No 5th fleet kick out means no solvency
NYT 11 - Pentagon Watching Unrest in Bahrain, 2-17
And thus far, Navy officers … base or those piers,” she said.
Fifth fleet presence not necessary – alternatives solve.
Koplovsky 6 - Michael Koplovsky, Joint Military Operations Department at the US Naval War College, “Precipitating the Inevitable: The Surprisingly Benign Impact of Losing Basing Rights in Bahrain”, October 23,
Despite adamant arguments outlining the …operating base in the Persian Gulf.
No Iranian intervention in Bahrain.
Vatanka 10-7-11 - ALEX VATANKA, scholar, Middle East Institute, A Reawakened Rivalry: The GCC v. Iran, Middle East Policy Council,
But those fears, if I’m not wrong, …. That is not something Iran seeks to do or seeks to start.
Iraq war still going on- this proves labor movements don’t solve for peace
Saudi crackdown makes the Bahrain regime resilient – blocks any change.
Stratfor 6-30-11 - The Greater Game in Bahrain,
According to rumors cited by anonymous … Shiite opposition group, Al Wefaq.
No impact to naval power (or hegemony).
Rhodes 5 - Dr. Edward Rhodes is dean for the Social and Behavioral Sciences at Rutgers University.
A former International Affairs Fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations, he has
served in the Strategy and Concepts Branch of the Navy Staff, “. . . From the Sea” and Back Again
Naval Power in the Second American Century, Naval War College Review, Spring 1999, Vol. 52, No. 2,, p. 172-6
The lack of evidence in support …. run to serve the interests of either the nation or the Navy.
5th fleet vulnerable now.
Salla 7 – PhD, held academic appointments in the School of International Service& the Center for Global Peace, American University; the Department of Political Science, Australian National University, and the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, The Neoconservative Agenda to Sacrifice the Fifth Fleet – The New Pearl Harbor, Americas Hero Journey, 11-7,
Iran has sufficient quantities …. Gulf to the Arabian sea.
Hegemony is high, sustainable and worthless
Goldberg, 1/18/2011 (Jonah, prolific syndicated columnist, “America’s China syndrome,” LA Times,,0,1017628.column)
Perhaps one source of confusion … citizens. That's progress.