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Neolib K
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1NC vs PepperdineElectoral interventions are critical to corporate planning, demo assistance is the way to over-power resistance, makes the US seem more benevolent Sussman 6 Gerald, School of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University, Monthly Review, Volume 58, Issue 07 (December) / The Myths of ‘Democracy Assistance’ Promoted as “democracy building,” electoral interventions AND and the overall good intentions of the state. The aff claims that the US is the most experienced in providing this form of aid and should be the only nation to provide it. This gives businesses and corporations a foot in the door of the recipient country – the government’s first priority is to provide an aid package that serves private sector interests at home while ignoring what the opposition movements are calling for – Tunisia proves. Dixon 11 [Marion, dept. of development sociology @ Cornell, “An Arab spring”, Review of African Political Economy 38.128, June, pp. 309-316] The imperial discourse at the centre that claims AND US officials and various types of entrepreneurship trainings. The aff moralizes war - This moralization creates the mindset of “just” and total war, reducing violence to the level of a punitive measure to punish those who have done wrong according to the West. Barry 11 [John Christopher, studied history, political science, and philosophy (UCLA, NYU, and Paris X in France), and preparing PhD in social anthropology @ l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, “Empire as a Gated Community: Politics of an American Strategic Metaphor”, Global Society 25.3, July, pp. 287-309] As Carl Schmitt warns us in The Nomos AND global—will give legitimacy to both responses. Our alternative is to reject the affirmative and stand back. We need to leave our comfort zone and listen to the voices of those who speak the uncomfortable truths of democratization and neoliberalism. As participant observers we are in a unique position to challenge the prefiguring of public space and rendering the invisible visible. Schostak 11 [John, professor of education @ Manchester Metropolitan University, “The Work of Education and Research for times of Crisis and Protest,” talk prepared for public seminar @ Oxford Learning Institute, June 9, http://www.enquirylearning.net/ELU/politics/crisisandprotest.html] Research in the red zone and the return AND right ways of seeing. (Schostak 2010). 1NC vs Liberty LSInternet freedom policy is inextricable from neoliberal domination of the global south – they represent internet policy apolitically to mask the corporate conception of freedom they promote Nordenstreng 11 (Kaarle, “Free Flow Doctrine in Global Media Policy”The Handbook of Global Media and Communication Policy, First Edition. Edited by Robin Mansell and Marc Raboy) An overall conclusion to this excursion through the AND to be a simple and apolitical concept.21 Strengthening local elites in Bahrain is an attempt to neutralize the poor - to make the world safe for corporate pillaging Massad 11 Joseph, Professor for Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University, Al Jazeera, 08 Jun 2011 But if the US deal in Eastern Europe AND -Saudi axis wants to focus its efforts. Media assistance is a strategy to make advocacy groups subservient to US economic and strategic interests – democracy assistance is no more than a strategy for maintaining neoliberal hegemony. Marshall 11 Andrew Gavin, Research Associate with the Centre for Research on Globalization, America’s Strategic Repression of the ‘Arab Awakening’, 2/9, http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=23159 This spurred on the development of an American AND continuing developments and progress in the ‘Awakening’. Neoliberalism negates popular sovereignty and create the conditions for de-democratization through globalization and securitization – turns their credibility advantage. Brown 11 [Wendy, Emanuel Heller professor of political science @ UC-Berkeley, “We Are All Democrats Now…” Democracy in What State? Pg. 48-50] Fifth, along with the domination of politics AND zones of state secrecy and permanent undeclared wars. Capital procures a horizontal system of labor which fixes economic reality solely in political terms – causes states to stockpile nuclear arms. Massimo De Angelis, professor of political economy at the University of East London, and David Harvie, member of the Centre for Philosophy and Political Economy at the University of Leicester, where he teaches finance and political economy, 2009 (‘Cognitive capitalism’ and the rat race: how capital measures immaterial labour in British universities, Revised version published in 2008) A century on and capitalist production has spread AND measure even on the realm of immaterial production. Our alternative is to reject the affirmative and stand back. We need to leave our comfort zone and listen to the voices of those who speak the uncomfortable truths of democratization and neoliberalism. As participant observers we are in a unique position to challenge the prefiguring of public space and render the invisible visible. Schostak 11 [John, professor of education @ Manchester Metropolitan University, “The Work of Education and Research for times of Crisis and Protest,” talk prepared for public seminar @ Oxford Learning Institute, June 9, http://www.enquirylearning.net/ELU/politics/crisisandprotest.html] Research in the red zone and the return AND right ways of seeing. (Schostak 2010). 2NC: Epistemology CardsNo one predicted the Arab Spring HADDAD 11, BASSAM, Director, Middle East Studies Program, George Mason University, Middle East Policy, Summer, Pg. 1 Vol. 18 No. 2 What we saw in Tunisia in January is AND variable; it's not "the" variable. You don’t know what the protestors think – your understanding of causes is over claimed CORDESMAN 11, Anthony H, Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Middle East Policy, Summer, Pg. 1 Vol. 18 No. 2 It is hard to assign any weight to AND knowing what the people as a whole think.
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Round Reports
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WakeRound 2 vs Louisville HI (banking model bad, critical consciousness); judge - Adam Abelkop1NC: Cap K, Selfish Politics 2NC: Cap K 1NR: Selfish Politics 2NR: Cap K, Selfish Politics Round 4 vs Harvard KT (Bahrain - political benefits); judge - Ben Meiches1NC: T 4 Categories; security K; pressure CP; saudi DA; 5th fleet adv; democracy adv; solvency 2NC: kicked the K; pressure CP; Saudi DA; solvency 1NR: T; 5th fleet, democracy 2NR: Saudi DA, case Round 6 vs West Georgia DF; judge - Kirk Evans1NC: T - Democracy Assistance; Pessimism K; case args 2NC: Pessimism K, case 1NR: bottom of K, T 2NR: T, case Round 7 vs Georgia LL (Libya tech assistance); judge - Doowon Chung1NC: T Third Party; Rule of Law/Police Training PIC + CDD CP (as one CP); Police Training Bad; security K; stability adv, multilat adv, burden sharing adv 2NC: kicked the K; CP; stability adv 1NR: police training bad; multilat; burden sharing 2NR: CP, police training bad; defense on burden sharing UNLVRound 2 vs Fullerton AT; judge - Izak Dunn1NC: T - Democracy Assistance; State Essentialism DA; CDD CP; Pessimism K; Case 2NC: kicked CP; Pessimism K; Essentialism DA 1NR: T; Case 2NR: Pessimism K; Case Round 4 vs Wyoming BM (Islamophobia); judge - Scott Phillips1NC: Privatization DA; AIPAC DA; CDD CP; Case (MB/Islamophobia answers) 2NC: Privatization DA; CDD CP 1NR: AIPAC DA; Case 2NR: Case; Privatization DA Round 6 vs Arizona State BN (Libya Police Training); judge - Paul Montreuil1NC: Security K; Oil Transparency/CDD CP; Police Training DA; Case (Rogue Weapons, Oil, Solvency) 2NC: kicked CP; weapons adv; security K 1NR: police training DA; oil adv; solvency 2NR: security K; police training DA Round 7 vs Whitman CM (Bahrain Dialogue); judge - Travis Cram1NC: T - Dialogue; Security K; Pressure CP; Saudi DA; Solvency; Iran adv 2NC: kicked K; Pressure CP; Saudi DA 1NR: Solvency; Iran adv 2NR: Saudi DA; solvency, Iran adv Doubles vs Michigan DP (Bahrain Dialogue) - judges - Brian Manuel, Jonah Feldman, Sean Tiffee1NC: same as vs Whitman CM, plus 5th Fleet adv 2NC: kicked CP; kicked Saudi DA; Security K 1NR: Solvency; 5th Fleet; Iran 2NR: Security K; case KentuckyRound 1 vs Harvard DT (Bahrain political benefits)1NC: jobs politics, pressure CP, security K, stability adv, 5th fleet adv 2NC: stability adv, pressure CP, security K 1NR: 5th fleet adv, politics 2NR: stability adv, 5th fleet adv, security K Round 4 vs Wyoming FP (Muslim Brotherhood)1NC: instrumentality K, heg adv, terrorism adv 2NC: instrumentality K 1NR: heg, terrorism 2NR: heg, terrorism, instrumentality K Round 6 vs Iowa AL (Yemen police training)1NC: Security K, Civitas CP, Terrorism Adv, Intervention Adv, Solvency 2NC: CP, K 1NR: Case 2NR: Case, CP, K (CP as the alt) Round 7 vs Liberty LS (Internet to Bahrain)1NC: Bahrain Pressure CP, Neolib K, Cred adv, Media adv 2NC: kicked CP, K 1NR: Case 2NR: Case, K SFSURound 1 vs Pepperdine CC (Tunisia Elections)1NC: Neolib K, EU CP, AIPAC DA, Case (Instability, Tunisia Spillover) 2NC: Neolib K, kicked EU 1NR: Case, AIPAC 2NR: Neolib K Round 4 vs SFSU TV (Radical Democracy)1NC: T - Assistance, Reductionism DA, Pessimism K, case args 2NC: Reductionism, Pessimism 1NR: Case, T 2NR: Reductionism Round 6 vs Los Rios CS (Aid Egypt through India Int'l Institute of Democracy and Election Management)1NC: T - Third Party, Privatization DA, Saudi DA, Tunisia CP, "Democracy Assistance" PIC, case 2NC: kicked Democracy PIC; Privatization DA, Saudi DA, Tunisia CP 1NR: T, case 2NR: Tunisia CP, case, Saudi DA
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11 |
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1NCPresident Obama has hesitated to get actively involved in the Arab Spring because of lobbies like AIPAC. Khazen 11 [Jihad, 8/9, Dar Al Hayat (Lebanon), ‘Ayoon Wa Azn (The Enemies Within Are Always More Sinister Than the Enemies Without.’] The U.S. policy in the AND we have seen in the public opinion polls. AIPAC believes government transitions create a power vacuum for radical groups to gain power. Sidman 11 [Fern, 5/23, Israel National News, “AIPAC: Kohnr Points to Danger of ‘Arab Spring.’] "Think back just one year ago: AND democracy can never be rooted in racist hatred." AIPAC will do everything in its power to shift the attention away from Arab Spring to Iran. Further U.S. support for these movements is a giant slap in the face to Israelis – plan will spur a more effective AIPAC push for Iranian containment. Kampeas 11 [Ron, May 27, Jewish News of Greater Phoenix Vol. 63 Iss. 38, “AIPAC conference pushes Iran sanctions, Israel aid.”] One AIPAC-supported bill, already under AND put the matter behind him, praising Obama. These new rounds of unilateral sanctions will devastate U.S.-China bilateral relations, China depends on Iranian imports to fuel their economy. Downs and Maloney 11 [Erica S. and Suzanne, 9/2, Brookings, “Getting China to Sanction Iran.”] For more than three decades, the United AND beyond its borders and thereby constrain its reemergence. Strained relations cause nuclear war and extinction. Chen and Wolf 1 [Shuxun (Former Secretary General of China Reform Forum) and Dr. Charles (Senior Economic Advisor @ Rand), RAND] Nevertheless, America’s main interests in China have AND affect the global atmosphere and currently endangered species. 1NR CardsAIPAC is staunchly against democratic reforms in Egypt and Tunisia. Barghouti 11 [Omar, 5/14, CommonDreams, “Challenging AIPAC’s Abuse of US Taxpayers Money.”] The Arab democratic spring, AND by extension, the entire world. Stronger U.S. backing for the Arab Spring will force AIPAC to push for Iranian sanctions. They see it as their primary way to protect Israeli security. JTA 11 [5/23, “AIPAC’s Howard Kohr: Refocus Congress on Iran.”] WASHINGTON (JTA) AIPAC director AND relentless march toward a nuclear weapon." Oil ImpactNew sanctions make war and high oil prices even more likely. Loehrke, ’11 [Benjamin (Senior Policy Analyst, Ploughshares Fund), 8/18, Huffington Post, “Don’t Sanction Iran for Sanctions’ Sake.”] Last week, more than 90 AND sanctions work to achieve them? Even small changes in the Middle Eastern oil market will can price spikes and shocks – devastates the economic recovery and spreads globally Newman 2011 Rick Newman, February 18, 2011, How Arab Unrest could Harm the World Economy, US News & World Report, http://www.usnews.com/mobile/blogs/flowchart/2011/2/18/how-arab-unrest-could-harm-the-world-economy.html Oil, however, is a different AND world economy would be significant." Oil wars cause extinction Richard Heinberg, core faculty member at New College of California, 2003 (The Party’s Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies, p. 230) Today the average US AND most of the biosphere.
| 09/23/11 |
18 |
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1NC vs Pepperdine Tunisia Elections AffThe President of the European Commission will announce that the European Foundation for Democracy through Partnership (EFDP) will provide funding in the amount of 40 million dinars: 28 million US dollars to Tunisia to fund the October elections. EU is uniquely suited to solve: proximity, diplomatic ties, commercial connections and large aid budgets. EU empirically influenced Central and Eastern Europe and the CP is key to EU credibility Carothers 11 Thomas, Foreign Policy, 3-10, http://carnegieendowment.org/2011/03/10/think-again-arab-democracy/2ba# "Europe Has a Major Role to Play AND but follow-through will be the rub. EU Solves Tunisia better Fule 11 (Stefan, EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Commmissioner in an Interview with EurActiv’s Senior Editor Georgi Gotev, ‘Stefan Fule: EU won’t let Arab revolutions to be ‘Stolen’’, April 13) Could Tunisia be a sort of pilot? AND this kind of approach also in other countries. EU quick response solves best – The European Endowment for Democracy delivers quick response and assists countries making democratic transitions Carroll 9/6 Dean Carroll, September 6, 2011, Poland - democracy endowment to fall outside EU structures, http://www.publicserviceeurope.com/article/805/poland-democracy-endowment-to-fall-outside-eu-structures The creation of a European Endowment for Democracy AND the endowment outside EU institutional and financial structures."
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Tunisia Neg
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AT InstabilityCan’t stabilize- too many problems. Joseph Stiglitz, prof. at Colombia, recipient of the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in economics, March 25, 2011 (West must help Tunisia to nurture democracy, Financial Times, http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/e8dfb754-86c7-11e0-9d41-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1NNq2XJpz) The first aspect focuses on financial assistance. AND also help create a new, vibrant economy. Tunisia needs democracy assistance in 4 main areas – electoral assistance, political structure, civil society, and mechanisms for gauging public opinion The International Forum for Democratic Studies, Georgetown University, part of the NED, January 31, 2011 (Tunisia: The Problems of Transition, the Challenge of Democratization, http://www.ned.org/sites/default/files/TunisiaTransitionPUBLIC.pdf) Tunisians have a strong sense of pride and AND to initiatives for democracy assistance and practical solidarity. AT SpilloverCan’t stabilize- too many problems. Joseph Stiglitz, prof. at Colombia, recipient of the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in economics, March 25, 2011 (West must help Tunisia to nurture democracy, Financial Times, http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/e8dfb754-86c7-11e0-9d41-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1NNq2XJpz) The first aspect focuses on financial assistance. AND also help create a new, vibrant economy. Tunisia needs democracy assistance in 4 main areas – electoral assistance, political structure, civil society, and mechanisms for gauging public opinion The International Forum for Democratic Studies, Georgetown University, part of the NED, January 31, 2011 (Tunisia: The Problems of Transition, the Challenge of Democratization, http://www.ned.org/sites/default/files/TunisiaTransitionPUBLIC.pdf) Tunisians have a strong sense of pride and AND to initiatives for democracy assistance and practical solidarity. Successful democracy in Tunisia won’t spillover – Tunisia is isolated and the conditions don’t exist in the Middle East Arun Kapil, prof of political science at the Catholic University of Paris, January 19, 2011 (A democratic tsunami? No chance, http://www.demdigest.net/2011/01/a-democratic-tsunami-no-chance/) The notion of a democratic tsunami in the AND effect will be minimal to non-existent. Conditions in Tunisia were unique – the Ben Ali regime had no support so the uprising couldn’t be suppressed – other Arab countries won’t be so lucky Amr Hamzawy, Egyptian political scientist and research director with the Carnegie Middle East Center, January 19, 2011 (The Jasmine Revolution’s democratic prospect: too early to say?, Democracy Digest, http://www.demdigest.net/2011/01/the-jasmine-revolutions-democratic-prospect-too-early-to-say/) On the surface, Ben Ali’s Tunisia strongly AND moments of social unrest or a popular uprising.
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Elections Neg
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Hosting elections in countries poorly prepared for democracy fails and results in conflict and interstate wars. Carothers ’07 (Thomas Carothers is vice-president for international politics and governance and director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. “The ‘Sequencing’ Fallacy” Journal of Democracy January 2007, Volume 18, Number 1) In the second half of the 1990s, AND discussed writings of journalist Robert Kaplan. 6 And other countries see through the US’ democracy promotion efforts and skeptical of whether or not it’s beneficial Smith and stockmann 11 (stephanie and natalie, henry m. Jackson school of international studies, the future of u.s. democracy promotion: strategies for a sustainable fourth wave of democratization, 3-10) In more recent years, and especially during AND freedom agenda‘ seem even more menacing and hostile Elections will trigger deep political divisions Baron 8-24 Kevin, Stars and Stripes, http://www.stripes.com/blogs/stripes-central/stripes-central-1.8040/democracy-stability-or-just-opportunity-washington-chooses-which-dictators-to-embrace-1.153121 “There’s always going to be complaints about AND in governance.” In other words: instability.
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T - Democracy Assistance (vs K Teams)
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1NCA. The resolution is not is democracy good or bad. The topic doesn’t ask us to defend democracy in the abstract. It asks us to defend ASSISTING other countries with what THEY VIEW as democracy. This is not a democracy good / bad topic. You aff is fundamental to a topic that says promote democracy in the US. Not a topic that is about assisting other countries. The word assistance is in the topic and it has 4 parts. McMahon, Dean’s Prof. Applied Politics @ Binghamton, ’02 (Edward R., Director, Center on Democratic Performance, “The Impact of U.S. Democracy and Governance Assistance in Africa: Benin Case Study.” acsd 5/23/11, Aug 29-Sept 1, http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAB068.pdf) The paper examines USAID efforts to promote democracy AND supporting indigenous moves towards democratic development and consolidation. B. Their interpretation makes it impossible to be neg. - If what is topical this year is talking about a more nuanced view of democracy’s past, the negative doesn’t have a chance. What doesn’t condition democracy’s past?
There are many pre-requisites for democracy: religion, Monarchs, the Whig reading of history, French revolutionaries, or the reactions to democracy in Athens. The negative shouldn’t be expected to have to defend them all Hobson ‘9 Christopher Hobson, a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University, UK, “Beyond the End of History: The Need for a `Radical Historicisation' of Democracy in International Relations”, Millennium - Journal of International Studies, http://mil.sagepub.com/ Indeed, one of the most significant dimensions AND positioning to suggest that it will inevitably endure. Does the negative this year really need 1NCs ready against Aristotle, Thucydides, Alcibiades “History of the Peloponnesian War” and Plato? All of these folks railed against democracy’s failures. Does the negative need 1NCs ready to answer Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau. They hated democracy as well? 2. Your aff is so in-determinate and unfocused on a goal that it’s not debatable. Your aff basically amounts to neoliberal study CP for the resolution. We have no idea what your aff produces, we have no idea what questions it asks. This massively limits the neg’s ability to test your aff. 3. If we CP’d with the opposite of the resolution, you’d perm it, proving abuse. C. There are many topical ways to run your aff There are tons of non-liberalist affs: You could easily run your aff as a criticism of liberal democracy by providing any kind of non-election, non-constitutional, non-rule of law based assistance. Or you could defend social democracy, participatory democracy, deliberative democracy, or cosmopolitan democracy BUT you have to do this as a form of assistance. Giving aid to land reform NGOs is not liberal democracy. Giving aid to trade unions is not liberal democracy. Aiding Islamist groups is not liberalist democracy. D. Yes, there is an impact. The neg shouldn’t just have to defend the SQ. Something like radical democracy can mean a 1000 different things in the topic. Their version of the topic means that debates will devolve to is politicization of an issue good or bad. It means there will never be an attempt to talk about the lived experiences going on inside of countries like Bahrain. If you don’t care about the neg’s ability to participate in conversation, your concept of ‘radical democracy’ will never succeed. Learning about the topic is good because it teaches us what not to do. Grenier 8-16 Robert, a retired, 27-year veteran of the CIA's Clandestine Service, Al Jazeera, Arab democrats: Beware the US model, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/08/201181462220840979.html Americans like to think of themselves and their AND is not always what most Americans would anticipate. 1NR AT Fairness Bad4. FAIRNESS IS critical to AGONISTIC RESPECT. Procedural rules are just an attempt for helping people be active participants in political contest. We want TO BE able adversaries. HATAB 2, Prof of Philosophy @ Old Dominion University, (Lawrence J., The Journal of Nietzsche Studies 24 (2002) 132-147) Moreover, the structure of an agon conceived AND citizens in order to sustain viable political practice. 6. Your DA’s to topicality aren’t true, agonism says that disagreements can produce commonality Zandra 10, University of La Verne, American Journal of Theology & Philosophy, Volume 31, Number 3, September As I stated at the beginning, I AND relish for dissent.” [End Page 186] 1NR AT Public Spaces KeyMore public spaces for dialogue don’t solve: A. Your criticisms will never scale upward. The proliferation of public spaces produces a false belief of change Lobel 7, Professor of Law, University of San Diego, (Orly, Harvard Law Review, 120 Harv. L. Rev. 937) Most recently, some thinkers have even suggested AND as representing the boundaries of their willed reality. B. Polarization will turn your aff and politicians dominate public spaces Tonn 5 Professor of Communication at the University of Maryland, College Park, Mari Boor, Rhetoric & Public Affairs 8.3 (2005) 405-430 This essay interrogates "conversation," "dialogue AND , self-esteem, and empowerment.1 1NR AT Focus on SelvesAND POLITICS OF LOCATION BECOMES A TRAP – THE FRENCH WERE INFAMOUS FOR TURNING A BLIND EYE TO JEWS BECAUSE THEY WERE WAY TOO CONCERNED ABOUT THEIR BACKYARD. ORWIN 96, PROF OF POLI SCI @ U OF TORONTO, (Clifford, The National Interest, Spring) We are familiar with a form of hypocrisy AND home, then none will ever be undertaken.
| 09/30/11 |
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Reductionism DA
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1NC vs SFSUYour rhetoric that “Only a radical reconceptualization of democracy can reinvigorate civil society” tells the left that all their work trying to prevent torture, to create watchdog groups or to encourage a government not to use violence against protestors – should halt until we wait for your aff. This damages politics for the here and now. Tormey 1, (Simon, Senior Lecturer in Politics and Critical Theory, School of Politics, Do we need "identity politics"? Postmarxism and the critique of "pure particularism," Presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions workshop on `Identity Politics', March 28) Firstly, it is true that in the AND further `universalisation' in all spheres of life. YOUR rush to blame neoliberalism for war making DIVERT US FROM THE TRUE CAUSE, NEOCONSERVATISM. We need a more specific understanding of foreign policy is we are to attack the true cause. Chalmers 5, Pf Philosophy @ Australian National University (David, Educational Philosophy and Theory, Vol 37, Issue 5, Pages 764-770) If we consider Fahrenheit 9/11, AND and consumer-based companies have to compete. Your aff repeats the same falled reductionist understanding of the left since the 60s. Your politics despite its concern for cultural politics will fall back into to traditional Marxist diatribes. These debates have already happened time and time again. You are just another ideology in drag. Claude Lefort 2 Director of Studies Emeritus at the école des Hautes études en Sciences Sociales (Social Research, An International Quarterly of Social Sciences Volume 69, Number 2 / Summer, p. 621 – 656) Let us briefly recall the three characteristics of AND of the "great men" in History.
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Pessimism K
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1NC vs SFSUYou can’t understand kritiks of Western imperialism in the Middle East without paying attention to Edward Said’s legacy. Many of the arguments embedded in the aff have already occurred in debates over Orientalism within American academia. If the history of previous debates is any guide, their aff will produce a form of ACADEMIC MCCARTHYISM. Fearing all Western influence creates AMMUNITION to assume that ALL criticisms of the Middle East or support for democracy are imperialism. This creates a reverse form of Orientalism that turns the West into a scapegoat and silences legitimate scholars Teitelbaum & Litvak 6 /Senior Fellow, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies, Tel Aviv University & Senior Fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies/ /Joshua & Meir, “STUDENTS, TEACHERS, AND EDWARD SAID: TAKING STOCK OF ORIENTALISM”, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol 10 no. 10, March/ Another problem, noticed mostly by Said's Arab AND or an agent of American imperialism.[74] The aff’s politicalization does violence to real-life policy formation. Their criticisms over-exaggerate a uniformity that is not present on the ground. While only some democracy assistance is geared towards US interests, the filter of critical theory assumes that all democratization is the same. Youngs 11 Richard, Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor at the U of Warwick, FRIDE, Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion, Jan, N º 1 0 6 There are many eloquent critiques that have added AND the renovations needed are more subtle in nature. Democratization theory is under-going massive self-reflection. The decision to throw it out as Western imposition is a worse form of imperialism at a critical time Youngs 11 Richard, Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor at the U of Warwick, FRIDE, Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion, Jan, N º 1 0 6 It is self-evident that liberal democracy AND ‘liberal’ tenets – and thus contradicting themselves. Your aff is a luxury that’s hostile to lived experience. Criticizing the relevance of the law and political freedoms from afar is easy to do when you’re already protected by the law. Many activists in Arab countries actually want the protection of the law. Their stereotyping of capitalism and statism is no different than Islamophobia Kacem 11 M.B., French-Tunisian writer and philosopher. A Tunisian Renaissance. <http://www.lacan.com/thesymptom/?page_id=1046> As a Tunisian, I was already tired AND now elsewhere, claim to see Islamism everywhere. The alternative is to be open to future possibilities of democratization, to conclude that assisting and paying attention to other countries doesn’t have to mean imperialism. The alternative is a form of similarity that does not attempt to cordon off Arab populations as some radical other who is separate from Western culture. Instead of assuming that Arab populations are just of bunch Western-democracy-sellouts and they can’t handle themselves when the West offers democracy, we should affirm Arab participation with Western democratization as a form of mimicry and similarity. Supporting non-western mimicry is the best way to destabilize normalized knowledge and disciplinary power and is a strategy for combating colonialism. Bilgin 8 /Department of International Relations, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey/ /Pinar, “Thinking past 'Western' IR?”, Third World Quarterly, Volume 29, Issue 1 February pp. 5 – 23/ For those who remain curious about the emergence AND many forms - including a search for 'similarity'. Link - Race Scholarship (read vs WGA DF)Leveraging claims like racism deters future scholarship. Your aff has already been played out in debates over Edward Said’s work. Your aff will inspire a CRIPPLING FORM of timidity because scholars will be too afraid that their work is racist Teitelbaum & Litvak 6 /Senior Fellow, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies, Tel Aviv University & Senior Fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies/Joshua & Meir, “STUDENTS, TEACHERS, AND EDWARD SAID: TAKING STOCK OF ORIENTALISM”, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol 10 no. 10, March/ Said's over-generalized and non-historic AND fearful of developing an opinion of their own. 2NC Link - Speaking for OthersTheir Brown ev decides whether arab populations have ability to resist – she is functionally speaking for all arabs claiming that neolib empties their resistance of meaning – causes racism and imperialism, turns the aff Alcoff, Hunter College and CUNY philosophy professor, 91 (Linda Martin, “The Problem of Speaking for Others”, Cultural Critique, No. 20, pg. 10) Looking merely at the content of a set AND , location, language, and so on. 2NC - Apathy DAThe rejection of democratic systems perpetuates apathy Murphy 10 Jonathan, Cardiff Business School, Critical Governance Studies conference, Warwick University, December 13 – 14 Therefore, notwithstanding an acknowledgement of the structured AND the extension of democracy to ever wider domains. 2NC - Realism DAYOUR AFF LEGIMIZES REALIST IR SCHOLARSHIP. Radical democracy is just another universal theory in disguise. Mouffe’s argument is premised on the idea that conflict is permanent, which is no different than realism Zandra 10, University of La Verne, American Journal of Theology & Philosophy, Volume 31, Number 3, September While political liberalism seeks to mitigate antagonism, AND ,” and inherently produces an act of exclusion. 2NC - Alt SolvesAffirming the shared space of the current moment is a better strategy for placing hope in the new revolutions Sadiki 11 Dr Larbi Sadiki is a Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, Al Jazeera, 6/6, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/05/2011531132934920499.html This is the moment for spreading cosmopolitanism of AND underpinned by ethics of shared obligations and responsibility.
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Radical Democracy/Neolib Neg
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- SQ solves the aff - You know those conditions your 1AC hates on, the Egyptian government refused the neoliberal conditions that the 1AC hates on – neoliberalism is being beaten back and challenged better in the SQ
McINERNEY 11 STEPHEN, Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy, The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012, DEMOCRACY, GOVERNANCE, AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE MIDDLE EAST July This experience put a temporary end to this AND Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE. 2. NEOLIB DOESN’T INFORM CURRENT DEMOCRACY ASSIST Youngs 11 Richard, Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor at the U of Warwick, FRIDE, Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion, Jan, N º 1 0 6 It is absolutely true, and vital to AND if we don’t, some diplomats might feel. 5. Your appeal to multiplicity is an empty slogan, easily co-opted Hardt and Negri 2K (Michael, associate professor in Duke University's literature program, Antonio, inmate at Rebibbia Prison in Rome, Empire) "Discourse" and "interpretation" are AND easily appear naive, when not purely mystificatory. 6. Your appeal to multiplicity is exactly what capitalism wants, because it's the fantasy of escape Žižek 04 (Slavoj, Senr Reschr @ Dept of Philosophy, U of Ljubjana, Critical Inquiry, Winter) How then can the ideologues of "modernity AND of modernities as a form of fetishist disavowal.
| 09/30/11 |
29 |
T- Third Party
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1NCInterpretation - Democracy assistance must be direct assistance provided to governments, institutions, or civil society. Azpuru, Finkel, Perez-Linan, and Seligson, Vandy, Pitt, Pitt, Vandy, 2008 (“What has the United States Been Doing?” Journal of Democracy Volume 19, Number 2, April 2008 pp. 150-159) In the post–Cold War era, AND DG) currently available for scholarly analysis. 5 And it excludes diplomacy UN 2011 [p. http://www.un.org/News/briefings/docs/2011/110509_UNDEF.doc.htm] Better integration between democracy assistance and diplomatic efforts AND in freedom and civil rights around the world. b. The violation – the aff engages in negotiations with a third party that is a sovereign nation state to implement the plan. c. Vote neg - Limits – the US could cooperate with any country on democracy assistance, even if it is not in the literature– this explodes the topic – they can read advantages based on the cooperation which are unrelated to the Arab Spring. And the US could engage with any number of private organizations too – all are outside the scope of traditional democracy assistance – they functionally allow the aff run the consult CP as their plan.
2. Ground – all our DA links and counterplans are based on US provision of democracy assistance – they allow affs to claim that the third party will solve best to avoid solvency debates about the effectiveness of US democracy assistance – that should be core neg counterplan ground. 3. Effects T – Democracy assistance can result in third party involvement – they don’t work in conjunction. Grossman 2009 [Grossman, former senior American diplomat, 2009 p. http://www.unc.edu/depts/diplomat/item/2010/0912/comm/grossman_pluralism.html] First, as the Atlantic Council concluded in AND to emphasize the roles of a local NGO. 1NR - LimitsThe number of countries we would have to prepare for is huge. But on top of that – there are 55,000 types of intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations the aff could work with – we’ll insert this chart into the debate. Union of International Associations – 2001 http://www.uia.org/statistics/organizations/11.1.1a.pdf Here’s our caselist – any aff that has the government directly provide democracy assistance to any of the topic countries – technical assistance, elections, strengthening legislatures and judiciaries, civil society, free press, education – they just can’t be provided through third parties, which rarely increase democracy Zuercher et al 2009 Christoph Zuercher, Nora Roehner, and Sarah Riese, External Democracy Promotion in Post-Conflict Zones A Comparative-Analytical Framework, Taiwan Journal of Democracy, Volume 5, No.1: 1-26 Barnett and Zuercher have put forward an alternative AND is scant in both cases and rather ambiguous.
| 09/30/11 |
13 |
Privatization DA
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1NCEgypt is stopping privatization in the squo Hussein 11 [Marwa, business writer for ahram online, “Egypt’s privatization plans: officially dead”, July 21, http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/3/12/16923/Business/Economy/Egypts-privatisation-plans-officially-dead.aspx] The Deputy Prime Minister and supervisor of Egypt's AND long opposed privatisation for a host of reasons. Aid to Egypt is aimed at enabling an environment where the private sector can flourish and strengthen neoliberal interests. Hanieh 11 [Adam, lecturer in the Development Studies Department of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, “Guest Blog: Egypt's "Orderly Transition"? International Aid and the Rush to Structural Adjustment”, June 9, http://www.naomiklein.org/articles/2011/06/guest-blog-egypts-orderly-transition-international-aid-and-rush-structural-adjustme] The most important point to note about the AND in which aid to Egypt would be provided. Privatization and other neoliberal policies tank the Egyptian economy – collapses the openness index and shrinks value of non-oil exports. Mitchell 99 [Timothy, dept. of politics @ NYU, “No Factories, No Problems: The Logic of Neo-Liberalism in Egypt”, Review of African Political Economy 26.82, pp. 455-468] If one's first reaction was amazement at the AND payments crisis and repeated shortages of foreign currency. Egypt’s economy is key to global economic recovery Schuman 11 (Michael, TIME Magazine, 2/2, “Does the turmoil in Egypt threaten the global recovery?” http://curiouscapitalist.blogs.time.com/2011/02/02/does-the-turmoil-in-egypt-threaten-the-global-recovery/#ixzz1TT6k4O6d) At first glance, the upheaval on the AND could prove to be just such an unwelcome surprise Economic recovery key to prevent nuclear World War III O'Donnell 9 (Sean, writer and Marine Corps Reserve squad leader, Feb 26, http://www.examiner.com/x- 3108-Baltimore-Republican- Examinery2009m2d26-Will-this- recession-lead-to-World-War- III) Could the current economic crisis affecting this country AND is averted. However sometimes history repeats itself.
| 09/30/11 |
14 |
Saudi Arabia DA
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1NCThe US is tempering its support for democracy movements to protect US-Saudi relations Spindle and Coker 2011 Bill, Maraget, WSJ, 4-16, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704116404576262744106483816.html?mod=WSJ_World_LeadStory The intensified wrangling across the Persian—or AND a looming nuclear arms race in the region. The US backing away from supporting democracy in the region is designed to improve its relationship with Saudi Arabia Spindle and Coker 2011 Bill, Maraget, WSJ, 4-16, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704116404576262744106483816.html?mod=WSJ_World_LeadStory Saudi officials say that despite the current friction AND helped to shore up the relationship with Riyadh. Plan viewed as lack of consultation with Saudi Arabia – we don’t’ care what their relation is to the interim gov – uniquely bad now - Saudis propping up the new Egyptian government Black 11 Tim Black, senior writer at spiked, June 6, 2011, “Trying to rein in the Arab Spring” http://www.spiked-online.com/index.php/site/article/10576/ But the Saudi regime has not just been AND fellow Gulf states Oman and the aforementioned Bahrain. Saudi Arabia will seek nukes from Pakistan – will cause tensions with Iran that destabilize the entire region and Pakistan Siddiqui 2011 Farrukh Siddiqui, Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns, June 30, 2011, http://www.stateofpakistan.org/riyadh-will-build-nuclear-weapons-if-iran-gets-them-saudi-prince-warns The Australian said that until recently it appeared AND Arabia may seek to capitalise on its investment. Recognition of a Saudi nuclear deterrent would shatter the non-proliferation regime Russell 2001 Richard L. Russell, research associate at the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown, A Saudi Nuclear Option? Summer 2001, Survival, 43:2, p. 69-79 More broadly, the recognition of a Saudi AND missile defences will necessarily play a role in the calculus, notwithstanding reservations about them within the transatlantic community. Nuclear proliferation destroys international stability and causes escalatory nuclear wars Quester and Utgoff, 1994 (The Washington Quarterly) If Americans ask themselves the elementary question of AND .S. and/or UN involvement. Even without escalation, Middle East nuclear war guarantees extinction Ian Hoffman, Staff Writer, December 12, 2006 (“Nuclear Winter Looms, experts say”, MediaNews Group, Inc. and ANG Newspapers) SAN FRANCISCO With superpower nuclear arsenals plummeting AND in recent history, according to Rutgers' Robock. Link - BahrainSaudis think reforms will cause greater instability in Bahrain – will fracture relations Pant 11 Harsh V. Pant, April 4, 2011 Libya is a sideshow; real issue is new balance of power, http://www.dnaindia.com/opinion/analysis_libya-is-a-sideshow-real-issue-is-new-balance-of-power_1527964 Now, after a decade that seemed to AND would only open the door to greater instability. Link - Shia EmpowermentSaudis and GCC countries fear Shia empowerment Aneja 11—Researcher for Institute for Defense Studies and West Asia Correspondent for “The Hindu” Atul Aneja, INDIA'S NATIONAL MAGAZINE, Frontline, vol 28, Issue 8, April 09-22, http://www.frontlineonnet.com/fl2808/stories/20110422280802400.htm Fears, never fully substantiated, have also AND is not far away from the Iranian coastline. 2NC Impact - Arms SalesSaudi Arabia will seek arms sales from other countries Moran 2011 Michael Moran, July 14, 2011 (German sale of tanks to Saudi Arabia raises eyebrows, Global Post, http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/opinion/columnists/110712/germany-saudia-arabia-tanks) While the Obama administration has refrained from cheering AND their most lucrative client looking around for new suppliers Foreign arms sales turns the case – support of repressive government destroys hope for true democratic reforms and destabilizes the region Dörrie 2011 Peter Dörrie, student at Bradford University’s Department of Peace Studies, Tanks and Democracy, July 9, 2011, http://gooddevelopments.posterous.com/tanks-and-democracy When the stunned silence that ensued in the AND those that misuse it - begins exactly now. 2NC Impact - OilEven small changes in the Middle Eastern oil market will can price spikes and shocks – devastates the economic recovery and spreads globally Newman 2011 Rick Newman, February 18, 2011, How Arab Unrest could Harm the World Economy, US News & World Report, http://www.usnews.com/mobile/blogs/flowchart/2011/2/18/how-arab-unrest-could-harm-the-world-economy.html Oil, however, is a different story AND impact on the world economy would be significant." Those wars go nuclear Joe Lauria, New York-based investigative journalist. A freelance member of the Sunday Times of London Insight team, he has also worked on investigations for the Boston Globe and Bloomberg News., April 14, 2008 (The Huffington Post, “The Coming War with Iran: It’s About the Oil, Stupid,” http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2008/04/14/8282/) The Saudis would not mind seeing the Iranian AND project. It’s about the oil, stupid.
| 10/12/11 |
19 |
Tunisia CP (vs Los Rios)
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1NCText: The United States federal government should substantially increase its democracy assistance to Tunisia by fully funding the India International Institute of Democracy and Election Management to provide training for Egyptian citizens to monitor and observe their upcoming parliamentary elections. Solves – none of their ev says that India has to provide aid specifically to Egypt, just that they have to provide aid to someone. Competes through net benefits. 2NC - CP SolvesCP solves India perception args - Tunisia will act as a model for democracy in other Arab Spring nations - means India still gets positive rep Masmoudi 11 (Radwan, President of the Center for Study of Islam & Democracy, May 18, www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/05/tunisia-should-be-the-priority, accessed on 9/22/11) President Obama is expected to use tomorrow’s speech AND here will have catastrophic repercussions in the region.
| 09/30/11 |
20 |
"Democracy Assistance" PIC
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1NCText: The United States federal government should substantially increase its assistance to Egypt by fully funding India’s election management for the purpose of providing training for Egyptian citizens to monitor and observe their upcoming parliamentary elections. The discursive frame of democracy assistance becomes a public relations tool for neoliberal ends Sussman 6 Gerald, School of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University, Monthly Review, Volume 58, Issue 07 (December) / The Myths of ‘Democracy Assistance’: U.S. interventionism, except perhaps AND including electioneering experts, are certain to follow.
| 09/30/11 |
10 |
India/Egypt Neg (vs Los Rios)
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India already managing elections in Kenya Chakrabarty 11 EC institute to train poll personnel from other democracies Rakhi, TNN Jun 19, 2011, NEW DELHI: Living up to its billing AND , IIDEM will also run courses for mediapersons. 13 different countries should have solved Tuteja 5-29 Reforms on the agenda The Commission has a lot more up its sleeves Ashok Tuteja http://www.tribuneindia.com/2011/20110529/edit.htm The ECI is also discussing with the governments AND , Mauritius, Egypt, Thailand and Indonesia. India is already the election guru – and they’re already going to Egypt Tuteja 5-29 Reforms on the agenda The Commission has a lot more up its sleeves Ashok Tuteja http://www.tribuneindia.com/2011/20110529/edit.htm Meanwhile, India is fast emerging as the AND has been sought to ensure a smooth election. Elections are only the first step of many – the political system needs a complete overhaul – parliament, judiciary, police, media, civil society, and more. Diamond 2011 [Larry Diamond, founding coeditor of the Journal of Democracy and also serves as senior consultant (and previously was codirector) at the International Forum for Democratic Studies of the National Endowment for Democracy. At Stanford University, Diamond is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, where he also directs the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, January 31, 2011, Egypt: ‘protracted, unprecedented democratic change’ possible, but won’t be quick or easy, Democracy Digest, http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/01/egypt-protracted-unprecedented-democratic-change-possible-but-wont-be-quick-or-easy/] If the September election timetable can be adhered AND regime into a posture of resistance and sabotage. If we win our solvency args about Egyptian elections being polarized then India looks bad as result of the plan – takes out relations impact. The SCAF will reassert military rule – they’re the most powerful force in Egypt and they want to protect national interests Hanna 2011 [Michael Wahid Hanna, fellow and program officer at the Century Foundation, August 23, 2011, The mind of Egypt's military, Foreign Policy, http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/23/the_mind_of_egypts_military] The haphazard and at times authoritarian manner by AND will parallel the maturation of the political system. You do not fuck with the SCAF – they will freak out at the slightest provocation Keilani 2011 [Dr. Musa A Keilani, a former jordanian ambassador, chief editor of Al Urdun weekly in Amman, August 23, 2011, The Gulf Today, http://gulftoday.ae/portal/608c3d04-5cfc-4500-87c4-e8c44a43320d.aspx] One key question remains foremost in the minds AND and his sons to be put on trial. Plan is a cover for more repressive military crackdown – will make concessions to avoid taking heat Hanna 11 [Michael Wahid Hanna, fellow and program officer at The Century Foundation, March 1, 2011, Take it slow, Egypt: Rushing the transition may actually kill real reforms, Christian Science Monitor, http://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/Opinion/2011/0301/Take-it-slow-Egypt-Rushing-the-transition-may-actually-kill-real-reforms] However, the limits of the military’s patience AND contain the ethos of protest and restore normalcy. Another crackdown kills relations Schenker 11 David Director of the Program on Arab Politics at The Washington Institute July 25 Egypt’s Enduring Challenges, http://www.thecuttingedgenews.com/index.php?article=52459 Regardless of who inherits the Mubarak mantle, AND undermine U.S.-Egyptian bilateral ties. US-Egyptian relations key to regional stability and US hegemony – power projection and maintains the peace with Israel. Council on Foreign Relations 02 (Council on Foreign Relations Press, May 2002, Strengthening the U.S.-Egyptian Relationship,http://www.cfr.org/publication/8666/strengthening_the_usegyptian_relationship_a_cfr_paper.html) The U.S.-Egyptian relationship is AND drastically recast the management of the Middle East.
| 09/30/11 |
26 |
Security K
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1NC vs Harvard DTPromoting United States interests in the name of democracy kills, starves, tortures and politically disenfranchises global peoples. US politicians are divorced from the reality of what is occurring. We should admit that until we have a basic knowledge of the Middle East, the US influence won’t be constructive. Musaji, Shakir and Zogby 11 Sheila, founder and editor of The American Muslim quarterly journal; Imam Zaid, Lecturer at Zaytuna Institute, where he now teaches courses on Arabic, Islamic law, history, and Islamic spirituality, amongst the most respected and influential Islamic scholars in the West; James, President, the Arab American Institute, The American Muslim, 2/7, http://www.theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/the_egyptians_should_be_in_charge_of_egypts_future/0018378 It is time for Americans to acknowledge that AND seat role and let this situation play out. Our argument is equally true for recent Middle East analysis. It’s too early to tell what our response should be and it is better to hesitate. HADDAD 11, BASSAM, Director, Middle East Studies Program, George Mason University, Middle East Policy, Summer, Pg. 1 Vol. 18 No. 2 It is probably too early to make too AND . It also crushed sensibilities and destroyed spirits. Your fear of Iran a lazy stereotype fueled by biased reporting from Arab state-controlled newspapers. Iran becomes the perfect foil but Arab leaders know the threat is more rhetorical than literal Roberts 11 David, Global Policy Institute, Guardian, 8-20, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/aug/20/bahraini-uprising-iran For many based in the Gulf the fact AND go largely against the grain of public opinion. We are currently on the verge of witnessing new forms of knowledge. If the Arab Spring has taught us anything, it should also teach us that we need a paradigm spring. We must abandon the hyper-securitist paradigm or face extinction Crane 11 Dr Robert, The American Muslim, Paradigm Spring and the Clash of Civilizational Paradigms, 1/27, http://www.theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/paradigm_spring_and_the_clash_of_civilizational_paradigms/ Paradigms are premises of thought that frame one’s AND twentieth-first-century “Paradigm Spring”. The motivation behind the promotion of democracy is critical to policy-making. The pursuit of altruistic assistance is radically different from an emphasis on US national interests ALFORD 2K William P. Professor and Director, East Asian Legal Studies, Harvard Law School. Harvard Law Review, May, 113 Harv. L. Rev. 1677 Carothers surely is right to urge a greater AND happy to allow the United States to hold). 1NC vs Iowa ALSame as vs Harvard, minus the Roberts card 1NC at UNLVMusaji, Haddad, Crane, Alford Link - Police TrainingPolice training is the securitization of aid. This has two impacts: first, international suspicion. The blurring of democracy aid with security causes the South to be suspicious of any US aid and second, it turns democratic deficits into security issues Hills 6, Professor of Conflict & Security @ U of Leeds, (Alice, Third World Quarterly, Volume 27, Issue 4 May) Perhaps this assessment is an over-reaction AND a Leland Initiative to increase access to information technology This makes reducing poverty and corruption secondary concerns Cooksey 4, Tanzania Development Research Group, (Brian, DAC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP FORUM IMPROVING DONOR EFFECTIVENESS IN COMBATING CORRUPTION Organised jointly by OECD Development Assistance Committee and Transparency International, 9-10 December) Many observers now see development aid in the AND become secondary concerns to the main aid donors. Link - OilUS oil interests will ensure that real democracy always looses out Nicholson and Schaffer 11 Kailyn and Anna, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10 Here is where focus on short-term AND . as does Saudi Arabia, for instance. The concern for US access to oil justifies endless wars Massumi 7, Communication Department of the Université de Montréal, (Brian, THEORY AND EVENT, Potential Politics and the Primacy of Preemption, 10:2) Let's see, where have we heard that AND make the region safe for American capitalism.12 2NC - Turns HegUS interests tank leadership Smith and Stockmann 11 Stephanie and Natalie, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10 Finally, ―The Relationship between Rhetoric and AND for an effective and sustainable democracy promotion effort. This decimates all foreign policy credibility Nicholson and Schaffer 11 Kailyn and Anna, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10 This is something U.S. policymakers AND S. goals and methods for achieving them. 2NC AT PermYour perm makes no sense and stagnates democracy by proliferating unsuccessful models. Nicholson and Schaffer 11 Kailyn and Anna, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10 Cavatorta and Durac point out that often, AND democracy promotion community (Carothers 2007, 4). 2NC Alt SolvesLiterature proves the alt exists. For now, no aid should be given until new representatives and civil society is in position to deliberate Sadiki 11 Dr Larbi Sadiki is a Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, Al Jazeera, 6/6, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/05/2011531132934920499.html In particular, for now, no dispensing AND refuse living under tyranny or on disconnected islands. 2NC AT Terrorists Evil/Real Threat=== Your terrorism arguments are wrong – they reflect who Fox news chooses to interview. Most Arab intellectuals don’t care about terrorism Baroud 8-15 Ramzy, The Morning Star, The US-Arab disconnect, http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/news/content/view/full/108277 As the Arab Spring continues to challenge dictators AND are no longer willing to accept that reality. YOUR IMPACT IS AN IRRATIONAL FEAR – WE SHOULDN’T BE AFRAID OF INCLUDING ISLAMIC POLITICAL GROUPS AND PROTESTORS IN DISCUSSIONS OF WHAT IS GOOD FOR YEMEN. Medina 11 Reemah, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10 On the other hand, Thomas Carothers his AND political discourse of any type of democracy developed. PUBLIC SPHERE SOLVES YOUR RADICALIZATION ARGUMENTS Medina 11 Reemah, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10 A public sphere for voicing concerns would dissolve AND state and those in charge of religious institutions. AT Floating PIK Bad1 WE’RE A DIFFERENT ACTION THAN THE AFF – your argument assumes that the plan is the only action the affirmative takes. Their description of the world is equally as much of an action. The plan would be meaningless without it. And their aff contains the implicit statement that the promotion of democracy produces a safer and more prosperous world for the United States. Our alternative refuses this frame, lens and outlook, making the alt dramatically different. 2. It’s important on this topic. This is an important debate within democratization discussions. Our PIC is not a cheap-shot – it’s a part of democratic peace theory and it informs the way your authors make sense of the world. The motivation behind the aff could be to maintain friendly regimes, it could be another Iraq or it could be to aid current struggles for the sake of those struggles. The frame of securitization has and will continue to influence what democratization becomes on the ground. 3 IT’S FAIR – it’s your aff advantage. If you wrote it, you should be able to defend it. WE’RE EXCLUDING A HUGE component OF YOUR AFF. You just have to defend your advantage. It’s a large part of the aff’s literature. 4 Literature proves the alt exists. For now, no aid should be given until new representatives and civil society is in position to deliberate Sadiki 11 Dr Larbi Sadiki is a Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, Al Jazeera, 6/6, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/05/2011531132934920499.html In particular, for now, no dispensing AND refuse living under tyranny or on disconnected islands.
| 10/01/11 |
27 |
Instrumentality K
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1NCThe concern for Egypt’s regional stability is what really matters for the aff. The suffering of the protestors is secondary. This is a cruel, self-serving and constrained vision of the world that treats democracy instrumentally Stability is a trope to justify turning a blind eye to brutality. It is a degraded form of realism that is a. divorced from reality, b. produce Arab pessimism c. justifies cruelty in the name of self interest Hoover 11 Joe, Fellow in the International Relations Department at the LSE, Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies , Egypt and the Failure of Realism, Issue 4 Clearly regional stability is the key rhetorical trope AND it justifies or realise its own analytical failings. Political party assistance is template based and purposely ignorant of local realities Carothers 6 Thomas is a Senior Associate and Director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. United Nations Development Programme A HANDBOOK ON WORKING WITH POLITICAL PARTIES Party aid organizations tend not to make their AND rarely in much older, more established democracies. The FOCUS ON ISLAM TRADES OFF WITH ECONOMIC SCHOLARSHIP. The Islam fix. Proves the alt, get away from these grand narratives. Understanding this is the only way to make Arab Spring effective JUNG 11 DIETRICH, Professor, University of Southern Denmark, Center for Contemporary Middle East Studies, Insight Turkey Vol. 13 / No. 3 / pp. 1-10 Without necessarily endorsing liberal ideals of “economy AND serve as a sufficient analytical frame of reference. Morocco proves that the plan’s help will be counter-balanced with US interests. The US has contacts with the PJD but we’re unwilling to pressure the regime or oppose a monarchy because we don’t want to jeopardize our interests. Hamid 10, Middle East at Brookings, (Shadi Hamid and Amanda Kadlec- Project on Middle East Democracy, January, “Strategies for Engaging Political Islam” http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/2010/01_political_islam_hamid/01_political_islam_hamid.pdf) Despite this fear of Islamists coming to power AND it does so with the Moroccan monarchy’s blessing. Make no mistake, the aff is not an attempt to truly give the people what they want. It is a attempt to co-opt their demands to make the world safe for US interests. The same strategy was applied in both Vietnam and in Iran. Gradualism guarantees that the ordinary peoples of the topic countries will turn against the US. It is better for us to not do the aff. McInnes 11 Andrew, Time Out Corner, Arab Spring will be US Gov’t Winter, http://timeoutcorner.wordpress.com/2011/03/23/arab-spring-will-be-us-govt-winter/ To address the USG’s opinion of the region AND disfavoured customer, because they people of the Middle An economic frame is better for truer democracy in Egypt Magd 11 Zeinab Abul, professor of Middle East history at Oberlin College, Roundtable on Post-Mubarak Egypt: Authoritarianism without Autocrats? 7-24, I am afraid that while Egyptian activists and AND of the street to get this revolution complete. We have an obligation as academics to reject the urgency embedded in your specific solvency arguments. We should prefer a broader theoretical and historically-grounded understanding ALFORD 2K William P. Professor and Director, East Asian Legal Studies, Harvard Law School. Harvard Law Review, May, 113 Harv. L. Rev. 1677 Understandable though the desire to just get on AND , too, might in time learn. n96 2NC Framework CardYour appeal to policymaking is precisely what inhibits critical theory in the first place. Bendaña 3, Centro de Estudios Internacionales, (Alejandro, What Kind of Peace is Being Built? Critical Assessments from the South, The International Development Research Centre, January, www.transnational.org/features/2004/Bendana_Peace.pdf) It is revealing how more external intervention is AND ”—tend to substitute for ongoing critical thinking.
| 10/01/11 |
15 |
Politics - Jobs
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1NCThe American Jobs Bill will pass – Obama has public and government support. Atler, ’11 [Jonathan, 9/9, Bloomberg News, “To Pass Jobs Act, Obama Should Channel LBJ: Jonathan Atler.”] President Barack Obama, almost marginalized in Washington AND want jobs, and we want them now. Obama empirically expended p.c. to support the Arab Spring. DP-News 11 [“Obama’s Mideast speech to focus at “Arab Spring.” 5/19] Obama was expected to use his Middle East AND before his heavy week of Mideast diplomacy ends. Political capital is key – Obama would have to invest energy to push for jobs Todd et. al, 9/9 [Chuck, Mark Murray, Domenico Montanaro, and Brooke, 2011, MSNBC, “First thoughts: ‘Pass this bill.’] Selling the plan: The day after the AND the country for a sustained period of time. Jobs bill key to the economy – creates nearly a million jobs, prevents recession, and creates momentum going into 2012. Berman 9/9 David, Economists score Obama's jobs bill, September 9, 2011, Globe & Mail Update Here are several early reactions to U. AND it’s much bolder and better than I expected.” Extinction. Sean O’Donnell, Baltimore Republic Examiner, February 26, 2009 (“Will this recession lead to World War III?” http://www.examiner.com/x-3108-Baltimore-Republican-Examiner~y2009m2d26-Will-this-recession-lead-to-World-War-III) Could the current economic crisis affecting this country AND is averted. However sometimes history repeats itself. 1NR UQWill pass- bipartisan support now. SF Chronicle 10/1 “Sen. Boxer has high hopes for Obama jobs bill” http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/09/30/MNFB1LC1U4.DTL#ixzz1ZWzRvSM2 Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif AND 2012, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Republicans will pass the bill for fear of being cast as foes of job creation- but they are on the fence. Obama pol cap key to convince GOP to vote. Reuters 10/1 “Obama presses Republicans for jobs bill support” Republicans oppose those ideas, along with some AND bill so I can sign it into law." Political capital is key and obama’s investing his minimal p.c. to this effort. Hannity, 9/8 [Sean, 2011, Fox, “Cantor: Obama’s ‘All or Nothing’ Approach to Jobs Bill Not the Way to Go.”] HANNITY: Now, since it seems like AND he had majorities in both houses of Congress. Top of the docket- jobs is the top priority Allen, 9/9 [Jonathan, 2011, Politico, “GOP wants Obama plan a la carte.”] In a warmly worded letter sent to the AND to confront our nation’s economic and employment challenges.” Todd et. al, 9/9 [Chuck, Mark Murray, Domenico Montanaro, and Brooke, 2011, MSNBC, “First thoughts: ‘Pass this bill.’] “Pass this bill”: Before last AND need help, and they need it now.” 1NR Links - BahrainCongress opposes increased assistance to Bahrain – perceived alternatives trump the political benefits of the plan Katzman, 7/7 [Kenneth Katzman, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, “Bahrain: Reform, Security, and U.S. Policy”, July 7, 2011, online, CMR] The Obama Administration, which presented its FY2012 AND .S. naval headquarters has become unstable. Labor would hate the plan, they’ve asked for pressure- Palmer 11 Doug, Reuters, U.S. labor urges trade pact with Bahrain be suspended, 5-6, http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/06/us-bahrain-usa-trade-idUSTRE7456AP20110506 The largest U.S. labor group AND rights abuses can be corrected, Vogt said. US lobbies see Bahraini activists as Iranian Aneja 11—Researcher for Institute for Defense Studies and West Asia Correspondent for “The Hindu” Atul Aneja, INDIA'S NATIONAL MAGAZINE, Frontline, vol 28, Issue 8, April 09-22, http://www.frontlineonnet.com/fl2808/stories/20110422280802400.htm The accusation that the protesters are a fifth AND disadvantage in finding mainstream support in the West. Leahy wants the CP and he has influence Gamage 9-28 Daya– Asian Tribune Foreign News Desk Analysis Washington, DC. 28 September (Asiantribune.com): US Senator Patrick Leahy, chairman of the AND to these deplorable offenses against commonly held principles. 1NR - AT Don't Solve EconJobs bill will make a substantial contribution to growth – key to recovery Schroeder 9/9 Peter Schroeder, September 9, 2011, Geithner: Now is the time to pass president's jobs bill, The Hill President Obama's jobs bill would help put hundreds AND ," he said. "We're still healing." Jobs bill key to helping small businesses – halving payroll tax puts money back in the hands of business owners. Zerbe 9/8 Dean Zerbe, September 8, 2011, Obama Jobs Bill and Taxes What Does It All Mean For Business? Let’s start with good marks. The President AND -hand this will be of some help.
| 10/01/11 |
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Bahrain Pressure CP
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Text vs Harvard DTText: The USFG will announce that it will not sell Bahrain any new arms package until it has verified that the government of Bahrain has lived up to its promise of expanding its support for groups in Bahrain to facilitate broader distribution of access to political benefits. Text vs Liberty LSSame as vs Harvard Text vs Whitman CM and Michigan DPThe United State federal government will announce that it will not provide Bahrain any new arms until it has verified that the government of Bahrain has ensured that all secret police have vacated hospitals,
human rights monitors have access to the country’s villages and detention centers,
adequate compensation has been made for the large-scale destruction of religious property,
special security court trials for opposition activists and medical workers have ended,
all opposition figures and political prisoners currently imprisoned are granted due process rights in a civil court of law, and receive competent defense counsel.
anyone dismissed from work because of their participation in protests are reinstated
The US will hire Shia companies and workers for any future contracts designed to expand the size of the 5th fleet naval base. Solvency CardsThe CP sends the right message and is a good starting point Washington Post 9-29 http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/arms-sales-to-repressive-bahrain-misplaced/2011/09/29/gIQASnhH8K_story.html This month the Pentagon notified Congress of a AND package would be a good way to start. Over a dozen human rights organizations support the CP and realize it’s critical for US democracy credibility in the Middle East. The CP is a rejection of security interests as more important than political reforms POMED 9-28 http://pomed.org/blog/2011/09/pomed-and-ngos-urge-immediate-action-on-proposed-u-s-bahrain-arms-deal.html/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+POMED_blog+%28Project+on+Middle+East+Democracy+Blog%29 In response to the recently proposed arms deal AND the United States and its presence in Bahrain. Elite Peace NBThe aff’s generic conflict resolution devalues the knowledge of the subaltern - allowing those who are officially recognized to speak for a vast number of people SCHEHR & MILOVANOVIC 99 Robert C., Asst Prof Criminal Justice, U of Illinois-Springfield and Dragan, Prof Criminal Justice, Sociology, & Social Work, Northeastern Illinois U, “Conflict mediation and the postmodern,” Social Justice, Spring, p. 208+ The second tension in the conventional literature is AND discussion of matters of interest to the subaltern. PEACE BETWEEN ELITES isn’t PEACE ON THE STREETS. The aff devalues the people who will bear the brunt of any state negotiations SCHEHR and MILOVANOVIC 99 Robert C., Asst Prof Criminal Justice, U of Illinois-Springfield and Dragan, Prof Criminal Justice, Sociology, & Social Work, Northeastern Illinois U, 1999, Social Justice, Spring, p. 208+ Overreliance on master narratives promotes an ideological commitment AND the conflict comprehensively" (p. 313). Criticizing the underlying epistemology of the aff is critical issue for academics Richmond 1, Pf of Intl Relations, U of St. Andrews, Oliver P., Alternatives, July-Sept, v 26 It must be recognized that peace operations, AND identity claims, and human-security issues.
| 10/01/11 |
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Bahrain Neg - Adv Answers
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AT Stability- GCC ECONOMIC AID is solving in the SQ
Terrill 11 Dr. W. Andrew, The Arab Spring and the Future of U.S. Interests and Cooperative Security in the Arab World, August 2, http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/index.cfm/articles/The-Arab-Spring-and-the-Future-of-US-Interests/2011/8/2 One step which is already being implemented and AND be of considerable value in maintaining social stability. 2. FOOL ME TWICE: The King already tried these reforms in 99 but didn’t follow through. Lippman 9-22 Thomas W. is an adjunct scholar at the Middle East Institute and former Middle East bureau chief of the Washington Post, POMED Policy Brief, When King Hamad came to power in 1999 AND between the ruling family and the political opposition. 3. Solving crackdowns is a prerequisite – security forces and activist trials can easily tank any reform Lippman 9-22 Thomas W. is an adjunct scholar at the Middle East Institute and former Middle East bureau chief of the Washington Post, POMED Policy Brief, The government’s response to the protest movement has AND could easily erupt into large-scale violence. 4. ALT CAUSE – Saudi and GCC troops and police will remain, they build perceptions of repression Terrill 11 Dr. W. Andrew, The Arab Spring and the Future of U.S. Interests and Cooperative Security in the Arab World, August 2, http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/index.cfm/articles/The-Arab-Spring-and-the-Future-of-US-Interests/2011/8/2 The United States also remains concerned about the AND a full-scale crisis with Saudi Arabia. 5. The aff is NAIVE gradualism – they won’t appease the opposition Wellman 9-17 Phillip Walter, Voice of America, http://www.voanews.com/english/news/middle-east/Tensions-Rise-Ahead-of-Bahrain-Elections-130019243.html Without opening a real dialogue and without going AND government and the opposition engage in meaningful dialogue. 6. The government will FAKE IT – only pressure works Aziz & Musalem 11— Sahar, Assoc. Prof of Law @ Texas Weselyan & Abdullah, Social Researcher in Bahrain, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, Citizens, Not Subjects, July http://ispu.org/pdfs/640_ISPU%20Report_Bahrain_Aziz_Musalem_WEB.pdf Recently, Washington and London welcomed speeches, AND -vis reconciliation and dialogue with the people. 7. There are too many unkept promises POMED 11, Project on Middle East Democracy, 7-18, “POMED Notes” http://pomed.org/blog/2011/07/pomed-notes-maryam-al-khawaja-an-update-on bahrain.html/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+POMED_blog+%28Project+on+Middle+East+Democracy+Blog%29&utm_content=Google+Reader Al-Khawaja is not optimistic about the AND All of these promises have not been fulfilled. 8. Your author believes Saudis are a huge alt cause POMED 11, Project on Middle East Democracy, 7-18, “POMED Notes” http://pomed.org/blog/2011/07/pomed-notes-maryam-al-khawaja-an-update-on bahrain.html/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+POMED_blog+%28Project+on+Middle+East+Democracy+Blog%29&utm_content=Google+Reader Al-Khawaja noted that Saudi/GCC AND that the Saudi government would exert some influence. 9. Al-Wefaq is backing away from protests Salloum 9-28 Shahira, Monthly Review, first published in Al-Akhbar, http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2011/salloum280911.html Al-Wefaq and other Bahraini opposition groups AND of more innocents," the resigned MP said. 10. Pacifying the streets fails. Reforms won’t pacify the public, and the public will be back with greater demands Muasher 11 Marwan, Arab Spring: Eternal Season of Flux, Politico, June 28, http://carnegie-mec.org/publications/?fa=44858 But while the street has been successful in AND But reform rhetoric alone no longer fools anyone. - Attempting to co-opt Bahrain’s revolution will fail and causes backlash – the US will be perceived cynically. It is better for us to not do the aff.
McInnes 11 Andrew, Time Out Corner, Arab Spring will be US Gov’t Winter, http://timeoutcorner.wordpress.com/2011/03/23/arab-spring-will-be-us-govt-winter/ To address the USG’s opinion of the region AND force to prevent those problems from being solved. AT 5th FleetNo base kick out – Shias won’t hurt US interests Barfi 11, Barak, Research Fellow, New America Foundation, Middle East Policy, Summer, Pg. 1 Vol. 18 No. 2 Though the regime is proUnited States, and AND incursion into the West Bank in April 2002. 3. There is no feasible middle path in Bahrain – either the plan angers the regime and jeopardizes the 5th Fleet or it doesn’t go far enough to solve protestors demands Marina Ottaway 4/4/11. Ph.D., Columbia University; University of Pavia, Italy. Expert in civil society, democracy, political reform, non-governmental actors, foreign and humanitarian aid, human rights, Islamist movements, the Middle East, Iraq, and Africa. (Bahrain: Between the United States and Saudi Arabia) Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. <http://www.carnegie.ru/experts/?fa=24> But U.S. concerns in dealing AND States once again siding with an autocratic regime. 4. Alternatives to Bahrain are sufficient for military presence and effectiveness Michael Koplovsky, Deputy Chief of Mission @ U.S. Embassy Lusaka, Career Foreign Service Office, October 23, 06, Precipitating the Inevitable: the Surprisingly Benign Impact of Losing Basing Rights in Bahrain, http://govwin.com/knowledge/ precipitating-inevitable-surprisingly-benign-impact/18387 By establishing a network of cooperative locations and AND place and at the right time to succeed. - Cyber active groups are already succeeding in Bahrain
Aneja 11—Researcher for Institute for Defense Studies and West Asia Correspondent for “The Hindu” Atul Aneja, INDIA'S NATIONAL MAGAZINE, Frontline, vol 28, Issue 8, April 09-22, http://www.frontlineonnet.com/fl2808/stories/20110422280802400.htm A regular feature of the Bahraini political narrative AND Haq was instrumental in internationalising Bahrain's internal conflict. 2. Government will filter AND security forces already control Facebook and Twitter Julliard 9-6 Jean-François, Secretary general, Reporters Without Borders, Democratic Opening in Bahrain Needs Release of All Prisoners of Conscience Even before last spring's developments, Bahrain was AND BahrainMirror, has been inaccessible since June 5th. 3. No adoption – cultural/generational divide Pappas 11 (Beverly, “Click Here for Democracy: Analysis of Social Media in Egypt and Iran as a Process towards Democratization.” Arete student academic journal, St. Edward’s University Spring 2011 (Vol 20). PDF) The issue is further complicated by the relationship AND , citizens can incite greater progress towards democratization. 4. Hurts activist credibility – US internet freedom interventions risk delegitimizing those voices; they just need the US to keep the web accessible on the supply side Rebecca Mackinnon, Bernard L. Schwartz Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation, February 17, 2011 Foreign Policy, “'Internet Freedom' in the Age of Assange” http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/02/17/internet_freedom_in_the_age_of_assange?page=0,1 It is also true, however, that AND and we'll figure out how to use it." 5. More dangerous for protestors – bringing people into the streets celebrate protests as an end in itself. It’s irresponsible politics because it refuses to analyze the effects of protests. Governments can use facebook to inspire protests for the sole purpose of arrests Zuckerman 11 Ethan, director of the MIT Center for Civic Media, Civic Disobedience and the Arab Spring, 5-6, http://www.ethanzuckerman.com/blog/2011/05/06/civic-disobedience-and-the-arab-spring/ What he got wrong, he says, AND of murder reach the rest of the world.” 6. Free internet is not a panacea – Anonymity and disproportionate participation of privileged classes promote bigotry George 6/11 (Erika R. Professor, University of Utah, S.J. Quinney College of Law. “Tweeting to Topple Tyranny, Social Media and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Reply to Anupam Chander” California Law Review Circuit Vol. 2 June 2011) However, even if what Chander calls “ AND , rather than just tolerance of diverse perspectives. AT Iran/Shia Radicalization (Whitman; Michigan)1) Al-Wefaq is backing away from protests Salloum 9-28 Shahira, Monthly Review, first published in Al-Akhbar, http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2011/salloum280911.html Al-Wefaq and other Bahraini opposition groups AND of more innocents," the resigned MP said. 2) Even if the crackdown ended it won’t prevent radicalization ICG 7-28, International Crisis Group, 7-28-2011, “Bahrain’s Rocky Road to Reform,” http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/publication-type/media-releases/2011/mena/bahrain-s-rocky-road-to-reform.aspx It has much to repair. The past AND will be politically radicalised when they grow up”. 3) GCC ECONOMIC AID is solving in the SQ Terrill 11 Dr. W. Andrew, The Arab Spring and the Future of U.S. Interests and Cooperative Security in the Arab World, August 2, http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/index.cfm/articles/The-Arab-Spring-and-the-Future-of-US-Interests/2011/8/2 One step which is already being implemented and AND be of considerable value in maintaining social stability. 4) No sectarian divide Andoni 8-30 Lamis, analyst and commentator on Middle Eastern and Palestinian affairs, Al Jazeera, Bahrain's contribution to the Arab Spring Some articles, in influential Gulf-owned AND to those of protesters across the Arab World. 5) No oil shocks-several factors check. Whitehouse 10 (12-19, Mark, deputy bureau chief for The Wall Street Journal “Oil Prices Seen as a Threat Again”, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703395904576025762319723364.html) In the physical market, oil producers have AND pain of higher prices at the gas pump. 6) Economic decline doesn’t cause war. Morris Miller 2k, Professor of Administration @ the University of Ottawa, 2K (Interdisciplinary Science Review, v 25 n4 2000 p ingenta connect) The question may be reformulated. Do wars AND using one form of violence to abort another).
| 10/01/11 |
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Muslim Brotherhood Neg
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AT Heg (Wyoming FP)MB would reject the plan Carothers 11 Thomas Washington Post, February 24, 2011 https://www.carnegieendowment.org/2011/02/24/how-not-to-promote-democracy-in-egypt/156 It is possible that the Brotherhood may choose AND fruitful dialogues between Arab political Islamists and Americans. US interests tank leadership Smith and Stockmann 11 Stephanie and Natalie, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10 Finally, ―The Relationship between Rhetoric and AND for an effective and sustainable democracy promotion effort. Using democratization for US interests kills our credibility Smith and Stockmann 11 Stephanie and Natalie, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10 There must be consistency between what the U AND not perfect will make public rhetoric more powerful. Oil and Israel mean your aff can’t ever solve Yom 8 Sean, Professor of Political Science at Temple, Yale Journal of International Affairs, Winter As this analysis suggests, however, two AND to promote democracy effectively in the Arab world. Turn: Coup – the military would hate the plan Marshall 11 Andrew Gavin, Research Associate with the Centre for Research on Globalization, America’s Strategic Repression of the ‘Arab Awakening’, 2/9, http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=23159 For years, arch-hawk American imperial AND militaries in both Tunisia and Egypt are supporting. This turns your credibility arguments Lambert 11 David, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10 When Father Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a AND , and thus the promotion of ideals abroad. Egyptians fear the MB because they don’t believe in a declaration of constitutional principles Alhomayed 11 Tariq, Editor-in-Chief of Asharq Al-Awsat, Asharq-e, Do the Egyptians trust the Muslim Brotherhood? http://www.asharq-e.com/news.asp?section=2&id=26253 What is happening in Egypt today is a AND more dangerous than the reign of Mubarak itself. Largest economy, most military spending, ideal geography, weak neighbors, most nuclear weapons overwhelm – the Kaganites are wrong, over-reaction helps terrorism, new hegemons can be opposed and he has ZERO conception of empathy Logan 11 Justin, associate director of foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, Washington. Best Defense, http://www.amconmag.com/blog/best-defense/ Each claim is wrong: America could make AND threats rather than band-wagon with them. The Middle East will resist Karoui 11 Hichem, Doha Institute: The Arab Center For Research and Policy Studies, Middle East Studies Online The Gulf Today, US image needs to change, 8-13, http://gulftoday.ae/portal/03fa128f-1357-4a1b-a602-5f9581417cd2.aspx The Pentagon planners have difficulty recognising publicly that AND Israel (70%), United States (63%). AT Terrorism (Wyoming FP)- Your impact is wrong. Our evidence is more qualified. The most knowledgeable journalists know jihadist fundamentalism isn’t likely. Muslim preachers are not fanatics, youth are beating al-Qaida in communications, and the majority of Muslims don’t support al-Qaida
Strenger 8-16 Carlo, Chair of the Clinical Graduate Program of the Department of Psychology at Tel Aviv University -Permanent Monitoring Panel on Terrorism of the World Federation of Scientists, Haaretz, http://www.haaretz.com/blogs/strenger-than-fiction/how-not-to-think-about-the-arab-spring-1.378923 The most recent look at the Arab Spring AND useful in trying to understand the current dynamics. 2. History disproves your solvency. India and China prove that democratic reforms don’t lessen terrorism Bishara 6 Azmi, Professor of philosophy at Birzeit University, Journal of Palestinian Studies 35.2 There is, of course, no evidence AND in countries where democratic reforms have been initiated. Democracies will become terrorist target. Even the State Department knows Gause 5, professor of political science at U. of Vermont, [III, F. Gregory1,2 Foreign Affairs; Sep/Oct2005, Vol. 84 Issue 5, p62-76 Prof Poly Sci, University of Vermont Director, Middle East Studies Program, University of Vermont]: Examining incidents from 1975 to 1997, Pennsylvania AND 138 occurred in "not free" countries. Local realities. The frame of terrorism gets it wrong. International IDEA 10 International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale (CeSPI), the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance and Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Islamist Mass Movements, External Actors and Political Change in the Arab World, www.idea.int/.../islamist_mass_movements/.../Islamist_mass_low_inlay.pdf This is not to say that the problem AND to special pleading and misconstrue the real threat.
| 10/01/11 |
22 |
Civitas CP
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Text vs Iowa ALThe United States federal government will fully fund Civitas Exchange Programs in Yemen to assist in the implementation of community sponsored civic education programs. 1NCEducational assistance jump-starts civil society AND SPILLS UPWARD. Blum 11 Alexandra, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10 Though outside of the traditional U.S AND society groups, not abstract notions of democracy. Funding for education HALVES the risk of civil war Jett 11 Dennis, Middle East Policy Council, Middle East Policy, Volume 18, Issue 1, pages 78–88, Spring Fourth, if the U.S. AND ”26 and Secretary Gates canceled last year. Educational aid is critical to keeping the youth on board. It’s popular and improves goodwill Bergenas 11 JOHAN, research associate at the Stimson Center, World Politics Review, The Case for Smart Assistance to the Middle East, 2-14 In implementing these initiatives, it is of AND most importantly, better relations with the West. Rule of law focus fails – too much focus on procedurals. Youngs 5 Richard, director general of FRIDE. He is also assistant professor at the University of Warwick, Ten Years of Supporting Democracy Worldwide Some recent initiatives have attempted to link state AND a belief commonly asserted, but rarely demonstrated.
| 10/11/11 |
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Yemen Neg
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AT TerrorismSaleh is playing a double-game in Yemen – he is systematically enabling Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula while simultaneously using their growing strength as leverage for US support James Gundun 9/21/11 (Political scientist and counterinsurgency analyst. “The Plot Thickens in Yemen.” The Palestinian Chronicle. http://www.palestinechronicle.com/view_article_details.php?id=17122) After enabling AQAP’s takeover of Abyan governorate - AND Saleh’s unstable rule over a potentially free Yemen. Saleh’s unwillingness to control territory in the south makes Yemen a safe-haven for AQAP Christopher Boucek, September 2009 (Associate in the Carnegie Middle East Program- focusing on security challenges in Arabian Peninsula & Northern Africa, Yemen: Avoiding a Downward Spiral. Carnegie Endowment for Peace. Number 102. < http://www.scribd.com/doc/19809794/Yemen-Avoiding-a-Downward-Spiral> After several serious terrorist attacks in the early AND resurgence in Yemen is increasingly becoming a reality. Assisting police forces increases AQAP recruitment Knoetgen ’11 (Peter, Captain in the US Naval Reserve, “Chaos and Terrorism: How to Fight al-Qaeda in Yemen Amid Political Turmoil,” Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, 5/16, http://www.cejiss.org/columns/chaos-and-terrorism-how-fight-al-qaeda-yemen-amid-political-turmoil) Even before the rise of the protest movements AND than wholesale military assistance and aggressive offensive action. Even if you allow the government to concentrate further on AQAP, it won’t solve. The AQAP will use it to win more recruits Knoetgen ’11 (Peter, Captain in the US Naval Reserve, “Chaos and Terrorism: How to Fight al-Qaeda in Yemen Amid Political Turmoil,” Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, 5/16, http://www.cejiss.org/columns/chaos-and-terrorism-how-fight-al-qaeda-yemen-amid-political-turmoil) In fact, organisations like AQAP specifically structure AND or overaggressive government forces to inflame public opinion. Anti-terrorism fails in stabilizing Yemen in the long run. Boucek 11 (Christopher, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, ‘Yemen In Crisis’, July 6, http://carnegieendowment.org/publications/index.cfm?fa=view&id=44944&solr_hilite=Yemen) AQAP has had its hands in a number AND be reduced at some stage down the road. AT Intervention (Iowa AL)Yemen descending into civil war in the status quo – a political solution is key. POMED 9/22 [“Yemen ‘Descending into Civil War’”, http://pomed.org/blog/2011/09/yemen-descending-into-civil-war.html/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+POMED_blog+%28Project+on+Middle+East+Democracy+Blog%29] Clashes claimed six more lives in Sana’a as AND Jalal bin Omar told Reuters in an interview. Saleh initiating peaceful transition now Yemen Observer 9/26 “Yemen President calls for peaceful transfer of power” http://www.yobserver.com/front-page/10021451.html President of the Republic of Yemen, Ali AND we thank them all," added President Saleh. The plan makes Saleh look like he is trying to hold on to power- emboldens protestors and AQAP which prevents the transition. Cilluffo and Watts 11 Frank J. and, Clinton– Homeland Security Policy Institute – 6-24, Yemen & Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: Exploiting a Window of Counterterrorism Opportunity, HSPI, http://www.gwumc.edu/hspi/policy/issuebrief203_yemenAQAP.cfm Pursuing the status quo, by waiting for AND and materiel to Yemen is likely not possible. Full blown civil war inevitable absent immediate transition to a new united government Zirulnick 11 Ariel Zirulnick, Staff writer, 6/7/11. The Christian Science Monitor < http://www.csmonitor.com/World/terrorism-security/2011/0607/US-worried-about-Al-Qaeda-in-Yemen-urges-Saleh-to-step-down-immediately> Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged Yemeni President AND its allies respond carefully to the unrest there. Solvency Take-outsLocal reasons that prevent Dem Asst from solving Burke 10 (Edward, researcher at FRIDA, ‘Assessing Democracy Assistance: Yemen’, May 2010) There are significant local factors that limit donor AND their efforts to support government-led reform. Including the youth is key to stability – No solvo without them. Root 11 (Tik, ‘Yemen’s Youth: the best hope for democracy’. Augusr 16, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/08/201181514211383535.html) The Youth are not without their flaws. AND stable, liberal democracy will be considerably slimmer. Support of tribal leaders must come first Knoetgen ’11 (Peter, Captain in the US Naval Reserve, “Chaos and Terrorism: How to Fight al-Qaeda in Yemen Amid Political Turmoil,” Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, 5/16, http://www.cejiss.org/columns/chaos-and-terrorism-how-fight-al-qaeda-yemen-amid-political-turmoil) For security forces to establish a presence in AND leverage to attain their own tribal interests.32 The government can’t afford to pay attention to law enforcement, they’re too busy dealing with protestors Knoetgen ’11 (Peter, Captain in the US Naval Reserve, “Chaos and Terrorism: How to Fight al-Qaeda in Yemen Amid Political Turmoil,” Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, 5/16, http://www.cejiss.org/columns/chaos-and-terrorism-how-fight-al-qaeda-yemen-amid-political-turmoil) If the Yemeni terror threat had not already AND expense of a concerted anti-AQAP campaign. It’s impossible to deliver aid to the tribal regions, there’s a war Knoetgen ’11 (Peter, Captain in the US Naval Reserve, “Chaos and Terrorism: How to Fight al-Qaeda in Yemen Amid Political Turmoil,” Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, 5/16, http://www.cejiss.org/columns/chaos-and-terrorism-how-fight-al-qaeda-yemen-amid-political-turmoil) Yet even when the government may possess the AND in name, the tribes rule in practice.
| 10/11/11 |
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Bahrain Dialogue Neg
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1NC (vs Whitman and Michigan)- The regime can’t give the protestors what it wants – the Saudis won’t allow it
Dhaif 7-19 Lamees, Al Jazeera Centre for Studies, Bahrain’s bitter solutions: Pressures from within and challenges from abroad After the internationalisation of the crisis, two AND , economic losses, and more popular protests. 2. IF YOU DON’T SOLVE STABILITY in Bahrain, you can’t solve any of your advantages: Bahraini sectarian violence will spill over to Saudi Arabia, triggering a US-Iran war; Continued violence will make keeping the base untenable; Oppression in Bahrain will cause regional radicalization and crackdowns will widened sectarian divisions 3. Freedom for arrested protestors and stigmatization are pre-requisites to dialogue ICG 7-28, International Crisis Group, 7-28-2011, “Bahrain’s Rocky Road to Reform,” http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/publication-type/media-releases/2011/mena/bahrain-s-rocky-road-to-reform.aspx For a real dialogue to start in earnest AND much less national reconciliation, can take place. 4. Previous negotiations failed. Your aff was already tried in February and EVEN negotiations, which the plan isn’t, failed ICG 7-28, International Crisis Group, 7-28-2011, “Bahrain’s Rocky Road to Reform,” http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/publication-type/media-releases/2011/mena/bahrain-s-rocky-road-to-reform.aspx By the end of February, the crown AND March, a day after Saudi troops arrived. 5. Nothing about the aff solves the reason why dialogue has failed since March. The opposition will view it as a farce – rejecting the plan for fear that it’s fixed Cendrowicz 11 Leo, Prospect Magazine, Bahrain: the forgotten Arab Spring, 8-2, http://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/2011/08/bahrain-the-forgotten-arab-spring/ The demonstrators marching outside Bahrain’s capital Manama were AND it a forum because there is no debate.” 6. Upfront concessions are mandatory. Al-Wiaq wants a constituent assembly guarantee. The opposition party will demand assembly elections and a new constitution which the government will interpret as a slippery slope ICG 7-28, International Crisis Group, 7-28-2011, “Bahrain’s Rocky Road to Reform,” http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/publication-type/media-releases/2011/mena/bahrain-s-rocky-road-to-reform.aspx While talks proceeded in apparent good faith, AND family’s intentions, decisively shaped its negotiating posture. 7. Turn – greater demands. The promise of reforms don’t pacify. Our argument is a turn. Offering new dialogue causes the opposition to up their demands Roach 9-29 Morgan, The Foundry, http://blog.heritage.org/2011/09/29/bahrain-walks-a-political-tightrope/ Bahrain’s government has offered open dialogue, made AND external forces in Iran are inciting the violence. And more protests empirically shut-down previous dialogue POMED 11, Project on Middle East Democracy, 6-29-2011, “Tensions in the Persian Gulf After the Arab Uprisings: Implications for U.S. Policy,” http://pomed.org/tensions-in-the-persian-gulf-after-the-arab-uprisings-implications-for-u-s-policy/ In regards to recent events, Stork highlighted AND poorly structured, and run by regime leaders. 8. Turn – crackdown. The opposition knows that the promise of dialogue is from only half of the government. The promise of dialogue will be followed by the killing of demonstrators Diboll 9-5 Dr Mike, Former academic head of continuing professional development, Bahrain Teachers College, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/sep/05/western-intervention-arab-spring I worked in Bahrain for four years from AND branch, while the other pulls the trigger. New dialogue won’t minimize the perception of a crackdown Louër 11 Laurence, Research fellow at Sciences Po, Paris, June 29, 2011 Arab Reform Bulletin, “Bahrain’s National Dialogue and the Ever-Deepening Sectarian Divide” http://carnegieendowment.org/2011/06/29/bahrain-s-national-dialogue-and-ever-deepening-sectarian-divide/mxw Yet the national dialogue and scheduled elections are AND even as the hand of dialogue is extended. 9. Unemployment and discrimination are the underlying cause Ghezali 9-13 Rabah– Special to CNN, a member of the Transatlantic Network 2020, http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/09/13/bahrain-at-the-heart-of-middle-east-tensions/ On both sides of the divide, the AND new outpouring of protest may overwhelm the region.
| 11/09/11 |
30 |
T - Dialogue
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1NCDemocracy assistance includes rule of law, civil society, elections and political processes, and governance. McMahon in 2 Edward R. McMahon Director, Center on Democratic Performance Department of Political Science, Binghamton University “Assessing USAID’s Assistance for Democratic Development: Quantity Versus Quality?” Center on Democratic Performance http://cdp.binghamton.edu/papers/usaid-apsa-full.html#top Defining Democracy Assistance The concept of assistance for AND , elections and political processes, and governance. Negotiations are only a COMPLEMENT of democracy assistance. Wittes and Masloski in 9 Tamara Cofman Wittes and Andrew Masloski Democracy promotion under Obama: lessons from the Middle East partnership initiative The Saban Policy for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution May 2009 Ad- ditionally, no matter who receives AND whether MEPI has had success in this regard. Violation; the aff creates negotiations between the government and opposition groups Vote neg 1) Predictable Limits- diplomatic negotiations can occur between an infinite number of people and result in multiple different outcomes for governmental change that we would never be prepared for- lack of competitive engagement destroys clash and critical thinking skills 2) Ground- we lose links and counterplans to specific democracy assistance mechanisms which leads to an infinite research burden and incentivizes generic debates where we don’t engage in real decision making and lose cost-benefit analysis skills and topic education
| 11/09/11 |
23 |
Community Driven Development (CDD) CP
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Text vs Fullerton ATInstead of ‘inclusive democracy’ we should seek to influence democracy indirectly. By supporting community driven development in the form of micro-financing, low-income housing and architecture, educational scholarships, farming technology, educational scholarships, and vocational training, modeled off US assistance to the Philippines. Text vs Wyoming BMThe U.S. should provide assistance for community driven development to Egypt in the form of micro-financing, low-income housing and architecture, educational scholarships, farming technology, educational scholarships, and vocational training, modeled off US assistance to the Philippines. Text vs ASU BN (Oil Transparency Version)Text: The United States federal government will assist Libya with the public disclosure of Gaddafi’s and all existing National Transition Council oil contracts, and with the assistance of oil transparency provisions written into the transitional constitution. The United States federal government will provide assistance for community driven development to Libya in the form of micro-financing, low-income housing and architecture, educational scholarships, trade union advice, farming technology, and vocational training, modeled off US civil society assistance to the Philippines. 1NC CDD SolvencyCommunity Driven Development is a form of bottom up accountability that gives voices to local governing Astengo and Oh 11 Michelle and Grace, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10 As alluded to, CDD creates an environment AND is a vital factor leading to good governance. Indirect democracy assistance through development is better – aid FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEMOCRACY is ineffective. Astengo and Oh 11 Michelle and Grace, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10 For example, even if democratization in Russia AND U.S. interests in democracy promotion. Community Driven Development proves refuses the urge to engineer, solve quickly and improve the US image Astengo and Oh 11 Michelle and Grace, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10 The process of CDD begins with an in AND as leading to unstable democracies (Kopstein 2006). The Philippines is proof that helping civil society without emphasizing democracy is a better way of ensuring government accountability. Spill up is more likely than spill down. Blum 11 Alexandra, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10 When dealing with poorer nations, the U AND society groups, not abstract notions of democracy. Development is better as a strategy to not isolate Saudi Arabia. And the development model is a better framework to not over-emphasize democracy Glenn 11 Scott, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10 In order to break these factors the U AND Arabia, a development program should be attainable. 1NC Oil Transparency Solvency (vs ASU)Oil transparency provisions are critical to setting a precedent for future transparency and allowing the public to scrutinize the details of agreements. Global Witness 8-31 Oil transparency must underpin negotiations over Libya’s future Given Libya’s recent past, the management of AND billions of dollars of Libyan assets held overseas. Libya is uniquely suited for the CP. Education and union contacts are critical to winning support from Libyan populations Anderson and Kent 9-5 Dave Anderson MP, Labour, Blaydon, Gary Kent, Labour Friends of Iraq, The Guardian, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/sep/05/western-intervention-arab-spring Jonathan Freedland's critique of what we could call AND by a range of non-state actors. Democratic Imperialism NBEmphasizing democracy is a way to wrap imperialism in a benevolent flag Baker 7 Raymond William , Carnegie Scholar 2006–08, Trinity, College and the American University in Cairo, International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies Volume 1 Number 3 Large imperial projects require large purposes. It AND unfortunately, cannot be left to the Muslims. Capitalism NBThe plan’s rhetorical embracement of ‘democratic governance’ reduces political hopes into the frame of Western democracy which goes hand in hand with neoliberalism. Only the plan causes conversations in Libya around the term democracy which absorbs our attention Marks 11 Susan, Professor of International Law, London School of Economics, Eur J Int Law (2011) 22 (2): 507-524. I have discussed the idea that Tom's claim AND with an answer, but with these questions. Rising Democracies NBThe CP is crucial to sustaining international support for democracy. Rising democracies hate the notion of promoting democracy CAROTHERS and YOUNGS 11 Thomas, VP – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program. worked on democracy assistance projects for many public and private organizations and carried out extensive field research on democracy-building efforts around the world. Richard, director general of FRIDE and Pf U of Warwick, Looking for Help Democracy and Rule of Law | July Yet given how policy elites and publics in AND initiatives, not high-visibility policy signons. Your defense of the local will involve tradeoffs. You should view our CP as competitive Talentino 11 Associate Professor Poli Sci & Department Chair – Drew U Andrea K. International Studies Review Volume 13, Issue 3, pages 506–513, September While it may be worthwhile to argue that AND we will accept and what we will do.
| 11/10/11 |
16 |
State Essentialism DA (vs K Affs)
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1NCTheir framework arguments prove that the aff thinks that the government can only do wrong. This is the logic of essentialism. Your hatred of the state produces a false belief in the potential for change LOBEL 7, Assistant Professor of Law, University of San Diego, (Orly, Harvard Law Review, 120 Harv. L. Rev. 937) Most recently, some thinkers have even suggested AND as representing the boundaries of their willed reality. We have three impacts. First, stereotyping: The contempt of the law is the same logic that justifies the demonization of all Muslims. Kacem 11 M.B., French-Tunisian writer and philosopher. A Tunisian Renaissance. <http://www.lacan.com/thesymptom/?page_id=1046> As a Tunisian, I was already tired AND now elsewhere, claim to see Islamism everywhere. Second, epistemology. The ESSENTIALIZATION OF THE GOVERNMENT gets it wrong. It pre-decides what all governments can do and it becomes a way to ignore radical shifts in governing Triantafillou 2k, Dept of Intercultural Communication & Management @ Copenhagen, (Peter, Work and subjectivity – A review of psychological, sociological and post-structuralist approaches, IKL Working Paper, no 39, Feb) From this perspective, government may change its AND adequately understood as designating a historically specific phenomenon. Third, weak civil societies. The aff’s activism creates a FEAR OF POLITICAL RIGHTS. Your activism creates the impression that protestors should not fight for political rights because the government, every government, is always already is rigged against the interests of the oppressed. Even if your arguments don’t exclude the possibility of political rights, your link arguments say we should fear the government, creating the conditions that drives protestors away from the pursuit of political rights. Civil societies that ignore political rights succumb to nationalism. Weak institutions lead civil society to support nationalism which causes Nazis Blum 11 Alexandra, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization, 3-10 Civil society is clearly important for maintaining democracy AND also promotes political structures that can support it.
| 11/10/11 |
5 |
Libya Neg
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AT Rogue Weapons (ASU)Libyans distrust foreign interference – plan will be the dividing factor Anderson 04/12 (Lisa, President of the American University in Cairo and an expert on Libya, ‘How to help Libya’) But it will not be easy to restore AND like Amnesty International, or Human Rights Watch. Genocide – Solvency overstated Belloni 07-School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy, Queens University Belfast, UK[The Tragedy of Darfur and the Limits of the 'Responsibility to Protect', Global Review of Ethnopolitics, http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/1821158563- 21588629/section?content=a768293955&fulltext=713240928] Darfur shows that humanitarian crises are fluid, AND terrorism to genocide and access to oil resources. Genocide – Alternate causes – climate & environmental problems Africa News UN Integrated Regional Information Networks June 28, 2007 Thursday Sudan; Climate Change - Only One Cause Among Many for Darfur Conflict [Sudan, along with other countries in AND already tense because of the demand for resources."] AT OilGetting back to pre-revolution oil production will take at least 3 years – timeframe of impact is too long. Time 9/6/11 [Vivienne Walt, “Libya’s Oil Industry: Don’t Expect a Quick Comeback”, http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2091724,00.html] But the rebel leaders' estimates could be wildly AND Libya shortly after the fighting began in February. Democracy assistance doesn’t solve oil problems – looting and damaged pumps and pipelines still exist. BBC 9/8/11 [Richard Anderson, “Libya oil: The race to turn the taps back on”, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-14806100] A lot of Sirti's pumps are well past AND to Tripoli has been damaged during the fighting. SolvencyFighting in Sirte now – plan doesn’t solve. Dziadosz 11 (Alexander, Reuters, Gaddafi hometown a hazardous prize for Libya's NTC, http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/28/us-libya-sirte-idUSTRE78R2IA20110928, Sept 23) (Reuters) - For months the Libyan AND one of the hardest challenges in modern warfare." Sirte key to NTC stability. Dziadosz 11 (Alexander, Reuters, Gaddafi hometown a hazardous prize for Libya's NTC, http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/28/us-libya-sirte-idUSTRE78R2IA20110928, Sept 23) With troops surrounding Sirte from three sides and AND vying for political and military influence may erode. UN recently announced 24 million for public security, political dialogue and constitution aid UNDP Washington Update 11 SEPTEMBER In Libya, UNDP has approved a $ AND protect human rights; and coordinate international assistance. Libya will support the aid Negus 8-23 Steve Negus for the Arabist, part of the Guardian Comment Network Fears over a split in the rebel National Transitional Council are legitimate, but there are reasons to be positive about the future This means that proposals like bringing in the AND is actually appreciated by fighters on the ground. Too many actors creates confusion Talentino 11 Associate Professor Poli Sci & Department Chair – Drew U Andrea K. International Studies Review Volume 13, Issue 3, pages 506–513, September The numerous actors involved in peacebuilding—states AND John Darby in examining the problems of sequencing. The UN’s political aid is perceived as better than individual countries Power 8 Greg, Global Partners and Associates, Donor support to parliaments and political parties: An analysis prepared for DANIDA, March Such overtly political work is arguably more easily AND ordination between multiparty and bi-party support.
| 11/10/11 |
17 |
Police Training DA
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1NC- US INTERESTS WILL OVERWHELM THE POLICE TRAINING. The US will emphasize finding criminals over justice
Call 1, Watson Institute for Intl Studies and Stanley, Pf Poli Sci @ U of New Mexico, (Charles T., William, Global Governance, April-June, v7) Finally, international actors also have separate security AND for the national interests of the donor state. 2. Short-termism will cause police trainers to fake it. Call 1, Watson Institute for Intl Studies and Stanley, Pf Poli Sci @ U of New Mexico, (Charles T., William, Global Governance, April-June, v7) International third parties also face resource limits and AND resource and time constraints imposed by international actors. 3. History votes against police training. Haiti proves failure – the US tried to train law enforcement for 20 years and failed Lewis and Marks 1 Dr. Lewis and Ambassador Marks (William and Edward, CSIS, Police Power in Peace Operations Civilian Police and Multinational Peacekeeping: A Workshop Series, http://www.csis.org/prevdip/policepower.pdf.) A corollary to the argument for a social AND very successful, witness the current Haitian operation. 4. Turn - RISING EXPECTATIONS: PREVIOUS training could NEVER LIVE UP TO THE HIGH EXPECTATIONS OF LOCAL POPULATIONS US Institute of Peace 1 (Special Report 71, American Civilian Police in UN Peace Operations: Lessons Learned and Ideas for the Future, http://www.usip.org/pubs/specialreports/sr71.html) Many American officers found themselves having to manage AND , respect from the local community was diminished. 5. Police training causes resistance. USAID empirically will interpret democratic governance to further US-based national security interests HILLs 6, Professor of Conflict & Security @ U of Leeds, (Alice, Third World Quarterly, Volume 27, Issue 4 May) Perhaps this assessment is an over-reaction AND peace and improved security (usaid, 2005).
| 11/10/11 |
Case Args vs West Georgia DF
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AT History- The present. We should affirm that too much history can destroy the present. It’s better to understand the present as a way to understand history
ZIZEK 5 Slavoj, Why is Wagner Worth Saving? 23. However, the first problem here AND with raw data there would leave him confused. 2. GENEALOGIES CAN BE RECOLONIZED There’s nothing inherently liberatory about new histories. They will still be interpreted and colonized. Brown 96, Professor of Women's Studies and Legal Studies, and is Co-Director of the Center for Cultural Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz, (Wendy, 3 U Chi L Sch Roundtable 185, lexis) It is from his "Two Lectures" AND to the overt political mobilization of oppositional discourses. 3. Oppression. Your memory can’t overcome forgetting. Just because you come up with a new history doesn’t mean it can overcome the structures of forgetfulness. HISTORICAL SHARING DOESN’T PRODUCE COALITIONS: IN FACT, IT PRODUCES MORE COMFORT IN OPPRESSING OTHERS Han 6, Pf of Sociology department at Temple University, (Chong-suk, bad subjects, http://bad.eserver.org/issues/2006/76/gaysofcolor.html) By now, two things are bitterly clear AND of color. And it pisses me off. 4. Your history fails. It’s too much to process Butler 11 Judith, Waging Non Violence, 4-2, http://wagingnonviolence.org/2011/04/judith-butler-on-the-blurry-line-of-violence/ NS: In The Power of Religion in AND . And what can we learn from Arendt? There is a huge difference between genealogy and searching for a starting point Bleiker 1, Senior Lecturer and Co-Director of the Rotary Centre for International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution, University of Queensland, [Roland, The Zen of International Relations, Ed. Chan, Mandaville and Bleiker, Pg. 41-2] These examples, presented here in an oversimplified AND , under which they evolved and changed.28 Ethics should come before the past. Ethics should acknowledge that we are already here not that our obligation stems from the past. You should reject the temporalizing notion of ethics in favor of proximity Meister 5 Robert, "Never Again": The Ethics of the Neighbor and the Logic of Genocide, PMC 15.2 Proximity and Ethics Our responsibility to alleviate suffering comes before the AND to human rights interventions and their professed aim. Historicism is too common. It gives rise to a politics of purity Braun, Department of Geography, University of Minnesota, 04 (Bruce, Geoforum 35, 269–273) Historicist statements are so common that we hardly AND the complex ethical-political terrain of technoscience. AT Anti-BlacknessThe notion of endemic forms of anti-blackness rooted in civil society is a social fiction which divides up the world according to a black-white model of racial thought. The problem with such reconfigurations of racial thinking is that they refuse to account for their implications. They don’t demonstrate the feasibility of altering racial thinking and they presume a monolithic character of white racism. SEXTON 10 Jared Sexton Crit Sociol 2010 36: 87 However, the notion of an ‘endemic’ AND -intellectual enterprise is not without hazard.10 Cap TurnTheir focus on race ignores the historical underpinnings of capital – examining class division must precede examining racism. Ofari, Radical Education Project, vice-president of the Black Student Union at CAL STATE, no date (Earl, BLACK LIBERATION, http://archive.lib.msu.edu/AFS/dmc/radicalism/public/all/blackliberation/AAN.html) Revolutionary nationalism, both in theory and practice AND the only problem black people must deal with.
| 11/13/11 |