General Actions:
SKAFTA and TAA will pass now
Reuters, 9/8/11, “U.S. group says confident of trade deals”
"We're confident we'll ...and the Senate.
Political party aid unpopular
Cuts prove that the plan would be very unpopular among the GOP
Ahram Online, Reuters, 9/7/11, “Obama's diplomacy reforms threatened by cuts”
President Barack Obama's ...leverage we have."
Political capital and bipart key
Thomas "Mack" McLarty III and Nelson W. Cunningham, 1/24/11, chief of staff to Clinton in 1993-94 and helped bring Bill Daley into the White House to lead the 1993 Nafta ratification effort, AND Mr. Cunningham was an aide to President Clinton and to then-Sen. Joseph Biden, “Obama's Free Trade Opportunity,”
Much has been written ... but it is essential.
Quick KORUS ratification is key to the economy and Asian stability
Rhodes, Citigroup senior advisor, 4-11-2011
[William, "There's no time to lose on Korea," The Hill,, accessed 4-13-11, mss]
In his State of ...of Congress’ agenda.
Asian war ends in extinction
Dibb, Australian National University Strategic and Defense Studies Centre head, 2001
[Paul, previously Deputy Secretary for Strategic Policy and Intelligence in the Australian Department of Defense and director of the Joint Intelligence Organisation, previously ] head of the National Assessments Staff for the National Intelligence Committee, “Strategic Trends: Asia at a Crossroads,” Naval War College Review, Winter,, accessed 1-2-11, mss]
The areas of maximum ...with major crises