- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge
MKText: The European Union should (do the plan) European Union solves democracy assistance Fioramonti 2004, Lorenzo, University of Siena and Research Affiliate, University of Pretoria, “The European Union promoting democracy in South Africa: strengths and weaknesses,” The attention paid to local....the European political strategies.
| 09/14/11 |
Saudi Relations DA
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Obama is committed to minimal intervention in the Arab Spring as a realist actor – does not want to interfere for fear of jeopardizing relations with Saudi Arabia. Zakaria 7/6/11, Fareed. “Obama’s Restraint in the Middle East.” CNN. Last week, I interviewed...have very expensive consequences. Saudi Arabia overwhelmingly opposes increased US involvement in Arab Spring – plan will trigger backlash. Nasr 5/23/11, Vali. “Will the Saudis Kill the Arab Spring?” Bloomberg View. In his speech last week...as a direct threat to them. US-Saudi relations are key to maintain peace in the Middle East and prevent instability from Iran and Israel-Palestine. Brzezinski 2009, Zbigniew, (Professor of American Policy at John Hopkins University). “U.S.-Saudi Relations in a World Without Equilibrium Conference Transcripts Session 1 The Honorable Zbigniew Brzezinski”, May 8, 2009. I have a very simple message...but to be a partner.
| 09/14/11 |
Politics - SKFTA good
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
A- SKFTA will pass now-the GOP is on board, but hesitant Abrams 9/8/11 Jim, AP, Vote in US House could move stalled trade agenda, A House of Representatives...the free trade agreements. B- Any increase in foreign assistance will be cause a contentious battle with the GOP Sud 3/1/11, Inder (PhD from Stanford, worked in World Bank for 30 years, and advisor to policymakers and leaders around the world). “Framing the US Foreign Aid Budget Debate.” Results for Development Institute. President Obama released...and a lost opportunity. C- Political capital is key-Obama must push the trade deals through now to get the GOP and labor on board Palmer 9/2/11 Doug, Journalist, Analysis: Obama's trade legacy in a crucible this fall, Reuters, Still, Congress' approval of the South Korea...Peterson Institute for International Economics. D. Impacts - SKFTA key to US-South Korea alliance, regional stability, global free trade and hegemony
Hiatt, Editor of the Washington Post editorial page editor, 10 [Fred, Washington Post, 4-12-10, “Will the U.S. commit to free trade with South Korea?”, , accessed 6-30-11]
In a world of dangerously ... in that regard, are timeless." 2. Asian instability triggers massive impacts – nuclear escalation, climate chaos, global agriculture, the economy, & causes prolif Hamel-Green, Victory University Executive Dean, & Hayes, Nautilus Institute Executive Director, 10 [Peter & Michael, 1-5-10, “The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia”, 1-5-10, , accessed 7-1-11] The consequences of failing to...the international community.
| 09/14/11 |
Iran DA
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
MKDespite its short-comings Iran is leveraging its current relations on the Arab street to advance its hegemony in the region. However, maintaining this momentum is predicated upon exploiting the populist sentiment Parsi and Marashi in 2011(Trita, founder and president of the National Iranian American Council, Reza, research director for the National Iranian Council and Previous served in the U.S. State Department in the Office of Iranian Affairs, “Arab Spring Seen From Tehran”, The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, In the short to medium term,...arguably the most likely scenario. The impression of American support for popular revolution will cascade throughout the region, causing extremist takeover and allowing Iran to expand its regional hegemony Shmuel Bar in 11 ( director of studies at the Institute for Policy and Strategy in Herzliya, Israel, Policy Review, America's Fading Middle East Influence, academic search premier) If the impression of...primarily tribal country. Iran is attempting to expand its sphere of influence by rolling back the Arab Spring and funding terrorist organizations across the middle east Maginnis in 2011(Robert, Army Lt. Col. (Ret) and National security and foreign affairs analyst for radio and television, “U.S. Paving the Way for Iran Hegemony”, Human Events, 7/12, First, Iran is rapidly ... in the Taliban’s arsenal. Terrorism risks extinction Pacotti 3 (Sheldon, Salon.com, March 31 A similar trend has appeared ... basic, long-held beliefs."
| 09/14/11 |
T - Democracy assistance =/= Demo Promo
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
A. Interpretation: Democracy assistance is distinct from democracy promotion. Azpuru et al 2008, Dinorah. What has the United States Been Doing? Journal of Democracy Volume 19, Number 2, April 2008 pp. 150-159. Before beginning, it is vital to... "the quiet side" of U.S. democracy promotion.
| 09/14/11 |
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Identity politics prevent a unified struggle against capitalism by rendering the exploitation of class as secondary, making capitalism appear invisible. Holmstrom in 97 (Nancy, Professor Emeritus Department of Philosophy at Rutgers, Renewing Historical Materialism, Solidarity, In fact, she suggests,...and validated, but abolished! Capitalism requires a constant revolution of the instruments of production to allow for products to go everywhere. The affirmative facilitates this process by breaking down static conceptions of identity allowing capitalism to nestle itself in every corner for the world making the brutal systematic violence of capital invisible. Zizek in 2k (Slavoj, “The Fragile Absolute,” Page 11-16) So where are -we,...this is ideology at its purest. The naturalizing process of capitalism masks its role in ensuring subjugation on a global scale. Our primary ethico-political responsibility is to challenge the organizing principles which found this system Zizek and Daly in 4 (Slavoj and Glyn, Conversations with Zizek pg. 14-16) For Zizek it is.. that of a 'glitch' in an otherwise sound matrix. Historical materialism is the best methodology for understanding and fighting capital- it recognizes that capitalism is not inevitable, overcomes the depoliticized nature of economics, and opens space for solidarity and human agency Holmstrom in 97 (Nancy, Professor Emeritus Department of Philosophy at Rutgers, Renewing Historical Materialism, Solidarity, Wood's interpretation of historical... human agencies." (78)
| 09/14/11 |
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
The narrative of democracy assistance requires that the Middle East and North Africa be characterized as essentially threatening forces pathologically unable to complete a liberal democratic reform – this produces an expert knowledge about the other which authorizes Western superiority Teti 2007, Andrea, Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Aberdeen, “Confessions of a Dangerous Paradigm: Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism,” This ‘confessional’ dimension of ... stances towards Islamist parties. US imperialist practices result in racism, sexism, and violence on the population. This militarization of daily life is vital to the maintenance of empire. MOHANTY in 6 (CHANDRA TALPADE, Department of Women’s Studies, Syracuse University, Gender, Place and Culture Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 7–20, February 2006, US Empire and the Project of Women’s Studies: Stories of citizenship, complicity and dissent, The clearest effects ... Take Abu Ghraib for instance. Vote negative to question the epistemological foundations of empire. US neo-imperialism sustains itself by controlling the boundaries of knowledge. Only exposing the epistemic violence of imperialism can offer ways of knowing that counteract the violence and elitism of US empire. McLaren and Kincheloe in 5 (Peter Professor of Education, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies @ UCLA and Joe, professor and Canada Research Chair at the Faculty of Education, McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research, Third Edition, Eds Norman Denzin and Yvonna Lincoln) In this context,... different points in a new era. <P306-307>
| 09/14/11 |
Oil DA
- Tournament: UCO | Round: 2 | Opponent: | Judge:
Uniqueness and Link- Oil prices will remain high because MENA instability deters investment Washington Post 10/18/11 IEA warns oil prices will rise if there isn’t more investment in Middle East, N Africa http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/iea-warns-oil-prices-will-rise-if-there-isnt-more-investment-in-middle-east-n-africa/2011/10/18/gIQA1Fk2tL_story.html A reluctance to ...production could be affected. Political instability in oil-producing regions keeps prices high, ensuring a transition to renewable energy that solves warming Anthony Schmitz in 9 GA tech graduate thesis “ Effect of Oil Prices on Returns to Alternative Energy Investments”, Rising conventional fuel...data using a CAPM-GARCH methodology. Global warming causes extinction-it makes the climate uninhabitable Brandenberg 99 (John & Monica Paxson, Visiting Prof. Researcher @ Florida Space Institute, Physicist Ph.D., Science Writer, Dead Mars Dying Earth, Pg 232-233) The ozone hole expands...hardy microbes surviving.
| 11/06/11 |
Politics UCO
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Counterplan Text: The United States federal government should engage legally registered politcal parties in Egypt in a Cash on Delivery Results Based Aid contract The counterplan solves the entirety of the aff as well as target country resentment and politics. Rosenberg in 11 Tina; Pulitzer Prize winner former editor for the NY Times and contributing writer for Times Sunday edition; March 14; How to Protect Foreign Aid? Improve It; New York Times; http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/03/14/how-to-protect-foreign-aid-improve-it/?partner=rss&emc=rss A Bloomberg National Poll says … money would not be wasted.Boehner has been able to block China bill despite protests from his own party – his political capital is key to stop a discharge petition that would bring it up for a vote Reuters 10/12/11. “Boehner Stands Firm Against China Currency Bill.” House Republicans will backlash against Boehner over foreign aid spending, undermines his political capital Hulse 2/9/11, Carl. “House Republicans Battle Turmoil in Their Ranks.” NY Times. ] Passage of the China bill damages US-China relations, sparks a trade war, and kills both US and global economic recovery. Reuters 10/10/11. “Currency Law Could Hurt US Jobs Growth.” US-China trade war triggers a war Landy 2007 Ben Ben Landy, Director of Research and Strategy at the Atlantic Media Company, publisher of the Atlantic Monthly, National Journal, and Government Executive magazines. Landy served in various research and project management positions at the Brookings Institution and Center for Strategic and International Studies, two leading public policy think tanks in Washington, D.C. Ben holds a bachelor of arts degree from Yale University. April 3, , US-China war causes extinction Strait Times, 2000, 6/25/2000, l/n
| 11/06/11 |
Cash on Delivery Results CP
- Tournament: UMKC | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Counterplan Text: The United States federal government should engage legally registered politcal parties in Egypt in a Cash on Delivery Results Based Aid contract The counterplan solves the entirety of the aff as well as target country resentment and politics. Rosenberg in 11 Tina; Pulitzer Prize winner former editor for the NY Times and contributing writer for Times Sunday edition; March 14; How to Protect Foreign Aid? Improve It; New York Times; http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/03/14/how-to-protect-foreign-aid-improve-it/?partner=rss&emc=rss A Bloomberg National Poll says … money would not be wasted.
| 11/18/11 |
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
| 01/05/12 |