg, professor of national security affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School, Game over: The chance for democracy in Egypt is lost, Foreign Policy,
      The threat to the military's control of the Egyptian political system…to ensure a flow of essential supplies into Cairo, Alexandria, and Suez.

      No uprising—military is too powerful
      Michael Wahid Hanna is a fellow and program officer at the Century Foundation “
      “The mind of Egypt's military”, 8/23/11,
      It is certainly true that the military is keen to protect its institutional interests…under untrammeled civilian control will take years and will parallel the maturation of the political system.

      No impact to Suez closure—diversions, other routes and tanker costs
      Platts 11 (Leading global energy supplier, “Closure of Suez Canal would have minimal impact on US: EIA”
      A total closure of the Suez Canal and the Sumed Pipeline…Newell wrote in his prepared testimony.

      NGO funding will fuel Islamist backlash – perception of pushing foreign policy goals over true democracy
      Max Strasser, July 5, 2011 (Egypt warns of foreign meddling as US pushes on with democracy programs, Al Masry Al Youm – independent Egyptian media organization
      Nonetheless, some here continue to be concerned that US democracy and governance programming…and thus rendering the notion of armed resistance less plausible.”

      Block cards

      Increased funding creates the perception of foreign meddling in government affairs – leads to crackdown
      Nada Mobarak Ibrahim, Aurélie Lachant, and Lara Nahas, May 6, 2003 (NGOs as Civil Society Actors on Media Policy Change in Egypt: Capacity Building within a Contextual Framework, London School of Economics Development Studies Institute,
      Egyptian NGOs operate in a precarious financial situation…conferences but then not follow up with support to take the resolutions forward.


      We should wait for Egypt to get it together – a decade of experience proves that allowing Egypt to develop its own governance improves the effectiveness of international aid
      Perito 2011
      Robert Perito, Director, Security Sector Governance Center, United States Institute of Peace, a former foreign service minister and a former deputy executive secretary of the National Security Council, EGYPT’S TRANSITION AND THE CHALLENGE OF SECURITY SECTOR REFORM, 5-18
      There’s a kind of sequencing going on in Egypt as I understand it…. behind people that can really make decisions and begin to work to make substantial change.
      Lack of internal democracy and transparency prevents solvency
      Nadine Hani Abdallah, August 2008 (Civil Society in Egypt: A Catalyst for Democratization? The International Journal of Not-For-Profit Law, 10:4,
      For NGOs to make a difference,… a problem afflicting mainly the assistance offered by the European Commission in Egypt.

      Egypt is developing politically – The US shouldn’t intervene
      Al-Amrani 11  
      Issandr, North Africa analyst at the International Crisis Group, Roundtable on Post-Mubarak Egypt: Authoritarianism without Autocrats?  7-24
      Even if, as Brownlee notes, the civilian security services…: we are still in a time of infinite possibilities.

      A2: Credibility/Hege Advantage – Gonzaga

      SALEM 11  
      Paul, Los Angeles Times, 'Arab Spring' Has Yet to Alter Region's Strategic Balance, 5/9
      Although the United States has generally suffered setbacks…so far there has been no major shift in the balance of power or the basic pattern of regional relations.

      ARAB COOPERATION WILL OCCUR – they won’t abandon the US
      Freeman 11  
      Chas W, Ambassador Freeman is a retired U.S. Foreign Service officer and president emeritus of the Middle East Policy Council, Middle East Policy, Summer, Pg. 29 Vol. 18 No. 2
      Revolutionary change has already come to some Arab countries…for transnational cooperation than they do for conflict.

      Block cards

      A2: Terror impact

      Your impact is wrong. Our evidence is more qualified.  The most knowledgeable journalists know jihadist fundamentalism isn’t likely.  Muslim preachers are not fanatics, youth are beating al-Qaida in communications, and the majority of Muslims don’t support al-Qaida
      Strenger 8-16 Carlo, Chair of the Clinical Graduate Program of the Department of Psychology at Tel Aviv University -Permanent Monitoring Panel on Terrorism of the World Federation of Scientists, Haaretz,
      The most recent look at the Arab Spring is given by Robin Wright’s…are useful in trying to understand the current dynamics.

      History disproves your solvency. India and China prove that democratic reforms don’t lessen terrorism
      Bishara 6 Azmi, Professor of philosophy at Birzeit University, Journal of Palestinian Studies 35.2
      There is, of course, no evidence that dictatorships produce…has not declined in countries where democratic reforms have been initiated.

      Targeting: Democracies will become terrorist target.  Even the State Department knows
      Gause 5, professor of political science at U. of Vermont,
      [III, F. Gregory1,2  Foreign Affairs; Sep/Oct2005, Vol. 84 Issue 5, p62-76
      Prof Poly Sci, University of Vermont Director, Middle East Studies Program, University of Vermont]:
      Examining incidents from 1975 to 1997…and 138 occurred in "not free" countries.

      A2: Hege impact

      Largest economy, most military spending, ideal geography, weak neighbors, most nuclear weapons overwhelm – the Kaganites are wrong, over-reaction helps terrorism, new hegemons can be opposed and he has ZERO conception of empathy
      Logan 11   Justin, associate director of foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, Washington. Best Defense,
      Each claim is wrong:…states tend to balance against threats rather than band-wagon with them.

      The Middle East will resist
      Karoui 11   Hichem, Doha Institute: The Arab Center For Research and Policy Studies, Middle East Studies Online The Gulf Today, US image needs to change, 8-13,
      The Pentagon planners have difficulty recognizing…The answers were: Iran (6%), Israel (70%), United States (63%). 

      Mearsheimer 10   John J, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, The National Interest, 12-16,
      The United States has also been unable to solve…and Gaza are incorporated into a Greater Israel.

      There’s nothing objective about your impacts.  Your authors just paint any critics as naïve in order to sell military spending
      Walt 10  Stephen M, Foreign Policy, 12-28,
      An obvious question, therefore, is:…And not a moment too soon.

      Your solvency claims are abstract
      LAYNE AND SCHWARTZ 2 Christopher Layne, Visiting Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies at the Cato Institute, AND Benjamin Schwarz, Literary Editor of the Atlantic Monthly,  “A Lower Profile Would Make the United States a Smaller Target,” Los Angeles Times, November 12, Lexis
      The Bush administration's recently enunciated National Security Strategy…hope to enjoy respectful and cooperative relations with them. 

      A2: Elections Advantage – Gonzaga

      The Brotherhood will inevitably win the elections and dominate the new political landscape – they are unified and have unparalleled mobilization capabilities
      Trager, Washington Institute, ’11 (Eric, September/October, “The Unbreakable Muslim Brotherhood: Grim Prospects for a Liberal Egypt” Foreign Affairs,
      In the months since Mubarak's resignation, the Muslim Brotherhood has continued to demonstrate its unique capacity…but the phenomenon demonstrates the Brotherhood's determination to win decisively.

      Block cards

      We’re engaging the Muslim Brotherhood now
      Mozgovaya, 6-30-’11 (Natasha, “Clinton: U.S. engagement of Muslim Brotherhood not new policy”
      Clinton said in a press conference with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Budapest…with those Muslim Brotherhood members who wish to talk with us”.

      That solves the aff—Engagement prevents the MB from taking radicalized policies
      Hamid, Middle East at Brookings, ’11 (Shadi, May/June, “The Rise of the Islamists” Foreign Affairs, Vol 90 Issue 3, EbscoHost)
      There is no question that democracy will make the region more unpredictable…called Reintroducing the Brotherhood to the West.

      A2: Religion Advantages (ASU DS)


      No global escalation
      Dyer, 02–Ph.D. in Military and Middle Eastern History from the University of London and former professor at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and Oxford University (Gwynne, Queen’s Quarterly, “The coming war”, December, questia)
      All of this indicates an extremely dangerous situation, with many variables that are impossible to assess fully…At least we can be thankful for that.

      Middle East war inevitable—climate change.
      Zorn 2007 (10/14, Justin, Orlando Sentinel, "Climate for conflict, not just warming",, WEA)
      This has been demonstrated elsewhere in Africa's growing Sahara Desert. But it's all too likely to emerge elsewhere in the world. The International Water Resources Management Institute projects the eastern Mediterranean region, South Africa, Pakistan, and major parts of India and China will suffer drought by 2025…over who controls the headwaters of the life-sustaining Tigris-Euphrates system. 

      No risk of Middle East war
      Maloney and Takeyh, 07  -  *senior fellow for Middle East Policy at the Saban Center for Middle East Studies at the Brookings Institution AND senior fellow for Middle East Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations (Susan and Ray, International Herald Tribune, 6/28, “Why the Iraq War Won't Engulf the Mideast”,
      Yet, the Saudis, Iranians, Jordanians, Syrians, and others are very unlikely to go to war…prevent local conflicts from enveloping the entire Middle East. 

      Democracy impossible—military won’t give up power
      Asia News 7/19/11 (“Army slowing reforms to sink revolution”
      “The Egyptian Revolution could fail and everything we won could be lost…when exactly it will cede power,” he added. (ANI)

      No regional modeling – plan will look like Western intervention
      Judge 2011
      Clark S. Judge, January 31, 2011, Notes on the Upheaval in Egypt and throughout the Middle East,
      With the exception of Turkey and Iran…may be the essential element to regional peace.

      Brotherhood won’t win – not even competing for half of the seats
      Adib 2011
      Mounir Adib, Hany ElWaziry, Ghada Mohamed Al-Sherif, August 23, 2011, Brotherhood's party to compete for less than 50% of parliamentary seats, Al Masry Al Youm,
      The Freedom and Justice Party, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood group…adding that the deadline for nominating candidates is the end of September.

      The Brotherhood isn’t seeking power – not running for President or a majority of parliament.
      On Islam 9/7
      OnIslam & News Agencies, Brotherhood Denies Seeking Egypt Power, September 7, 2011,
      CAIRO – Dismissing reports about a secret deal with the ruling military rulers…said that it will contest half of the parliament seats in the November elections

      Utilitarianism is inevitable it will indefinitely permeate human thought
      Allison, Professor of Political Philosophy at University of Warwick, 1990 (Lincoln, “The Utilitarianism Response”)
      And yet if an idea can be compared to a castle…and to judge actions on there consequences for people's well-being.

      Because of the advent of nuclear omnicide, ethics should not be held absolute
      Joseph Nye, Director of the Center for Science and International Affairs @ Harvard University, Nuclear Ethics, 1986
      The significance and the limits of the two broad traditions can be captured by contemplating a hypothetical case…Absolutist ethics bear a heavier burden of proof in the nuclear age than ever before.

      2NC No Middle East War

      Instability doesn’t escalate—history proves.
      Irina Zviagel'skaia, leading research fellow at the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, June 2005. “Russia and Central Asia: Problems of Security,” Central Asia at the End of the Transition, ed. Boris Rumer,,M1.
      Notwithstanding these numerous challenges…and have demonstrated a high level of survivability. 

      Won’t draw in Russia, China, or the U.S.
      Weitz 6 (Richard, Senior Fellow–Hudson Institute, Washington Quarterly, Summer, Lexis)
      Concerns about a renewed great game are thus exaggerated…in a region where bilateral ties traditionally have predominated.


      Even their author – in their article – doesn’t think a more aggressive version of Sharia law will be written into the constitution – the law will continue to reflect the balance struck during the Mubarak era
      Samer Soliman July 10, 2011 Assistant professor of political economy at the American University in Cairo AhramOnline, “Religion and state in the people’s constitutions”
      Political debate in Egypt has recently begun to focus on how to write a constitution… namely a quasi-civic state with religious overtones.

      Plan causes more clashes b/c it will piss off the Sharias – obviously they’ll backlash if they’re defeated on a constitutional measure

      No regional modeling – unique internal dynamics more important
      Diamond 2011 (Larry Diamond, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Co-editor of the Journal of Democracy, April 8, 2011, Democracy Promotion and the Obama Doctrine,
      It's overwhelmingly the most important country in the Arab world… It's difficult to forecast. These countries move to their own rhythm and

      This case is obviously ridiculous, there’s no internal coherency or consistency to any of their evidence, so you should give our analytical defensive arguments a high degree of credibility

      Non unique – religious battles in Middle East now

      Egypt instability won’t cause Middle East War – Israeli deterrence will check and the worst-case scenario is more guerilla attacks.
      Lappin, September 27 (Yaakov Lappin is a journalist for the Jerusalem Post, where he covers police and national security affairs, and a Visiting Fellow at JINSA, Arab Spring – or Islamist Winter? September 27, 2011,
      The “optimistic camp” views Eisenberg’s bleak picture as one of the less likely scenarios…“But it would be a different ball game, and it would certainly create instability.“

      Even without Sharia law; sharias will still be powerful and will persecute other Muslims, so clash inevitable

      The Brotherhood cannot lose – they are dominant in every facet of political organization – it’ll be a crush.
      Trager October 2011 (Eric Trager, The Washington Institute's Ira Weiner fellow, is a doctoral candidate in political science at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is writing his dissertation on Egyptian opposition parties, The Unbreakable Muslim Brotherhood: Grim Prospects for a Liberal Egypt, Foreign Affairs, September/October 2011)
      Meanwhile, the Muslim Brotherhood, which largely avoided the limelight during the revolt… but the phenomenon demonstrates the Brotherhood's determination to win decisively.

      No threshold – how much religious persecution has to happen before there’s global war?

      No regional modeling – plan will look like Western intervention
      Judge 2011
      Clark S. Judge, January 31, 2011, Notes on the Upheaval in Egypt and throughout the Middle East,
      With the exception of Turkey and Iran, the Middle Eastern landscape of today is a Western invention… that government by consent of the governed confers may be the essential element to regional peace.

      No scenario for Egyptian religious war to escalate to nuke conflict

      A2: Egypt-Israel


      No risk of war – no Egyptian military – the US can turn off the spigot of military assistance
      George Friedman, Stratfor CEO, 6-3-2011, “Agenda: With George Friedman on Israel’s Future,” Stratfor,
      George: Well, in the medium term Israel is a very secure country…so whether someone recognizes the Palestinian state or not doesn’t change the reality on the ground.

      No Impact – Israel quickly wins
      Ed Husain, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, 2-1-2011, “Egypt can bring in the Brotherhood,” FT,
      To its credit, the Brotherhood also often calls for improved human rights…Preventing an unlikely future conflict is no reason to suppress Egyptians’ democratic aspirations.


      No Egypt-Israel war – disputes happen all the time – your evidence is just fear mongering
      Salam 2011
      Amina Abdul Salam, ‘Egyptian-Israeli war doubtful’ The Egyptian Gazette, August 24, 2011
      The recent killing of two Egyptian officers and three soldiers…agrees on the need to boost the number of Egyptian soldiers on the border to enhance national security. 

      Uncertainty from the Arab Spring has caused Egypt and Israel to reaffirm their alliance – disputes are normal – the embassy raid didn’t tank relations.
      Kirkpatrick and Kershner 2011 (DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK and ISABEL KERSHNER, Israel Reoccupies Embassy in Cairo, September 19, 2011,
      Officials in both governments have been eager to reopen the embassy…“We have normal relations. We just went through a horrible experience.”

      No Egypt-Israel war – SCAF will stabilize
      Nisman 9/5
      Daniel Nisman, Argov Fellow for Leadership and Diplomacy at the Inter-Disciplinary Center in Herzliya. He works for Max-Security Solutions, a security consulting firm based in Tel Aviv, September 5, 2011, Jerusalem Post,
      Despite the post-revolution lawlessness currently gripping the Middle East’s most populous nation… These events should be taken within the context of the new Egyptian reality.

      A2: Econ Advantage


      Econ collapse inevitable-Military control over the economy
      Yochi Dreazen is a senior correspondent for National Journal Group covering military affairs and national security, former military correspondant @ WSJ, 11 “Egypt’s Military Will Have to Remember Jobs”,
      The Egyptian military’s move Sunday to dissolve parliament…to take the steps necessary to create new jobs, their support may vanish in a hurry.

      Economic decline doesn’t cause war
      Morris Miller, economist, adjunct professor in the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Administration, consultant on international development issues, former Executive Director and Senior Economist at the World Bank, Winter 2000, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Vol. 25, Iss. 4, “Poverty as a cause of wars?” p. Proquest
      The question may be reformulated…(thereby using one form of violence to abort another).


      Plan can’t solve – too many structural deficits in the economy
      Schenker 2011 (David Schenker, Aufzien fellow and director of the Program on Arab Politics at The Washington Institute, Egypt’s Enduring Challenges Shaping the Post-Mubarak Environment, April 10, 2011, The Washington Institute, Policy Focus #110,
      Despite notable successes, the Egyptian economy has very serious structural deficits that will not be easily remedied any time soon…. Indeed, Egypt is the world’s top wheat importer, bringing in about 7

      Alt cause – EU ban on fenugreek seeds
      IBI Times, July 7, 2011 (E. Coli Allegations to Bleed Egyptian Economy?
      E. Coli allegations have resulted in an EU ban on Egyptian fenugreek seeds… the amount would not be enough to offset an economically devastating hit to her country's farmers.

      Multiple obvious alt causes to the Egyptian economy decreasing – trade deficits, political transition, food prices

      No impact – no new global conflicts, and instability’s a myth
      Barnett 8/25/2009 - senior managing director of Enterra Solutions LLC and a contributing editor/online columnist for Esquire magazine, columnist for World Politics Review, (Thomas P.M. “The New Rules: Security Remains Stable Amid Financial Crisis,” World Politics Review, 2009,
      When the global financial crisis struck roughly a year ago… I expect the fantastic fear-mongering to proceed apace. That's what the Internet is for.

      Economic collapse does not cause war—their historical arguments are wrong
      FERGUSON 2006 (Niall, MA, D.Phil., is the Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History at Harvard University. He is a resident faculty member of the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies. He is also a Senior Reseach Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford University, and a Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Foreign Affairs, Sept/Oct)
      Nor can economic crises explain the bloodshed… and some severe economic crises were not followed by wars.

      IMET Neg – UNLV

      Egypt’s military aid is locked in until 2018
      Yom 2008
      Sean L, Department of Government at Harvard University, Middle East Report, Volume: 38, Spring
      Perhaps the least controversial component of the $63 billion bonanza… far more than $13 billion in military support over the next decade.

      The SCAF won’t reform and minor changes won’t appease anyone
      Fisher 8/12   
      William, managed economic development programs for the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development in the Middle East, Latin America and elsewhere for the past 25 years. He has supervised major multi-year projects for AID in Egypt, The Public Record,
      He added, "The chronic human rights problem of the police and security establishment… Renaming the agency and promising some reforms is not enough. It needs to be disbanded."

      War on terror prevents security sector reforms – distrust and terror context mean any reforms are discreet at best and won’t improve accountability
      Kodmani and Dubarry 2009
      Bassma Kodmani is the executive director of the Arab Reform Initiative, a consortium of Arab and international think tanks with a joint program on reform in the Arab world, May Chartouni-Dubarry is a Senior Research Fellow in Middle-Eastern studies, “The Security Sector in Arab Countries: Can it be Reformed?" IDS Bulletin Volume 40, No 2, March
      A second factor relates to the current context of instability… it is discreet or secretive and increases the opacity of the sector.

      Training does nothing – only comprehensive reform solves
      Gold 2011  
      Rick, A retired Foreign Service Officer who served with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in Egypt as Democracy Officer from 2004-2007,  Assuring Accountability for the Egyptian Security Sector, 7-17
      In Egypt, the security sector requires reform desperately… and sustain efforts to monitor its transformation.  

      Plan is a kneejerk reaction – The US has nothing like the Egyptian security sector
      Perito 2011
      Robert Perito, Director, Security Sector Governance Center, United States Institute of Peace, a former foreign service minister and a former deputy executive secretary of the National Security Council, EGYPT’S TRANSITION AND THE CHALLENGE OF SECURITY SECTOR REFORM, 5-18
      The reason for this, and the challenge for the United States government,… these Train and Equip programs have been conducted in the context of a counterinsurgency agenda.

      Discrimination – newly trained officers will be ignored
      Cook 2009
      Steven Cook, Senior fellow for middle eastern studies at the council on foreign relations and an expert on Arab and Turkish politics as well as U.S.-Middle East policy, December 11th, “U.S. Military Assistance: Obstacle or Opportunity for Reform?”,
      Responding to a question from Graefe, Cook explained that following September 11th,… are often discriminated against professionally within the Egyptian military.

      Block Cards

      Military relations high – US military aid is the backbone of the Egyptian government
      Glaser 8-18   
      John, Antiwar Forum, US-Egypt Military Cooperation Still Strong, Despite Transition’s Missteps
      The cancelation of the military training exercise is not a sign of weakening U.S.-Egyptian ties,….has not led to any reduction in U.S. support or military cooperation.

      And our ev is better than yours it quotes Hasson, the director of the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies who was offered the newly-created position of Deputy Interior Minister for Human Rights.
      Fisher 8-12   
      William, managed economic development programs for the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development in the Middle East, Latin America and elsewhere for the past 25 years. He has supervised major multi-year projects for AID in Egypt, The Public Record,
      He told The Public Record, "Renaming the agency and promising some reforms is not enough… associates of the fallen dictator.

      Lack of follow through on the part of the US prevents reforms
      Youngs 2005   
      Richard, director general of FRIDE. He is also assistant professor at the University of Warwick, Ten Years of Supporting Democracy Worldwide
      While such moves are of significant import,…and others prefer any focus on military reform to be supported through multilateral institutions.

      Short term focus will distort the aff
      Perito 2011
      Robert Perito, Director, Security Sector Governance Center, United States Institute of Peace, a former foreign service minister and a former deputy executive secretary of the National Security Council, EGYPT’S TRANSITION AND THE CHALLENGE OF SECURITY SECTOR REFORM, 5-18
      It’s also very important that we focus on fostering transparency…creation of a legitimate government before Egypt and other countries are really ready to begin this process in a very, very serious way. 

      Islamists PIC – ASU DS

      1NC Shell

      The United States federal government should provide support to only non-Islamist civil society organizations for the purpose of rewriting the Egyptian constitution without Article 2.
      CP solves better and avoids the net benefit – no funding to Islamist NGOs in the status quo  means the plan creates competition between secular and Islamist NGOs – turns the case
      Abdalla, 2008 (Nadine H. Abdalla, Researcher Assistant in the AL Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo and a Ph.D. candidate at the Institut d'Etudes Politique de Grenoble in France, Civil Society in Egypt: A Catalyst for Democratization? The International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law, 10:4)
      A further problem is that Islamist NGOs in Egypt tend to be more effective than secular ones,… Donors generally do not promote such cooperation.

      Backlash DA

      Democracy assistance causes SCAF freakout – creating a culture fearful of accepting foreign assistance
      Richter and Fleishman 2011 (Paul Richter and Jeffery Fleishman, August 10, 2011, U.S. pro-democracy effort rubs many in Egypt the wrong way, LA Times,
      Reporting from Washington and Cairo… Only about $40 million of the total $165 million has been distributed.

      2NC Cards

      Plan provides a cover for more repressive military crackdown – the SCAF will make concessions to avoid taking heat
      Hanna 2011
      Michael Wahid Hanna, fellow and program officer at The Century Foundation, March 1, 2011, Take it slow, Egypt: Rushing the transition may actually kill real reforms, Christian Science Monitor,
      However, the limits of the military’s patience for continued protests are becoming clearer…necessary to contain the ethos of protest and restore normalcy
      The military hasn’t taken a firm position on the revolution yet – they’re holding off now
      Zarpli, 2011 (Omer Zarpli, US-Egypt Relations After the Mubarak Government: What’s Next? Bilgesam, May 4, 2011,
      During the protests, the army acted as a neutral buffer between the people and Mubarak….As a result, the April 6 movement has especially started to voice their distrust to the army.

      Relations DA

      High profile US assistance prevents sustainable US-Egyptian relations
      Cook 2011
      Steven A. Cook is the Hasib J. Sabbagh senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations 11 (“Foreign Policy: US Can't Hijack Egypt's Revolution”,

      The main reason is that Egyptians remain distrustful of Washington and its intentions...— is likely to embitter all parties involved.

      Loss of US military relations with Egypt will cripple every facet of US power in the Middle East – cuts off aircraft carriers access to the Suez Canal and Iranian aggression.
      Wood 11
      David Wood Winner of the Gerald Ford Prize for Distinguished Reporting on National Defense, lectured at the Marine Staff College, the Joint Forces Staff College and the Army's Eisenhower Fellows conference 11 (“At Risk in Egypt's Turmoil: U.S. Military Access to the Middle East”, 2/5/11  
      Three hundred combat-armed paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division plummeted from a cobalt Egyptian sky..."And we are not well postured for that eventuality.'' 

  • Yemen Neg

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A2: Instability Advantage – Gonzaga

      US supports GCC transition plan now – but opposition fragmentation further blocks a deal
      Karen DeYoung, 09/08/2011, Washingt Post, “Brennan: Al-Qaeda offshoot in Yemen gaining strength as a powerful domestic insurgency”
      The Obama administration, he said…and dissident military forces.

      Yemeni opposition can’t push Saleh out – too many internal disputes remain
      Laura Kasinof, September 7, 2011, The New York Times, “Yemen’s Leaders Fail for Second Time to Resolve Stalemate”
      Hampered by internal divisions…for carrying out a transfer of power.

      US has only limited ability to influence Yemeni transition
      Eric Schmitt, April 4, 2011,
      New York Times, “Unrest in Yemen Seen as Opening to Qaeda Branch”
      American officials privately concede they have only a marginal influence… if Mr. Saleh’s relatives are forced to flee.

      Too many challenges prevent US aid from being effective
      Sharp 3/22 Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, “Yemen: Background and U.S. Relations” Congressional Research Service
      There are a number of challenges to expanded U.S. military…The following summaries describe some options that have been proffered; the selection is not exhaustive:  

      Block cards

      No smooth Yemeni transition – multiple factors will fight to maintain power – they will violently compete, not cooperate
      Jonathan Ruhe, June 9, 2011
      The National Interest, “The Horror of a Post-Saleh Yemen”
      It is hard to imagine anything like a smooth transition of power…exploit differences among the opposition to defeat them.

      Even solvency advocates agree – external aid can only succeed if Yemeni leadership committee reforms – their commitment needed for any solvency
      Danya Greenfield, January 14, 2010
      Program officer with the Middle East/ North Africa division at the Center for International Private Enterprise, “Sustainable Development Is Possible in Yemen”
      Investing much needed U.S. assistance in good governance…but rather with the Yemenis themselves.

      Even if stable transition happens – that government will be forced to replicate the same problems to survive
      Jonathan Ruhe, June 9, 2011
      The National Interest, “The Horror of a Post-Saleh Yemen”
      Assuming a stable successor emerges…rock-bottom legitimacy that triggered the current backlash.

      Structural challenges limit Yemeni reforms & insecurity blocks meaningful external support AND you can’t solve instability anyway.
      Sharp 6/8 Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, “Yemen: Background and U.S. Relations” Congressional Research Service
      Many analysts doubt that President Saleh will be able to survive this latest challenge…concerned about Yemen’s stability to provide financial or material support.  

      A2: Terrorism Advantage


      Plan can’t solve – tribes shelter AQAP members.
      Spencer, ’11 [James, 8/19, Journal Article, “Al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula: MOs & Deductions.”]
      AQAP are clearly present among the tribes…These tribes will resist the Jihadis vigorously on religious grounds.

      AQAP capabilities have not expanded.
      Spencer, ’11 [James, 8/19, Journal Article, “Al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula: MOs & Deductions.”]
      In a statement about the operations, released in a Al-Qaeda website…except for its capacity to influence abroad.

      AQAP is losing influence in the region.
      Nakhleh, ’10 [Emile, January 20, “Senate Form Relations Committee Testimony on Yemen.”]
      The good news on the counterterrorism front is that more and more…in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region has suffered under US predator and other attacks.

      The plan alone can’t solve – you can’t rely on resolving political conflicts – need other resources and counterterror strategies.
      Nakhleh, ’10 [Emile, January 20, “Senate Form Relations Committee Testimony on Yemen.”]
      Defeating al-Qa’ida, AQAP, and similar terrorist groups requires a two-pronged long-term strategy…and a number of modernist Muslim states such as Indonesia and Turkey. 

      Recent poll shows US is hated by many countries, other than Yemen.
      Patten 11 (David, ‘James Zogby: US Popularity in Arab Nations Plummets Under Obama’, NewsMax, July 12,
      Arab approval of the United State …would contribute to “a very substantial turnabout in the relationship.” 


      *Prefer our ev – your authors are biased.
      Spencer, ’11 [James, 8/19, Journal Article, “Al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula: MOs & Deductions.”]
      Quite apart from the sensational headlines… when 23 accomplished jihadis mysteriously broke out of a high security prison in Sana‟a.

      More ev – not a threat to the West.
      Spencer, ’11 [James, 8/19, Journal Article, “Al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula: MOs & Deductions.”]
      The threat to the West (and KSA) posed by AQ Prime … by the inappropriate or indiscriminate interference of external parties

      Exclude Yemen CP – Gonzaga DH

      The United States Department of Defense should offer to substantially increase its support for community-based policing to any country except Yemen.

      Solves the aff –no reason Yemen is key to modeling

      UCO AV Neg (Child Marriages)

      Jordan CP

      The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan should provide substantial aid to establish girls’ schools and hire female teachers in Yemen.


      Solves the case best

      Binkley 10   -- University of Pittsburgh, Beatriz, The Heinz Journal, Volume 8, Issue 2 — December 11

      Yemen lacks a sufficient number of girls’ schools … Parents view these factors as potential threats to their daughters’ sexual purity.


      Jordan solves best – empirically proven

      GSDRC 2011 (Helpdesk Research Report: Communication initiatives to change attitudes and behaviours, Governance and Social Development Resource Centre, March 22,

      Promote dialogue among sexual partners…to encourage couple communication and dialogue.


      Improving education substantially reduces the risk of conflict – 4 reasons

      Winthrop 2010

      Rebecca Winthrop, Fellow and Co-Director of the Center for Universal Education at Brookings, and Corinne Graff, Fellow in the Center for Universal Education at Brookings, June 2010, Beyond Madrasas: Assessing the links between education and militancy in Pakistan, Center for Universal Education, Brookings, Working Paper 2,

      Four reasons why education and conflict risk are often linked … Let us examine each argument in more detail.


      Emphasizing democracy is a way to wrap imperialism in a benevolent flag

      Baker 7  Raymond William , Carnegie Scholar 2006–08, Trinity, College and the American University in Cairo, International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies Volume 1 Number 3

      Large imperial projects require large purposes. …unfortunately, cannot be left to the Muslims.


      Yemeni Islamists will attack the plan as US efforts to manipulate Yemen and weaken Islam – if the US is seen as supporting the measure it will doom any chance of success

      Haley Sweetland Edwards, April 30, 2010, Foreign Policy, “Yemen's Child Bride Backlash”

      The sad case of Elham Assi…the circle of what constitutes "anti-Islamic" is constantly widening.


      The aff only augments the agenda of Islamaphobes who construct child marriage as an exclusively Islamic problem

      ISLAMOPHOBIA TODAY 11  Translating-Jihad’s Completely Fraudulent Translations,

      Yet, it is hardly a Muslim-only problem…giving Team Jesus one more point against Team Muhammad.


      Their only solvency evidence is about a pilot program – no evidence of its widescale applicability to the country


      We should evaluate the political effects of the plan – this card is about their program

      GSDRC 2011 (Helpdesk Research Report: Communication initiatives to change attitudes and behaviours, Governance and Social Development Resource Centre, March 22,

      Minimize political and religious oppositionand ―they want to limit the Muslim population.‖



      Binkley 10   -- University of Pittsburgh, Beatriz, The Heinz Journal, Volume 8, Issue 2 — December 11

      A family's decision to arrange marriages … and bear the burden of collect ing water – a task which can take the better portion of a day.


      No solvency – warlords and regional powers will disrupt the plan – undermines local solutions

      Weinberger 2, Director of the UN Studies at Columbia University,

      [Naomi, Journal of International Affairs, Spring v55 i2 p245(31)]

      However, provisions thus far for a phased political solution are rife with dangers…in the future political orientation of Afghanistan than distant great powers. (67)


      The government will block the plan

      Sayigh 9    -- senior associate at the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut AND Professor of Middle East Studies in the Department of War Studies at King's College London, Yezid, “Fixing Broken Windows”: Security Sector Reform in Palestine, Lebanon, and Yemen, Carnegie Middle East Center, Number 17, October

      Conceivably, an unabashedly narrow focus on counterterrorism…Saleh may use the counterterrorism agenda to reinforce regime protection and suppress dissidents.


      We can’t get anything to Sana’a, Zinjibar, al-Jawf, Ma’rib, northern Sa’dah and parts of Amran

      Yemen Times October 17, 2011

      Insecurity in the country has also complicated the picture… after the rebels controlling the area imposed new rules banning international staff from supervising activities.


      Your impacts are over-exaggerated.  They are a reflection of Western groups trying to promote their own agenda

      Sandels 10  Alexandra in Sana, Yemen, LA Times April 18,

      But Hazmi dismisses claims by rights groups …This is very bad because our culture is different here."


      Too many challenges prevent US aid from being effective

      Sharp 3/22 Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, “Yemen: Background and U.S. Relations” Congressional Research Service

      There are a number of challenges to expanded U.S. military and non-military action in Yemen,  The following summaries describe some options that have been proffered; the selection is not exhaustive: 


      Significant local factors prevent Dem Asst from solving

      Burke 10 (Edward, researcher at FRIDA, ‘Assessing Democracy Assistance: Yemen’, May 2010)

      There are significant local factors that limit donor activities in Yemen… also led many donors to question the value of their efforts to support government-led reform. 

      Block cards

      The Jordan education model is ballin’ – already providing educational assistance to the Arab world.

      Khatib 2007 (Hadi Khatib, Jordan Education Initiative, The Middle East Educator Magazine, September,

      Jordan is a country with limited resources… the biggest of which being the JEI.


      Jordan can give effective democracy aid—record of educational success

      USAID 6 (“Education” 6/12/2006,

      Education has played a transformative role in the development of JordanJordan’s population has a very high literacy rate of 89 percent.

      US has only limited ability to influence Yemeni transition

      Eric Schmitt, April 4, 2011, New York Times, “Unrest in Yemen Seen as Opening to Qaeda Branch”

      American officials privately concede they have only a marginal …if Mr. Saleh’s relatives are forced to flee.

  • Agamben K

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 4 | Opponent: Fullerton CS | Judge:

    • 1NC

      The affirmative’s affirmation of the already existing “democratic” subject of Yemen is really just an attempt to expand our conception of democracy past the liberal democratic subject that is rooted in whiteness. This is really just an attempt to make a more INCLUSIVE democratic community by redrawing the lines of democracy. Instead of trying to constantly rewrite the script of humanity we should simply refuse to draw lines in the first place.
      Jennifer Edkins, Professor of International Politics at the University of Wales, “Whatever Politics” page 89.No date
      Distinctions between forms of life have operated differently in different historical periods. … stone-being, god-being, or whatever-being as well. 

      The affirmative team’s new conception of democracy is constituted by its opposition to white supremacy - but this community will just be an inversion of the racial hierarchy. They turn the oppressed into oppressors.
      Cole, professor in education and equality at Bishop Grosseteste University College, 07  
      Mike, 'Racism' is about more than colour, 11/23
      The problem with standard critical race theory is the narrowness of its remit…Only then can we fully understand its multiple manifestations and work towards its eradication.

      The aff is double-sided – even though they critique the liberal democratic subject they still include the people of Yemen into the democratic script. The “liberties” they win by subverting white supremacy provide a more dreadful foundation for sovereign exclusion
      Agamben, 1999(Georgio, Professor of Philosophy, Homo Sacer , p. 113-115)
      The contiguity between mass democracy and totalitarian states, nevertheless…the decisive political criterion and the exemplary realm of sovereign decisions.

      Our alternative: Reject the affirmative’s attempt to broaden our conception of democracy. Don’t try to reclaim democracy, abandon the tradition and all its terms. Instead we affirm the individuals described in the 1AC “such as they are.” Such that they always matter.
      Agamben 1993(The Coming Community, p. 1-2)
      The coming being is whatever being…The singularity exposed as such is whatever you want, that is, lovable.

      Block Cards

      Link Xt – Whiteness

      C Subpoint – Their argument elevates white supremacy to an all-pervasive force—this conceptual expansion hides the actual practice of racism and makes breaking it down more difficult
      *Andersen 3 – Margaret L. Andersen, Professor of Sociology and Women's Studies and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at the University of Delaware, 2003, “Whitewashing Race: A Critical Perspective on Whiteness,” in White Out: The Continuing Significance of Racism, edDoane& Bonilla-Silva, p. 28
      Conceptually, one of the major problems in the whiteness literature is the reification of whiteness as a concept…but since whiteness has come to mean just about everything, it ends up meaning hardly anything.

      Link Xt – Agamben

      A Subpoint–Reconceptualizing and expanding our understanding of democracy will lead to an increase of foreign capital into Yemen. The move to affirm the subjecthood of people of color will end in an expression of white guilt. This results in acts of supposed generosity. Donors in the west will act as White Knights trying to rescue the people of Yemen from oppression.
      Leonardo 4        Zeus, Educational Philosophy and Theory, Volume 36, Issue 2, 17 Mar, Pages 137-152
      We whites project our own guilt and repressed selves onto people of color…do very little to form cross-racial solidarity against the larger problem of white supremacy.

      B Subpoint – It’s Unique – Donors aren’t currently investing in Yemen because they think its not democratic enough.
      Sharp 3/22 Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, “Yemen: Background and U.S. Relations” Congressional Research Service
      In essence, Yemen requires external aid, both political and financial…At present this is limited to a few Saudi and Egyptian experts advising on economic management in Aden.

      C Subpoint – this economic and governing assistance is really designed to domesticate protest movement and make them into US-friendly allies. This is especially true of youth movements.
      Ghannoushi 11Soumaya,  researcher in the history of ideas at the School of Oriental and African Studies, The Guardian, 26 May,
      What had been a challenge to US power is now a "historic opportunity"…To Arabs, the US is a force of occupation draped in a thin cloak of democracy and human rights.

      And Youth movements are uniquely important to Yemen’s revolution
      Root 11 (Tik, ‘Yemen’s Youth: the best hope for democracy’. Augusr 16,
      The Youth are not without their flaws…rather than pawns in a political game.

      Alt Solvency

      And all these arguments are supported by evidence
      Caldwell, 2004 (Anne, prof of poli-sci @ U of Louisville, Theory & Event, vol 7(2))
      Can we imagine another formof humanity, and another form of power?...the possibility of a non-state world, made up of whatever life, appears. 

      A2: Perm

      4. Any attempt to ground community in a sort of belonging is the basis of the state of exception
      Agamben 1998(Homo Sacer, p. 181-182)

      1. The original political relation is the ban…that defined the biopolitics of the great totalitarian states of the twentieth century.

  • Fullerton CS Yemeni Subject Neg

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC

      Politicizing the resolution for the sake of the debate community turns witnessing into a selfish act.
      Understanding the benefits of democracy assistance in terms of what it does for the debate community is the opposite of altruism.  It uses a relationship with other people for the purpose of fixing the debate community.  
      Givoni 11    Michal, Department of Politics and Government, Ben Gurion University, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 40(1) 43–63
      Witnessing was at one and the same time a protective act…so as to become new subjects endowed with both technical skills and humane capacities. 

      YOUR FOCUS ON WHITENESS IS TOTALIZING.  It ignores local context and difference
      Hartigan 2K (John Jr. “Remembering White Detroit: whiteness in the mix of history and memory” University of North Texas Clly 4 Society 2000. XII (2) I I -3429)
      The fundamental importance in the distinctions drawn by the Comaroffs' regarding social history…as well as through the effects of racial formations seen in a national register (Omi and Winant 1986).

      SOLIDARITY IS COMPLICATED.  Listening to the ignored is more than noble but it’s not sufficient in itself.  Power to the people hides behind its own complexity – it leaves many questions unanswered, 

      A. Speaking for others amidst chaos
      Alford 2K William P. Professor and Director, East Asian Legal Studies, Harvard Law School. Harvard Law Review, May, 113 Harv. L. Rev. 1677
      Greater scrutiny of the concepts of democracy and democratization at issue…even recognizing the limits on expression that typically exist in nondemocratic states.

      B. WHY AND HOW.  Bearing witness avoids too many difficult questions.  It doesn’t tell us why or how to help
      Carothers 9 Thomas LSE Democracy Assistance Without a Plan UNDP Development and Transition, April,
      How useful do you find the various democratization indices…Are these indices taken seriously at the policy level? 

      C. Incommensurate sufferings.  Solidarity underestimates the power of states and groups abused by each other
      Pugh 1  Michael, University of Plymouth, Civil-Military Relations in Peace Support Operations: hegemony or emancipation? Seminar on Aid and Politics, ODI, London, 1 February
      ‘Solidarist’ versions of cosmopolitanism…and the dilemmas arising when two or more ‘suppressed’ groups abuse each other.

      THE APPEAL TO “ORGANIC INTELLECTUALS ONLY” IS OPPRESSIVE.  It creates a new form of assimilation
      Zook, Lecturer, Political Science, UC at Berkeley, 06
      (Darren C., Decolonizing Law: Identity Politics, Human Rights, and the United Nations, Harvard Human Rights Journal, Spring,
      In most of the literature regarding the relationship between rights and human identity…has transformed into similarly oppressive community-specific demands for assimilation.

      Egypt proves – simple solidarity doesn’t overcome the tensions between secularists and Islamists in the post-Mubarak era.
      Tolan 11 [Sandy, associate professor at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism @ USC, “Visions collide in a sweltering Tahrir Square”, July 30,]
      Signs of strains between secular and Islamist forces have been showing for months… Clearly the "Day of Unity and Popular Will" was not to be.

      Block cards

      Default aff-their authors generalizing claims guarantee failure
      BARNETT 11     Clive, Pf geographies of democracy & public life @ Open U, Geoforum, 42(3), pp. 263–265.
      The ‘Arab Spring’, the mobilization for democratic change inaugurated  by political upheaval in Tunisia, …that lend themselves best to his own vision of revolutionary possibility.   

      Pugh 4, Director of the Plymouth International Studies Centre, (Michael, International Peacekeeping, Vol.11, No.1, Spring 2004, pp.39–58)
      The solidarist case that states have a moral duty to express solidarity with abused groups…which give rise to the urge to police and engineer.

      Yes, liberalism has its problems but throwing it out now, is so unnuanced that it is unhelpful
      YOUNGS 11 Richard, Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor at the U of Warwick, FRIDE, Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion, Jan, N º 1 0 6
      Vigilance in the need for democracy’s reconceptualisation is indeed merited...and concepts of local cultures and histories.

      We believe in the aff but let’s not decide this is the way democratization ALWAYS works in radically different countries.  There are not iron laws of democratization
      YOUNGS 11 Richard, Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor at the U of Warwick, FRIDE, Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion, Jan, N º 1 0 6
      Current international political trends are complex and still in flux…those that assume that liberalism is dominant risk lagging behind the policy curve.

      Abandoning forms of democratization because you’re certain of the critiques of liberalism INGORES what the public wants
      YOUNGS 11 Richard, Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor at the U of Warwick, FRIDE, Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion, Jan, N º 1 0 6
      None of this is to argue that neo-imperial dynamics do not exist…are not to be captured by incumbent autocratic regimes.

      Make the aff prove that the alternatives to liberalism can be effective for the Yemini people
      YOUNGS 11 Richard, Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor at the U of Warwick, FRIDE, Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion, Jan, N º 1 0 6
      It is self-evident that liberal democracy now shares the conceptual field with rivals in a way that it did not in the1990s…and thus contradicting themselves.

      Your stereotyping of liberal democratization does violence to real life policy formation
      YOUNGS 11 Richard, Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor at the U of Warwick, FRIDE, Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion, Jan, N º 1 0 6
      There are many eloquent critiques that have added much of value to debates over democracy’s international trajectory…but the renovations needed are more subtle in nature.

  • Selfish Politics K

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 6 | Opponent: Harvard BS | Judge:

    • 1NC

      Emphasizing the importance of knowledge comes at a cost, analyzing the influence of social structures
      GITLIN, Prof of Journalism @ U Columbia, 2006 (Todd, The Intellectuals and the Flag)
      Michel Foucault became a rock star of theory in the United States…intellectual flights feel like righteous and thrilling consolations.

      THE QUESTION IS NOT THE SELFISH POLITICS OF THE DEBATE ROOM, it should be how to mobilize larger people and ensure the left survives
      Grossberg, 92 [Lawrence, “Professor of Communications Studies at the University of North Carolina, We Gotta Get Out of This Place: Popular Conservatism and Postmodern Culture, 1992 p. 388-390]
      If the Left can give up its demand for purity…in order to win a victory somewhere else.

      YOU SHOULD REFUSE A POLITICS THAT IS FOCUSED ON ENDING PERSONAL COMPLICITY INSTEAD OF LARGER EFFECTIVE CULTURAL CHANGE.  Refusing complicity becomes a form of moralism that fails before it even succeeds.
      Caffentzis 88 (George, "Review: Power and Terror in Bomb Philosophy: A Review of Joel Kovel's Against the State of Nuclear Terror, Social Text 19/20, 305-314)
      Third, we must realize that Gandhi's is an extremely "aristocratic" philosophy whose theme is self-involvement…These people seem not to understand the reasons behind the nuclear buildup and star wars scenarios of the 1980s.

      Block cards

      2NC Alt Solvency

      This is a framing question – as citizens we should focus on the function of meaning – you should reject the affirmative if their rhetorical focus prevents a focus on how their politics are received. Representational politics should only matter in the way in influences the way we understand the world.  We should not assume that just because a representation exists that it is believed.
      DEMO, Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Vanderbilt University, 05
      (Anne, 'Sovereignty Discourse & Contemporary Immigration Politics', Quarterly Journal of Speech, 91:3, 291 – 311)
      A practical entailment of the visual turn in rhetorical studies…ways of seeing are modified, normalized, and (eventually) eclipsed.

      A2: Perm

      Particularlized solidarity

      A. They over-particularize solidarity – it shouldn’t just be limited to demands of the “Arab” spring – we need sublime, UNIVERSAL solidarity.

      Myerson 11 [J.A., executive editor of The Busy Signal and blogger at Foreign Policy in Focus’ Focal Points blog, “‘Arab Spring’ Label Hampers Global Protests’ Solidarity Potential”, Truthout, July 9,]

      What linked the sixty-eighters…and the term "Arab Spring" undermines solidarity, depicting today's rebellion as a specifically Arab phenomenon.

      B. Africa proves – focusing on particularized solidarity with “Arab” democracy ignores other protests that are happening in Africa AT THE SAME TIME and are influenced by the events in the Middle East and North Africa.
      Helle et al 11 [Svein-Erik, political scientist currently working as a research assistant on the project Elections and Democracy in Africa; Lise Rakner, Head of Institute and Professor of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen; and Helge Rønning, professor in the dept of media and communication @ University of Oslo, “ ‘No Matter How Long the Winter, Spring Sure to Follow’: The Arab Spring and its Effect in Sub-Saharan Africa”, CMI Brief,]
      There seems to have been strong inspirational and rhetorical links…The events that have unfolded in Malawi in 2011 may serve to illustrate the complexity of spillover effects.

  • Harvard BS Science Fiction Neg

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Space Science Fiction Bad

      Science Fiction theorizing causes us to get lost in the universe while neglecting problems at home—this allows for the weaponization and securitization of space and all populations
      Peter DICKENS Lecturer Sociology @ Cambridge AND James ORMROD “Outer Space and Internal Nature: Towards a Sociology of the Universe” Sociology 41 (4) p. 615-618
      Some preliminary indications of an extreme form of this kind of self…their relationship with it is more fearful and alienated than ever before.

      Block cards

      Their focus on science fiction will be coopted to find excuses to find threats to attack and new weapons that we need to create  
      Mellor 2007 (Felicity, Lecturer in Science Communication at Imperial College London, “Colliding Worlds,” Social Studies of Science, August)
      Despite their disagreements over technical details and funding priorities… attending the 2004 Planetary Defense Conference in California.

      Their project will just be used to expand American imperialism—Fantasizing about space will be used by imperialists to further their agenda
      Dreams and Realities in the Space Age…moving beyond the Earth's physical envelope will have a salutary effect on human development and prosperity

      Discursive Fix

      The status quo can’t be wished away just by pointing out the way language informs our reality.  The aff identifies language as the cause and solution, seeking to linguistically reinvent the world – it wants to think differently about something that is determined by MANY DIFFERENT forces larger than the way we speak about them. For them, discourse is the final end point –  as long as we talk about it differently, then we will be different. But language can only go so far.
      However, to change the linguistic evidence…will be forgotten. 

      Don’t be fooled by the aff, this is not a debate where the affirmative is the only one who cares about liberating the oppressed.  Our concerns for their type of knowledge production represent a concern with getting our methodologies correct.
      Jill Taft-Kaufman, Speech prof @ CMU, 95, Southern Comm. Journal, Spring, v.60, Iss.3, p pq
      The postmodern passwords of "polyvocality,"…institutions, agencies, and the budgets that fuel them.

      Block Cards

      BLURS THE LINES BETWEEN THE POWERFUL AND POWERLESS – you occlude the true sources of power.  
      Ebert, Pf Critical and Cultural Theory, University at Albany, 95 (Teresa, (Untimely) Critiques for a Red Feminism, Post-Ality, Marxism and Postmodernism, edited by Mas'ud Zavarzadeh)
      More, specifically, it is what Butler calls "resignification."…but through revolutionary praxis to transform the system of exploitation and emancipate those it exploits.

      CO-OPTED BY EMPIRE – playing with meaning helps conservative politics
      Hardt and Negri 2K   (Michael, associate professor in Duke University's literature program, Antonio, inmate at Rebibbia Prison in Rome, Empire)
      "Discourse" and "interpretation" are presented as powerful weapons…when not purely mystificatory.

      YOU TOLERATE EXPLOITATION.  Your strategy for understanding the world tolerates exploitation by reducing structural causes to another discourse
      Mix, Pf English @ Ball State U, 97  (Deborah M, Modern Fiction Studies - Vol 43, Number 2, Summer, pp. 564-567)
      She defines ludic feminism as "a feminism that is founded upon poststructuralist assumptions about linguistic [End Page 564]…and through the laws that foreground their necessary relations." 

      SATCAU, Pf English, 99
      (Aurelia, POSTMODERN,THE LUDIC AND THE POST-AL, Colloquium at the Department for Cultural Studies, Monash University,
      The ‘resistance’ performed in ludic theory and practices today…when confusion and unhappiness is on a higher rate than ever. 

      IT’S NOT A QUESTION OF DO YOU BELIEVE IN MATERIAL REALITY OR NOT.  It’s a question how centrally discourse figures into your understanding of the world and the solution to the world’s problems.  Our ev assumes your argument because it assumes that discursive politics likes to invent certain material realities.  The problem is we get lost in playing with discourse.
      Ebert, Pf Critical and Cultural Theory, University at Albany, 95
      (Teresa, (Untimely) Critiques for a Red Feminism, Post-Ality, Marxism and Postmodernism, edited by Mas'ud Zavarzadeh)
      Materialism, in other words, is "invented" in ludic discourses…it "explains" the discursive. 

      Social Location Turns

      Žižek 1 (Slavoj, Rethinking Marxism, Volume 13, Number 3/4)
      Let us take two predominant topics of today's radical American academia…while their own radicality ultimately amounts to an empty gesture that obliges no one to anything determinate.

      Orwin, PROF OF POLI SCI @ U OF TORONTO, 96 (Clifford, The National Interest, Spring)
      We are familiar with a form of hypocrisy…then none will ever be undertaken.

      Turning inward only helps repressive governments
      Whitley 11 Daryl, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10
      The financial crisis that began in 2008…and the tarnished image of free-market capitalism abroad have combined to expand the opportunities for autocratic advances.

      Block cards

      Mardorossian, Prof of English @ UNY Buffalo, 2002
      [Carine M , Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 27, no. 3]
      We need a feminist politics that addresses the psychological and individual effects of victimization… and reduces the political to the personal.

      Mardorossian, Prof of English @ UNY Buffalo, 2002
      [Carine M , Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 27, no. 3]
      Ironically, the Foucauldian paradigm…ironically replicate modern techniques of power even as they seek to challenge them.

       Psychic liberation is a fantasy that teaches us to think that we way we think is more important than material oppression
      Hames-Garcia, ’00 (Michael, Department Head and Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies Education, “How to Tell a Mestizo from an Enchirito: Colonialism and National Culture in the Borderlands,” Diacritics, Volume: 30(4), p. 111-112. DAP)
      Moreover, one might worry that Anzaldúa…that we create our own world” [“La Prieta” 208].

      O’Kane, 97 (Rosemary, Professor of Politics at KeeleUniversity, “Modernity, the Holocaust, and politics”, Economy and Society, February, ebsco)
      Chosen policies cannot be relegated to the position of immediate condition…which stand in the way of modern genocides.

      Their method will fail—people won’t join their movement and the state will ignore you
      David E. McClean, Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, 2001 (
      Yet for some reason…with their snobish disrespect for the so-called "managerial class."

  • Neolib K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC - Dartmouth (Libya UN Police Training)

      The goal of the better policing is to make the world safe for US multinational corporations
      McCulloch 3, Criminal Justice and Criminology Teacher at Monash University,
      [Jude, Arena Magazine, Dec i68 p34(4)]
      The breakdown of the boundary between the operations of the state's coercive agents…to describe the United States' armed forces, aptly captures the emerging geopolitical reality.

      PUGH 4, Director of the Plymouth International Studies Centre,
      (Michael, International Peacekeeping, Vol.11, No.1, Spring 2004, pp.39–58)
      With antecedents in European concert diplomacy and inter-state security…and the allocation of power and responsibility among elites.59 

      Neoliberalism strengthens the doctrinal definition of democracy, which dictates policies aimed at making target countries more open to neoliberal intervention and the serving of US interests – it rigs elections, props up authoritarian rulers, and eliminates any potential way of helping the poor and marginalized – turns the aff.
      Girdner 5 [Eddie, PhD in political science and teaches @ Izmir University in Izmir, Turkey, “The Greater Middle East Initiative: Regime Change, Neoliberalism and US Global Hegemony”, The Turkish Yearbook Vol. 26, pp. 37-71]
      On the other hand, there is the doctrinal definition of democracy…does not serve the agenda of accelerating capitalist accumulation.

      Our alternative is to reject the affirmative and stand back. We need to leave our comfort zone and listen to the voices of those who speak the uncomfortable truths of democratization and neoliberalism. As participant observers we are in a unique position to challenge the prefiguring of public space and rendering the invisible visible.
      Schostak 11 [John, professor of education @ Manchester Metropolitan University, “The Work of Education and Research for times of Crisis and Protest,” talk prepared for public seminar @ Oxford Learning Institute, June 9,]
      Research in the red zone and the return of the repressed Again…The danger is in slipping into a position of authority granted by some superior insight into what is the right ways of seeing. (Schostak 2010).

      Block cards

      Turns Case

      Masking. Your aff is just an attempt to hide the structural dysfunctions that make peacekeeping necessary
      PUGH 4, Director of the Plymouth International Studies Centre,
      (Michael, International Peacekeeping, Vol.11, No.1, Spring 2004, pp.39–58)
      In terms of geographical burden-sharing…and the ideology of the states that benefit from it.  

      Link Wall

      OUTSOURCING IS ANOTHER LINK to the plan.  THE STATE DEPARTMENT WILL OUTSOURCE training TO COMMERCIAL FIRMS.  The US is the only country to outsource training to corporations
      Perito 2, United States Institute of Peace in Washington,
      (Robert, Parameters, Winter v32, pg 77)
      Under Presidential Decision Directive 71…as police officers for its CIVPOL contingents. 

  • Dartmouth Libya/UN Neg

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC UN Frontline

        HELTON 1, Senior Fellow for Refugee Studies @ the Council on Foreign Relations,
        (Arthur C., International Migration Review, Spring 2001 v35 i1 p192)
        Senior United Nations officials sometimes refer to coordination as the "C word." are often masked by debates over "coordination." 

      2. TURN - LACK OF AN EXIT STRATEGY will discredit the UN’s mission
      Weinberger 2, Director of the UN Studies at Columbia University,
      [Naomi, Journal of International Affairs, Spring v55 i2 p245(31)]
      Indeed, even in less complex social environments…discredit even the positive aspects of the intervention itself. (66)

      3. If we win that the plan fails, the US commitment to the UN will be perceived as a failure.  They have to win their stability arguments to truly solve this advantage

      4. Turn – Rising Democracies: Rising democracies will resist the plan – they don’t want to back the West in the UN
      Democracy Digest 9-26     Will revamped Community of Democracies simply “get together” or “get things done”?
      Some observers even suggest that the democratic idea itself has lost its lustre [3]… are prioritizing sovereignty over liberty and refusing to lend their weight to the democracy promotion agenda.

      5. Turn – Foreign creep.  Police officers will be frustrated by only training, undermining local policing
      Latham 1, UN Association,  [Elizabeth J., World Affairs, Spring v163 i4 p192]
      Second, the go-out-and-get-it-done attitude characteristic of many police…responsive police forces.

      Latham 1, UN Association,  [Elizabeth J., World Affairs, Spring v163 i4 p192]
      Although the officers assigned as Civpol monitors may have the skills necessary to patrol…one side of a conflict can place unarmed Civpol officers in grave danger.

      6. TURN – US IMPERIALISM.  International policing expands the US’s ability use the war on terror unilaterally
      McCulloch 3, Criminal Justice and Criminology Teacher at Monash University,
      [Jude, Arena Magazine, Dec i68 p34(4)]
      On the war's international front…and open up law enforcement or 'internal security' to the military. 

      7. Perceptions of US opt-out prevent the UN from solving
      PATRICK 3, International Affairs Fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations,
      [Stewart, Ethics & International Affairs, April v17 i1 p37(19)]
      Globally, one of the most common criticisms…the U.S. government has sought to keep the international legal order in a fragmented state. (52)

      8. Institutional constraints prevent the UN from preventing conflict
      LANG 1 Anthony F., Carnegie Council on Ethics & Intl Affairs, Ethics & International Affairs, April, v15
      Moreover, the current instability of the international system … has become an institution that we look to for order: 

      Block Cards

      2NC Xt – Rising Democracies

      This decimates larger democracy promotion.  
      CAROTHERS and YOUNGS 11    Thomas, VP – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program. worked on democracy assistance projects for many public and private organizations and carried out extensive field research on democracy-building efforts around the world. Richard, director general of FRIDE and Pf U of Warwick, Democracy Promotion in the Age of Rising Powers, July 14,
      On the other hand, a multipolar world entails the rise of important democratic states such as Brazil… and lend new legitimacy to the effort.

      Rising democracies support is critical for the larger overall success of democracy efforts
      CAROTHERS and YOUNGS 11    Thomas, VP – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program. worked on democracy assistance projects for many public and private organizations and carried out extensive field research on democracy-building efforts around the world. Richard, director general of FRIDE and Pf U of Warwick, Looking for Help  Democracy and Rule of Law | July
      The emergence of a multipolar world is commonly seen as inimical…to help advance political liberalization in still-autocratic states. 

      Rising democracies resist US democratization as imperialism
      CAROTHERS and YOUNGS 11    Thomas, VP – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program. worked on democracy assistance projects for many public and private organizations and carried out extensive field research on democracy-building efforts around the world. Richard, director general of FRIDE and Pf U of Warwick, Looking for Help  Democracy and Rule of Law | July
      Yet given how policy elites and publics in these states…of the serious limitations of Western democracy support. 

      Rising democracies hate US-interest based democratization
      CAROTHERS and YOUNGS 11    Thomas, VP – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program. worked on democracy assistance projects for many public and private organizations and carried out extensive field research on democracy-building efforts around the world. Richard, director general of FRIDE and Pf U of Warwick, Looking for Help  Democracy and Rule of Law | July
      These emerging democracies adhere to a “sovereigntist” notion of international relations…of policies and self-righteous strictures. 

      Rising democracies view US democratization as hypocritical
      CAROTHERS and YOUNGS 11    Thomas, VP – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program. worked on democracy assistance projects for many public and private organizations and carried out extensive field research on democracy-building efforts around the world. Richard, director general of FRIDE and Pf U of Warwick, Looking for Help  Democracy and Rule of Law | July
      Yet most Western governments act similarly…because of all of its associations with Western political interventionism. 

      2NC Xt – Imperialism

      Your solvency is blinded by an ideological faith in the UN
      LANG 1 Anthony F., Carnegie Council on Ethics & Intl Affairs, Ethics & International Affairs, April, v15
      The emptiness of the UN, its revelation as a system of objects only…that communism has been branded a failure. 

      Your UN good impact arguments are a fiction.  The UN doesn’t represent the international system.
      LANG 1 Anthony F., Carnegie Council on Ethics & Intl Affairs, Ethics & International Affairs, April, v15
      Francois Debrix's new book provides one answer…Or, rather, the more it intervenes, the more it shows its formal emptiness" (p. 6). 

      1NC Stability Frontline

      1. US INTERESTS WILL OVERWHELM THE PLAN.  The US will emphasize finding criminals over justice
        Call 1, Watson Institute for Intl Studies and Stanley, Pf Poli Sci @ U of New Mexico,
        (Charles T., William, Global Governance, April-June, v7)
        Finally, international actors also have separate security … "transmission belt" for the national interests of the donor state.

      2. Short-termism will cause trainers to fake it.  
      Call 1, Watson Institute for Intl Studies and Stanley, Pf Poli Sci @ U of New Mexico,
      (Charles T., William, Global Governance, April-June, v7)
      International third parties also face resource limits … and time constraints imposed by international actors. 

      US Institute of Peace 1    (Special Report 71, American Civilian Police in UN Peace Operations: Lessons Learned and Ideas for the Future,
      Many American officers found themselves having to manage several policing cultures … respect from the local community was diminished.

      5. Lack of an exit strategy prevents any short-term solvency
      Weinberger 2, Director of the UN Studies at Columbia University,
      [Naomi, Journal of International Affairs, Spring v55 i2 p245(31)]
      Even in a best-case scenario…for addressing short-term humanitarian emergencies and initiating longer-term reconstruction efforts. 

      6. Training officers will be poor quality
      Call 1, Watson Institute for Intl Studies and Stanley, Pf Poli Sci @ U of New Mexico,
      (Charles T., William, Global Governance, April-June, v7)
      Organizational limits on CIVPOL are compounded by…settling for slow deployments and "second and third tier choices." [14] 

      7. Bribes and brothels will undercut your solvency
      Latham 1, UN Association,  [Elizabeth J., World Affairs, Spring v163 i4 p192]
      Former Civpol officers offer a unique recruitment … and engaging in other actions unbecoming a law enforcement officer.(51)

      8. Military overlap prevents coordination of policing
      US Institute of Peace 1    (Special Report 71, American Civilian Police in UN Peace Operations: Lessons Learned and Ideas for the Future,
      Coordination at the tactical levelnot only between CIVPOL and KFOR…and coordinating law enforcement action were sometimes insurmountable tasks.

      9. Bad coordination: You can’t prevent organized crime, Bosnia proves
      Call 1, Watson Institute for Intl Studies and Stanley, Pf Poli Sci @ U of New Mexico,
      (Charles T., William, Global Governance, April-June, v7)
      Yet CIVPOL is often unprepared for serious security threats…to take down organized criminal networks encountered resistance and obstacles. 


      BARON 8-24  Kevin Baron, Stars and Stripes,
      Published: August 24, 2011
      “There’s always going to be complaints about double-standards in U.S. foreign policy… In other words: instability.

  • CDD CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Shell - Texas BK (Yemen Tribal Leaders)

      Text: The United States federal govnerment should provide civil development assistance to tribal leaders in Yemen, contingent on cooperation with Yemeni security forces.

      Their own 1AC solvency advocate argues for development, not democracy, programs. This can be done just to the tribal leaders.
      Peter Knoetgen, Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, 5/16/11, “Chaos and Terrorism: How to Fight al-Qaeda in Yemen Amid Political Turmoil”
      For security forces to establish a presence in Yemen’s most AQAP-infected regions…Only then will America’s aid packages assume the role of a strategic weapon against Yemeni terrorism.

      Development is better as a strategy to not isolate Saudi Arabia. And the development model is a better framework to not over-emphasize democracy
      Glenn 11
      Scott, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10
      In order to break these factors the U.S. must pursue a policy of development…, a development program should be attainable. 

      1NC Shell – Gonzaga DH (Yemen Police Training)

      Text: The United States federal government should increase developmental aid to Yemen.  
      Development eliminates both public and political instability.
      USAID, ’10 [“2010-2010 Yemen Country Strategy.”]
      USAID’s overarching strategic goal in Yemen…does not have the resources or expertise to execute, organize or manage such activities

      1NC Shell – UNLV

      The United States federal government should provide assistance for community driven development to Egypt in the form of micro-financing, low-income housing and architecture, educational scholarships, farming technology, and vocational training, modeled off US assistance to the Philippines

      The Philippines is proof that helping civil society without emphasizing democracy is a better way of ensuring government accountability.  Spill up is more likely than spill down.
      Blum 11
      Alexandra, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10
      When dealing with poorer nations, … not abstract notions of democracy.

      We have the following net benefits:

      A. Democratic imperialism.  Emphasizing democracy is a way to wrap imperialism in a benevolent flag
      Baker 7  Raymond William , Carnegie Scholar 2006–08, Trinity, College and the American University in Cairo, International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies Volume 1 Number 3
      Large imperial projects require large purposes… unfortunately, cannot be left to the Muslims. 

      B. Capitalism.  The plan’s rhetorical embracement of ‘democratic governance’ reduces political hopes into the frame of Western democracy which goes hand in hand with neoliberalism.  Only the plan causes conversations in Libya around the term democracy which absorbs our attention

      Marks 11  Susan, Professor of International Law, London School of Economics, Eur J Int Law (2011) 22 (2): 507-524.
      I have discussed the idea that Tom's claim has moved… but with these questions.

      C. The CP is crucial to sustaining international support for democracy.  Rising democracies hate the notion of promoting democracy
      CAROTHERS and YOUNGS 11    Thomas, VP – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program. worked on democracy assistance projects for many public and private organizations and carried out extensive field research on democracy-building efforts around the world. Richard, director general of FRIDE and Pf U of Warwick, Looking for Help  Democracy and Rule of Law | July
      Yet given how policy elites and publics in these states view both their own countries’ roles in the world …not high-visibility policy signons.

      D. Pushback. Avoiding election aid avoids direct intervention in politics
      Ulfelder 7-25    Jay, former research director for the Political Instability Task Force, Assumptions Check: Does Civil Society Aid Promote Democratization?
      Last but not least, donor agencies have also favored civil society aid … without ever directly intervening in politics.”

      2NC Solvency

      The CP doesn’t provide any police training which proves the CP is less interested in protecting corporate capital.  Global policing is designed to PROTECT GLOBAL CAPITAL
      Sabom 2K    [Diane, Insight on the News, Oct 23, 2000 v16 i39 p21]
      The 9/11 attacks provided a political opening for the … and threat come to dominate political discourse and political freedoms are traded in for 'security' regimes.

      The CP avoids political training.  Political consultants for election aid is a huge business
      Miller 10-12    Sean J, Campaigns and Elections,
      Along with helping construct the basic building blocks of democracy in the Arab world, …“Show me your gringo.” 

      The cover of democracy is a cloak for neoliberalism
      Massad 11   Joseph, Professor for Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University, Al Jazeera, 08 Jun 2011
      The answer is simple. There is an increasing understanding among US policy makers that the US should ride the democratic wave in the … the benefit of the very same local and international business elites in power under Mubarak and Ben Ali.

      1NC Shell - Baylor CM

      We should endorse a desirable intellectual strategy for challenging dominant historical relations of  power that constrain and shape educational and community-driven development assistance.

      Educational exchange critical to combat Islamophobia
      Roberts 11 – Nicholas P. New York, Voice of Tomorrow, February,
      International visitor programs and educational exchange programs…with each hour that it fails to express solidarity with the men and women in Tahrir Square. 

      1NC Shell - Louisville VW

      The United States federal government should provide assistance for community driven development to Yemen.

      CDD creates bottom up accountability

      Astengo and Oh 11
      Michelle and Grace, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10
      As alluded to, CDD creates an environment more conducive to bottom-up accountability… and strengthening of the decision making base that is a vital factor leading to good governance.

  • Arab Pessimism K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Shell

      Many of the arguments embedded in the aff have already occurred in debates over Orientalism within American academia. If the history of previous debates is any guide, Their aff will produce a form of ACADEMIC MCCARTHYISM. Fearing all Western influence creates AMMUNITION to assume that ALL support for democracy is imperialism.  This creates a reverse form of Orientalism that turns the West into a scapegoat and silences legitimate scholars
      Teitelbaum & Litvak, 6 /Senior Fellow, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies, Tel Aviv University & Senior Fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies/ /Joshua & Meir, “STUDENTS, TEACHERS, AND EDWARD SAID: TAKING STOCK OF ORIENTALISM”, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol 10 no. 10, March/
      Another problem, noticed mostly by Said's Arab critics… or an agent of American imperialism.[74]

      The aff’s politicalization does violence to real-life policy formation.  Their criticisms over-exaggerate a uniformity that is not present on the ground.  While some democracy assistance is geared towards US interests, the filter of critical theory assumes that all democratization is the same.
      YOUNGS 11 Richard, Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor at the U of Warwick, FRIDE, Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion, Jan, N º 1 0 6
      There are many eloquent critiques that have added much of value to debates over democracy’s international trajectory…but the renovations needed are more subtle in nature. 

      Democratization theory is under-going massive self-reflection.  The decision to throw it out as Western imposition is a worse form of imperialism at a critical time
      YOUNGS 11 Richard, Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor at the U of Warwick, FRIDE, Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion, Jan, N º 1 0 6
      It is self-evident that liberal democracy now shares the conceptual field with rivals in a way that it did not in the 1990s… and thus contradicting themselves. 

      Your aff is a luxury that’s hostile to lived experience.  Criticizing the law and political freedoms is easy to do when you’re already protected by the law.  Many activists in Arab countries actually want the protection of the law. Their stereotyping of capitalism and statism is no different than Islamophobia
      Kacem 11 M.B., French-Tunisian writer and philosopher. A Tunisian Renaissance. <>
      As a Tunisian, I was already tired of the haughty contempt of those… claim to see Islamism everywhere. 

      The alternative is to be open to future possibilities of democratization, to conclude that assisting and paying attention to other countries doesn’t have to mean Imperialism.  Instead of assuming that Arab populations are just of bunch Western-democracy-sellouts and they can’t handle themselves when the West offers democracy, we should affirm Arab participation with Western democratization as a form of mimicry and similarity. Supporting non-Western mimicry is the best way to destabilize normalized knowledge and combat colonialism.
      Bilgin, 8 /Department of International Relations, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey/
      /Pinar, “Thinking past 'Western' IR?”, Third World Quarterly, Volume 29, Issue 1 February pp. 5 – 23/
      For those who remain curious about the emergence of 'similarity' as well as difference in/by the 'non-West'…and/or 'difference' may take many forms - including a search for 'similarity'.

      Alt Solvency

      Affirming the shared space of the current moment is a better strategy for placing hope in the new revolutions
      Sadiki 11 Dr Larbi Sadiki is a Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, Al Jazeera, 6/6,
      This is the moment for spreading cosmopolitanism of good governance, moral protest… and economic engagement is underpinned by ethics of shared obligations and responsibility.

      We can turn your aff even if we don’t win the alt
      Teitelbaum & Litvak, 2006 /Senior Fellow, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies, Tel Aviv University & Senior Fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies/Joshua & Meir, “STUDENTS, TEACHERS, AND EDWARD SAID: TAKING STOCK OF ORIENTALISM”, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol 10 no. 10, March/
      Since the publication of "Orientalism" in 1978,… as well as of Middle Eastern society and politics... as well as of Middle Eastern society and politics.

  • EPA DA

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: 3 | Opponent: ASU DS | Judge: Jim Hanson

    • 1NC Shell

      Republicans will be unsuccessful at stripping the EPA-Obama is successfully fighting them off
      Scott 10/3 [Dean, staff writer for the Bureau of National Affairs, “Senate May Target EPA Cross-State Rule With Goal of Forcing Obama to Accept Delay”, p.]
      With House approval of a bill in September to delay two key air pollution rules… The next continuing resolution on the agenda would fund federal operations only through Nov. 18 (187 DEN A-14, 9/27/11).
      Political capital is key – Obama key to keeping Dem fence-sitters from jumping ship
      Bravender 2011 [Robin, writer for The Politico, “For EPA, climate tough in Senate”, The Politico, p.]
      But for Democrats on the fence,… Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania.
      Obama empirically expended p.c. to support the Arab Spring.
      DP-News, 5/19 [“Obama’s Mideast speech to focus at “Arab Spring.”]
      Obama was expected to use his Middle East speech Thursday to sharply defend new sanctions… and will spend more before his heavy week of Mideast diplomacy ends.
      New EPA restrictions would effectively gut the EPA
      McAuliff and Graves 10/9 [Michael and Lucia, writers for the Huffington Post, “War On The EPA: Republican Bills Would Erase Decades Of Protection”, Huffington Post, p.]
      "Republicans have made an assault on all environmental issues… the Interstate Commerce Commission, advocates say.
      EPA regulations key to solve climate change
      Parenti 10 (Christian Parenti, a contributing editor at The Nation and a visiting scholar at the Center for Place, Culture and Politics, at the CUNY Grad Center, 4-20-10, “The Nation: The Case for EPA Action,”
      On April 1 the Environmental Protection Agency established rules… but when Obama took office he allowed the EPA to do its job again
      Warming causes extinction.
      Tickell, Climate researcher 2008
      (Oliver, Climate Researcher, The Gaurdian, “On a planet 4C hotter, all we can prepare for is extinction”, 8-11, commentisfree/2008/aug/11/ climatechange)
      We need to get prepared for four degrees of global warming,… could propel us towards a similar hothouse Earth

      2NC Overview

      Multiple Scientists From Around the World Agree that Global Climate Chage Is Already Affecting Plant and Animal Life - If Something Isn't Done by 2050, Climate Change Will Be a Greater Risk to Our Species than Nuclear War

      MOTAVALLI ‘99
      (JIM, EDITOR OF E MAGAZINE won a 1999 Global Media Award from the Population Institute, author of three books, has written for many newspapers, magazines, and web sites “2000: Planet Earth at the Crossroads; environment and the future of mankind,” E, PG. LN)

      GLOBAL WARMING. According to Dr. James Hansen…only five percent of the time in the U.S. could rise to 50 percent by 2050.


      TOWNSEND & HARRIS (staffwriters) 2/22/04
      [Mark & Paul, “Now the Pentagon Tells Bush: Climate Change Will Destroy Us,” The Observer, LN]

      Climate change over the next 20 years... 'It is a national security threat that is unique because there is no enemy to point your guns at and we have no control over the threat.' 


      Gelbspan ‘04
      [Ross, Gelbspan; former Pulitzer Prize Winner, former editor of the Boston Globe; “Feeling the Heat”- Introduction 1- published by Routledge New York, - ed by Motavilli-published 2004] 

      But the impending damages go far beyond insurance losses…percent a year-would exceed the world's annual gross domestic product in about 6 years.

      Dr. Tom J. Chalko, MS, Engineering & PhD, Laser Holography, “Global Warming: Can Earth Explode?” 2002,

      The real danger for our entire civilization comes…Only Understanding can. Focus on Understanding. It cannot be undone.

      Warming is real

      Henderson ‘04
      [Mark, science correspondent, “Scientists Claim Final Proof of Global Warming,” The Times, May 6,

      POWERFUL evidence for global warming has been discovered by scientists funded by the US Government, demolishing the chief argument of sceptics who deny that the phenomenon is real…. retreating glaciers, shifting species domains.


      Irish Times ’05 [“From thaw to meltdown in Siberia,” August 13, LNuwyo-ajl]

      The melting of an area of permafrost bog in Siberia…leading to a 10-25 per cent increase in global warming, he says.

      2NC Ag Impact

      Warming collapse stable agriculture.
      Milbrath, 94  (Director of the Research Program in Environment and Society at the State University of
      New York-Buffalo, 1994 THE FUTURIST, May, p. 28.)
      Another scenario suggests that there could be an extended period,… and modern society's vaunted economic system would collapse like a house of cards.

      Food shortages cause World War III.
      Calvin 98  (William, theoretical neurophysiologist at the University of Washington, Atlantic Monthly, January, The Great Climate Flip-Flop, Vol 281, No. 1, 1998, p. 47-64]
      The population-crash scenario is surely the most appalling…. It could no longer do so if it lost the extra warming from the North Atlantic.


      Senate Republicans are attempting to include their EPA agenda in everything-dems are successfully blocking now
      LA Times 10/10 [“A GOP assault on environmental regulations”, p.,0,6247792.story]
      For the moment, it will be difficult for many of the House's bills to get through the Senate…Democrats successfully blocked it.
      The GOP is putting the full court press on it-doesn’t have support now
      Raju 10/12 [Manu, reporter for Politico, “Jobs plan from Senate Republicans unveiled”, Politico, p.]
      So they’re planning to roll out a jobs plan that amounts to a conservative’s dream agenda…, but it appears to have broad backing among GOP senators.
      Obama is political capital isn’t out its just on the brink
      Buffalo news 10-14 (“Obama’s lonely presidency”,
      But, oh, what a difference a bad economy and a stubborn congressional opposition can make….his political capital on Capitol Hill is running out as lawmakers face re-election races of their own.

      AT: Thumpers

      1) Our Uniqueness evidence assumes your thumpers-but obviously not the plan-the plan would be unique to triggering the link
      Scott 10/3 [Dean, staff writer for the Bureau of National Affairs, “Senate May Target EPA Cross-State Rule With Goal of Forcing Obama to Accept Delay”, p.]
      In July, EPA announced its final Cross-State Air Pollution Rule…the agency would enforce the Bush administration's less stringent Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR).
      2) Not as a stand-alone legislation, but GOP will include EPA stripping as part of their next jobs plan, which IS at the top of the docket
      Mascaro 10/11 [Lisa, Washington Bureau correspondent for the Chicago Tribune, “Jobs plan duel takes shape \ As Senate takes up Obama bill, GOP presses its package”, Chicago Tribune, p. Lexis]
      "Do they have a plan that would have a similar impact?"…But GOP leaders have been hesitant to put hard numbers on their claims.

      AT: Jobs Thumper

      Jobs was unique – Obama didn’t spend capital to get it done
      Brown and Thrush 10/11 [Carrie Budoff and Glen, writers for Politico, “Senate defeat on jobs bill beside point for Obama”, Politico, p.]
      Obama aides were less concerned about Democratic opposition to the jobs plan than on previous legislative package…, as he usually does ahead of major votes

  • Politics

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Yemen

      There’s significant domestic pressure for a military response to the AQAP and US politicians don’t think local police patrols make good headlines
      Knoetgen ’11 (Peter, Captain in the US Naval Reserve, “Chaos and Terrorism: How to Fight al-Qaeda in Yemen Amid Political Turmoil,” Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, 5/16,
      Some policy makers will criticise a police-civil aid-intelligence driven strategy…provide far better headlines than civil aid or local police patrols.
      His scaled back approach prevents the loss of his pol cap.
      McKelvey, ‘9 [Tara, 12/7,, “Is Democracy a Dirty Word?”]
      In recent years, humanitarian aid has not been seen as closely linked with fostering democracy…to say that the United States should help establish democracies in other countries.

      AT: Winners Win

      Not true in context of Obama 

      Harrison 9
      (Jennifer, Obama and Healthcare: Wasting Political Capital” 

      President Barack Obama was elected last year in a sizable victory over his Republican… and this has left him in a weaker position politically.
      Wrong—alienates Democrats—the election supercharges this internal link

      Galston 10.
      (William, Senior Fellow, Governance Studies, Brookings, “President Barack Obama’s First Two Years: Policy Accomplishments, Political Difficulties” Brookings Institute 11/4/10 

      Second, the administration believed that success would breed success…if they supported cap-and-trade legislation turned out to have a better grasp of political fundamentals than did administration strategists.

      Winners lose for Obama—he’ll lose the spin game 

      Baker 10.
      [Peter, foreign policy reporter, author of Kremlin Rising: Vladimir Putin and Russian Counter-Revolution, “Education of a President” New York Times)

      But it is possible to win the inside game and lose the outside game…Obama supporter. “We didn’t use the president in either stimulus or health care until we had lost the spin battle.”

      AT: Obama Won’t Push

      Presidents are held accountable for agency decisions - there is no political cover
      David E. Lewis, Professor, Politics and Public Affairs, Princeton University, PRESIDENTS AND THE POLITICS OF AGENCY DESIGN, 2003, p. 4.
      Agency design determines bureaucratic responsiveness…it is the president whose reelection and historical legacy are on the line.

  • T - Health Assistance

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 2 | Opponent: UCO AV | Judge: Izak

    • T - Health Assistance

      A. Democracy assistance includes rule of law, civil society, elections and political processes, and governance

      McMahon in 2 Edward R. McMahon Director, Center on Democratic Performance Department of Political Science, Binghamton University “Assessing USAID’s Assistance for Democratic Development: Quantity Versus Quality?” Center on Democratic Performance

      Defining Democracy Assistance …rule of law, civil society, elections and political processes, and governance.


      B. The plan is health assistance not democracy assistance

      Pokharel et al 2011 (Trilochan Pokharel, Dalia Al-Eryani, Boatemaa Sandra, et al, Interview on Child Marriage in Yemen with Former Pathfinder Program Coordinator, Pathfinder International, April 26,

      In Yemen, one out of seven girls is married by age 14 …but the biggest success was a community pact against child marriage.


      C. Vote Neg


      1. Limits – they justify any aff that could result in democracy, the topic isn’t democracy good/bad it’s about a specific subset of democracy assistance – creates an unreasonable research burden and justifies a host of extra topical advantages that could result in increased democracy in the future.


      2. Ground – all of our DA links and CPs are based on increases in democracy assistance, public health should be core CP ground to test the aff.

  • Development K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC



      There is a spatial logic, too…who are unable to manage their own well-being and peaceful coexistence.




      To see development as a historically produced discourse…to be known through theories and intervened upon from the outside.





      This idealization of exchange networks is part of a larger discourse…or is wholly irrelevant to the project of global public health.

  • T - Democracy Assistance (v. K Affs)

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC

      The word ‘assistance’ is in the topic.  The topic doesn’t ask us to defend democracy in the abstract.  It asks us to defend ASSISTING other countries with what THEY VIEW as democracy.  This is not a democracy good / bad topic.  You aff is fundamental to a topic that says promote democracy in the US.  Not a topic that is about assisting other countries.

      1. Pity the neg:

      If what is topical this year is talking about a more nuanced view of democracy’s past, the negative doesn’t have a chance.  What doesn’t condition democracy’s past?

      There are many pre-requisites for democracy: religion, Monarchs, the Whig reading of history, French revolutionaries, or the reactions to democracy in Athens.   The negative shouldn’t be expected to have to defend them all

      Hobson ‘9  Christopher Hobson, a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University, UK, “Beyond the End of History: The Need for a `Radical Historicisation' of Democracy in International Relations”, Millennium - Journal of International Studies,
      Indeed, one of the most significant dimensions of democracy … there is nothing in democracy’s current positioning to suggest that it will inevitably endure. 

      Does the negative this year really need 1NCs ready against Aristotle, Thucydides, Alcibiades “History of the Peloponnesian War”   and Plato?  All of these folks railed against democracy’s failures.

      Does the negative need 1NCs ready to answer Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau.  They hated democracy as well?

      2. Your exclusion arguments aren’t true.  There are many topical ways to run your aff

      There are tons of non-liberalist affs: You could easily run your aff as a criticism of liberal democracy by providing any kind of non-election, non-constitutional, non-rule of law based assistance. 

      Or you could defend social democracy, participatory democracy, deliberative democracy, radical democracy, or cosmopolitan democracy.

      Giving aid to land reform NGOs is not liberal democracy.  Giving aid to trade unions is not liberal democracy.  Aiding Islamist groups is not liberalist democracy. Aid for civil education programs is not liberal democracy

      3. ASSISTANCE DEBATES ARE IMPORTANT.  Debates about US assistance are critical to exposing the ways the US tries to manipulate Arab uprisings to its advantage.  This is a crucial debate on this years’ topic.

      Saying that we shouldn’t debate the ways the government aids other countries means we ignore the history of different sorts of aid solutions.

      The history of democracy assistance, and the way it was given to Latin American countries in the 60s and 70s to prevent future Cubas.  The way aid was given to Eastern Europe so that US businesses could pillage their economies or that democracy aid became a cover for maintaining a racialized status quo in South Africa.

      It means we ignore a discussion of recipients of democracy aid, because we only concerned with changing our relationship to aid.  It means we don’t care at all if recipients have no voice in aid decisions.

      It means we ignore that the NED has been a cover for the CIA for many years and we don’t get a chance to discuss the ways that the NED works in a post-Cold war environment.

      There is a lack of evaluation of current democracy assistance which is why we need these debates.
      Clark 7     William, professor of political science at the University of Michigan, Philanthropic Imperialism: the National Endowment for Democracy, 6-29,
      Wersch & Zeeuw (themselves funded by Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Clingendael Institute) state that apart from initial work by Peter Burnell (who writes for the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), the British version of the NED), Thomas Carothers (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace & IDEA) and Krishna Kumar (USAID and Clingendael Institute),
      'there have been almost no evaluations or systematic studies…but also how the process perverts fundamental principles at the most basic level.

      Block Cards

      Lappin 2010
      Lappin, Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, 2010, What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance, Volume 4, Issue 1,
      In defining democracy assistance, it is paramount that the distinction between democracy assistance …Democracy assistance is therefore a very precise instrument within a broader democracy promotion paradigm.

      This proves the aff is not T—they are not assistance—they merely create conditions that might lead to assistance
      Lappin 2010
      Lappin, Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, 2010, What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance, Volume 4, Issue 1,
      Problems Resulting From Definitional Uncertainty … It does not therefore include economic and social aid programmes .’
      Democracy assistance must be direct technical assistance and for the explicit purpose of democracy assistance
      Huber, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Department of International Relations, 8
      [Daniela, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 43–62,  March 2008, “Democracy Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Comparison of US and EU Policies”, p. 45-6,, accessed 6-3-11]
      What is Democracy Assistance? The term democracy assistance is used in academic literature… It also implies that DA is more than electoral assistance.

  • Baylor CM Neg

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: JV Reed

    • Case

      ETHICS must be FEASIBLE on a larger scale and ethics are easily coopted
      Demenchonok 9, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, (Edward, The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 68.1 (Jan): p9)
      However, the further development of an ethical approach faces challenges that need to taken in consideration…The cumulative effect is the difficulty of using ethical language in a way that will, or even should, be taken seriously.

      Default aff-their authors generalizing claims guarantee failure
      BARNETT 11     Clive, Pf geographies of democracy & public life @ Open U, Geoforum, 42(3), pp. 263–265.
      The ‘Arab Spring’, the mobilization for democratic change inaugurated  by political upheaval in Tunisia, …that lend themselves best to his own vision of revolutionary possibility.   

      MCDONALD, University of Warwick, UK, 08
      (Matt, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 14(4): 563–587)
      And there is a broader, more fundamental argument that while helpful…and potentially reifying traditional security discourses and practices in the process. 

      SECURITY CAN BE PRECURSOR TO EMANCIPIATION and to the development of human potential
      JONES, Director of the University’s Wales Governance Centre, 99
      (Richard Wyn, Security, Strategy, and Critical Theory)
      As I argue in Chapter 4…security is also a vital precursor to the fuller development of human potential. 

      THE WAR ON TERRORISM DEPENDS ON INCLUSION.  It needs to make distinctions between good and bad foreigners in order to succeed
      ENGLE, Professor of Law @ UT, 04             (Karen, 75 U. Colorado Law Review 59)
      Thus, the war on terrorism is not simply a war on Muslims… all provide opportunities for demonstrating loyalty. 

      Engaging Islamists is critical to develop support for the war on terror
      Hamid 7    Shadi, Policy Report, Engaging Political Islam to Promote Democracy, June
      A new strategy of Islamist engagement would constitute a crucial component of the war on terror… a vital feature of the region’s ongoing political evolution.

      2NC Case

      AT: Ethics

      YOU SHOULD PRIORITIZE STRATEGY OVER ETHICS.  You must evaluate any protest in the ways in interacts with the world.
      Lipschutz 5, Professor of Politics at the University of California at Santa Cruz, (Ronnie D, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Vol.33, No.3, pp. 747-769)
      But flight is not a simple matter; there is no abrupt or global escape …it involves the exercise of power, but not simply the power to influence or coerce. 

      War on Terror Turn

      The US will use the plan to create compliant Islamist movements
      Buehler 10 The Report committee for Matthew J. Certifies that this is the approved version of the following report: The Making of Moderates: U.S. Relations with Islamist Movements in Morocco and Egypt University of Texas at Austin May
      These good relations between the PJD and the United States help to cultivate its image as a moderate Islamist movement… In return, the United States benefits by getting a compliant Islamist movement.

      US support for Islamists will come with expectations
      Hamid 7    Shadi, Policy Report, Engaging Political Islam to Promote Democracy, June
      Any U.S.-Islamist dialogue would necessarily include an implicit …honoring peace agreements with Israel.

      Engaging Islam co-opts better than any military strength ever could
      Hamid 7    Shadi, Policy Report, Engaging Political Islam to Promote Democracy, June
      It is here that mainstream political Islam… sees us not as friends but as enemies. 

      Supporting Islam means supporting regimes in Yemen – it legitimates working with leaders like Saleh
      Lutfi 7  Manal, Asharq Al-Awsat, March, 9-12,
      The reason for this according to Carpenter is that the situation …Difficult issues that are related to the world today.

      Morocco proves that the plan’s help will be counter-balanced with US interests.  The US has contacts with the PJD but we’re unwilling to pressure the regime or oppose a monarchy because we don’t want to jeopardize our interests.
      Hamid 10, Middle East at Brookings, (Shadi Hamid and Amanda Kadlec- Project on Middle East Democracy, January, “Strategies for Engaging Political Islam”
      Despite this fear of Islamists coming to power through free elections… it does so with the Moroccan monarchy’s blessing.

      The US will use the plan to create compliant Islamist movements
      Buehler 10 The Report committee for Matthew J. Certifies that this is the approved version of the following report: The Making of Moderates: U.S. Relations with Islamist Movements in Morocco and Egypt University of Texas at Austin May
      These good relations between the PJD and the United States…the United States benefits by getting a compliant Islamist movement. 

      Engaging Islam is just a strategy to secure US interests against al-Qaeda
      Davarpanah 11   Afshin, Tehran Times, 6-12
      Thus, by helping popular movements, … This is the most efficient way to promote U.S. cultural and political hegemony in the future.

      KELLY, University of Sydney, 03  (Mark, Racism, Nationalism and Biopolitics: Foucaultʼs Society Must Be Defended, Contretemps, 9/4)
      There is racism towards Arabs qua Arabs… which is one reason perhaps that the war lacked popular support outside of the United States.

  • Spillback

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Shell

      Politicizing the resolution for the sake of the debate community turns witnessing into a selfish act.

      Understanding the benefits of democracy assistance in terms of what it does for the debate community is the opposite of altruism.  It uses a relationship with other people for the purpose of fixing the debate community.  
      Givoni 11    Michal, Department of Politics and Government, Ben Gurion University, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 40(1) 43–63
      Witnessing was at one and the same time a protective act, a sign of solidarity… so as to become new subjects endowed with both technical skills and humane capacities. 

      Keep em separate

      Emphasis on the debate community is not your only effect.  Your aff says IN ORDER TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE DEBATE COMMUNITY, we first have to see ourselves playing humanitarians within the world.  You should feel free to vote that the debate community needs to change but you should not co-mingle caring about the debate community with caring about the aff.  You’re instrumentalizing the world to fix debate
      Givoni 11    Michal, Department of Politics and Government, Ben Gurion University, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 40(1) 43–63
      The autonomy of humanitarian witnesses, which lent their testimonies epistemic and moral credibility… and care for the witness that was far more calculated and reflective than presence or even sensitisation. 

      2NC Topic Knowledge Good

      Resistance around the world can learn from the Arab Spring
      Callinicos 8-14, Alex, professor of European Studies in King's College, 'London shows that democracy neoliberal style doesn’t work', Ahram Online, 14 Aug 2011,
      AC: The revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia…but we are all in your debt for offering us such inspiring examples to emulate.

  • Louisville VW Neg

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 5 | Opponent: | Judge: Cram

    • 1NC

      Dancing with chains. The attempt to escape all norms doesn’t teach us about what is inevitable in life.  Things like the law, structure, and norms are inevitable and we need to learn how to exist within this world.  Their arguments are a fantasy of a life that can never exist.
      HATAB, Prof of Philosophy @ Old Dominion University, 02
      (Lawrence J., The Journal of Nietzsche Studies 24 (2002) 132-147)
      Modern societies, at least, cannot function without institutions and the coercive force of law…that refashions natural energies in less savage and more productive directions.

      Liberating the oppressed is co-opted, used for more domination
      SARAH Hendricks, who works for the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, WROTE IN 98     (
      Freire's generalized and homogenized conception of oppression… the methodology of Freire's pedagogy could easily be co-opted and utilized to perpetuate systems of domination.

      Calling for authentic migration experience is a strategy ripe for co-option. The state loves the supposedly authentic spokespersons of migration as tokens to pretend as if it’s benevolent.
      Lentin, senior lecturer in Sociology, director of the MPhil in Ethnic and Racial Studies, and founder member of the Trinity Immigration Initiative, 08 (Ronit, Migrant women’s networking: New articulations of transnational ethnicity)
      I want to conclude by asking whether co opting representatives of migrant networks…and the recognition of ethnoracially  heterogeneous states.


      Raskin 99, PROF OF PUBLIC POLICY, (Marcus, G Wash U, Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, Fall)
      For those who were consigned to the role of slave… This failure, this sense of futility where knowledge is an instrument of domination for the few, demands recognition. 

      Block Cards

      Adeleke, Pf African American Studies, The University of Montana-Missoula, 02
      (Tunde, Globalization And the Challenges of Race-based Pedagogy,
      The need for a distinct black pedagogy and epistemology seems justifiable within American society and polity… is often a narrow and poor replica of the original.

      Litowitz, Assistant Professor, Chicago-Kent College of Law. B.A., Oberlin College, 97 (Douglas E. University of Notre Dame, 72 Notre Dame L. Rev. 503)
      But there is a problematic assumption running through much CRT scholarship…(black, white, Asian), because we are splintered enough as it is.
      Politicizing sex only fuels the religious right
      Diana DeGette 9, Vice Chair of the Committee on Energy and Commerce and co-chair of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus, “The Politicization of Sex and Reproduction”,
      Right-wing Republicans continually use sex as a weapon when they don't have an effective argument to stand on … all with one aim in mind: to advance their political agenda over common-sense public health policies.
      The right specializes in coopting movements like yours—they’ll use it to crush public eroticism
      Dagmar Herzog professor of history at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. She has published extensively on the historiesof sexuality and gender, theology and religion “Sex in Crisis: How the Religious Right Is Trying to Ruin Sex for Everyone”,  8
      The Religious Right is a capacious tent in which many agendas and approaches have found a home. … and the assault on abortion felt like it could grow into an assault on whatever else anyone might want to do with their lives and bodies as well.

  • Kevin Carter K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC

      (Marcus, G Wash U, Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, Fall)
      As I have noted, world social categories and knowledge systems have changed so that they now see the colonized as human beings…This failure, this sense of futility where knowledge is an instrument of domination for the few, demands recognition. 

      Kleinman and Kleinman 1996
      (Arthur, Prf of Anthro @ Harvard; Joan, Research Asst @ Harvard, Daedulus, Winter)
      The child is hardly larger than an infant; she is naked… that have too often worsened human problems in sub-Saharan Africa.(21)

      CATE, PROF OF LAW @ INDIANA U, 1999    
      (Fred H., Through a Glass Darkly, fas.Harvard.edy/asiactr/archive/fs_cate2.htm)
      The following week, Time published the photograph in color… How could anyone forget about her?12

      CATE, PROF OF LAW @ INDIANA U, 1999    
      (Fred H., Through a Glass Darkly, fas.Harvard.edy/asiactr/archive/fs_cate2.htm)
      This is not to suggest that media images have no impact on their audiences…"but the dose wears off quickly. . . ."43

      2NC Cards


      ORWIN, PROF OF POLI SCI @ U OF TORONTO, 1996      (Clifford, The National Interest, Spring)

      It is the danger that constant exposure to such suffering will not sensitize but inure us to it… we voyeurs of the global village will turn away from the distant sufferings that come daily within our purview.

      Lopez, Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law, 09 (Gerald P, Harvard Latino Law Review, 12 Harv. Latino L. Rev. 15, Spring)
      It's not that we're incapable of reflection. We know how to critique…Deep biases pervade systems of every sort.



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