2AC At: Terrorist Wont Use Nukes
1. Yes Nuclear Terrorism-1AC Russian Joint Threat Assesment And Rodes Causes retaliation
- Terrorists will acquire nuclear weapons from Pakistan, North korea,Or Iran
- They can hire scientists to build them a weapon- very likely considering the rate of information acceleration
- Prefer this evidence- its most qualified and precise report on nuclear terrorism
2AC AT: Other Issues Kill Cred
1.Egypt is a change to reverse US policy in the region entirely- that's Kramer and Puddington, the fact that there is a negative perception of the US gives us more inherency, proves try or die for successful arab spring
2. Egypt is the biggest internal to region credibility
Satloff, 9-13-‘11 (Robert, is executive director of The Washington Institute. , “Needed: High-Level U.S. Attention to the Dire Situation in Egypt”, Washington Institute for Near East Policy)
For the United States
standing in the region collapses as well.
2AC AT Heg N Solve War
Solves legitimacy- they assume hard power- brooks is better
Smart power in the Middle East solves the US economy
Fettner , 8-26-‘11 (Peter- prof and PhD candidate in philosophy at Temple, published writer and researcher on US foreign policy, (writing under the pseudonym Byron), “Investigative Analysis: Soft Power in the Middle East – Reforming American Foreign Policy”, Press Storm)
On that reading, the future of American policy lies in
, enough to revitalize the American economy.
And, extinction
Kerpen, Director of Policy for Americans for Prosperity, 10-28-2K8 (Phil, “From Panic to Depression?,” National Review)
It's important that we avoid all these policy errors
The stakes couldn't be any higher.
i) Israeli Paranoia is Enough to Trigger the Link – Israel Wont Risk Trading a Regional Ally For a Palestinian Ally That Makes Public Statements About Eliminating the Country Off the Map
i) Threat Perception is Enough to Trigger Israeli PreEmptive Strikes
Nazemroaya 11 (Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), February, 13, 2011, “THE DIVISION OF EGYPT: THREATS OF US, ISRAELI, AND NATO MILITARY INTERVENTION?” http://www.setyoufreenews.com/2011/02/division-of-egypt-threats-of-us-israeli.html)
If the Egyptian people manage to establish a new
due to regime change on the other side, we protect it with security arrangements on the ground." [3]
Counterplan cant solve the aff – Egypt bans all aid to NGOs not supported by the government – sharp indicates that US law circumvents this restriction for any assistance program – they need a piece of evidence that their country has the same law
Perm Do Both
US is already perceived as participating in the political process – means their perm offense is terminally not unique altering perceptions of current US Support is Critical on All Fronts
First is Signalling – US support of democratic tranisitions is critical to reorient US foreign policy away from the antagonistic overuse of hard power – that’s pundington and Okeefe – without restoring US credibility war is inevitable
Absent Smart Power Al Qaeda Will Attack Egyptian Tourism – That Kills the Economy
Garvey, 6-11-‘11 (William- Strategic Intelligence Studies Graduate Student- American Military University, “Whither Al-Qaeda? The Future of Extremist Groups in Post-Revolutionary North Africa”)
Al-Qaeda‟s options include Integration,
committed by the Al Qaeda affiliated group Al-Gama‟a al-Islamiyya (BBC 2002).
Turns the CP
Michael Allen Editor of Democracy Digest July 19 2011 Egypt’s transition from ‘durable authoritarianism’ to democracy that delivers ‘in danger of running off the rails’ http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/07/egypts-transition-from-durable-authoritarianism’-to-democracy-that-delivers-in-danger-of-running-off-the-rails/
History often presents the illusion of inevitability
they drive protests against democratic ones,” he cautions.
Second is Civil Society - The Egyptian Public perceives the US interference in the transition - failure to reverse this trend maintains activist perceptions that there is no genuine support – this guarantees disillusionment, party fragmentation and activist boycotting the election – makes democratic transition impossible – thats lynch and shenker
Only the plan solves- short-term US action is key to reorient Egyptian activism to civic participation
Schenker, 4-’11 (David, Fellow and director of the Program on Arab Politics at The Washington Institute, served as Levant country director, the Pentagon’s top policy aide for advising the secretary and other senior Pentagon leadership on the military and political affairs of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and the Palestinian territories. “Egypt’s Enduring Challenges”, Policy Focus #110, Washington Institute)
After the Papyrus Revolution, it might be tempting
under military rule, for a transition to a democratic system.
US is preferable- Unitary leader, more credible- evidence is comparative- Perm is key to solvency
Pace, ’10 (Michelle- PHD, Senior Research Fellow, Political Science and International Studies Department, European Research Institute, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, “Perceptions from Egypt and Palestine on the EU’s Role and Impact on Democracy Building in the Middle East”, IDEA)
The European Commission set out the strategic and
building in the two cases in this report: Egypt and Palestine Aff Answers
Permutation Do Both solves- soft power is not zero-sum
Grant 3 (Charles, director of the Center for European Reform, cer bulletin, issue 29, “The Decline of
American Power” http://www.cer.org.uk/articles/29_grant.html)
When the war is over, the western allies
with more power hard and soft on both sides of the Atlantic.
Turn- EU soft power leads to China dollar sell off
Justine A. Rosenthal, Executive Editor – National Interest, “The Closer”, The National Interest, November / December 2007, Lexis
Even the EU's growing influence
Our continental military footprint is shrinking too.
And , Dollar collapses
Asia Times ’05 (1-27, http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Global_Economy/GA27Dj01.html)
But the fall could quickly turn into a major
accumulating or slow down their rate of accumulation and it will be a dollar crash."
And, Economic Collapse
Time ’04 (Wither The Dollar, 12-20, Lexis)
This tale of two companies has little to do with what either one makes
fast or far enough, could topple the economy.
Counterplans that are not textually and functionally competitive are illegitimate-
Infinitely regressive- kills in-depth debate by focusing on semantics rather the substance of the policy
Laziness- incentivizes PICs that get recycled every year which kills topic education, and shifts focus away from specific research which steals those portable skills
They can’t advocate the entire plan- Double bind
- Either binary thinking is good because it helps us form conviction, so the plan should be a yes/no question
- Binary thinking is bad and the plan should be amended based on their minor modifications
Reading the net benefit solves all their offense- if it actually matters then it should be able to outweigh the aff
Reject the team- prevents proliferation of these strategies
-The counterplan isn’t competitive, functional competition is best-
-Most Real World- Debate should be about wether or not policies should or should not be implemted
- Ignores the substance of the policy, means we don’t become active citizens because we focus on policy phrasing rather than its effects- Makes us vulnerable to political manipulation- Also makes us bad policymakers because we would constantly try to debate semantics and would never be able to support the content of our proposals
-Outweighs any fairness arguments- skills are the only portable impact from debate that directly contributes to our place in society
-They could just read the “The” pic- creates stale lazy debates
- That substance of policy key to topic education- turns their advocacy arguments
Representations Ignore Material Realities That Are Key to Social Change – Means Either the Link is a Lie or the Alt Cant Overcome Other Peoples Perceptions
Jill Taft-Kaufman, Speech professor @ CMU, 1995, Southern Comm. Journal, Spring, v. 60, Iss. 3, “Other Ways”
The postmodern passwords of "polyvocality," "Otherness," and "difference,"
through political agendas, institutions, agencies, and the budgets that fuel them.
1. Case outweighs- Timeframe- Israeli lashout is immediate- based on past proclamations
2. Case solves disad- Credibility is a prerequisite to
3. Assistance to Egypt is bipartisan
Mitchell 11 (Lincoln, 5/25, “Obama’s New Middle East Policy”) http://thefastertimes.com/foreignpolicy/2011/05/25/obamas-new-old-middle-east-policy)
The similarity between Bush and Obama
1967 borders with some kind of security guarantees for Israel.
4. Winners win—unlocks the agenda
Green 10 (David, professor of political science at Hofstra University, June 11, “The Do-Nothing 44th President”, http://www.opednews.com/articles/The-Do-Nothing-44th-Presid-by-David-Michael-Gree-100611-648.html]
Moreover, there is a continuously evolving and reciprocal
And so, with virtually the sole exception of the now retired Helen Thomas, this is precisely what they did.
5. Obama pushing Egypt aid now- will ramp up efforts soon
Washington Post 9/24/2011 (Obama faces hurdles in aiding Arab Spring countries, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/obama-faces-hurdles-in-aiding-arab-spring-countries/2011/09/22/gIQAEqcOuK_print.html)
Increase in aid For its part, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved
Whether such promises will materialize, however, is unknown.
6. Budget fight first- outweighs the link- starts Monday
NYT 9/29/2011 (House Approves Stopgap Spending Bill, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/30/us/politics/house-approves-stopgap-spending-bill.html)
The House on Thursday gave quick approval to a stopgap spending bill
the solar equipment manufacturer that filed recently for bankruptcy protection.
7. No vote in the House means no legislative fight, and Obama’s staying out of it
Sargent 9/29/2011 (Greg, writes The Plum Line blog, a reported opinion blog with a liberal slant -- what you might call “opinionated reporting” from the left. He joined the Post in early 2009, after stints at Talking Points Memo, New York Magazine and the New York Observer, The other big jobs fight, http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/post/the-other-big-jobs-fight/2011/03/03/gIQArfTX7K_blog.html)
But the measure remains bottled up in the GOP-controlled House
“we share the goal of achieving further appreciation of China’s currency.”
8. Obama will avoid the issue- no fight
The Hill 9/28/2011 (Reid playing for leverage with jobs bill, http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/184289-china-currency-reid-playing-for-leverage-with-jobs-bill)
One Senate Democratic aide said the Obama
president of the AFL-CIO, have also made the case for the measure.
9. Refusing to take a position- bipart support in the Senate means no fight
The Hill 9/28/2011 (Reid playing for leverage with jobs bill, http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/184289-china-currency-reid-playing-for-leverage-with-jobs-bill)
“At the highest levels, we have spoken to the White
China currency legislation on Monday, and it is expected to pass the chamber next month with strong bipartisan support.
10. Boehner likes democracy assistance to Egypt- he is key to the GOP
AFP 5-24-11
[US push for Mideast democracy 'critical,' says Boehner]
The United States must erase any doubt over its commitment to
pressing them to assure US aid to Israel and tighten sanctions on Iran.
11. The Uighurs Will Model Egypts Violent Protests
The Economist Feb 20th 2011 Catching a whiff of jasmine in Kashgar
TWO fire engines stood parked by the road leading past Kashgar's main mosque
complain that business was badly disrupted by the blackout.
12. An upsurge in radicalism triggers internal fissures in Western China.
Rotar 2004 (Igor Rotar is an expert in Central Asia, a Eurasianet correrspondent in Central Asia, and a Central Asia correspondent for Forum-18, a Norway-based news agency specializing in religious rights. He has lived in the region for six years. The Jamestown Foundation -- Volume 4, Issue 8 -- April 15) TG
'Chinese Chechnya' is how - only half-jokingly - Central Asians
13. Xinjiang violence escalates to disintegration of China- goes nuclear and sucks in great powers including the US and India
Klintworth 1994 (Gary, Senior Research Fellow, Northeast Asia Project, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, Greater China and regional security, Australian Journal of International Affairs, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10357719408445133) TG
China also has many problems, not least the degradation of its environment
a disintegrating China poses the greatest risk to regional and global security.
1. Economic collapse causes worse forms of capitalism
Mead, Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, ‘9 (Walter, “Only Makes You Stronger: Why the recession bolstered America”, 2/4, The New Republic)
Perhaps--but the long history of capitalism suggests another possibility
Far from being the last nail in America's coffin, the financial crisis may actually resuscitate U.S. power relative to its rivals
2. We control the direction of impact uniqueness- International concesus the status quo is getting better as a result of capitalism
Lean, Writer for the independent study– Basing findings on UN findings , And Owen , Writer for the independent study , 7-13-‘8 ( Geoffrey and Jonathon , “We've seen the future... and we may not be doomed; IoS investigation: The world view; UN report finds life is getting better for people worldwide - but that governments are failing to grasp the opportunities offered at 'a unique time”, P.Nexis)
So says a massive new international report, due to be published
process and changing institutions, policy-making and governance.
3. Capitalism Is Biologically Inevitable- Human evolution created the fundamentals of capitalist psychology.
Wilkinson, policy analyst at the Cato Institute, ‘5 ( Will , “Capitalism and Human Nature” , http://www.cato.org/research/articles/wilkinson-050201.html)
We are Coalitional The size of hunter-gather bands in the EEA ranged from 25 to
suspicion of power to preserve our freedom. We can, of course, do better.
4.The alternative causes moral based nationalism
Gregor, Proffesor of Political Science at UC Berkeley, ‘99 (A.James, Phoenix: Fascism in Our Time. New Brunswick: Transaction, P.87-88)
Michels saw in Pisacane's revolutionary convictions a prefiguration
communities of men in the hard competition that characterizes the modern world.22
5. That causes never ending war and makes all impacts inevitable
Gregor, Proffesor of Political Science at UC Berkeley, ‘99 (A.James, Phoenix: Fascism in Our Time. New Brunswick: Transaction, P.103-104)
Given Gentile's understanding of the conditions of empirical life in the
informed by an historic tradition, and disciplined by an arduous mission.76
6. Cap solves War
MacKenzie, Assistant professor of economics SUNY Plattsburgh, ‘3 (D.W., “Does Capitalism Require War?”, http://www.mises.org/story/1201)
Perhaps the oddest aspect of these various, but similar, claims
War inflicts poverty by destroying existing wealth. There is no sound reason to think otherwise.
7. Turn Space-
The markets efficiency and accesability of resources make it necessary for space exploration
Murphy , Phd Econ. NYU , 1-‘5 ( Robert , “A Free Market In Space”, Volume 26, Number 1 , Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. )
On October 4, 2004, the privately funded SpaceShip-One climbed
perhaps it will become politically possible to axe NASA and return its budget to the private sector.