1 SQ solves – there’s no way that the debate community is critical to ensuring that repression is lessened after the inevitable fall of neoliberalism. Their Giroux ev about higher institutions is not talking about debate. And your own ev admits … OWS ISN’T GOING ANYWHERE -
Alessandrini 11 (Anthony Alessandrini, affiliate faculty member of the Middle East and Middle Eastern American Center at the CUNY Graduate Center, associate professor of English at Kingsborough Community College-City University of New York in Brooklyn, Nov 16 2011, “Back to Work: OWS and the Arab Spring”, )
Or so it seems right now. It’s
as always, to get back to work.
HANIEH, JAMJOUN AND ZIADAH 6, Sumoud Political Prisoners Group,
(Adam, Hazem, Rafeef, -- all part of the the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid, LeftTurn, June 01, http://www.leftturn.org/?q=node/399)
The experience of many divestment campaigns thus far
away as central organizers graduate and move on.
3 Your aff will produce election monitoring which Egyptian activists hate, the SQ is proof
Comrades from Cairo 11 Statement by Comrades from Cairo in Response to OWS Proposal to Send Election Monitor Nov 13 2011 by Jadaliyya Reports
When we called out to you, requesting
streets in revolution simply to gain a parliament.
4 Your solidarity is weak:
A. It’s too rhetorical
Your aff is no different than simplistic statements from Obama that the future of Egyptian democracy will be determined by the Egyptian people. Statements that we are “with the people” don’t help us decide democracy promotions benefits or limitations. We can win that the aff is just to crude to be helpful, separate from any conceptions of offense and defense
Nicholson and Schaffer 11 Kailyn and Anna, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10
More than two weeks into the protests,
endangering the long-term process of democratization.
B. Your ev wants a compare and contrast of Occupy and the Arab Spring -- which the aff doesn’t do
Kennedy 11 (Michael D. Kennedy, Professor of Sociology and International Studies at Brown University, Oct 11 2011, “Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, and Historical Frames: 2011, 1989, 1968”, )
By looking to 1968 for the value of
struggles in Cairo, Hama, and Manama.
5. Kennedy knows the OWS is easily coopted
Kennedy 11 (Michael D. Kennedy, Professor of Sociology and International Studies at Brown University, Oct 11 2011, “Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, and Historical Frames: 2011, 1989, 1968”, )
It’s a time to open up, to
society if simple state repression is not enough.
6. Occupying more spaces doesn’t mean SUCCESSFUL occupation
A. Certain people can’t be persuaded. Absent what a perceived solution, many people won’t support
Rhode 90, Professor, Stanford Law School,
(Deborah L., Stanford Law Review, 42 Stan. L. Rev. 617)
A related difficulty stems from idealists' faith in
such structures limit our ability to challenge it.
B. Debate conversations can relieve us of the need to act
TONN 5 Professor of Communication at the University of Maryland, College Park, Mari Boor, Rhetoric & Public Affairs 8.3 (2005) 405-430
This essay interrogates "conversation," "dialogue
for policy formation necessary to remedy social ills.
C. The process of criticism anesthetizes us from action
LOPEZ 9, Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law,
(Gerald P, Harvard Latino Law Review, 12 Harv. Latino L. Rev. 15, Spring)
It's not that we're incapable of reflection.
. Deep biases pervade systems of every sort.
Diken 2 (Bulent, Department of Sociology, Lancaster Univ. “Justification and Immigration in the Network Society – A New Ambivalence?” AMID Working Paper Series April 2002. PDF)
My point is that critique is not a
flexibility, and while difference has been commercialized.
7. Your solvency args are a fiction.
A. You have no ev that the OWS will fail absent occupying debate
B. You have no ev that Egyptian protestors notice debate
C. The Occupy movement is alive in higher education. Even the NYT knows:
Wollan 11 Malia, reported from Berkeley and Elizabeth A. Harris from New York. Jess Bidgood contributed reporting from Boston, and Lee van der Voo from Portland, Ore. NYT, 11-13, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/14/us/occupy-wall-street-protests-shifting-to-college-campuses.html?pagewanted=all
As city officials around the country move to
dozens of other campuses in the coming days.
D. They must prove their impact SPECIFIC to debate. They have to prove how both repressive elements, casino capitalism and the Tea Party exists in debate and how they solve them in order to have an impact.
8. Burnout - the focus on critique and analysis produces burnout amongst the left
Tokar 8, Prof. of social movements and globalization @ the institute for Social Ecology [Brian, On Bookchin's Social Ecology and its Contributions to Social Movements', Capitalism Nature Socialism, March 1st, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10455750701859430]
He viewed most popular leftist writing of our
ultimately begin to contest and reclaim political power.
Their own evidence proves Occupy is experiencing burnout
Alessandrini 11 (Anthony Alessandrini, affiliate faculty member of the Middle East and Middle Eastern American Center at the CUNY Graduate Center, associate professor of English at Kingsborough Community College-City University of New York in Brooklyn, Nov 16 2011, “Back to Work: OWS and the Arab Spring”, )
This sort of “don’t alienate the mainstream
that the experience is alternately exhilarating and exasperating).
1. SOLIDARITY IS COMPLICATED. Listening to the ignored is more than noble but it’s not sufficient in itself. Power to the people hides behind its own complexity – it leaves many questions unanswered,
A. Speaking for others amidst chaos
Alford 2K William P. Professor and Director, East Asian Legal Studies, Harvard Law School. Harvard Law Review, May, 113 Harv. L. Rev. 1677
Greater scrutiny of the concepts of democracy and
on expression that typically exist in nondemocratic states.
B. WHY AND HOW. Bearing witness avoids too many difficult questions. It doesn’t tell us why or how to help
Carothers 9 Thomas LSE Democracy Assistance Without a Plan UNDP Development and Transition, April, http://carnegie-mec.org/publications/?fa=23023
How useful do you find the various democratization
these indices taken seriously at the policy level?
C. Incommensurate sufferings. Solidarity underestimates the power of states and groups abused by each other
Pugh 1 Michael, University of Plymouth, Civil-Military Relations in Peace Support Operations: hegemony or emancipation? Seminar on Aid and Politics, ODI, London, 1 February
‘Solidarist’ versions of cosmopolitanism, as represented
or more ‘suppressed’ groups abuse each other.
Egypt proves – simple solidarity doesn’t overcome the tensions between secularists and Islamists in the post-Mubarak era.
Tolan 11 [Sandy, associate professor at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism @ USC, “Visions collide in a sweltering Tahrir Square”, July 30, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/07/2011730142651302182.html]
Signs of strains between secular and Islamist forces
and Popular Will" was not to be.
2. It’s unethical. Merely expressing solidarity with those who suffer is a betrayal. DO WE REALLY BELIEVE THOSE WHO SUFFER WANT US TO JUST OBSERVE THEIR SUFFERING? OR DO THEY WANT US TO STRIVE TOWARDS ACTUALIZING THEIR CONCERNS? Ethically, the fear of defending the consequences of your actions should be seen as a betrayal.
Raskin 99, PROF OF PUBLIC POLICY, (Marcus, G Wash U, Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, Fall)
For those who were consigned to the role
of domination for the few, demands recognition.