Text: The United States Federal Government should promote political capacity building throughout Yemen by funding women’s organizations and the adult film industry.
Pornography is at the top of the democratic roller coaster – it is the order of the political that positions itself right before the 3000 ft. drop. This means it is democracy’s most fundamental asset.
Grebowicz 11 (Margret, Associate Professor of Philosophy @ Goucher College, Democracy and Pornography: On Speech Rights, Privacies, and Pleasures in Conflict, Hypatia vol. 26, no. 1, Winter 2011, 161-2//Aaron)
"As the biggest and fastest growing...always recognizable and predictable."
We affirm the position of the abject instead of the subject to establish non-self identity as a site for the political. Only by affirming the unintelligibility of the marginalized as the site for resistance can one undermine the covert forms of oppression the 1AC tries to solve for.
Grebowicz 11 (Margret, Associate Professor of Philosophy @ Goucher College, Democracy and Pornography: On Speech Rights, Privacies, and Pleasures in Conflict, Hypatia vol. 26, no. 1, Winter 2011, 157//Aaron)
"Thus, instead of "restoring" the figure of the abjected woman...the production of a domain of unthinkability and unnameability."
We affirm abjectitude to resist from the position of ontological exclusion in order to look to womanhood instead of humanity as a means of understanding the metaphysical nature of rights. The counterplan doesn’t surrender to the covert forms of oppression, we just assume a different ontological approach towards resistance to solve for the root cause of the 1AC’s harms.
Grebowicz 11 (Margret, Associate Professor of Philosophy @ Goucher College, Democracy and Pornography: On Speech Rights, Privacies, and Pleasures in Conflict, Hypatia vol. 26, no. 1, Winter 2011, 157//Aaron)
"Affirming the abjectitude or inhumanity of women...the think the being of rights-bearing subject."
We affirm the secret self as a true entrance into the political sphere. Only our embracement of singularity affirms the abject woman's outsiderness.
Grebowicz 11 (Margret, Associate Professor of Philosophy @ Goucher College, Democracy and Pornography: On Speech Rights, Privacies, and Pleasures in Conflict, Hypatia vol. 26, no. 1, Winter 2011, p. 156//Aaron)
"In spite of the considerable differences between...a political engagement based on singularity would affirm their outsideness."
Affirming singularity as a means to enter the political and construct the social is the only way to access one’s freedom of speech.
Grebowicz 11 (Margret, Associate Professor of Philosophy @ Goucher College, Democracy and Pornography: On Speech Rights, Privacies, and Pleasures in Conflict, Hypatia vol. 26, no. 1, Winter 2011, 156-7//Aaron)
"Of course, an affirmation of outsiderness is just the beginning...in the space of non self-identity that the new becomes possible."
The feminist’s affirmation of the feminine as a principle of uncertainty reifies the absence of sexual pleasure - this denies the feminine the most basic fundamental right. Pornography is the perfect answer because it affirms the feminine as a sex in its own right to make all femininity visible.
Grebowicz 11 (Margret, Associate Professor of Philosophy @ Goucher College, Democracy and Pornography: On Speech Rights, Privacies, and Pleasures in Conflict, Hypatia vol. 26, no. 1, Winter 2011, 160//Aaron)
"However, he continues, "there is a strange, fierce complicity" between feminism...at the expense of the female as a principle of uncertainty."
Pornography is political in its structure and eroticizes the very lines that the political is endlessly navigating - this means it demands political responses.
Grebowicz 11 (Margret, Associate Professor of Philosophy @ Goucher College, Democracy and Pornography: On Speech Rights, Privacies, and Pleasures in Conflict, Hypatia vol. 26, no. 1, Winter 2011, 158-9//Aaron)