UMKC » Allsup-Garcia Aff

Allsup-Garcia Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 19:19
  • Gonzaga 1AC

    • Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

    • CuckyContention One: Patriarchy

      Post-revolutionary Egypt is run by a patriarchal class system where harassment is rampant and female protesters are subjected to virginity tests, beatings, electric shocks and strip searches
      Mikhail, 2k11
      [Sarah, Policy Analyst for Reuters, Egyptian Women Protect Rights from Islamist Groups, July 21, 2011,]
      "We are run by a … political parties speaking about women's rights?" 

      Harassment of women in Egypt is rampant and exacerbated by a predominant anti-victim stance of the prevailing political parties post-revolution
      Mekhennet, 2k11
      [Souad, Policy analyst for the New York Times, Women in Egypt Face Serious Harassment Every Day, July 5th, 2011,]
      According to human rights and …Tahrir Square to call for more rights. 

      This is fueled by strong conservative backlash against the inclusion of women in all spheres of social and political life by emerging political parties and organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood that are willing to cede to fundamentalist Islamist interests in negotiations
      Lichter, 2k11
      [Ida, Author of Muslim Women Reformers: Inspiring Voices Against Oppression, Muslim Women’s Self-reliance and Clintons Guidance Could Ensure Reforms, March 15th, 2011,]
      The uprisings in the Middle… help prevent backsliding on reforms. 

      The political disenfranchisement of Arab women is the crux of development-oriented problems and gender inequality in the region by denying them access to social resources such as employment and education
      Beydoun, 2k11
      [Khaled, University of Toronto, Fast Tracking Women Into Parliamentary Seats in the Arab World, Southwestern Journal of International Law, 17 Sw. J. Int’l L. 63, 2011, lexis]
      Arab women still find themselves … segregated from any political process. 17 

      The low participation of women in the Arab world is a direct reflection of the formal and informal patriarchal structures of domination
      Beydoun, 2k11
      [Khaled, University of Toronto, Fast Tracking Women Into Parliamentary Seats in the Arab World, Southwestern Journal of International Law, 17 Sw. J. Int’l L. 63, 2011, lexis]
      The Arab world is anything … those that continue to foment it. 

      Patriarchy is uniquely manifested in the Arab world through kinship models that demarcate the public sphere as exclusively male while relegating women to the family and the household
      Beydoun, 2k11
      [Khaled, University of Toronto, Fast Tracking Women Into Parliamentary Seats in the Arab World, Southwestern Journal of International Law, 17 Sw. J. Int’l L. 63, 2011, lexis]
      [*77]  The wholesale marginalization of women…into every dimension of society. 85 

      Patriarchy is a self-sustaining, hierarchal organization of society that multiplies and reproduces social inequalities and violence – it sacrifices individual ethical autonomy and democracy for militaristic autocratic rule
      Crane, 2k9
      [Samantha, J.D., Harvard Law School, Book Review: The Deepening Darkness: Patriarchy, Resistance, and Democracy’s Future, Summer, 2009, 32 Harv. J.L. & Gender 505, Lexis]
      Gilligan and Richards's thesis is … altering how power works in society. 

      The impact is extinction—the dysfunctionality of patriarchy guarantees continued violence, war, and environmental destruction, making any impact inevitable
      Warren and Cady, 94
      [Karen Warren and Duane Cady, Professors of Philosophy at Macalester College and Hamline University. “Feminism and Peace: Seeking Connections.” Hypatia. Vol. 9, Iss. 2; pg. 4 Spring 1994 Proquest]
      The notion of patriarchy as a socially … in regional, national, and global contexts. 

      Plan: The United States federal government should establish and fully fund a program under the direction of the Office of Global Women’s Issues to provide targeted support for women’s groups in Egypt

      Contention Two: Solvency

      Despite the centrality of women in the Egyptian Revolution military rule is threatening to roll back gains made towards women’s political participation
      Chen, 2k11
      [Michelle, Michelle Chen is a journalist and critical observer based in New York City. She is a columnist for on global justice issues, is a contributing editor at In These Times, and co-produces WBAI's Asia Pacific Forum, Women Rise to the Challenge in the Arab Spring, May 26th, 2011,]
      Back in Egypt, the solidarity of the … dissolve into violence and chauvinism.  

      Despite a previous quota instituted under Mubarak – Egyptian elections will not include gender quotas
      Kirkpatrick, 2k11
      [David, Policy Analyst for the New York Times, Egypt Rulers Outline Plan for Elections, July 20th, 2011,]
      Maj. Gen. Mamdouh Shaheen,  …of lawmakers to 25 from 30. 

      The only issue holding the Office of Global Women’s Issues back from establishing new programs in the Middle East is a lack of funding
      Wing and Nadimi, 2k11
      [Adrien, Bessie Dutton Murray Professor at the University of Iowa College of Law; and Peter, J.D. University of Iowa College of Law 2010, Human Rights & U.S. Standing Under the Obama Administration: Women’s Rights in the Muslim World and the Age of Obama, 20 Transnat’l L. & Contemp. Probs. 431, Summer, 2011, Lexis]
      The next recommendation for …States should allocate to the Office. 

      The United States should provide targeted support for women’s groups in Egypt through the Office of Global Women’s Issues
      Hudson, 2k11
      [Valerie, Professor of Political Science at Brigham Young University, US Must Step Up for Egypt’s Women, August 1st, 2011,]
      Fifteen Egyptian women's groups have …heartbreaking developments for Egyptian women. 

      Empirically, US support for women’s groups pushing for quotas in the Middle East has been successful
      Verveer, 2k11
      [Melanne, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues – Center for International Private Enterprise, The Political and Economic Power of Women, June 20th, 2011,]
      The U.S., in both Republican and Democratic …political progress and economic opportunity. 

      Fast-track quotas guarantee political representation and provide the crucial platform to immediately engage, critique, educate which lays the foundation for future gender reforms
      Beydoun, 2k11
      [Khaled, University of Toronto, Fast Tracking Women Into Parliamentary Seats in the Arab World, Southwestern Journal of International Law, 17 Sw. J. Int’l L. 63, 2011, lexis]
      Fast track quota programs in … states, but also far beyond them. 

      Quotas are critical to challenge the political and cultural patriarchal norms in the region by stimulating immediate representational and structural reform
      Beydoun, 2k11
      [Khaled, University of Toronto, Fast Tracking Women Into Parliamentary Seats in the Arab World, Southwestern Journal of International Law, 17 Sw. J. Int’l L. 63, 2011, lexis]
      A fast track approach, although ... is worth investigation in Arab states. 71 

      Quotas highlight the need for gender equality in other aspects of social life that can fundamentally change the patriarchal status quo
      Beydoun, 2k11
      [Khaled, University of Toronto, Fast Tracking Women Into Parliamentary Seats in the Arab World, Southwestern Journal of International Law, 17 Sw. J. Int’l L. 63, 2011, lexis]
      Fast-track parliamentary quotas …of gender issues in political agendas. 246 

      Contention Three: Impact Framing

      In a globalized world of increased interdependency we must reject the values of autonomy, detached rationality, and reciprocity in political decision-making and embrace an ethics of care that recognizes mutual dependence and moral incompleteness
      Robinson, 97
      [Fiona, School of Social Sciences – University of Sussex, Globalizing Care: Ethics, Feminist Theory, and International Relations, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Jan.-Mar. 1997), pp. 113-133]
      I have argued that a world characterized …depersonalized, distancing attitude toward others. 

      Ethics in international relations must start from the viewpoint of the excluded rather than universal humanity in order to address the structural causes of conflict and subordination
      Robinson, 97
      [Fiona, School of Social Sciences – University of Sussex, Globalizing Care: Ethics, Feminist Theory, and International Relations, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Jan.-Mar. 1997), pp. 113-133]
      In our understanding of the … all other human relations occur."52

      We must reject the objectivity of a purely utilitarian ethics in decision-making – theoretical reason in international relations fails to recognizes interconnectedness in order to prevent practical actions to address the structural causes of exclusion and subordination
      Robinson, 97
      [Fiona, School of Social Sciences – University of Sussex, Globalizing Care: Ethics, Feminist Theory, and International Relations, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Jan.-Mar. 1997), pp. 113-133]
      A vision of "ethics and … in operation in the world today. 

  • Kentucky 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Contention One: The Status Quo

      Despite the centrality of women’s organizations to the Egyptian revolution a lack of funding and resources has sidelined their efforts towards representation and progressive reforms

      Allam, 9/26/11

      [Hannah, Political Analyst for McClatchy Newspapers, September 26th, 2011, Egyptian Women, Long allow to Vote, See Little Progress from Revolt,] 

      CAIRO — Thousands of Egyptian …uprising will automatically protect their rights. 

      Women have not been invited to construct the new constitution and efforts to protect their rights have been ceded to conservative Islamist elements in the transition

      Lichter, 2k11

      [Ida, Author of Muslim Women Reformers: Inspiring Voices Against Oppression, Muslim Women’s Self-reliance and Clintons Guidance Could Ensure Reforms, March 15th, 2011,] 

      The uprisings in the Middle East … could help prevent backsliding on reforms. 

      Contention Two: The Public/Private Dichotomy

      The virtual barring of women from politics enforces a rigid public/private dichotomy that denies them the social and economic benefits of full citizenship enjoyed by male counter-parts

      Sabbagh, 2k5

      [Amal, Jordanian National Commission for Women, Women in Parliament: Beyond the Numbers, The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s political Participation, 2005,] 

      Arab social norms and attitudes …  women’s participation to its full measure. 

      This produces a patriarchal legal framework that ensures Egyptian women remain in a position of dependence and subservience 

      Abou-Habib, 2k11

      [Lina, Founder and director of the Collective for Research and Training on Development-Action, An Arab Spring for Women?, June 23, 2011,] 

      Women’s participation in the … in the MENA region. 

      In post-conflict and post-authoritarian societies the salience of the public/private divide structures the definitions of harms and violence to be addressed in the reconstruction of social and political institutions 

      O’Rourke, 2k8

      [Catherine, PhD Candidate University of Ulster Northern Ireland Transitional Justice Institute and School of Law, The Shifting Signifier of “Community” In Transitional Justice: A Feminist Analysis, 23 Wis. J.L. Gender & Soc’y 269, Fall 2008, Lexis] 

      In transitional societies, however… public/private divide. 122 

      This is particularly true in the MENA region where the participation of women in the public sphere is threatened by the rise of conservative Islamist elements in the region 

      Skalli, 2k6

      [Loubna, Professor in the School of International Service at American University, Communicating Gender in the Public Sphere: Women and Information Technologies in the MENA, Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 2.2 (2006) 35-59] 

      The gradual inclusion of women into … and citizenship, as sections below will reveal. 

      The public/private dichotomy privileges a masculine understanding of social relations that excludes emotion, identity formation, and sexual reproduction 

      Peterson in 2000 

      (V Spike, Associate Professor of Political Science @ Arizona, SAIS Review, 20.2, rereading public and private:  the dichotomy that is not one, project muse)

      In the first variant, I read … and the security questions it raises.

      This worldview produces a conceptual framework that sanctions violence against a feminized other and justifies cataclysmic environmental destruction, war, and nuclear conflict

      Warren and Cady, 94

      [Karen Warren and Duane Cady, Professors of Philosophy at Macalester College and Hamline University. “Feminism and Peace: Seeking Connections.” Hypatia. Vol. 9, Iss. 2; pg. 4 Spring 1994 Proquest]

      The notion of patriarchy as a …in regional, national, and global contexts. 

      Among the real-life consequences experienced by Egyptian women have been rampant sexual harassment, forced virginity tests, beatings and electric shocks

      Mikhail, 2k11

      [Sarah, Policy Analyst for Reuters, Egyptian Women Protect Rights from Islamist Groups, July 21, 2011,] 

      "We are run by a patriarchal … speaking about women's rights?" 

      Plan: The United States federal government should establish and fully fund a program under the direction of the Office of Global Women’s Issues to provide targeted support for women’s groups in Egypt

      Contention Two: Solvency

      The only issue holding the Office of Global Women’s Issues back from establishing new programs in the Middle East is a lack of funding 

      Wing and Nadimi, 2k11

      [Adrien, Bessie Dutton Murray Professor at the University of Iowa College of Law; and Peter, J.D. University of Iowa College of Law 2010, Human Rights & U.S. Standing Under the Obama Administration: Women’s Rights in the Muslim World and the Age of Obama, 20 Transnat’l L. & Contemp. Probs. 431, Summer, 2011, Lexis] 

      The next recommendation for the … United States should allocate to the Office. 

      The United States should provide targeted support for women’s groups in Egypt through the Office of Global Women’s Issues 

      Hudson, 2k11

      [Valerie, Professor of Political Science at Brigham Young University, US Must Step Up for Egypt’s Women, August 1st, 2011,] … heartbreaking developments for Egyptian women. 

      Empirically, US support for women’s groups pushing for quotas in the Middle East has been successful 

      Verveer, 2k11

      [Melanne, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues – Center for International Private Enterprise, The Political and Economic Power of Women, June 20th, 2011,] 

      The U.S., in both Republican … progress and economic opportunity. 

      Fast-track quotas guarantee political representation and provide the crucial platform to immediately engage, critique, educate which lays the foundation for future gender reforms

      Beydoun, 2k11

      [Khaled, University of Toronto, Fast Tracking Women Into Parliamentary Seats in the Arab World, Southwestern Journal of International Law, 17 Sw. J. Int’l L. 63, 2011, lexis] 

      Fast track quota programs in … states, but also far beyond them. 

      Quotas are critical to challenge the political and cultural patriarchal norms in the region by stimulating immediate representational and structural reform 

      Beydoun, 2k11

      [Khaled, University of Toronto, Fast Tracking Women Into Parliamentary Seats in the Arab World, Southwestern Journal of International Law, 17 Sw. J. Int’l L. 63, 2011, lexis] 

      A fast track approach, although … in Arab states. 71 

      Quotas highlight the need for gender equality in other aspects of social life that can fundamentally change the patriarchal status quo

      Beydoun, 2k11

      [Khaled, University of Toronto, Fast Tracking Women Into Parliamentary Seats in the Arab World, Southwestern Journal of International Law, 17 Sw. J. Int’l L. 63, 2011, lexis] 

      Fast-track parliamentary quotas … issues in political agendas. 246 

      Making women central to post-revolutionary struggles is crucial to prevent retrenchment of gender hierarchies – left uncontested women’s interests fade and hierarchies are reconstructed

      Peterson, 98

      [V. Spike, University of Arizona, Women and Gender in Power/Politics, Nationalism and Revolution, The Journal of Politics, Vol. 58, No. 3 (Aug., 1996), pp. 870-878] 

      In regard to political and …of eliminating gender hierarchy. 

      Political participation is necessary to produce a truly democratic politics based on intersubjective and collective ethical, political, and moral commitments – politics that denies the plurality of actors produces an outcome-oriented system that results in tyranny 

      Mello, Brian. Social Theory & Practice, Apr 2004, Vol. 30 Issue 2, p193-213, 21p  Recasting the Right to Self-Determination: Group Rights and Political Participation, ebsco

      Self-determination conceived as … individuals as group members. 

  • UCO 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Contention One: The Status Quo

      The Egyptian Supreme Council of the Armed Forces is systematically dismantling protections for women’s participation and emerging Conservative elements are threatening to rollback existing laws to protect women’s rights

      Verveer, 2k11

      [Melanne, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, Women and the Arab Spring, Statement Before the Subcommittees on International Operations and Organizations, Human Rights, Democracy and Global Women’s Issues and Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, November 2nd, 2011]

      As Egypt’s transition unfolds, ...U.S. government is supporting such efforts.

      Lack of US support and funding has led women to shelve efforts aimed at political participation and progressive new laws in order to focus on preserving existing protections from being rolled back

      Allam, 9/26/11

      [Hannah, Political Analyst for McClatchy Newspapers, September 26th, 2011, Egyptian Women, Long allow to Vote, See Little Progress from Revolt,]

      CAIRO — Thousands of Egyptian women ...uprising will automatically protect their rights.

      Contention Two: The Public Private Dichotomy

      The virtual barring of women from politics enforces a rigid public/private dichotomy that denies them the social and economic benefits of full citizenship enjoyed by male counter-parts

      Sabbagh, 2k5

      [Amal, Jordanian National Commission for Women, Women in Parliament: Beyond the Numbers, The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s political Participation, 2005,]

      Arab social norms and attitudes ...participation to its full measure.


      This produces a patriarchal legal framework that ensures Egyptian women remain in a position of dependence and subservience

      Abou-Habib, 2k11

      [Lina, Founder and director of the Collective for Research and Training on Development-Action, An Arab Spring for Women?, June 23, 2011,]

      Women’s participation in the MENA ... in the MENA region.


      In post-conflict and post-authoritarian societies the salience of the public/private divide structures the definitions of harms and violence to be addressed in the reconstruction of social and political institutions

      O’Rourke, 2k8

      [Catherine, PhD Candidate University of Ulster Northern Ireland Transitional Justice Institute and School of Law, The Shifting Signifier of “Community” In Transitional Justice: A Feminist Analysis, 23 Wis. J.L. Gender & Soc’y 269, Fall 2008, Lexis]

      In transitional societies, however, ... reconstruction of the public/private divide. 122 

      This is particularly true in the MENA region where the participation of women in the public sphere is threatened by the rise of conservative Islamist elements in the region

      Skalli, 2k6

      [Loubna, Professor in the School of International Service at American University, Communicating Gender in the Public Sphere: Women and Information Technologies in the MENA, Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 2.2 (2006) 35-59]

      The gradual inclusion of women... citizenship, as sections below will reveal.

      The public/private dichotomy privileges a masculine understanding of social relations that excludes emotion, identity formation, and sexual reproduction

      Peterson in 2000

      (V Spike, Associate Professor of Political Science @ Arizona, SAIS Review, 20.2, rereading public and private:  the dichotomy that is not one, project muse)

      In the first variant, I read the public-private... the security questions it raises.

      This worldview produces a conceptual framework that sanctions violence against a feminized other and justifies cataclysmic environmental destruction, war, and nuclear conflict

      Warren and Cady, 94

      [Karen Warren and Duane Cady, Professors of Philosophy at Macalester College and Hamline University. “Feminism and Peace: Seeking Connections.” Hypatia. Vol. 9, Iss. 2; pg. 4 Spring 1994 Proquest]

      The notion of patriarchy as a socially... in regional, national, and global contexts.

      Among the real-life consequences experienced by Egyptian women have been rampant sexual harassment, forced virginity tests, beatings and electric shocks

      Mikhail, 2k11

      [Sarah, Policy Analyst for Reuters, Egyptian Women Protect Rights from Islamist Groups, July 21, 2011,]

      "We are run by a patriarchal class ...parties speaking about women's rights?"

      Plan: The United States federal government should establish a small grants program under the direction of the Office of Global Women’s Issues to provide targeted support for political participation and capacity building to women’s organizations in Egypt

      Contention Three: Solvency

      The only issue holding the Office of Global Women’s Issues back from establishing new programs in the Middle East is a lack of funding

      Wing and Nadimi, 2k11

      [Adrien, Bessie Dutton Murray Professor at the University of Iowa College of Law; and Peter, J.D. University of Iowa College of Law 2010, Human Rights & U.S. Standing Under the Obama Administration: Women’s Rights in the Muslim World and the Age of Obama, 20 Transnat’l L. & Contemp. Probs. 431, Summer, 2011, Lexis]

      The next recommendation for the ... States should allocate to the Office.

      Egyptian women have already began to organize to demand their rights be enshrined in the new constitution – the US should respond by providing targeted support for women’s groups through the Office of Global Women’s Issues

      Hudson, 2k11

      [Valerie, Professor of Political Science at Brigham Young University, US Must Step Up for Egypt’s Women, August 1st, 2011,]

      Fifteen Egyptian women's groups have ...heartbreaking developments for Egyptian women.

      The exclusion of women from political participation denies their agency in constructing the future of Egyptian democracy and society – US support is crucial to give both credibility and resources to their efforts – this isn’t an imposition of western values but a response to their demands in pursuit of universal values of political freedom and human dignity

      Verveer, 2k11

      [Melanne, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, Women and the Arab Spring, Statement Before the Subcommittees on International Operations and Organizations, Human Rights, Democracy and Global Women’s Issues and Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, November 2nd, 2011]

      According to the Arab Developmen... more vibrant and equitable societies.

      US assistance is uniquely successful at capacity building for women’s organizations and training effective political candidates

      Verveer, 2k11

      [Melanne, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, Women and the Arab Spring, Statement Before the Subcommittees on International Operations and Organizations, Human Rights, Democracy and Global Women’s Issues and Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, November 2nd, 2011]

      While visiting Egypt and Tunisia... political participation and leadership abilities.

      The time to act is now – it is crucial to ensure a successful transition and it sends a signal globally that the US is committed to women’s rights in every case

      Verveer, 2k11

      [Melanne, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, Women and the Arab Spring, Statement Before the Subcommittees on International Operations and Organizations, Human Rights, Democracy and Global Women’s Issues and Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, November 2nd, 2011]

      Women’s participation in civil society... as trailblazers for future generations.

      Our affirmative is not about pursuing a liberal or maternal vision of society – it is about creating a notion of citizenship in which women are able to participate in the collective construction of society though engagement of the public sphere – to reconstitute citizenship we must move beyond mere social and economic analysis to an expressly political and participatory democratic politics

      Dietz, 87

      [Mary, Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University , Context is All: Feminism and Theories of Citizenship, Daedalus, Vol. 116, No. 4, Learning about Women: Gender, Politics, and Power, Fall, 1987]

      My  basic  point  is a  straightforward  one:  ...feminist revitalization of this activity.

      Feminist movements offer a vital position from which to revitalize democratic citizenship and participation – with it’s attending political vision it can fundamentally reshape the conditions in which the public sphere is constituted

      Dietz, 87

      [Mary, Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University , Context is All: Feminism and Theories of Citizenship, Daedalus, Vol. 116, No. 4, Learning about Women: Gender, Politics, and Power, Fall, 1987]

      The  reader who  has  followed me ... and  difficult  task  that would  benefit  us  all.


  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

  • Wake 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Contention One: The Status Quo


      The Egyptian Supreme Council of the Armed Forces is systematically dismantling protections for women’s participation and emerging Conservative elements are threatening to rollback existing laws to protect women’s rights

      Verveer, 2k11

      [Melanne, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, Women and the Arab Spring, Statement Before the Subcommittees on International Operations and Organizations, Human Rights, Democracy and Global Women’s Issues and Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, November 2nd, 2011]

      As Egypt’s transition unfolds…U.S. government is supporting such efforts.


      Lack of US support and funding has led women to shelve efforts aimed at political participation and progressive new laws in order to focus on preserving existing protections from being rolled back

      Allam, 9/26/11

      [Hannah, Political Analyst for McClatchy Newspapers, September 26th, 2011, Egyptian Women, Long allow to Vote, See Little Progress from Revolt,]

      CAIRO — Thousands of Egyptian …will automatically protect their rights.


      Contention Two: The Public Private Dichotomy


      The virtual barring of women from politics enforces a rigid public/private dichotomy that denies them the social and economic benefits of full citizenship enjoyed by male counter-parts

      Sabbagh, 2k5

      [Amal, Jordanian National Commission for Women, Women in Parliament: Beyond the Numbers, The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s political Participation, 2005,]

      Arab social norms and attitudes … women’s participation to its full measure.


      This produces a patriarchal legal framework that ensures Egyptian women remain in a position of dependence and subservience

      Abou-Habib, 2k11

      [Lina, Founder and director of the Collective for Research and Training on Development-Action, An Arab Spring for Women?, June 23, 2011,]

      Women’s participation in the … for women in the MENA region.



      This is particularly true in the MENA region where the participation of women in the public sphere is threatened by the rise of conservative Islamist elements in the region

      Skalli, 2k6

      [Loubna, Professor in the School of International Service at American University, Communicating Gender in the Public Sphere: Women and Information Technologies in the MENA, Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 2.2 (2006) 35-59]

      The gradual inclusion of women … as sections below will reveal.



      The salience of the public/private divide structures the definitions of harms and violence to be addressed in the reconstruction of social and political institutions

      O’Rourke, 2k8

      [Catherine, PhD Candidate University of Ulster Northern Ireland Transitional Justice Institute and School of Law, The Shifting Signifier of “Community” In Transitional Justice: A Feminist Analysis, 23 Wis. J.L. Gender & Soc’y 269, Fall 2008, Lexis]

      In transitional societies, however, … the public/private divide. 122



      This focus on spectacular violence between nation-states causes a tradeoff in the knowledge needed to understanding the relationship between structural violence and subjective violence 

      Peterson in 2000 (V Spike, Associate Professor of Political Science @ Arizona, SAIS Review, 20.2, rereading public and private:  the dichotomy that is not one, project muse)

      In the first variant, I read the public-private … violence and the security questions it raises.



      The adoption of certain epistemologies is not an innocent choice, it is the fundamental justification for allowing a male-centered view of politics that justifies the oppression of marginalized groups

      Pandey in 2k6

      (Anupam, thesis submitted to faculty of graduate studies and research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctorate of philosophy department of political science Carleton university, forgin bonds with women, nature and the third world:  an ecofeminist critique of international relations, proquest) <103-105>

      Both traditional IR theory and... relationships between humans.




      Structural violence is responsible for at least 18 million deaths a year – the failure to recognize these forms of violence guarantees its intensification and continuation.

      Kim in 84

      Samuel; Department of Political Science Monmouth College; Global Violence and Just World Order;  Journal of Peace Research; MUSE


      The Nuremberg principle of 'crimes … major cause of growing violence.





      This patriarchal worldview produces a conceptual framework that sanctions violence against a feminized other and justifies cataclysmic environmental destruction, war, and nuclear conflict

      Warren and Cady, 94

      [Karen Warren and Duane Cady, Professors of Philosophy at Macalester College and Hamline University. “Feminism and Peace: Seeking Connections.” Hypatia. Vol. 9, Iss. 2; pg. 4 Spring 1994 Proquest]

      The notion of patriarchy as a …in regional, national, and global contexts.



      Plan: The United States federal government should establish a small grants program under the direction of the Office of Global Women’s Issues to provide targeted support for political participation and capacity building to women’s organizations in Egypt


      Contention Three: Solvency


      The only issue holding the Office of Global Women’s Issues back from establishing new programs in the Middle East is a lack of funding

      Wing and Nadimi, 2k11

      [Adrien, Bessie Dutton Murray Professor at the University of Iowa College of Law; and Peter, J.D. University of Iowa College of Law 2010, Human Rights & U.S. Standing Under the Obama Administration: Women’s Rights in the Muslim World and the Age of Obama, 20 Transnat’l L. & Contemp. Probs. 431, Summer, 2011, Lexis]

      The next recommendation for the …States should allocate to the Office.


      Egyptian women have already began to organize to demand their rights be enshrined in the new constitution – the US should respond by providing targeted support for women’s groups through the Office of Global Women’s Issues

      Hudson, 2k11

      [Valerie, Professor of Political Science at Brigham Young University, US Must Step Up for Egypt’s Women, August 1st, 2011,]

      Fifteen Egyptian women's groups … developments for Egyptian women.


      The exclusion of women from political participation denies their agency in constructing the future of Egyptian democracy and society – US support is crucial to give both credibility and resources to their demands

      Verveer, 2k11

      [Melanne, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, Women and the Arab Spring, Statement Before the Subcommittees on International Operations and Organizations, Human Rights, Democracy and Global Women’s Issues and Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, November 2nd, 2011]

      According to the Arab … more vibrant and equitable societies.


      US assistance is uniquely successful at capacity building for women’s organizations and training effective political candidates

      Verveer, 2k11

      [Melanne, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, Women and the Arab Spring, Statement Before the Subcommittees on International Operations and Organizations, Human Rights, Democracy and Global Women’s Issues and Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, November 2nd, 2011]

      While visiting Egypt and … participation and leadership abilities.


      The time to act is now – it is crucial to ensure a successful transition and it sends a signal globally that the US is committed to women’s rights in every case

      Verveer, 2k11

      [Melanne, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, Women and the Arab Spring, Statement Before the Subcommittees on International Operations and Organizations, Human Rights, Democracy and Global Women’s Issues and Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, November 2nd, 2011]

      Women’s participation in civil society … trailblazers for future generations.



      Our affirmative is not about pursuing a liberal or maternal vision of society – it is about creating a notion of citizenship in which women are able to participate in the collective construction of society though engagement of the public sphere – to reconstitute citizenship we must move beyond mere social and economic analysis to an expressly political and participatory democratic politics

      Dietz, 87

      [Mary, Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University , Context is All: Feminism and Theories of Citizenship, Daedalus, Vol. 116, No. 4, Learning about Women: Gender, Politics, and Power, Fall, 1987]

      My  basic  point  is a  straightforward  one… a feminist revitalization of this activity.


      Feminist movements offer a vital position from which to revitalize democratic citizenship and participation – with it’s attending political vision it can fundamentally reshape the conditions in which the public sphere is constituted

      Dietz, 87

      [Mary, Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University , Context is All: Feminism and Theories of Citizenship, Daedalus, Vol. 116, No. 4, Learning about Women: Gender, Politics, and Power, Fall, 1987]

      The  reader who  has  followed me  …  task  that would  benefit  us  all.






  • UMKC 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Contention One: The Status Quo


      Despite garnering significant attention in protests – women are near absent from the Egyptian parliament with the women’s movement in Egypt successfully seating only 8 women - securing 2 percent of the total representation

      Sholkamy, 1/22/12

      [Hania, Ph.D. from the London School of Economics and is currently a Research Associate Professor at the Social Research Center at American University in Cairo, Egypt’s Women Missing from Formal Politics, Sunday January 22nd, 2012,]

      The remarkable revelation of the … and where people are represented


      Under-representation is a direct result of under-investment in women’s political campaign’s and organizations

      Desouki, 12/7/11

      [Omnia, Daily News Egypt, Male Dominated Parliament Worries Experts, Candidates, December 7th, 2011,]

      CAIRO: The results of … empower them,” said Emam.


      The Egyptian Supreme Council of the Armed Forces is systematically dismantling protections for women’s participation and emerging Conservative elements are threatening to rollback existing laws to protect women’s rights

      Verveer, 2k11

      [Melanne, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, Women and the Arab Spring, Statement Before the Subcommittees on International Operations and Organizations, Human Rights, Democracy and Global Women’s Issues and Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, November 2nd, 2011]

      As Egypt’s transition unfoldsthere … government is supporting such efforts.



      Contention Two: The Public Private Dichotomy


      The rise of conservative Islamist elements threatens to maintain the public sphere as a space of male absolute power where female political participation will be absent

      Skalli, 2k6

      [Loubna, Professor in the School of International Service at American University, Communicating Gender in the Public Sphere: Women and Information Technologies in the MENA, Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 2.2 (2006) 35-59]

      The gradual inclusion of women into  citizenship, as sections below will reveal.


      This lack of female political participation produces a patriarchal legal framework along the lines of a rigid public/private dichotomy which ensures Egyptian women remain in a position of dependence and subservience

      Abou-Habib, 2k11

      [Lina, Founder and director of the Collective for Research and Training on Development-Action, An Arab Spring for Women?, June 23, 2011,]

      Women’s participation in the … in the MENA region.


      The salience of the public/private divide structures the definitions of harms and violence to be addressed in the reconstruction of social and political institutions

      O’Rourke, 2k8

      [Catherine, PhD Candidate University of Ulster Northern Ireland Transitional Justice Institute and School of Law, The Shifting Signifier of “Community” In Transitional Justice: A Feminist Analysis, 23 Wis. J.L. Gender & Soc’y 269, Fall 2008, Lexis]

      In transitional societies, however, … of the public/private divide. 122


      The public/private dichotomy privileges a masculine understanding of social relations that excludes emotion and sexual reproduction in identity formation and global power structures – the patriarchal analytic gaze depoliticizes any notion of the state as a libratory space and conceals unequal relations of power within and across state boundaries

      Youngs, 2k5

      [Gillian, international political economist at the Centre for Mass Communication Research at the University of Leicester, UK, Breaking Patriarchal Bonds: Demythologizing the Public/Private, Gender and Global Restructuring: Sightings, Sites and Resistances, 2005]

      Patriarchy has traditionally …not opened up for exploration.


      This worldview produces a conceptual framework that sanctions violence against a feminized other and justifies cataclysmic environmental destruction, war, and nuclear conflict

      Warren and Cady, 94

      [Karen Warren and Duane Cady, Professors of Philosophy at Macalester College and Hamline University. “Feminism and Peace: Seeking Connections.” Hypatia. Vol. 9, Iss. 2; pg. 4 Spring 1994 Proquest]

      The notion of patriarchy as … regional, national, and global contexts.


      Among the real-life consequences experienced by Egyptian women have been rampant sexual harassment, forced virginity tests, beatings and electric shocks

      Mikhail, 2k11

      [Sarah, Policy Analyst for Reuters, Egyptian Women Protect Rights from Islamist Groups, July 21, 2011,]

      "We are run by a patriarchal … parties speaking about women's rights?"


      Preferencing war as the most relevant impact creates a crises-driven politics that distracts us from structural violence and make the impacts inevitable

      Cuomo in 96

      Chris, Hypatia, War is Not Just An Event:  Reflections on the Significance of Everyday Violence, V 11, N 4

      Theory that does not … other militaristic agents of the state.



      Plan: The United States federal government should establish a small grants program under the direction of the Office of Global Women’s Issues to provide targeted support for political participation to women’s organizations in Egypt


      Contention Three: Solvency


      The only issue holding the Office of Global Women’s Issues back from establishing new programs in the Middle East is a lack of funding

      Wing and Nadimi, 2k11

      [Adrien, Bessie Dutton Murray Professor at the University of Iowa College of Law; and Peter, J.D. University of Iowa College of Law 2010, Human Rights & U.S. Standing Under the Obama Administration: Women’s Rights in the Muslim World and the Age of Obama, 20 Transnat’l L. & Contemp. Probs. 431, Summer, 2011, Lexis]

      The next recommendation for …hould allocate to the Office.


      Egyptian women have already began to organize to demand their rights be enshrined in the new constitution – the US should respond by providing targeted support for women’s groups through the Office of Global Women’s Issues

      Hudson, 2k11

      [Valerie, Professor of Political Science at Brigham Young University, US Must Step Up for Egypt’s Women, August 1st, 2011,]

      Fifteen Egyptian women's groups …heartbreaking developments for Egyptian women.


      The exclusion of women from political participation denies their agency in constructing the future of Egyptian democracy and society – US support is crucial to give both credibility and resources to their demands

      Verveer, 2k11

      [Melanne, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, Women and the Arab Spring, Statement Before the Subcommittees on International Operations and Organizations, Human Rights, Democracy and Global Women’s Issues and Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, November 2nd, 2011]

      According to the Arab Development … more vibrant and equitable societies.


      US assistance is uniquely successful at capacity building for women’s organizations and training effective political candidates

      Verveer, 2k11

      [Melanne, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, Women and the Arab Spring, Statement Before the Subcommittees on International Operations and Organizations, Human Rights, Democracy and Global Women’s Issues and Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, November 2nd, 2011]

      While visiting Egypt and Tunisia….political participation and leadership abilities.


      The time to act is now – it is crucial to ensure a successful transition and it sends a signal globally that the US is committed to women’s rights in every case

      Verveer, 2k11

      [Melanne, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, Women and the Arab Spring, Statement Before the Subcommittees on International Operations and Organizations, Human Rights, Democracy and Global Women’s Issues and Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, November 2nd, 2011]

      Women’s participation in civil … as trailblazers for future generations.


      Our affirmative is not about pursuing a liberal or maternal vision of society – it is about creating a notion of citizenship in which women are able to participate in the collective construction of society though engagement of the public sphere – to reconstitute citizenship we must move beyond mere social and economic analysis to an expressly political and participatory democratic politics

      Dietz, 87

      [Mary, Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University , Context is All: Feminism and Theories of Citizenship, Daedalus, Vol. 116, No. 4, Learning about Women: Gender, Politics, and Power, Fall, 1987]

      My  basic  point  is a  straightforward  … feminist revitalization of this activity.

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:



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