General Actions:
Reflect on the 1AC as a Flow of Communication–Resonances and Meanings Emerging through Interactive Processes of Affect and Knowledge.
Your ballot should interrupt the 1AC’s communication of risk.
Their reductionist framework backfires—Undermining political responsibility in the face of threat.
William J. Kinsella, Assoc Prof Communication at NC State University, 2010
[“Risk communication, phenomenology, and the limits of representation” Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies 2 (2) pp. 267–276]
Despite movements towards ... those who take and bear risks.
The 1AC cultivates linkages between democracy assistance and fear—
This spills-over to state violence and squashing of political dissent
Jennifer Hyndman, Prof Social Science and Geography at York U, 2007
[“The Securitization of Fear in Post-Tsunami Sri Lanka” Annals of the Association of American Geographers Volume 97, Issue 2, pages 361–372]
It is a conviction of the times ... crisis in search of a response.
Interrupting the 1AC framework educates us to respond to uncertainty—
Their reductionist scholarship erodes public trust in meaningful political action
Cristian Suteanu 2005 [Professor of geography at Saint Mary’s University “Complexity, Science and the Public: The Geography of a New Interpretation” Theory, Culture & Society 22(5): 113–140]
There are important ...and the wisest might err.’