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UNLV Eriksen-Gannon Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 19:19
  • Gonzo Rd 2

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 2 | Opponent: Fullerton RS | Judge: Nick Griffin

    • Process v Outcome

      Our Framework is that Debate Praxis Should Focus and Be Evaluated Based on the Outcomes of Action Rather Than the Target of the Action 

      Violation: The Affirmative Focuses on the theoretical process of utilizing rap as a tool for coalescing the will of the people rather than the outcome of this action.

      We Have a Couple Net Benefits to This Interpretation:

      First is Critical Pedagogy: Debating the Process of Politics is not Enough – the Only Way to Test the Viability of Methodology is to Look at the Outcomes Rather Than the Goals of Politics

      These Calls That Reorient Social Norms Fundamentally Alter Policy – Ignoring This Fixture in Debate Posits Their Aff as Nonfalsifiable and Does Not Truly Test the Nature of Policy
      Thomas Sowell, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute, 1999 on the faculties of leading universities nation-wide,  The Quest for Cosmic Justice, The Free Press: New York, pg. 43-48
      Economic development .. quest of the unattainable. 

      Second is Partisanship: Focusing Agency on Identifying Root Causes Reorients Partisanship Towards the Center of Politics – By Focusing Solely on the Ability to Reveal These Structures, the Aff Locks Us Into a System of Deliberative Binaries That Makes Evaluation Impossible
      Adolf G. Gundersen, Assoc Prof Polisci at Texas A&M, 2000 Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 97-8
      deliberation," which means    opposing view¬point; partisanship 

      Mobilizing Solution-Based Activism is Key to Real Change – Without Vocal Opinions on Outcomes, The Government Will Largely Ignore the Need to Change the System
      Christina Boswell University of Edinburgh 2007 “Theorizing Migration Policy: Is There a Third Way?” International Migration Review, 41.1, Spring 2007 75-100
      . Insofar as they    meet these imperatives

      Two Ways Our Framework Solves Your Offense

      First, Engaging in Policy Oriented Criticism is Key to Understanding Individual Agency
      Jane Juffer former director of the Latino/a Studies Initiative @ Penn State 2001 “The Limits of Culture Latino Studies, Diversity Management and the Corporate University” Nepantla: Views from South 2.2 [quals continued: Associate Professor of English @ Cornell]
      there are, of course,    itself as movement within 


      Focus on Linguistics Rather Than Material Reality Isolates Marxist Politics in Intellectual Ivory Towers and Precludes the Possibility of Action Because We Are Constantly Searching for Endless Lines of Causality – Probably Isolates Your Perm Too
       Rene Francisco Poitevin, PhD Cand Sociol @ UC-Davis and big time “on the ground” marxist 2001“The end of anti-capitalism as we knew it: Reflections on postmodern Marxism”, The Socialist Review
      This approach is typical    and macro-narratives

      Believing the discursive is co extensive of the social is flawed-it dematerializes power by decoupling domination from exploitation and viewing power as a diffuse practice. The call to focus on symbols places consumption as a method of resistance-it is how we consume and understand symbols that is the key.  This ignores that every capitalist transgression has been rooted from production, not consumption.
      Zavarzadeh in 95
      (Mas’ud, prolific writer and expert on class ideology, post-ality: Marxism and postmodernism, post-ality the (dis)simulations of cybercapitalism)
      theories of consumptionism    permanent bourgeois democracy

      The naturalizing process of capitalism masks its role in ensuring subjugation on a global scale.  Our primary ethico-political responsibility is to challenge the organizing principles which found this system
      Zizek and Daly in 4
       (Slavoj and Glyn, Conversations with Zizek pg. 14-16)
      it is imperative that    on a global scale

      The alternative is to reject the affirmative for an unconditional fidelity to a Universal struggle for political economic emancipation. Arguments about the ability of the alternative to succeed or the possibility for authoritarianism to occur are irrelevant – it is this prioritization of the new social order’s construction that caused Maoist violence and guarantees failure. We must take a leap of faith.
      Zizek in 8
      Slavoj; senior researcher @ U of Ljubjlana; In Defense of Lost Causes; p. 202-210
      (GPCR) was unique    "Try again. Fail again. Fail better


      1. Decades of Counter Cultural Movements Proves Your Aff Fails to Create Change –Institutional Engagement is the Only Way to Alter Social Structure
        Joseph Heath philosophy professor at the University of Toronto and Andrew Potter visiting fellow at the Centre de Recherche en Éthique at the Université de Montréal 2004 Nation of rebels: why counterculture became consumer culture Pg 5-6
        decades of countercultura  coalitions and legislating change

      2. The Call to Rethink Fails – By Framing the Problem as Psychological They Trap Resistance in an Endless Cycle of Paranoid Self-Indulgence That Perverts Political Strategy – Hippies Prove It
      Joseph Heath philosophy professor at the University of Toronto and Andrew Potter visiting fellow at the Centre de Recherche en Éthique at the Université de Montréal 2004 Nation of rebels: why counterculture became consumer culture
      The "politics of oppression    made for absinthe 

      Music isn’t revolutionary
      Joseph Heath philosophy professor at the University of Toronto and Andrew Potter visiting fellow at the Centre de Recherche en Éthique at the Université de Montréal 2004 Nation of rebels: why counterculture became consumer culture Pg 5-6
      unlike them   untold political consequences. 

      3. You Should Be Highly Skeptical of Any Cooptation Argument – Countercultural Movements Invented This Rhetorical Strategy as a Nonfalsifiable Response to Calls for Institutional Reform in Order to Insulate Their Politics from Criticism*
      Joseph Heath philosophy professor at the University of Toronto and Andrew Potter visiting fellow at the Centre de Recherche en Éthique at the Université de Montréal 2004 Nation of rebels: why counterculture became consumer culture Pg 35-7
      Unlike Pleasantville, where    he is hungry

      4. Even if They Win a Risk of Collective Action, Individual Self Interest Means Your Alternative Creates the Prisoners Dilemma Where No One Acts – At Best, the 1960s Commune Movement Proves You Will Just Replicate Mainstream Structures in Order to Maintain Support
      Joseph Heath philosophy professor at the University of Toronto and Andrew Potter visiting fellow at the Centre de Recherche en Éthique at the Université de Montréal 2004 Nation of rebels: why counterculture became consumer culture
      the essence of coercion    what is necessary 

      Institutional Rules Prove its Reverse Causal
      Joseph Heath philosophy professor at the University of Toronto and Andrew Potter visiting fellow at the Centre de Recherche en Éthique at the Université de Montréal 2004 Nation of rebels: why counterculture became consumer culture
      the rules of everyday    to satisfy them. 

      The Call to Rethink Fails – By Framing the Problem as Psychological They Trap Resistance in an Endless Cycle of Paranoid Self-Indulgence That Perverts Political Strategy – Hippies Prove It
      Joseph Heath philosophy professor at the University of Toronto and Andrew Potter visiting fellow at the Centre de Recherche en Éthique at the Université de Montréal 2004 Nation of rebels: why counterculture became consumer culture
      The "politics of oppression   made for absinthe 

  • Gonzo Rd 4

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 4 | Opponent: USC MO | Judge: Jason Peterson

    • Russia DA

      Unique Link—Russian oil economy stable now because of Middle Eastern instability—the plan reverses the trend
      Kramer New York Times ’11 (Andrew, “Russia Cashes In on Anxiety Over Supply of Middle East Oil,” March 7,, Mike)
      Whatever the eventual    oil industry’s investment 

      Damage to Russian oil destroys the entire economy
      Dashevsky Managing Director of Dashevsky and Partners ’11 (Steven, “The Russian Economy and Its Oil,” May 24,, Mike)
      RT: High oil prices   just oil and gas.” 

      Russian economic collapse causes extinction
      Huffington Post ‘9 (“Russian Economy Faces Disastrous Free Fall Contraction,” May 10,, Mike)
      In Russia, historically     were to deteriorate 

      Iran DA

      New Iranian oil minister extending influence now
      New American 8-4 (“Iran Names Controversial Head of OPEC”,
      As if the United States    Iraq for joint development. 

      Iran perceives Western action as containment policy
      Cohen, foreign correspondent NYT, Pothier, former director of Carnegie Europe, Sadjadpour, associate at the Carnegie Endowment, 10-4-10 (Roger, Fabrice, Karim, “Iran: After the Sanctions, What Next?” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
      current generation    with the west

      Attempted containment causes wildfire prolif
      Sanger, 3-13-10 (David, "Debate Grows on Nuclear Containment of Iran" New York Times
      Another argument   south korea

      Utgoff 2

      China DA

      Unique Internal Link—China is using oil contracts to expand influence in Africa and the Middle East—they will defend their oil interests with navy buildup
      Saremi, 7/19 (Fariborz, commentator on TV and radio on Middle East issues and a contributer to FreePressers, World Truibune, “China's global energy strategy aims at displacing U.S. influence in Central Asia”, July 19, 2011,
      China is undergoing     and military influence.

      China perceives US democracy efforts as encroaching on its interests
      Rezaie 5/19/11 (Mehdi, Journalist for the Daily Outlook, independent newspaper in Afghanistan, Afghanistan, SCO and the Birth of New Region, kc
      events in Libya    partnership agreement

      Oil tensions in the region trigger US-China war
      Power Interest News Report 6 (PINR is an independent organization that utilizes open source intelligence to provide conflict analysis services in the context of international relations, China Becomes Increasingly Involved in the Middle East, kc
      it is not    and china

      EU CP

      The European Union should engage in high-level dialogue with the Yemeni Vice President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi concerning the transition planning away from President Saleh’s regime

      No cards

      Neoliberalism K

      Democracy assistance to the Middle East is an attempt to maintain the neoliberal order
      Dixon 11 (Mark, Department of Sociology at Cornell University, “An Arab Spring”, Review of African Political Economy, June 21)
      Western powers   neoliberal reforms

      Collective suicide
      Santos 3

      The Alternative is to use this academic space to stand in opposition to neoliberalism.
      Decoupling neoliberalism from democracy assistance is key to successful transitions and citizen empowerment
      Lambert 11 (David, Professor of Geography Education at the University of London, "The Role of Social and Economic Rights in the Public Arena")
      If America wishes    their well-being 

      Only through utilizing every public space’s potential for democratic politics can we fend off neoliberalism slide into fascism
      Giroux 06 (Henry, Global TV Network Chair in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University, “The Emerging Authoritarianism in the United States: Political Culture Under the Bush/Cheney Administration”, Symploke, 2006)PM
      The emerging American    organizing the rest of society

  • UK Rd 1

    • Tournament: UK | Round: 1 | Opponent: Michigan HK | Judge: Varda

    • T

      A. Interpretation—Democracy assistance is the non-profit transfer of funds, expertise and material to foster democratic groups towards a more democratic society
      Lappin, Ph.D. candidate at the Center for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium, ‘10 (“What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratization”,

      Democracy assistance can be most accurately defined as
      society groups, media groups and political parties. 

      And, definitional clarity is key to research and better scholarly data
      Lappin, Ph.D. candidate at the Center for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium, ‘10 (“What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratization”,

      Establishing the definitional clarity of democracy assistance is
      the fostering of negative  perceptions of democracy assistance.

      And, Seeing both sides of an issue is a vital part of the democratic process and preserves the validity of dissenting opinions
      Spragens, Professor of Political Science at Duke University, 2K (Thomas, “POLITICAL THEORY AND PARTISAN POLITICS,” p. 90-91)

      In another equally important respect, however,
      to the democratic enterprise of self-governance.

      Their abandonment of this process results in totalitarianism
      Lewis, Assistant Professor at George Washington University, ’92 (Martin, GREEN DELUSIONS, 1992, p. 258)

      A majority of those born between 1960 and
      immorality, and constitutional refinements become inconvenient niceties.

      5. These Calls That Reorient Social Norms Fundamentally Alter Policy – Ignoring This Fixture in Debate Posits Their Aff as Nonfalsifiable and Does Not Truly Test the Nature of Policy

      Thomas Sowell, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute, 1999 on the faculties of leading universities nation-wide,  The Quest for Cosmic Justice, The Free Press: New York, pg. 43-48 

      Economic development has been the most successful of
      unattainable. "It's Time For A Change!"


      Multiple Factors have pushed Tensions to the Edge – These Tensions Escalate into all out Middle East war with Nuclear Iran

      Paikin 9/6 [Zach, “The “Arab Spring” and Its Strategic Implications for Israel”]

      What at first appeared to be a massive
      and ensuring their security in the years ahead.

      Arab transitions cause Israeli backlash- new governments are intoxicated with anti-Semitism
      Ottolenghi 7/21 (Emanuele, Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defence of Democracies, “Arab Spring unleashes extremist Arab street”,

      Everywhere one looks in the Middle East today
      many of its driving forces have rejected peace.

      2. Unique Internal Link and Impact- Israeli lashout causes short-term extinction

      Beres 5/22 (2011, Louis Rene, Professor of Political Science and International Law at Purdue, educated at Princeton (Ph.D., 1971), "Why Israel Has Become A Not-Quite Tragic Hero",

      Perhaps, more than any other region on
      there may be neither escape, nor sanctuary.


      Scenario creation isn't the same as threat construction, it’s crucial to see if policies are a good idea and reduce the risk of nuclear war.

      Jarvis, School of Economic & Political Science, 2k3 (Darryl S.L. Jarvis - School of Economics & Political Science, U. of Sydney - 2K3 "Political Risk in International Relations: Empirical Experiences and Conceptual Approaches" School of Economics and Political Science, Working Papers)

      Scenario generation has its origins in the Cold
      the construction of quality scenarios and their utility.

      Truth is objective and can be accessed by empirical scientific analysis- epistemic relativism reinforces current social hierarchies by precluding our ability to demystify social hierarchies- this destroys our ability to fight global warming

      Sokal, Professor of Physics at New York University,96 (“A Physicist Experiments With Cultural Studies”, [Elliot]

      Why did I do it? While my
      we reject the notions of truth and falsity.

      Extinction risks in particular are underestimated—their critique of predictions is backwards
      YUDKOWSKY 2006 (Eliezer, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence, “Cognitive biases potentially affecting judgment of global risks,” forthcoming in Global Catastrophic Risks, August 31)
      I am sometimes asked: "If <
      you may have just answered your own question.

      Their predictions arguments don’t apply to our disadvantages—imagining unintended catastrophes is both accurate and necessary—this is the author that did their studies
      TETLOCK 2009 (Philip Tetlock is the Mitchell Endowed Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and the author of Expert Political Judgment: How Good Is It? How Can We Know?, The National Interest, August 25,
      The authors point out too that just because
      pundits occasionally have their days in the sun.

      Tetlock underestimates the accuracy of experts—he excludes questions that would disrupt his model
      CAPLAN 2007 (Dr. Bryan Caplan, Dept of Economics and Center for Study of Public Choice at George Mason University, Critical Review 19:1)
      For purposes of this review, I took
      thinking that experts have nothing to teach him.

  • UK Rd 3

    • Tournament: UK | Round: 3 | Opponent: ISU DO | Judge: Hennigan

    • Egypt PIC

      The United States federal government should increase its democracy assistance by providing all necessary resources to establish Cities of Refuge for all writers in need of asylum in Bahrain, Libya, Tunisia, Syria, and Yemen

      Reformers will control the parliament now- but it’s close- reversal is easily possible
      Reuters 8/15/2011 (Egypt liberals launch coalition to counter Islamists,
      Liberal political groups and a traditional Islamist party
      draft the new constitution in its early sessions.

      US support of reform immediately turns them into pariahs- plan ensures extremist rise and makes the election turn on identity politics
      Wall Street Journal 8/9/2011 (
      CAIRO—In the final days of President
      to listen to the feelings of the people."

      That’s the only way for extremists to consolidate support
      ANI 8/1/2011 (Asian News International, Military stokes xenophobia in Egypt, lexis)
      Facing mounting challenges and spreading unrest, Egypt's
      the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces.

      Extremism causes war with Israel- blows up the region
      Kohan 2011 (Gabriel- spent over a year living in Jerusalem, where he worked on issues of Israeli economic jurisprudence for the Israel Antitrust Authority. He has also spent a significant amount of time in Egypt and the Palestinian Territories, and his original research on the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Middle East peace process was formally recognized by Stanford University as the single most significant student research contribution in 2009, “Israel and Egypt's Precarious Future: A Victory for Iran?”, March, Policymic)
      For years Egypt has served as Israel’s closest
      provided the window of opportunity to do so.

      Primakov 2009 (E.M. academician of the Russian Academy of Science and former Russian Prime Minister, Scientific Session of the General Meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
      After the end of the Cold War,
      lead to catastrophic consequences for the whole world.

  • UK Rd 5

    • Tournament: UK | Round: 5 | Opponent: Miami FL | Judge: Najor

    • CP 1

      The European Union should make political party support available for the Egyptian Freedom and Justice Party

      EU solves Egypt – Civic Society, Rule of Law

      Pfeil 7/20/11 (Helene, OpenDemocracy, “The EU in the Arab Spring”, CC

      Regarding the electoral processes that will take place
      as well as on the European continent itself.

      DA 1

      Will pass- Obama will submit before Lee in a few weeks- all their args about procedural disagreement don’t assume political capital
      The Hill 10/1/2011 (Three long-delayed trade agreements to move to Congress,
      "Talks are going well but nothing is
      visits with President Obama on Oct. 13.

      Current political context ensures the plan drains capital

      Katulis, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, 5-23-11
      On The Hill May 23, 2011 Monday 6:13 AM EST What Now, Mr. President? Obamas Middle East Speech Now Requires Follow Through BYLINE: Scott Nance Brian Bookmark The Washington Current LENGTH: 1516 words May 23, 2011 (The Washington Current delivered by Newstex)  This article was published by the Center for American Progress. By Brian Katulis

      Thats also true on the political front at
      the American public  in this current political context.


      GALLI 10. [Teresa, Global Market Research Analyst @ Global Marketing Associates, “The South Korea - US Free Trade Agreement” June 21]

      Although riddled with the imperfections inherent to free
      require strength, persistence, and much compromise.

      PRITCHARD ET AL 9. [Jack, President, Korea Economic Institute, John Tilelli, Chairman and CEO, Cypress Int’l, and Scott Snyder, Adjunct Senior Fellow for Korea Studies, “A New Chapter for U.S.-South Korea alliance” Council on Foreign Relations  June 16]
      While all eyes have been trained on North
      cooperation in the service of our shared interests. 

      War in Korea causes extinction through nuclear exchange, ozone collapse, ag, and the economy

      Hayes, Victoria University, and Green, Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute, 10 [Peter and Michael, “The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia”, 1/5,]

      The consequences of failing to address the proliferation
      that warrants priority consideration from the international community.

      DA 2

      Saudi Arabia perceives US strategic interests as fundamentally aligned now- maintaining the current agreement on the Arab Spring is key.
      Araabi 8/23/2011 (Samer, graduated from the London School of Economics with an MSc in Conflict Studies, and holds dual bachelor's degrees in Political Theory and Economics, contributor to a number of prominent foreign policy sites including the Institute for Policy Studies, Foreign Policy in Focus, the Balkans Project, and the Arab American Institute, The Saudi Counter-Revolution, Institute for Policy Studies,
      The reaction of U.S. elites
      U.S. weapons worldwide.[13]

      Democracy assistance is perceived as actively undermining Saudi interests in Egypt, and giving the country to Iran
      Daily News Egypt 7/27/2011 (Iran courts post-Mubarak Egypt, worrying allies, lexis)
      One of Egypt's ruling generals took great pains
      -member Egyptian delegation visiting Tehran in June.

      All Saudi decisions are read through the prism of Iran- assistance to current democratic groups convinces the Saudis that they need nukes
      Straits Times 6/18/2011 (Saudi Arabia at the crossroads, lexis)
      There is no question that the Saudi armed
      workers, many of whom remit money home.

      Egypt is the key test case for the reliability of the US
      Haass and Danin 2011 (6/23, Richard and Robert, President, Council on Foreign Relations; and Eni Enrico Mattei Senior Fellow for Middle East and Africa Studies, Council on Foreign Relations, Council On Foreign Relations Meeting Subject: The Arab Spring Uprisings: Initial Observations, Federal News Service, lexis)
      MR. HAASS: Saudi Arabia: obviously
      based on and where the red lines exist.

      Saudi abandonment causes them to get nukes- multiple scenarios for extinction
      Bowman 2008 (Bradley, at time of writing, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff member for the Middle East under Senator Lugar, major and strategic plans and policy officer in the U.S. Army.  As an assistant professor of American Politics, Policy, and Strategy and an academic counselor in the department of social sciences at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Major Bowman taught courses in American foreign policy and American politics, as well as designed and taught a new course entitled "Studies in Grand Strategy" that was featured on NPR.  Major Bowman served brief details on the Secretary of State's Policy Planning Staff and in the Office of Secretary of Defense for Policy during the summer of 2006.  He earned an MA in international relations from Yale (2004) and a BS in American politics from the United States Military Academy at West Point (1995), CHAIN REACTION: AVOIDING A NUCLEAR ARMS RACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST, REPORT TO THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, UNITED STATES SENATE,
      One can envision three scenarios that could prompt
      vying for influence in a notoriously unstable region.

      DA 3

      Unique Internal Link—The plan collapses U.S.-Relations and causes a wave of autocratic regimes to collapse
      Hill Director of the Brookings Institution’s Center on the United States and Europe and Senior Fellow in its foreign policy program and was the national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia at the U.S. National Intelligence Council Foreign Policy ’11 (Fiona, “How Russia and China See the Egyptian Revolution,” February 15,,1, Mike)
      In moving forward on a strategy for Egypt
      -called color revolutions of 2003 to 2005.

      Russia will pursue aggressive adventurism in the Middle East—willing to go to war with the U.S.
      Von Eggert ‘7 (Konstantin, “Back to the Middle East,” Von Eggert is the Russian Bureau editor of BBC News, March,, Mike)
      Moscow's growing attention to the Middle East continues
      for staking a new claim for global importance. 

      Caldicott, Founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, 2002 (Helen, The new nuclear danger, p. 7-12)
      If launched from Russia, nuclear weapons would
      even more significant after the September 11 attack.

      Advantage 3: Muslim Brotherhood

      1. Moderates will win the Egyptian elections now- the only way Islamists could come back is to unify around identity politics
        Ahram Online 9/13/2011 (Egypt political parties coalesce in readiness for parliamentary elections,
        Newly-formed political alliances seem to be
        Alliance may still make it through the elections.

      2. Link— Democracy assistance causes Islamist backlash and changes the nature of the election- the only discussion the plan generates is anti-American
      Democracy Digest 9/15/2011 (blog and an e-bulletin produced at the National Endowment for Democracy, edited by Michael Allen, Special Assistant for Government Relations and Public Affairs at the National Endowment for Democracy, New transitions initiative to take light footprint in assisting Arab democracy?,
      The danger is that “foreign funding could
      government control and strip them of their independence.”

      3. This backlash results in a transformed Egypt—they align by identity politics which allows the Salafist party to control the development of political Islam
      El-Houdaiby 8/8/2011 (Ibrahim, freelance columnist and researcher focusing on Islamic movements and democratization, Don't fear the Islamists,
      The scene in the square on July 29
      have meant the retreat of many of their supporters

      4. Turns case
      Ashour 8/7/2011 (Omar, Lecturer in Politics and Director of the Middle East Graduate Studies Program at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter (UK), Mubarak's last laugh?, Daily News Egypt, lexis)
      But Salafism is also a powerful source of
      and freedom later. Polarization will bring neither.

      Even the most extremist government wouldn’t start a war- no resources or incentive
      Kaye and Wehrey August 2011 (Dalia and Frederic, Senior Political Scientist at the RAND Corporation and Senior Policy Analyst at the RAND Corporation, Arab Spring, Persian Winter Subtitle: Will Iran Emerge the Winner From the Arab Revolt?, Foreign Affairs, lexis)
      Not only is the resistance bloc itself more
      Israel may find Egypt's new role less alarming.

      Your Carothers ev concludes in the un-underlined portion that MusBro will probably reject US assistance- no solvency

      Says no to assistance/won’t implement reforms
      Anderson 2011 (May/June, Lisa, President of the American University in Cairo, Demystifying the Arab Spring Subtitle: Parsing the Differences Between Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya, Foreign Affairs, lexis)
      As it assumed control of Egypt after Mubarak's
      the emphasis of reforms will be on democratization.

      No Egypt-Israeli War
      Wisner 9/13
      Frank G., Repairing the Egypt-Israel Breach, 2k11,
      The Egyptian military is charged with running the
      of Palestine, would like peace to continue.


      UN Vote tanks cred—your internal link is inevitable
      Harris-gershone, 9/12 [David Harris-Gershon – a blogger for Tikkun magazine and a freelance writer on Israel, the Middle East and America’s role in the region – has recently published work in The Jerusalem Post, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, AlterNet, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Colorado Review and elsewhere. His memoir, Shrapnel, is currently seeking publication. He received his MFA from the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, and has worked extensively as an educator, teaching creative writing and Israeli History / Jewish Studies in university and high school classrooms.  Two of Obama’s Major Foreign Policy Goals Are About to Collide,]
      Next week, President Obama will travel to
      look kindly upon what is about to transpire.

      2. That destroys Middle East credibility and Empowers Iran
      AL-FAISAL, 9-12- ’11 (Turki al-Faisal, a former director of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence services and a former Saudi ambassador to the United States, is chairman of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, “Veto a State, Lose an Ally”, NYT)
      The United States must support the Palestinian bid
      the chances of another war in the region.  

      US Heg Has No Ability to Prevent War
      Christopher Layne, Associate Professor in the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A & M University, 2006, The Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to the Present, p. 178
      The bottom line is that the arguments of
      to determine the extent of its military involvement.

      Hege collapse inevitable – U.S. showing multiple facets of a waning empire – econ, influence

      By Niall Ferguson, February 28, 2010 Niall Ferguson is a professor at Harvard University and Harvard Business School, and a fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. His latest book is "The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World." A longer version of this essay appears in the March/April issue of Foreign Affairs.,0,7706980.story

      For centuries, historians, political theorists,
      and fiscal steps that were taken in response.

      Transition is smooth – decline in power causes global cooperation

      Carla Norrlof (an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto) 2010 “America’s Global Advantage US Hegemony and International Cooperation”  p. 50

      Keohane and Snidal’s predictions – that the waning
      the literature and cast decline as inescapable and continuous

      American influence and dominance is diminished now – Clinton tour proves

      Tisdall 7-14 (Simon, staff writer, The Guardian UK. “Hillary Clinton circumnavigates a sphere of diminishing US influence”. July 14th, 2011.

      take her into the sphere of superpower rivalries. 

      Iraq kills soft power- shirking of international law.
      Roberts 4/26, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review.
      (Paul, The World is Uniting Against the Bush Imperium,

      By launching a war of aggression on the
      . An isolated country is not a superpower.


      Threats of nuclear terrorism are overblown
      Lind 11 [Policy Director of the New America Foundation’s Economic Growth Program 3/25 (Michael, “So Long, Chicken Little,” Foreign Policy March/April pg. 25-27, Mike)

      Why is it that fallacies in foreign policy
      really might be the sum of all fears.

      Zero chance of U.S. lashout – multiple warrants

      Bremmer 4 (Ian Bremmer, president of Eurasia Group and senior fellow at the World Policy Institute, September 13, 2004, The New Statesman)

      What would happen if there were a new
      support it enjoyed for the invasion of Afghanistan. 

      Al Qaeda is Losing Support Now – the Arab Spring is Reorienting Public Opinion Towards Pragmatism

      Daniel Byman professor in the security studies program at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and the research director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, 9/1/2011 The Future of Al-Qaida A look at where al-Qaida is headed over the next 10 years, 

      Ayman Zawahiri, the new leader of alQaida
      . What are its prospects for the future?

      Zawahiri is Losing His Base – He is Too Polarizing To Establish Unity and U.S. Drones Prevent the Possibility of Reconciliation

      Daniel Byman professor in the security studies program at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and the research director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, 9/1/2011 The Future of Al-Qaida A look at where al-Qaida is headed over the next 10 years, 

      Zawahiri's most immediate challenge is internal. Although
      for terrorist leaders to gather or even communicate. 

      The Link Only Goes One Way – Pro U S Opinion is Overwhelmed by Resentment Over Multiple Unpopular Policies in the Region

      Daniel Byman professor in the security studies program at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and the research director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, 9/1/2011 The Future of Al-Qaida A look at where al-Qaida is headed over the next 10 years, 

      Fortunately for Zawahiri, it will be easy
      United States and Israel will remain close friends.

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


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Air Force Amherst Appalachian State Arizona State Army Augustana Bard Baylor Binghamton Bishops Castle Boston College CSU Northridge CSU Sacramento CUNY Cal Berkeley Cal Lutheran Cal Poly SLO Capital Case Western Central Florida Central Oklahoma Chico Clarion Columbia Concordia Cornell Dartmouth Denver Drexel-Swarthmore ENMU East Los Angeles College Eastern Washington Emory Emporia Fayetteville State Florida Florida Int'l Florida State Fordham Fort Hays Fresno State Fullerton Gainesville State George Mason George Washington Georgetown Georgia Georgia State Gonzaga Harvard Houston Idaho State Illinois Illinois State Indiana Iowa James Madison John Carroll Johns Hopkins Johnson County CC KCKCC Kansas Kansas State Kentucky Lafayette Liberty Los Rios Louisiana-Lafayette Louisville Loyola Macalester Marist Mary Washington Mercer Methodist Miami FL Miami OH Michigan Michigan State Minnesota Mission Missouri State NYU Navy New School North Texas Northern Iowa Northwestern Notre Dame Ohio Wesleyan Oklahoma Oregon Pepperdine Piedmont Pittsburgh Portland State Princeton Puget Sound Redlands Richmond Rochester Rutgers Samford San Diego State San Francisco State Santa Clara South Florida St Pete Southern Methodist Southwestern Stanford Texas State Texas-Austin Texas-Dallas Texas-San Antonio Texas-Tyler Towson Trinity UCLA UDC-CC UMKC UNLV USC Utah Vanderbilt Vermont Virginia Tech Wake Forest Wayne State Weber West Georgia West Virginia Western Connecticut Whitman Wichita State Wisconsin Oshkosh Wyoming

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