Capitalism Kritik
We’re also controlling uniqueness, capitalism is going to inevitably collapse, the affs is what props it up and delays the unavoidable.
The contradictions inherent to capitalism make its collapse inevitable.
MESZAROS (Prof. Emeritus @ Univ. Sussex) 1995
[Istavan, Beyond Capital: Towards a Theory of Transition] p. 438-9
nevertheless, we may speak...inescapable process of transition
Capitalist logic justifies hegemonic expansion promoting aggressive instability resulting in nuclear war, environmental destruction, and planetary collapse
Foster, Oregon University Department of Sociology Professor, 05
(John B., Monthly Review,,)
from the longer view...the history of imperialism
In order to break down capitalism, we must renounce our beliefs in the current capitalist system, a disbelief in capitalism is necessary to an effective transition to open up spaces for alternatives.
Dr. Adrian Johnston, December 2004 (Research fellow of psychoanalysis @ Emory. “The
cynic's fetish: Slavoj Zizek and the dynamics of belief.” Journal of Psychoanalysis, Culture and
Society p.259)
perhaps the absense of...a deceptively comforting fiction
Debate is an activity of surplus enjoyment
Slavoj Zizek. Revolution at the Gates : A Selection of Writings from February to October 1917. New York: Verso Books, 2004 pg.277-279
In what precise sense…free deployment of productivity
Surplus enjoyment is at the heart of capitalist consumption
Zizek 2001
[Slavoj, Still gives a shit, On Belief (Thinking in Action), New York City: Routledge, 2001, 20-1]
The reference to capitalism…into an excess of itself
Identity politics link
Zizek, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1999
(Slavoj, The Ticklish Subject, page 209-211)
Here, however, one must…the Roman global Empire
Must stop telling ourselves the lie of capitalism to open up space for new alternatives
Dr. Adrian Johnston, December 2004 (Research fellow of psychoanalysis @ Emory. “The cynic's fetish: Slavoj Zizek and the dynamics of belief.” Journal of Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society p.259)
Perhaps the absence of…deceptively comforting fiction
Capitalism is on the road to its collapse
Zizek, Slavoj. Contingency, hegemony, universality contemporary dialogues on the left. London: Verso, 2000 322-324
I am fully aware…as linksfaschimus, so be it
Alt is to do nothing
Zizek, Slavoj (The man without a “plan”) On Violence 2008
Last but not least…violent thing to do
Case Dependent Case Turns
CP Text: The Prsident of the United States will
insert aff plan text)
Net-beneficial -- Executive orders bypass Congressional opposition to the plan – avoids politics
Ostrow ‘87
In this era of…government by executive order
Solves the case –
Presidents can utilize executive orders to control the bureaucratic budgets and procedures
Waterman ’09 (Richard – prof of political science at University of Kentucky – author of The Changing American Presidency, “The Administrative Presidency, Unilateral Power, and the Unitary Executive Theory” Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol. 39, Issue 1, pages 5-9, Jan. 14, 2009)
Presidents have consistently used…to control the bureaucracy
Net benefit Presidential Power
Obama has to use his power to follow through on campaign promises—or he’s going to lose it all. Controls the internal link to the Disad
Haque, Director of the Havas Media Lab, 2009
Umair Haque, Director of the Havas Media Lab, “How to Build (and Use) Thick Power” power.html 5-21-09
Like a supervillain who’s…win Cheney’s game, all
The use of this executive order is key to maintaining presidential powers
Mayer 01 Kenneth R., Professor of political science at University of Wisconsin-Madison, With the Stroke of a Pen: Executive Orders and Presidential Power, Princeton University Press, p.28-29, 2001
This theoretical perspective offered…they have no control
Presidential power is critical to mobilize international resources to combat African AIDS
Atlanta Journal and Constitution ‘2K
Yet the U.S. presidency…the human race