Iran DA
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Despite its short-comings Iran is leveraging its current relations on the Arab street to advance its hegemony in the region. However, maintaining this momentum is predicated upon exploiting the populist sentimentParsi and Marashi in 2011(Trita, founder and president of the National Iranian American Council, Reza, research director for the National Iranian Council and Previous served in the U.S. State Department in the Office of Iranian Affairs, “Arab Spring Seen From Tehran”, The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, http://www.aucegypt.edu/gapp/cairoreview/Pages/articleDetails.aspx?aid=62) In the short to medium term...this is arguably the most likely scenario The impression of American support for popular revolution will cascade throughout the region, causing extremist takeover and allowing Iran to expand its regional hegemonyShmuel Bar in 11 ( director of studies at the Institute for Policy and Strategy in Herzliya, Israel, Policy Review, America's Fading Middle East Influence, academic search premier) If the impression of American support...government in that primarily tribal country. Iran is attempting to expand its sphere of influence by rolling back the Arab Spring and funding terrorist organizations across the middle eastMaginnis in 2011(Robert, Army Lt. Col. (Ret) and National security and foreign affairs analyst for radio and television, “U.S. Paving the Way for Iran Hegemony”, Human Events, 7/12, http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=44787) First, Iran is rapidly expanding...most others in the Taliban’s arsenal Terrorism risks extinctionPacotti 3 (Sheldon, Salon.com, March 31 http://www.salon.com/tech/feature/2003/03/31/knowledge/index.html) A similar trend has appeared...even these basic, long-held beliefs
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Fem IR K
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A) The discourse of security allows IR-oriented politics to determine our political strategy. This focuses all knowledge and study of politics on the public sphere, at the expense of politicizing private familial relations, closing off a better understanding of foreign policy. The impact is the suppression of sexual difference and continued structural violencePeterson in 2000 (V Spike, Associate Professor of Political Science @ Arizona, SAIS Review, 20.2, rereading public and private: the dichotomy that is not one, project muse) In the first variant, I read...violence and the security questions it raises. B) The adoption of certain epistemologies is not an innocent choice; it is the fundamental justification for allowing a white, male-centered view of International Relations that justifies the oppression of marginalized groupsPandey in 2k6 (Anupam, thesis submitted to faculty of graduate studies and research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctorate of philosophy department of political science Carleton university, forgin bonds with women, nature and the third world: an ecofeminist critique of international relations, proquest<103-105>) Both traditional IR theory and its...exploitation in relationships between humans C) The problems of late modernity have culminated with environmental destruction and the threat of nuclear conflict-only through the recognition of alternate epistemologies can the structural violence of IR be containedConnoly in 2k2 (William, Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science @ Johns Hopkins University, Identity/Difference, expanded edition) Many contemporary theorists proceed...second time with transcendental proofs? Pandey in 2k6 (Anupam, thesis submitted to faculty of graduate studies and research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctorate of philosophy department of political science Carleton university, forgin bonds with women, nature and the third world: an ecofeminist critique of international relations, proquest) <140-143> The most significant contribution of...very basis of their own survival.
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T A. Interpretation – substantially increase is a considerable amount of new assistance The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=substantially sub•stan•tial Considerable in importance, value, degree, amount, or extent: won by a substantial margin. Increase means to progressively become greater. Merriam Webster’s Dictionary Online, 2007. 1 : to become progressively greater (as in size, amount, number, or intensity) B Violation 2. we have given 40 million dollars-worth of election assistance this year to Tunisia US Department of State September 22, 2011 Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Background Note: Tunisia http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/5439.htm Since January 14, the U.S. Government...avoid double taxation in 1989. C. Reasons to vote neg - Ground
2. Education 3. Directionality 4. Inherency
| 10/07/11 |
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A. SKFTA Trade deal passing now but political capital is key to sustain the bargain Dinan 10/4 2011, Stephen; The Washington Times “Tuesday Obama ends long delay on free-trade agreements; House GOP set to fast-track pacts,” Lexis President Obama on Monday sent... up a final floor vote next week. B. Trade deal needs to pass now – Obama, any delay drains PC Goodman 9/26/11, Alana. “Dems Holding up Trade Deals?” Commentary. http://www.commentarymagazine.com/2011/09/26/dems-trade-deals/ During the summer, Reid said... more incompetent he’ll end up looking. C. The plan causes a massive congressional backlash Richter, 11 (4/12/2011, Paul LA Times, “Debt worries stymieing U.S. financial aid to help Arab nations in transition; U.S. lawmakers not only have shut the door on new spending to stabilize countries rocked by the so-called Arab Spring. They have resisted proposals to shift money from other foreign aid programs,” http://articles.latimes.com/2011/apr/12/world/la-fg-mideast-aid-20110413) The Obama administration's efforts to... been linked since the early 1980s. D. the impact – - SKFTA key to US-South Korea alliance, regional stability, global free trade and hegemony
Hiatt 2010, Editor of the Washington Post editorial page editor [Fred, Washington Post, 4-12-10, “Will the U.S. commit to free trade with South Korea?”, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/04/11/AR2010041102508.html, accessed 6-30-11] In a world of dangerously failed... U.S., in that regard, are timeless."
2. Asian instability triggers massive impacts – nuclear escalation, climate chaos, global agriculture, the economy, & causes prolif Hamel-Green and Hayes 2010, Victory University Executive Dean, and Nautilus Institute Executive Director [Peter & Michael, 1-5-10, “The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia”, 1-5-10, http://www.nautilus.org/publications/essays/napsnet/reports/10001HayesHamalGreen.pdf/view, accessed 7-1-11] The consequences of failing... consideration from the international community.
| 10/07/11 |
Oil DA
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- Continued ME instability is key to Russian oil revenue and overall growth
Kramer 11 (Andrew, writer – New York Times, “Russia Cashes In on Anxiety Over Supply of Middle East Oil,” NYT, 3-7, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/08/business/global/08oil.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1)
Whatever the eventual outcome of the Arab world’s ... “Nothing matters more than stability.” 2. Nuclear war David 99 (Steven R., Prof PoliSci – Johns Hopkins U., Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb, Lexis) If internal war does strike Russia, ... follow a Russian civil war.
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