Santa Clara Cruz, Aff » Santa Clara Cruz, _ Neg

Santa Clara Cruz, _ Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 18:58
  • Sample Entry

    • Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

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  • Lacan K

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • ECLacan


      Interpretation: The kritik is a litmus test.  The affirmative must justify fundamental assumptions they enact in the 1NC.  In order for the negative to win, they must prove the 1AC’s assumptions were so damning as to make the 1AC worthless or harmful compared to a mutually exclusive alternative.


      The affirmative only perpetuates false radicalism by attempting to solve securitization through the proposition of an advocacy to correct the problems of law. Their discourse is the perfect example of the discourse of the University, a discourse that cloaks its desire for mastery and power underneath a veil of hot-headed rambling about our current state of affairs.  In the end, their feeble attempts to critique the system create a more totalitarian state controlled by experts.  Reject the 1AC as a masked manipulation of the split subject produced by their discourse.

      Schroeder – Prof. Law @ Cardozo Law, Yeshiva Univ. – 2K (Jeanne L. Schroeder, BS, JD, “The Four Discourses of Law: A Lacanian Analysis of Legal Practice and Scholarship,” 79. Tex. L. Rev. 15, Nov. 2000, lexis)


      Nevertheless, Seminar XVII was considered a reproof to the empty claims of precisely those students…. the epitome of the University discourse was the Soviet Union - government by experts. n159


      Professor Schroeder continues in 02:

      Schroeder – Prof. Law @ Cardozo Law, Yeshiva Univ. – 2 (Jeanne L. Schroeder, BS, JD, “The Stumbling Block: Freedom, Rationality, and Legal Scholarship,” 44 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 263, lexis)


      Specifically, Lacan developed his discourse theory in the aftermath of the Paris student riotsstudents become alienated from the whole enterprise, parroting back what their teachers tell them rather than seeking to create their own knowledge.


      And, your assumptions exist—Academic and policy discourse inherently refuses to accept its fundamental conjectures about the lack and the notion of the Big Other—this denial perpetuates mastery and manipulation

      Glejzer – Professor of English at Albertson College – 1997 (Richard R. Glejzer, “Lacan with Scholasticism: Agencies of the Letter,” American Imago 54:2, p. 105-122, Muse)


      In Seminar XVII, Lacan sets out a discourse that acknowledges this position of the one-who-knows …. Lacan then traces how the master signifier within all discourse structures functions to instrumentalize the subject, to split her off from the impossibility that is the real.



      These differences culminate into a fantasy of a stable identity, necessitating closure. The impossibility of our own utopian fantasy leads to the extermination of entire populations to secure our own self

      Stavrakakis 99 (Yannis, Visiting Fellow in Psychoanalysis and Political Science @ University of Essex, Lacan and the Political, pgs. 100-101)


      What I will try to do in this chapter is, first of all…from the time of his unpublished seminar on The Formations of the Unconscious, Lacan identified the utopian dream of a perfectly functioning society as a highly problematic area (seminar of 18 June 1958).



      Biopower is the root cause of all impacts

      Bernauer, Boston College professor of philosophy, 1990 (James, “Michael Foucault’s Force of Flight: Toward an Ethics of Thought,” pp. 141-142)


      This capacity of power to conceal itself cannot cloak the tragedy of the implications contained in Foucault's examination … the victims of a tyrant's vengeance has been stolen form us by the noose that has tightened around each of our own necks.


      Text: “Assume the position of the hysteric that challenges the representations of the 1AC”

      Instead of obsessively trying to master the Lack in the Symbolic Order, the hysteric analyzes the representations of the 1AC as created by the Lack and opens up space for true critique

      Schroeder 02 (Jeanne L., Prof Law @ Cardozo, [44 William and Mary Law Review. 263, lexis])


      All "normal" subjects are split. They are neurotic in one way or another. The characteristic neurosis of the masculine subject is obsession…. She is in this position because she has been hystericized through the analyst's discourse of legal counseling.

  • EU CP

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text: The European Union should protest the atrocities in Bahrain.


      The EU solves democracy promotion in the Arab world

      Abboud 2010 (Noufal Abboud was Project Coordinator at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) project on Democracy in the Arab Word, focusing on elections, political parties and women’s participation in politics in Egypt, Yemen and Jordan.  He has a MA in Human Rights from Mahidol University, Thailand, and a Licence en Droit (BA in Law) from University Hassan II in Casablanca, Morocco; "Regenerating the State in the Arab World: The Role Of the European Union in Democracy Building";, SRM)


      It is only with knowledge of the local and regional realities of the Arab worldthe EU can use to play the role of either catalyst or teacher.


      The EU is comparatively more effective than the US at democracy promotion - Arab perception

      Abboud 2010 (Noufal Abboud was Project Coordinator at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) project on Democracy in the Arab Word, focusing on elections, political parties and women’s participation in politics in Egypt, Yemen and Jordan.  He has a MA in Human Rights from Mahidol University, Thailand, and a Licence en Droit (BA in Law) from University Hassan II in Casablanca, Morocco; "Regenerating the State in the Arab World: The Role Of the European Union in Democracy Building";, SRM)


      Finally, the Arab world desperately needs a positive political narrative for political change. Democracy means that everyone can live in a country in which prejudice, insularity and fear are replaced by the great Arab and Islamic traditions of tolerance, diversity and justice.

  • Israel DA

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • US-Isreali relations are stable now due to security commitments, but Netanyahu is on the fence.

      AFP 7/28

      (Agence France Press, “US voices commitment to Israel in defense talks”, accessed online p.

      WASHINGTON — The United States on Thursday reiterated its support for a strong military in Israel …President Barack Obama, whose administration has sought progress in Middle East peace.


      History has established ideological barriers – Israel can never accept democratization of Arabic countries as anything *but* a threat to their security.

      Waxman ‘11

      (Dov, associate professor in political science at Baruch College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York “Israel’s Demophobia”, Foreign Policy, Februrary 18, accessed online

      Israeli antipathy towards Arab democracy is not just a result of recent history. …In their eyes, what's happening in Egypt now might well give them that chance.



      Stable US-Israel relations key to Middle East stability.

      Kramer ‘6

      (Dr. Martin, fellow at The Washington Institute and senior fellow at the Olin Institute @ Harvard, “The American Interest,” Fall 2006,


      My answer, to anticipate my conclusion, is this: United States support for Israel is not primarily the result of Holocaust guilt or shared democratic values…interests of Israel, but to keep the world’s great reserves of oil out of the grip of the West’s sworn enemies.

  • Shunning CP

    • Tournament: UNLV | Round: 7 | Opponent: SCU | Judge:

    • Text: The United States federal government should shun Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh for his human rights violations with the express purpose of ensuring an immediate transition of power.


      We have a moral obligation to shun those who disrupt moral order

      Beverslius 89 (Eric H., Professor at Western Michigan University with a Ph.D. in Philosophy and M.A. in Economics, “On Shunning Undesirable Regimes: Ethics and Economic Sanctions,” Public Affairs Quarterly 3:2, April 1989,


      We find the answer when we note that there is another “level” of moral dutiesAnd this is where shunning fits in.


      Oppressive leaders need to be shunned for their atrocities. Compliance makes things worse—empirics prove

      Rotberg ’00 (Title: Africa's Mess, Mugabe's Mayhem.,  By:, Robert I., Foreign Affairs, 00157120, Sep/Oct2000, Vol. 79, Issue 5)


      The forgiving attitude of the international community also contributed to Mugabe's sense of invincibility. …The old ways have hardly worked.


      Rhetorical support for human rights has real consequences – we solve the case


      (Michael, Professor, Kennedy School at Harvard, Human Rights as Politics and Idolatry, p. 11-2, Google Books)


      But the catastrophe of European war and genocide gave impetus to the ideal of moral intervention beyond national borders …Naming and shaming for human rights abuses now have real consequences.



      Shunning is not avoidance, but a serious punishment

      Beversluis, 89 (Eric H. April 1989. “On Shunning Undesirable Regimes: Ethics and Economic Sanctions.” Public Affairs Quarterly, April, vol. 3, no. 2)


      Let us adopt Tiemstra's idea of calling this kind of sanction behavior "shunning."… if he refuses to associate with another out of fear that he will be "led astray" by the latter's vices.


      Evil caused by human rights violations must be rejected in every instance – compromise to attain political ends cannot be tolerated

      Gordon & Gordon, 95 (Haim & Rivca, Department of Education, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel, Sartre & Evil: Guidelines for a Struggle, Questia)


      Put differently, this book is also about us, a man and a woman who, often with others,  ….He wanted his writings to make a concrete difference in the world, not only to be a topic of analysis and discussion among scholars and philosophers.



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