- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: Fullerton | Judge: Joel Lemuel
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A. Interpretation: The affirmative must present a plan of action and defend that the federal government should adopt it. We have definitional support: Resolved proves the framework for the resolution is to enact a policy. Words and Phrases 1964 Permanent Edition Definition of the …establish by law”. 2. The topic is defined by the phrase following the colon – the United States federal government is the agent of the resolution, not the person resolved Webster’s Guide to Grammar and Writing – 2000 http://ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/marks/colon.htm Use of a colon …a capital letter. Should denotes an expectation of enacting a plan American Heritage Dictionary – 2000 [www.dictionary.com] 2 Used to … at noon The United States federal government is the government in Washington DC Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2000 [http://encarta.msn.com] “The federal government … Washington DC.” The word “its” assumes the plan has to increase the United States federal governments assistance American Heritage 2006 (dictionary.com) adj. The possessive form of it. Used as a modifier …t to New York. B. Violation: The affirmative fails to defend implementation of their plan by the federal government. C. Reasons to prefer: - Limits: They explode the limits on what forms of debate are allowed – anything from pirate theater to narratives to interpretive dance becomes topical.
2. There are an infinite number of competing frameworks to evaluate a debate – the resolution requires federal government action, which is the only predictable framework Mearsheimer 1995 (John, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, International Security, Winter 94/95) In fact, change is …be more peaceful. 3. Ground: we lose all of our resolutionally based ground. Every disad, counterplan and even kritik assumes a world in which the plan is actually enacted. We’ll never have specific evidence that their advocacy is bad, which destroys predictable ground. Aff limits neg ground down to case turns that are inherently aff biased because they always know their 1AC better then us. And fair ground is key to education and increasing participation in the activity Topical Education: By shifting the focus of the round to _ they destroy discussion of the question asked by the resolution: Topic specific education is the most important because it is the only way to create innovation and new debates that keep us from talking about only Nietzsche every year. Extra topicality: The affirmative claims advantages off of their <performance/discourse/advocacy/whatever> that is unrelated to instrumental implementation of the plan. Kills predictable limits and ground because the aff can do plan: increase number of h1bs and create treaty with china that we can never derive from the resolution. This extra topicality is uniquely worse because we can’t PIC out of extra topical portions of the plan. This switch-side debating is crucial to education and effective political training-learning only one side of an issue, no matter how right they may be about the merits, destroys critical thinking-collapses any capacity for people to take their debate skills and translate them into the real world. Muir 93 Star Muir, communication studies at George Mason University, 1993 (Philosophy and Rhetoric 26.4) The debate over moral … on the job.
| 09/05/11 |
Cap K Gonzaga
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: Fullerton | Judge: Joel Lemuel
IDENTITY POLITICS ONLY NATURALIZE CAPITALISM BY REDIRECTING DISCOURSES OF INJUSTICE AWAY FROM CAPITALISM AND REINSCRIBING BOURGEOIS IDEALS WITHIN THESE IDENTITY CATEGORIES Wendy Brown, 1993 Professor of Political Science at University California, “Wounded Attachments” Political Theory, Vol. 21, No. 3, August 1993, JSTOR In addition to the … gender, sexuality?" Focus on personal agency plays into the logic of capitalism by creating the false reality of empowerment and so-called “choice” while letting corporations and the system off the hook Jensen 9 - American author and environmental activist (Derrick, July 8, Forget Shorter Showers: Why Personal Change Does Not Equal Political Change, http://www.commondreams.org/print/44329, AG) Part of the problem …can’t solve them.” This makes the lives the aff tries to affect turn into nothing more than a commodity – destroying what it means to be alive Norman D. Livergood, Ph.D in philosophy from Yale University, 2002, “The Wall Street-Treasury Complex as Counterpart to the Military-Industrial Complex” America has always … owned or traded. We have an ethical responsibility to reject their ideological adherence to global capitalism - there may be some things worse than death, but you’ll never know because capitalism makes its victims anonymous. Zizek and Daly 2004 (Slavoj and Glyn, Conversations with Zizek page 14-16) For Zizek it is …otherwise sound matrix. The alternative is to reject the aff’s participation in the capitalist system. James Herod, Getting Free, 2004, http://site.www.umb.edu/faculty/salzman_g/Strate/GetFre/06.htm It is time to try to describe, … possibly even to extinction.
| 09/10/11 |
Case v Fullerton
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: Fullerton | Judge: Joel Lemuel
they reinforce western subjectivities which means you reject them on face Ahmed, U of Lancaster, ’04 (Sarah, Declarations of Whiteness: The Non-performativity of anti-racism, http://www.borderlands.net.au/vol3no2_2004/ahmed_declarations.htm, volume 3, number 4) This paper examines … what they say.
| 09/10/11 |
Grammar of Encounter K
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: Fullerton | Judge: Joel Lemuel
Has been in the 2NR “Democracy is nothing less than defined by critique.”* George Pavlich writes that… one usually … reform, and so on.* However, “Moreover, a privileged … democracy) is thriving * Pavlich Uses The Term “Grammar of Judgment” to describe an underlying grammar: the tri-umphant wailing ….some or other yardstick. * - George Pavlich 2005
[Professor of Sociology University of Alberta Law and Critique (2005) 16: 95–112] see back for full context Pavlich describes this grammar as tending towards a three step method: “The development … courses of action.” *
The affirmative judges their strategy against the criteria established by their impact calculus. Specifically, the imperative to— [ ] This might seem obvious. After all, What can be wrong with normative judgment against normalizing structures? But Perhaps You Should Ask a Different Question. Is holding “firm ….within disciplinary regimes”?* Pavlich writes that even “criticism of disciplinary …. truth regimes”.* Pre-determined research methods shut down the radical possibilities of our encounters. We instead invite the “Unexpected and Unpredictable: Learning from Being Lost” Jenny Pearce, International Centre for Participation Studies/Department of Peace Studies at University of Bradford, 2008 [“‘We Make Progress Because We are Lost’: Critical Reflections on Co Producing Knowledge as a Methodology for Researching Non governmental Public Action” eprints.ncrm.ac.uk] Unexpected and Unpredictable: Learning from Being Lost Co-production of ….e who can best use them Is this a judgment against judgment? Perhaps, But We Do NOT Offer External Criteria Against Which to Judge the 1AC. We Instead Test the 1AC’s Coherence—Discerning an Implicit Double Turn: They deploy normative judgment against judgments of normativity. Judgment is not the only alternative. Pavlich Writes That Critique’s Etymology Opens Up: to judge, but … and decide.* We “imagine images of ….in dividing”* “Divide the 1AC Into Two Piles. Welcome The 1AC’s Imperative to Overcome the Limitations of Status Quo Approaches to Democracy Assistance. Set Aside the 1AC Impact Calculus as Justification for their Advocacy.” We gesture towards a new grammar of critical encounter. Pavlich describes it as: “a unique sort … persist intact.”* The experiences suppressed by the status quo are their own justification. Suspending Judgment on 1AC Criteria Builds Affective Capacities for Political Engagement. We call on the judge to vote for their advocacy to affirm the democratic subject already existing in yemen external from the justifications the 1ac uses. Leet 02 Gender Modified* Martin Leet, Research Fellow in International Studies at The University of Queensland, 2002 [“After-effects of Knowledge: Dogmatic Retreats and Sceptical Adventures” Critical Horizons 3:2 (201-223)] As with respect to nature, … one’s surroundings. *source for pavlich snippets [don’t read again] George Pavlich 2005 [Professor of Sociology University of Alberta Law and Critique (2005) 16: 95–112] Critique and criticism ….s – all the better’.
| 09/10/11 |
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: Quarters | Opponent: Cal GW | Judge:
Has been in 2NR SKAFTA and TAA will pass now Reuters, 9/8/11, “U.S. group says confident of trade deals” http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/08/us-usa-trade-deals-idUSTRE7874WE20110908 "We're confident we'll ...and the Senate. Political party aid unpopular Cuts prove that the plan would be very unpopular among the GOP Ahram Online, Reuters, 9/7/11, “Obama's diplomacy reforms threatened by cuts” http://english.ahram.org.eg/~/NewsContent/2/9/20567/World/International/Obamas-diplomacy-reforms-threatened-by-cuts.aspx President Barack Obama's ...leverage we have." Political capital and bipart key Thomas "Mack" McLarty III and Nelson W. Cunningham, 1/24/11, chief of staff to Clinton in 1993-94 and helped bring Bill Daley into the White House to lead the 1993 Nafta ratification effort, AND Mr. Cunningham was an aide to President Clinton and to then-Sen. Joseph Biden, “Obama's Free Trade Opportunity,” Much has been written ... but it is essential. Quick KORUS ratification is key to the economy and Asian stability Rhodes, Citigroup senior advisor, 4-11-2011 [William, "There's no time to lose on Korea," The Hill, thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/foreign-policy/155285-theres-no-time-to-lose-on-korea, accessed 4-13-11, mss] In his State of ...of Congress’ agenda. Asian war ends in extinction Dibb, Australian National University Strategic and Defense Studies Centre head, 2001 [Paul, previously Deputy Secretary for Strategic Policy and Intelligence in the Australian Department of Defense and director of the Joint Intelligence Organisation, previously ] head of the National Assessments Staff for the National Intelligence Committee, “Strategic Trends: Asia at a Crossroads,” Naval War College Review, Winter, http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Strategic+Trends.-a075762211, accessed 1-2-11, mss] The areas of maximum ...with major crises
| 10/30/11 |
Egypt Relations DA
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: Quarters | Opponent: Cal GW | Judge:
Has been in 2NR. EA. Aid to Egypt is being cut now Omar Karmi, Journalist for The National, 8/2/11, “US argues over foreign aid policy along with its debt problem” http://www.thenational.ae/news/worldwide/middle-east/us-argues-over-foreign-aid-policy-along-with-its-debt-problem?pageCount=0 With the same acrimony … in word and deed." B. Traditional democracy assistance angers Egypt – kills relations Mohamed Abdel-Baky, staffwriter for Al-Ahram Weekly Online a leading Cairo newspaper, 8/24/11, “Reiterating the differences” http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2011/1061/eg1.htm Over the last … Egyptian people does." C. collapses the alliance VOA News, 8/16/11, “Foreign Aid Stirs Debate Amid Egypt’s Democratic Hopes” http://www.voanews.com/english/news/middle-east/Foreign-Aid-Stirs-Debate-Amid-Egypts-Democratic-Hopes-127824353.html A sudden surge … of Egyptian politics. that causes Egyptian nuclearization CFR 02 [Council on Foreign Relations Strengthening the U.S.-Egyptian Relationship (A CFR Paper) Council on Foreign Relations Press May 2002] [http://www.cfr.org/publication/8666/strengthening_the_usegyptian_relationship_a_cfr_paper.html?breadcrumb=%2Fregion%2Fpublication_list%3Fid%3D150%26page%3D2] The U.S.-Egyptian …the Middle East. Extinction Kurtz, 6 (Stanley, Senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. “Our Fallout-Shelter Future,” National Review Online, 8/28) Proliferation optimists, …into nuclear confrontations.
| 10/30/11 |
Econ Assistance/Dialogue CP (Egypt)
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: Quarters | Opponent: Cal GW | Judge:
Has been in 2NR mpirThe United States federal government should enter into ongoing non-election dialogue with the Egyptian Freedom and Justice Party. The United States federal government should increase economic assistance to Egypt, specifically, increase capital investment. Aff article says strategic dialogue solves Hamid, Middle East at Brookings, ’11 (Shadi, May/June, “The Rise of the Islamists” Foreign Affairs, Vol 90 Issue 3, EbscoHost) To guide the … already in power. Increasing capital investment is key to Egypt’s economy – and that’s key to any democratic transition Robert Danin, Eni Enrico Mattei Senior Fellow for Middle East and Africa Studies, Council on Foreign Relations, 7/27/11, “U.S. Priorities in a Changing Middle East” http://www.cfr.org/middle-east/us-priorities-changing-middle-east/p25544 Is the United States …a critical role to play.
| 10/30/11 |
Cap K Kentucky/UNLV
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
The aff is nothing but a way for US foreign policy to appear benign – democracy assistance is America’s newest method for masking its capitalist intentions Gerald Sussman, teaches urban studies and communications at Portland State University and has published widely on the international political economy of information technology, mass media, and development. His most recent book is Global Electioneering: Campaign Consulting, Communications, and Corporate Financing (Rowman & Littlefield, 2005), The Monthly Review, December 2006, “The Myths of ‘Democracy Assistance’: U.S. Political Intervention in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe” http://monthlyreview.org/2006/12/01/the-myths-of-democracy-assistance-u-s-political-intervention-in-post-soviet-eastern-europe One of the notable shifts i.... favorite place of lodging.29 The concept of civil society is the new tool for capitalists – it propagates the idea that everything in society is fragmented, which means we can’t recognize capitalism’s pervasive nature in every part of society. Ellen Meiksins Wood, B.A. in Slavic languages from the University of California, Berkeley in 1962 and PhD in political science from UCLA and from 1967 to 1996, she taught political science at Glendon College, York University in Toronto, Canada and has written many books and articles, and her book The Retreat from Class received the Isaac Deutscher Memorial Prize in 1988 and served on the editorial committee of the British journal New Left Review between 1984 and 1993 and from 1997 to 2000, Wood was an editor, along with Harry Magdoff and Paul Sweezy, of Monthly Review, the independent socialist magazine and in 1996, she was inducted into the Royal Society of Canada, a marker of distinguished scholarship. The Socialist Register, 1990, “The Uses and Abuses of ‘Civil Society’” London: Merlin Press, 1990, pp. 60–84. Despite the diversity of .... aspect of social life. This makes the lives the aff tries to affect turn into nothing more than a commodity – destroying what it means to be alive Norman D. Livergood, Ph.D in philosophy from Yale University, 2002, “The Wall Street-Treasury Complex as Counterpart to the Military-Industrial Complex” America has always ...to be owned or traded. Capitalism necessitates large-scale systematic murder and genocide. All the affirmative’s impacts are inevitable if we allow capitalism’s continued existence. Internationalist Perspective 2K (Internationalist Perspective #36, spring 2000, http://www.geocities.com/wageslavex/capandgen.html) Mass death, and genocide, ....topography of the real We have an ethical responsibility to reject their ideological adherence to global capitalism - there may be some things worse than death, but you’ll never know because capitalism makes its victims anonymous. Zizek and Daly 2004 (Slavoj and Glyn, Conversations with Zizek page 14-16) For Zizek it is imperative ...an otherwise sound matrix. The alternative is to reject the aff’s participation in the capitalist system. James Herod, Getting Free, 2004, http://site.www.umb.edu/faculty/salzman_g/Strate/GetFre/06.htm It is time to try to describe, ....possibly even to extinction.
| 10/30/11 |
Empire K
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Has been in 2NR Democracy assistance normalizes the infliction of imperial terror. Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Gender Studies at Syracuse University, 2011 [3/26 “Imperial Democracies, Militarised Zones, Feminist Engagements” Economic & Political Weekly v 46 n 13] As Nordstrom (2004) suggests... in the US and in India. Begin your decision within the space-time of imperial violence—Bracketing your ethical relationship to the targets of plan reproduces endless insecurity. Phillip Darby, Institute of Postcolonial Studies at University of Melbourne, 2006 [“Security, Spatiality, and Social Suffering” Alternatives 31 (2006), 453–473] Much later, Senator William Fulbright... that I draw attention. “Challenge 1AC Knowledge Production”Our ethical complicities pre-determine policy predictions—Catastrophic constructions reduce Middle East Geopolitics to perpetual violence. John Morrissey, Department of Geography, National University of Ireland, 2011 [Architects of Empire: The Military–Strategic Studies Complex and the Scripting of US National Security Antipode Vol. 43, pp 435–470] Collusion between “knowledge” ... urgent as ever
| 10/30/11 |
Politics - Cybersecurity
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Has been in 2NR Cyber security bill passing now and key to stopping attack but continued cooperation is keyFinancial times 10/12 (2011, “republicans back cybersecurity law push,” http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/4d6aba5a-f44d-11e0-bdea-00144feab49a.html) Republicans signalled support ...for national security policy. Funding cuts prove that aid is unpopular now Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times, February 27, 2011, p. A28, ―Helping the Arabs help themselves; The U.S. must find a way, and funding, to promote democracy.‖ A basic tenet of the .... country except Israel. This will spark United States Response and world war 3 – Our Nuclear Power Plants are also at Stake USA Today, 2k2. (USA Today: Tech: “Cyberattack Could Result in Military Response.” Online. [KevC]) WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States ... have been penetrated." Meltdowns cause extinction Wasserman 1 (Harvey, Senior Editor at Free Press “America's Terrorist Nuclear Threat to Itself”, October, http://www.wagingpeace.org/articles/2001/10/00_wasserman_nuclear-threat.htm) The intense radioactive ... must be shut down.
| 10/30/11 |
Saudi Relations DA
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Has been in 2NR Saudi Relations on the brink now - U.S. action on Arab spring can make or break the relationshipLobe 9/14 (Jim, BA History magna cum lade, JD Berkley, served as Washington D.C. correspondent and chief of the Washington , bureau of Inter Press Service (IPS), an international news agency In addition to IPS, Jim has written for a number of internet publications, including Al Jazeera English, Alternet, TomPaine.com, Foreign Policy in Focus, RightWeb, The American Prospect, the Asia Times, and the Daily Star of Beirut IPS news 9/14/11 Agreeing on Less and Less . http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=105103) Accumulating strains between ...e lack of an alternative." The plan destroys relations with Saudi Arabia – kills the security alliance. Ignatius 11(David Ignatius, March 17, 2011. The Australian Republic. “US relations with Gulf states at crunch point”. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/opinion/us-relations-with-gulf-states-at-crunch-point/story-e6frg6zo-1226022726156) THE Obama administration ...be "progressive pragmatism". US democracy assistance ensures Saudi freakout – ensures fast nuclearizationGuzansky 11 (a research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, july 1, “Tehran tests Saudis' nerve on nuclear weapons” http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/tehran-tests-saudis-nerve-on-nuclear-weapons/story-e6frg6ux-1226085108555) UNTIL recently it ... Energy Agency monitoring. Saudi prolif leads to fast regional prolif Center for Contemporary Conflict 4 (June 2004 (“Conference on WMD Proliferation in the Middle East: Directions and Policy Options in the New Century” http://www.ciaonet.org/olj/si/si_3_8/si_3_8_ruj01.pdf) James Russell from ... ensure U.S. engagement? Middle east prolif results in extinctionKurtz, 6 (Stanley, Senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. “Our Fallout-Shelter Future,” National Review Online, 8/28) Proliferation optimists, on the ... into nuclear confrontations.
| 10/30/11 |
Informal Ban CP (Egypt)
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
The United States federal government should incorporate the Egyptian Freedom and Justice Party into current political party support. The United States federal government should not increase overall political party support to Egypt. CP solves – this is their author Hamid, Middle East at Brookings, ’10 (Shaid, January 5, “How to Revive Obama's Middle East Policy? Some Responses” http://www.democracyarsenal.org/2010/01/how-to-revive-obamas-middle-east-policy-some-responses-.html) As I note, however, ... in their programming.”
| 10/30/11 |
Basing CP (Yemen)
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Has been in 2NR. Text: The United States federal government should establish a military base on the island of Socotra. This solves terrorism and oil shocks – prevents AQAP from getting a key basing ground and helps keep maritime shipping lanes open Defense Update, 7/26/11, “Unstable Yemen Becomes Al Qaeda’s New “Islamic Emirate” http://defense-update.com/20110726_al_qaeda_in_yemen.html There are already ...control of it sooner.
| 10/30/11 |
T - Not Military
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Has been in 2NR. A – Democracy assistance is technical assistance directly aimed at pro-democracy groups inside the target country – that includes rule of law, elections, media, civil society, and governance Huber, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Department of International Relations, 8 [Daniela, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 43–62, March 2008, ―Democracy Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Comparison of US and EU Policies‖, p. 45-6, http://pdfserve.informaworld.com/69109__790479070.pdf] What is Democracy Assistance?...democracy promotion instruments. B – Violation – Assistance or training for foreign militaries is “security assistance” Pike 11 Director of GlobalSecurity.org, defense information website John, “Security Assistance Training Field Activity.” http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/army/satfa.htm The term "security ...as Peacekeeping Operations. And, Security assistance is distinct from democracy assistance Berman ’10 [REP. HOWARD L. BERMAN (D-CA), “HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE: INCREASING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF U.S. FOREIGN AID HEARING OF THE HOUSE FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE”, Jun 10th, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/0610_transcript_carothers_testimony.pdf] Now on to the hearing.... effective and efficient. Limits – The US government has tons of military-to-military cooperation, assistance, and training programs – combined with 6 changing geopolitical contexts, and dozens of regular assistance mechanism, the topic becomes unmanageable Ground – Military affirmatives can claim qualitatively different advantages and avoid DAs based on direct democratization like movements and backlash DAs, which are the crux of the topic. Also, security assistance CPs should be negative ground – its key to testing aid mechanisms. Education – The main impetus behind choosing the Arab Spring was to discuss the way popular movements overcame entrenched militaries and governments – they move topic discussion in the opposite direction
| 10/30/11 |
T - Can't Remove a Barrier
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Has been in 2NR A – Interpretation – Increase means the affirmative has to add to democracy assistance or make it greater Random House Dictionary ‘11 [“Increase” http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/increase] in·crease [v. in-krees; n. in-krees]...: to increase taxes. And “Democracy Assistance” means using the existing framework US CODE ‘7 [§8262. United States democracy assistance programs, http://law.justia.com/codes/us/2009/title22/22usc8262.html/] (1) Findings Congress finds... for such assistance. (Pub. L. 110–53, title XXI, §2162, Aug. 3, 2007, 121 Stat. 536.) B – Violation – They don’t directly increase democracy assistance but just remove a barrier that may lead to an increase Increase is an immediate growth from a status quo baseline – that’s mutually exclusive with removing the baseline itself Rogers ‘5 [judge, state of new York, et all, petitioners v. US epa, respondent, nsr manufacturers roundtable, et al, intervenors, 2005 U.S. App. LEXIS 12378, **; 60 ERC (BNA) 1791, p.LN] According to government ... in perfect condition. C – Reasons to Prefer Ground – Core negative ground is based on a positive increase in assistance not removing a barrier which may or may not lead to one – that links out of aid bad, backlash DAs, and relations DAs because these changes are barely perceived Precise Limits – Bureaucratic structure of the government means there are lots of restrictions that can be removed– combined with 6 changing geopolitical contexts, and dozens of regular assistance mechanism, the topic becomes unmanageable – this is why the framers picked “increase” instead of “expand” Effects – Even if they result in an increase, plan text in a vacuum is not – effects T is a voting issue because it’s infinitely regressive – any number of things can result in democratization – and it mixes burdens makes debates messy and unmanageable
| 10/30/11 |
Credibility CP
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Has been in 2NR. Text: The United States federal government should threaten to terminate Bahrain’s status as a Major non-NATO ally until the Bahraini government meets benchmarks of human rights and democratization. The counterplan solves credibility - sends a signal to the world that we won’t be hypocrites in our democracy policies anymore – Bahrain is the lynchpin of our overall Middle East policy because it hosts the Fifth Fleet. Mid Easter, 4/21/11, news on middle east policy and politics, “should the US reconsider its relationship with Bahrain,” http://themideaster.com/2011/04/21/should-the-us-reconsider-its-relationship-with-bahrain/ The United States’ reputation... unrest and violence.
| 10/30/11 |
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
LOST will pass now because of Arctic concerns – but political capital and the GOP are key Joan Bondareff, Prior to joining Blank Rome, Ms. Bondareff was chief counsel and acting deputy administrator of the Maritime Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation. She was also former majority counsel for the House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Ms. Bondareff recently served on the Obama Transition Team for the Department of Transportation handling maritime related issues. She worked on the OPA 90 legislation, and also helped develop the Natural Resource Damage Assessment regulations when she was the assistant general counsel for Ocean Services at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 10/7/11, “United States: Hope Springs Eternal For The U.S. To Finally Ratify The Law Of The Sea Convention 07 October 2011” http://www.blankrome.com/index.cfm?contentID=10&bioID=8764 It has been ….the U.S. Senate calendar. ***INSERT LINK*** LOST key to solve Arctic conflicts Ron Eachus of Salem is a former legislator and a former chairman of the Oregon Public Utility Commission oregon statesman 9-10-07 The hypothetical Northwest …. consumption and conflict. Accidental nuclear war Prof. Rob Huebert, Department of Political Science/Strategic Studies Program, University of Calgary 1998 http://www.carc.org/calgary/a4.htm Likewise, there is …. as real as ever. LOST 1NR Uniqueness LOST is passing now – Kerry is pushing Michael Goldfarb, a contributing editor for The Weekly Standard.[1] During the 2008 presidential race he took a leave of absence from the magazine to serve as John McCain's deputy communications director.[2] He has a B.A. in history from Princeton University.[3] He is a research associate at the Project for the New American Century, and Steven Groves, Bernard and Barbara Lomas Fellow and The Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom and has testified before Congress on international law, human rights, the United Nations and U.N. peacekeeping operations and before joining Heritage in 2007, Groves was senior counsel to the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations and a law degree from Ohio Northern University’s College of Law, 10/10/11, “The Law of the Sea, The U.S. Navy trumps a U.N. treaty.” Weekly Standard Vol. 17, No. 04, http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/law-sea_594672.html Over the years a … of the United Nations. LOST is passing now because of concerns about China WSJ, 9/29/11, “Time to Kill the Law of the Sea Treaty—Again” http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904836104576560934029786322.html The Law of the Sea …. unrestricted maritime activity. Obama is pushing LOST Forbes, 9/12/11, “Washington's Night Of The Living Dead: The Law Of The Sea Treaty Stirs” http://www.forbes.com/sites/dougbandow/2011/09/12/washingtons-night-of-the-living-dead-the-law-of-the-sea-treaty-stirs/ Like a zombie ….Chairman John Kerry. LOST 1NR Impact Calc Arctic conflict with Russia outweighs. A. Probability – there’s a huge risk of escalation Security innovator 8-23-07 http://securityinnovator.com/index.php?articleID=12387§ionID=43 Huebert explained …. couldn’t start tomorrow.” B. Timeframe – as artic ice continues to melt conflict becomes more and more likely. Borgerson 08 (Scott G. Borgerson, International Affairs Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a former Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Coast Guard, Mar/Apr 08, "Arctic Meltdown," http://www.foreignaffairs.org/20080301faessay87206/scott-g-borgerson/arctic-meltdown.html) The situation is especially … of ownership exists. C. Magnitude – only US/Russia nuke war causes extinction. Bostrom 02 (Dr. Nick Bostrom, Professor of Philosophy and Global Studies at Yale, 3/8/02, “Existential Risks: Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards,” http://www.transhumanist.com/volume9/risks.html) With the exception …r in the 21st century.
| 11/11/11 |
Gender K
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Gender K 1NC The thesis and framework – gender infiltrates all aspects of politics, structuring ways of knowing and acting – the affirmative’s false neutrality reproduces Arab “democracy” as masculine hierarchy Moghadam 11 (Valentine, Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies, Purdue University, “Engendering Democracy: Women and the Mass Social Protests in the Middle East and North Africa”, March 5) The first decade of the ….. But does everyone? US democracy assistance produces patriarchal exclusion that dooms their solvency – This exclusion is INHERENT to the 1AC method of knowing the world Handrahan ‘2 [Lori, Professorial Lecturer, School of International Service, London School of Economics' Sociology and Gender Institute, Gendering Ethnicity: Implications for Democracy Assistance. Issues in Globalization Series, pp. 66-74] USAID's failure is due …. were 100% men (Zairash 1998). Their masculinized perspective subordinates politics to violent control, dooming the Middle East to perpetual conflict. Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Gender Studies at Syracuse University, 2011 [3/26 “Imperial Democracies, Militarised Zones, Feminist Engagements” Economic & Political Weekly vol xlvi no 13] The post-11 September 2001 consolidation…. builders, and profiteers (Platt 2011). Rejecting the affirmative creates political space to expose the gender hierarchies of democracy assistance. Begin your decision with 1AC knowledge production—Focus on plan establishes a masculinist framework for politics. Cornwall et. al. ‘4 [Andrea, Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, Elizabeth Harrison, Senior Lecturer in Anthropology at the University of Sussex, Ann Whitehead, Professor of Anthropology at University of Sussex, “Introduction: Repositioning Feminisms in Gender and Development”, IDS Bulletin Volume 35, Issue 4, pages 1–10, October 2004] Feminists work towards ….autonomous feminist organising
| 11/11/11 |
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Round Reports
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| 11/11/11 |