Texas-Austin » Texas-Austin Liu-MIller

Texas-Austin Liu-MIller

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 18:59
  • Grammar of Encounter

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • “Democracy is nothing less than defined by critique.”*
      George Pavlich writes that…
      one usually … reform, and so on.*
      “Moreover, a privileged … democracy) is thriving *

      Pavlich Uses The Term “Grammar of Judgment” to describe an underlying grammar:
      the tri-umphant wailing ….some or other yardstick. *

      The affirmative judges their strategy against the criteria established by their impact calculus. Specifically, the imperative to—
      [           ]

      This might seem obvious.  After all, What can be wrong with normative judgment against normalizing structures?
      But Perhaps You Should Ask a Different Question.
      Is holding “firm ….within disciplinary regimes”?*
      Pavlich writes that even  “criticism of disciplinary …. truth regimes”.*

      Pre-determined research methods shut down the radical possibilities of our encounters.
      We instead invite the “Unexpected and Unpredictable: Learning from Being Lost” 

      Jenny Pearce, International Centre for Participation Studies/Department of Peace Studies at University of Bradford, 2008
      [“‘We Make Progress Because We are Lost’: Critical Reflections on Co Producing Knowledge as a Methodology for Researching Non governmental Public Action” eprints.ncrm.ac.uk]
      Unexpected and Unpredictable: Learning from Being Lost
      Co-production of ….e who can best use them

      Is this a judgment against judgment? Perhaps, But We Do NOT Offer External Criteria Against Which to Judge the 1AC. We Instead Test the 1AC’s Coherence—Discerning an Implicit Double Turn:
      They deploy normative judgment against judgments of normativity. 

      Judgment is not the only alternative. Pavlich Writes That Critique’s Etymology Opens Up:
      to judge, but … and decide.*
      We “imagine images of ….in dividing”*

      “Divide the 1AC Into Two Piles.
      Welcome The 1AC’s Imperative to Overcome the Limitations of Status Quo Approaches to Democracy Assistance. Set Aside the 1AC Impact Calculus as Justification for their Advocacy.”
      We gesture towards a new grammar of critical encounter. Pavlich describes it as:
      “a unique sort … persist intact.”*

      The experiences suppressed by the status quo are their own justification.
      Suspending Judgment on 1AC Criteria Builds Affective Capacities for Political Engagement.
      We call on the judge to vote for their advocacy to affirm the democratic subject already existing in yemen external from the justifications the 1ac uses.
      Leet 02 Gender Modified*
      Martin Leet, Research Fellow in International Studies at The University  of Queensland, 2002 [“After-effects of Knowledge: Dogmatic Retreats and Sceptical Adventures” Critical Horizons 3:2  (201-223)]
      As with respect to nature, … one’s surroundings. 
      *source for pavlich snippets [don’t read again]
      George Pavlich 2005
      [Professor of Sociology  University of Alberta Law and Critique (2005) 16: 95–112]
      Critique and criticism ….s – all the better’

  • Capitalism

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The Arab Spring has opened up the revolutionary cycle. The uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa affirm the ideals of liberty and universal emancipation. Not only is another world possible, but another world is here. 

      Badiou 2011
      Alain, “Tunisie, Egypte : quand un vent d'est balaie l'arrogance de l'Occident” Feb 25, Le Monde
      "The Wind of the East Carries Away the Wind of the West...thus their value is international."

      It’s not a question of choice as such, but what choices are made. Real choice creates a point of rupture within the system as a whole.

      Dean 2010
      Jodi.  Chair of the Political Science Department at Hobart and William Smith College “Badiou and depression.” 2-22-2010. http://jdeanicite.typepad.com/i_cite/2010/02/badiou-and-depression.html

      Another affect Badiou ... something beyond it. 

      We have an a-priori ethical obligation to reject capitalism. There may be some things worse than death, but you will never know because capitalism makes its victims anonymous.

      Zizek and Daly 2004
      Slavoj and Glyn, Conversations with Zizek, page 14-16

      For Zizek it is imperative...otherwise sound matrix.

      Capitalism results in a never-ending war on the poor and inter-state competition—impact is nuclear annihilation.

      Callinicos 2004
      Alex, Director of the Centre for European Studies at King’s College, The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx, 2004 pg. 196-197

      Capitalism has not ... we must act on it. 

      The alternative is to endorse egalitarian terror.

      There is no freedom under capitalism without mounting a challenge to the totality of system. We must prioritize a universal rejection of global capitalism—anything else only reproduces the basic coordinates of the current socio-political order.

      Daly 2010
      Glyn, Senior Lecturer in Politics in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at University College, Northampton. “Causes for Concern: Žižek’s Politics of Loving Terror” International Journal of Žižek Studies Vol 4, No 2 http://www.zizekstudies.org/index.php/ijzs/article/view/259/337

      De-politicized Radicalism ...in this undertaking.

  • Anthropocentrism

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Make an ethical evaluation of the 1AC.
      You CANNOT Objectively Survey Existence, but must Attune Your Decision to the Creative-Destructive Flows of the Cosmos. 

      Henning 2k9, (Brian, ‘TRuSTINg IN THE ‘EffICaCy Of BEauTy: A KAlocentric ApproAch to MorAl  philosophy’, Ethics and the Environment)

      Final truths ... whole of reality.

      The 1AC projects a moral universe organized for the good of the “global human”—Their assistance is a tool to maximize the sustainability of anthropocentric values. 

      Narkunas, Prof of English at CUNY, 2007
      [J. Paul, "Utilitarian Humanism: Culture in the Service of Regulating 'We Other Humans,'" Theory and Event, Vol 10, Issue 3, Project Muse]

      Throughout this essay, ... structure of the "global human."

      Escape the Despair of the Humans.
      You are Apes and Dirt; Stars and Rocks; Dinosaurs and Bacteria—Billions of Years of Cosmic Creativity.
      Value the Wonderful Aliveness of the Universe Beyond Your Capacity to Destroy.

      Seed, 1995 (John, “Beyond Anthropocentrism”, http://www.rainforestinfo.org.au/deep-eco/Anthropo.htm]

      "Anthropocentrism" or "homocentrism" ... in harmony with life again. 

  • Data

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Interpretation:
      Predictive policy-making requires quantitative evidence—As well as analysis of everyday experiences to account for interlocking processes of knowledge and power in the Middle East.

      Robert Chamberlain, 2011
      [“Steady Mobbinʼ (OK, youʼre a Goon, but whatʼs a Goon to a Goblin?): Redrawing the Theoretical Map of the Middle East”  http://www.columbia.edu/cu/polisci/pdf-files/miniapsa_chamberlain.pdf] A

      In his short story, ... for contemporary research

      Vote Negative on Presumption – Challenging their Form of Knowledge-Production Creates a Demand for Strong Data.

      Davies, 2k4.  Philip Davies 2004 [PhD, Government Chief Social Researcher’s Office, “Is Evidence-Based Government Possible?, Jerry Lee Lecture, 4th Annual Campbell Collaboration Colloquium Washington D.C. 19 February 2004]
       ‘There is nothing a government .... effectiveness and efficiency. 

  • Risk

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Reflect on the 1AC as a Flow of Communication–Resonances and Meanings Emerging through Interactive Processes of Affect and Knowledge. 

      Your ballot should interrupt the 1AC’s communication of risk.
      Their reductionist framework backfires—Undermining political responsibility in the face of threat.

      William J. Kinsella, Assoc Prof Communication at NC State University, 2010
      [“Risk communication, phenomenology, and the limits of representation” Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies 2 (2) pp. 267–276]

      Despite movements towards ... those who take and bear risks.  

      The 1AC cultivates linkages between democracy assistance and fear—
      This spills-over to state violence and squashing of political dissent

      Jennifer Hyndman, Prof Social Science and Geography at York U, 2007
      [“The Securitization of Fear in Post-Tsunami Sri Lanka” Annals of the Association of American Geographers Volume 97, Issue 2, pages 361–372]

      It is a conviction of the times ... crisis in search of a response.

      Interrupting the 1AC framework educates us to respond to uncertainty—
      Their reductionist scholarship erodes public trust in meaningful political action

      Cristian Suteanu 2005 [Professor of geography at Saint Mary’s University “Complexity, Science and the Public: The Geography of a New Interpretation” Theory, Culture & Society 22(5): 113–140]

      There are important ...and the wisest might err.’

  • Evidence-Based Policymaking

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    •  Interpretation:

      Predictive policy-making requires quantitative evidence—As well as analysis of everyday experiences to account for interlocking processes of knowledge and power in the Middle East.

      Robert Chamberlain, 2011

      [“Steady Mobbinʼ (OK, youʼre a Goon, but whatʼs a Goon to a Goblin?): Redrawing the Theoretical Map of the Middle East”  ] A


      In his short story, “... Bourdieuzian analysis for contemporary research

      B Violation

      1. The 1AC’s s-called expert opinions are worse than a coin-toss.


      2. Reductionism. Their confident predictions of one-direction-causality uniquely skew risk analysis.

      3. Intellectual Momentum: They cherry-pick evidence in favor of preferred conclusions.


      Gardner and Tetlock 2011

      Dan, columnist and senior writer with the Ottawa Citizen, and Philip, Leonore Annenberg University Professor @ UPenn “Overcoming Our Aversion to Acknowledging Our Ignorance” Cato Unbound 7-11 http://www.cato-unbound.org/2011/07/11/dan-gardner-and-philip-tetlock/overcoming-our-aversion-to-acknowledging-our-ignorance


      he editors may...hedgehogs, and foxes


      Vote Negative on Presumption – Challenging their Form of Knowledge-Production Creates a Demand for Evidence Based Policy.


      Davies, 2k4.  Philip Davies 2004 [PhD, Government Chief Social Researcher’s Office, “Is Evidence-Based Government Possible?, Jerry Lee Lecture, 4th Annual Campbell Collaboration Colloquium Washington D.C. 19 February 2004]


      What is Evidence-Based Policy? ...effectiveness and efficiency.

  • Revenge of the Mirror People

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The Revenge of the Mirror People

      Jorge Luis Borges

      Here begins the great revenge of otherness, of all the forms which, subtly or violently deprived of their singularity, henceforth pose an insoluble problem for the social order, and for the political and biological orders.
      In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they are now, cut off from each other. They were, besides, quite different: neither beings or colours nor shapes were the same. Both kingdoms, the specular and the human, lived in harmony; you could come and go through mirrors. One night the mirror people invaded the earth. Their power was great, but in the end of bloody warfare the magic arts of the Yellow Emperor prevailed. He repulsed the invaders, imprisoned them within mirrors, and forced on them the task of repeating, as if in a dream, all the actions of man. He stripped them of their power and of their forms and reduced them to mere slavish reflections. Nevertheless, the day will come when the magic spell will be taken off…shapes will begin to stir. Little by little they will differ from us, little by little they will not imitate us. They will break through the barriers of glass and metal and this time will not be defeated.



      Jean Baudrillard


      Such is the allegory of otherness vanquished and condemned to the servile state of resemblance. Our image in the mirror is not innocent, then. Behind every reflection, every resemblance, every representation, a defeated enemy lies concealed. The Other vanquished, and condemned merely to be the Same. Thus casts a singular light on the problem of representation and with all the mirrors which reflect us ‘spontaneously’ with an objective indulgence. None of that is true, and every representation is a servile image, the ghost of a once sovereign being, whose singularity has been obliterated. But a being which will one day rebel, and then our whole system of representation and values is destined to perish in that revolt. This slavery of the same, the slavery of resemblance, will one day be smashed by the violent resurgence of otherness. We dreamed of passing through the looking-glass, but it is the mirror peoples themselves who will burst in upon our world. And this time will not be defeated. What will come of this victory? No one knows. A new existence of two equally sovereign peoples, perfectly alien to one another, but in perfect collusion? Something other, at least, than this subjection and this negative fatality. So, everywhere, objects, children, the dead, images, women everything which serves to provide a passive reflection in a world based on identity, is ready to go on to the counter offensive. Already they resemble us less and less…

      “I’ll not be your mirror!”




      We need willful suspension of belief in relationship to imagination – our forced aesthetic encounter of the 1ac through poetry provokes an understanding that reality is always enslaved to the imaginary, not the reverse.


      Hiebert 2010 [Ted Hiebert, Code Drift: Essays in Critical Digital Studies: cds013, Date Published: 4/21/2010, , Illuminated Darkness: Nightmares, Blind Spots and Biofeedback, JP Miller]

  • Topicality-Increase

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • //


      //A – Interpretation – Increase means the affirmative has to add to democracy assistance or make it greater

      Random House Dictionary ‘11

      [“Increase” ]


      in·crease    [v. in-krees; n. in-krees]  Show IPA verb, -creased, -creas·ing, noun –verb (used with object) 1. to make greater, as in number, size, strength, or quality; augmentadd to: to increase taxes.


      And “Democracy Assistance” means using the existing framework

      US CODE ‘7 [§8262. United States democracy assistance programs, http://law.justia.com/codes/us/2009/title22/22usc8262.html/]


       (1) Findings ... 121 Stat. 536.)



      B – Violation – They don’t directly increase democracy assistance but just remove a barrier that may lead to an increase


      Increase is an immediate growth from a status quo baseline – that’s mutually exclusive with removing the baseline itself

      Rogers ‘5 [judge, state of new York, et all, petitioners v. US epa, respondent, nsr manufacturers roundtable, et al, intervenors, 2005 U.S. App. LEXIS 12378, **; 60 ERC (BNA) 1791, p.LN]


      According to ...perfect condition.

  • Transitology

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • “Transitology” is a pseudo-science…

      Reject 1AC predictions based on cookie-cutter knowledge of “good governance and stability”


      Nehal Bhuta, Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Toronto, 2008

      “Against State Building” Constellations Volume 15, No 4,]


      Modernization theory ... as an intentionalist enterprise.

      Refuse to subordinate the Middle East to institution-building expertise and reform—They reduce the region to an object of knowledge, violence, generosity, and control

      Nehal Bhuta, Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Toronto, 2008

      [“Against State Building” Constellations Volume 15, No 4,]


      As has been widely observed ...  standard of the governance agenda. 

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Neg: Texas LM
      Round #7 Tournament: Shirley
      Vs Team: ISU RV
      Judge: Grandpre



      Off Case Args:

      Grammar of Encounter



      Case Args:

      Ballot is patriarchal

      Identity is violent

      Aff instrumental

      Yes solidarity


      Block Strategy:




                  Grammar of Encounter


      2nr Strategy:


      Neg:Texas LM
      Round # 5 Tournament:Shirley
      Vs Team: Baylor HN
      Judge: John Turner



      Off Case Args:



      Affect U


      Case Args:

      Tetloc impacts low probability

      IMET leads to gender violence


      Block Strategy:





      2nr Strategy:

      Affect Framework 

      Neg:Texas LM

      Round # 3 Tournament: Shirley

      Vs Team: Dartmouth MR

      Judge: Edmond Zageria



      Off Case Args:

      Gender k

      Policy Process

      Risk K


      Case Args:


      Econ predictions fail

      Black swan

      International call reductionism

      Top down approach fails

      Anti corruption alt is imperialist/racist


      Block Strategy:

      2NC: gender



      1NR risk

      Econ advantage

      Policy process


      2nr Strategy:


      Policy process


      Neg: Texas LM
      Round #2  Tournament: Shirley
      Vs Team: Cal HP
      Judge: Bausch



      Off Case Args:

      Grammar of encounter



      Case Args:

      K of Islamaphobia is Eurocentric

      K of fear


      Block Strategy:

      2NC Cap

      1NR Case and Grammar of  Encounter


      2nr Strategy:


  • Antihumanism

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • //


      //Humanism is performative.

      This aporia between the human and the animal lurks behind every political act, no matter how radical.

      Their so-called inclusion is a factory that produces the empty signifier of human sovereignty founded upon the incommunicable animal remnant.


      Wolf-Meyer 2004

      Matthew, Asst Prof of Anthropology at the UC, Santa Cruz “The Open: Man and Animal.” http://reconstruction.eserver.org/BReviews/revTheOpen.htm


      <1> With no mention ...simplicity of "letting be."

      Anthropocentrism is the original and foundational hierarchy that structures all other forms of oppression and violence.


      Best 2007

      Steven, Asst Phil Prof at UT El Paso “Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust, by Charles Patterson (2002)” Journal for Critical Animal Studies, 5.2 http://www.criticalanimalstudies.org/JCAS/Journal_Articles_download/Issue_7/bestpatterson.pdf


      While a welcome advance ... evolutionary cul-de-sac.


      The 1AC promises redemption, repeating the sovereign decisiveness that founds the expulsion of the animal.

      Vote negative to refuse the affirmative’s decision to be human.

      This renunciation expresses the undecidability between the human and animal.


      Rossello 2010

      Diego, Asst Prof of PoliSci at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile “Deciding to be Human? Benjamin and Schmitt on Political Theology and Animality.” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Sept, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1654674


      Benjamin’s staging of .... an undecidability.



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