Democracy assistance is not a result of America’s commitment to “free nations”, it was created as a way to cover up America’s history as an imperialist
Robinson, William 1996 ( promoting polyarchy ; globalization US intervention, and hegemony, 14-16
much postwar....consensual ones.
This technocratic liberal democracy promotion holds a singular American based conception of democracy that excludes alternative forms of political thought- leading to an obliteration of difference and racialized violence
Long, ‘6 [David Long, Carleton University Professor of International Affairs, “liberalism, imperialism, and empire,” Studies in Political Economy, Vol 78, 2006,]
more the United States
This neoliberal order prevents self-determination—it imposes Western imperialism under the façade of democratic and free governance
Ayers, ‘9 [Alison J. Ayers, Department of Political Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Imperial Liberties: Democratisation and Governance in the ‘New’ Imperial Order, Political Studies, Volume 57, Issue 1, pages 1–27, March 2009]
The order.
Ayers, ‘9 [Alison J. Ayers, Department of Political Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Imperial Liberties: Democratisation and Governance in the ‘New’ Imperial Order, Political Studies, Volume 57, Issue 1, pages 1–27, March 2009]
informal imperialism....and commerce.
This notion of liberal democracy has foundations in notions of racial superiority that are used as justifications for imperialist and violent interventions in the name of spreading democracy
Farrel ‘5
(Theo Farrell is reader in War in the Modern World at King’s College London, “Strategic Culture and American Empire,” SAIS Review, Volume 25, Number 2, Summer-Fall 2005, pp. 3-18, P. muse//DN)
The democratic...heart of empire.
Thus Nick and I advocate a rethinking of democracy assistance.
The 1ac’s fundamental questioning of the way liberal democracy presents itself as the only legitimate political system opens up space to radically examine what democracy assistance is- we need to democratize the debate about democracy in order to transform the current neocolonial order.
Kurki, and Hobson ’09 [Milja Kurki, Aberystwyth University, Christopher Hobson, principal investigator of thePolitical Economies of Democratisation project, based at the department of international politics, Aberystwyth University
a postdoctoral fellow in the department of international politics, Democracy and democracy support- a new era)
There are a result.
Challenging the legitimacy of liberal democracy is essential-Empire is maintained by a seemingly “neutral” political science that shores up liberal assumptions and controls what is or isn’t a legitimate political thought
Wedeen in 2k7 (Lisa, Professor of Political Science Lisa Wedeen specializes in comparative politics, the Middle East, political theory, feminist theory, and qualitative methods, Scientific Knowledge, Liberalism and Empire: American Political Science in the Modern Middle East Social Science Research Council, June 14-15, 2007,
The late...on the other.
Questions of epistemology should come first
Bilgin 5 (Pinar, Assistant Professor of International Relations at Bilkent University, “Regional Security in the Middle East”, p 54-59)
the the future.
Carothers, Thomas 2004 ( vp of studies at Carnegie institute , Critical mission: essays on democracy promotion, page 153-154)
in a broad..we espouse