O1 – Inherency
A ) Obama is leading an effort to deploy liberation technology in MENA Countries
Simms, June 6/19/2011
B ) Syrian officials destroy dissidents’ access to the Internet
Hlongwane, Sipho 06/15/2011
C ) Internet censorship is on the rise
Morphy, Erika 06/28/2011
D ) Internet in a suitcase combats censorship
Morphy, Erika 06/28/2011
E ) Internet in a suitcase allows dissidents to access the Internet, even if the main infrastructure has been unplugged
Hlongwane, Sipho 06/15/2011
Thus the plan…
The United States Federal Government should provide democracy assistance by supplying covert internet tools to dissidents in Syria.
O2 – Borders
A ) Authoritarian governments exclude the ‘other’ as a means of legitimating political and social domination in the status quo by shutting down/limiting internet access
Apostolidis, ND
C ) Internet freedom allows for a world free of borders and exclusion
Hlongwane, Sipho 06/15/2011
D ) Racism is the root cause of war and should be rejected
Mendieta 2
E ) Racism is a power relation deciding who must live and who must die based on biology. Racism is the indispensible precondition of killing.
Foucault, 1976
O3 – Freedom
A ) Countries around the world are limiting freedom of speech through control of the internet
The Heritage Foundation, 6/28/2011
B ) MENA countries make up the worst offenders of internet freedom
The Heritage Foundation, 6/28/2011
C ) Freedom of expression is needed for a democratic government to succeed
HREA 2011
D ) The plan guarantees freedom of expression through the internet
Hlongwane, Sipho 06/15/2011
E ) Freedom of expression exists through the internet
HREA 2011
F ) Freedom of expression is a human right that upholds democracy
HREA 2011
G ) Democracy is the best way to stop terrorism in the Middle East
Forster '06
H ) Terrorist use of nukes causes extinction
Hellman 8