Kumar 06', Krishna. Promoting Independent Media: Strategies for Democracy Assistance. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2006. Print.
Although the international community has undertaken …and the strengthening of media organizations.
Kumar 06', Krishna. Promoting Independent Media: Strategies for Democracy Assistance. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2006. Print.
If media programs are to be expanded … governmental and nongovernmental organizations.
Kumar 06', Krishna. Promoting Independent Media: Strategies for Democracy Assistance. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2006. Print.
Several factors have contributed to … does help in creating responsive political culture and public institutions.
Radios will allow the construction of dissent networks that are vital to human agency, creating a parallel polis, and challenging oppressive regimes.
Coopman 11' : Ted Networks of Dissent: Emergent Forms in Media Based Collective Action, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 28:2, 153-172
With the aid of ICTs, some …‘‘another world is possible.’’
Dissent Networks creates opportunities for action and merges heterogeneous nodes into a collective force.
Coopman 11' : Ted Networks of Dissent: Emergent Forms in Media Based Collective Action, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 28:2, 153-172
This dissertation … characteristics of the dissent network phenomenon.
The only way of challenging the system without reproducing the new systems of oppression is through dissent networks.
Coopman 11' : Ted Networks of Dissent: Emergent Forms in Media Based Collective Action, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 28:2, 153-172
The synthesis of process and product are … to take advantage of
network effects."1
Fundamentalists in middle east and north africa already operate radio stations meaning we only risk increasing oppositional visibility to those who support alternatives to extremism and the status-quo.
Hoffman 02', David: Beyond Public Diplomacy;Foreign Affairs Vol. 81, No. 2 (Mar. - Apr., 2002), pp. 83-95
But will stronger local media simply …, or they will be left
without audiences
Social movements in Egypt will fail without dissent networks to connect different groups and retain autonomy.
Coopman 11' : Ted Networks of Dissent: Emergent Forms in Media Based Collective Action, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 28:2, 153-172
The creation and development … nodes and organizations within it.
Hoffman 02', David: Beyond Public Diplomacy;Foreign Affairs Vol. 81, No. 2 (Mar. - Apr., 2002), pp. 83-95
To promote more balanced … to the darkness from which terrorism has come.
Independent local homegrown media will be welcome. Also more advantages; Better health and education.
Hoffman 02', David: Beyond Public Diplomacy;Foreign Affairs Vol. 81, No. 2 (Mar. - Apr., 2002), pp. 83-95
Congress has begun to realize the …, and higher indices of education and health