Focus on symbols prevents the fight against capitalism: a. it assumes knowledge has displaced labor, and words are the primary means of production, b. it brackets off that all symbols are transmitted through material means, c. it ignores that a focus on symbols is a privilege only gained through middle class status, d. the entire aff ignores that access to knowledge itself is controlled by the material conditions of capital and class.
Zavarzadeh in 95 (Mas’ud, prolific writer and expert on class ideology, post-ality: Marxism and postmodernism, post-ality the (dis)simulations of cybercapitalism)
Popper argues that human … Harvey (The Condition of Postmodernity). <8-11>
Fragmentation of identity forecloses any coalitional politics that can systemically resist capitalism
Best in 2k9 (Steven, Associate Professor and Chair of Philosophy at the University of Texas, El Paso, Global Capitalism and the Demise of the Left: Renewing Radicalism Through Inclusive Democracy,
Unlike most postmodernists … domination and heteronomy.
Link and Impact- The affirmative is emblematic of everything that has fractured the left and allowed the unrelenting expansion of global capitalism. 1. Their focus on language games prefers the discursive to the material, 2. Everything is radically localized, 3. They actively refuse to focus on state policy and its material consequences. All of these facets of the affirmative are welcomed by capital with open arms-they teach a politics devoid of an understanding of the material conditions of capital. Effective resistance and strategizing is not possible in the world of the affirmative.
Ebert in 95, (Teresa L., English, State University of New York, Albany, Rethinking Marxism Association for Economic and Social Analysis, vol 8 no 2, The Knowable Good: Post-al Ethics, the Question of Justice and Red Feminism, index found here,, article here,
What remains of "left" politics … to earlier stages of capitalism.
The naturalizing process of capitalism masks its role in ensuring subjugation on a global scale. Our primary ethico-political responsibility is to challenge the organizing principles which found this system
Zizek and Daly in 4
(Slavoj and Glyn, Conversations with Zizek pg. 14-16)
For Zizek it is imperative that we cut through this Gordian knot of postmodern protocol and recognize that our ethico-political responsibility is to confront the constitutive violence … in an otherwise sound matrix.
Capitalist exploitation culminates in the destruction of all life on earth
Revolutionary Worker in 2k1
(#1109, “Capitalism's Eco-Mess and
the Revolutionary Alternative”, july 1, online)
The capitalist system treats this … minute to spare.
Our alternative is to vote negative to reject the 1ac’s methodological approach to capitalism. Instead, we should adopt a methodology of historical materialism, wherein symbols, signs, and play are all seen as secondary to the material ways that class and capital structure all spheres of life.
Holmstrom in 97 (Nancy, Professor Emeritus Department of Philosophy at Rutgers, Renewing Historical Materialism, Solidarity,
Wood's interpretation of historical materialism … with human agencies." (78)
Democracy promotion ensures that the division between politics and economics remains firmly entrenched – only a rejection of this logic and a direct politicization of the economy can generate true democracy
Hanieh 2006, Adam, graduate student at York University, Toronto “ 'Democracy Promotion' and Neo Liberalism in the Middle East,” State of Nature Journal, Spring,
Neo-liberalism is primarily ... remain an elusive myth.
Capitalist exploitation culminates in the destruction of all life on earth
Revolutionary Worker in 2k1
(#1109, “Capitalism's Eco-Mess and
the Revolutionary Alternative”, july 1, online)
The capitalist system ... minute to spare.
The alternative is to reject the affirmative for an unconditional fidelity to a Universal struggle for political economic emancipation. Arguments about the ability of the alternative to succeed or the possibility for authoritarianism to occur are irrelevant – it is this prioritization of the new social order’s construction that caused Maoist violence and guarantees failure. We must take a leap of faith.
Zizek in 8
Slavoj; senior researcher @ U of Ljubjlana; In Defense of Lost Causes; p. 202-210
This capitalist reappropriation ... again. Fail better,"76
1NC Links
a. Their politics can never result in the political change necessary to solve social exclusion and oppression – only a Marxist analysis of political economy gives the necessary tools for undermining the notion of disability and its material rammifications.
Oliver in 99
Michael J; A quarter-century of normalization and social role valorization: evolution and impact; “Capitalism, disability, and ideology: A materialist critique of the Normalization principle”; p. 164
The production of disability, … goods. (Estes. Swan. & Gerard, 1982)
b. Identity politics prevent a unified struggle against capitalism by rendering the exploitation of class as secondary, making capitalism appear invisible.
Holmstrom in 97 (Nancy, Professor Emeritus Department of Philosophy at Rutgers, Renewing Historical Materialism, Solidarity,
In fact, she suggests, one … validated, but abolished!
=Block evidence=
Constructivist theories of normalization like those that undergird the 1AC has no political, educational, or social value. Marxist political economic analysis has greater transformative potential – Normalization theory ends up supporting capitalism meaning the two are mutually exclusive.
Oliver in 99
Michael J; A quarter-century of normalization and social role valorization: evolution and impact; “Capitalism, disability, and ideology: A materialist critique of the Normalization principle”; p. 163
At the outset, I should say …process of oppression itself.
And inclusive constructivist theories of disability whitewash the ways in which calls for social inclusion hijacked as a market mechanism to drive down wages and quash the revolutionary potential of excluded groups and marginalized workers.
Harn in 87
Harlan; “ADVERTISING THE ACCEPTABLY EMPLOYABLE IMAGE DISABILITY AND CAPITALISM”; Policy Studies Journal; Volume 15, Issue 3, pages 551–570, March 1987; Wiley Online Lib
In recent years, there has been…an exceptional demand for other workers.
However the alternative solves the entirety of the aff - capitalism is what controls the question of media representation – it’s the historical origin of negative media representations and social exclusions and operates as a market motivation for consuming more products.
Harn in 87
Volume 15, Issue 3, pages 551–570, March 1987; Wiley Online Lib
These trends were intensified …operation of a capitalist economy.
No solvency deficit to the alternative - even if normalization regarding disability predates capitalism – capitalism is the root cause and foundational element in the systems of normalization, exclusion, and violence that exist today.
Harn in 87
Volume 15, Issue 3, pages 551–570, March 1987; Wiley Online Lib
The influences that have relegated…the logic of a capitalistic economic system.