Their criticism of western learning empowers anti-science forces whose arguments are based on gross misunderstandings of scientific concepts
Gross and Levitt, 1994 (Paul R. University Professor of Life Sciences and director of the Center for Advanced Studies at the University of Virginia, and Norman, Professor of mathematics at Rutgers, “The natural sciences: Trouble Ahead? Yes,” Academic Questions, Vol. 7, Issue 2, Spring)
Science should be left to scientists – their criticism of exceptionalism within science destroys the discipline and guarantees that people stop learning it
Gross and Levitt, 1994 (Paul R. University Professor of Life Sciences and director of the Center for Advanced Studies at the University of Virginia, and Norman, Professor of mathematics at Rutgers, “The natural sciences: Trouble Ahead? Yes,” Academic Questions, Vol. 7, Issue 2, Spring)
The skepticism that they empower spills over into climate skepticism
Demeritt, 1
David Demeritt, Department of Geography King’s College London, 6/1/2001, Blackwell Publishers, InformaWorld “The Construction of Global Warming and the Politics of Science,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 91(2), 2001, p. 307–337
Powell 2000
By Corey S. Powell "20 Ways the World Could End Swept away" DISCOVER Vol. 21 No. 10 (October 2000)
CP: do nothing in (wherever)
Status quo movements in the Arab Spring have taken a rhizomatic character capable of creating new forms of governance without the interjection of third-party law. They will be just fine without us. A more effective method of solving Islamophobia is to have faith in the people of the Arab Spring to resolve their own problems
Khan 2011 (Muhammad Saad, research student at the Department of Philosophy, University of Karachi. He holds a masters degree in economics and has written for The Daily Times (Pakistan) and Express News (Pakistan). "Organic Dimensions of the "Arab Spring""
Assistance inevitably results in a violent conversion to sameness. Any intervention in the Arab Spring risks imperial takeover and regime manipulation to serve the interests of the US
Ghannoushi 2011 (Soumaya, is a researcher in the history of ideas at the School of Oriental and African Studies. "Obama, hands off our spring" May 26 2011
We shouldn't be guilty about failures in democracy, we should be shameful.
Dean and Copjec, 2006 (Jodi Dean, college professor in political science with 2 kids and Joan Copjec, Department of English, Comparative Literature, and Media Study at the University of Buffalo, where she is the Director of the Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Culture. “For Shame”
The affirmative’s deployment of democracy assistance is gridded within the Western metaphor of the centered circle. Their appeals for aid on the grounds that “THEY” are “JUST LIKE US” is the extension of ontological violence into the periphery, converting the other to sameness as part and parcel of the ever expanding imperial project.
Spanos 2K (William, Prof of English and Comparative Literature at Binghamtom University, America’s Shadow, pg 56-60)
The affirmative plan parallels the senior Bush administration’s attempt to “kick the Vietnam syndrome.” By labeling ____________ as an aberration caused by American neurosis to be fixed by reform, the affirmative returns legitimacy to the American project of world ordering. This “forgetting of Vietnam” crushes reform and allows the dominant culture to continue its hegemonic rule under a guise of rehabilitating America.
Spanos 2K (William, Prof of English and Comparative Literature at Binghamtom University, America’s Shadow, pg 141-144)
Food Aid negotiations with North Korea are succeeding now and solve disarmament negotiations
AP December 18 (Time, “U.S. Aid a Step Toward Korea Nuke Talks” JEAN H. LEE,,8599,2102759,00.html#ixzz1hRPjtaLn
Clinton’s diplomatic capital is zero-sum. Spending capital on assistance trades off
Kelemen 8-21-2011, NPR, she has been traveling with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from Asia to the Middle East and Europe, tracking the Obama administration's broad foreign policy agenda, Hillary Clinton: U.S. Diplomacy Is Stretched Thin,
Food aid negotiations now are key to prevent loose nukes that cause nuclear terror
Gallucci 12-22, president of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the chief negotiator with North Korea during the administration of President Bill Clinton (Robert. December 21, “What to Do, and Not Do, About North Korea”,
Retaliation causes nuclear war
Rhodes 10 – Affiliate of the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University, Former visiting scholar at Harvard and MIT, and author of “The Making of the Atomic Bomb” which won the Pulitzer Prize in Nonfiction, National Book Award, and National Book Critics Circle Award, Richard, The Twilight of the Bombs: Recent Challenges, New Dangers, and the Prospects for a World Without Nuclear Weapons, p. 289