Observation 1 is the Squo
The Yemeni transition is focused on elite squabbles, ignoring the Houthis and the southern movement- immediate action towards inclusion is key.
FP 11 “A difficult road ahead for Yemen's political transition” Dec 23 http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/12/23/yemens_ongoing_political_transition_and_the_remaining_challenges
The accord is not without critics, or
immediate action be taken to broaden meaningful inclusion.
Disads non u q- Obama already supported Yemen transition, but it’s not targeted enough.
Kaufman 11 Stephen Kaufman, Staffwriter “Yemen Agreement “Important Step Forward” for Political Transition” US Embassy November 23 http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/article/2011/11/20111123153612nehpets0.4383966.html#ixzz1gxlZzpTM”
The signing of a Yemeni political agreement brokered
including holding credible presidential elections within 90 days.
Thus the Plan
The United States federal government should provide substantial participatory constitutional development assistance to Yemen to include the leaders of the Houthis and Southern Movement.
Advantage 1 is Civil War
Civil war inevitable unless the government recognizes the Southern issue and demands of the Hiraak.
FP 11 “A House Divided” Nov 28 Foreign Policy http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/11/28/a_house_divided?page=full
The two parts of the country have irreversibly
uprising has considerably raised the price of inaction.
Scenario 1 is Oil:
Civil war draws in Saudi Arabia and Iran, threatening shipping lanes & massive instability
Jonathan Ruhe, 6/9/11 The National Interest, “The Horror of a Post-Saleh Yemen” http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/the-horror-post-saleh-yemen-5435?page=1
The struggle for the regime’s future has shifted
. The United States had best prepare itself.
This sends oil prices soaring
Steve LeVine 3/21/11 Foreign Policy, Back to Saudi’s Fault Lines <http://oilandglory.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/03/21/back_to_saudis_fault_lines
The oil balance is back on precarious footing
oil reserves and production underpin global price stability.
Global oil volatility makes Asian wars inevitable- accesses every impact.
Halloran in 8 Richard Halloran, former New York Times foreign correspondent in Asia and military correspondent in Washington, February 13, 2008 (South China Morning Post, “Oil scarcity paints a bleak picture for Asia,” Lexis)
A fresh assessment of Asia's energy outlook asserts
be the cause of hostilities across the region.
Scenario 2 is the North:
The Houthi rebels will continue to foment unrest until they are included in the transition- they will continue to expand to exert new pressures on the government.
Carvajal 11 Fernando Carvajal, PhD candidate at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter, conducted research in Yemen since 2000 “Houthi Expansion and Marginalization” Nov 27 http://www.yemenpeaceproject.org/wordpress/?p=435
One of the main issues prolonging Yemen’s instability
US and the EU at a critical time.
They will reach out to Iran- escalates the Saudi Iran conflict.
American Spectator 12/27 “The Coming Collapse of Yemen” Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi is an adjunct fellow at the Middle East Forum. http://spectator.org/archives/2011/12/27/the-coming-collapse-of-yemen
In fact, arguably more important now is
control over parts of the Red Sea coastline.
Pushes tensions over the edge- Saudi views relations with Iran as zero-sum
Boucek 2011
Christopher Boucek, associate in the Carnegie Middle East Program focusing on security challenges in the Arabian Peninsula and Northern Africa, and a leading authority on disengagement and rehabilitation programs for Islamist militants and extremists and a recognized expert on terrorism, security, and stability issues in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, June 21, 2011 (U.S.-Saudi Relations in the Shadow of the Arab Spring, Carnegie Endowment, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/publications/index.cfm?fa=view&id=44722&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+CarnegieEndowmentForInternationalPeacePublications+%28DC+-+Publications%29#change)
Regionally, Saudi foreign policy is guided in
is only separated by Saudi Arabia by kilometers.
The impact is a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
NYT 9 “Saudis' Efforts to Swat Rebels From Yemen Risk Inflaming Larger Conflict” Nov 13 lexis
For more than a week, Saudi Arabia
The Iranians will look at it closely.''
They’ll seek nukes from Pakistan.
Siddiqui 2011
Farrukh Siddiqui, Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns, June 30, 2011, http://www.stateofpakistan.org/riyadh-will-build-nuclear-weapons-if-iran-gets-them-saudi-prince-warns
The growing tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran
Arabia may seek to capitalise on its investment.
Edelman 11 Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. Former Undersecretary for Defense—AND—Andrew Krepinevich—President of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments—AND—Evan Montgomery—Research Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (Eric, The dangers of a nuclear Iran, FA 90;1, http://www.csbaonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/2010.12.27-The-Dangers-of-a-Nuclear-Iran.pdf)
There is, however, at least one
leave their weapons vulnerable to attack or theft.
Independently a federal state solves the Houthi’s concerns.
The Daily Star 11 “Salafist, Houthi sectarian rift threatens to engulf fragile state of Yemen” Dec 21 http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2011/Dec-21/157464-salafist-houthi-sectarian-rift-threatens-to-engulf-fragile-state-of-yemen.ashx#axzz1idXeh2go
Following his rare meeting with Houthi leaders,
not be limited to the traditional political parties.”
Advantage 2 is Terrorism
Anti-Americanism on the rise because the US is seen as continuing to support Saleh. Continued US silence will push Southerners to Iran. Southern support key to diminish AQAP control in these territories.
ICG 10/20 “Breaking Point? Yemen’s Southern Question” International Crisis Group Middle East Report N°114 http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/Middle%20East%20North%20Africa/Iran%20Gulf/Yemen/114%20Breaking%20Point%20-%20Yemens%20Southern%20Question.pdf
The U.S. increasingly is cast
to them and must be determined through dialogue.
US cooperation with the government key to counterterrorism operations.
Zimmerman 11 Katherine Zimmerman is an Analyst and the Gulf of Aden Team Lead for the American Enterprise Institute’s Critical Threats Project. Her work at AEI has focused on al Qaeda and its associated movements in the Gulf of Aden. Katherine specializes in the Yemen-based group, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, and Somalia’s al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab. She has conducted briefings for congressional staffers and published analyses of U.S. national security interests in Yemen and Somalia. Katherine graduated with distinction from Yale University with a B.A. in Political Science and Modern Middle East Studies. “Scenario 1: Peaceful transition of power from Saleh to some successor(s).” AEI Critical Threats, April 11, 2011, http://www.criticalthreats.org/yemen/yemen-strategic-exercise-2011-estimates-scenario-1
The U.S. will likely seek
in Yemen such as the U.K.
US commitment to democracy assistance in Yemen will dry up the AQAP recruitment pool – this is key to prevent attacks on the US
Green 11 (Daniel, Soref fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, focusing on Yemen, al-Qaeda, counterinsurgency, and stability operations, “The American Moment in Yemen,” Fikra Forum, April 18, http://fikraforum.org/2011/04/the-american-moment-in-yemen/.)
If the United States adopts a new approach
which to launch attacks against the United States.
The South is key – AQAP is using its foothold there to establish its reach
ICG 10/20 “Breaking Point? Yemen’s Southern Question” International Crisis Group Middle East Report N°114 http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/Middle%20East%20North%20Africa/Iran%20Gulf/Yemen/114%20Breaking%20Point%20-%20Yemens%20Southern%20Question.pdf
Added to the challenges facing the South is
authority in the South to expand their reach.
AQAP is planning attacks on US homeland and bases, as stated in their online magazine.
Sharp 11 Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, “Yemen: Background and U.S. Relations” Congressional Research Service http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL34170.pdf
Overall, AQAP seeks to: • Attack
before he could install and detonate the explosives.
Specifically, they are planning a chemical weapon attack on US soil – this will cause disproportionate psychological terror in the public.
Schmitt and Shanker 8/12 Eric Schmitt and Thom Shanker 8/12/11. Qaeda Trying to Harness Toxin for Bombs, U.S. Officials Fear. The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/13/world/middleeast/13terror.html?_r=3&ref=todayspaper
American counterterrorism officials are increasingly concerned that the
succeeded with this approach, intelligence officials said.
Even small terror attack on the homeland will trigger US lashout. US will go to war to reassure the public.
Byman 7 [Director of the Center for Peace and Security Studies @ Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service, Daniel Byman, Senior Fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, “US Counter-terrorism Options: A Taxonomy,” Survival, Volume 49, Issue 3 September 2007, pages 121 – 150Informaworld]
One of the biggest problems with containment is
and regions have seen terrorists derail peace talks.
Obama is convinced Iran is helping AQAP – sets the stage for US-Iran War
Leverett and Leverett 11 (Flynt Leverett directs the Iran Project at the New America Foundation, where he is a senior research fellow. He also teaches at Pennsylvania State University's School of International Affairs. Hillary Mann is also a senior lecturer and senior research fellow at Yale University's Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. “Iran and al-Qaeda: Can the Charges Be Substantiated?” August 5, Afro-Middle East Center. < http://amec.org.za/articles-presentations/iran/243-iran-and-al-qaeda-can-the-charges-be-substantiated>
Today, much of the American media unquestioningly
, and in too many other journalistic venues.
US-Iran war means massive proliferation and global nuclear war.
Hirsch 6 <Jorge Hirsch a professor of physics at the University of California San Diego. He is one of the originators of the physicists' petition on nuclear weapons policies started at the UCSD, 1/3/2006,America's nuclear ticking bomb, http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20060103/news_mz1e3hirsch.html>
If only conventional bombs are used in an
underground installations versus those targeting cities or armies.
War with Iran draws in China.
Robertson 11 Matthew, Staff, “Chinese Admiral Threatens World War to Protect Iran” The Epoch Times Dec 22 http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/china-news/chinese-admiral-threatens-world-war-to-protect-iran-154434.html
As the United States and other nations grapple
of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese.”
Observation 2 is Solvency
Federalism will be the only acceptable compromise- including it in the constitution is key.
ICG 10/20 “Breaking Point? Yemen’s Southern Question” International Crisis Group Middle East Report N°114 http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/Middle%20East%20North%20Africa/Iran%20Gulf/Yemen/114%20Breaking%20Point%20-%20Yemens%20Southern%20Question.pdf
To the surprise of its organisers, approximately
and even Southern government employees living in Sanaa.
US key- successful model of federalism.
Mihalakas 11 Nasos Mihalakas, Assistant Professor of International Trade Law, “A Governance Vision for the Nations of the Arab Spring” Foreign Policy Association, June 7 http://foreignpolicyblogs.com/2011/06/07/a-governance-vision-for-the-nations-of-the-arab-spring/
When federalism at the national level is applied
world stage as a champion of democratic principles.
Participatory constitutional development solves inclusion- Sudan proves.
USAID Report no date “South Sudan” http://www.usaid.gov/locations/sub-saharan_africa/countries/south_sudan/docs/south_sudan_democracy_fs.pdf
with the RoSS will be provided by USAID.