UMKC » Ajisafe-Salazar Neg

Ajisafe-Salazar Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 19:19
  • Sample Entry

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  • Cap K

    • Tournament: KCKCC | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Democratic endorsement allows a plurality of avenues for capitalism to prevent exposure of its inherent antagonisms. Instead multiculturalism and the fracture of universal struggle flourish. Zizek in 99 (Slavoj; prof of philo @ U of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology; p. 213-214)
      However, there is another tension, the tension… repression of previous local traditions. “


      The colonization of the globe by capital results in the ontological erasure of the Third and Fourth World and Indigenous Peoples- this turns the case
      Kato in 93

      Masahide; Dept of Poli Sci @ U of Hawaii; Nuclear Globalism: Traversing Rockets, Satellites, and Nuclear War via the Strategic Gaze; Alternatives 18

      Thus dissolution between self and matter via ... World, Fourth World, and Indigenous Peoples."


      Capitalism inevitably causes nuclear ecocide
      Foster in 6

      John Bellamy Foster, May 2006 Monthly Review,"NAKED IMPERIALISM: The U.S. Pursuit of Global Dominance,")

      “From the longer view offered by a historical-… civilization itself if present trends continue.”


      Historical materialism is the best methodology for understanding and fighting capital- it recognizes that capitalism is not inevitable, overcomes the depoliticized nature of economics, and opens space for solidarity and human agency
      Holmstrom in 97 (Nancy, Professor Emeritus Department of Philosophy at Rutgers, Renewing Historical Materialism, Solidarity,)

      “Wood's interpretation of historical materialism has … structured processes with human agencies."

  • Desiring Whiteness K

    • Tournament: KCKCC | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Race is meaningless until we give it a Master-Signifier that provides narrative coherency – the affirmative’s contextualization of the experience of the Object creates a precise ethnographic narrative for understanding the other that locks them into a subservient position to Whiteness.

      Vila in 2k3(Pablo; Department of Sociology, University of Texas at San Antonio; Processes of identification on the U.S.-Mexico border; The Social Science Journal 40 (2003) 607–625;

      “By framing her story in ethnic/national terms …discursive formation by a particular social actor.”


      The anxiety produced through the covering of the lack with the Master Signifier Whiteness produces violent outbursts in an attempt to validate ones identity with the Big Other – the Nazi logic of purification to make way for the triumph of the Aryan race is such a response to anxiety.
      Crooks in 2k (Seshadri Kalpana; associate professor of English @ Boston College; Desiring Whiteness: A Lacanian Analysis of Race; p. 36-38)

      “It is important that we not mistake the moment… kernel of all racial practice as a mode of looking. “


      We must affirm and adversarial aesthetics that evacuates the historicity of Whiteness from the racial signifier. This is vital in every forum and means of racial representation but is critical in the debate space’s representation by proxy of the raced other even more essential is that this disrupt the deployment of race felt in the policies of citizenship and the visa as a prior question to political action with these mechanisms. You must have the alternative before thinking the affirmative as possible.

      Crooks in 2k (Seshadri-Kalpana; associate professor of English @ Boston College; Desiring Whiteness: A Lacanian Analysis of Race; p. 158-160)

      “We must develop a new adversarial aesthetics that … beyond the specious enjoyment promised by Whiteness.”


  • Gender IR K

    • Tournament: KCKCC | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The discourse of security allows IR-oriented politics to determine our political strategy.  This focuses all knowledge and study of politics on the public sphere, at the expense of politicizing private familial relations, closing off a better understanding of foreign policy. The impact is the suppression of sexual difference and continued structural violence 

      Peterson in 2000 (V Spike, Associate Professor of Political Science @ Arizona, SAIS Review, 20.2, rereading public and private:  the dichotomy that is not one, project muse)
       “ In the first variant, I read … security questions it raises.”


      The adoption of certain epistemologies is not an innocent choice; it is the fundamental justification for allowing a white, male-centered view of International Relations that justifies the oppression of marginalized groups Pandey in 2k6 (Anupam, thesis submitted to faculty of graduate studies and research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctorate of philosophy department of political science Carleton university, forgin bonds with women, nature and the third world: an ecofeminist critique of international relations, proquest<103-105>)
       “ Both traditional IR theory and its …  exploitation in relationships between humans.”


      The problems of late modernity have culminated with environmental destruction and the threat of nuclear conflict-only through the recognition of alternate epistemologies can the structural violence of IR be contained Connoly in 2k2 (William, Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science @ Johns Hopkins University, Identity/Difference, expanded edition)
      “ interpretations that make sense to me … second time with transcendental proofs”


       Our alternative is an Ecofeminist, standpoint epistemology-this involves understanding the originary Otherization of nature and women by men.  All other forms of violence are justified by this epistemology-only by embracing the knowledge structures of Others who have been excluded because of their association with femininity and nature can we unravel the violence of modernist binaries.

      Pandey in 2k6 (Anupam, thesis submitted to faculty of graduate studies and research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctorate of philosophy department of political science Carleton university, forgin bonds with women, nature and the third world:  an ecofeminist critique of international relations, proquest) <140-143>

       “ The most significant contribution of ecofeminism … partners in crime, eroding the very basis of their own survival.”

  • Oil DA

    • Tournament: KCKCC | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Continued ME instability is key to Russian oil revenue and overall growth

      Kramer 11 (Andrew, writer – New York Times, “Russia Cashes In on Anxiety Over Supply of Middle East Oil,” NYT, 3-7, )

      “ Whatever the eventual outcome of the … although Russian officials have used delicate”


       Nuclear war

      David 99 (Steven R., Prof PoliSci – Johns Hopkins U., Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb, Lexis)

      “ If internal war does strike Russia… follow a Russian civil war.”

      More cards @ ESU

      A Uniqueness and Link - Oil prices will remain high because MENA instability deters investment Washington Post 10/18/11 IEA warns oil prices will rise if there isn’t more investment in Middle East, N Africa

      “A reluctance to invest in energy… production could be affected.”


      B- Political instability in oil-producing regions keeps prices high, ensuring a transition to renewable energy that solves warming Anthony Schmitz in 9 GA tech graduate thesis “ Effect of Oil Prices on Returns to Alternative Energy Investments”,

      “Rising conventional fuel prices… a CAPM-GARCH methodology.”


      C- Global warming causes extinction-it makes the climate uninhabitable Brandenberg 99 (John & Monica Paxson, Visiting Prof. Researcher @ Florida Space Institute, Physicist Ph.D., Science Writer, Dead Mars Dying Earth, Pg 232-233)

      “The ozone hole expands, driven by… few hardy microbes surviving.”


    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • SKFTA Trade deal passing now but political capital is key to sustain the bargain

      Dinan 10/4 2011, Stephen; The Washington Times “Tuesday Obama ends long delay on free-trade agreements; House GOP set to fast-track pacts,” Lexis

      “ President Obama on Monday sent Congress … and set up a final floor vote next week.”


      The plan causes a massive congressional backlash

      Richter, 11 (4/12/2011, Paul LA Times, “Debt worries stymieing U.S. financial aid to help Arab nations in transition; U.S. lawmakers not only have shut the door on new spending to stabilize countries rocked by the so-called Arab Spring. They have resisted proposals to shift money from other foreign aid programs,”

      “ The Obama administration's … nations has been linked since the early 1980s.”


      SKFTA key to US-South Korea alliance, regional stability, global free trade and hegemony

      Hiatt 2010, Editor of the Washington Post editorial page editor

      [Fred, Washington Post, 4-12-10, “Will the U.S. commit to free trade with South Korea?”,, accessed 6-30-11]

       “ In a world of dangerously … in that regard, are timeless."


      Asian instability triggers massive impacts – nuclear escalation, climate chaos, global agriculture, the economy, & causes prolif

      Hamel-Green and Hayes 2010, Victory University Executive Dean, and Nautilus Institute Executive Director

      [Peter & Michael, 1-5-10, “The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia”, 1-5-10,, accessed 7-1-11]

      “ The consequences of failing … from the international community.”



  • Framework

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • (% class="MsoNormal" %) (% class="Underline" %)1) Interpretation: Topical affirmatives must affirm the resolution only through instrumental defense of action by the United States Federal Government. a) Should denotes an expectation of enacting a plan American Heritage Dictionary 2000 b) Federal government is the central government in Washington DC Encarta Online 200 (%%)c) Resolved implies a policy Louisiana House 3-8-2005 (% class="Underline" %)d) Democracy assistance is the transfer funds, expertise, or material to foster democracy Lappin in 09 (% class="MsoNormal" %) (% class="Underline" %)2) Violation: The affirmative does not defend instrumental action by the USFG for increasing democracy assistance 3) Reasons to prefer (% class="MsoNormal" %) (% class="Underline" %)a) Predictability: Allowing affirmatives that don’t defend the action of the plan or action by the USFG kills all predictability, the 1AC could be about literally anything, the only predictable ground the negative has can only come from the resolution. Allowing affirmatives to not answer the resolutional question destroys all predictability (% class="MsoNormal" %) (% class="Underline" %)And, predictability is the internal link to solving the aff – Debate has unique potential to change attitudes and grow critical thinking skills because it forces pre-round internal deliberation on a focused, common ground of debate Goodin 03 (Robert E. Goodin and Simon J. Niemeyer- Australian National University- 2003, When Does Deliberation Begin? Internal Reflection versus Public Discussion in Deliberative Democracy, POLITICAL STUDIES: 2003 VOL 51, 627–649) (% class="MsoNormal" %) (% class="Underline" %)b) Limits: the aff interpretation explodes the number of potential affirmatives to anything that has a loose relationship to democracy- They have functionally made their own resolution which at best turns debates into democracy or assistance good/bad. (% class="Underline" %)c) Education: Only our interpretation allows for topic specific education – without analyzing government action in democracy assistance there is no way to gain any sort of real world or practical education or any sort of in depth education – without an agreement over what the debate should be about there is no way to have a valuable discussion ov er the aff (% class="Underline" %)And, Policy education solves the case better - Tying scholarly research to policy practice is necessary to combat the problematic viewpoints currently endemic to practices of democracy assistance Carothers in 10 (October, Vice President for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “The Research Imperatives of Democracy Promotion,” American Political Science Association – Comparative Democracy, Vol. 8, No. 3) (% class="Underline" %)d) Voters for the reasons above, competitive equity and education

  • Chow K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The affirmative takes the position of the Maoist—their veneration of the oppressed constructs an ideal subaltern with whom they can engage in parasitic solidarity—this is virulent form of colonialism which turns the academy into a site for the consumption of Otherness for personal gain.

      Chow 93 (Rey, Comparative Literature—Brown University, 1993 Writing Diaspora, p. 10-13)

      “The Orientalist has a special sibling whom I will… had our consciousnesses "raised."


      Their attempt to raise the question of who is able to speak on the part of the oppressed only reduces the oppressed to tools in the quest for rhetorical victory—This reinscribes the privilege which enables them to speak in the first place Chow 93 (Rey, Comparative Literature—Brown University, 1993 Writing Diaspora, p.145-146)

      “In response to the imperative to… speak – this is the answer this question is meant to provoke.”


      This oppressive solidarity locks in cycles of exclusionary violence—making their impacts inevitable. Reject the affirmative because of their failure to question the indebtedness of their intellectual project to institutions mired in the very privilege they sanctimoniously criticize—your first obligation as an intellectual is to interrogate your own privilege and struggle against becoming the object and instrument of power.

      Chow 93 (Rey, Comparative Literature—Brown University, 1993 Writing Diaspora, p.16-17)

      “Why are "tactics" useful at this moment?... no less than in the academic sense?”



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